View Full Version : House Garish, of the Mountains of the Moon. Realm of the Mad Lord

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Mr. Mask
2014-07-28, 10:34 AM

In the mountains of the moon, a fair place where the brave live alongside the mad and the violent, there is a castle with high towers, thick walls, littered with battlements that threaten all who would come near. On closer inspection, the threat dies into a provoking of laughter. More a cramped city than a fortress, smallfolk raising hens and henpecked children within the outer wall. Some dwelled outside of it as well, more for dislike of the compact living of the fortress than for bravery against the brigands to claim the land. Some of these people were refugees, or outlaws given a home; some had been here for generations, usually descended in part or full from one of the many tribes encircling the house. All the same they were here, and to stay. Because mad lord or not, mad home or safe, they had either the gumption needed or the circumstances to trap them, and so House Garish lived on.



Amongst it, where are you? The inner wall and the keep still can be said much like the castle of old, a place restricted form the smallfolk, and a mighty home for the lord and his lady, their sworn swords and servants. At this time, where were you, and what action were you taken to perform?

Runa Iron Breaker, Sworn Sword. Marlyn Garish, first daughter of House Garish.

Why must it be ever so confusing to find one armed lady soldier amongst a host of men? First they said she was in the barracks, then they said not. Then they said she was out, and you were preparing to wait--until it was revealed the lad was mistaken and she is indeed still here. Someone had passed her at the lord's blacksmith's. Unpleasant clanging harassed you as you approached, and the amount of time in conversing with the part death smith was inappropriate for the simple information you needed. At least he was working for once, instead of "supervising" one of his lads to work for him. Finally, you are told that Runa the, "iron wench," as he still dared to call her, was sent by Sellis to guard the front gate. A strange use of her talent, on which you've heard much comment. Nevertheless, at least now she could be trusted to remain where you sought her.

Runa, meanwhile, was making her way to guard the gate. At first she thought Sellis, Captain of the Guard, hated her because she was an Iron Islander. Now, she was wise enough to know that her talent and willing disposition was the problem. The guards he trained were certainly skilled with the bow, but their swordwork was so frightfully poor that impressing upon the house to hire Runa was play worthy of children. He hated her, it seemed, for the sake of his position. Also because she was an Iron Islander.

Both ladies saw their goals at the same instant. At the gate, not far, there seemed to be some kind of trouble. The apprehension was quickly replaced, when the nature of the trouble became clear. An elderly man of the smallfolk, smaller and even scrawnier than Urel the smith was arguing with the guards. Then, he looked past the guards, ignoring Runa as well - which was impressive in that her best efforts seemed unable to dissuade the novelty of her appearance in these lands - and he saw Marlyn.

"Milady!" he called out, loudly, desperate for her attention. He pushed into the guards, each head and shoulders over him, making himself as known as he might. "Please milady! Listen to me!"

Tanar Stone, Master of the Hunt

"Here he is..." Glim says, looking away. He had a tendency to fidget, take pause at enemies who may or may not appear. Perhaps irritating while in conversation, it was welcome when in circumstances that danger is company to. Even had that you desired conversation - contrary to your reputation with the men of the house - you would still be glad for the silence covering this instance... Yern, the Dornish boy, lay dead.

Glim was not a man affeared of violence. Oppositely, he was the type to enjoy its application to lowlifes and men who cheated at the gambling he was fond of. He was an experienced, older man, heavy set and well-girthed, his face tough and tight skinned with large features and very short grey-streaked hair. Still, it was not a matter to lose respect for Glim that he look away. Most had a mixture of fondness and the desire to roll their eyes at Yern's springing desire to please, a regular boot-polisher who appreciated skill with the sword, and ever was at the heels of men hoping that he may learn. You in particular had many encounters with the well-meaning boy for this reason. He was like another limb, in the way but doing his honest best to aid you, in near-worship of your ability. To see him like this now... it was disquieting.

There, laying under the hawthorn tree - its white flowers in bloom for the spring, like a funeral nosegay - Yern sat as though to remain forever, his abdomen split apart. His stomach, and his blank, unhappy eyes played host to a most grizzly sight. Glim returned to looking, briefly, until a noise set him again on alert. It was an unsympathetic bird, thrusting itself into the air from the underbrush. Glim cursed, before mumbling something near-lost to the rustling of the leaves. The world remained, whether Yern was in it or not.

What do you do? [Roll Awareness]

2014-07-28, 10:54 AM
"Do we know who did it?" Tanar Inspected the wound. "Bandits? Barbarians? Animals?"

Rolling for awareness [roll0]

(What shall I skill shall I roll on to inspect the wound?)

Mr. Mask
2014-07-28, 11:02 AM
Away from the cluttered castle, past the small houses and quaint infrastructure surrounding the military monument, a path runs deeper into the mountains. There, high up, men search for value in the Earth, ignoring the sky about them. Mines burrowed into the ground, treacherous places ripe for collapse and ruin. Lucky for the house, there are many tribal boys willing to dig for them. They came searching for wealth, not fearing the dust and discomfort that came with it. Or at least, they feared troubles at home and the world of the sword more than they feared this. To Grontar, this may have been a discomforting sight. Some of them were scarred eagles, giving up the pride and company of their clansmen to instead serve the Seven Worshippers. But was he not doing the same...? A useless thought.

"My leader," one of Grontar's men said, Tarrick. He looked younger than his true years, and kept his hair loose and long, carrying a fat knife at his side and a small bow with red-painted arrows. "There is a man who you should see. He is a tall man, broad shouldered with mean eyes. He says he saw five men of the Bear in the wood, and five he laid rest. He wishes to bring honour to the Leader of Garish, and I said I would seek you for him. My leader, I worry that Sellis will find him, and hire the man first--stealing the honour that should be yours for finding a strong man!"

Things do seem uneventful here, at the mines.

Five men of the bear, killed by one? They were also called the Man Eaters, said to eat the livers of their dead enemies to destroy their souls and damn them. Their tribe had been no small trouble for the men of Garish. Daring raiders, savage and skilled killers, bandits in everything they did. A man that can take five of them, even by ambush--that was one worth meeting. Of course, assuming he was alone.

2014-07-28, 11:06 AM
Marlyn spotted Runa amid the clamor and shouting. She immediately moved to the older woman's side, with light graceful steps. "Stay close to me, please."

She wasn't afraid of the wizened old smallman, certainly -- if he was some sort of assassin, Marlyn knew that the guards and Runa would do everything they could to protect her, and if they failed in that, well then the Seven would have decided it was her time to die, and who was she to complain? What she was concerned with, however, was any scandal that might arise from her interacting with the man without a proper chaperone.

One of her jeweled hands moved to the gold-thread wrapped braid of coppery hair that hung over her shoulder and tugged it back, moving it from one shoulder to the other with an anxious twitch.

Her green eyes narrowed at the frantic man. "Of course I shall listen, my good fellow. For my ears are perfectly functional, and the tone of your voice elevated to a pitch that gives me no choice. But if you wish for me to ask these guards to stop doing their job protecting this citadel and its inhabitants, that is not my place." Marlyn smiled regretfully to the man. Surely whatever it was, it must be very important for him to be behaving in such an unseemly fashion.

"I'm afraid you'll have to say what you must say from your current position for now, until the duly appointed gate guards decide otherwise and according to their sworn duty to defend this place. But, you happen to be in luck, because, as I've said, I can hear you quite well from here, and I do have time to listen to whatever matter of importance has brought you today."

There was something about the tone of her voice that brought things into perspective. That there was an order to the universe, even amid the chaos. That no matter how bad things might get, at least, in Marlyn's presence, they would be sorted out. And by the way she comported herself, people couldn't help but think that they were in good hands.

She blew a strand of her red-gold hair from her face, her chest heaving in a subtle sigh. It certainly wasn't that she didn't want to help people, but rather that, while she did take her duty extremely seriously, it was a great and lonely burden for such a young lady to carry.

"How may I be of service?"

Mr. Mask
2014-07-28, 11:10 AM
As the bird took leave of the brush, you could hear what Glim had said. "Well if the lad can do much the same, and take flight to somewhere right for earnest boys wanting to be men..." At first, he doesn't reply to your question, but snaps back to alertness. "Bandits, I s'pose?" he says, attempting to be helpful. "Don't look like a wound an animal would make, to my eye." He was right. Yerns stomach had been split by a blade, neatly. A messy of ropey organs hanged out. Disturbingly, some showed signs of animals picking at them. It's surprising he'd not yet been ripped apart by wolves. The smell of old blood hangs thick in the air, after all.

That smell... there was something else in it. Burnt blood. You find the source of the distinctive smell. The fire died out long ago, at least a day. The remains, you think... probably one of Yern's organs. The ritual seemed familiar. If you dared check what organ was missing, you may prove your suspicion correct.

2014-07-28, 11:20 AM
His flow of thoughts was stopped by the words of Tarrik, he took a good look at the man who disturbed his thinking, before turning towards him and nodding
"Take ten men with you Tarrik and bring me this man and the men of the Bear he killed" he touched the hilt of the greatsword resting on his shoulder, before turning to Moak one of the oldest men in the band, he had a grey beard and his scars were the most numerous of all the other raiders

"Moak bring ten men with you and scout the woods, if there are any other people bear or not subdue them and bring them back here, I would prefer them alive" He said before turning towards the miners

They should still follow the way of our ancestors, and I sold myself for a goal, not for living under the mountains...

Mr. Mask
2014-07-28, 11:23 AM
One of the guards had looked like he was about to lay a blow on the man, but you may have been imagining it. Regardless, as soon as he heard you speak, he was satisfied with holding the elder man to halt his approach.

The rebuke seemed to worry the smallfolk man, but he still was quick to speak. "It is about my daughter," he said, seeming upset, and hoping this beginning might garner sympathy. "And... it's about two of your men--men who serve your father." The guards seem tense, irritated, but not afraid of the information he was revealing.

"Two men spirited my girl from me, against her will. These men they..." his face a conflict of desires between wishing to give this event all due brutality in description, not wishing to describe it at all, and fearing how much he might say in front of a lady of the house, "they... had their way with her. I've come here to beg for justice!" He motioned as though to get on his hands and knees, but could or would not since either the guards stopped him or he didn't dare lower himself so they blocked him from view. Instead, he stares at you, piteously, afraid. He wasn't afraid of the guards, who seemed impatient for the order to toss him into the moat. What he feared, lest he was acting, was solely of what you were about to say.

Mr. Mask
2014-07-28, 11:33 AM
"My leader!" Tarrick shouted in response. He then went to do exactly as you said. There was plenty of time to return to your thoughts, while he gathered the men, gave your orders, and sallied off. The length of time this took was an irritation. Neither so long that your full attention could be given to your current tasks, but long enough that you should return to them regardless of diversions in your attention.

Finally, the men return, with six added to their number--five of those six dead.

2014-07-28, 11:37 AM
Tanar squats down to get a closer look at the wound. "You are right that it isn't an animal." He draws his knife and cuts Yern even more open before inspecting organs with his left hand. "But I dont think it was regular bandits either."

Rolling will [roll0]

2014-07-28, 11:41 AM
"Tarik, go back to the woods, help Molak, come back before dusk" he said with his deep voice, while looking at the dead corpses, checking their wounds and checking if they were compatible with the weapons which are brought by the stranger.
He did not yet greet the new comer waiting for having some information before greeting him.

Then he walked couple of steps towards the stranger
"Greetings, I am Grontar, chief of the Scarred Eagle riders, did you really kill those five alone?"

Mr. Mask
2014-07-28, 11:51 AM
Glim looks at you, wide-eyed. "Tanar?" he says, as though your name spoke a hundred questions. He doesn't physically try to stop you, but does spout a number of complaints, scarcely giving time to explain. It was pretty annoying, considering he once split three bandits' stomachs because he heard they'd taken to swallowing possessions before a fight.

The work was grimmer than you expected... The smell, and Yern's dead eyes as he watched you, as though looking down on your actions. What did he expect, that you'd let his killers go unfound?

Finally, you find it--or more, you don't find it. His liver has been cut out. Ripping out livers is a mark of the Man Eaters, the men of the Bear tribe. Then why was it burnt? Either it didn't look too appetizing, or the legend of their cannibalism is exaggerated. There are a few other tribes that eat their enemies, but the bear is the closest one interested only in the liver. They also have a bandit war against house Garish, and have not raided this closely to the house before.

While inspecting the body, you do find some good news. Beneath his long, black hair, marking the edge of his once dark skin and handsome face, you notice a long, deep bruise. You wouldn't put it past the men of the Bear to do this to a man still living... but with that, and no signs of restraint, you can hope that Yern died quickly. For less bright news, any trails seems to have been washed away with the recent rain. Tracking the bandits would be difficult regardless, as they are known to cover their steps. Still, one could try.

Roll Survival: Tracking if you want to try and find them.

Mr. Mask
2014-07-28, 12:09 PM
"My leader!" again, and he's again gone.

Your examination of the weapon in the hands of the man brought to you, and the wounds of the men killed seem to match. Of course, it is hard to tell with blades, even with distinctive edges. Your main luck is that the men were armoured, and the cuts do well to match what your potential employee's weapon is. It is a slightly short one handed sword, with a wide, heavy blade. He also has a long dagger that could have inflicted the throat injury of one of the men.

"Indeed, ser," the man smiles, proudly. He is blond, with a short but full beard, light blue eyes, and short hair that stands on its own. He is fairly tall, and though his body has bulk from eating he was quick off his horse. "I was accosted by these men on my way to house Garish, where I intended to offer my service.
"I cut this man here across the chest, first. I was about to cut him again, but he took a step back and I saw to return my attention to the others trying to close on me. This one here came close to cause me a blow with his axe, but swung out of step and came off balance. I was fast to exploit this and stepped in, thrusting into his belly and making him my unwilling shield.
"One man struck this shield when trying for me, leaving the would you see here with his long-handled knife. I pulled free my sword, shoved the dying man onto this one here, and then thrust so that two dying men were on the end of my sword. Nearly I was taken from behind from this man, who had cut his ally with a long-handled knife. But I let fly my dagger into his neck, and he was so stunned that he could only stand and bleed until he let die.
"I looked to where the first man I'd wounded stood, and saw he had already fallen from his wounds.
"I did not think to tell tales of myself and boast, and so rested quietly in the inn for the first night. But when I saw men of strength come in to drink and be merry, I felt only right that I join them and share my story.
"That is how I met your man, Tarrick, and how he in turn came to see proof of my deed and bring me forth to meet yourself. I would be much pleased if you will do me the service of speaking to your lord on my behalf, that I may be a loyal and appreciated servant of House Garish."

2014-07-28, 12:18 PM
"His liver is gone." He says with a smile on his face. When this only seemed to confuse Glim more, he stood up and explained. "The barbarians of the Bear tribe rip out livers from those they have slain. They are the ones responsible." He looks down on his blood covered hand. "I would love to wash it, but we have no time to waste."

Roll survival for tracking down the murderers [roll0]

Mr. Mask
2014-07-28, 12:31 PM
"I'm going to have you for my supper!" the bear growls, as it pounces on one of the children. The children giggle and scream as they try to escape. You could join them... but they always seemed so awkward when playing with the Lord's heir. Your mother wouldn't like it, either.

"There was one other important thing," Steward Corn said, attempting to regain your attention. In every way aside form uniform, he looked like a maester. Short, greying, balding hair. A skinny physique that was still strong for his old age. And an intelligent look in his eyes. A pity there wasn't an intelligent thought in his brain, else you could be done with these "lessons" giving advice to him on managing the house's affairs. He was sure to tell your mother if you had played with the children, too... "Baron Hadrin is holding a tournament in two months' time." Corn suddenly became very interesting. "The details are not yet well set, but we can be sure that a joust and an archery contest will take place. A melee seems just as likely. For this reason, we will need to well consider who will represent our house in which events. Though I suspect it will have to be Ser Sellis." Corn always did like Sellis.

Mr. Mask
2014-07-28, 12:44 PM
You were looking for Shadowcats... and then you found this.

Just off the forest paths, you found splashes of very clear blood... Myshah sniffs at it, thinking of meat.

Blood, and yet no bodies... Pacing about, examining, something very strange went down. The earth is disturbed with footprints, some recent and some old. There is dried blood from almost a day ago, but there is also fresher blood that was spilt maybe a few hours past. You notice also that one patch is much more bloody than the other two, with a deep spattering to the side. What was going on?

2014-07-28, 12:47 PM
A myriad of possibilities cross Bartram's mind as he shifts a bit.

"Yes, I suppose Ser Sellis would be one of the possibilities. But we have more candidates then that, do we not? What other possibilities do we have? Glaure for instance, is an excellent shot, and I think Runa might want to have a go at the melee. What do you think my father would like?"

Grontar would surely win the melee.. But sporting our barbarian relations so openly? I don't know.... Tanar perhaps?

Mr. Mask
2014-07-28, 12:54 PM
"Oh..." Glim said, staring at your hands, recoiling at the smell. Glim offered an apology, breaking in and out of speaking at an audible level. "Should we get more help, 'fore we track those bastards down?" Bastards, huh?

It's possible going for help might be a good idea, depending on the number of men who did this. But the trail was already frightfully cold, and the men likely a ways from here already. If you were going to do this... it was best to do it now. Once you came close to the Men of the Bear, you could atytack or retreat once you found them. Of course, if they found you first--you've seen what they'll do to you.

Scanning the ground, you find something the tribesmen had missed--and it was weirdly obvious. Dried blood clinged to grass blades, here and there, in defiance of the light rain. Though it was taking a while, these tiny droplets of blood were enough. Soon, you were uncovering the trail the Bear had covered, and soon you would find them, and maybe kill them.

You had not covered more than two miles, Glim following and becoming all the more apprehensive. The trail was getting fresher as you went, though a few times it went faint and you near-lost it. It makes you wonder... when will they appear? Perhaps they're making their trail more obvious, hoping to ambush sworn swords of Garish? And just as suddenly, you feel danger approaching.

Roll Awareness.

Mr. Mask
2014-07-28, 01:03 PM
"Yes, I see that they are also possibilities," Corn says, stressing the word like a bowstring. "I don't suppose Ser Sellis can enter every event, and I concede that they may do well in places he can do naught. Though I see that you have neglected one savage. Tarner, was it? I believe I saw him doing well with the blade and the bow. If there was a prize to a man for doing well in each sport, I see that he may be well for the task."

It wasn't usual for Corn to recommend tribals. Though it may be because you had not suggested him... Regardless of who you picked, you're sure to be second-guessed. This had its uses, even you could make mistakes. More often... it was simply a drain of time and energy, these arguments. But what else was there to do when you are correct, and Corn stands to bar your way?

If you wish to argue against Corn as for who should be chosen, prepare to enter an Intrigue.

2014-07-28, 01:37 PM
Using my Empathy quality to check his feelings on sending Tribals

Cunning 3 +1B Empathy so [roll0]

Conflict Test F ree Action
You may use Awareness to look into the hearts of others and perceive the truthfulness of what they say and whether or not they seem genuine. Normally, this test is passively opposed, meaning you pit your Awareness test result against your target’s passive Persuasion result. If the target is actively resisting your attempt, it may oppose your Awareness test with a Persuasion test (bonus dice from Deceive apply). If you equal or beat your target’s result, you learn the target’s disposition (see Chapter 8: Intrigue) and each additional degree of success reveals a more refined look at the target’s agenda, attitude, and technique. This use of Awareness doesn’t provide mind-reading; it merely lets you get an instinctual hunch about a target’s motives based on his manner, expressions, and the tone of his voice.
Using Awareness for Empathy can also be used during an intrigue with similar results.

"We'll let Ser Sellis enter the joust. He's good enough with a lance, anyhow. And itl'l do him good to represent the house. As for Tanar, an interesting suggestion as he is skilled indeed. Go ahead and ask him to put a team together for the melee. To see what he can do as a leader, and I think our chances to win are best in the melee. For the archery contest, I'll join myself. Not that I am good enough, but it is good for those present to see that I have come of age, and am not as afraid of the outside as my father. If Glaure wants, he can join as well. But not Tanar. It'll look bad if I lose to him in a direct confrontation."

Bartram is silent for a moment and watches the steward closely, hoping to not upset his friend.

Intrigue!! The above empathy can be part of it, or not.
Convincing! Will 4 [roll1]

2014-07-28, 01:42 PM
With his long axe over his shoulder Tanar stood up and looked around.

Rolling awareness [roll0]

2014-07-28, 02:24 PM
He looked at the man and listened to his tale, looking at the bodies and the wounds on them "you seem to be good with a blade, did not see many like you before" he continued to try to get any details from the body of the man he was speaking, while he was still standing in front of him, his arms crossed on his chest.

"Well who are you? and why are you seeking my liege?" he asked giving a menacing look to his face "you do not seem a man from the mountain tribes"

2014-07-28, 02:31 PM
"What is this" -I think. Messy bloodbaths aren't't unusual among the battles that happened around, but as a rule corpses were left to rot. Very few tribes are actually cannibalistic...

None of my business...but...this is too good to pass up. I'm gonna follow that one really bloody one!

[roll0] Survival - Tracking the blood if necessary
Edit: Formatting

2014-07-28, 02:46 PM
"Of course, milady." Runa's voice was terse and unquestioning, punctuated only by a small bow. Inwardly, she was grinning like the cat who ate the canary. Guarding the gate was tedious at best, a punishment at worst, but Ser Sellis couldn't well fault her for obeying a direct order from Lady Marlyn. Try though he might.

She trudged after the young noblewoman, armor gleaming like fish scales in the sun, the warhammer that had earned her the epithet "Ironbreaker" slung over her shoulder for all to see, as unsubtle and deliberate in her movements as Marlyn was light and graceful.

The situation at the gate caused a disdainful smile to play across her lips. Four men of the household guard, bravely facing down the terrible threat posed by a tiny old man who looked like a stiff breeze would be the end of him. The smile vanished in an instant as the man made his plea, replaced by smoldering rage, Runa's hands tightening around the hammer's haft. "Justice!? I'll kill the bastards myself." The words are practically growled under her breath, meant for none but herself, but that doesn't mean Marlyn can't hear them.

2014-07-28, 03:26 PM
"Your testimony is very compelling." Marlyn nodded, a look of serious concern and empathy in her eyes. "I feel for your plight, and if what you say is true, it requires immediate action. However, I cannot accuse any House guards without evidence against them. Your spoken word will suffice as that evidence if there is someone, great or small, within my House who will speak for your character. Are you known or related to anyone within these walls who can speak for you? Or do you possess anything that these guards may have left behind that might identify them or corroborate your witness?"

Marlyn's scintillatingly green eyes moved slowly toward Runa. She noted that Runa bore her demeanor openly, and she wished things could be so simple for herself. As much as Marlyn might want to respond with passion, it was Justice, not Revenge, that was the duty of the nobleborn.

Marlyn is attempting to discern the man's honestly and motives in this situation.

You may use Awareness to look into the hearts of others and perceive the truthfulness of what they say and whether or not they seem genuine.

Make an Awareness test against your target’s passive Deception result, with a success revealing the target’s general disposition toward you or the topic of your conversation. Attaining additional degrees reveal a greater sense about the target’s motivations, attitudes and so on. This use of Awareness doesn’t provide mind-reading; it merely lets you get an instinctual hunch about a target’s motives based on his manner, expressions, and the tone of his voice.


Marlyn is attempting to inspire the man with her noble bearing in grace, so that he will acknowledge and respect her authority in this situation.

Not all roleplaying exchanges must involve a full-blown intrigue, especially minor encounters without lasting consequences. When resolving such a minor exchange, roll a Persuasion test against your opponent’s passive Will test result. A success indicates you improve that target’s disposition by one step per degree. Generally, improving a target’s disposition to Amiable is sufficient to get them to do a minor task. However, the results are often short-lived, and the target’s disposition falls
back to its original level after a few minutes. A failed test cannot be retried without engaging in an intrigue, and a Critical failure reduces the target’s disposition by one step. Reductions in disposition are longer lasting and persist until you engage the target in an actual intrigue to restore their disposition.

Note: Since charm is the specialty that you use to raise disposition, I'm assuming that applies to this situation, so I've applied the bonus dice appropriately.

Persuasion 5 (Charm 4B) + Reroll up to two 1s

[roll2] -- Replace up to two 1's with these.

Take the best 5!

Mr. Mask
2014-07-28, 09:26 PM
The smallfolk man winces a little at Runa, mistaking her expression and muttering as being against him. There were many misconceptions about the Iron born, and one is that the women care so little for mistreatment of women as the iron reavers do for their salt wives.

After hearing Marlyn's words, for a moment relief flows over the smallfolk man, his unhappiness lessening. The guards, seeing their lady's interest in aiding him (particularly if they are aware of that incident with her ladyship), they stand aside to give full view of the man, though a guard hold each arm firm. Impressed by your words, the smallfolk man takes this chance to kneel. The guards themselves look impressed, standing tall, seeming almost embarrassed about something. Likely they weren't giving the old man's testimony full attention, and so the source of the argument. Now at least, their grips seems gentle, even if still firm. Runa might also be impressed toward you.

"Milady," the old man says, "my name is Klain Sirus, my daughter Marry Flint, married to the smith for we smallfolk. Outside the castle, I have some who I hope will witness what they saw. But if you look at my daughter, I'm sure you'll see that I can only speak the truth of the matter! I have nothing to gain by hurting these men... even in justice I fear little help it might do for my poor Marry. And if you ask around for these men particular, you'll soon find fear and quiet voices at your asking. They have done much, milady, and all in your father's name that people fear complaint against them!"

His actions concern your suspicions. He is an unclever man wanting to be clever for this instant. He avoided mentioning members of the house, because he is either not known to them, has bad reputation one or more members who know him, or because he fears they'll testify against him for the sake of the servants of your house. His sadness however is genuine, and it seems he's willing to risk himself as a liar and for hanging that he has little fear of the guards--such is the importance of this matter to him. Of course, you also notice he has avoided mentioning who the house servants are. This is worrying... it implies they may well be men of status.

Mr. Mask
2014-07-28, 10:03 PM
"I am Ser Guy Therash, ser. I was a knight of House Tarsh of the riverlands. But the house was ill threatened by enemies, and did not have need of my service; the men who gained advancement and glory were those with sharper tongues than sharp swords. And so I gave up on the house, and left to be a sellword that I may gain honour in battle. Alas, the life was not quite how I dreamed it would be, and soon longed for a house I could again pledge my sword to. I had heard the lords of these lands were well oppressed by wicked intentions from the mountain tribes, and hoped that I may become a welcome addition to one such house's entourage. That is how I came here, and met the bandits who assailed me."

All the wounds match his description, and based off what your men tell you the bodies lay in such form as to collaborate his story.

Mr. Mask
2014-07-28, 10:43 PM
Examining the blood, you think that there were several dead bodies here. You doubt they had been butchered for cannabalsim, but instead that they bled out form wounds. The details are mixed, except you feel that the smaller patch of blood was from a smaller wound, and that either more than one man was on the specially bloody patch, or that someone had been thoroughly gutted in that place. You see the fresher blood over the old leads off a little, back to the forest road. After that, there are droplets and splashes of blood intermittently along the path, going into the mountains. As you are about to follow, you think you hear something... are the killers still here?

Roll Awareness.

2014-07-28, 11:02 PM
A sudden noise! Enough to startle any hunter, and thus I slip into old instincts

Watching my step, I quickly go into the trees, steps not making much noise now as my boots are of soft leather
Hiding behind a tree, I draw my bow, and almost begin to nock and arrow, but I see that it will slip past the conceal of the tree and choose against it

Awareness [roll0]
and Stealth out of my own choice to hide [roll1]

Mr. Mask
2014-07-28, 11:11 PM
Corn's feelings are evasive on the matter of tribals. You can tell he isn't being honest, but working out his complete feeling on the matter is difficult (roll of 13).

Corn seems fully satisfied with your retort. He even looks a bit regretful that he tried to argue so strongly. "I say that is a fine plan. Ser Sillis likely will desire to enter the archery competition as well, though I don't feel it will hurt your honour master if he should do better. After all, our archers were trained by him and still he drills them with regularity."

Corn pauses, thinking for a moment. "Tanar is likely to know who can be trusted with a sword to fight for the house, but I fear his understanding of political matters will be lacking and do harm. You have often been excited for the tournament, young master. Why don't you speak with Tanar and help him in his selection of suitable candidates? Ser Sillis will likely help you as well, and begin to drill our representatives for the games."

The games really were an important matter, for them to allow you to ignore lessons and pursue instead martial affairs. Corn never believed a lord needed a strong fighting arm, feeling instead that an intelligent lord with many strong men under hem was the correct way. Perhaps he's thinking of that now, feeling this is a good chance for you to play the role of a leader to your strong men?

Glim takes notice of your tension and he too draws his bow and knocks an arrow. He also touches the hilt of his sword, as though trying to prevent its escape.

You look, and you glimpsed something--movement. But now they are gone, and you don't know where. There are many trees about you, though most of them are thin and make poor cover. Their are bushes you could duck behind, or you could retreat the way you came. Near you is a forest path, and the flash of movement was on the other side amongst the trees and bushes. So long as they didn't stick an arrow in you from hiding, they must approach across the road where they would be plain to spy.

"There!" Glim whispers, pointing to a tree (roll 10). Looking as he points, you vaguely make out a crouching figure just barely poking the edge of a fur cloak out, and perhaps another one a little ways off obscured by the bushes. It appears they were waiting for you in ambush, or these are other brigands laying wait near the castle. You are unsure if they've noticed you yet, but approaching them will likely result in a battle. Worse, they may be still more

What do you do?

Mr. Mask
2014-07-28, 11:17 PM
You look, but see nothing. It's possible you were imagining it, or it was simply a bird or animal which purchased your attention. Perhaps you should go out, and continue on your way following the trail? Your thoughts turn to Mysha, who well might give you away. She isn't attempting to hide at this instant, but is looking at you wondering what you're doing. She sniffs the air, and becomes alert. There are men nearby. But where?

What do you do?

2014-07-28, 11:39 PM
Marlyn was relieved when the guards stopped being so rough with such a little old man. It wasn't seemly as far as she was concerned, but it wasn't her place to tell them how to do their jobs -- they had been assigned to the task by men trusted by her father, and she was just a very young Lady of the House. Even so, she was happy to see everything seeming to fall into alignment.

She listened carefully to what the man had to say, and interrupted him neither with word, nor expression. The attention she gave him was complete and with unmatched interest or distraction. She was considering not only what he said, but also what he didn't say -- often there was at least as much to learn, if not more, in the silence between the words.

"I plan on seeing your daughter if possible, but we must take each step of this matter in its proper order. For now, I think it would be prudent if, assuming these honorable guards agree that you pose no significant danger, that you walk with me and Runa while we continue this conversation further."

If the men he was seeking to accuse were men of importance, it might be best for everyone that there be as few ears to overhear as possible. She glanced to Runa while the guards were working out whether they'd let the guy in or not. "You will, of course, swear to keep the confidence of all parties involved in this inquiry." It wasn't so much a question as simply a statement of how things simply must proceed for Justice to prevail in the end.

2014-07-28, 11:53 PM
Not good. Noone behind me, noone within my sight. And Myshah might denounce us any moment...
None of my ideas would really help...well, I guess I'll go with the one that's not so practical in the end

Dropping my bow between my legs, I tear a part of my clothes, along with a spare bowstring, and with the cloth I make a ball around the string, effectively meaning I can hold the ball through the string. I throw some oil in the ball of cloth and throw the rest over a nearby bush

Did I think about how bad an idea this is?

Finally, I bring out my flint and steel, crouched as I am, I awkwardly hold it with my foot as I strike and let the sparks ignite the oiled ball of cloth

And quickly, before anyone can see something, I scream some nonsense as I throw it at the bush, as if it was a fireball I had created out of nowhere


Mr. Mask
2014-07-29, 12:09 AM
The old man nods in agreement. "Thank you milady." He says. He tries to say more, but seems unsure of what is appropriate. "We are forever in your debt." He decides on that, perhaps inferring a bit strongly that you will in the end take his side.

The guards don't resist your order, seeing the old man as about as dangerous as you are. Besides, you had Runa with you, and everyone knew how tough she was. Looking to see the guards aren't keeping him at bay, the old man follows after your lead, a bit unsure as to what distance and behaviour is correct for this situation.

He eyes Runa bit more nervously than the guards, as another misconception about Iron Raiders is that they're highly random as to who they kill and why. That only happens with alcohol present.

At Marlyn's leave, Klain begins to tell his story. "It was two nights ago, late in the evening. I was feeling ill, and so my daughter, kind girl, was making her way to my farm just off from the castle. She had been doing this every night the past seven days, with exception to these last two as she will not leave the house. On her way to see me two nights ago, she was accosted, taken away, and... harmed." He seems angry as he recounts this, his rage no longer so suppressed by the fear that nothing will be done. "Though the men wore long featureless coats to try and hide their identity, she saw beneath these as one undressed himself, and recognized your father's coat of arms. She also recognized the short sword of one of the men, with its yellow silk-wrapped hilt. The men in question... Ser Lad and Ser Janel Bruck, sworn swords of Garish."

Oh dear... The men he mentioned are two of the finest swords of the house, behind only the Master of Arms Grontar, Tanar the Master of the Hunt, perhaps Glaure the Kennel Master (you have not seen him fight), Runa beside you, and perhaps Ser Sillis. Yern comes close to their skill, but is largely bravado.

As short handed as the castle has been, it isn't a wonder if Janel and Lad have been misusing their authority. When the men came to the House not long ago, some had felt them suspicious men, but their skill made this easy to overlook. Of course, now that they stand accused, it is simple to assume the worst of them and of your precognitive ability, but this may be a trick of the mind brought by sentiment.

"I know men who can testify having seen Marry being carried off, and of course she and her husband can tell of when she came back home in tears," he continued. "These men were easy to suspect, as they have done much harm in your father's name already, and brash action such as this is not far from expected."

2014-07-29, 12:57 AM
"I shan't breathe a word of it, milady." Runa's tone is flat and calm once more, a simple acknowledgement that she understood the circumstances.

Despite the old man's apparent harmlessness, she treats him as she would any other strange guest, trailing a few steps behind, staying out of the way while keeping the man within easy striking distance, should it come to that. She remains silent as Klain tells his tale.

Ser Lad and Ser Janel. Dangerous men, the both of them. Hell's Teeth. Couldn't be some steward or one of the idiot guards who violated the poor girl. No, it has to be a pair of knights, real knights, the sort who can actually fight and not just look pretty in tournament armor.

Runa pipes up as Klain finishes. "These men, you say they've caused much harm already. Were these other crimes not reported? Were no actions taken? She'd guessed the answer already, it just needed to be confirmed. Crimes against the smallfolk weren't really crimes unless someone dared speak up, and two knights of the Lord's house could cow all but the most angry and desperate.

The tall woman seems embarrassed by her own words, not for what was said, but because she spoke up before the Lady of the House did. "I'm sorry, Lady Marlyn. Tongue and temper got the better of me, it was not my place to speak."

Mr. Mask
2014-07-29, 01:19 AM
"Most claims don't make it past the gate, mil--" Klain answers at once, but pauses. "Ser Runa?" He says your makeshift title cautiously, a pre-emptive apology almost. Perhaps he worried that calling you milady would offend Lady Marlyn, for sharing a title?

"Most I've heard of complaints made is to Gren, a respected elder." You've heard of Gren, a sort of unofficial mayor of the smallfolk. "I asked him to talk on my behalf, but he wanted for Ser Janel and Lad to leave on an errand before he moved. I couldn't bear to wait any longer lest the pair strike another poor, young girl, or come after my daughter for fear of her talking."

2014-07-29, 02:10 AM
Slowly standing up, and signaling the lesson is over, Bartram says.

"Of course, that would be fine indeed. As for Tanar, I'll talk with him."
Bartram leaves and searches for Tanar around the castle.

Mr. Mask
2014-07-29, 02:38 AM
Inquiring around you, spy your sister going off with Runa and an elder smallfolk man, away from the gates. You also hear that Tanar apparently left with Glim, a sworn sword, on a matter of some apparent urgence. They were not specific as to where they were going, unfortunately, except that they were going to meet Yern, the Dornish lad, also a sworn sword. He had been sent out two days ago to deliver a message to the Red Bark tribe, who your father has been trying to court into an alliance. You expected to see him arrived home again already, ripe with tales of what he saw. He was always happy to be of service to you, considering it training for when you are the lord and he is your Master at Arms, as he boasted he would one day be.

With no direction, and the Kennel Master out so he cannot aid you in tracking Tanar, what to do?

2014-07-29, 02:59 AM
"Well, Well, you seem a good fighter Ser Guy. Not a smart one, for one with your skill could've found a richer house to support, and with better lands than ours. You are not bound to the mountains as us. Nevertheless" He paused for a moment, and made a slight movement with his head to his men, to order them to dispose of the bodies.

"Tell me how you arrived here, and then I will think to bring you to my lord. Even a good sword like you have to sleep, and it is strange that you survived walking and sleeping the lands of many of our tribes unharmed." His malicious eyes continued to look straight into Guy face, without losing their sinister aura. He was not a great diplomat, but Guy did not seem a man who would prefer the noble niceties to the talk of the battlefield.

2014-07-29, 03:12 AM
Passing them, Bartram shoots a firm nod in greeting to Runa and his sister.

He heads on to the gatehouse, adressing the guards there.

"Good day, men. Would you send Tanar to me when he returns. I want to see him."

And as he glances over his shoulder at his sister.

"Who's the old man?"

Mr. Mask
2014-07-29, 03:13 AM
When you motion to your men, Guy pays close attention to this. It seems even now he's on the alert, not softening under the potentially pretence for a safe meeting. That is rare among the Seven Worshippers these days... He lost his tension as quickly as he gained it, when he saw your men were disposing of the bodies after checking them for valuables.

"My leader, they have already been stripped," Vorg alerts you. It's to be expected... those bodies had been there for a while. The long-handled knife was left there, for some reason.

Guy laughs. "Indeed ser, I'd be wiser to take a place more bountiful, filled with more beautiful ladies and few dangers to trouble me. Such is the foolhardy nature of men at arms, to go where fights are hard for the sake of glory, which doesn't fill the purse or belly."

"As you suspect, it is good fortune that I was ambushed only once on my way here. I was clever enough to use no fire when I slept and to keep my alert, the cool spring here still being warm enough that I could do without. My journey was made at great speed to limit opportunities for disaster. I also was taken in by the villages of Calm and Bessir on my way here. After inquiring carefully for safer passages on the way to house Garish, I slept well and made my journey as I was advised. My good fortune lead me to remove a nuisance from you and your lordship's house."

2014-07-29, 03:20 AM
"you passed through the territories of a couple of tribes if you took the safest way from Calm and Bessir, you were lucky even if you did not use a fire" He continued to look at the man "I would leave the body to rot, if we were on the mountains, but here with all the people working it's better to burn them, so it's the use of the seven worshippers" he replied before pulling out the long knife and taking a closer look at its features

"the only thing we have in our castle are beautiful ladies, and well educated too" he said in a laughter before looking back at his men "Tell the miners we are ready to escort the ore to the Fortress, tell them to move, we have urgent matters waiting there" Then he looked around lookng for Tarrik and Molak who were still on patrol

Mr. Mask
2014-07-29, 03:21 AM
The guards agree to send Tanar to you soon as they see him. On asking about the old man...

"Milord," Ton, one of the guards, says. "That was a fellow by the name Klain Sirus. He is here on account of his girl who did been raped. By two men, 'e says."

Another guard, Vorg, a half tribal man, chimed it, "Why anyone would want to rape Marry Flint, I couldn't say. She was never that pretty a thing. More like she wanted some fun, but didn't much like to confess what it was."

Someone snickers, but you can't tell who.

Ton looks at Vorg, annoyed. "You wouldn't joke so hard if't it was your girl," Ton says.
"No, I wouldn't," Vorg agrees. "But it wouldn't make it any less true."

Glares intensified.

Mr. Mask
2014-07-29, 03:30 AM
"I feel I like your policies, Ser," Guy says. "I am glad I was in such luck as to make it here alive that I could be of service to fine men; and beautiful, intelligent ladies. If your work is done, I am happy to accompany you back to the castle, that you may introduce me to these flowers you speak of."

You look about for Molak and Tarrik, but catch no sign of them. Probably they and their men have decided to do a thorough job, and sweep the mountain for the rest of daylight.

With nothing else to do, the caravan of ore gets moving, and you with it as a temporary guard. The nerve of some of those bandits, stealing ore they can barely make use of. One time, you found several cartloads of the stuff dumped, because they couldn't manage to get it home up the steeper hills. Downhill was quicker, but still this would be a lengthy journey, giving you much time to acquaint yourself with your new sworn sword.

2014-07-29, 03:32 AM
Blushing slightly on the talk, Bartram quickly changes the subject.

"Well, as long it doesn't involve anyone from the castle."

"Anything else of interest?"

2014-07-29, 03:35 AM
He left Vorg and five men to wait for Tarrik and Molak with orders to camp at the mine and move at dawn, before moving with the small makeshift caravan, the outlaws were still thinking that they could find something precious in the ore cart, and were continuing to kill the miners moving them. No one was profiting for that arrangement, and his men presence was a good way to avoid any unnecessary killing, he walked towards the front of the expedition with Guy on his side

"Riverlands you said, how do they look like? should be different from the Valley" he did not know much of the world outside, having not moved from these very same valleys for all his life "and how did you hear of our Lord? I thought he was not so well known outside the Eiyre"

Mr. Mask
2014-07-29, 03:46 AM
((Propagandist, Moranica. You ought to join the chat, just in case you want t ask and questions and so I can keep up with you both.))

Remembering your presence, the guards also blush.

"Err, nothing that comes to mind, milord," Ton says, racking his brain. "I did hear of one fellow while in the village. Fella got cut by five bear men, except he didn't get cut. Instead, he cut them good!"

"Not as good as the story about the man who married a bear, and had children as strong as ten men," Vorg says, scornful.

"I heard there were elves coming back, that they're in the woods," Hon joins in.

"Your mother is in the woods! Shagging everything in sight and having weird offspring! That's what y'er 'elves' are," another guard says; Bom, you think.

"Back to your eighth hell, Jon!" Hon says. Oh, it was Jon.

You had heard that when Sellis wanted three men for a job, he just said, "'On, go and do this!" You can see how this started up...

2014-07-29, 03:55 AM
Bartram sighs at the campfire stories told by the men.

"Good day men, and don't forget about Tanar."

Next her heads back into the courtyard and searches for Ser Sellis.

No chat at work :smallmad:

Mr. Mask
2014-07-29, 04:06 AM
"It wasn't a tale!" Ton protests to the others. "I went to meet the feller himself, but he'd gone off already to meet the Arms Master 'fore I saw 'im."

Arguments ensure as you distance yourself, debates and useless talk in order to pass the time as they guard the gate.

You find Ser Sillis training some new archers, putting the fear of the seven in them when they fail to follow his direction. "I'd do better with a band of monkeys from across the sea, than I do teaching you pale-faced youths!" he complains. Sillis' method was known to be quite effective in getting results. This level of talk was annoying, designed to get someone to step out of line--and that's when he really got them. When they saw that real archers got Sillis' respect, it became a priority to learn the bow just to prevent his nagging. His sword instructorship was rather different, in that near to no one manages to impress him, and even at his own ability he curses profusely, complaining of his slow, aged joints.

Sillis sees you, and quits his bullying. "Good day, young master," he says, his stern face changing into an almost smile. He waits for you to respond the same, and ask anything you desire of him.

2014-07-29, 04:28 AM
"Good day, Ser. Good work! I bring you good news."

Then Bartram turns to the new archers and speaks loud and clear.

"You better pay good attention to Ser Sellis. He is one of the best, which is why he was chosen to represent our House in the upcoming tournament. Archery being one of the competitions he will compete in. If there's anyone who can make a fine group of archers out of you it's him. Don't dissapoint us."

He then turns back to Ser Sellis, sporting a smile. "I'll leave them to you again, come see me when you're done, well speak more on the tournament."

Mr. Mask
2014-07-29, 04:39 AM
Though Ser Sillis only smiled slightly, you feel you made quite an impression. The soldiers also were happy to be encouraged by the heir of the house, and are practising with more vigour and attention. Sillis, seeing their greater willingness, offers calmer instruction; and the soldiers are amazed by it. Your few words seem to have put their training ahead a whole stage.

*Green Archers get 5 XP, total of 25.*

Ser Sillis would not be done for a while, but there seemed little else for you to do but wait for him. Finally, he appears.

"Good day again, master," he says, seeming proud to be able to speak with you on this matter. "I am yours to command on the day of the tournament."

The matter of discussing the details of his involvement begins. There some questions rise up. Who will act as Captain of the Guard while Sillis, your father, and some other important figures are absent, for example?

Mr. Mask
2014-07-29, 04:43 AM
Ser Guy begins to tell tales of the riverlands, in a clearly exaggerated fashion. They were heaven on earth, but also hell on earth. With the most dangerous threats, the most beautiful women, the warmest beds and the worst storms, with mountains higher than the Eyerie and valleys lower than hell. The only point of consistency in his interesting tales is the rivers. They are, after all, important to the people; a source of trade, travel and life. Just as well you brought Guy along, as he is a skilled storyteller. Even men who dislike this kind of story can have some respect for his ability to weave great tales.

2014-07-29, 04:49 AM
He listened to the story, the man had a sharp tongue and a sharp sword, it could be really useful or very dangerous, or probably both, for sure the young son of the Lord will like him. The riverlands seemed a good place to be, far better than the mountains for someone who was not a son of the mountains, but still, a question bothered Grontar mind. Why and how he decided to look for a mad, almost unknown lord of the Eiyre.

"The riverlands seem to be a place ripe for plunder, Guy, and still dangerous. It seems that you could have lot of glory there, fighting for your lord and against his enemies, and still not only you heard about Lord Garish, but you walked all your way up here, tell me that part of the story."

Mr. Mask
2014-07-29, 04:57 AM
Guy's smile lessens, and he has a sad look. "The reason for that sir is one I can not come to terms with as right," he says. "I asked permission to be let free of my service so I may join another house, and was denied. I asked that I be placed as an act of good will in a house more troubled by bandits and enemies, and again I was denied. I came to ask a third time, and was dismissed by my lord. Due to my dismissal, none of the houses seemed interested in my service. It is a strange custom of the Riverlands, I know. But so, it lead me to come to the mountains.
"I heard tell of a mad lord, but felt he must not be so very mad as was said. If he were, no doubt he would have lost the majestic fortress that has captured my heart. Verily I say, that one day this place may be made mighty again by men such as you and I."

2014-07-29, 04:59 AM
"Ah, excellent. Have a seat."

Bartram has a servant girl bring a couple drinks and their discussion begins.

"I'd like you to arrange the escort for when we travel to the Baron's castle, which of course, you'll lead as usual. Be sure to inform our steward, so he brings enough food to feed them."

"Who is to be Captain of the guard in our absence is not something I can decide on my own. Please consult my father on the subject."

"As for the tournament itself, me and Master Corn think you will do well in both the joust as well as in the archery contest. In which I will be performing as well. I realise you would likely do well in the melee as well, but I will ask Tanar to assemble a team. He is getting old enough to be given more responsibility and this will be a good test to see what he is capable of. If he asks you in the team, you are of course free to compete, but I will not influence his decisions in this."

"Are there any other subjects we should discuss?"

2014-07-29, 05:03 AM
"Do not try to flatter me, Guy." he said turning to him and looking deeply into his eyes "my men respect my strength, not my words, and we are used to the open sky over our head more than the mighty walls of the fortress of my Lord." he paused for a moment "My liege heir has a better disposition than his father, and will be probably keen to know you better, but I do not trust people not from my circle Guy, and if I am still alive it's because I am good at spotting dangerous people"

He looked again at Guy, then at the rest of the veterans "I will ask our lord to have you attached to our unit, when you'll be trusted by my men your life will get easier." He paused for a moment to check the cart and the miners "if you were just lucky with your sword, you'll get killed, if you are good, you'll get respected. If you try to turn against us, I think you heard what our tribes do to traitors."

2014-07-29, 05:08 AM
Tanar lays his axe on the ground and takes out his bow. He draws an arrow from his quiver and points it towards the hiding figure.

Roll for initative [roll0]

Mr. Mask
2014-07-29, 05:17 AM
Before you can duck out and fire, something happens. (Initiative roll 16)

You hear a monstrous voice shout in an unearthly language, and fire is cast in your direction. It misses you, the orange orb setting the brush it hits into a blaze.

Roll Will: Courage.

2014-07-29, 05:23 AM
Tanar manages to duck as the fire flies past him. What the hell was that?
Rolling will [roll0]

Mr. Mask
2014-07-29, 05:29 AM
You don't know who or what can cast fire like a plaything, but you're fairly confident sticking an arrow in it is still to your advantage. The figure is still behind the tree. Do you wait? Do you attack? Do you flee or take cover?

Guy is about to speak, but you hear a loud, strange cry in a language you haven't heard before. Fire sails through the air on it own. It flies out from the trees, across the path and into the bushes on the other side of the path, setting the nearby bushes on fire. What was going on?

2014-07-29, 05:34 AM
He signalled the cart to be stopped, if they were ambushers those were the worst ambushers the mountain gave birth to, and that fire, well that was a bad omen,

"Guy, with me, Nolak get ten men and move on the left, Yggo, take ten and go to the right, flank those bastards, 10 men form on me, and the rest protect the cart"

So Said he started to move towards the place where he saw the fire coming out

"Get Out of hiding and show yourself, and we may think of not killing you!" he shouted.

Mr. Mask
2014-07-29, 06:00 AM
"My boy, Kents would be suitable for the task, young master," Sillis said, but this seemed unlikely. Kents was about seventeen years of age, and had been training to become a steward. His interest in martial practice had been shallow, and while he might do a passable job through his intellect, he was not the best leader for the task if there was need for a Captain of the Guard to act. "I'll see to speak with your father further on the matter." Most likely, your father would agree. He didn't know Kents, but he did know Sillis--and put a lot of stock in his Guard Captain's opinion.

"I'll take a look at Tanar's selection of lads, to make sure he picks a good team."

He said lads... excluding the possibility of Runa. He didn't like her, for whatever reason, and would probably do his best to ensure she wasn't in the melee, for the good of the team.

When asked for further things worth discussing, he pauses. "There is training for the games," he says, repeating Corn. "There is also the matter of the rules which we'll want to find out twice fast. There may be more than one melee event, and they may prevent knights from entering too many events, so as to discourage houses hiring mercenaries to win all the events for them." The houses could, of course, hire many mercenaries to get around this--but skilled tournament winners were in short supply and had very high wages, so the discouragement paid off (or prevented such paying off).

"The Baron is likely to have a lot of games, since there hasn't been a tournament in these parts for more than a decade. This will likely be a big event, with men from distant lands taking part also. I even heard he plans for separate prizes for knights not of one of the houses here, so that we won't be entirely disgraced." Sellis has anger in his voice. He didn't like the idea that knights from foreign lands were considered in a class of their own.

"What's more, I hear talk of events based off local tribal games, to try and improve their opinions of us. You'll have to ask one of the tribals about those, as I haven't heard much about them--aside from rumour."

2014-07-29, 06:05 AM
Tanar is confident in his archery skills are enough to take down his enemy, even if he hides behind a tree.
Roll marksmanship [roll0]

2014-07-29, 06:15 AM
"I'd prefer one of our more experienced men, but I'll leave it to father."

"As for advicing Tanar, please stick to advice only. I know how good you are at this, but I want to find out what he can do. If you find anything truly bad, come see me about it first, and we'll discuss it."

He then listens and nods in agreement.

"Yes, send a rider to find out about the rules and competitions. We'll need it to pick the rest of our competitors. When can he be back?"

As he continues, Bartram listens intently, it will be his first tournament and he is getting very excited about it. "It'll be fantastic!! Tell me more about the last one!!"

Mr. Mask
2014-07-29, 06:16 AM
Your arrow flies true, and it seems it struck the figure, who recoils behind the tree. You hear a furious growl like an animal's.

Then, a voice shouts harshly, echoing through the wood above the din of the rustling leaves. "Show yourself and we may not think of killing you!"

You notice a group of men moving through the woods to your left, approaching toward you. It's hard to say how many there are... but more than five. You think there are more up the road as well, but standing out far enough to see that far may get you shot.

"How many of them are there!?" Glim asks, panicking. He was about to let off a second shot at the figure, but decided instead to cling to cover, considering fleeing.

What do you do? Will you really surrender?

2014-07-29, 06:34 AM
Tanar let his arrow fire into the ground as he picks up his long axe. "We run!" Tanar says as he starts running away from his opponents.

Mr. Mask
2014-07-29, 06:38 AM
As you speak, an arrow flies out. For once, you don't duck reflexively, as it was aimed nowhere near you or any of your party. Instead, it flew out from the trees on the right, landing amongst the trees of the left where the fire sprang from.


A terrible, bestial bellow echoes through the wood, your only reply so far to your demands of surrender. Your men, for once, are hesitating. They're not sure of what's going on, and who or what is fighting. You notice them fidgeting in the trees you sent them to, taking cover and trying to spot whatever it is they're fighting.

2014-07-29, 06:47 AM
He did not step back, but his usually confident look was away for a moment, that growl was not something he was used to, it did not seem one of the silent hunters of the mountains, and definitely not one of the birds he was used to. He signalled the men on the right to maintain position, while signalling the one on the left to continue the encirclement, while standing on the road, waiting for some development.

Mr. Mask
2014-07-29, 06:48 AM
Sillis nods to your comment about his son, agreeably. Of course, while he saw your point about experience, you expect him to take the same course.

Your point about Tanar was reasonable enough that Sillis makes no objection. "A wise idea, young master," he compliments. You have a suspicion he'll still try to encourage certain choices from Tanar, but his sense of duty is enough that he won't go too far or disobey your order.

"If we send a good diplomat to stay with the Baron, they may be able to obtain some details he is not yet ready to divulge. Someone good with words and subtle, able to infer the truth from what little he'll give away. If they do well, I expect to see them back in a few days, and we'll have much time to prepare. Although, I expect also that the other houses are doing the same already..."

At the request of regaling you with an old tale, Sillis looks the brightest you've seen him all week. The last tournament was quite exciting, but ended on a foul note. The previous Baron was slain in the jousting event, and some accused the knight who did it of using a lance deadlier than intended, and that he struck the Baron with purpose. It lead to a second melee--a minor war. There wasn't much blood spilled, but soon a new Baron was put in place of the old, as the old Baron lacked an heir. The nature of that tournament is why it has been so long since another has been held, but soon another will be.

2014-07-29, 07:22 AM
Bartram thinks a bit on Ser Sellis advice on a diplomat, before speaking up.

Hmm, indeed, getting the information is of course important. And we could also use it to start some pre-tournament rumours about our house. I think my sister may be most suited to go. She knows her way around the nobility and her beauty would certainly attract attention and perhaps start rumors. This would certainly attract some extra Sers searching for her hand.

"Yes, I agree, a diplomat would be wise. My sister might be suited for this. I'll discuss it with my father. Thank you for the good advice."

Having heard the story many times during his youth, the current events seem to give it even more shine and splendor in Bartram's imagination. He enjoys the tale very much and at the end he comments.

"Hmppf, always made me wonder if some of the House may have long forgotten roots among the barbarian clans."

"Anyway, I'll talk to father right away, I'd rather know more sooner, then later."

Mr. Mask
2014-07-29, 07:41 AM
Ser Sillis bows as you leave, and you're on your way to see your father.

It takes quite a bit of walking to get to his room, finally you are getting past the last guards down the corridor. "Good day young master," Ser Wilt greets you. He and two soldiers were tasked as personal guards, and were waiting outside your father's room. Wilt almost bars your way. "Your father is resting," he tells you.

Your father often napped at random times, one of the elements that lead to him being called the mad lord. People said that even if the castle was burning, he was not to be woken. Ridiculous... Still, Wilt encourages you to wait a while until your father gets up.

Will you wait? Or insist to see him?

2014-07-29, 07:45 AM
"Well, it's his age I guess. We'll let him rest. Send for me when he wakes up!"

Then he wanders off again, searching out his mother.

2014-07-29, 08:37 AM
Marlyn dismissed Runa's apology with a silent nod as the apology was unnecessary. Crimes such as the one that these two annointed knights were accused of were known to rise the passion of the people, and Runa's reaction was completely natural as far as Marlyn was concerned. At the same time, there had been no actual proof of a crime committed beyond this old man's word. And to take it any more seriously than that, if the knights were innocent -- or even if they were not, but could not be judged guilty by weight of the evidence in the end -- might cause irreparable harm to the House through scandal.

"An annointed Knight stands head and shoulders above his lessers, I'm afraid. I won't even be able to bring the case before my father for consideration unless you have more evidence than you've described - something physical and unquestionable to tie them to the scene of the crime -- or the witness of a sworn sword, knight, or better, who can verify your tale or speak of your character and your daughter's character."

Marlyn brought her fingertips up to her cheek, a single misplaced strand of hair, fallen like a scar across her cheek, was pushed back and tucked behind her ear. "I fear, if you speak out against them publically, it could be found that they would be justified in using force to restore order and peace to your own household, and I should hope that we would all be agreed that any order those two knights would choose to apply to you and yours would help no one at all." Her chin was tilted up slightly, her jaw clenched to hold back her own emotions. She was a study in tragedy and conflict. Duty and obligation required her to act a certain way, but human nature tugged another. She could not allow herself to be as Runa or the Smallfolk.

Authority came directly from the Seven, through the King and down through the Lords. From crown to banner, and from father to son and daughter. The answer to her soul searching could be found in the Seven. The Father, above all, compelled her to seek Justice, and short of a foolish confession from the Knights, there would likely be none to find here. But the Father was just one of the gods whose authority she possessed. The Mother above was the second. Compassion and mercy. Justice was always tempered with compassion and mercy. That was the next step.

"If your daughter was injured or otherwise impaired, I would like to personally see to her convalescence, at the very least. And of course, if issue should result from the encounter, I would see that the child would be well taken care of, in whatever manner we agree would be best for it."

She stopped walking and paused a moment, a very personal and serious tone to her voice as she continued. "No one should be asked to bear the pain of such an assault alone. I would like to see her and grant her what solace I am able."

Before the man could respond though, she turned her gaze to Runa, she spoke in a deadly seriously tone, just loud enough for the old man to overhear. "After we take care of the girl, you and I will pursue all other avenues available to us to see that nothing like this happens again, at least for as long as my voice still holds sway within these walls."

Whether the knights were actually guilty, or if this was some sort of set-up to accuse them because of their cruelty or other misbehaviors, the Knights were clearly at the very least partially accountable for this whole affair, and they would be corrected if she had anything to say about it.

Mr. Mask
2014-07-29, 09:04 AM
Klain dares to attempt to interrupt, but is unable. Once you finish speaking, he is quiet. As you feel conflicted, so does he seem to. He doesn't hate you, and he feels you're doing him much kindness you think... but he also feels that you've forced him to do wrong. Egged on by this guilt, he makes a hopeless attempt to convince you to reconsider, to see his daughter who should be as good an evidence of the act as anything could be. He named various men he knew who he could bring to testify, pointed out Gren had many accounts he could bear against the knights' character. He was rather upset that the testimonies of smallfolk mean so little... his hands shook.

What did it feel like to be in his position? To be at the bottom of the ladder when small bits of slag corrupted the pure system of the Seven? Oh how powerless he felt... how wronged. But he didn't hate you. If anything... he hated himself.

Finally, he apologized for his behaviour, his lengthy argument. His old eyes had tears, but he beared them strongly. With all hope of convincing you lost, he thanks you many times for the kindnesses you were doing him, and his daughter, and said his family would never forget them. He also tried to seem optimistic about your plan to prevent the knights from doing further mischief, and may well have liked to be optimistic. But he was unable... Only justice would have quenched his wrath for those men, and now they were beyond his reach.

He told you where he lives, and where you could find the smith's where his daughter lived. He even thanked Runa for getting angry on his daughter's account, choosing his words carefully. Not because he feared reprisal from Runa, instead he was taking care it didn't seem like a veiled insult to Marlyn, who he might have suspected was not angry for what happened to Mary.

Then standing in the door, bowing his head one last time; he left.

Mr. Mask
2014-07-29, 09:12 AM
"Leader!" Yggo, of the men on your right, calls to you. "Something is fleeing through the trees away from us! Shall we pursue them?" He spoke quickly and sharply, just as you had taught him.

The men on the left continue their encirclement, cautiously.

Mr. Mask
2014-07-29, 09:19 AM
Glim chases after your lead, an arrow sailing hopelessly into the trees and thickets between you and the approaching men. After it had been some time, you were no longer sure if they were pursuing you still, and poor Glim was running short of breath. Do you press on, attempt to outrun them? Hide, hope they lose track of you? Prepare an ambush to catch those who dared follow you this far? You had Glim to consider... You could split up, increase the chances of one of you escaping--probably yourself. He was good at spotting danger, but lacked skill in avoiding it.

What do you decide to do?

2014-07-29, 09:20 AM
"Pursue Him, and be wary of ambushes, maybe they are not alone" he shouted while looking at the other group, before calling for more men and starting to getting near to the position to complete the circle around the side where the growl came from

Mr. Mask
2014-07-29, 09:20 AM
Shortly after you toss the projectile and duck back to your tree.

You hear something. "Show yourself!" a voice screams, "and we may consider not killing you!"

You hear something else... a whistling sound. THUNK! An arrow strikes your side. Your armour may have well saved your life... but it is still a devastating blow (15 damage - 2 AR = 13 damage. You need to take Injuries or Wounds, or else be incapacitated). You can't stop yourself from crying out, a little or a lot. Either way, Myshah hears you and, furious, she lets out a tremendous bellow of rage.

This seems to have had an effect on your attackers, as the next arrow that flies strikes the ground limply, far off the mark. You think you might have seen figures moving about in the woods, across the way and on your side of the road... but you're so stunned by the pain that you can barely make heads or tails of it (failed awareness). You'd pull out the arrow, but that may cause you to bleed out.

As wounded as you are, you think you could still run. It would hurt like all the hells, but at least you mightn't fall into them. Of course... you could also fight. You weren't sure of the enemy's number and were hurt, but you and Myshah were still highly dangerous person and bear. If only you could see how many of them there were.

2014-07-29, 09:33 AM
Tanar looks at Glim "You look tired." He says with a smile of superiority. He places his axe back on his back and draws an arrow. "Let's hide." Tanar hides behind a tree with his bow ready, should they pursuers spot them. "Keep quiet."

Rolling stealth [roll0]

2014-07-29, 10:48 AM
Damnit! However fired the arrow knew what he was doing. And it was one lucky shot too. Now the best idea would be to leave it there and let some healer take care of it...of course Garish didn't had any actual healers, and it wouldn't do well to walk with this thing stuck there...

Ah screw it, breaking the shaft in half, I throw the fletcher at the back...And carefully holding the part I pull it out leaving that on the ground too

Now for the harder part. Best to get this done without caring for whoever just ran

"Myshah, Mysha, calm down everything is alright. I'm fine really"

Okay, it wasn't that hard in the end. Myshah after all knew me better than anyone

"Alright girl let's go back"

With help of the big brown bear for some supporte, I start my walk back towards the Garish castle

2014-07-29, 11:17 AM
Marlyn dragged Runa up to the young lady's chambers, a lavish and comfortable feminine island in a sea of cold stone and iron bars. Tapestries and pillows made everything seem so soft and comfortable, and there wasn't a bit of straw -- everything was filled with genuine goose feathers. It was good to be at the top.

The copper-gold haired noble girl moved to a writing desk and quickly wrote out a note, explaining to Runa as she wrote.

"I woke up in the middle of the night, last evening, after having a terrible dream that bandits where assaulting the gate. They were coming to take me away, as they did before -- to do terrible things to me. When I woke, I went to the window in desperate terror, to gaze upon the gate to see that it was well defended, that my dream could not possibly come true. When I saw that two of our least disciplined men were on midnight watch at the guardhouse, I lamented, and couldn't get back to sleep. I've been an utter mess since."

She continued writing her note. "I won't be able to sleep another wink, or comport myself with the grace due to my station, unless I know that our two best sworn swords, Ser Lad and Ser Janel Bruck, are on midnight guardhouse duty, every night, all night, until the day of my wedding, or until these night terrors finally cease. Only the sight of those two brave, noble, and anointed warriors can give me the peace and calm to soothe my girlish nerves. In return for their vigilance, they will be sure to earn my favor."

She turned her gaze to look at Runa. "They will continue to protect the castle and be at the service of the House, but hopefully being up all night, every night, will keep them a bit too busy and tired to get into too much mischief."

She handed Runa the letter she had written, it was addressed to dear Ser Sillis, the Captain of the Guard. "Please do express my appreciation and affection to the Captain when you deliver this, and if he should balk at my request, perhaps you could note -- as a thought of your own, of course, and not mine -- that considering my admiration and respect for him, that he should consider himself lucky that I did not insist that it was he himself who should be manning the guardhouse through the smallest hours of the night."

The young woman smiled with genuine appreciation to Runa, but her expression was deep. She was pained at the complication of dealing with smallfolk with such important, terrible issues, and the weight of duty and tradition that made this sort of deception the only recourse for a half-satisfactory conclusion.

2014-07-29, 01:14 PM
Runa shifts her weight awkwardly, standing in the middle of the room as she waits for Marlyn to finish her letter. "Your chambers are beautiful, milady. I'm always afraid to touch anything in here. Soft, yes, but strange. Maybe there's still too much sea and stone in my blood. You'll not find rooms like this in the Iron Islands." The idle conversation is as much relaxation as the guardswoman will allow herself while on duty, even in a place as seemingly safe as this.

Her brow crinkles in concern as Marlyn begins speaking of her nightmares, an expression that slowly shifts into a wry smile and undisguised admiration for the young Lady's cunning.

Runa bows as she accepts the letter. "I think I can see to that, milady. Is there anything else you need of me? If not, I will report back once the new watch schedule is in place."

Assume Runa goes to track down Ser Sillis as soon as she leaves Marlyn's chambers. My schedule is pretty wonky the next couple of days. I'll be on when I can, but I don't want to leave other people waiting on me. :smallsmile:

2014-07-29, 02:58 PM
Marlyn's voice was hushed and grateful. "Your discretion and loyalty are more treasured than all the comforts of this room, Runa. Thank you."

She watched the older warrior woman make her exit. She wondered how strange things where were Runa grew up that a woman could take up arms like a man. But she was thankful for it, because otherwise Runa wouldn't be here -- and she was definitely one of the more dutiful and helpful people in Marlyn's life.

After a few moments left to her thoughts, Marlyn realized if she were to move about the castle and its grounds safely and without scandal, she'd need to find another chaperone. Since Runa was to be busy for some time, that left her with her second choice -- her brother. She sighed dramatically, but there was no better choice, unfortunately. She left a quick note for Runa, in case the Iron Woman returned before Marlyn did, and then set out to track her brother down -- quickly hopefully.

Mr. Mask
2014-07-29, 09:32 PM
Asking around for her brother, Marlyn soon finds that he went to see her father. But you're sure he began one of his naps, and the door guards would ask for concern to wait for him to awaken. That left one place he was likely to go... Unfortunately, Marlyn was correct, and met her brother just before he reached his destination: Your mother.

If Marlyn lead him off now, mother mightn't notice that either of you had approached. Of course, it does look like Bartram has some business with her.

Mr. Mask
2014-07-29, 09:51 PM
"My leader!" Nolak shouts to you. "A..." an unusual pause in his speech. He knew better than to hesitate communications. Still, he had to look for the right words. "A bear is fleeing the scene. Should we... give chase?"

Bears!? You can vaguely make out from your position of encirclement that there does seem to be a bear fleeing from you, glancing some fur inbetween the obscuring trees and foliage.

"Is this a jest made on us?" Guy asks, looking each way that could be looked. There seemed to be no danger left at all... which made him feel unsafe.

Mr. Mask
2014-07-29, 09:58 PM
Making your way out back into the courtyard, the other guardsmen great you as you pass. Most people were getting used to you, and many respected your ability and calm in these troubled times.

"G'day, ironwench," Urel, the skinny old smith greet you. He reminded you a bit of that smallfolk man, except Urel was taller, with a thick beard and whiter hair, not balding in his old age like Klain was. Some thought he called you "ironwench" as an insult. In truth, it was his funny way of being friendly--and he thought it was hilarious, somehow. Getting him to stop might be hard... he had little concern for others' feelings, and even when Sillis near came to killing him for them name, "old arm" he still persisted. A pity he wasn't so tough in his smithing... already he felt tired from a hundred hammerblows or so, and was again handing it off to an assistant. If he were a better teacher, it wouldn't be such a problem, but he either lacks the willingness, capability, or each.

After any exchange you make with the smith, you continue on your path to Sillis. He isn't hard to find, he always drills the new or the experienced archers when he has free time. He was teaching one archer how to breathe when letting off an arrow at distance. You manage to flag his attention, and reluctantly he comes over to speak with you.

"What do you want?" Ser Sillis asks, direct and unhappy. You can't recall having done anything to him in particular, you've not even humiliated him in sparring as he has refused to fight you or anyone he might lose to. You weren't the only skilled sword in the castle... but he's never held anything against the others. I suppose it's one of the great mysteries of the world--like why Ham Ruckley is so very fat.

Mr. Mask
2014-07-29, 10:16 PM
Here they come!

The bandits march quickly through the area you came by, in good order even if loose so they could move through the forest. There seem to be at least six of them, probably more, all of them looked strong, skilled and dangerous. They approach, closer, looking to and fro for signs of ambush or a fleeing enemy. Only a couple of them seem to have bows, strangely; most carrying falchions and shields, wearing hardened leather armour. And... wait.

You look, and you see it's true. The mark of the Eagle Riders, Grontar's boys.

What do you do? They seem on edge, but they ought to recognize you if they see you plainly. Still, there might be a better way than just exposing yourself and screaming at them... You could wait, they don't seem to be going to spot you in the careful hiding place you've chosen, Glim also having managed a good job of following your example. But then... there are those bandits you were tracking--the trail was getting trampled as you waited.

2014-07-30, 04:12 AM
Tanar keeps quiet until the Eagle Riders have passed through. He then walks out from the hiding place and continues tracking down the bandits. "The trail is getting cold." He says to Glim.
Rolling for tracking [roll0]

Mr. Mask
2014-07-30, 04:23 AM
"Weren't those... Grontar's boys?" Glim asks, thoroughly confused. He follows you without realizing, still pondering the situation.

"Wait," he says, following you regardless, "shouldn't we get their help? That... thing might still be there." Glim begins to slow down, as you near to returning to the position where you encountered the fire, and the terrible roar.

Even as you're listening to him, you're picking up the old trait--you're sure you can find it again. You can't say it's easy... The Eagle Riders trampled much of your path, regaining the trail was largely memory and guesswork.

Glim is seeming unwilling to continue, and is slowing your progress. What to do?

2014-07-30, 04:25 AM
A Bear, so close to the men was not a usual view, and only one trained bear was present in the lands of House Garish

Glaure, if it's you show up! It's Grontar here he shouted

then turned towards the worried Guy, making a annoyed grin on his face, he did not like the situation at all if he was ambushed it meant that the raiders and outlaw were close to one of the most important assets of the House, and the young master would be pissed, nevertheless he and his men did not like the crannogman a lot, he was something between a creep and a sorcerer, nothing good could come out of such a person

2014-07-30, 04:32 AM
"You look busy, Bartram. Have I found you at a bad time?" Marlyn looked apologetic. She didn't want to interrupt anything important. She was having second thoughts about pursuing her brother as a Chaperone already. Of course he was busy. He was the heir, they were probably heaping responsibilities and duties upon him left and right.

2014-07-30, 05:52 AM
"No." Tanar says. "It's best if we don't get too many people involved in this." As he continues tracking down the bandits he says "If you wish to leave, be my guest. But I have to do this."

2014-07-30, 06:03 AM
Bartram looks surprised at his sister approach.

"Ah, my dear sister. Always a pleasure to see you. I take it you handled Klain Sirus already. Hope nobody from the castle was involved, as riling up the clans now would be problematic."

"As for your timing, I am busy organising our delegation for the Baron's upcoming tournament and I might have an important task for you."

"I was about to visit mother for information on the Baron, which will benefit your task as well. Care to come along?"

Mr. Mask
2014-07-30, 06:12 AM
Glim, not feeling safe to make his way back or to stay where he is, follows close to--keeping look out and preparing to duck.

You come back to where you were when you spied the figures. You don't seem to notice them now... but there are men about in the trees. More Eagle Riders? Unfortunately, the trail ends at the path, likely stamped out. However, on the other side of it, if the men of the Bear didn't go up or down the trail before re-entering the forest... you could probably pick it up again. Crossing the path would mean certainly being spotted by someone, with all this traffic about.

As you ponder this, you notice someone is up the road, approaching you. It's some man foreign to these lands, blond with a short full beard and short hair that stands up on its own. He carries a short sword with a heavy blade and a small bow. Before you can bring your mind to action, you see Grontar beside him, at the head of several Eagle Riders, mounted.

To continue following the trail, you have to cross the road. If you wait in hiding, Grontar may pass you by. And he does seem to be clearing out whatever it was ambushing you before.

Glim waits, too nervous to call out to Grontar.

2014-07-30, 06:49 AM
Tanar waits for Grontar and his men to pass before resuming tracking down the bandits. "Why are there so many people today?" Tanar asks Glim quietly.

2014-07-30, 07:14 AM
"As long as whatever task you have in mind won't jeopardize my betrothal or the alliance that father hopes to get therefrom, I am, of course, willing to help."

Her eyes examined her younger brother. She could see the ambition, feel the hunger for power. But she could never tell what motivated it. Was it a sense of duty to his people or was it something more ... personal? The fact that she knew her own family less well than many of the smaller folk around the castle might have upset her, if she knew any other way. As it was, it simply unsettled her to be around him like this.

"I think I'd just get in the way of your meeting with mother, however. I'll wait outside the chamber for you to finish, and you can tell me what you need from me, then."

2014-07-30, 08:18 AM
"Good day t'you too, Urel. Workin' hard, I see." Runa chuckles at the old smith. She liked Urel, nicknames and all. Gods knew she'd been called far worse. "You found an apprentice who can hold his hammer straight yet?" It was only half a jest. When the smith passed on, the list of those who might replace him was short and miserable. Of course, that was mostly Urel's fault, but that wasn't a subject for a mere sworn sword to bring up in passing.

Trekking on, Runa readied herself for dealing with Ser Sillis. It was unpleasant at the best of times, and the request Marlyn was making wasn't the sort to make him any happier. "I've a message for you, from Lady Marlyn." She handed him the letter and stood at attention, waiting for his objections.

Mr. Mask
2014-07-30, 08:40 AM
"When I sight him, I'll introduce you!" Urel laughs back. He waves as you go by.

Upon reading the letter, Sillis has an unhappy expression. He thinks for an extended time - occasionally glaring at you, curious in your part in this - and then speaks at last. "Very well..." he says, strangely agreeable. "Let the lady know it will be done as she asks." He then turns, disengaging to reunite himself with his business. You didn't even need to imply gate duty as was planned...

A thought strikes you. It seems strange Sillis had forgotten to give you some duty, or at least complain that you should go and busy yourself. If you had been given a strange, inconvenient order like this, mightn't you also work out an elaborate way around it? And if Sillis did intend to do as said, why hasn't he sent word to Lad and Janel so that they're rested for their night's watch?

It's hard to be certain... but your suspicions are that Lad and Janel may not be at the gate tonight.

((Succeeded on Awareness: Empathy [Roll of 9]. Just letting you know, so you don't think I'm driving you like cattle towards a story goal :smalltongue:.))

Mr. Mask
2014-07-30, 09:00 AM
You might be able to outrun your pursuers, as they don't seem to be willing to take horses into the thicket, and Myshah is making good ground. Or, you could hide, or lay an ambush, or surrender. The whole situation appears a bit more desperate than you might like.

"Glaure!" you hear a voice shout, as the figures are beginning to close in, "if it's you show up! It's Grontar here!"

Well, that makes surrender more attractive... assuming its the truth. If it isn't, it means they spotted Myshah--which is bad.

What do you do?

2014-07-30, 09:01 AM
As his sister speaks, Bartram listens casually, while he sets his mind to work.

How can she be satisfied to get married off to the lowest bidder.... a barbarian chieftain none the less. Father's defensive thinking will ruin our ambitions..., and her life...

"No, no, it's nothing like that. It's a diplomatic mission. We need someone to get information on the setup of the tournament. Both the public as well as the unpublished information. It would be a nice get out for you and you'd learn of the current standings in the realm. And of course the Baron. It'll just be a few days anyways."

Now he eyes her closely, with a smile, waiting for her reaction.

Both in words as her feelings.
To that end he uses Empathy. [roll0]

2014-07-30, 09:17 AM
What now? A voice...saying he's Grontar
Not many people would know my name...the question is wether he'd think better to just kill me even if I'm me...

Well, can't think like that. In the swamp it is always a good idea to at least trust your allies. Howland always trusted Lord Stark after all


I come out of the woods with Myshah by my side.

Mr. Mask
2014-07-30, 09:25 AM
"Glaure, you say?" Guy asks, no less confused, but slightly reassured. "I'm not sure what business this man is getting up to, but I hope he will end it soon."

You listen for a reply, but so far you hear none. One of your officers goes to alert the men of the left flank that it may be Glaure. You hope it is... now your men will hesitate for his sake, whether he's there or not.

Now... to continue the pursuit? "GRONTAR!" a voice shouts, interrupting the question. "IT'S ME, I'M COMING OUT WITH MYSHAH!"

You wait, Guy's hand on his sword in anticipation, your eagles though still hesitant poised for friend or foe. Then, a bear ambles out, a man riding on its back. It is Glaure.

2014-07-30, 09:41 AM
Sillis's reaction puts Runa on her guard. Normally you could hand the man a sack of gold dragons and Sillis would complain they were heavy.

"Of course, Ser Sillis." She salutes, voice calm and professional as ever. Her eyes move over the herd of green boys Sillis was laboring to turn into archers for a moment. "You look to have your hands full, Captain. Should I tell Ser Lad and Ser Janel of their new duty as well?"

2014-07-30, 09:58 AM
"Assuming you can get Father's permission, and assure my safety for the trip, I have no objections." Marlyn was cool, and hard to read when dealing with her brother. She kept her true thoughts and feelings hidden from her family, as she was always taught to remain aloof and distant. Her bearing was a mysterious wall of tragic beauty and undefinable grace. Her eyes seemed like emerald reflections of the beholder's own intentions.

Her passive Deception to resist Empathy is 17. (Deception 4 (Acting 1B))

Mr. Mask
2014-07-30, 10:07 AM
You wait, Glim restless to at last be on your way. You're well hidden enough, amongst the leaves and shade of the forest. Flies persist about you, tempting you to strike at them and give yourself up. Stiffness teases your joints, the benefits of your run abandoning them as they plead again for the thrill of motion. These things weren't unusual, you were used to them as a hunter... but you can't remember having met a man who likes them.

"Glaure!" Grontar shouts, "if it's you show up! It's Grontar here!"

Glaure? Was he here? ...Where?

Silence answers Grontar, chiding your question. With no answer, Grontar turns to give new commands to his eagles.

"GRONTAR!" Grontar turns, looking down the path toward the source of the voice. "IT'S ME, I'M COMING OUT WITH MYSHAH!" ...It sounds like Glaure.

Grontar waits. The blond man beside him waits, his hand on his sword. From the trees you can see the Eagle Riders, ready as though expecting a foe. Grontar never has liked Glaure much...

The climax... Myshah, Glaure's bear, steps out of the wood, Glaure on her back. He looks wounded...

"Surely we can now show ourselves?" Glim protests, sharply. All these events seem to be causing the group to delay before you. "By such rate, we quicker to and done when explained to Grontar and Glaure and seen them well, than if we wait and go by without them. Perhaps they have seen something of help."

Glim is tired, was scared more than once, and has had time to realize you've been ordering him around like a common soldier. He spoke loudly enough that you are lucky it didn't give you away. If you disagree with him, it will likely be course for argument.

((Expect an intrigue to convince Glim to wait.))

Mr. Mask
2014-07-30, 10:24 AM
Sillis wasn't paying attention to a word you said... at first. He springs around and looks back up to you, sharp. He fails to disguise that he is aback, considering your realization of his intentions a supernatural unlikelihood. Either you had caught him off guard, or his personal estimates did injustice to your intellect.

His look softens, becoming annoyed but thoughtful. At last he says, "Very well... you may send for them, and let them know I have new orders for them."

Not send them and give them their new orders, as it should normally be. But then, you yourself could become creative in how these orders are interpreted. You get the feeling Sillis is concerned about your relation to her lady Marlyn, in more matters than this. If he's going to pull off any guile, it will have to be very cautious. He wasn't an unclever man... so you best be alert.

The extent he goes to in order to protect these men from these orders makes you wonder about Sillis. But, from the time you've known him, and your many often unpleasant encounters, you still don't feel he could be involved with illegal activity. Aside from seeing the orders as unnecessary and obstructive, you are starting to think he might feel.... threatened, by you. This childish disposition will no doubt cause you more work in future...
((Good roll on Awareness--you read Sillis pretty well.))

Do you talk more with Sillis? Or go looking for Janel and Lad? Or something else?

2014-07-30, 01:00 PM
Bartram nods in agreement and at the words "my safety" his eyes show some emotion.

"Of course, I wouldn't dare suggest such a trip without doing so. You should of course take Runa, and a delegation of the guard, and a couple of Sers to at some stature to your party. I would never ever let something happen to you again."

His voice rises to a pitch as he says this, but he quickly regains control over it.

"Now, I'm going to see mother, you're of course still free to join me."

He heads over to his mother.

2014-07-30, 01:07 PM
Marlyn bowed her head respectfully to her younger brother, and murmured her assent in simple tones.

She accompanied him, but remained behind and unobtrusive. A simple observer rather than a participant in the interaction between her brother and her mother. The copper-gold haired noble girl was best when she was acting ornamentally.

2014-07-30, 01:33 PM
"You are right." Tanar steps out of his cover. "Glaure, you are wounded, what happened?" He asks calmly without even greeting Grontar. He walks out on the road. "We are looking for men of the Bear tribe. Have any of you seen any passing?"

2014-07-30, 03:47 PM
Seeing the wounded Glaure riding the bear e make a wry grin, he did not like the bond between those two, but at least it was a fearsome sight, then looking at Guy, after seeing also Tanar coming out of the wood he replies to the people now joining the group

"The only bear men I hear off were five and Guy" he pointed to the handsome fighter near him "killed the five of them single handedly, I do not think there are many more coming, or at least I do not expect large groups to come unnoticed so close to the fortress."

Then he shook his head looking at Glaure's wound

"You should rest, and we will bring you to the fortress, there someone will take care of the wounds, you can travel on the ore cart, if riding that beast is more tiring for you"

Then again he looked at his men "Form up and let's head to the Fortress" then to Guy "The two of them are loyal servants of Lord Garish as well, Glaure the Frog Eater and Tanar, the bastard, one of the best fighters at his service"

Grontar was not famous for being sympathetic or particularly talkative.

2014-07-30, 04:43 PM
"Also master of the hunt." Tanar added."Five men by yourself, that's pretty impressive." Tanar said to Guy. "If I may ask, what was your reason for killing them?"

2014-07-30, 11:27 PM
"I'd be Glaure. Master of Hounds, Bears, and every animal that my old gods and your new decided to give us."

"Aniway, I was taking a look at a mess of blood that is in that direction leading to those woods, when I heard some sound. I took cover and threw some fire at my ambushers, but before running they managed to land a lucky arrow in me. I pushed it out, didn't think I'd meet someone who could help before getting to the castle"

"Aniway, no, I'll ride in the confortable fur of my own bear instead of whatever hard rock you carry in that cart thank you. I'm not a dragon with scales that would find rock, soft. Yet"

Mr. Mask
2014-07-31, 12:33 AM
Ser Glim removes himself from the bushes, beside Tanar. He looks in twelve directions at once, noting all the archers who may strike at him in surprise. The Riding Eagles were indeed surprised to a high extent, beyond the general shock that makes you shoot at things that move out of the corner of your sight or come out of bushes. How hadn't they noticed them?

Glim was an overweight, strong man of about forty years. He has tight leathery skin and complexion, with a large nose, ears, and wide lips; all near-swollen in appearance. His hair is very short, brown with many grey streaks.

The eagles who flanked left return to Grontar's side, reclaiming their mounts. Tarrik - a young man with hair loose and long, carrying a fat knife at his side and a small bow with red-painted arrows - rides after the riding eagles who flanked right, planning to recall them. The eagles of the left flank murmur defensive comments about how those of the right did a poor job, letting two men slip by.

His apprehension dissipating, Guy smiles at the newcomers. "Good day to you, Masters of Beasts--both to hunt and to keep as your servants," he says. "I am Ser Guy Therash; soon to be of your house I dare claim." Guy is a handsome man, though his body shows sign of big, warm meals. "My reason for killing the five men was nothing a personal matter, for indeed I knew them not at first glance--though my suspicions that they had done wickedness were ripe. They came upon me in ambush, near came to surprising me--but each of them I have cut down."

Guy gestures from his hose, describing five vile vying villains, vexed and vanquished verily by his blade. "The first I described took to me from behind, but quick I turned and slashed upon his chest, and he retreated backward.
"With said man away, I turned to face the others that assailed me. The second I told of tried for to lay me low with his axe, but he was clumsy with his feet and swing and so I took no trouble in dispatching him by a thrust into his chest. I then took him with my left arm and used his last life and body to defend myself, as if he were a shield on my arm.
"The next man - the third who I gave description - he stuck so as to wound me but instead wounded his friend whom I held fast. I pulled free my sword from the belly of the second man my shield, and thrust him so that he fell in the way of the third brigand. Then, stepping forward, I thrust my blade so that it pierced both the second and third men in one thrust.
"The fourth came to assail me, but quick was I to take my dagger and spend it through the air, where it met with that's enemy's neck and stopped him. I looked to the last man, and saw him dying of the cut to his chest and needed no longer for me to dispatch him. This is how I met and destroyed the men of the bear."

Guy points at the bushes to his left, where Glaure had before taken cover. "That is where the scene took place, and still the blood lies fresh as evidence to my encounter."

Mr. Mask
2014-07-31, 02:57 AM
Marlyn in tow, Bartram heads to his mother's chambers. Her door guard, Aram, greets you. He is a young knight with long brown hair, his features sharp, tanned, and handsome. Such a door guard has been cause to rumours about your mother... ridiculous.

"Good day my lord, my lady," Aram bows. He opens the door to your mother's chamber and announces you. "My lady, your son and daughter to see you."

Your mother sits in a fine, soft chair beside a low table, also fine. The room is as decorated and welcoming as if it were intended to receive guests, though you cannot think of anyone entering her aside from family and her personal servants. A place of softness amongst the cold stone, but with a strong quality of sensibility. The decorations and accommodations of the room were indeed fine, but nothing had a great sense of lavishness or comfort beyond what should be expected.

Mother smiles at Bartram such that it could light a darkened room. Her hair is gold, long even when braided around her head, leading into a ponytail that reaches to her waist. The sight of her hair undone must be astonishing. Her eyes are as striking a green as Marlyn's, radiant as her complexion and beauty. More could be recognized of her body, but such would be entirely inappropriate. To this much little house, she was as fine a lady as any could hope for.

"My beloved," she says, tenderly, "come to me." As she looks from Bartram to Marlyn, she still smiles the same; but the room is dimmer for the relaxed light of her smile.

"My pretty ones," she continues, as she is approached, the door being shut behind you, "I am glad to welcome you into my sight. Has all been well; for each of you?"

2014-07-31, 03:48 AM
As his mother greets him, Bartram straigtens himself and seems to transform from the young lord before, to a teenager who is eager to please. It's clear that their relation is still very much that of a mother and son. He has almost forgotten about his sisters presence as he starts talking.

"It's good to see you mom. We're fine... Have you heard about the upcoming tournament? It's gonna be fantastic!!"

Mr. Mask
2014-07-31, 04:10 AM
"Oh, I knew you'd be excited for it," your mother says, also near to forgetting Marlyn's presence. "My dear boy seeing his first tournament... with all the knights of the land in their gleaming armour and all the splendours and sights of the world gathered in one place. I was only a little girl, younger than you when I saw my last tournament. Every day was a grand festival, with more sights than my eyes could take in. Amazing performances, and even more astounding feats of arms. Great lords and ladies from all over the realm, gathered to renew old friendships and discuss the highest matters. The best people of the world can be met in such places, and learned from."

Your mother had been looking to the ceiling, recounting her memories as she lovingly held her son's arms. She now looked at Bartram, straight on. "And you my shining sun, will be witness to all the things you will someday accomplish and become." After gazing at Bartram a moment longer, she was pulled to look at her daughter, Marlyn, by some unknown force.

"I expect you are also excited to attend the tournament, my dear?" she asks, simply.

2014-07-31, 05:31 AM
Grontar shrugged as Guy made another go for telling the tale about killing the bear men, he then looked at Tanar and Glaure
"We'll have time to talk on our way back to the fortress, I wonder what Ser Sellis will say" he said laughing before turning to Guy "We were interrupted a while back, maybe it's time to finish that small talk" he said with his menacing look in his eyes

2014-07-31, 05:51 AM
Tanar looked at Glaure. "I was attacked by a warlock who used fire. Before sticking an arrow in him. Are you saying that was you?" He looks to Guy. "Impressive, I am sure the lord will be more than happy to have you as a guard. And if the men of the bear are defeated, that means I won't have to track them down anymore."

Mr. Mask
2014-07-31, 05:54 AM
"Of course Ser," Guy nods at Grontar in agreement. "In all the excitement, I am afraid I forgot the placement of our conversation. But I am happy to talk further with my new friends in regards to any new matters."

There is a slight break in the conversation, in which Glim sees his chance. "I ought've said myself sooner," he began, stepping forward and standing straight. "I am Ser Glim Barm of House Garish. It is a pleasure to meet you, ser." He looks at the ground for a moment before continuing. "More the pleasure if... as I hope--that these men of the bear were the ones who did us a wrong. As I hope they are..."

"It is my most dear pleasure to know you as well, Ser Glim," Guy replies. "I do hope you can forgive me for not inquiring to yourself before. If I have done you gentlemen and your house any service, the fact alone makes this ever more joyful a day."

Glim's return smile had little strength to it. "Wish that I could say this day is joyful..." he near-murmured the reply, searching for words to describe the events of the day.

"What is it these men have done?" Guy asks, noticing Glim's unhappiness. "Were you tracking them for the sake of some recent crime?"

2014-07-31, 06:14 AM
He listened carefully to the exchange of courtesies between the two knights, he was far from being amused, he did not like those kind of small talk, he waited patiently for a break in their conversation to look at Guy

"I would prefer that in your excitement, you would not forget the important point of the conversation. Do not try to make a fool of me, I'm no liver eater." He said while walking towards the fortress

2014-07-31, 07:04 AM
Tanar replied to Guy. "Yes, they killed someone who did not deserve to die. I am glad you brought them to justice."

2014-07-31, 07:44 AM
Marlyn lingered back as much as she was able to do. She didn't want to ride over the emotional hills that her mother was likely to apply. Push, pull, push, pull. There was only so much a girl could take. To the question that was applied directly to her, however, she had no choice but to provide some sort of response.

"If that is your wish, mother." Her voice was soft, yielding, obedient.

2014-07-31, 08:00 AM
Nervousness fills Bartram as his mother and sister exchange polite, but cold words. It always made him feel uneasy, and he never understood a thing of what was going on.

Why do they always do this. We're family...

I should have remembered this, when I asked her in, I shouldn't have pressured her. I got carried away to much with my ideas again. Sorry about that, Marlyn.

He shoots a quick look of guild towards his sister, before turning to his mother and awaits her reaction.

Mr. Mask
2014-07-31, 08:35 AM
"I'm so very glad to have such an obedient little girl," your mother says, her smile frozen on her face.

She turns back to Batram. "But I know you, my dove--and I'm sure you haven't come here just to tell me how excited you are," the difference in her smile is minute, and yet immense. "Did you want to hear what the last tournament was like? I don't remember it so well as Ser Sillis might--but then I doubt he fully grasped the subtleties meant for a lady's eyes."

"I expect Marlyn also has some things on her mind," your mother says, not looking away from Bartram. "After all, a tournament is the pinnacle of events not just for brave young men, but also for fair ladies. And I do not expect she would her behaviour or understanding to be improper for the occasion. Was there anything you're wondering, Marlyn?" She looks away from Bartram, slightly, but doesn't look directly at her daughter. "Although I do suppose that such a proper young girl as yourself... it wouldn't surprise me if you know more than I do, and that I'd be no help."

2014-07-31, 09:09 AM
"No, mother, my mind is at ease in this, as in all things. I will simply do as you have raised me to do. Serve the House to the best of my ability, and fulfill my duty as my father's daughter, my brother's sister, and my future husband's lady." Her eyes moved slowly from her mother, to her brother, and then back to her mother again. The fact was, Marlyn knew how little importance her feelings were compared to her duty. It wasn't just something she was taught, it was something of such importance that it was a part of her. The fact that she took an active role in such matters, rather than a passive and submissive role, was something that was best left unnoticed, or at least unspoken.

An angelically beautiful smile came to her features, and she comported herself with the calm, serene and aloof grace of someone who was too simple to find the idea of a tournament as anything but a spectacle to behold. She was playing the role of the perfect, innocent, and simple-mindedly obedient daughter.

Deception 4 (Act 1B)
Acting requires a conflict test in which you test Deception against your opponent’s passive Awareness result.


2014-07-31, 09:16 AM
"In fact, mother. She is here because I requested it. And that is tied to reason that brought me here."

"Since the tournament is approaching fast it is important we find out soon as to what competitions will be there and who will be invited. Of course, there will be published and unpublished information, so I thought is wise to send someone with diplomatic skills, and sufficient standing and manners to easily move among the nobility."

"So I thought of Marlyn. I believe she has the skills and wits for it, and of course her beauty to help her along. Besides, it'll do her good to trade these rough lands for some company of higher stature."

"Apart from that, we need to send sufficient protection with her. Several Sers for some added stature, Runa, Ser Sellis, since he has experience with tournaments, and a sufficient guard of course."

"What do you think our father would say to that?"

2014-07-31, 09:18 AM
Using logic, but forgot to roll. [roll0]

2014-07-31, 10:20 AM
"Huh, I guess we could have mistaken each other for enemies. Well, seeing as lucky shots are the only ones you can land I'll have to say that yes, you probably were the one to arrow me!"

"Aniway, Tanar, who did they kill?"

Mr. Mask
2014-07-31, 10:52 AM
Your mother continues to smile at the empty space between Bartram and Marlyn. She looks over to her daughter for a moment, the smile lessening visibly, but in a way that doesn't appears unkind. "It is good to have such an attentive daughter," she says.

She listened closely to what Bartram had to say, of course. Then, rather than immediately praising his idea, she thinks... "I do believe I can find a reason for a visit to the Baron's. He hasn't seen you since you were a little baby... it'll be good for him to meet the grown heir of Moonlit Spire." Your mother continues to ponder, considering a dozen different ideas for how best to arrange the meeting. She breaks out of her thoughts to smile at you both again. "I'm terribly sorry dears, but I'll have to consider it. I'll make sure everything is prepared so you can begin your brilliant strategies." It was clear whose brilliant strategies she meant.

Your mother continues to talk with you about the tournament, and about the Baron, and petty matters of the house. The conversation continues much the same way, and seems it will for a long time...

2014-07-31, 10:59 AM
Tanar looked at Glaure. "You didn't think one arrow was enough? You can get one in the other side if you want." He said with a cheeky grin. "And they killed Yern, the Dornish lad."

2014-07-31, 11:01 AM
Marlyn seemed willing to stay as long as Bartram could withstand the small talk. She tried to piece the seemingly trivial pieces of news and gossip together into a bigger picture, but admittedly, she wasn't very good at that. She had no trouble seeing the storm for the lightning and wind, but she was practically blind to the butterfly wings that fluttered in the chaos that started the storm in the first place.

When either her mother's voice gave out, or Bartram created opportunity for his own leave, she would also exit their mother's chambers, and the green-eyed young lady was happy to put it behind her.

Mr. Mask
2014-07-31, 11:24 AM
Yern is a Dornish lad of about 19, who has been with your house for over a year now. He has always been an eager, energetic lad; agreeable, dutiful, studious. Many of Grontar's men knew him, and taught him a lot... and many of the Eagle Riders looked as they often do when they lose a favoured comrade. He'd always tried his best to get on with Grontar, and tried a variety of amusing approaches; but things never worked between him and the barbarian chief quite as he hoped. It's not that Grontar necessarily hated the boy... but no one was sure. He was more scared of Glaure... but still was friendly, despite that.

"How did he die?" Nolak, one of the Eagle Riders asks, voicing the others' concerns. The Men of the Bear were not against torture... far from it.

2014-07-31, 11:30 AM
The Dornish lad, well, not the best friend he had in the garrison, but at least his men liked him

"I have no Clue Nolak, but maybe Tanar knows where is his corpse, and we can check if they were Bear men who killed him or not" he said, then turned to Guy "will you tell me again which lord of the riverlands were you serving Guy, and describe to us his livery" he asked this casually, more or less just to have something to listen while walking towards yarn corpse, if it was close, and still around

Mr. Mask
2014-07-31, 11:52 AM
"I served House Beras," Guy replied instinctively when asked the question. "The insignia is two purple ravens battling with daggers in their beaks." He paused for a moment, reminiscing. "Swift are the strong. Deadly is the first blow, freshest is first blood." Interesting motto.... which reminds you, what was House Garish's?

2014-07-31, 12:21 PM
"Don't worry, he died swiftly." Tanar replied. "And it was men of the bear tribe." Tanar held up his bloodcovered hand. "I checked. We are not far from his corpse."

2014-07-31, 12:24 PM
"Of course, Ser. I'll go find them at once. Gods know if I was getting stuck with night duty I'd want to know about it as soon as possible. Catch up on my sleep." Runa's tone is cheery and professional.

For a fleeting moment, she considers telling Ser Sillis what this was really all about. "We're punishing two miserable bastards for an awful crime" might have actually gone over better with him. Far too late for that now, and unwise for a multitude of reasons. Still, Sillis wasn't the sort to cover for a pair of rapists. His reluctance likely had more to do with Marlyn's choice of messenger than anything else. It was still something worth mentioning to the Lady of the house.

She sets out to track down Ser Lad and Ser Janel. The sooner they were reigned in, the better, and if Sillis was going to be a problem, well, better to know about that quickly as well.

Mr. Mask
2014-07-31, 01:41 PM
((Will be good when you can access the chat again, Props. Thank you for managing to post in the thread so often despite difficulties.))

Sillis nods and mutters an agreement, not committing anything more of his intentions than he has to. He doesn't know where Janel and Lad are, or at least he claims he doesn't. You make your way through the courtyard asking around for them, eventually hearing that they went into town. You can only hope they aren't up to mischief.

You head to the gates, where you can see Jon, Ton, Hon and Jorg, arguing about something stupid as normal. At least they weren't picking on old men. They greet you as you pass. You inquire if they've seen Lad and Janel, and they confirm they saw them go out a few hours ago. Plenty of time to cause trouble.

You make your way out of the gatehouse, passing the thick, mighty walls, walking through the long shadows they cast. The courtyard is pretty clean, with indoor plumbing and the like--but the outer wall is something of a mess. It was never intended to be a city, so conditions within are cramped and dirty. Things are barely organized, so the streets and alleys between the clay-brick houses are hard to get used to, and you get plenty of animals worsening traffic.

Children further this problem with their boredom, seeking to play tricks. In that respect you're lucky--a group of younglings just dance behind you, singing songs about the scary demon raiders of the Iron Islands. It isn't mean-spirited. As was said, they are bored.

It used to be that the villagers glued their eyes to you, a warrior woman and one of the "mythical" Iron Islanders was more fun than watching pigs fight. Now, they pay you about as much mind as they do the other Sers and Sworn Swords; maybe a bit less in that you have a reputation for not causing trouble. Several of them greet you politely, as they would other knights passing by. Most ignore you, and some greet you more closely than is befitting of Smallfolk behaviour. It's to be expected... This is a small community, and many of the smallfolk have roots from the barbarian tribes. Many of the farmers out there fight better than the archers on the wall--if they haven't been recruited as archers part-time or otherwise.

You get to the outer-wall at last--which while shorter and thinner than the inner-wall, you can't help but compare their impressive natures. You look far to the left, and far to the right, and admire how long this wall stretches. It was also something of a disadvantage for your situation... two contingents of archers weren't enough to hold the entire wall against an all out siege (though Grontar's Eagle Riders are a help). Still... it looked impressive enough to discourage sieges.

Finally, you come to the "town" outside the walls. A large collection of hovels with a disproportionate number of inns that took in wandering tribesmen or travellers on their way to somewhere important. There were other places, at least one brothel most likely, and a small market for the farmers to exchange goods. The atmosphere was a little tougher, meaner on the outside. There wasn't exactly enough room for everyone to come into the castle in the event of a siege, so there was some division between the outer and outside denizens.

There were more farmers in the little outside town, but also more outlaws, vagabonds, good-for-nothings, and dangerous tribal men who couldn't get true citizenship. If you counted all of them, the population of House Garish wasn't terribly low... but it was difficult to tax these people without a revolt, let alone expect them to bear arms and fight for this scrap of dirt. The outside area was somewhat cleaner, as there was space to spread out. The animals had better pens, but the buildings were even more haphazard than before, where a maze of alleys becomes an efficient alternative.

But enough of that... where were Janel and Lad? You were getting to feel more truth to Klain's accusation as you ask around for the knights. Though subtle, hard to place if you aren't looking for it, the people seemed to react more distinctly when it came to those two. Most said they hadn't seen them, instinctively. One large, shirtless man with a tribal look to him spat at their name, and said he saw them going outside the castle. Which is why you're here now.

It was amazing, how in such a small community, in a town with almost nowhere to be, two men could still disappear.

"Runa!" you hear a voice call at you. "Ser Runa!" Most hesitated to call you Ser. This fellow, Fran, a half-tribal man at arms, usually called you Lady Runa. Now, he sounded hurried, upset. "I'm so glad I found you," Fran breathed heavily, despite showing few signs of fatigue.

He looked about like he had a nervous twitch... what was the matter?

2014-07-31, 02:52 PM
Runa growls in annoyance after the eighth farmer answers her question with a fearful shrug, sending a few of the younger followers scurrying for cover, thinking their songs were responsible for her worsening mood. It would be hard enough to find the two knights in the tangled rabbit warren of alleys and endless hovels that filled the space between the walls. If they'd gone off into the wilds outside the castle, she might as well just give up and wait for them to return. She was about to start searching house by house when Fran came dashing up like his hair was on fire.

"Fran? What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost. By the Drowned God, man, take a breath before you keel over." Runa is on her guard immediately. If there were some huge crisis, Grontar or Sillis would be the one Fran went running to. Chasing her down meant one of her charges was in danger. It was instinctive, even if she knew it was illogical. The heirs were both in the castle last she knew, safest place they could be. They were both damn smart, and surrounded by the truest members of the household guard. They could look after themselves. This was something else.


Mr. Mask
2014-07-31, 02:57 PM
"I'm sorry," Fran says; acting like he's calmed down though he's no calmer than before. "But, Janel, he was-" recognition flashed in your eyes, intentionally or otherwise, and Fran picked it up at once like an attentive expert. "You know already?" he asks, blinking rapidly.

2014-07-31, 03:10 PM
"Depends on what you think I know, Fran. I'm looking for him, if that's what you mean. Ser Sillis wants to speak with 'em. What's he done, where is he? Lad with him?" Runa's somewhat evasive answer isn't helped by the white-knuckle grip she takes on her warhammer.

Mr. Mask
2014-07-31, 03:17 PM
Fran wasn't really known to be flighty. For him to be acting like this... The idea of a hostage situation comes to mind. Knights cause trouble, get caught, panic and take hostages--it has happened before, but usually with soldiers rather than anointed knights.

Fran looks at you a moment, quizzically. He finds your answer strange to a strange extent. "Runa," he says, fully neglecting Ser or other appropriate honourifics, as befit your rank, "Janel, is dead." He stares at you, visibly frightened, as though he's looking right through you. "Lad, is dead. Both of them, knights of the house, dead in the town....
"In broad daylight."


Prologue: House Garish of the Mountains of the Moon. Realm of the Mad Lord.


((You may now start reading each others' character threads and spoilers. At least, up to the point of this post. From the beginning of the next Chapter, Chapter 1, I hope you'll not look at each others' character threads and spoiler tags.))

2014-07-31, 03:18 PM
After a lot of thank you, mother, yes, mother and of course, mothers, Bartram excuses himself by saying.

"Father must be awake by now and is probably waiting for me. I'd better. We're going to discuss manly stuff, like who's the best fighter and such."

If she let's him, he leaves, taking Marlyn with him if possible.

Outside, he seems dissapointed and drawn inward.

She didn't even listen. She considers me a boy still... Mothers...

2014-07-31, 03:56 PM
The gods have a strange sense of humor. This is going to be trouble. Runa sighs, a tiny bit of relief mixed in with the resignation. Well, if Karn was telling the truth, these two got what was coming to them. Mighty big if. She sets about her new tasks quickly. "Right. Fran, go back to the bodies. Get any guards you can find, Grontar's boys, townsfolk you trust, somebody to help ya. These folk'll strip them bare otherwise. I'm going back to the castle. If I run across anyone I'll send 'em to help you."

Runa jogs back up toward the keep, looking for Ser Sillis. He would be able to organize a proper response to this. His odd response to the request earlier made the Ironborn wonder. Had he known something was afoot already, or had it been simple reluctance to "waste" two anointed knights soothing a young woman's nightmares? She hoped it was the latter.

Mr. Mask
2014-07-31, 04:13 PM
Chapter 1

Unsecret Murder


"Strip them?" Fran asks. He was barely taking anything in at the moment, but that order caught his attention. "But... they're knights!" he protests.

After you've reassured him of your orders, you forward to Ser Sillis. You attract much attention with your hurrying pace... which makes you realize just how unnoticed this murder has gone. Or... maybe the townspeople did it, and our playing dumb? That'd make things awkward.... you don't want any revolts.

As you go by guards, you alert them to the situation. While you aren't known for elaborate pranks, many still assume this must be one. Some are difficult to persuade otherwise, when they become aware you're saying Janel and Lad have died near the castle. You can see why... two skilled knights, dead in their own castle, without the place in uproar?

What is more surprising is that many of the men do believe you, responding professionally and helpfully. Several volunteer to dispatch messages to Grontar, to check on the Lord and Lady's security, and other such things. There are enough volunteers that you need to turn some down, saying that 'whatshisname is already doing that'. A few guards are too eager to abandon their posts, and you need to order them back in place. If there are assassins... you don't want them slipping past the gates. You consider ordering a lock-down, but only Sillis, Grontar, the heir, and the Lord and Lady themselves are allowed to do that.

Finally, you reach the training ground... where Sillis is not. You head to his office, and find him there. You expected him to look at you dourly until a good explanation was given... but instead, seeing you rush in, breathless for the speed you travelled and the orders you gave, he gave you his full attention. He was upright, alert. "Yes?" was all he said, giving you immediate leave to explain the situation.

You received a lot of information from your mother. Some of it was probably useful. Talking with your mother wasn't necessarily an unpleasant matter... but right now you're much too busy for her large quantities of small talk. At last you find an excuse to be on your way, without harming your mothers' feelings. Ser Aram greets you on your way out.

Marlyn in tow, Bartram makes his way toward his father's chambers. Though his sister is likely less apprehensive about seeing your father, she may at this time be considering a different chaperone, for speed's sake. But then, these talks are handy for learning what can be learned of upcoming social issues.

"Milord, milady," a soldier, Trist you think, says this to you while approaching quickly up the hall. "I am glad you are both well. I trust your mother and father are also well? That nothing is amiss?"

He looks nervous, hurried, and like he is tired from running.

You're making your progress towards town, when you see a rider approaching. His banner identifies himself as one of the house, though not an Eagle Rider. Grontar's men are more prepared than might seem necessary. Grontar may have to do something about this... preparation is all well and good, but visible and over-preparation wasn't doing much for the house's relations toward Grontar, or the Eagle Rider's relations towards the house.

"Master at arms," the messenger calls, his horse wheezing from the hard gallop, "you are requested to return with all speed, your force coming soon with you." The messenger, a soldier named Kaln you think, turns to Glaure and Tanar. "Master of the Hunt and Kennel Master... your services would also well be appreciated, if you could return to Moonlit Spire with all haste."

2014-07-31, 04:43 PM
Exhausted, as running in armor tends to make you, Runa spares a weary salute for Ser Sillis before launching into her explanation. "I was searching for Ser Lad and Ser Janel. Man said he saw them leave the castle, so I was looking down between the walls when Fran came running up like there was a dragon behind him. He said... he said he found 'em both dead, murdered in the middle of town in broad daylight."

Runa lets that sink in for a few seconds as she recovers her breath. "I sent Fran and a few men I met on the way back to look after the bodies, keep scavengers away. Volunteers from the guard are off looking for Grontar, wherever in the seven hells he's gone off to, and some others said they'd go to alert and look after the Lords and Ladies. Wanted to tell you myself, didn't want some farmboy getting the news wrong."

She stands back, at the world's most ragged attention stance. "Orders?"

Mr. Mask
2014-07-31, 05:06 PM
There is a silent conversation going on. You say, "Ser Janel and Ser Lad were murdered," and Ser Sillis says nothing; but you can read clearly on his face, "Ser Janel and Ser Lad were murdered?" and you answer, "yes they were," though you don't answer with words. For the two conversations you have, Ser Sillis does work out a course of action shortly after you finished speaking.

"We'll move one contingent of the archers to the outer wall, s'though it's just a drill," he begins, going out of his office to round up the appropriate officers. "Once they're on the wall, we'll tell them to keep their eyes for suspicious men on either side of it, particular in the towns or fleein' away from the castle. We'll also double the guard once the archers are out, and alert all the remaining knights to be on full alert."

It's a bit of surprise to hear Sillis speak to you like that. There's no resentment, aggression, annoyance. You wonder why he's even telling you. At last, he looks at you. "I need someone I can trust, who I can spare to look at the scene. I'm not leaving these walls until I'm sure there hasn't been an infiltration--that assassins aren't picking us off so they can get to his Lordship during the confusion. Go and look at poor Ser Janel and Ser Lad, see if you can find who did it. If Tanar or anyone else turns up who can help you, I order you to bring 'em to. Now go."

With that, Sillis begins preparing exactly what he said. The archers are starting to form up and head to the walls, as they often do at random times, as part of a drill.

2014-07-31, 05:25 PM
Tanar looks at the messanger. "For what urgent business, we have other matters at hand."

2014-07-31, 05:55 PM
Grontar saw the rattle of the weapons from his men as the messenger was approaching, and decided to turn towards his lieutenants with the most intimidating face he could, he did not speak, he knew that the clansmen would feel offended if asked to stand down, but they had to fear his reaction if he was going to be discredited for their doing.

With The Dornish guy gone, this was going to be a long day, and talking to the young master about it would've been a pain, sometimes he wished he knew how to deal with this kind of stuff, but he was born and raised from poor people, where, for most of the time, the strongest ruled.

He turned to his men
Raiders move out, 5 men will escort the ore cart. You, you, you, you and you he pointed the five that seemed to be the most too well prepared then he turned towards Guy YOu will be with me all the time. I hope the ser will enjoy my company, I will be sure to offer you salt and bread upon arrival he said mockingly, before turning to Tanar and Glaure

Let's go, Glaure are you fine with your wound?

2014-07-31, 09:55 PM
Marlyn allowed Bartram to answer the soldier. He had at least as much information as her insofar as her parents and the general state of things were concerned, and her brother's judgment of the aforementioned elements would likely be taken more seriously than Marlyn's own, making any comment she herself might make completely redundant. Noting the soldier's weary, state, however, Marlyn did take a moment to dote on him, straightening out any disarray his soldiery accoutrements might be in, while Bartram took whatever time he needed to answer the inquiry.

2014-07-31, 11:35 PM
"Yeah, just get someone to bandage me and I'll be good enough to do anything really"

And if worst comes to worst, I'll try to get into Myshah's head. I wonder how could I fight in the body of a bear...

2014-08-01, 02:11 AM
Bartram eyes the soldier questioningly. His hands moving towards his daggers (not the sword) almost automaticly.

"We're fine, of course, why wouldn't we? .. What's going on?

Mr. Mask
2014-08-01, 02:21 AM
"Thank you, milady," the soldier, Trist, manages at Marlyn's attendance. He straightens himself, and tries to make his breathing more seemly.

He doesn't seem nervous about the heir's reaction, scathingly to Bartram's pride. Even the soldiers underestimated him... "Milord, it is about Ser Lad and Ser Janel," Trist continues, gravely. He pauses for a moment, vexing Marlyn. "They're dead, milord. I saw them but an hour or two ago, but some brigands killed them right after, in the town and daylight."

By all the gods... In the household, Janel and Lad were two of the best fighters you had, behind Tanar, Runa, Grontar, and maybe Sillis. Grontar's Eagle Riders were often bested by them in mock duels, and they held significant potential for being chosen for the tournament melee. And they just up and died, in so safe a place?

"It might be best to retire to your rooms, milord, milady, until all's well," Trist says, helpfully. A bit forward for a servant, advising his lord and lady like children. He seems in a hurry, and is waiting for your leave to go and check on your mother and father.

Grontar's rebuke seems to pay off, and the eagles seem disgraced. It was unfortunate to find Tarrik among the five you picked. You hoped your officers had more understanding of relations than this.

Guy smiles and nods in agreement at the order to come.

Grontar urges on Tanar and Glaure, who find themselves travelling quickly with most of the Eagle Riders. The messenger explains as you move. "In the town outside castle Moonlit Spire, two knights were killed--in broad daylight." He leaves this a moment, for the fact to sink in... Two anointed knights, warriors, killed in front of their fortress within a town, in the light of day?

"We don't know whose responsible," the messenger continues. And they got away... great. Either it's a smallfolk uprising, or the most dangerous tribal assassins Grontar or anyone else has heard of. "The knights who died..." the messenger, Tenan was probably his name, "are Ser Janel and Ser Lad."

Oh... by thunder and wrath. Janel and Lad were two of your best knights. There might be five men in the castle you can name who are better, of that five Grontar and Tanar, but even then it's still a close match. The Eagle Riders seem worried. First Yern who they liked and were teaching a thing or two, and now Janel and Lad who had their respect. If those two could be killed in the middle of the town in the daylight, without being caught, then even Lord Kelry Garish and you, his best warriors have reason for concern.

"Ser Runa Ironbreaker is the one that found 'em, I hear," Tenan continues. Should it really be "Ser" Runa? You're not sure.

Either way... three knights gone in one day? This will be terrible for morale. Even beside the point of the fear and uncertainty it brings to the troops, the archers of House Garish were already short of officers. *+3 Discipline Penalty to Archers, until this matter is settled.*

2014-08-01, 02:28 AM
Bartram eyes open wider as the soldier tells of the Sers. The consequences of this slowly filtering in.

Our finest Sers, the tournament, the town....

"I'm to old to just go and hide. Besides, it happened in town, the castle should still be secure. Send Runa to us for protection when you've checked on our parents. We've got to get to the bottom of this."

"Marlyn, stay with me, we've got to find Ser Sellis!"

2014-08-01, 02:32 AM
Marlyn slipped her hand from the man's shoulder, as she was straightening out an armored pad there for him. She had a surprised look on her face, green eyes widened just a bit, as there was no way she was expecting that exact reason for his flustered presence. After a moment of shock, those same eyes narrowed just slightly, and if either man were paying attention, they might have gotten a glimpse of whatever was beneath the soft and pretty girlish shell that surrounded Marlyn, and to the shrewd young lady beneath.

But when those few heartbeats passed by, like sands through the hourglass, that same perfect serene expression took over her features. She gave the soldier's back a little pat, as if to say that he was presentable now, at last, and then she stepped back to her brother, to one side, and just a half step behind him.

"Two knights killed by bandits." Her voice hinted at the scandal of the mere thought of such things. "Yes, let us find Ser Sellis and instruct him to have his men put these bandits in their place without hesitation."

Mr. Mask
2014-08-01, 02:42 AM
"Yes milord," the soldier responds. He then moves to do exactly as you have said.

You make your way out of the castle, a few guards attempting to convince you to go back to your rooms and wait until it's safe. It's getting harder to be patient as the event reoccurs...

You make it to the courtyard, where you find a contingent of the archers preparing themselves. Had they found an enemy? Were they going to battle? Looking closer, it seems to be an ordinary drill--as they rush toward the outer wall in the same ordered manner as all the other times. Was this really the time for a drill?

You see Runa amongst the mass of troops, and flag her to come over as you make your way to Ser Sillis.

Ser Sillis looks to be making himself as busy as possible, despite the unreasonable shortage of things to do during such a crisis. "Young master." he says, when he sees you. "Young mistress. You both ought be in your rooms." Though you have heard this suggestion many times, it didn't sound like a suggestion, and it didn't sound annoying. It was more like a scolding from your own father, a feeling of disapproval from an authority figure in your lives. He probably was your father's most trusted advisor, after all.

"What makes you come here?" he asks, full expecting you to ask a few questions then head to your rooms. You think Runa might be approaching--or she might be afraid of nearing Sillis again.

Mr. Mask
2014-08-01, 02:46 AM
As you move to follow your orders or otherwise, you see the heir Bartram and lady Marlyn coming out of the castle. Was this really a good time for the heir and daughter of the house to be strolling about? Bartram waves at you, beckoning you to approach him--a difficult task at this time, with the mass of troops moving through the courtyard. You see the pair approach Ser Sillis, demoralizing your effort to approach. Still... it might be hard to refuse.

2014-08-01, 02:49 AM
Bartram reacts to the scolding as a fourteen your old boy would, lowering his head in shame. But then his temper flares up.

"I will one they command armies in the field, run this house AND have matters like these dealt with. I should be watching and learning at least. Besides, it's not like the castle is under threat..... Is it?"

Mr. Mask
2014-08-01, 02:56 AM
Capitan of the Guard Sillis doesn't look impressed, but he does look to understand. "I don't believe the castle is under threat, young master," he agrees with you, "but whoever men could kill Ser Janel and Lad - rest their souls - are dangerous and capable. I've known where a murder's used to distract the guard, so assassins could strike at the lord or heir. An enemy you can't see can be just as dangerous as an army." Sillis doesn't sound harsh as he says this, though his point is made firmly.

2014-08-01, 03:05 AM
"Alright, we'll need to have Runa and Glaure and his bear with us. She can detect threats quite well."

"Any news on what happened? The whole thing strikes me as strange. Why would bandits kill them in town, were there are many withnesses and they can more easily ambush them elsewhere. I don't the smallfolk would be capable of killing the Sers, and if they did, at least a couple of them should be hurt or dead. Besides, why would they kill those who protect them?"

"I know one thing. This spells trouble for the upcoming tournament. We can't leave with trouble here, and we lost two of our best fighters."

"What's your plan, Ser Sellis?"

Mr. Mask
2014-08-01, 03:17 AM
"Glaure is away," Sillis states. Though you're pretty sure Glaure will have been recalled already.

Sillis is then quite for a moment, as he considers what you said. He realizes why you said it. "We don't know if it was bandits," he corrects. "Fran, a soldier, found the bodies in the village outside the walls. Doesn't seem anyone knows what happened, though I sent someone to inquire that."

He nods in agreement when you mention the smallfolk. How would they kill two knights without the alarm being raised, and with no casualties among them? And why on earth would they try to kill poor Ser Janel and Ser Lad, their protectors?

"Indeed you are correct young Master, this isn't a state of affairs we can have before the tournament. We'll be the talk of the Mountains of the Moon for a feat of arms, but not our feat! I've sent the archers to the outer wall, where they'll keep watch for trouble in or out of the castle. The rest are here on alert with the guard doubled. Grontar's Eagle Riders will patrol around the castle and check the neibouring tribes and villages, in case the killers have fled to there. With the blessing of the gods, we'll find the cretins through investigation. Until then... my men wait--alert and ready."

2014-08-01, 03:18 AM
Marlyn lifted her chin, not at all cowed by Ser Sellis' misbehavior, nor of her brother's rising irritation at being treated like a child. Whether the fact that she was not cowed was due to bravery on her part, or if she simply did not understand what was going on, was a matter of debate.

"Of course the castle is not under threat. We have the utmost faith in your abilities, Ser Sellis, and as my brother says, we are quite interested in your plans for defense." She smiled at him, and brushed her soft fingers, fingers that had never seen a day of hard work, over his forearm in a gentle comforting motion. "Rest assured, my brother simply wishes to lend his considerable authority to the resolution of this incident. That would help significantly, yes? And of course, the men would appreciate knowing that the heir of the House was taking a personal matter in the harm done to two of their own, I would imagine. But of course you know all this -- silly me." She smiled angelically. "Forgive me for stating the obvious, Ser Sellis." She gave his forearm a light squeeze and withdrew her hand.

"You are wise to be concerned with assassins. But if the men who killed two of our finest warriors were also so stealthy as to gain entrance to our castle, I don't think the simple wooden doors that protect our rooms would pose much of an obstacle to them either. Oh Seven Heavens, I can imagine it now." She smiled beautifully. "Their faces concealed by dark scarves, blood splattered long knives in their hands -- knives crafted of valyrian steel of course -- prizes granted to them as a sign of their mastery of the arts of infiltration and murder, and then they come across -- a door."

She deepened her voice, an obvious imitation of a dramatically scary man's voice. "Well, we'll have to turn back now, they've shut the doors to their rooms. We've been outsmarted this time ...."

After a brief pause, disarming not just Ser Sellis but her brother with her wit and charm, she quickly added as if an afterthought. "Ser Sellis." She was back to using her soft and yielding good-girl tone. "I am to understand that the slain knights in question, in addition to being among our finest warriors, also had a reputation of trouble-making and scandal among the smallfolk. Would you care to illuminate my brother as to the highlights of the accusations made against them, so that my brother can be aware of potential motives in the attack that would leave them both dead?"

Mr. Mask
2014-08-01, 03:37 AM
((Runa might have been listening to this conversation since the start. Consider looking through the previous Marlyn and Bartram tags and deciding how much Runa heard.))

Sillis looks completely miserable. He didn't enjoy being played with by his lord's little girl, but he was not a man to speak against a lady--especially not the beloved daughter of the beloved house that was his. "You make fair points, young mistress," he concedes, bitterly. "It is still my task to see you both well. And what may make the soldiers happy is not always gain worth risks." It is true he was only concerned with your safety. Since he lost his position as Master at Arms, that's all he's had...
"So long as you are near skilled, alert soldiers guarding you, I suppose it is well," you feel some sympathy for Sillis, so hurt by being agreeable.

At the mention of Lad and Janel's crimes, Sillis looks surprised. "I'm not sure I know what you mean, milady," he says, confused. Marlyn watches him closely... but he doesn't seem to be deceiving you. He did not expect this point to arise, and is trying to think of what you might be referring to. He does seem to be thinking of something, but his expression doesn't speak of a sinister thing. "They were rowdy boys, surely, but I never knew them to cause serious concern. Why anyone would want to lay them dead... I can't say for knowing."

2014-08-01, 03:53 AM
Inside, Bartram chuckles a little as he is reminded of his sister's wits. He realises how unpleasant it must be for Ser Sellis though, so he doesn't show it.

Whomever she will marry, if he isn't made out of some fine wood, I know who will be really running the house.

"Don't take it to bad, Ser, common procedures don't always make sense. We'll be sure to stay around armed guards at all times."

As his sister speaks ill words of the sers, he looks slightly confused. Raising his eyebrows in response.

"What do you know, Marlyn? I have not heard about any of this."

2014-08-01, 04:07 AM
Marlyn's voice was lowered, to a tone more suited to conspiracy than idle chit-chat. "If two of our finest knights, sworn to our service, and representing our House, were accused of crimes, it would do no one any good to speak openly of the details of the accusations, unless the evidence was unquestionable. Unfortunately, to the best of my knowledge, there has always been some doubt as to the veracity of these accusations." Marlyn adjusted the laces of her dress uncomfortably as she spoke of this.

"There's an old man, named Gren." She looked at Bartram, straight on for a moment. "He could tell you more. But do keep in mind that if there is a conspiracy behind the deaths of our sworn swords, I have no reason to believe that Gren was not involved. Thus meeting with him might be dangerous -- and having him taken by arms might provoke more violence and chaos."

2014-08-01, 04:19 AM
That made 3 dead sworn swords in one day, too many to be pure coincidence, and too well planned to be the bear tribes, the situation was becoming problematic, someone was attacking them, not in the way he was used to, but in more subtle way, and they did know their house to plan so well the killings. He had to talk with the young master and his sister, if someone was trying to kill her or him...

"Where are the young masters now? and tell me where to find Runa. You are getting a fresh horse and run back to the castla, find the young master and his sister and tell sir sellis to send for some body guards for the masters, I will take care of that when we will be there, but I don't want them to be alone in the meantime."

Then he looked at Tanar, Glaure and Guy "I think the young merylin will be safer than his brother, but the young master is the only heir to the lord, and his sister is bethroted, if the young master is going to be killed it means the end of House Garish"

2014-08-01, 04:31 AM
At his sisters words, Bartram's irritation flares up again.

"You are right to be careful to whom we speak of such things. But Ser Sellis here has been with the house for a long time, so I see no reason why you can't tell me here. But if you'd like, we could find somewhere less open. I'd rather get the information from my sister, then to have to speak with the town elder, while knowing nothing. Besides I do not like it when you speak in riddles to me. So tell me."

"Speaking of which, have one of the guard invite him to come to the castle to speak of the current events. In a polite way, worthy of his station."

"And as for our investigation of the scene, please send Glaure to me right away when he comes in."

2014-08-01, 06:40 AM
"Yes, there is something fishy going on." Tanar responded. "I don't think one bodyguard is enough for the little lord." He thinks for a bit before saying. "Three knights killed. In broad daylight. On the same day. What the hell is going on?"

2014-08-01, 07:52 AM
Runa gets caught in the middle of the throng, halfway across the courtyard when Bartram and Marlyn appear. She hems and haws for a moment before choosing to obey Bartram, turning back towards Sillis and the heirs. "Move, you bastards!" scatters enough of the archers to let her approach. Aside from a curt nod to the Lord and Lady, she remains silent and motionless, standing next to Marlyn.

"Ser Sillis has ordered me to town, to see to the bodies and look into who did this. I can deliver this request to the elder. I imagine we'll be speaking anyway."

2014-08-01, 08:01 AM
"I was hoping to keep you with us for protection, but I suppose it would be good to send someone trustworthy, and uneager to start lobbing off heads without a proper investigation. Take Glaure with you, if you will, and tell him to investigate the scene were the bodies were found. He should be coming back any moment soon, and I doubt the elder will be going anywhere fast. I'll speak to him when he gets back."

2014-08-01, 08:45 AM
Marlyn seemed poised to ignore Bartram's childish complaints, and also his request that she simply just tell him what he wanted to know. As far as she was concerned, that simply was not how the world worked. While it was certainly fit for smallfolk and common born hedge knights to rush about waggling their tongues in gossip and second hand speculation, it would be quite unseemly for someone of her lofty station to speak ill of the knights without proof -- twice as much since they were now in the hands of the Stranger.

No, if Bartram would drink of the brew of wisdom, he would do so directly from the tap. She would not be compelled otherwise. She had said enough on the matter, perhaps even too much.

She began to dote on Bartram, smoothing her fingers through his hair and making sure each strand found its proper place.

"It would be a foolish man who would poison the castle's grain in order to kill a rat."

2014-08-01, 09:37 AM
Angrily, Bartram swats away his sisters hand.

Now even his sister started to belittle him. Every nerve in him firing in irritation, blood rushing to his head. It was clear he was about to burst out in anger at being defied so openly. His mind raced at what was going on.

Why is she doing this?! Two of our trusted knights are suddenly dead, and suddenly she mentions accusations, but refuses to tell me. She's just messing with me. And what is this saying about rats and poison? ....

Suddenly, Bartram seems to regain his composure, at least a forced version of it, as if he has made up his mind.

"Fine, keep your riddles then."

"Good work on those defences, ser Sellis. Keep me updated and let me know when the elder arrives."

Next he turns and while childishly ignoring his sister, he walks off, to see his father.

2014-08-01, 10:03 AM
"I would prefer to be protecting you as well, but I suppose this task must fall to someone." Runa blanches as the mention of Glaure. "I trust his bear more than I trust the magician from the swamps, but... he does know a great many things." She sighed. Personal suspicions could not get in the way of her duty. "If I see him I will bring him along."

Runa fights back the urge to cuff Bartram upside the head as he storms off, and sighs once more as she turns to Marlyn. "I will find what I can, proof one way or the other. Hopefully you won't have to keep beating about the bush like that. Please stay safe, milady." With that, she begins making her way back through the milling crowd back toward the path to town.

Mr. Mask
2014-08-01, 10:12 AM
((Sorry if this is contradictory to your splitting up. Hadn't noticed the new replies as I was writing this.))

Outside the walls, Grontar and his cronies are approached by a second messenger.

"Master Arms, Ser Sillis requests you send the Eagle Riders to patrol around the castle, in the neighbouring villages and inns, and any other places escapees may have fled to. If your presence is not required with your Eagles, Captain Sillis also requests you to aid in the investigation and security of the castle."

The messenger turns to Glaure and Tanar. "Masters of the Hunt and Kennels, you are also requested to aid in matters of security and investigation, if you will come with me."

Presuming willingness on your parts, you are approached by another messenger. "Heir Garish Bartram requests the presence of Kennel Master Glaure to see him within the inner walls."
"He is meant to see Runa to aid her in the investigation," the first messenger protests.
"When last I saw Runa, she was also with the young master by the keep and Ser Sillis," the third replies.

You soon find yourselves heading for the inner wall. Going through the town is no different than before, and yet it feels tense for what little knowledge you have. Archers line the outer wall, watching inside and out for signs of suspicion or attack. Hopefully, this will keep the murderers from further activity. At least, until it becomes dark...

Once inside the inner wall, everything feels much safer. You hope there's truth to that feeling. You spot Runa, an easy sight to pick up, along with Marlyn and the heir Bartram.

In the time it took the Masters of Arms, Hounds and Hunts to arrive, along with their friends Ser Glim and Ser Guy, the conversation had progressed a ways.

"No, you stay by the children," Ser Sillis says, apparently in answer to Runa. He calls out to a messenger, and tasks him to fetch "old Gren".

Sillis returns his attention to the "children". "Don't quarrel fair master and mistress. I'll see Gren here, and you can ask him as to whatever lady Marlyn has heard of Ser Lad and Ser Janel. If there's much worth discussing, I'm sure old Gren will tell you."

The messenger returns. "Captain, Gren has taken ill, and apologizes that he cannot leave his home," the messenger says, bringing a sour look to Sillis. "Though he said he'd admit visitors." The messenger adds quickly.

2014-08-01, 10:26 AM
Being suddenly surrounded by the group of warriors, Bartram falls silent.

"Nothing can go right today. The gods seem to be playing with us. But I guess we'll have to go and visit him then, right Ser Sellis?"

2014-08-01, 10:26 AM
"Thank you, Runa. As always, you are treasured beyond measure."

To Ser Sillis she responded, "There is no quarrel here. We are, as we have always been, in perfect alignment, though it is justifiable that you could misunderstand. But now that I have corrected your understanding, please let it be the truth of the matter, should you feel the urge to tell tales in the future. We would be most disappointed should we heard of rumors being spread due to your misunderstanding." She put her hand again on Sillis' forearm and gave it a friendly, sympathetic squeeze, but a strong one all the same, to emphasize how important appearances were to her.

Mr. Mask
2014-08-01, 11:08 AM
Sillis doesn't look happy at the idea presented by Bartram. "The others may well go and question Gren, but his place in the town isn't secure enough for the heir or the daughter of the house." The idea of the others crosses your minds... and the main thought that presents itself is Grontar scaring the daylights out of an old man whether he knows something or not.

Being a simple man, Sillis doesn't understand the deeper meanings of Marlyn's correction, mistaking it for childish defensiveness against the fact they were quarrelling. "Of course, milady," he agrees automatically.

"Runa," Sillis says to Runa, "take the the lord and lady to their rooms, and post guards at the doors, then aid Ser Grontar and the other two with the investigation. Glim!" He turns to Ser Glim, sharply.
Glim tenses. "Ser?"
"Come with me, I could do with an extra man."

With that, Sillis begins to leave to return to other duties.

2014-08-01, 12:46 PM
Grontar looked at the second messenger and took a look at, he called for the best trackers of his raiders and assigned them 15 men each telling them to scout the outer walls and the outskirts of the fortress for track. He took with him the last ten of his men while going towards the place he was told he would be able to get to Sellis.

With Guy on his side he looked at him and shrugged "you did not chose a good time to seek lord Garish, my friend".

He continued to ride towards the makeshift town looking for Sellis and Gren. At least he was in good terms with the smallfolk of the town, as well as most of his men, that could probably help in the search for the murderer

2014-08-01, 09:59 PM
Runa relaxes the tiniest amount as she sees Grontar and Tanar arrive, acknowledging them with a wave over the herd of guards milling about the courtyard. She was even a bit glad to see Glaure, for a change (Well, happy to see Myshah. She was a better deterrent against any assailants than a whole squad of archers.).

She gives a small bow to the heirs. "Milord, milady, you heard Ser Sillis's orders. I must obey, but... She pauses, picking her words carefully. "He does not command you. I think his advice wise, but I can not, and will not force you to return to the keep."

Mr. Mask
2014-08-01, 10:15 PM
((No need for spoilers now, I reckon :smalltongue:. I'm also going to assume you don't say that so Sillis can hear. He was leaving anyway, unless someone stops him. Looking forward to Bartram and Marlyn's replies.))

2014-08-01, 10:53 PM
Marlyn nodded slightly to Runa's assessment of the situation. All the same, she wondered if the subtleties and protocols that dangled around them like so many slender strings were invisible to the blunt gaze of the knights and her brother. When she had acted in accordance to the traditions of honor, respect and hierarchy, her brother had chastised her for speaking in riddles. Now, when she saw so clearly what should be done, and how best to do it, she felt oppressed by that very same tradition of hierarchy that made her brother's word carry all the weight between them.

She muttered a silent prayer to the Maiden for guidance, and moments later, she took on a pleasant, relaxed and innocent expression. "I shall support whatever my brother decides."

2014-08-02, 04:01 AM
The fourteen year old boy, stares at Ser Sellis back, pondering about what to do.

Then, as Runa speaks up, a small grin begins to form on his face.

"I wonder if there's a riddle in there, sister of mine. But I'll assume not. It is clear to me that Ser Sellis is handling this situation to lightly, only thinking about the safety and security of these walls and us. That is not how I envision the future of the house. We need the smallfolk, just as much as they need us, and hiding doesn't improve any of this. I want this trouble settled quickly, and done right, in a way that leaves all parties satisfied. We're going to see the elder, and I want all of you to accompany us, as well as your eagle rider patrol."

"Now let's go, and not a word of this to Ser Sellis, before we return."

If they reach the town without problems, he orders the patrol to wait outside the town, within screaming distance of the elder's house.

2014-08-02, 06:37 AM
"As you commands my lord." Tanar replies and follows Bartram.

2014-08-02, 10:54 AM
Marlyn paused just a moment to pluck a pair of flowers, one, a pale red and orange flower and the other a gray-violet bloom, both that grew wild in a tuft of weeds next to the outer castle wall. She tugged at the stem of the red and orange flower, pinching it close to the flower and stripping it of the scraggly leaves, before bringing it to her hair and tucking it in place with a smoothing brush of her fingers. When she was finished with the small task, she joined the band of lunatics that was intent on marching into the smallfolk village to try to force their way to the truth, as if the truth were some kind of military prize.

She smiled a bit at the thought, and the corresponding image of this mighty band of heroes fighting their way past bloody dagger wielding master assassins (all clad in black, naturally), toward a shining white and silver flag of Justice and Honor. Bartram would grab that flag and hoist it up, a shining light of purity and noble might, scintillating and penetrating, would shine over all the Garish lands.

But standing so close to the light, and with his gaze dazzled by staring so intently upon it, poor Bartram's perspective would never show the shadows cast by his glow. Only by standing aside, quiet and watchful, could one see that the brighter the light ... the deeper the shadows.

She handed the gray-violet flower to Tanar with a smile. "To bring you luck. For our adventure."

2014-08-02, 11:46 AM
Tanar took the flower from Marlyn's hands. "Thank you my lady." He said as he stuck it into his belt, next to his hand axe. "If I may ask, for what reason is it lucky?" He then quickly added. "..My lady."

2014-08-02, 11:58 AM
"Do you also worry about why the sun shines, or the birds sing?" Marlyn took a moment to neaten the flower's position on his belt.

2014-08-02, 12:53 PM
"No I don't my lady." He answered his littlesister. "The sun shines because that is it's purpose. If it did not shine it would be no sun. Birds sing to impress potential mates and proclaim territories. But it does not lie in a flower's nature to be lucky, I am simply wondering what about this flower in particular that makes it lucky, my lady."

2014-08-02, 04:13 PM
"Oh, by all the gods, Tanar, just let her give you something pretty. The flower is lucky because it'll keep me from mistaking you for a brigand in the middle of battle. Now come on, we don't have all day." Runa is not a philosopher.

2014-08-02, 04:37 PM
While they travel, Bartram curses himself for not taking the time to don his armor and get his trusted horse Feisty. A bit later he moves next to his older companion, noticing he's not his usual self.

"Hi there, Glaure. What's going on, is something wrong?"

Mr. Mask
2014-08-02, 04:49 PM
As the heir decided, you make your way to Gren's. At first, the guards think to question you on leaving when there seemed to be danger, but the sight of Grontar and others was enough to cut their words short. You might have said something extra to make certain they did not alert Captain Sillis.

Despite the changes, the town doesn't seem changed from earlier in the day. The officers were instructed to keep the men from speaking about the incident, and they were not permitted their usual breaks which would have allowed them to gossip in taverns. It was still rather surprising how remote and unknown the incident was to the people. There was, however, one difference. Seeing the Masters of Arms, Kennels, Hunting, Ironborn Runa, and the heir and daughter of the house together--it was treated like a kind of procession or parade by the people, an amusement for them to gawk at in curiosity. Everyone seemed in high spirits to watch the procession go by, specially the bored children.

You arrive at Gren's house, but not easily. Several of you knew where it was among the inner village, and couldn't tell it from the others by appearance. It was clay brick as the others, grey in appearance, with a couple of open windows with heavy shutters, and two rain barrels on the roof which could be reached by ladder.

Gren's wife Marta approaches you as you come near, bowing in the tribal fashion instead of curtseying. She was quite younger than Gren, but was herself growing aged. She had long silver hair in a braid, mild wrinkles in her tanned skin. Glittering brown eyes look back at you. "This way my lords, my ladies," Marta says, leading you inside.

The house is small, and very simple. You could scarce find a worldly possession if you had been willing to overturn the place. The best you can think of are the items of worship to the Seven and the Old Gods--as well as some idols you are less familiar with to do with local gods.

"Welcome to my home, my lords, my ladies," Gren grins. He nods to Grontar, knowing the man well and feeling this is the best greeting between them. "I thought you may visit, but had not expected the heir and daughter of the house. Let me look at you..."

Gren frowns, squinting slightly, drawing into question the value of his eyesight. Beyond that, he didn't seem as unwell as you may have expected--in fact, it didn't seem that he could be unwell. Gren was huge, nearly so big as Myshah the bear. His long flowing black hair and black beard did much to emphasize this, and what you could see of his arms were also ripe with hair. He looked strong enough to break a man in two with his hands, and it was difficult to believe he was one of the oldest men in the castle.

Gren smiled. "You look as growing to be a fine lord, my lord," he tells Bartram, with the confidence of an expert. "And you, my lady, are already so fair as your mother; soon to be fairer. It is blessed that I now see you both, at the peak of your youth."

Gren's smile faded a bit, now that the pleasantries were dispensed with. "Marta, bring something for our guests," he says, and Marta moves to do so with practised grace. "I am old, long in years, and unwell... but if there is something you need ask, I might be of help."

2014-08-02, 05:24 PM
While walking past the gate, Bartram greets the guards in a stern and serious manner, and if they are the same men as before. "Ton and Vorg, was it? Should Ser Sellis ask for me, tell him that I'll be back shortly." Then, he moves on.

On the outskirts of the village he orders most of the patrol to wait, taking only 5 additional guards with him into the village besides the others.

In the village Bartram feels a bit uneasy. Not only realising that the villagers have seen far to few members of his family, but also feeling his future responsibility growin with every villager he sees. He nods every now and smiles at the children.

Three of the guards (one to function as a messenger) are left outside the door of Gren's house and two more are send around the back, to ensure no one can approach unnoticed.

"Tanar and Glaure, as masters of the hounds and hunt I assume you would be most capable at investigating crime scenes? Could you have a look at it? Besides, we don't want to overburden Gren's welcome here. Runa and Grontar will protect us inside."

He then enters, nodding in respect to Gren's wife, before continueing to the "old" man.

"Your kind words are appreciated, dear elder. It is a surprise visit indeed, I hope you are well enough to receive us, for if not, we could come back at another time?"

2014-08-02, 05:44 PM
Tanar Nods to Bartram. "We shall do so my lord."

Mr. Mask
2014-08-02, 06:10 PM
Tanar leaves on his way to try and find the scene of the murder. If Glaure heeds order, he goes as well.

Upon Bartram's question to Gren, he replies, "I am not in the grave just yet." near-snorting at the notion of being unable to speak. "Even a dying man ought be capable of rendering news of his passing. Be well asking whatever i'tis you came for."

Marta returns, having not left long, with some kind of strange tea, made with grassy herbs. She must have had been boiling the water before your arrival. The tea has a strange, earthy taste, and is bitter and strong. There are also wild fruits she has brought for you, mostly berries. Some of them are sour, but most are sweet--helping to fight the bitter taste of the tea. The contrast of the flavours could be quite desirable, with a developed taste.

Tanar, and any who go with him, are having difficulty finding where the bodies are. Runa had not seen exactly where they had been left. At last, after inquiring with some of the archers on the outer wall, you find where Fran stands, with the two dead knights Ser Lad and Ser Janel. There are a few guards waiting around the area as well; looking about with some nervousness, but largely used to the thrill of the situation and now making idle chatter to try and amuse themselves. Fran still looks agitated, unable to think of much else than the dead Sers.

There are a few villagers around as well, staring at the bodies from afar, or just wandering past about their business.

What is your first action in investigation?

2014-08-02, 06:56 PM
Tanar bends down and inspects the wounds. (Without sticking hands inside anybody just yet.)

Mr. Mask
2014-08-02, 07:54 PM
Ser Lad lies on his chest with his legs curled up. There is much blood pooling beneath him, but none seems to be on his back or sides. Turning him over, you are having difficulty finding where the wound is. You search for a while, getting yourself dirty with Lad's blood. Finally, you find the source of the wound. A round hole in Lad's breastplate, over his heart. Clotted, dried blood covers the gap now.

Lad's breastplate had always been poorly made, more for show than protection, but it is still impressive to bore such a hole through an armoured plate. It could be done with a stilleto dagger, but such would be very difficult. Maybe some sort of heavy weapon with a pick-point? It is still impressive for it to land squarely over Ser Lad's heart. It could have been a crossbow bolt or arrow with a rounded point, but if so it has been removed--without any of the normal signs you'd expect from removing such a missile from the wound.

Janel, meanwhile, is lying on his back, also in a pool of blood. his face and upper body is covered by his own crumpled up, blood and dirt stained cape. You find no sign of wounds on the front of him, but you find a terrible gash though his thick mail armour on his back, severing his spine. It seems a heavy blade was responsible, an axe or a thick sword. It was a poerful, impressive cut... nearly took him in two, despite his armour.

2014-08-02, 08:36 PM
Runa stands impassively behind the heirs, silent during the introductions. Gren and Marta seemed kind enough, but the town elder was an enormous man, and he seemed rather spry for someone so old and supposedly unwell. She would take no chances. That included the refreshments brought out. "One moment, milady." As the tea was poured, Runa reached over and took the first cup poured, taking a drink of the bitter brew before Bartram or Marlyn could be served. As the Ironborn doesn't immediately keel over, she smiles apologetically. "A bit of foolishness on my part, no doubt. A recipe I didn't recognize, and it would make for a poor evening for everyone if the Lord and Lady were to take ill."

2014-08-02, 10:26 PM
Marlyn smiled with thanks to the woman for the tea, but following Runa's caution, she decided to pass on drinking it, at least in the immediacy of the moment. While she saw some sign that the Seven were respected here, and along with it, most likely the customs of hospitality, she did note signs of other gods. Did the barbarian gods allow for poisoning guests under one's own roof? Marlyn did not know.

She took the few moments of the tea service and the short back and forth between Bartram and Gren to size up the situation on a social level. Was there any undue anxiousness that might hint on unspoken guilt? Subtle furtiveness that might hint at subterfuge? Those young green eyes of hers were adept at evaluating the hidden truth that was so often spoken in the silence between words.

You may use Awareness to look into the hearts of others and perceive
the truthfulness of what they say and whether or not they seem genuine.
Make an Awareness test against your target’s passive Deception result,
with a success revealing the target’s general disposition toward you
or the topic of your conversation. Attaining additional degrees reveal a
greater sense about the target’s motivations, attitudes and so on.

Awareness Roll:

Mr. Mask
2014-08-03, 01:02 AM
Gren watches as Runa drinks Marlyn's tea. He then wordlessly reaches over, takes Bartrams tea and Runa's, then takes a sip from each, putting them back in place.The sarcasm is plain in the gesture, but it isn't meant with a particularly mean spirit. Perhaps slightly annoyed. Notably, he didn't take Grontar's, likely presuming this was unnecessary between them with their experience with each other.

"We have water, and a little wine," this offer doesn't appear sarcastic.

2014-08-03, 06:44 AM
"This tea will do fine, thank you."

Then his face takes a more serious look.

"I'm sure you've already know what tragedy has happened in the village. Two of our knights have been found dead here, inside the village. They were fine warriors, and we want to know who did this, and why. To find out, we'll need your help."

He then turns to Grontar and Marlyn. "Please, if you could tell him what little we know."

Empathy on his reaction to the statement that he already knows. [roll][roll0]

Mr. Mask
2014-08-03, 07:55 AM
The tea cup* pauses halfway to Gren's mouth. Then, he drinks from it. "Two knights?" he asks. "Where?" He does not yet seem shocked, not realizing the full situation of how they were killed.

*: It isn't like a fancy teacup. Merely a round, tall, thick, clay bowl that you put drinks in.

2014-08-03, 08:47 AM
Marlyn was less than pleased by Gren's behavior. While it was impolite for her to not drink the offered tea, it was doubly so for him to call attention to that fact through his action. This was likely why her parents seldom invited smallfolk to dinner. At any rate, Marlyn had the grace of nobility to pretend like she wasn't offended at all. Instead, she wrapped herself in the veil of innocence, as if she simply had no idea what was going on with the tea, or what Runa was talking about. No, Marlyn, to all appearances, seemed completely befuddled.

After taking a moment to compose herself, she spoke on the matter that Bartram seemed interested in. "My brother wishes to hear the smallfolk gossip about Ser Lad and Ser Janel, and the many misdeeds that have been attributed to the two knights over the time of their service to our House. You have come to our attention as the expert in such matters."

Mr. Mask
2014-08-03, 09:00 AM
"A pity..." Gren says, taking a handful of berries, "they were fine swords. My condolences to their kin and sword brothers." None of you can tell if this is genuine sympathy or not. Tribal men tended to have great respect for skill at arms, and little care for misdeeds.
"As for what I have heard of the boys... they certainly were a rough pair," he says. "Fighting is rough work the same, I admit. If you care to know full about the vulgar nature of those boys, I have heard an odd thing here or there. It would take the better part of the day to give tell of the subject--but I'm supposin' you wish to know who might try to kill them."

Gren looks around the room, checking your faces. "There are a number of men they crossed in the past, but you might as well interrogate the whole town sooner than chase 'em all. I can't say one or two men should be enough to lay down the Sers. Where did they die? How did they die?"

2014-08-03, 09:38 AM
Grontar was quiet for most of the time while at Gren's, leaving the young master and his sister to speak, he had heard rumors on the two sworn swords, but if there were some good assassins or fighters among the smallfolk, well they would be probably part of his own riders. He looked at the masters and then Gren

Gren, I do know some rumors on the two lads, but also the Dornish lad was killed today, or in the last few days, and three dead swords in few days can't be a coincidence. And I do not think there is some good fighter in the town who would be able to make this deed

A pause before looking for the young master

Young master, my idea is that our house is in dire danger, we all know the Master health, and you do not have any offspring being so young. If you won't have any support for your defence you would be an easy target for either an assassin or a really unprofitable deal with our enemies.

Mr. Mask
2014-08-03, 09:53 AM
"I despair that foreign assassins are unnative to my thoughts and language," Gren apologizes. "I might throw stones with a compulsion to hit upon where Janel and Lad had destined and why for, but I cannot guess at the will of a cut-throat I know nothing of.
"Sorrow cuts my heart to hear of your lad Yern meeting his end. I hope he is soon buried and passed to rest. Much say I as yourself, Grontar, that this action must be born of cursed and unworthy hate against this house, for so many woes are better thought conspired than chance. Should you wish know of the smallfolk or the men laid down, Seek my aid at once. I'm affeared that until such questions, I am a sharp sword with no grip for carry."*

*: Yay for Shakespeare.

2014-08-03, 10:31 AM
I prefer when we talk around bad wine and without the young masters gren, I can barely understand your thoughts Grontar Said with a laughter before continuing
Bear with me young masters, but if I were someone who was going to bring despair to our house, I would fit in the existing problems, please Gren, tell us where would you look for someone who would've good reason to hurt the two knights, maybe the real assassins dwell in the same place. Is someone with sir Sellis at the moment?

He asked to the otehrs worried

2014-08-03, 11:12 AM
"You are quite a disappointment to us, Gren. We were misled about the span of your connections and influence among the smallfolk." Marlyn smiled beatifically as she swirled the bitter tea in her clay cup, before bringing it up to her nose and taking a sniff. Then she added, "This is a dire matter of governance -- and those who are sworn to protect us are getting desperate in facing enemies we cannot fathom. Desperate soldiers make for hard times among the smallfolk. Please, if you do not have even the slightest inkling of who might be involved in such a murderous conspiracy, whisper to us the name of someone who might know, so we can finish this before someone else gets hurt." She reached over and brushed her soft fingers across the back of his hand, settling them over his hand, and then giving it a light squeeze, her eyes pleading to him for his assistance in this matter.

Mr. Mask
2014-08-03, 12:28 PM
((When I watch Shakespeare, I speak Shakespeare, and little good is it for me to strive against this habit.))

"Bad wine would be much to appreciate, but too little is there for me to dole out with so many guests, and too offensive it would be to the fine bellies of this noble lord and lady."

He pauses for a moment, thinking on Grontar's question on who would hurt the knights where. When it seemed he would come to no answer, he hear Marlyn speak.

"Of the smallfolk, there is much I can tell you. But of foreign assassins unknown, seek the gods for answers--as no mortal man in this castle can tell you such truths, lest you may rouse the knights to give testament of their afflictors."

He looks as though he's to stop speaking, but then suddenly continues at a realization. "But perhaps there is a service I may do you with that I tend in memory's bosom. I recall a recent offence rumoured to me, and I pray you swear nothing against me for repeating such rumours to you, as it is at your own request." Presuming you comfort Gren that no ill will be against him for giving this intelligence, he continues yet again.

"A woman, fair and of small noble countenance came to live here few short days before. The exact nature of her coming I am uncertain, though my assumption is that after ill tiding brought terrible hurt upon her fortunes, she was deceived with method to reclaim them by coming hence--perhaps in seeking marriage with his lordship before me. She is a girl few years the elder of my lady before me, who came with two male servants, each of them fled.
"Sers Lad and Janel approached this young lady to aid her in time of need - which I dare heard thought in my ear that such woe they supplied in chasing the manservants thence - and thought to lend her coin and promise her that soon they would arrange meetings to ensure her future with the house. But, in their closeness to this unprotected lady, her sigil and other proofs brought of herself were from gone; the poor girl left to be seen as a madwoman with no noble bearing or grace. And soon the woman became desperate and dependant on the men who brought her low. Soon, I hear, they meant threaten her with debtors' prison and no kindness to save her family fortune, lest she give unto the knight Ser Janel and Ser Lad all that they might desire.
"I fear they may well have moved to satiate their foul needs in these past days... and if one were to have cause to offence against them--or if one was not with care for this but instead looking to advantage to ambush upon them and lay them dead for a reason sprung from other roots: I can assure you they may well have been in the presence of the poor lady Hyeleen near the time of their deaths. At least, if I can assume they breathed last in the village beyond the walls, this is my thought."

Gren had finished speaking. He was now solemnly quiet, meditating on the tragic words he spoke.

2014-08-03, 12:32 PM
Bartram flinches at his sisters harsh words, but nods in agreement.

"My sister is right, vague speculations help us with nothing. If this village proves unsecure, I will be forced to post guards here and sanction an increase in patrols."

Frankly, Bartram didn't think his father would let him make such large policy adjustments, but that didn't matter for now.

"I want this solved, as uncertainty will only increase negative feelings between the House and the village, which is foolish. I am shocked that only after their death, I am told of their misdoings. Perhaps this even could have been prevented if I knew earlier. Anyway, for now I want to find the men who did this, and I ask of you to help us, for the better of both the village and my House."

"As for what to do with them, that is another question, which can only be answered by completely filling in the story. As while your tale might motivate one to kill, I still see no reason why the Dornish lad was killed."

Mr. Mask
2014-08-03, 12:42 PM
Gren looks straight at Bartram. There is nothing bad or threatening to his look. Rather, he has an amiable disposition in his face, a look of understanding unable to take offence. Still, from such a elderly giant of a man, looking with such intensity, it is a hard stare to take. "If I had known you were of this mind, my young lord," he said, smiling beneath his ocean of a beard, "I could have in good faith approached with this before now. But with the knights Ser Janel and Lad to bring fear and tension to any that would testify, with me unknowing as to the disposition of others on the ilk of Ser Lad and Janel, and with the happiness being a prized and sought after thing among the smallfolk, built with glass pillars that care little for stress... I trusted not to optimism and instead waited till the knights were away, that I may conduct this to you undisturbed."

2014-08-03, 11:28 PM
Marlyn addressed Gren in a simple tone. "Who might we question about the current location of the poor lady Hyeleen?"

Mr. Mask
2014-08-03, 11:30 PM
"You may question her in person," Gren replies. He describes Lady Hyeleen's small accommodations and how you come by them, in the village outside the castle.

2014-08-03, 11:45 PM
"I think they were both assassinate by two different men, at the same time. Both wounds are quite precise in where they hit, and apparently no struggle I guess."

"Straight at the heart. Tricky to pull off in combat, and this one by slashing or chopping wound. Metal armor, even if it's only breastplate is quite resistant to it, it's easier to bash with a mace or similar weapon. Also on the back. Here's how I guess it went down."

"First, one of the assassins passed through them. Then another came in, pulled the pick-point weapon and hit Lad here. Janel here turns to the first and opens his back up to a surprise attack from the other one who cuts him in the back. I can't say it matches the style of the barbarians though..."

2014-08-04, 03:35 AM
"The stab made me doubt barbarians are behind this. And I Believe you are right Glaure, they seem to have went down easily, so at least two attackers were needed." He replied and looked at glaure. "Could have been more?" He looks down at the ground. "Look for footprints, might give us some idea about how many there were."
Roll for awereness to check for footprints [roll0]

Mr. Mask
2014-08-04, 03:41 AM
Tanar has difficulty discerning the recent footprints from the old. Aside from the guards who came and muled about a bit, there's an amount of traffic outside of the alley that, with rain, makes it near impossible to tell who has recently come by it from where. You don't notice a lot of obvious tracks aside from those guards who have shown up on the scene, after the killing.

2014-08-04, 05:50 AM
Bartram raises an eyebrow in reaction to Gren's open words.

Obviously, but I can't imagine you doing nothing about it. Your words are a bit to sweet for my liking.

"Obviously, you were in quite the moral dilemma. I hope you didn't take matters into your own hands. Next time you should speak with Grontar. The two of you are familiar with eachother and he can inform me if he seems it worthy. You would be wise to remember though, that although my disposition may be different from my father's, he is still the ruler to these lands. And I see myself only as trying to improve or add to his policies, not rewrite them."

"As to Lady Hyeleen, could you send your wife to get her here, so we can speak to her. I think doing so in your presence will show you our good will, as well as comforting her. I could send a guard, but I want to scare or frighten her."

Mr. Mask
2014-08-04, 06:23 AM
"I will remember to alert him in future," Gren says. But you feel he already considered that option, and didn't utilize it for a reason. It's hard to say what. Maybe he feared Grontar would act against Lad and Janel much as has happened today, and didn't want to involve him.... maybe Grontar DID get told and DID act against Lad and Janel?

He's one of the few people dangerous enough with the manpower to kill two knights with such stealth. He also knows the villages, castle, and people well, and can freely move himself and his men throughout.

"If it's your wish, I'll send for lady Hyeleen," he agrees. His wife doesn't need to be asked, and leaves to bring the lady.

2014-08-04, 07:11 AM
"Please send for Lady Hyleen, and bring Guy with you he is handsome and well versed in this matter, better than me for sure. And bring two of my men with you, I will hand pick them." As he said so he turned to Guy to see his reaction trying to gauge what his in his mind.

He would then go for his men taking the two best observer he had, instructing them to report to him privately if during the meeting between Hyleen and Guy something strange happens, or if the two seems to have some sort of connection or they do not expect to see each other

Mr. Mask
2014-08-04, 07:41 AM
"I shall be proud to escort the fair lady here," Guy smiles. He leaves with Marta and two Eagle Riders.

Later, they return, Guy escorting a fair lady by the hand. She is rather short for her age, her born hair worn high doing its best to compensate. She looks to be a woman of the riverlands, fair and freckled, with dainty hands and lilac eyes. Her face is pretty, displaying timidness by nature and by recent nurture, and she seems ready to bolt. Guy's words and Marta's presence seem to encourage her to venture in.

Secretly, the Eagle Riders tell Grontar of the visitation. Hyeleen's home is near to where the murder took place, and she was hesitant to come out and speak. Guy and Marta managed to sooth her and bring her out, and agreed her to come to Gren's house. You feel the riders might have missed out a detail, but it seemed unimportant enough to not interrupt them over.
Guy had been chatting pleasantly with the dame beside their walk here. She was much distressed before, and has improved visibly from his presence.

At last, aided by Guy's confidence, Hyeleen speaks. "Good day lord Bartram, lady Marlyn," she speaks low, and it is good all is silent on her account, "I am lady Hyeleen of House Tyric." She stops to breath, as if speech submerged her among the waves. And, with the same readiness one takes up before diving free of the air, to instead face the gentle suffocation of the water, she speaks again, "You sent for me...?"

2014-08-04, 07:48 AM
Grontar definitely did not understand the pleasantries of the higher lords, as he mentioned house Tyric e shrugged, another name he was not familiar of, he looked at the lady for few seconds before introducing himself

"I am Grontar, master of arms of Lord Garish, I asked Guy to escort you here, since we understood you were in good relation with two of our officers, ser Lad and Ser Janel."

Then he paused for a while, the good thing being a barbarian of the mountain clans is that no one was expecting him to be polite or understand the way of life of the nobles, and he could play on that

"I understand also you live in the village out of the fortress, that is quite unusual for a noble born, and as far as I know Lord Garish is known for many of his quirks but he never refused hospitality to any of his peer, and Lad and Janel would've been glad to help you while eating our salt and bread in our hall."

Mr. Mask
2014-08-04, 08:00 AM
Hyeleen examines the floor, keeping her mind far from Grontar as he presents his queries. It seemed she was trying to say some pleasantry in return after he introduced himself, but the mention of Lad and Janel bought her silence. She attempts to answer the questions, but her speech doesn't reach to any of your ears.

2014-08-04, 08:01 AM
"Quite observant of you, Grontar, but we'll speak of such things later." He shoots Grontar a poor attempt at a stern look. He always did make him feel like a small kid, compared to the Master at Arms.

Bartram then turns to the Lady.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, dear Lady, my apologies for asking you to come at such short notice. I realise that this is not common, as is receiving you inside this ... outside the castle. However, circumstances are similarly odd and I am glad you came. I trust it you know Gren, the village elder?"

"This is here is my sister, Lady Marlyn." And turning to his sister. "Marlyn, please be so kind as to tell the Lady of our predicament."

2014-08-04, 08:42 AM
Marlyn studied the woman quietly for a few moments, then she stepped in and took both her hands, lifting them up. She pressed her lips to the backs of Hyeleen's knuckles. "You are safe with us now. My brother is as chivalrous as a True Knight. He will see that no further harm comes to you." She released Hyeleen's hands and then took a half step back. Marlyn removed the red and orange flower from her hair and tucked it into Hyeleen's hair.

"It's our understanding that many wrongs have been done to you, and for that you have our deepest regrets and promises that we will take whatever steps are necessary to try to make it up to you. You may have noticed our soldiers and my brother seem quite .... intense. Multiple murders of our sworn swords have occurred, and they must, according to their duty, assure that there is no further threat to the King's Peace. We need you to tell us what you know about the killings, if anything. We must be assured that they will not continue."

What do I know, if anything, about House Tyric?

Knowledge Roll:

Attempting to calm her and assure her of our good intentions.

Persuasion (Charm) Roll
Persuasion 5 (Charm 4B): [roll1]
Replace up to two 1's with: [roll2]
Take the best 5.

2014-08-04, 09:04 AM
Man, all this rain is really gonna make it even more difficult. Myshah probably couldn't use scent now, and even a hound would have problems. Well I guess we dont have anything from the perpetrator to actually get his scent from

I just look around for tracks too


Mr. Mask
2014-08-04, 09:05 AM
Hyeleen Tyric seems impressed upon by Marlyn. She near cries, undone by compassion. "Ser Lad, and Ser Janel, they... frightened me," she whispered. "I was so afraid I would be stuck in that little house, unable to go home and unable to help y family--all alone, with no way to protect myself or earn money. And when I found cause for why they lent to me I... I was scared, I didn't know what I was going to do." She keeps herself from crying, difficult as it is. If she started.. she doubts she could continue the tale. "I had kept them away, beseeched them to not lay hand on me, and for then they listened. But they were getting bolder, giving me fear and threat and worry and concern. They said they were coming tomorrow, and I had best be able to return their kind coin, but they knew I could not. But then... Ser Lad and Ser Janel never arrived. I'm sorry."

There was something about that last sentence... the one with a tacked on apology. The words were quick, sleek, and her eyes started directly ahead as she spoke them, not looking away as she recalled the past events.

The poor girl... She looks afraid now that she's told you, worried you'll turn on her much as Lad and JAnel did. IT seems she is searching for some way to be useful, that she might ear your continues affections.

Surely there was something she could tell you? She skimmed the events of late, but it seemed Janel and LAd had spent time with her. Maybe she overheard something useful she hasn't thought to tell, or perhaps if she was asked more specific questions her memory would jar to a more useful tract of their time together?

The poor girl... She looks afraid now that she's told you, worried you'll turn on her much as Lad and JAnel did. IT seems she is searching for some way to be useful, that she might ear your continues affections.

2014-08-04, 09:21 AM
"There, there." Marlyn spoke softly, and comfortingly. "There, there." Her hand brushed over Hyeleen's again. "Whatever happened to them, I am quite sure it was justified and that no one will get into any trouble. We just need to know what happened to those men. So that we can be sure that there is no continued threat to the rest of our people."

"Once we know everything we need to know, we'll be able to take you into the keep, get you cleaned up and dressed nicely, and we'll be able to send a raven to let your family know you are here and well, so that they may send for you. But we need your help, Lady Hyeleen, in learning the fate of the men who took advantage of you."

Mr. Mask
2014-08-04, 09:26 AM
Glaure, to Tanar's possible dismay, looks at the scene as though he watched it unfold--sort of.

There are a set of heavy footprints that make their way in from the west; away from the castle and village. Though it is hard to notice this now, they must have been quite deep at the time, and quite large. There are two other sets of footprints that came from the other way, suitable for armed men. With them, there was a light set of footprints, of smaller feet like a part-grown child.

There is something unusual in the gait of the lighter set of prints. It seems as though they were skipping, or being tugged along like an unwilling boy pulled to the Wall. Then, the lighter set of prints commingled with the marks of the two armed men in a corner of the alley-like positioning these huts make. You had to shoo one of the guards away to get a better look. You can't really make out what went on there, except there was an amount of footwork, feet sliding.

Then, the footprints break off. The light ones quickly make their way past the heavy ones, out of the alley. The indentations of the armed men venture out, away from the heavy set feet a bit, to the middle of the alley--about where the bodies are now.

Between the blood, the bodies, and traffic from the guards and rain, it's difficult to see what happened. The heavy set of prints approached Lad, and then Janel. You think there might have been a sudden step toward Lad--and you think Janel stepped forward quickly at some point. Lad seems to have turned and stepped to and fro a while, as though a bit drunk, before he fell. There is also a deep shoe mark in the ground, as well as streaks that make their way past where Janel quick-stepped to.

The heavy prints make their way to where you think Janel fell. After that, the heavy footprints made their way to a small claybrick set of crude stairs, used for easier access to the roof of a nearby house. You don't notice any recent mud or filth on the stairs or roof, so you don't believe the heavy individual climbed up. The person with heavy step might have sit down here. After that, he or she returned to the body of Janel, then left the alley in the direction of the wall.

Due to the heaviness of their step... you might be able to track them down, despite the rain and the traffic of others who have come this way--on business and out of curiosity for the murder.

As you think of these things, you feel a chill... is someone watching you!?

[Tanar. Glaure. Roll Awareness Notice.]

2014-08-04, 10:01 AM
Tanar looks around and listens closely.

Rolling awareness [roll0]

Mr. Mask
2014-08-04, 10:03 AM
"I... I wish there was more to tell," Hyeleen says... but then, she looks as though remembering something. Her hands shake. "Th-there was... no, it must have been a nightmare." Her little voice sounds firm, so low and deep as if it were her thoughts rather than her voice; or at least intended to be.

Then, seeing Marlyn's kind gaze, she fidgets. It seems an endless loop, her fidgeting then looking at Marlyn, then fidgeting again. Occasionally, she would murmur something else. At last she, she seemed to stop breathing. And yet, she spoke. "I remember... something.
"It was a strange, unpleasant dream. Lad and Janel were taking me away, from my home, from dear Jacke and Mants. They took me to some dark, horrible place in the village, where no one seemed to live. And they... they planned to do something horrible, and so they were foiled. Instead, a man came to rescue me, a knight."

Grontar may have felt the desire to cringe, by this point. The Eagle Riders were not appreciating the story.

"And yet, his spirit or action did not seem so knightly," the eagle riders returned their attention, hoping for something dark in the young woman's 'dream'. "He was so angry that he came and cut Ser Lad in half, and nearly me as well. And Ser Janel, he became so scared that he ran away, and the knight chased him all across the village. And Ser Lad spoke to me, and told me to pay back what he was owed... and he held onto me as I left, and he was pulled along. And Ser Janel... I didn't see what happened to him; or how he died. And I didn't see the knight."

Each of you examine the girl as she speaks her strange tale. There is something very strange about the girl's disposition. Before, she could barely speak--now she was ranting with volume and spirit, and didn't seem to comprehend her audience.

This seems a wild lie indeed. The girl was unnatural, acting lunatic. Though such does well to cloak deceit.

You're not sure what Hyeleen is making at with this... You wouldn't say it's a falsehood, but it surely is not a complete truth. You cannot make out her motive through it all. Perhaps she is suffering from genuine madness, and Lad and Janel were using that fact to aid in their deception?

You remember that you have seen something like this before. Sometimes, after a hard fight, some of your riders would retell what they saw, and forget themselves in your presence. There was no use punishing them, for this was a madness afflicted by battle--that usually wore off. A notable feature of this madness, is that while many details were true about their encounters - with accuracy of detail no man could safely recount otherwise - it too was many details were sometimes entirely opposite to the actual events, though the men could scarcely be brought to belief their account was not entirely accurate. Either this girl suffered terribly... or she was of a weak disposition to become so possessed by spirits.

This girl feels she is telling the truth, you know that much. But the actual events you feel, may be very different from how she says. Hopefully, she'll remember the description of the knight in question (if there really was a knight) and that description will serve you in solving this case.

You're not sure what is going on. Before, you had a timid girl before you afraid to speak. Now... she seemed different. She speaks as though all else in the world is forgotten, with only the story remembered that it may be passed, in this moment. There is only one thing you feel certain of. She is not meaning to lie whatsoever. But is she lying to herself?

Prompted but an unspoken question, Hyeleen continues. "The knight! Of course! He was--oh dear... he should well be in my ken as I saw him sure throughout my encounter," the girl racks her brain, considering deeply as to the appearance of the so-called unknightly knight. "He was... black." She said, at once. "He was the blackest thing I had ever seen. More than night-time, or coal, or ravens, or any thing that opposes whiteness or the light of the seven. But not evil--just... I am unsure."

Hyeleen stares off for a moment, out of her wits. Soon, she reclaims her senses, and acts timid and quiet. She is acting as though she is unaware of her outburst.

Mr. Mask
2014-08-04, 10:04 AM
Tanar hears and sees nothing. There are guards, and there are some villagers, and there are some ravens. It was nothing; go back to your adventures.

2014-08-04, 10:36 AM
Glaure feels a chill. Last time it was just Tanar and Glin but this time...

Mr. Mask
2014-08-04, 10:38 AM
There is a crow looking at you.... an ominous crow. It stares at you, its eyes speaking of eternity, a world beyond your ken. You learn deep secrets from trading looks with this crow. At last, the crow leaves, and you feel loss as its departure. Farewell crow...

It was nothing. Go back to your adventures.

2014-08-04, 11:00 AM
He listened the story of the lady quite carefully, a black man, if that was true Gren would know, such an uncommon sight would've created many rumors in the town, he was practical, and he knew most of the tale from the Lady was coming from some strange fear he felt during the fight, and probably before..

"Mylady" he addressed Marylin "I fear that the ghosts of fear and sorrow are making the tale a little bit distorted, I heard some of my men having such a way to recount their fights like this when they were scared. But what we do know is that if the two were killed by a single man he had to be a good swordsman, and I do not know any among the villagers.

And if it was black.." He paused looking at Gren "Gren would've known if someone like him is in the town, he would not miss a black man here in this village, would he?" he asked indirectly to the major, then looked at the Lady and back at the two masters

"Young masters, I think the lady will need some time to tell us the story right, and she will definitely need some rest, I will send my men to look for this black swordsman, and making them do a detailed search of all the abandoned zones of the village."

Said so he instructed his lieutenents to prepare for the search and go sending him hourly reports.

2014-08-04, 11:08 AM
I wonder if Tanar felt it too, he did some looking around I guess...
It's foolish to stop just because of that. We should find these assassins quick

Thus, I track them down

"Come on Tanar, this way I think"

Mr. Mask
2014-08-04, 11:15 AM
"Not a goodly number of men that are truly black in look," Gren says, thinking, "and though some are good fighters, none so good as to match Lad or Janel. An out of towner to say the least. Heard tell that a pair stayed the last days, and some who have been on their way... Give me some of your eagles, and I'll tell them who and where to go for questioning. I'll have to ask around myself to find exact to where some of these men be."

With Grontar's permission, and in uninterrupted by anyone else, Gren leaves with a few of the eagles, to ask questions around the town. Marta is here to service you so long as you continue to stay in Gren's house, and Hyeleen waits unsure.

What do you do while you wait?

Mr. Mask
2014-08-04, 11:25 AM
The trail! Glaure has found it! And something else...

Amongst the chaos, he had missed an even smaller pair of prints. Their path was quite simple, though it looks they were stepping cautiously. The feet move toward each of the bodies, Janel and Lad where they lay. Then, the little person kneels down by both Janel and Lad. Then, the small footprints leave. Odd.

Looking at the footprints, you follow them, pushing past troublesome smallfolk who threaten to further muddy the trail and destroy it entirely. It is a desperate search, often leading you falsely until you backtrack and reclaim a new path. Inches are fought for like precious Lannister gold, and frustration mounts frustration. Glaure is given all the aid of Hunt Master Tanar, and still failure bites his heel. It starts to rain again... heavier than before.

But, at last, he's made it to the end of the trail... Despite the smallfolk; the foolish guards nearly ending Glaure's work through trying to help; the rain that's batting at him as he looks upon his triumph, and perhaps his death. And yet, when the others find it, they will not applaud. Only Glaure and Tanar understood the battle fought here, how close Glaure was to defeat even if victory looks so small.

The end of the trail... The footprints lead to a tavern--thirty feet from the alley, across the street.

2014-08-04, 11:28 AM
Grontar looked at Gren going out with his Eagles, and looked at his Wife, it was better for him to show himself outside, if the assassin was after him as well, at least he was prepared, and a worse target than Lad and Janel, and for the smallfolk, maybe they would be quieter with him and the Eagles around.

Mr. Mask
2014-08-04, 11:31 AM
Outside, you see three smallfolk women gossiping as they look at the doubled gate guard. The castle villagers werewaking up to the change in the situation, and news of the dead knights will likely soon follow.

2014-08-04, 11:35 AM
"Grontar, if I may, 'blacker than coal or ravens' in a dream don't mean you're looking for some dark-skinned warrior from the Free Cities, she could have been speaking of his armor, and at any rate, they'll be searching for a long time. He would have to exist for them to find him." Runa's expression is sympathetic but stern. The woman may have been trying to recount a battle warped by terror as Grontar said, but this performance, so different from the shrinking woman who spoke in tones so low they could barely be heard, might just be a way to distract from the truth. She doubted Tanar and Glaure would return and tell them Ser Lad had been cut in half by anything. "But I agree, a rest would be wise and welcome. Perhaps things will make more sense later."

2014-08-04, 11:38 AM
Before going out he looked at Runa smiling to the iron woman

"Whether would be a black armoured knight or a black guy from across the sea, neither of the two I expect to find in our village..."

2014-08-04, 11:53 AM
Marlyn didn't add anything. She was busy studying Hyeleen, who was a subject of much mystery to her. Was she mad or accursed? Perhaps this was a matter for a Septon. Or a pair of Septons -- one young, one old.

2014-08-04, 12:22 PM
Grontar walked to the group of three women, not going directly to them just to avoid to bee to harsh, while giving THE look at the guards to avoid them gossiping as well. Then he would just hang around a bit to pick something from the conversation or be stopped by some smallfolk, at least usually they like him

Mr. Mask
2014-08-04, 12:26 PM
Your plan backfires. Feeling they can approach you, the women crowd you at once and begin to barrage you with questions about what is going on. These are brave, scary women... They ask you about he guards, about the drill lasting longer than usual, about their son Fedri not being allowed to leave on his break, about strange rumours that have nothing to do with what is going on. One of them is about a murder, but you feel it is entirely coincidental. They ask about Ser Guy, and about Hyeleen, who they saw on their way to Gren's.

They don't appear to have any useful information you can make out.

2014-08-04, 12:35 PM
Better for the women to come to him than the guards, he knew they were a curious lot, nevertheless. He tried to use at best his authority and his position

"There is nothing to worry about, all this ruckus just because two people from the riverlands came here and took lot of atention. And I heard there is a handsome fighter just coming to the aid of lord Garish, he would need some servants, and he likes the clan of the mountains or so I heard."

He then tried to move the attention to the two new nobles, and away from the killings, just hinting that the guards are taking care of everything and the smallfolk has nothing to worry about

Mr. Mask
2014-08-04, 12:43 PM
The women are perfectly happy to ignore the murder, and gossip with you about this handsome noble. You may be here a while...

2014-08-04, 02:15 PM
Bartram listens intently as the Lady's story unfolds. He had expected a rough tale, but this was something a bard couldn't even make up. And perhaps that was what made it so compelling, .... and perhaps truthful. It triggered a lot of emotion in him. His opinion op both Ser's getting battered to bits, strange tales of a mysterious knight murdering away, ... but possibly for a good cause. Even though he didn't sound like the usual wannabe heroic type. The number of possible implications, possible solutions, it all raced through his mind like type of complex abacus. Until it screeched to a halt.

Empty eyes staring about the women in the room mumbles inaudibly: "What should we do?"

If we go back.. my father and mother... it won't work out well. I we don't go back ... Only few questions have been answered and even more have risen up...

He then slowly turns to his sister. "What do you think? How should I handle this?"

The question blurted out, before he even realised it. He had never asked his sister for help. Irritated at his own behaviour he looks away, but listens for her response.

2014-08-04, 02:50 PM
"We need to wait for Gren to return with news about the outsiders who are in the village. We may also wish to seek spiritual guidance for Lady Hyeleen, for these trying experiences may have unsettled her spirit." Marlyn's green eyes shifted from Hyeleen, to Bartram, and then back to Hyeleen.

2014-08-04, 03:03 PM
Bartram nods in understanding.

"Alright, that is what we will do. We'll wait. Marta, do you perhaps have some more tea for our poor Lady here. Or any of that wine I heard about, that would be best. We'll be here for a while, and she needs it."

Mr. Mask
2014-08-05, 01:17 AM
Marta gets out some wine, though Hyeleen agrees to only drink a little. She actually likes the bitter tea and fruits, and has quite a bit of it. You also arrange for her to speak with the local Septon. He says some prayers, and makes her say some prayers, and soon tells you that if the Mother and the Smith are willing, she will recover soon. Were if he meant soon, you may dare question her again--but though she can repeat the tale with calm steadfastness and that quality the envy of storytellers of the court but not of those of skill and good imagination, that they tell everything as they told it first, and second, and every time thereafter.

Gren returns with a few men born of the free cities, dark in complexion. One is but a boy, lean and tall; his black hair short and his hands clenched in ball. Another is large, the lesser rival of Gren; charged to be scarred of face, marred by ten. The third is swarthy, more than the others; and yet in him, you see disdain for his foreign brothers. The last is not large, tall, small or thin; but dast look fierce, more than all within. He carries blade wide and single edged; curved, long, thick, a flesh-cutting wedge. His eyes dart left, his eyes dart right; he dares you all to flee in fright.

"Why bring me here?" he is the first to demand. "Need you my sword, my killing hand?"

2014-08-05, 04:09 AM
When Gren enters, Bartram wisphers to Marlyn. "Watch the Lady."

As the large men enter, Bartram wishes that Grontar was still here, most of these men could probably kill him in seconds, and he had some rough questions to ask. This would have to be done with tact, or proper deception. Can't do it with Gren here though.

"Thank you, Gren, I'll handle this. Could get Grontar for me? He seems to have wandered off."

"Welcome men, I am glad you all came here on Gren's request. I asked him to bring me all combat-capable dark-skinned men in the village, and you seem very capable indeed. But looks are not only what I'm looking for."

"A message has reached our house that a tournament will be held at the Baron's place. And one of the special competitions there will be one which can only be entered by foreigners. Now I don't mind foreigners, but I do mind when they are given a possibility to the taxes we paid. So I plan to enter a team of my own, unofficially mine of course. Those competing will be properly equiped by me, and a reward will be given to those who win of course. I'm talking Golden dragon's here...."

Bartram pauses a moment, to let them come to their own conclusions, before continuing.

"I want you, or some of you to be on that team. None of the other noble families recognises you as being from my house, which is of course imperative. At the moment, we are looking into the exact required make up of the teams, but I think we should do a pre-selection today to see who would be capable enough to join."

"Are you interested?"

Mr. Mask
2014-08-05, 04:27 AM
Gren leaves and looks for Grontar. There are still a few Eagle Riders nearby, at least.

"Master," the tall boy is the first to respond, "this one no warrior. Let this one take I leave, as master has no use for this one." His quickness to refuse speaks of truth, but also of suspicion granting thoughts of flight and far away places, or dark purposes of lords that are best left unlearned.

"I will return to speak with you in two days," the frightening one with the immense sword says. "I am staying at an inn called the Happy Lark, and will be there when you next call. I bid you good day, milord." You have a feeling that he won't be at the Happy Lark if you call upon him.

"Stay and listen to what the master has to say," the one with scars advises, unthreatened by the large sword.

The two of them pause in their escape, though the threatening one looks like he may try something if tested too far.

2014-08-05, 06:11 AM
Any reaction from the Lady to seeing the men? For Sorceress of course. Bartram is trying to save his hide.

"Indeed, stay." Bartram says in a stern voice, while resting his hands on his daggers. "At least until Grontar has returned. He'll tell you what kind of testing will be involved. Perhaps the sum of 50 ss for anyone that is selected afterwards, helps motivate you."

Then he looks the frightning one in the eyes, his stomach turning, but forcing his body to show no sign of it.

"And you, you said something before, something about your killing hand? Are you a mercenary or assassin perhaps? For if so, some references may get you selected right away. Do you have any?"

After he spoke, his eyes dart to Runa, to see if she is poised to act as well.

2014-08-05, 06:53 AM
"Let's go inside" Tanar said. "They must know something." He walked into the tavarn and looked around for anything suspecious.

Rolling awereness [roll0]