View Full Version : Pathfinder 3 Players, One Character! Help me make this work!

2014-07-28, 03:59 PM
Ok, so for the bit of back story, I have a large group of friends that all enjoy playing our various RPGs, of which Pathfinder is the most prevalent. We have so many people who enjoy playing, we can't possibly fit everyone into one game at a time. We usually have to just deal with it in some way or another and people get left out. That's when I had this idea to maybe squeeze a couple more players to the table as long as they could work together fairly well.

I figured the good number of players to participate in this experiment would be 3. The core behind this idea is the the PC has multiple personality disorder. There will be only one set of stats, they will not change. There will be 3 different classes for this character with one set of stats. All the Players will be using this one Character in turns while maintaining a bit of individuality.

The Players will start each day off with randomly determining which of them will be the active personality for the day. The idea being that all 3 personalities can hear each other and discuss amongst themselves, but none of the other PCs can hear this inner monologue, only what the active Player chooses to say aloud. If the active player wants to do something that both inactive players are against, they determine their own method of settling things. Personally I recommend a coin flip or majority vote etc.

The 3 classes could be of different alignment if wanted to fit each personality. Knowing my group, there would probably be a CE, a CG, and a NG player or something similar. The classes I was thinking would fit well would be a rogue, a sorcerer, and a bard. This way, no matter how the stats are rolled, a high charisma could help all 3 players with making their classes work effectively. This particular set up can also always bring some sort of usefulness and utility to the party.

I would like to hear your thoughts on this idea, and maybe any large flaws I may have overlooked. I am also curious to see what other combinations could work for one character with 3 individual classes but one set of stats.

2014-07-28, 08:03 PM
I think it would be interesting if there is some logic behind the multiple PCs: different facets of the same person rather than completely independent. (Of course, that requires some cooperation between the players in developing their characters.) For example, a gestalt character whose id, ego and super-ego (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Id,_ego_and_super-ego) have the powers of a sorcerer, bard and paladin respectively.

It would make sense if the active player has a reason to voluntarily relinquish control: if a new situation demands different skills and powers, or just running low on spells etc.

2014-08-03, 06:34 PM
Well, the idea behind it originally was so everyone could play in one game, and to get active approval from the GMs that would be running the game, this Character can't voluntarily switch between classes on the fly like that. The idea was that what the party gets for the day is what it gets. I mean, the other two innactive personalities are free to mock the active one for running out of spells etc.

2014-08-03, 07:47 PM
I would totally borrow the control/willpower rules from the freeform game Everyone Is John (http://pftdcast.com/resources/EveryoneIsJohn.pdf). It is precisely the concept you described: multiple personalities, each with different skillsets and obsessions, fighting for control of one very crazy man to push him toward ever-crazier acts.