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View Full Version : Looking for a two-player mid-level module

2014-07-28, 11:18 PM
I am hoping to DM a short, stand-alone module for only two players, and am having a hard time coming up with anything for less than 4. Level 8-12 would be best. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

2014-07-29, 01:07 AM
Telling us the system would be a good start (and posting in the appropriate sub-forum might be a better idea too).

That said, there are very very few adventures for any system written for just 2 characters, even going through magazines etc.

2014-07-29, 08:26 AM
Seconding everything Khedrac said.

Just throwing out a possible alternate solution:
I currently DM a game with two players. I got around it by having each player run two characters. In order to handwave why the two characters are so in sync, I made it mandatory that they must have a very close preexisting relationship (sibling, significant other, long time friend, ect.

Sometimes it is challenging for them to focus on both characters from a roleplaying standpoint. Each player has a character who is more involved in social situations, while their other character stays on the sidelines. However, from a combat standpoint it works quite well. The players get to take turns more often and have more choices. Also, if one of their character gets knocked out or is elsewhere they aren't out of the game until combat resolves.

2014-07-29, 08:46 AM
Thanks for the advice - I may look at the two-character each option.

As for system - we're open to just about anything. Mostly we do 3/3.5e D&D, but have tried lots of other systems too.

2014-07-29, 09:36 AM
If you are willing to play anything then some Solo modules might work for 2 players, though most will take some DM adaptation.

Chaosium RQ2 had a number of solo modules produced, I think the best was supposed to be QuestWorld
Basic and Expert D&D both had a few - notably BSOLO, O1 and O2 (O1 & 2 probably won't convert easily, but BSOLO - the Ghost of Lion Castle might)
General advice is to avoid the Companion solo module (Mystery of the Snow Pearls - I don't recall the CM number) especially as it was a "magic viewer" module.

The adventures magazine "Tortured Souls" included a solo adventure in every issue (well certainly the first 6 or so which I have somewhere), there were all for AD&D and usually for Basic D&D and Chaosium/AH RuneQuest too - quality varied, at least one I am convinced was broken. Also they had lots of numbered paragraphs so will take a lot of stitching together into something that can be run (and the adventures were not the same for the different systems).

Another option is to take beginning adventures for 4-6 first level (or equivalent) adventurers and run them with two 2nd or 3rd level characters - all the encounters will be much easier so it becomes a case of attrition.

2014-07-30, 02:33 PM
Thanks, Khedrac, lots of options for me to look at.