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View Full Version : Player Help Inquisitor backstory help

2014-07-31, 01:23 AM
Okay, like the title says I need help fleshing out my character's backstory. basically my character is a tiefling Wizard/Inquisitor(It's a gestalt game). I'll go into more detail in a second, but I need help coming up with a reason/event for him to hate Necromancers.

Trying not to make this a novel so gonna keep it light. My tiefling is an orphan(like most), but when his talent for magic is discovered he is taken to this mage tower like group that exists in the world. It has Arcane, Divine and non-magical forces(it all but monopolizes mages). Tiefling are really not well liked so he takes a lot of **** and basically has to train himself in the arcane arts(his wizard levels). Even though he gets pretty good the other wizards basically continue to shun him and dismiss his skill because of his race.

It is at this point in his life that I want "something" to happen that causes him to truly hate Necromancers. Necromancy is already forbidden in this world(arcane magic in and of itself isn't exactly looked on fondly) so lots of people don't like it, but I want my character to have a personal reason against it. It will drive him to become an Inquisitor who hunts necromancers. The simplest would be to give my character a single friend and then have that friend killed and raised by a necromancer. Honestly though, that idea is incredibly dull and trite. Despite that, I haven't been able to come up with much else and my friends are of no help whatsoever. As such, I turn to the internet. Help me come up with something truly awesome and dark.

Thanks in advance.

2014-07-31, 09:20 AM
How about, instead of having a friend killed by necromancers, he discovers a mentor WAS a necromancer? Someone he loved and trusted was secretly a necromancer, who has been infiltrating the mage's guild and feeding secrets to them.

It's a bit borrowed from TES: Oblivion (especially given the necromancy provisions), but it seems up your alley.

There's also the Batman... he learns that his parents were killed by necromancers.
Or that his family line WAS necromancers and he was orphaned because of their plotting.
Or that he's descended from the God of Necromancy (tiefling, after all), and he's rebelling against that deity, hoping to strangle it by killing its worshipers.

2014-07-31, 02:24 PM
Well, if the murdered friend is too common, maybe make it more personal?
Perhaps the character was, because of the prejudice of the more violent members of the school, subjected to torture? For example, some deranged professors, who dabbled in necromancy, needed test subjects, and held him captive for a time? Blindness/Deafness, Scare, Cause Fear, and Ray of Enfeeblement aren't exactly fun to experience.

Maybe, after a week of torture, the professors were discovered, and that sparked the Inquisitor side in him? After all, he felt the effects of necromancy on his own skin.

2014-07-31, 06:29 PM
Maybe THEY trained as a necromancer, then discovered that in some way, it's actually even worse than the stories. Maybe animation of the dead actually does trap souls or something.