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2014-08-02, 02:26 AM
In the palace-temple of Tzalteclan, there is a meeting room larger than any other. Constructed to host the highest echelons of Tzaltec society, it fills an entire level of the palace pyramid, its ceiling supported by pillars carved to resemble terrible dragons. The walls are inlaid with precious metals and gems, creating a priceless mosaic that depicts the view of the city and the jungle almost as though they were windows. Light streams through four towering openings that lead to the gardens on the outside steppe, the portals shrouded in diaphanous red silk. But most arresting of all is the table that stands at the center of the room, one hundred feet long and twenty wide, carved with exacting care generations ago from the trunk of a single ebony tree. The sides of the table were inlaid with intricate gold carvings, tracing the lineage of the Teotlkan from the birth of the Tzalteca all the way to the ascension of Nezetkhamun's great-grandfather. The table could seat more than two hundred people, yet only a scant few chairs surrounded it now. But to call them chairs would be a disservice, for they were thrones, commissioned explicitly for this meeting. Each was fashioned of ebony, and the gold inlay of each one was of foreign design. Their backs reached eight feet into the air, and atop each was the sigil of the monarch it would serve, engraved and painted in brilliant lacquer.

Nezetkhamun sat at the head of the table, as was his wont, in a throne far older than the others. It was as old as the table, cut from the same tree, and it held a warmth that reminded him of his father at his best. Atop the table stretched a canvas, twenty by fifteen feet in size, depicting the eastern continent in exacting detail. The far east remained unexplored, but with every new discovery Tzaltec cartographers dutifully expanded the colossal chart. It would serve as a fitting aid to the discussion at hand. Surrounding the map at a safe distance were platters of screaming turtle shell, filigreed in gold and holding delicacies from across the known world. The Teotlkan's personal slaves stood unobtrusively in the wings, ready to see the needs of any of the visiting dignitaries. At last, a drumbeat sounded from the guest quarters below, and Nezetkhamun prepared for a conclave that would shape the course of history.

2014-08-03, 06:30 PM
Guilder's delegation arrives with characteristic pomp and circumstance, though this time they rode on the back of a creature that can only be described as titanic. Easily 40 feet tall, they are unable to enter the proper gates of the city, even with their long necks bent almost to the ground.


Instead, they ride en masse upon a myriad of the smaller lizards, overwhelming the stables nearby. "I apologize for my people," Doge Inigo says with a slight bow, "As they know of no life other than the ostentatious one. When the merchants heard of your great city, they could do nothing but come in trade."


The convoy enters, and they quarter themselves where possible throughout the city, before the actual work of the conference begins.

2014-08-07, 05:41 AM
As the representatives made their way into the conference room, Nezetkhamun motioned to the slaves hidden behind the innumerable pillars. Five golden trays bearing five bound scrolls were brought before the leaders of the Glazfell, the Sympol, Guilder, the Empire of Dawn, and Tzalteclan.

"Welcome, my friends. As you know, this conclave has gathered that we might avoid the unpleasantness that nearly brought us to blows some years ago. Divided, we are tempting rivals to the nations of the west, be they Salterri or Huroshan or Triumvirate. But together, the nations of the east are a force that cannot be rivaled. In that spirit, I have a number of proposals to present to you."

Territorial Claims (http://i.imgur.com/t0gEWIm.jpg)

All assembled recognize the legitimacy of the existing borders of each signatory of this agreement.
Areas located east of Haiwaste (Region 82) are recognized as the prospective territory of the Glazfell Hegemony or any vassal thereof.
Areas located east of the Sah'ra and Frontier Colonies (Regions 55 and 84) are recognized as the prospective territory of the Empire of Dawn as represented by the esteemed Kingdom of Guilder, or any other vassal found worthy in the future.
Areas located east of Amocuallan (Region 85) are recognized as the prospective territory of the Tzaltec Empire, or any future vassals thereof.
In the event of unforeseen conflicts to the aforementioned claims, it is agreed to meet as a body in order to diplomatically resolve the situation.


Possessed of the knowledge of the threats already discovered in the far east, the assembled signatories agree to provide aid, in the form of men or materiel, should any member state come under attack from hostile native elements.
Similarly possessed of the knowledge of the hostilities brewing on the central continent, the assembled signatories agree to provide military support should any member state come under attack from a foreign power.
Should a member of this body wish to pursue an act of war , they may petition for the assistance of this body.


Signatories agree to the creation of open borders between our states, on the condition that no official representatives pass into foreign territory without prior invitation.
Signatories agree that their citizens fall within the fullness of the law of whichever signatory in which they are located, barring diplomatic missions or other heads of state.


Signatories agree to an unrestricted exchange of technologies. Technologies developed subsequent to the signing of this document are included, and shall be distributed as well.
Technologies gained from another member state may not be communicated to outside nations without the express permission of the state of origin.


Should another state actor appear that is sympathetic to the goals and methods of this body, a current member may nominate them for membership.

That's a summation of everything I was going to propose. Hopefully Blade and Wombat show up so we can negotiate it.

2014-08-08, 06:34 AM
(I'm going to skip Girard arriving and go straight to discussion.)

Girard studied the document, and arched an eyebrow. "These terms are a tall order for the Empire of Dawn to follow through on for both the Nations of Tzalteclan and Glazfell. This protection would be easily granted to a vassal of the Empire, such as Guilder, but at this point, I know not of your actions that may provoke that of the central continent, nor that of the orcs to the east. I am sorry, but I cannot sign a blanket statement of protection for your nations in the current way things are. However, should you be interested, a seat at the Prism Council is indeed available should you desire to join our Empire. If you so desire protection, as your Liege, I could grant it."

2014-08-08, 02:04 PM
Nezetkhamun listened intently to the misgivings of the Emperor of Dawn, and leaned forward to respond.

"It is not my intention to drag you or your empire into a war of ideology, Girard. Had you cause to believe an act of war against Tzalteclan or the Glazfell was engendered by actions you found objectionable, I do not believe Khyne or I would fault you for declining assistance. However, the orcs of the eastern fringe have proven themselves little more than bloodthirsty savages, and if there are more of their ilk beyond the mountains then it is in all our best interests to unite as neighbors and stand against the tide. But Tzalteclan will not abandon its sovereignty to do so, and I doubt the Glazfell will either.

That said, is the agreement of mutual defense the only provision you take issue with?"

2014-08-08, 08:00 PM
Inigo stands up. "I understand your opinion, however, you misunderstand the nation of an Empire such as the Empire of Dawn. There is no loss of choice, autonomy, or sovereignty. The proposal that you give is, in actuality, no more or less than the agreement of recognizing a 'liege.' Perhaps that term is incorrect, a broken word for a more diabolical age. The Empire of Dawn is a group of countries who recognize that true power is the only weapon with which a just ruler, or a great ruler if you would so desire to be remembered, can extend the life of his country.

"True power.

"But how do you find true power? How do you ensure it? You can do so only if you have overwhelming strength of one form or another, whether to use in peace or war. True power is equally valuable for both: peace and war both require overwhelming strength.

"This is the strength that the Empire of Dawn would give, double over, without a visible loss. I have suffered nothing underneath their reign, and no territory ever complained." He bows to Serendel in honor of the agreement that had so benefited them both.

"I speak that matter first, because it supersedes any question of the specifics of the treaty: if you join with the Empire of Dawn, not only will you receive military defense without question or reservation, but you shall receive the technologies past, present, and future of all. Most importantly, you will obtain for yourself true power: to use in whatever manner greatness presents itself to your people." Now, Inigo bows to the whole room, sitting down again to allow a response.

2014-08-08, 08:49 PM
The Teotlkan reclined thoughtfully against his throne, and eventually turned his attention to Girard.

"Forgive me if I am wrong, but it was my impression that Serendel harbored misgivings over our acceptance of slavery. Are you saying that our inclusion in your union would carry no impetus to dilute our traditions?"

2014-08-09, 08:27 PM
(Also skipping the entrance directly to the conversation. Assume that it was somewhat less ostentatious than Guilder's, though. :smalltongue:)

"Honorable Doge, bowing down to the Emperor Serendel may have been beneficial for Guilder, but Glazfell, at least, benefits from its own autonomy and lack of a higher power to answer to. Tzalteclan, I expect, does the same.

In any case, I will hear no more of this, for I came to discuss terms of accord, not submission. I, for one, hold no objection to the terms of the Concordat."

King Khyne's voice is dry and somewhat annoyed, clearly displeased with the Empire of Dawn's attempt to co-opt the conference for their own aggrandization.

2014-08-09, 08:35 PM
Inigo bows to acknowledge Glazfell's statement. "While, on the official record, I must disagree with your statements, in practicality, I agree with the Concordat. I, Inigo of Guilder, will announce at the Grand Ball our intention to include ourselves in this agreement."

2014-08-09, 09:22 PM
Nezetkhamun nodded.

"Then let it be thus. Serendel, as is its right, refrains from the Concordat, but Tzalteclan, Guilder, and the Glazfell are joined in harmonious cooperation. For the good of all."

So, Guilder and Glazfell get Tzaltec Fire.

2014-08-09, 09:37 PM
Nezetkhamun nodded.

"Then let it be thus. Serendel, as is its right, refrains from the Concordat, but Tzalteclan, Guilder, and the Glazfell are joined in harmonious cooperation. For the good of all."

So, Guilder and Glazfell get Tzaltec Fire.

"I'm not certain that Serendel will refuse it... they were simply hoping for a more comprehensive solution first."

2014-08-10, 02:11 PM
Inigo goes on, deciding to start one of the primary motions he'd intended to bring up at the conference. "I motion to address the addition of new technology. Do I have a second?" One of his aides, presumably one of the Fiassa family of scientists, makes the second, and puts forward a proposal.

"My father, and father before him, have always recognized the importance of two things: first, exploration to discover the lines of the world, and second, scientifc study, to study the nature of the world. Guilder has explored many lands, and has come to find these grand allies there. In honor of this, they would fane work together on advancements of technology to create a greater mutual defense.

"There is war in the south, and war can only be answered by greater power. We recognize the skill of the workers in Tzaletcan and Glazfell at creating instruments useful for both war and peace: the Tzaltec fire created here will be greatly used, for one. Higher still an importance to me is working together with Glazfell and those of our gracious host nation on a project which has been passed down in secret from the very foundation of Guilder itself; from the Final Visitation of Humperdink until now.

"We of Guilder wish to create a greater man, a frame of armor capable of sustaining battle, protecting its user, and enhancing all combat capabilities. It is in this vein that we propose the grandest project ever created in the name of science. The Technical Institute's papers lay out this proposal, termed the "Arcangelo Proposal." It would combine the following technologies into one mechanically enhanced combat knight:

-Plate Armor
-Advanced Metal
-Ultralite Materials
-Prosthetic Limbs
-Tzaltec Fire

"At this point, between our nations, we now possess the means to combine each and every one of these into one, constituting a massive leap forward.

"The proposal is as follows: all members of the Concordat share technologies gained towards this end, as well as create an international team of sages to create such a wonder. Then, assuming all members have conducted at least 25% of the effort involved, they are allowed to produce and use the resulting Mechanically Enhanced Combat Knight Frame." He bows and sits down, waiting for the approval of the others.

2014-08-10, 03:15 PM
King Khyne's eyes narrow as Inigo mentions the war in the south, but remains silent until the man finishes presenting his proposal.

"Before I say anything else, Doge Inigo, I will note that it is in extremely poor taste to bring up your war against my Jarrlander and Salterri allies while asking for my aid with a military project."

The man's gaze soon softens as he goes on.

"Nevertheless, this may be a good time to mention that Glazfell has been secretly progressing toward a similar project for some time, though Lord Shwuark's design was somewhat dissimilar in that it did not integrate blackpowder weaponry or highly flammable materials in the suit itself. The Kältesturm Armour design is mostly complete, though it still requires some way to more efficiently cool the inside of the suit while in use and some way to assist the user's motion for full strength. I had planned to use Guilderene Steam Power for the latter once it had been acquired, and the Shwuarks have made some progress toward the former."

2014-08-10, 03:28 PM
King Khyne's eyes narrow as Inigo mentions the war in the south, but remains silent until the man finishes presenting his proposal.

"Before I say anything else, Doge Inigo, I will note that it is in extremely poor taste to bring up your war against my Jarrlander and Salterri allies while asking for my aid with a military project."

The man's gaze soon softens as he goes on.

"Nevertheless, this may be a good time to mention that Glazfell has been secretly progressing toward a similar project for some time, though Lord Shwuark's design was somewhat dissimilar in that it did not integrate blackpowder weaponry or highly flammable materials in the suit itself. The Kältesturm Armour design is mostly complete, though it still requires some way to more efficiently cool the inside of the suit while in use and some way to assist the user's motion for full strength. I had planned to use Guilderene Steam Power for the latter once it had been acquired, and the Shwuarks have made some progress toward the former."

The Jarrs and Salterri are no enemies of ours either, Inigo responds, "Though perhaps I have less tact than my fathers, for which, in their fashion, I will apologize. My point in general is simply that we of the East have common interests and views, and the rest of the world is, at least sometime, dangerous. Guilder will thus aid in the Kaltesturm Armour, if Glazfell would so desire aid."

2014-08-10, 03:57 PM
"Indeed, a joint project such as this is a worthy endeavor. For our soldiers to march across the land, standing as titans in a skin of steel and fire...it would be glorious. However, before we propose any further joint projects I believe it prudent to make their foundation a legal reality."

2014-08-10, 04:42 PM
King Khyne nods to both of the speakers in turn before addressing the Guilderene delegation first.

"I understand your intention by the statement and accept your apology. I remain displeased with Guilder's actions in the Salterri Civil War, but my desire to see peace in the East supersedes that fact. Know, however, that my hand will be forced if this war escalates further."

Taking a moment to catch his breath and clear his throat, he proceeds to the subject at hand:

"Ahem. In any case, I brought up the Kältesturm Armour because the designs are already largely complete and much of the groundwork is laid. A multi-piece cavor-infused silken hauberk anchored to the plates correctly provides cushioning and minimizes the armor's effective weight, helping the user maintain their stamina without sacrificing protection. Drugaudi naturalists are putting the finishing touches on the clockwork-enhanced plate armour even as we speak.

Nevertheless, the Teotlkan is correct that we should negotiate terms before we begin on any joint projects."