View Full Version : DM Help Ideas for a War Adventure - Pathfinder/ Trailblazer, Advanced Firearms, War Game

2014-08-02, 03:55 AM
A couple of my friends (literally a couple, two) want me to DM a game for them again. I'm apparently their favorite amongst our extended gaming group.

Anyway, the Rules we're using are:

Trailblazer - 3.X System that streamlines a lot of things nicely, mods classes in a better way (opinion!) than Pathfinder, and tweaks a lot of little rules like Iterative Attacks, Action Points and Rest Mechanics. Will be base for all rules, with exceptions noted here.
Pathfinder Races - I like their bonuses and the way races are made.
Pathfinder Gun Rules - Some fine Playgrounders gave me solid advice a while back about introducing Advanced Firearm Rules from Pathfinder.
Pathfinder Feats - I am allowing feats from Trailblazer and Pathfinder. I'll fix issues that pop up when they do.
WH40K: Only War Unit Creation Options - I like these and am going to use it to fluff stuff.
DnD Defensive Bonus Alternate Rules - Makes sense when armor is already useless against firearms.

The Setting is as follows:

Renaissance Steam and Clock Punk (RSaCP) world where Magic is Returning, and a collection of wormholes (open-ended Stargates) have cracked open, leading to the world being connected to a "Galaxy" wide community.
RSaCP discovers an order of Half-Giant Knights are planning on releasing and devouring a race of dead/insane chaos gods locked away in vaults hidden throughout the Worlds.
RSaCP goes to War with Knights, leading to Multi-world-wide Steam War.

The Players will be laying a pair of humans from the RSaCP during an invasion of a desert world occupied by the Knights and their Lizardfolk minions. The plan is for the players to awaken after their airship crashes, and they are forced to survive the brutal desert environment, defeat and/or survive the hostile natives' relentless attacks, and ultimately either aid in the conquest of a major city, or help their crushed army retreat safely, all while thwarting whatever the Knights' plans are on this world.

The trouble is, Beyond that I don't know what sort of cool/exciting things to throw at my players. I would like for the players to experience so many things that I don't know what to throw at them specifically this time. I want them to find a Davinci-style tank. I want them to fight some sort of Mirage monster. I want them to get into a running gunfight across the dunes and through the crags.

Help me GiantitP! I need some cool ideas for Fantasy Desert Warfare scenarios, situations, monsters, hooks and even smaller adventures that can be fit inside of what appears to be a major military offensive. You're my only hope!

For threat ranges, my players consist of a Lvl 6 Ranger and a Lvl 6 Paladin. Under Trailblazer rules, they each have cantrips/orisons, up to 2nd level spellcasting, and the ability to regain spell slots by resting 10 Minutes.

2014-08-02, 11:53 PM
So no ideas? No interest? Wrong forum?

2014-08-03, 12:19 AM
Right forum, wrong time lol

Id recommend looking into Sandstorm from 3.5, its got a lot of really good stuff for the desert, things like Ashworms if you want to get your Dune on. Also feel free to steal ideas from Stargate for other adventures.

Other things to do in the desert: its REALLY hot out, so they gotta fight off heat exhaustion as well as dehydration. So you could have them have to fight a scary creature, like a Monstrous Scorpion, which they could usually kill, if they werent suffering from heat exhaustion.

2014-08-03, 02:39 AM
Right forum, wrong time lol

It does seem like most people are in inferior different timezones. :smallwink:

Id recommend looking into Sandstorm from 3.5, its got a lot of really good stuff for the desert, things like Ashworms if you want to get your Dune on. Also feel free to steal ideas from Stargate for other adventures.

I am a huge Dune and SG fan. I don't necessarily want to do worms though. Hmmm...... Since the natives of the world the PCs will be seeing/conquering are lizards, perhaps giant Tortoises? Cities built atop their colossal shells?

What's the CR of an Ashworm? High?

Other things to do in the desert: its REALLY hot out, so they gotta fight off heat exhaustion as well as dehydration. So you could have them have to fight a scary creature, like a Monstrous Scorpion, which they could usually kill, if they werent suffering from heat exhaustion.

I was going to have the players start in the wreckage of their unit's airship, with only a few days water left to them (depending on their Search Checks :smallamused:). But then I realized they were playing a Paladin and a Ranger. And in Trailblazer those share spell lists with CLerics and Druids, respectively. So water isn't a scarce resource.

But I'm not sure if they prepared Endure Elements...:smallbiggrin: