View Full Version : Inscribe Runes and save DCs

Torben Raibeart
2014-08-02, 09:34 AM
I was browsing through The Runecaster Handbook (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?296106-Runeblaster-A-Handbook-for-the-D-amp-D-3-5-Runecaster) as I'm currently playing one, and stumbled upon a claim that I diagree with, namely that

(...) runes used in “offense” draw no saving throw of themselves. They use only the saving throw of the spell cast into them.
aka, that the spells crafted into runes have save DCs equal to what the spell would have had if the caster had cast it directly.

Given that the rune created is created through the Inscribe Rune feat (an item creation feat) and that the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting state that

A rune is a temporary magical writing similar to a scroll.
it would seem obvious to me that the save DC of the spell triggered by a rune would be equal to that of a scroll - aka minimum DC. After all, the only things created by means of item creation feats that doesn't have minimum DC are staffs, a rune is not a staff, and as such it must have minimum DC. Are there anyone that got any good arguments for why the spells saved into runes should keep their DC when spells saved into scrolls doesn't?

Sure, Glyph of Warding and Greater lets spells keep their DCs, but that are spells that keep other spells, and thus it is tempting to say that Inscribe Runes look like and does much the same as Glyphs, so they behave the same. But fact is that even though a Glyph and a Rune looks much the same and does much the same, they are not the same, as one is a spell effect, while the other is a magical creation.

And sure, the fact that a Rune can be dispelled and are not like other magical items that are merely suppressed, but I don't feel like there are any compelling arguments as to why one should allow a spell in a rune keep their DC and not a spell in a scroll, so I was wondering if anyone got any good hard facts that support full DC?