View Full Version : [Week 1] Playground's Modus Operandi - Floating Armors = Free loot!

2014-08-03, 03:26 AM
This thread is similar to the Which is the Playground's favorite monster? thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?364977-Week-5-Which-is-the-Playground-s-favorite-monster-!-Mom!-I-want-some-JELL-O!&p=17874220#post17874220); however, we aren't counting favorites here in a table, we'll just sharing our favorite way to use the weekly selected monster, whether at the center of the plot or as a random encounter.
There is no ruleset to follow on this weekly thread, this is up to everyone's own criteria and imagination to tell us which is their favorite use of the monster's abilities, interactions, and lore as well.

This week's monster will share a theme with another thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?364977-Week-5-Which-is-the-Playground-s-favorite-monster-!-Mom!-I-want-some-JELL-O!&p=17874220#post17874220):

Monster Manual's
Gelatinous Cube!

I like to: This monster is a fun one to use; it is effectively invisible to any party that prefers rush instead of going slow and safe inside dungeons, so just placing it in a corridor is the most trivial way to introduce it to your party, but people just don't always spot that often (sometimes it can be very easy to spot when it carries armors or weapons inside, bones and else.) The traditional use inside a trap is just hilarious, never gets old, but my personal favorite is to have a trap designed to open a trapdoor above the adventurers and let it fall over them. 10x10 ft is very large and at least 4 creatures can be engulfed, so there you go ;) The challenge rating is quite low, but it's a trap! This thingy alone has wiped out at least 6th level adventurers that were careless (not my fault, a natural 1 on the reflexes roll was pretty unlucky of that rogue #hue.)
I don't know, their name and their role, it's just fun to use.

Come on, share your experiences =D

[Week 1] Gelatinous Cube.

2014-08-03, 04:14 AM
Have a couple of enemies with Fling Ally and immunity/resistance to acid and paralysis. Then watch the chaos as the PC's are carpet bombed with living jello.

Alternatively, awaken a group of advanced gelatinous cubes and give them the Phrenic template. You and up with 24 HD, CR 10 monsters with a solid set of psi-like abilities. See how the PC's react to a bunch of psionic oozes.

For extra fun, have the awakened gelatinous cubes fling their mindless brethren at the PC's.

2014-08-03, 11:08 AM
Cool! will tell story once at computer. phone's notorious for forcing typos.

2014-08-03, 11:40 AM
Gelatinous Cubes can be used as a mount (Arms and Equipment pg.85).
It requires a wondrous item the "Amulet of Ooze Riding" to make a safe space to ride in.
They can't be trained so they try to eat you when you "dismount".

My favorite way to use them is in traps.
Deadfall trap, drops a cube.
Pit trap, cube(s) in the bottom.
Combine them when you want to be truely evil.
Bonus points if the Pit Trap resets and seals after the second cube falls into it.
Hope you did not split the party.

Also use 10ft. wide corridors that have cubes released into them by triggers (presure plates, magic triggers, tripwires, etc.).
Maybe add an advancing wall that has a cube at the front.

Have a couple of enemies with Fling Ally and immunity/resistance to acid and paralysis. Then watch the chaos as the PC's are carpet bombed with living jello.
This is great.

I like the idea of a custom "Summon Gelatenous Cube" spell that allows summoning above the ground.
It should be long range and summon a number of cubes based on caster level.