View Full Version : Pathfinder Soltengrebbe lacks Spell Resistance. [Wrath of the Righteous Spoilers]

2014-08-03, 10:18 AM
I am currently running Wrath of the Righteous (Sword of Valor) and my players are on the verge of marching their armies into a clash with the final enemy force holed up within the citadel itself. This, of course, means that Soltengrebbe will be attacking them as they march. Reading up on him to refresh my memory, the adventure copy mentions that:

"As a mythic monster, Soltengrebbe represents a significant challenge that the PCs' army simply cannot overcome. No matter how many brave attacks they mount against it, the chimera shrugs off their efforts with its epic damage reduction and its spell resistance, ignoring the Knights of Kenabres to attack the PCs alone." (bold emphasis mine).

Soltengrebbe does not have any SR listed and as far as I know, being a mythic creature only boosts already existing SR, it does not grant it if it was never there. Is this just an error in the copy or did I miss something?