View Full Version : Our Monsters are Weirder?

2014-08-03, 11:16 AM
Alright, another "Favorite" thread. What's that you say? They've all been done? I disagree. I want to know what your favorite oddball monster is. What I mean is the really outlandish critters, ones that you don't often run into in a game. Stuff like the cartwheeling Roving Mauler from Tome of Magic (one of my personal favorites, because it almost sounds like something a third-grader might come up with)

2014-08-03, 11:25 AM
Large half-dragon Rust Monsters. The terrors of the iron sky!

2014-08-03, 11:37 AM
Tome of Magic has a lot of weird ones.

Senmurv and Yurians are two of the stranger ones from Fiend Folio, and that books has some weird stuff in it.

Large half-dragon Rust Monsters. The terrors of the iron sky!

That might be one of an airship captain's greatest fears. A flying rust monster that appears quietly in the dead of night.

2014-08-03, 12:51 PM
Both the Senmurv and the Roving Mauler are based on real world myth.

Although the Senmurv in myth doesn't look like the one in d&d that much IIRC.

2014-08-03, 12:53 PM
Large half-dragon Rust Monsters. The terrors of the iron sky!

Are they Half-Rust Dragon, though? :3

2014-08-03, 01:26 PM
Gelatinous Cube strangely hasn't gotten a mention. Neither has half dragon Gelatinous Cube. Or half dragon Warforged.

Also, People have mentioned the Roving Mauler, but not the Deadly Dancer? DDs are one of my absolute favorite monsters, to the point where I want to play a DD telepath who is the voice for its people.

2014-08-03, 01:39 PM
Half-Fiendish, Half-flesh golem Troll. Where are your gods now?.

2014-08-03, 01:47 PM
Paragon Giant Owl of Legend.
Was a keeper of the Library.

2014-08-03, 03:12 PM
Paragon Giant Owl of Legend.
Was a keeper of the Library.

His foxes are unreliable informants when it comes to technology.

2014-08-03, 06:24 PM
Paragon Giant Owl of Legend.
Was a keeper of the Library.

I thought that was the Legendary Orang Utang.

2014-08-03, 07:08 PM
His foxes are unreliable informants when it comes to technology.

But I promise, boss, radios work because they have tiny people inside of them.

2014-08-03, 07:23 PM
-Half-Fey Will-o-Wisp Hey! Listen! Hey! Hey! Listen!

-Zodar: The intelligent mindless creature

-Observer Formian: So, were we supposed to never use it in our campaign because it's too ugly, or was that a mistake?

Fable Wright
2014-08-03, 07:44 PM
Oddly enough? A Dedicated Wright whose creator has been killed. Sure, the Dedicated Wright shows up in every game that has an Artificer, but when's the last time you used it as a standalone monster? It has a lot of potential, too.

I mean, really think about it. This is a creature that is all about doing the busywork while the artificer's off duty: fixing damaged homunculi, upgrading them, and finishing random items that the artificer started building. And after the creator's gone, the homunculus is still there, a sentient, immortal creation that was designed to build magical objects... and now only has a set number of magical objects it can finish building throughout the rest of eternity. And it's got to find the scrap to do it itself. All it has left is its creator's old gear that it continues to tinker with, and the other homunculi the creator left behind. Once one of them is expended, or killed, that's a big chunk of the Wright's world that's just gone forever.

And what the PCs see this tragic figure as? Tucker's bizarrely malformed Kobold with an army of nigh-unkillable constructs, sitting on a mountain of awesome loot, who steals the PCs' loot and sells some of it back to local vendors.

2014-08-04, 12:47 AM
Also, the Tarrasque with almost any template is an odd thought.