View Full Version : Pathfinder Building Mage Assassins and Secret Police

2014-08-03, 05:19 PM
The point in the game that I am at right now calls for me to include Assassins and Secret Police enforcers who were trained at a wizard academy specifically for this purpose. I was hoping you guys could make suggestions for builds, and comment on what I've got so far.

Also, feel free to ask questions :D

Mage Assassin
Race: Human---- Class: Illusionist 4/Rogue 2/Assassin 1 CR 7
Ability- Str: 13 Dex: 16 Con: 12 Int: 16 Wis: 13 Cha: 12
HD: 4d6+3d8 Hit Points: /45 Speed: 30 ft AC: 13 Touch: 13 Flat Footed: 10
Saves: +2 Fort, +8 Reflex, +5 Will
Armor: None
Weapon: Dagger
BAB +3 Attack: +6 1d4
CMB +4 CMD 17
Feats(?): Improved Initiative, Arcane Strike, Combat Expertise, Stealthy, Weapon Finesse (Dagger)
Skills: Spellcraft 7, Stealth 13, Disguise 7, Perception 4, Sleight of Hand 9
Prepared Spells - I have not built up the spell list yet, but I intend for a group of these guys to ambush my players soon, there are 6 players, all either at level 5 or extremely close.

Have not started secret police yet, but i think i'm going to start with a Diviner, for numerous reasons.