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View Full Version : Pathfinder Psion nerfs...? Really?

2014-08-03, 08:07 PM
This is pretty much the first time I went through and read the PF Psion's powers closely. I made the mistake of not doing that last time I was in a PF game with a Druid and the new Wildshape bit me in the ass when the DM wouldn't let me rebuild the character. Anyway, I'm looking at some of their Psychometabolism powers (Metamorphosis, I'm looking at you) and...is that discipline even worth it now?

Worse yet it's always been my favorite discipline followed thematically by psychoportation (even though I haven't played it yet).

What disciplines are the best anymore?

All I've found were generic inquiries or guides on the 3.5 (or 3.5 and PF mixed) Psion.

2014-08-03, 08:19 PM
They're all good, and done by a crew that takes playtest and balance seriously. You are upset that the worst of the balance issues are fixed? That your favorite classes have gone from LOLbroken to merely "overpowered"? I don't know what to direct you towards. I think Wizard and Cleric still have some over the top TO things that haven't been adjusted yet.

2014-08-03, 08:54 PM
I agree with the OP. I think the beast shape, etc... line of spells was an over-nerf as it was, but the metamorphosis powers is just ridiculous, I couldn't believe how horrible it was when I read it, they make the polymorph spells from paizo look amazing. OP, I would suggest just not bother with those powers anymore. Psychometabolism still has some other useful stuff, or you could just pick a different discipline entirely. Nomad psions are pretty good now. They get unlimited use Su teleportation at level 2 and can drop it to a move action with one feat. Aside from the amazing utility, PF made concentration DCs in a grapple stupidly obscenely hard, so having it as Su is a nice boon to escape from monsters.

2014-08-03, 09:11 PM
Oh, how horrible metamorphosis is, that it merely replaces at least 3 distinct powers! It's merely one of the most useful buffs in the game! Woe is me, who can solve only "all mobility problems and many fighty problems" instead of "every problem" with a single manifestation!

Dude. Seriously. Yes, the power was nerfed. It's still one of the most powerful resources in the game. The psion is still a T2 powerhouse, even within its ranks.

2014-08-03, 09:18 PM
That looks suspiciously like Lycanthromancer's version, which came out well before this version and was, in fact, submitted to Dreamscarred Press, who refused to pay for all of the work he put into his psionic powers revision but who don't seem to have problems cribbing ideas from it.

Metamorphosis (NAX)*
Level: Egoist 1
Display: Material and Olfactory
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 min/lvl [D] for a creature, or 1 hour/lvl [D] for an object
Power Points: 1, XP (see text)

You can assume the form of a different creature of your size category (though these changes are mostly superficial, and do not actually change who or what you are, at least initially), or an object, likewise of your size category. You can not emulate multiple creatures or creatures with the [Swarm] subtype. You keep your normal type and any subtypes you may have, and you gain the [Augmented Shapechanger] subtype for the duration of the power. This does not change your weight (but see the augmentations below). Upon changing to the new form, you regain lost hit points equal to the number of power points you spent in manifesting this power (not including metapsionic feats). If you are slain while under the effect of this power, you revert to your original form, though you remain dead.

Creatures: You change your appearance to superficially resemble any creature of your size category. You retain all of the properties of your normal form (including racial, template, and class-based abilities), except for those requiring a body part that the new form does not have, if any. If the assumed form is capable of vocalizing in any way, you can communicate verbally, as normal. You retain any manifesting ability you had in your original form. You can freely designate the new form's minor physical qualities (such as hair color, hair texture, skin color, height, weight, and gender) within the normal ranges for a creature of that type. You are effectively disguised as a member of the new form's race. If you use this power to create a disguise, you gain a bonus on your Disguise check equal to your manifester level (minimum +4). Beyond simple appearance, the only qualities of your new form that you take on are the number of limbs and the status of a biped, quadruped, and so on. New limbs are clumsy and have only basic functionality, and are incapable of making skill checks, attack rolls, or giving you additional modes of movement unless you take certain menu abilities. At your option, you can shape abilities you choose to resemble equipment, such as metallic armor (for armored) or steel claws (for natural attack); doing so does not change the parameters of the menu abilities in any way.

Objects: You can also use this power to assume the form of an inanimate object. You do not gain the object's hardness, and retain your own hit points. You can take the shape of almost any simple object of your size category that you can think of, such as a chair, a sword, or a rug. If you attempt to take the form of a complex object, you must make an appropriate skill check. For instance, if you want to take the form of a beautiful painting, you must make a Craft (painting) check against a DC set by the DM to determine the quality of the painting. If you fail the check, the quality of the object whose form you assume is very low, and in some cases, the power may fail (such as when attempting to emulate a complicated mechanical device). Likewise, you can not take the form of a complex mechanical mechanism unless you have some sort of skill associated with the object. When disguised as an inanimate object, you lose your natural forms of mobility, and you keep your normal type and any subtype you may have. You become effectively blind and you lose the ability to speak, though you can hear and feel normally. You can manifest powers normally, though you must find some way in which to target any powers without the range of Personal or Touch. You must still make Concentration checks when appropriate conditions apply. If you attempt to emulate a weapon and have at least 1 point of hardness (through a menu ability or otherwise), you count as psionic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. If you find some way to animate yourself (such as through the animate object or control body powers), you have the attack forms of an animated object as appropriate for your size and shape (see pg 13 of the Monster Manual for details).

When the change occurs, your equipment alters itself so that it remains worn or held by the new form. You can also specify that any given piece of equipment falls off and lands near your feet (assuming that you have feet) or is absorbed into your own body and becomes nonfunctional. (Cursed items can not be dropped or absorbed.) When you revert to your normal form, any objects previously melded into the new form reappear in the same location on your body they previously occupied, and are once again functional. Any part of the body or piece of equipment that is separated from the whole reverts to its normal form within 5 rounds, or when the power ends, whichever is sooner.

You can not use this ability in conjunction with the form of doom power, the polymorph spell, or similar effects, except as noted below. Whichever effect occurs last supercedes and replaces the previous effect, as multiple manifestations of the metamorphosis power would. If you attempt to do so you may alter your appearance (in a way similar to the spell disguise self, except the changes are physical rather than illusory; anyone touching you feels the alterations as though they were otherwise real (including additional body parts you add in such a way). Using effects to change your size category (such as mass modulation) adjust your effective size category while your form is altered, as normal.

All effects granted by this power, including menu abilities, are considered untyped, innate (Ex) abilities unless noted otherwise, except that they can be suppressed when they enter a null psionics field. You gain 2 Menu A abilities when you manifest metamorphosis, and can add others via augmentation, as you desire.

XP Cost (Optional): For every 100 XP you spend in the manifestation of this power, you can gain 1 power point's worth of augmentation, which can only be used to buy menu abilities. This allows you to effectively augment this power above and beyond your manifester level. You need not actually spend the power points for this to function, as they are supplied by paying the XP cost (which means that it does not increase the save DCs of any abilities you gain or increase the duration of the power). You can not use this feature to gain a menu ability that is too high for you to buy through normal augmentation, regardless of the number of XP you spend. For example, a 4th level manifester with 6,800 XP can spend 4 power points to augment metamorphosis. He can also spend XP to add several power points' worth of menu abilities from Menus A or B, but can not spend so many XP that it would cause him to lose a level (in this case, more than 800 XP, or 8 power points).

Augment: 1. For every additional power point you spend, you can gain 1 additional Menu A ability.

2. For every 3 additional power points you spend, you gain 1 menu ability from Menu B.

3. For every 6 additional power points you spend, you gain 1 menu ability from Menu C.

4. For every 9 additional power points you spend, you gain 1 menu ability from Menu D.

5. For every 2 additional power points you spend, this power's duration for remaining disguised as an object increases by 1 hour.

6. If you spend 2 additional power points, this power's range becomes "Touch," its target becomes "One creature or object touched," its saving throw entry becomes "Fortitude negates (object, potentially harmless)," and its power resistance becomes "Yes (object, potentially harmless)." Creatures turned into objects have their appearance altered as noted above; objects turned into creatures remain inert, appearing to be just dead flesh for the power's duration.

6a. For every 2 additional power points you spend, you can affect an additional target within range.

7. If you spend 4 additional power points, this power's duration for remaining disguised as a creature becomes "10 min/lvl [D]."

7a. If you spend a total of 7 additional power points, it becomes "1 hour/lvl [D]."

8. If you spend 6 additional power points, you can alter your appearance once per round as a full-round action to appear as a different creature or object entirely. You can not change from a creature to an object or vice-versa, and you can not alter the menu abilities you chose upon manifestation of this power.

8a. If you spend a total of 7 additional power points, you can change your appearance as a standard action.

8b. If you spend a total of 8 additional power points, you can change your appearance as a move action in addition to the options above.

8c. If you spend a total of 9 additional power points, you can change your appearance as an immediate action in addition to the options above.

9. [Negative] For every power point not spent, you lose 1 ability from Menu A. For every 4 power points not spent, this the save DCs of this power's granted abilities decrease by 1.

10. [Negative] For every power point not spent, you lower one of your physical ability scores (Str, Dex, or Con) by 1 for the duration of this power. For every 4 power points not spent, the save DCs of this power's granted abilities decrease by 1.

For every 4 power points you spend on this power (via one of these augmentations, or simply by spending additional power points), the DCs of any abilities you grant yourself increase by 1.

Metamorphosis, Creature Menu Abilities
Menu A Abilities (1 power point)

Adaptation: You alter your body in such a way that you gain a +2 bonus to one skill of your choice. Your skin becomes mottled, granting you camouflage for Hide checks; your body becomes lithe and flexible for Escape Artist checks; and so on. You can gain such a bonus on any skill but Concentration, Perform, Profession, Use Magic/Psionic Device, or any skill based on Intelligence, but this menu option does not allow you to use a skill untrained if you could not do so otherwise. You can take this option multiple times, but each time you do, you must choose a new skill to adapt to.

Augment: For every 3 additional power points you spend on this menu ability, the skill bonus you gain increases by 2.

Amphibious: You gain the aquatic subtype (but no swim speed), as well as the amphibious special quality, growing gills that allow you to breathe underwater, while retaining the ability to breathe air. You can breathe in both salt and fresh water.

Armored: You grow a shell, armored plates, or scales, increasing your inherent natural armor bonus by +2.

Augment: For every 3 additional power points you spend on this menu ability, the inherent natural armor bonus you gain increases by 2.

Damage Reduction: Your flesh hardens or becomes rubbery, giving you DR 1/-.

Augment: For every 2 additional power points you spend, your damage reduction increases by 1.

Ferocity: You manipulate your body's glands to put you in a heightened emotional state, allowing you to rage at your foes even when you should be dying. You can continue to fight without penalty even while disabled or dying.

Fury: Once every 10 minutes for up to 4 rounds, you enter a fit of frenzied rage, taking a -2 penalty to Intelligence and Wisdom, but in return you gain a +2 bonus to Strength. You can not reduce your mental scores to 0 or less in this manner. The penalties to your mental scores go away at the end of this ability's duration.

Augment: For every 2 additional power points you spend on this menu ability, you can gain an additional +2 bonus to Strength, but at a cost of an additional -1 penalty to both Intelligence and Wisdom.

Improved Carrying Capacity: Your frame becomes sturdier, allowing you to carry increased loads. Your carrying capacity doubles as if your Strength score were 5 points greater than it actually is.

Lung Endurance: You can hold your breath for a number of rounds equal to 6x your Constitution score before you risk suffocation or drowning.

Augment: 1. If you spend 2 additional power points on this menu ability, you can hold your breath for 8x your Constitution score.

1a. If you spend a total of 4 additional power points, you can hold your breath for 10x your Constitution score.

Motility: Your form is altered to allow you an extra movement mode, such as fins for swimming or sticky pads on your hands and feet for climbing. You can choose any one of the following: Climber-You gain a climb speed of 15 ft. Swimmer: You gain a swim speed of 20 ft. This menu option does not give you the ability to breathe underwater. (You gain a +8 bonus to either Climb or Swim checks, and can take 10 even while rushed or threatened.) Sprinter-You gain a bonus to your land speed of 10 ft (or gain a land speed of 20 ft, if you don't have one already). You can choose this option multiple times, but each time you do, you must choose a new movement mode.

Augment: 1. For every additional power point you spend on this menu ability, your swim speed increases by 10 ft.

2. For every additional power point you spend on this menu ability, your climb speed increases by 5 ft.

3. For every 3 additional power points you spend on this menu ability, your base land speed increases by 20 ft.

4. If you spend 6 additional power points on this menu ability, you instead gain the following: Flyer-You gain a fly speed of 20 ft, with Poor maneuverability.

4a. For every additional power point you spend, your fly speed increases by 5 ft.

5. If you spend 6 additional power points on this menu ability, you instead gain the following: Burrower-You gain a burrow speed of 15 ft. You can not run or charge while burrowing. Your tunnel collapses 5 ft behind you, but you can breathe while so submerged.

5a. For every additional power point you spend, your burrow speed increases by 5 ft.

Natural Attack: You gain a single secondary natural melee attack with which you are proficient. This may be a bite, tentacle, slam, claw, sting, gore, tail slap, or armor spikes (use the damage rating of a claw attack), as appropriate to the form you are using (though some creatures, such as dragons, have other attacks; if so, substitute the closest of the aforementioned attack forms for the new attack). You can only gain natural attacks according to the physiology of the form you are using, so a creature without a mouth, for example, could not have a bite attack. You can only use limbs that the form you are using has. The exception to this is for forms that are usually amorphous (such as oozes), in which you can grow a bashing pseudopod for slam or bite attacks. The reach of your attacks depends upon your size. You can gain this menu ability multiple times and its effects stack. Each time you take this option, you either receive a new natural attack, or one of your existing natural weapons counts as one size category larger for damage purposes (you can gain the latter effects only once per natural weapon). See the tables on pgs 296 and 314 of the Monster Manual for information on natural attacks based on size.

Rock Throwing: If you are Small size or larger, you can hurl rocks, fallen masonry, and so on that have a range increment of 80 ft, and deal 1d8 points of damage + your Str modifier with no penalties to your attack roll. Throwing a rock is a standard action.

Augment: 1. If you spend 2 additional power points, the range increment for the rocks you hurl increases by 30 ft, and the base damage with them increases to the next size category: 2d6 (Large), 2d8 (Huge), 3d6 (Gargantuan), 4d6 (Colossal). You may only gain the benefits of this augment up to your actual size category.

1a. For every 3 additional power points you spend, you increase the range increment for the rocks you hurl by 30 ft, and increase their base damage by one size category as noted above.

Spine Attack: You grow a dense coat of bristling spines that you can fire at a distant foe as a swift action (range increment 20 ft, maximum range 100 ft). If they hit (treat as a primary natural weapon), they deal 1d4 points of damage + 1 point per 5 manifester levels, and the stricken foe must succeed on a Reflex save or have the quills break off in its flesh. Lodged quills impose a -1 penalty on attacks, saves, and skill and ability checks. Quills can be removed safely with a DC 20 Heal check; otherwise, removing the quills deals an extra 1d4 points of damage (they also deal this damage if not removed by the time metamorphosis expires). Unlike with most body parts that are separated from you during metamorphosis's duration, quills remain lodged in the target's flesh until they are removed or until the power ends.

Augment: 1. If you spend 2 additional power points on this menu ability, your spines deal 1d4 points of damage + 1 point per 3 manifester levels, impose a -2 penalty to attacks, saves, and checks, and deal 1d6 points of damage if a Heal check is not made successfully.

2. If you spend 4 additional power points on this menu ability, your spines deal 1d4 points of damage + 1 point per 2 manifester levels, impose a -3 penalty to attacks, saves, and checks, and deal 1d8 points of damage if a Heal check is not made successfully.

3. If you spend 6 additional power points on this menu ability, your spines deal 1d4 points of damage + 1 point per manifester level, impose a -4 penalty to attacks, saves, and checks, and deal 2d6 points of damage if a Heal check is not made successfully.

Tremorsense: You gain the tremorsense special quality out to 30 ft. You are sensitive to vibrations in the ground, and can automatically pinpoint the location of anything that is in contact with the ground (or anything tightly anchored to it, such as a wall). If you are in a liquid environment, you can also sense the location of creatures that are also moving through the fluid medium.

Augment: For every additional power point you spend on this menu ability, you can increase its range by 10 ft.

Turn Resistance: You gain turn resistance +2.

Augment: For every 2 additional power points you spend on this menu ability, your turn resistance increases by 1.

Menu B Abilities (3 power points)

Bonus Feat: You gain any one fighter bonus feat that you qualify for. You can use menu abilities granted by the metamorphosis power to qualify for this feat, if necessary. You can take this ability multiple times, as desired. Hit points gained in this way through taking the Toughness feat are treated like the hit points gained through a temporary increase in Constitution.

Augment: If you spend 2 additional power points on this menu ability, you can gain one [General] or [Psionic] bonus feat you qualify for, instead. These include monstrous feats. Power points and hit points gained through taking the Psionic Talent and Psionic Body feats are treated like the hit points gained through a temporary increase in Constitution.

Engulf: You must also have the amorphous special quality in order to take this menu option. You can make an engulfing attack against creatures at least one size category smaller than you on a successful grapple check. The creatures remains grappled, and can not escape the grapple unless they succeed in making two checks in a row that would otherwise allow it to escape the grapple. You are not considered grappled, but you are considered entangled so long as the creature is within your body. Any creature that targets either you or the creatures within you with attacks, spells, spell-like abilities, and so on, has an equal chance of hitting any one of you. You both also automatically take damage from any special qualities the other might have, such as the energy burn menu ability. You automatically take damage from any attacks they make against you, however, even on a natural roll of 1 (this vulnerability does not apply to the engulfed creature). You can hold a maximum of 1 creature of one size category smaller than you, 2 creatures two size categories smaller than you, 4 creatures three size categories smaller than you, and so on. You can eject any given creature from your body as a free action during your turn. Creatures that you eject or that are within your body when the metamorphosis power ends appear in a random space adjacent to yours.

Augment: If you spend 3 additional power points on this menu ability, you need not grapple a creature in order to engulf it. You can attempt to engulf a creature at least one size category smaller than you as a standard action (Reflex negates). If you have the Trample special quality (or as a feat), you can attempt to mow down creatures you trample, engulfing them on a successful trample instead of dealing damage.

Double Damage Against Objects: Choose one of your natural weapons. Any attack made with this weapon against an object deals double damage but is still subject to hardness. Adamantine is immune to this ability.

Augment: If you spend 2 additional power points on this menu ability, you can ignore hardness against anything but adamantine.

Improved Reach: Choose one of your natural attacks, or a single limb (or pair of identical limbs) wielding a manufactured weapon. Any attack made with the limb(s) of your choice gain an additional 5 ft of reach.

Augment: 1. For every 2 additional power points you spend on this menu ability, you can affect another limb (or pair of identical limbs).

2. If you spend 3 additional power points, your attacks gain an additional 5 ft of reach.

Ink Cloud: When underwater, you can emit a spherical cloud of jet-black ink with a radius of 30 ft once per minute as a free action. The effect is otherwise similar to the fog cloud spell cast at your manifester level. Out of water, the ink emerges in a stream (with a range of Close (25 ft + 5 ft/2 lvls)), which you can squirt into an opponent's eyes. The affected creature must succeed on a Reflex save or be blinded for 1 round.

Metatoxin: Choose one of your natural attacks to poison, and one type of ability score (Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, or Cha). Once per round, you can deal 1 point of damage to that ability score if you damage your target and it fails a Fortitude save (for physical scores) or a Will save (for mental scores). Otherwise, the effect fails. This damage can be cured in any way that normal ability damage can be cured, though it can also be dispelled as if it were a psionic effect. If you take this option more than once, it affects another natural attack, and can affect any single ability score, though you can not add it to an attack that is already affected by this ability. Ability damage immediately goes away when the metamorphosis power ends, and can not reduce any ability score below 1.

Augment: 1. If you spend 3 additional power points on this menu ability, the damage increases to 1d4.

1a. If you spend a total of 5 additional power points, the damage increases to 1d6 + 1.

2. If you spend 4 additional power points on this menu ability, the damage your target takes on a failed save is halved, rather than negated (minimum 1).

Morphic Resonance: You can assume one of the following creature types, temporarily replacing your actual type with your chosen type, regardless of the form you take: Animal, Fey, Giant, Humanoid, or Monstrous Humanoid. You are treated as that type for the purposes of powers, spells, and effects. Your form is altered somewhat to reflect this; for example, if you take a humanoid form with animal as your type, you look feral and wild, and you gain the suggestion of fur, feathers, or scales, though you are recognizably humanoid. You do not gain any weapon or armor proficiencies from assuming the new type, but you do get all other applicable immunities and special qualities (though since you are not mindless, you do not gain this special quality regardless of your form or type). Opponents may make the appropriate Knowledge checks to determine your actual type and any subtypes you have assumed; the DC for this check equals the DC of metamorphosis + the modifiers you have on your Disguise skill.

If you have some, but not all, of the qualities of your own type (such as through a template or class, or if you are elan), and choose that type for your own, you gain all of the standard qualities of that type. If you have no Constitution score and assume a form that normally has a Con score (generally anything other than constructs or undead), you gain a Con score of 10 for the duration of metamorphosis; you do not reroll your hit point total.

Augment: 1. If you spend 3 additional power points on this menu ability, you can also assume the following types: Aberration, Magical Beast, Ooze (blind, but with blindsight 30 ft, and does not deal acid damage), Plant, or Vermin. You also gain any one subtype of your choice, except for aquatic, chaotic, cold, evil, extraplanar, fire, good, lawful, incorporeal, and swarm.

1a. If you spend 3 additional power points, you can also assume one of the following types: construct, dragon, elemental, outsider, or undead. If you choose the construct or undead types, you temporarily lose your Con score, though your HD temporarily change to d10 + hp based on size (for Constructs) or d12 (for Undead), which means that you reroll your hit points to suit your new form. The hit point total you lose returns once you no longer have that type, though any damage you have taken remains in effect. You also gain any one of the following subtypes: chaotic, cold, evil, fire, good, or lawful. If you choose an alignment subtype, it overrides your actual alignment, though detect alignment spells and similar register a faint aura of your original alignment.

1ab. If you spend 3 additional power points, you can take on as many subtypes as you wish, so long as they are not diametrically opposed. You can not, for instance, take the fire and cold subtypes or the good and evil subtypes simultaneously.

Pass Without Trace: You can slip through underbrush, over dusty floors, and through stinging nettles with utter ease. You can pass without trace, as the spell (though this ability is still Extraordinary in nature).

Raking Frenzy: You can attack twice instead of once while grappling a foe with your primary natural weapon(s). These attacks are made at your full base attack bonus, and don't suffer the normal -4 penalty for attacking during a grapple. You can not rake on a turn in which you begin a grapple.

Rock Catching: If you are Large size or larger, you can catch rocks two size categories smaller than you (that is, rocks the same size as a gnome or a goblin for a Large sized form, for instance), or projectiles of similar shape. Once per round, if you would normally be hit by a rock, you can make a Reflex save to catch it as a free action, taking no damage from the hit. The DC for catching a Small rock is 15, 20 for a Medium one, and 25 for a Large one (if the projectile provides a magical, masterwork, or similar bonus on attack rolls, the DC increases by that amount). You must be aware of the attack (and not be flat-footed or otherwise immobilized) in order to make a rock catching attempt.

Scent: You gain the scent special ability. You can detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell. You can identify familiar odors just as you would familiar sights. You can detect opponents within 30 ft by sense of smell. If the opponent is upwind, the range increases to 60 ft. If downwind, it drops to 15 ft. Strong scents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, can be detected at twice the ranges noted above. Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk or troglodyte stench, can be detected at triple normal range. When you detect a scent, the exact location of the source is not revealed-only its presence somewhere within range. You can take a move action to note the direction of the scent. Whenever you come within 5 ft of the source, you can pinpoint the source's location. If you have the Track feat and the scent ability, you can follow tracks by smell, making a Wisdom (or Survival) check to find or follow a track. The typical DC for a fresh trail is 10 (no matter what kind of surface holds the scent). This DC increases or decreases depending on how strong the quarry's odor is, the number of creatures, and the age of the trail. For each hour that the trail is cold, the DC increases by 2. The ability otherwise follows the rules for the Track feat. Creatures tracking by scent ignore the effects of surface conditions and poor visibility.

Sprint: Once per minute, you can take on a blinding burst of speed, gaining the ability to move at 10x your normal speed as a full-round action or as part of a charge. Once you utilize this ability, you are fatigued for 5 rounds afterward.

Augment: If you spend 3 additional power points on this menu ability, you are fatigued for only 1 round.

Stability: You gain exceptional stability on your feet. You gain a +4 bonus on ability checks to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground).

Stench: Your skin exudes a putrid odor. All living creatures without a similar ability (such as hezrou) within 5 ft of you must make a Fortitude save every round or become nauseated for 1 round. On a successful save, it is immune from this effect for 1 round. This is considered a poison effect for the purposes of immunities and saving throws.

Augment: 1. For every 2 additional power points you spend on this menu ability, you can increase its range by 5 ft (up to a maximum of 20 ft).

2. If you spend 2 additional power points on this menu ability, creatures that make their saving throws must make a secondary Fortitude save or become sickened for 1 round.

Webbing: You can throw a sticky web once every 1d4 rounds. This is similar to an attack with a net but has a range increment of 10 ft, a maximum range of 50 ft, and is effective against targets your size or smaller. The web anchors ground-bound targets in place, allowing no movement. Flying and swimming creatures are merely entangled. The webbing melts away within 1 minute. An entangled creature can escape with an Escape Artist check, or they can burst the web with a Strength check (this check is made with a -4 penalty). The web has 2 hit points + 1 hit point per manifester level, hardness 0, and takes double damage from fire. This webbing dissolves at the end of the metamorphosis power's duration.

Augment: 1. If you spend 2 additional power points on this menu ability, you double its range increment and maximum range.

2. For every 2 additional power points you spend on this menu ability, you can target creatures one size category larger, and the web's hit points increase by 1 hp per manifester level.

3. If you spend 4 additional power points, you can create sheets of sticky webbing from 5 to 30 ft square, which you can spin instead of making a webbing attack. Approaching creatures must succeed on a DC 20 Spot check to notice a web, or they stumble into it and become trapped as though by a successful web attack. Attempts to escape or burst the webbing receive a +5 bonus if the trapped creature has something to walk on or grab while pulling free. Each 5 ft section has the same hardness and hit points as a single shot of webbing. You can move freely over any webbing that you spin yourself.

Menu C Abilities (6 power points)

Amorphous: Your form is mostly liquid, and your body shifts and oozes, randomly growing tentacles, eyes, mouths, and so on, at your option. You can remain as a vaguely recognizable shape if you wish, or you can appear as a relatively formless ooze. You become immune to critical hits and can not be flanked.

Attach: If you have a bite attack and successfully hit an opponent with it, you can latch onto its body with your jaws. If your opponent is the same size as you or larger, you lose your Dexterity bonus to AC. You automatically deal bite damage once per round until you release your opponent or are removed. You can still make attacks against the creature you are attached to, and you can be struck with weapons or grappled without penalty. In order to be forcefully removed through grappling, an opponent (not necessarily the one you are attached to) must achieve a pin against you during a grapple attempt.

Constrict: You automatically deal bludgeoning damage on a successful grapple check using the damage dealt by your primary natural attack (but only once per round). If you also have improved grab, you deal constriction damage in addition to your normal natural attack damage.

Improved Grab: To use this option, you must have a bite, claw, slam, or tentacle attack, or some other melee attack with an appendage that can hold an opponent. On a successful hit with that weapon on a creature one or more size categories smaller than you, you can attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. You can enter a grapple normally, or you can hold your opponent with that appendage at a -20 penalty on grapple checks (though you are not considered grappled yourself). If successful, you pull your opponent into your space. You do not deal damage when holding your opponent unless you are considered grappled yourself, or you have the constrict special quality.

Pounce: If you expend your psionic focus as part of a charge, you can make a full attack, including rake attacks if you have the raking frenzy ability.

Augment: If you spend 3 additional power points on this menu ability, you no longer need to expend your psionic focus.

Powerful Build: Your body is taller, stockier, and more muscular than normal for the form you take, and you are treated in many ways as if you were one size category larger than you actually are. Whenever you are subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), you are treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous for you. You are also considered to be one size category larger when determining whether a creature's special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect you. You can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, your space and reach remain those of a creature of your actual size.

Racial Emulation: Choose a race, such as goblin, elf, half-giant, or elan. You gain that race as a subtype, and you count as that race for activating magic items, meeting the prerequisites for feats, and other purposes.

Stone Slide: You can easily burrow through stone, dirt, or almost any other sort of earth except metal as easily as a fish swims through water, at a speed of 20 ft. Your burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it create any ripple or other signs of your presence. Your ability to breathe is unimpaired. A move earth spell cast on an area containing you flings you back 30 feet, stunning you for 1 round unless you succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save.

Trip: Choose a single natural attack you have. If you hit with it, you can attempt to trip your opponent as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, your opponent can not react to trip you.

Menu D Abilities (9 power points)

Adhesive: Your body exudes a thick slime that acts as a powerful adhesive, holding fast any creatures or items that touch it. One of your natural attacks per round that hits an opponent holds it fast, automatically grappling it. Opponents so grappled can not get free without making a Strength check (the DC gains a +5 bonus), unless the adhesive is removed, you die, or the metamorphosis power ends. A weapon that strikes the adhesive coating is stuck fast unless the wielder succeeds on a Reflex save. A successful Strength check is needed to pry it off. Strong alcohol dissolves the adhesive, but you can still grapple normally. You can dissolve your own adhesive at will.

Crush: This menu option allows you to jump on or land on an opponent as a standard action, using your whole body to crush it. Crush attacks are effective only against opponents three or more size categories smaller than you (though you can attempt normal overrun or grapple attempts against larger opponents). A crush attack affects as many creatures as can fit under your body. Creatures in the affected area must succeed on a Reflex save or be pinned, automatically taking bludgeoning damage during the next round unless you move off them. If you choose to maintain the pin, treat it as a normal grapple attack. Pinned opponents take damage from the crush each round if they don't escape. A crush attack deals the same damage as a bite attack, plus 1-1/2 times your Strength bonus (round down).

Regurgitation: You grow horribly swollen glands on either side of your neck that secrete a caustic substance that you can forcefully regurgitate at foes, dealing 1d6 acid damage per 3 manifester levels in a 40 ft cone as a standard action once every 1d4 rounds (Reflex save for half). You and all of your equipment are immune to the effects of this substance.

Swallow Whole: If you begin your turn with a creature held in your mouth, you can attempt a new grapple check (as though trying to pin the opponent). If you succeed, you swallow it, and it takes bite damage. Such creatures must be one or more size categories smaller than you. Swallowed creatures are considered grappled (though you are not), and take 1d4 points each of acid and bludgeoning damage per 3 manifester levels you have per round (no save). It can try to cut its way free with a light slashing or piercing weapon, but it must deal 1/5 of your total hp in damage in order to cut its way free (the AC of your stomach is 10 + 1/2 your natural armor bonus + any deflection bonus you may have). The hole closes automatically due to muscular action, and the next creature to be swallowed must cut its own way out. Alternately, the swallowed creature can attempt an opposed grapple check to climb back into your mouth, where it may be bitten and swallowed again. Creatures still in your gullet when metamorphosis ends that are larger than your normal form can hold (ie, larger than two size-categories smaller than you) appear prone in a space adjacent to you.

Swift Healing: You gain a special form of the fast healing special quality for 1 round per manifester level upon manifesting metamorphosis, so long as you spend actions rebuilding your damaged body. As a swift action, you can heal 2 hit points per 3 manifester levels. As a move action, you can heal 3 hit points per 3 manifester levels. As a standard action, you can heal 4 hit points per 3 manifester levels. As a full-round action, you can heal 5 hit points per 3 manifester levels. This ability does not restore hit points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation, and it does not allow a creature to regrow or reattach severed body parts.

Trample: As a full-round action, you can move up to twice your speed and literally run over any opponent at least one size category smaller than you. You merely have to move over the foes in your path; any creature whose space is completely covered by your space is subject to the trample attack. If the target's space is larger than 5 ft, it is only considered trampled if you move over all the squares it occupies. If you move over only some of the target's space, it can make an attack of opportunity against you at a -4 penalty. If you accidentally end your movement in an illegal space, you return to the last legal position you occupied, or the closest other legal position, if there's one that is closer. A trample attack deals bludgeoning damage, equal to your primary natural attack. Trampled creatures can attempt attacks of opportunity, but these take a -4 penalty. If they do not make one, they can attempt a Reflex save for half damage. You use your Strength modifier rather than your manifesting modifier for this save. You can only deal trampling damage to each target once per round, no matter how many times your movement takes you over a target creature.

Metamorphosis, Object Menu Abilities
Menu A Abilities (1 power point)

Artistry: You gain +3 to your Craft or other skill check to determine the quality of the item you become.

Augment: For every 2 additional power points you spend on this menu ability, the bonus to your Craft check increases by 3.

Energy Resistance: You gain energy resistance 5 against the acid and sonic energy types, or 1/2 energy damage, whichever is less.

Augment: For every 3 additional power points you spend on this menu ability, your energy resistance increases by 5.

Hardness: You gain hardness 5.

Augment: For every 3 additional power points you spend on this menu ability, your hardness increases by 5. If your hardness is 20 or more and you are in the form of a weapon, you can overcome DR/adamantine.

Objective Resilience: You gain 1 hit point per manifester level you have per size category you are above Tiny. Hit points gained in this way are treated like the hit points gained through a temporary increase in Constitution. For instance, if you are a 4th level manifester, and emulate a Medium object, you gain 8 hit points. Despite these being actual hit points, they dissipate at the end of the power's duration.

Augment: For every 3 additional power points you spend on this menu ability, you gain an additional hit point per manifester level you have, per size category you are above Tiny.

Weight, Decreased: You weigh down to 3/4 of your actual weight at your current size category (multiply by 0.75). For instance, if your normal size is Medium and your normal weight is 200 lbs, and you become a Small object, your weight would normally be 25 lbs. With this menu ability, your weight would be between 18.75 lbs (minimum) and 25 lbs (maximum).

Augment: 1. If you spend an additional power point on this menu ability, your minimum possible weight is 1/2 of what it would otherwise be (multiply by 0.5).

4. If you spend 2 additional power points on this menu ability, your minimum possible weight is 1/8 of what it would otherwise be (multiply by 0.125).

Weight, Increased: You weigh up to 1/8 more than your actual weight at your current size category (multiply by 1.125). For instance, if your normal size is Medium and your normal weight is 200 lbs, and you become a Large object, your weight would normally be 1600 lbs. With this menu ability, your weight would be between 1600 lbs (minimum) and 1800 lbs (maximum).

Augment: 1. If you spend 2 additional power points on this menu ability, your maximum weight is 1/4 more than what it would otherwise be (multiply by 1.25).

2. If you spend 4 additional power points on this menu ability, your maximum weight is 3/8 more than what it would otherwise be (multiply by 1.375).

3. If you spend 6 additional power points on this menu ability, your maximum weight is 1/2 more than what it would otherwise be (multiply by 1.5).

4. If you spend 8 additional power points on this menu ability, your maximum weight is 3/4 more than what it would otherwise be (multiply by 1.75).

Menu B Abilities (3 power points)

Morphic Resonance, Object: As morphic resonance, except your type becomes object. You temporarily lose your Con score, though the hit points you lose return once you are no longer an object.

Augment: 1. If you spend 3 additional power points on this menu ability, you can gain any subtype of your choice, except for aquatic, chaotic, cold, evil, extraplanar, fire, good, lawful, incorporeal, and swarm.

1a. If you spend 3 additional power points, you can gain any one of the following subtypes: chaotic, cold, evil, fire, good, or lawful. If you choose an alignment subtype, it overrides your actual alignment, though detect alignment spells and similar register a faint aura of your original alignment.

1ab. If you spend 3 additional power points, you can take on as many subtypes as you wish, so long as they are not diametrically opposed. You can not, for instance, take the fire and cold subtypes, or the good and evil subtypes simultaneously.

2014-08-03, 09:37 PM
They're all good, and done by a crew that takes playtest and balance seriously. You are upset that the worst of the balance issues are fixed? That your favorite classes have gone from LOLbroken to merely "overpowered"? I don't know what to direct you towards. I think Wizard and Cleric still have some over the top TO things that haven't been adjusted yet.

I'm not mad because the powers are no longer broken. I'm mad because they've been dropped to levels nearing uselessness. They'd be great for a Psion to buff the party fighter but are nowhere near potent enough for the level you get each one for the Psion to buff himself to any meaningful level. it defeats the purpose of having the powers in hte first place.

Psion (outside of some extreme cheese) was also never "lolbroken" and ignoring some of Tippy's suggestions can't break tier 2.

Also, I appreciate the suggestions but I want to keep the Psion for this game and this world specifically.

I agree with the OP. I think the beast shape, etc... line of spells was an over-nerf as it was, but the metamorphosis powers is just ridiculous, I couldn't believe how horrible it was when I read it, they make the polymorph spells from paizo look amazing. OP, I would suggest just not bother with those powers anymore. Psychometabolism still has some other useful stuff, or you could just pick a different discipline entirely. Nomad psions are pretty good now. They get unlimited use Su teleportation at level 2 and can drop it to a move action with one feat. Aside from the amazing utility, PF made concentration DCs in a grapple stupidly obscenely hard, so having it as Su is a nice boon to escape from monsters.

If they got some boosts I might have to try a Nomad. I've always loved them thematically but the only times I really ever get to play Psions are in games where people are already playing Wizards, Clerics, Druids, Artificers, etc and I usually have to build the stronger disciplines. What's the feat to drop it to a move action?

Oh, how horrible metamorphosis is, that it merely replaces at least 3 distinct powers! It's merely one of the most useful buffs in the game! Woe is me, who can solve only "all mobility problems and many fighty problems" instead of "every problem" with a single manifestation!

Dude. Seriously. Yes, the power was nerfed. It's still one of the most powerful resources in the game. The psion is still a T2 powerhouse, even within its ranks.

I'm not sure you've thoroughly read the new Metamorphosis line of powers, maybe. And I never argued the Psion wasn't still T2 at all. But that discipline has dropped severely in its utility and even focusing on that niche is still going to fall behind the Wizard or Cleric now. At least because they kept up. But all it is are buffs that aren't as good as the others that someone else is already going to be throwing around in the party.

That looks suspiciously like Lycanthromancer's version, which came out well before this version and was, in fact, submitted to Dreamscarred Press, who refused to pay for all of the work he put into his psionic powers revision but who don't seem to have problems cribbing ideas from it.

Metamorphosis (NAX)*
Level: Egoist 1
Display: Material and Olfactory
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 min/lvl [D] for a creature, or 1 hour/lvl [D] for an object
Power Points: 1, XP (see text)

You can assume the form of a different creature of your size category (though these changes are mostly superficial, and do not actually change who or what you are, at least initially), or an object, likewise of your size category. You can not emulate multiple creatures or creatures with the [Swarm] subtype. You keep your normal type and any subtypes you may have, and you gain the [Augmented Shapechanger] subtype for the duration of the power. This does not change your weight (but see the augmentations below). Upon changing to the new form, you regain lost hit points equal to the number of power points you spent in manifesting this power (not including metapsionic feats). If you are slain while under the effect of this power, you revert to your original form, though you remain dead.

Creatures: You change your appearance to superficially resemble any creature of your size category. You retain all of the properties of your normal form (including racial, template, and class-based abilities), except for those requiring a body part that the new form does not have, if any. If the assumed form is capable of vocalizing in any way, you can communicate verbally, as normal. You retain any manifesting ability you had in your original form. You can freely designate the new form's minor physical qualities (such as hair color, hair texture, skin color, height, weight, and gender) within the normal ranges for a creature of that type. You are effectively disguised as a member of the new form's race. If you use this power to create a disguise, you gain a bonus on your Disguise check equal to your manifester level (minimum +4). Beyond simple appearance, the only qualities of your new form that you take on are the number of limbs and the status of a biped, quadruped, and so on. New limbs are clumsy and have only basic functionality, and are incapable of making skill checks, attack rolls, or giving you additional modes of movement unless you take certain menu abilities. At your option, you can shape abilities you choose to resemble equipment, such as metallic armor (for armored) or steel claws (for natural attack); doing so does not change the parameters of the menu abilities in any way.

Objects: You can also use this power to assume the form of an inanimate object. You do not gain the object's hardness, and retain your own hit points. You can take the shape of almost any simple object of your size category that you can think of, such as a chair, a sword, or a rug. If you attempt to take the form of a complex object, you must make an appropriate skill check. For instance, if you want to take the form of a beautiful painting, you must make a Craft (painting) check against a DC set by the DM to determine the quality of the painting. If you fail the check, the quality of the object whose form you assume is very low, and in some cases, the power may fail (such as when attempting to emulate a complicated mechanical device). Likewise, you can not take the form of a complex mechanical mechanism unless you have some sort of skill associated with the object. When disguised as an inanimate object, you lose your natural forms of mobility, and you keep your normal type and any subtype you may have. You become effectively blind and you lose the ability to speak, though you can hear and feel normally. You can manifest powers normally, though you must find some way in which to target any powers without the range of Personal or Touch. You must still make Concentration checks when appropriate conditions apply. If you attempt to emulate a weapon and have at least 1 point of hardness (through a menu ability or otherwise), you count as psionic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. If you find some way to animate yourself (such as through the animate object or control body powers), you have the attack forms of an animated object as appropriate for your size and shape (see pg 13 of the Monster Manual for details).

When the change occurs, your equipment alters itself so that it remains worn or held by the new form. You can also specify that any given piece of equipment falls off and lands near your feet (assuming that you have feet) or is absorbed into your own body and becomes nonfunctional. (Cursed items can not be dropped or absorbed.) When you revert to your normal form, any objects previously melded into the new form reappear in the same location on your body they previously occupied, and are once again functional. Any part of the body or piece of equipment that is separated from the whole reverts to its normal form within 5 rounds, or when the power ends, whichever is sooner.

You can not use this ability in conjunction with the form of doom power, the polymorph spell, or similar effects, except as noted below. Whichever effect occurs last supercedes and replaces the previous effect, as multiple manifestations of the metamorphosis power would. If you attempt to do so you may alter your appearance (in a way similar to the spell disguise self, except the changes are physical rather than illusory; anyone touching you feels the alterations as though they were otherwise real (including additional body parts you add in such a way). Using effects to change your size category (such as mass modulation) adjust your effective size category while your form is altered, as normal.

All effects granted by this power, including menu abilities, are considered untyped, innate (Ex) abilities unless noted otherwise, except that they can be suppressed when they enter a null psionics field. You gain 2 Menu A abilities when you manifest metamorphosis, and can add others via augmentation, as you desire.

XP Cost (Optional): For every 100 XP you spend in the manifestation of this power, you can gain 1 power point's worth of augmentation, which can only be used to buy menu abilities. This allows you to effectively augment this power above and beyond your manifester level. You need not actually spend the power points for this to function, as they are supplied by paying the XP cost (which means that it does not increase the save DCs of any abilities you gain or increase the duration of the power). You can not use this feature to gain a menu ability that is too high for you to buy through normal augmentation, regardless of the number of XP you spend. For example, a 4th level manifester with 6,800 XP can spend 4 power points to augment metamorphosis. He can also spend XP to add several power points' worth of menu abilities from Menus A or B, but can not spend so many XP that it would cause him to lose a level (in this case, more than 800 XP, or 8 power points).

Augment: 1. For every additional power point you spend, you can gain 1 additional Menu A ability.

2. For every 3 additional power points you spend, you gain 1 menu ability from Menu B.

3. For every 6 additional power points you spend, you gain 1 menu ability from Menu C.

4. For every 9 additional power points you spend, you gain 1 menu ability from Menu D.

5. For every 2 additional power points you spend, this power's duration for remaining disguised as an object increases by 1 hour.

6. If you spend 2 additional power points, this power's range becomes "Touch," its target becomes "One creature or object touched," its saving throw entry becomes "Fortitude negates (object, potentially harmless)," and its power resistance becomes "Yes (object, potentially harmless)." Creatures turned into objects have their appearance altered as noted above; objects turned into creatures remain inert, appearing to be just dead flesh for the power's duration.

6a. For every 2 additional power points you spend, you can affect an additional target within range.

7. If you spend 4 additional power points, this power's duration for remaining disguised as a creature becomes "10 min/lvl [D]."

7a. If you spend a total of 7 additional power points, it becomes "1 hour/lvl [D]."

8. If you spend 6 additional power points, you can alter your appearance once per round as a full-round action to appear as a different creature or object entirely. You can not change from a creature to an object or vice-versa, and you can not alter the menu abilities you chose upon manifestation of this power.

8a. If you spend a total of 7 additional power points, you can change your appearance as a standard action.

8b. If you spend a total of 8 additional power points, you can change your appearance as a move action in addition to the options above.

8c. If you spend a total of 9 additional power points, you can change your appearance as an immediate action in addition to the options above.

9. [Negative] For every power point not spent, you lose 1 ability from Menu A. For every 4 power points not spent, this the save DCs of this power's granted abilities decrease by 1.

10. [Negative] For every power point not spent, you lower one of your physical ability scores (Str, Dex, or Con) by 1 for the duration of this power. For every 4 power points not spent, the save DCs of this power's granted abilities decrease by 1.

For every 4 power points you spend on this power (via one of these augmentations, or simply by spending additional power points), the DCs of any abilities you grant yourself increase by 1.

Metamorphosis, Creature Menu Abilities
Menu A Abilities (1 power point)

Adaptation: You alter your body in such a way that you gain a +2 bonus to one skill of your choice. Your skin becomes mottled, granting you camouflage for Hide checks; your body becomes lithe and flexible for Escape Artist checks; and so on. You can gain such a bonus on any skill but Concentration, Perform, Profession, Use Magic/Psionic Device, or any skill based on Intelligence, but this menu option does not allow you to use a skill untrained if you could not do so otherwise. You can take this option multiple times, but each time you do, you must choose a new skill to adapt to.

Augment: For every 3 additional power points you spend on this menu ability, the skill bonus you gain increases by 2.

Amphibious: You gain the aquatic subtype (but no swim speed), as well as the amphibious special quality, growing gills that allow you to breathe underwater, while retaining the ability to breathe air. You can breathe in both salt and fresh water.

Armored: You grow a shell, armored plates, or scales, increasing your inherent natural armor bonus by +2.

Augment: For every 3 additional power points you spend on this menu ability, the inherent natural armor bonus you gain increases by 2.

Damage Reduction: Your flesh hardens or becomes rubbery, giving you DR 1/-.

Augment: For every 2 additional power points you spend, your damage reduction increases by 1.

Ferocity: You manipulate your body's glands to put you in a heightened emotional state, allowing you to rage at your foes even when you should be dying. You can continue to fight without penalty even while disabled or dying.

Fury: Once every 10 minutes for up to 4 rounds, you enter a fit of frenzied rage, taking a -2 penalty to Intelligence and Wisdom, but in return you gain a +2 bonus to Strength. You can not reduce your mental scores to 0 or less in this manner. The penalties to your mental scores go away at the end of this ability's duration.

Augment: For every 2 additional power points you spend on this menu ability, you can gain an additional +2 bonus to Strength, but at a cost of an additional -1 penalty to both Intelligence and Wisdom.

Improved Carrying Capacity: Your frame becomes sturdier, allowing you to carry increased loads. Your carrying capacity doubles as if your Strength score were 5 points greater than it actually is.

Lung Endurance: You can hold your breath for a number of rounds equal to 6x your Constitution score before you risk suffocation or drowning.

Augment: 1. If you spend 2 additional power points on this menu ability, you can hold your breath for 8x your Constitution score.

1a. If you spend a total of 4 additional power points, you can hold your breath for 10x your Constitution score.

Motility: Your form is altered to allow you an extra movement mode, such as fins for swimming or sticky pads on your hands and feet for climbing. You can choose any one of the following: Climber-You gain a climb speed of 15 ft. Swimmer: You gain a swim speed of 20 ft. This menu option does not give you the ability to breathe underwater. (You gain a +8 bonus to either Climb or Swim checks, and can take 10 even while rushed or threatened.) Sprinter-You gain a bonus to your land speed of 10 ft (or gain a land speed of 20 ft, if you don't have one already). You can choose this option multiple times, but each time you do, you must choose a new movement mode.

Augment: 1. For every additional power point you spend on this menu ability, your swim speed increases by 10 ft.

2. For every additional power point you spend on this menu ability, your climb speed increases by 5 ft.

3. For every 3 additional power points you spend on this menu ability, your base land speed increases by 20 ft.

4. If you spend 6 additional power points on this menu ability, you instead gain the following: Flyer-You gain a fly speed of 20 ft, with Poor maneuverability.

4a. For every additional power point you spend, your fly speed increases by 5 ft.

5. If you spend 6 additional power points on this menu ability, you instead gain the following: Burrower-You gain a burrow speed of 15 ft. You can not run or charge while burrowing. Your tunnel collapses 5 ft behind you, but you can breathe while so submerged.

5a. For every additional power point you spend, your burrow speed increases by 5 ft.

Natural Attack: You gain a single secondary natural melee attack with which you are proficient. This may be a bite, tentacle, slam, claw, sting, gore, tail slap, or armor spikes (use the damage rating of a claw attack), as appropriate to the form you are using (though some creatures, such as dragons, have other attacks; if so, substitute the closest of the aforementioned attack forms for the new attack). You can only gain natural attacks according to the physiology of the form you are using, so a creature without a mouth, for example, could not have a bite attack. You can only use limbs that the form you are using has. The exception to this is for forms that are usually amorphous (such as oozes), in which you can grow a bashing pseudopod for slam or bite attacks. The reach of your attacks depends upon your size. You can gain this menu ability multiple times and its effects stack. Each time you take this option, you either receive a new natural attack, or one of your existing natural weapons counts as one size category larger for damage purposes (you can gain the latter effects only once per natural weapon). See the tables on pgs 296 and 314 of the Monster Manual for information on natural attacks based on size.

Rock Throwing: If you are Small size or larger, you can hurl rocks, fallen masonry, and so on that have a range increment of 80 ft, and deal 1d8 points of damage + your Str modifier with no penalties to your attack roll. Throwing a rock is a standard action.

Augment: 1. If you spend 2 additional power points, the range increment for the rocks you hurl increases by 30 ft, and the base damage with them increases to the next size category: 2d6 (Large), 2d8 (Huge), 3d6 (Gargantuan), 4d6 (Colossal). You may only gain the benefits of this augment up to your actual size category.

1a. For every 3 additional power points you spend, you increase the range increment for the rocks you hurl by 30 ft, and increase their base damage by one size category as noted above.

Spine Attack: You grow a dense coat of bristling spines that you can fire at a distant foe as a swift action (range increment 20 ft, maximum range 100 ft). If they hit (treat as a primary natural weapon), they deal 1d4 points of damage + 1 point per 5 manifester levels, and the stricken foe must succeed on a Reflex save or have the quills break off in its flesh. Lodged quills impose a -1 penalty on attacks, saves, and skill and ability checks. Quills can be removed safely with a DC 20 Heal check; otherwise, removing the quills deals an extra 1d4 points of damage (they also deal this damage if not removed by the time metamorphosis expires). Unlike with most body parts that are separated from you during metamorphosis's duration, quills remain lodged in the target's flesh until they are removed or until the power ends.

Augment: 1. If you spend 2 additional power points on this menu ability, your spines deal 1d4 points of damage + 1 point per 3 manifester levels, impose a -2 penalty to attacks, saves, and checks, and deal 1d6 points of damage if a Heal check is not made successfully.

2. If you spend 4 additional power points on this menu ability, your spines deal 1d4 points of damage + 1 point per 2 manifester levels, impose a -3 penalty to attacks, saves, and checks, and deal 1d8 points of damage if a Heal check is not made successfully.

3. If you spend 6 additional power points on this menu ability, your spines deal 1d4 points of damage + 1 point per manifester level, impose a -4 penalty to attacks, saves, and checks, and deal 2d6 points of damage if a Heal check is not made successfully.

Tremorsense: You gain the tremorsense special quality out to 30 ft. You are sensitive to vibrations in the ground, and can automatically pinpoint the location of anything that is in contact with the ground (or anything tightly anchored to it, such as a wall). If you are in a liquid environment, you can also sense the location of creatures that are also moving through the fluid medium.

Augment: For every additional power point you spend on this menu ability, you can increase its range by 10 ft.

Turn Resistance: You gain turn resistance +2.

Augment: For every 2 additional power points you spend on this menu ability, your turn resistance increases by 1.

Menu B Abilities (3 power points)

Bonus Feat: You gain any one fighter bonus feat that you qualify for. You can use menu abilities granted by the metamorphosis power to qualify for this feat, if necessary. You can take this ability multiple times, as desired. Hit points gained in this way through taking the Toughness feat are treated like the hit points gained through a temporary increase in Constitution.

Augment: If you spend 2 additional power points on this menu ability, you can gain one [General] or [Psionic] bonus feat you qualify for, instead. These include monstrous feats. Power points and hit points gained through taking the Psionic Talent and Psionic Body feats are treated like the hit points gained through a temporary increase in Constitution.

Engulf: You must also have the amorphous special quality in order to take this menu option. You can make an engulfing attack against creatures at least one size category smaller than you on a successful grapple check. The creatures remains grappled, and can not escape the grapple unless they succeed in making two checks in a row that would otherwise allow it to escape the grapple. You are not considered grappled, but you are considered entangled so long as the creature is within your body. Any creature that targets either you or the creatures within you with attacks, spells, spell-like abilities, and so on, has an equal chance of hitting any one of you. You both also automatically take damage from any special qualities the other might have, such as the energy burn menu ability. You automatically take damage from any attacks they make against you, however, even on a natural roll of 1 (this vulnerability does not apply to the engulfed creature). You can hold a maximum of 1 creature of one size category smaller than you, 2 creatures two size categories smaller than you, 4 creatures three size categories smaller than you, and so on. You can eject any given creature from your body as a free action during your turn. Creatures that you eject or that are within your body when the metamorphosis power ends appear in a random space adjacent to yours.

Augment: If you spend 3 additional power points on this menu ability, you need not grapple a creature in order to engulf it. You can attempt to engulf a creature at least one size category smaller than you as a standard action (Reflex negates). If you have the Trample special quality (or as a feat), you can attempt to mow down creatures you trample, engulfing them on a successful trample instead of dealing damage.

Double Damage Against Objects: Choose one of your natural weapons. Any attack made with this weapon against an object deals double damage but is still subject to hardness. Adamantine is immune to this ability.

Augment: If you spend 2 additional power points on this menu ability, you can ignore hardness against anything but adamantine.

Improved Reach: Choose one of your natural attacks, or a single limb (or pair of identical limbs) wielding a manufactured weapon. Any attack made with the limb(s) of your choice gain an additional 5 ft of reach.

Augment: 1. For every 2 additional power points you spend on this menu ability, you can affect another limb (or pair of identical limbs).

2. If you spend 3 additional power points, your attacks gain an additional 5 ft of reach.

Ink Cloud: When underwater, you can emit a spherical cloud of jet-black ink with a radius of 30 ft once per minute as a free action. The effect is otherwise similar to the fog cloud spell cast at your manifester level. Out of water, the ink emerges in a stream (with a range of Close (25 ft + 5 ft/2 lvls)), which you can squirt into an opponent's eyes. The affected creature must succeed on a Reflex save or be blinded for 1 round.

Metatoxin: Choose one of your natural attacks to poison, and one type of ability score (Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, or Cha). Once per round, you can deal 1 point of damage to that ability score if you damage your target and it fails a Fortitude save (for physical scores) or a Will save (for mental scores). Otherwise, the effect fails. This damage can be cured in any way that normal ability damage can be cured, though it can also be dispelled as if it were a psionic effect. If you take this option more than once, it affects another natural attack, and can affect any single ability score, though you can not add it to an attack that is already affected by this ability. Ability damage immediately goes away when the metamorphosis power ends, and can not reduce any ability score below 1.

Augment: 1. If you spend 3 additional power points on this menu ability, the damage increases to 1d4.

1a. If you spend a total of 5 additional power points, the damage increases to 1d6 + 1.

2. If you spend 4 additional power points on this menu ability, the damage your target takes on a failed save is halved, rather than negated (minimum 1).

Morphic Resonance: You can assume one of the following creature types, temporarily replacing your actual type with your chosen type, regardless of the form you take: Animal, Fey, Giant, Humanoid, or Monstrous Humanoid. You are treated as that type for the purposes of powers, spells, and effects. Your form is altered somewhat to reflect this; for example, if you take a humanoid form with animal as your type, you look feral and wild, and you gain the suggestion of fur, feathers, or scales, though you are recognizably humanoid. You do not gain any weapon or armor proficiencies from assuming the new type, but you do get all other applicable immunities and special qualities (though since you are not mindless, you do not gain this special quality regardless of your form or type). Opponents may make the appropriate Knowledge checks to determine your actual type and any subtypes you have assumed; the DC for this check equals the DC of metamorphosis + the modifiers you have on your Disguise skill.

If you have some, but not all, of the qualities of your own type (such as through a template or class, or if you are elan), and choose that type for your own, you gain all of the standard qualities of that type. If you have no Constitution score and assume a form that normally has a Con score (generally anything other than constructs or undead), you gain a Con score of 10 for the duration of metamorphosis; you do not reroll your hit point total.

Augment: 1. If you spend 3 additional power points on this menu ability, you can also assume the following types: Aberration, Magical Beast, Ooze (blind, but with blindsight 30 ft, and does not deal acid damage), Plant, or Vermin. You also gain any one subtype of your choice, except for aquatic, chaotic, cold, evil, extraplanar, fire, good, lawful, incorporeal, and swarm.

1a. If you spend 3 additional power points, you can also assume one of the following types: construct, dragon, elemental, outsider, or undead. If you choose the construct or undead types, you temporarily lose your Con score, though your HD temporarily change to d10 + hp based on size (for Constructs) or d12 (for Undead), which means that you reroll your hit points to suit your new form. The hit point total you lose returns once you no longer have that type, though any damage you have taken remains in effect. You also gain any one of the following subtypes: chaotic, cold, evil, fire, good, or lawful. If you choose an alignment subtype, it overrides your actual alignment, though detect alignment spells and similar register a faint aura of your original alignment.

1ab. If you spend 3 additional power points, you can take on as many subtypes as you wish, so long as they are not diametrically opposed. You can not, for instance, take the fire and cold subtypes or the good and evil subtypes simultaneously.

Pass Without Trace: You can slip through underbrush, over dusty floors, and through stinging nettles with utter ease. You can pass without trace, as the spell (though this ability is still Extraordinary in nature).

Raking Frenzy: You can attack twice instead of once while grappling a foe with your primary natural weapon(s). These attacks are made at your full base attack bonus, and don't suffer the normal -4 penalty for attacking during a grapple. You can not rake on a turn in which you begin a grapple.

Rock Catching: If you are Large size or larger, you can catch rocks two size categories smaller than you (that is, rocks the same size as a gnome or a goblin for a Large sized form, for instance), or projectiles of similar shape. Once per round, if you would normally be hit by a rock, you can make a Reflex save to catch it as a free action, taking no damage from the hit. The DC for catching a Small rock is 15, 20 for a Medium one, and 25 for a Large one (if the projectile provides a magical, masterwork, or similar bonus on attack rolls, the DC increases by that amount). You must be aware of the attack (and not be flat-footed or otherwise immobilized) in order to make a rock catching attempt.

Scent: You gain the scent special ability. You can detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell. You can identify familiar odors just as you would familiar sights. You can detect opponents within 30 ft by sense of smell. If the opponent is upwind, the range increases to 60 ft. If downwind, it drops to 15 ft. Strong scents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, can be detected at twice the ranges noted above. Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk or troglodyte stench, can be detected at triple normal range. When you detect a scent, the exact location of the source is not revealed-only its presence somewhere within range. You can take a move action to note the direction of the scent. Whenever you come within 5 ft of the source, you can pinpoint the source's location. If you have the Track feat and the scent ability, you can follow tracks by smell, making a Wisdom (or Survival) check to find or follow a track. The typical DC for a fresh trail is 10 (no matter what kind of surface holds the scent). This DC increases or decreases depending on how strong the quarry's odor is, the number of creatures, and the age of the trail. For each hour that the trail is cold, the DC increases by 2. The ability otherwise follows the rules for the Track feat. Creatures tracking by scent ignore the effects of surface conditions and poor visibility.

Sprint: Once per minute, you can take on a blinding burst of speed, gaining the ability to move at 10x your normal speed as a full-round action or as part of a charge. Once you utilize this ability, you are fatigued for 5 rounds afterward.

Augment: If you spend 3 additional power points on this menu ability, you are fatigued for only 1 round.

Stability: You gain exceptional stability on your feet. You gain a +4 bonus on ability checks to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground).

Stench: Your skin exudes a putrid odor. All living creatures without a similar ability (such as hezrou) within 5 ft of you must make a Fortitude save every round or become nauseated for 1 round. On a successful save, it is immune from this effect for 1 round. This is considered a poison effect for the purposes of immunities and saving throws.

Augment: 1. For every 2 additional power points you spend on this menu ability, you can increase its range by 5 ft (up to a maximum of 20 ft).

2. If you spend 2 additional power points on this menu ability, creatures that make their saving throws must make a secondary Fortitude save or become sickened for 1 round.

Webbing: You can throw a sticky web once every 1d4 rounds. This is similar to an attack with a net but has a range increment of 10 ft, a maximum range of 50 ft, and is effective against targets your size or smaller. The web anchors ground-bound targets in place, allowing no movement. Flying and swimming creatures are merely entangled. The webbing melts away within 1 minute. An entangled creature can escape with an Escape Artist check, or they can burst the web with a Strength check (this check is made with a -4 penalty). The web has 2 hit points + 1 hit point per manifester level, hardness 0, and takes double damage from fire. This webbing dissolves at the end of the metamorphosis power's duration.

Augment: 1. If you spend 2 additional power points on this menu ability, you double its range increment and maximum range.

2. For every 2 additional power points you spend on this menu ability, you can target creatures one size category larger, and the web's hit points increase by 1 hp per manifester level.

3. If you spend 4 additional power points, you can create sheets of sticky webbing from 5 to 30 ft square, which you can spin instead of making a webbing attack. Approaching creatures must succeed on a DC 20 Spot check to notice a web, or they stumble into it and become trapped as though by a successful web attack. Attempts to escape or burst the webbing receive a +5 bonus if the trapped creature has something to walk on or grab while pulling free. Each 5 ft section has the same hardness and hit points as a single shot of webbing. You can move freely over any webbing that you spin yourself.

Menu C Abilities (6 power points)

Amorphous: Your form is mostly liquid, and your body shifts and oozes, randomly growing tentacles, eyes, mouths, and so on, at your option. You can remain as a vaguely recognizable shape if you wish, or you can appear as a relatively formless ooze. You become immune to critical hits and can not be flanked.

Attach: If you have a bite attack and successfully hit an opponent with it, you can latch onto its body with your jaws. If your opponent is the same size as you or larger, you lose your Dexterity bonus to AC. You automatically deal bite damage once per round until you release your opponent or are removed. You can still make attacks against the creature you are attached to, and you can be struck with weapons or grappled without penalty. In order to be forcefully removed through grappling, an opponent (not necessarily the one you are attached to) must achieve a pin against you during a grapple attempt.

Constrict: You automatically deal bludgeoning damage on a successful grapple check using the damage dealt by your primary natural attack (but only once per round). If you also have improved grab, you deal constriction damage in addition to your normal natural attack damage.

Improved Grab: To use this option, you must have a bite, claw, slam, or tentacle attack, or some other melee attack with an appendage that can hold an opponent. On a successful hit with that weapon on a creature one or more size categories smaller than you, you can attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. You can enter a grapple normally, or you can hold your opponent with that appendage at a -20 penalty on grapple checks (though you are not considered grappled yourself). If successful, you pull your opponent into your space. You do not deal damage when holding your opponent unless you are considered grappled yourself, or you have the constrict special quality.

Pounce: If you expend your psionic focus as part of a charge, you can make a full attack, including rake attacks if you have the raking frenzy ability.

Augment: If you spend 3 additional power points on this menu ability, you no longer need to expend your psionic focus.

Powerful Build: Your body is taller, stockier, and more muscular than normal for the form you take, and you are treated in many ways as if you were one size category larger than you actually are. Whenever you are subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), you are treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous for you. You are also considered to be one size category larger when determining whether a creature's special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect you. You can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, your space and reach remain those of a creature of your actual size.

Racial Emulation: Choose a race, such as goblin, elf, half-giant, or elan. You gain that race as a subtype, and you count as that race for activating magic items, meeting the prerequisites for feats, and other purposes.

Stone Slide: You can easily burrow through stone, dirt, or almost any other sort of earth except metal as easily as a fish swims through water, at a speed of 20 ft. Your burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it create any ripple or other signs of your presence. Your ability to breathe is unimpaired. A move earth spell cast on an area containing you flings you back 30 feet, stunning you for 1 round unless you succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save.

Trip: Choose a single natural attack you have. If you hit with it, you can attempt to trip your opponent as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, your opponent can not react to trip you.

Menu D Abilities (9 power points)

Adhesive: Your body exudes a thick slime that acts as a powerful adhesive, holding fast any creatures or items that touch it. One of your natural attacks per round that hits an opponent holds it fast, automatically grappling it. Opponents so grappled can not get free without making a Strength check (the DC gains a +5 bonus), unless the adhesive is removed, you die, or the metamorphosis power ends. A weapon that strikes the adhesive coating is stuck fast unless the wielder succeeds on a Reflex save. A successful Strength check is needed to pry it off. Strong alcohol dissolves the adhesive, but you can still grapple normally. You can dissolve your own adhesive at will.

Crush: This menu option allows you to jump on or land on an opponent as a standard action, using your whole body to crush it. Crush attacks are effective only against opponents three or more size categories smaller than you (though you can attempt normal overrun or grapple attempts against larger opponents). A crush attack affects as many creatures as can fit under your body. Creatures in the affected area must succeed on a Reflex save or be pinned, automatically taking bludgeoning damage during the next round unless you move off them. If you choose to maintain the pin, treat it as a normal grapple attack. Pinned opponents take damage from the crush each round if they don't escape. A crush attack deals the same damage as a bite attack, plus 1-1/2 times your Strength bonus (round down).

Regurgitation: You grow horribly swollen glands on either side of your neck that secrete a caustic substance that you can forcefully regurgitate at foes, dealing 1d6 acid damage per 3 manifester levels in a 40 ft cone as a standard action once every 1d4 rounds (Reflex save for half). You and all of your equipment are immune to the effects of this substance.

Swallow Whole: If you begin your turn with a creature held in your mouth, you can attempt a new grapple check (as though trying to pin the opponent). If you succeed, you swallow it, and it takes bite damage. Such creatures must be one or more size categories smaller than you. Swallowed creatures are considered grappled (though you are not), and take 1d4 points each of acid and bludgeoning damage per 3 manifester levels you have per round (no save). It can try to cut its way free with a light slashing or piercing weapon, but it must deal 1/5 of your total hp in damage in order to cut its way free (the AC of your stomach is 10 + 1/2 your natural armor bonus + any deflection bonus you may have). The hole closes automatically due to muscular action, and the next creature to be swallowed must cut its own way out. Alternately, the swallowed creature can attempt an opposed grapple check to climb back into your mouth, where it may be bitten and swallowed again. Creatures still in your gullet when metamorphosis ends that are larger than your normal form can hold (ie, larger than two size-categories smaller than you) appear prone in a space adjacent to you.

Swift Healing: You gain a special form of the fast healing special quality for 1 round per manifester level upon manifesting metamorphosis, so long as you spend actions rebuilding your damaged body. As a swift action, you can heal 2 hit points per 3 manifester levels. As a move action, you can heal 3 hit points per 3 manifester levels. As a standard action, you can heal 4 hit points per 3 manifester levels. As a full-round action, you can heal 5 hit points per 3 manifester levels. This ability does not restore hit points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation, and it does not allow a creature to regrow or reattach severed body parts.

Trample: As a full-round action, you can move up to twice your speed and literally run over any opponent at least one size category smaller than you. You merely have to move over the foes in your path; any creature whose space is completely covered by your space is subject to the trample attack. If the target's space is larger than 5 ft, it is only considered trampled if you move over all the squares it occupies. If you move over only some of the target's space, it can make an attack of opportunity against you at a -4 penalty. If you accidentally end your movement in an illegal space, you return to the last legal position you occupied, or the closest other legal position, if there's one that is closer. A trample attack deals bludgeoning damage, equal to your primary natural attack. Trampled creatures can attempt attacks of opportunity, but these take a -4 penalty. If they do not make one, they can attempt a Reflex save for half damage. You use your Strength modifier rather than your manifesting modifier for this save. You can only deal trampling damage to each target once per round, no matter how many times your movement takes you over a target creature.

Metamorphosis, Object Menu Abilities
Menu A Abilities (1 power point)

Artistry: You gain +3 to your Craft or other skill check to determine the quality of the item you become.

Augment: For every 2 additional power points you spend on this menu ability, the bonus to your Craft check increases by 3.

Energy Resistance: You gain energy resistance 5 against the acid and sonic energy types, or 1/2 energy damage, whichever is less.

Augment: For every 3 additional power points you spend on this menu ability, your energy resistance increases by 5.

Hardness: You gain hardness 5.

Augment: For every 3 additional power points you spend on this menu ability, your hardness increases by 5. If your hardness is 20 or more and you are in the form of a weapon, you can overcome DR/adamantine.

Objective Resilience: You gain 1 hit point per manifester level you have per size category you are above Tiny. Hit points gained in this way are treated like the hit points gained through a temporary increase in Constitution. For instance, if you are a 4th level manifester, and emulate a Medium object, you gain 8 hit points. Despite these being actual hit points, they dissipate at the end of the power's duration.

Augment: For every 3 additional power points you spend on this menu ability, you gain an additional hit point per manifester level you have, per size category you are above Tiny.

Weight, Decreased: You weigh down to 3/4 of your actual weight at your current size category (multiply by 0.75). For instance, if your normal size is Medium and your normal weight is 200 lbs, and you become a Small object, your weight would normally be 25 lbs. With this menu ability, your weight would be between 18.75 lbs (minimum) and 25 lbs (maximum).

Augment: 1. If you spend an additional power point on this menu ability, your minimum possible weight is 1/2 of what it would otherwise be (multiply by 0.5).

4. If you spend 2 additional power points on this menu ability, your minimum possible weight is 1/8 of what it would otherwise be (multiply by 0.125).

Weight, Increased: You weigh up to 1/8 more than your actual weight at your current size category (multiply by 1.125). For instance, if your normal size is Medium and your normal weight is 200 lbs, and you become a Large object, your weight would normally be 1600 lbs. With this menu ability, your weight would be between 1600 lbs (minimum) and 1800 lbs (maximum).

Augment: 1. If you spend 2 additional power points on this menu ability, your maximum weight is 1/4 more than what it would otherwise be (multiply by 1.25).

2. If you spend 4 additional power points on this menu ability, your maximum weight is 3/8 more than what it would otherwise be (multiply by 1.375).

3. If you spend 6 additional power points on this menu ability, your maximum weight is 1/2 more than what it would otherwise be (multiply by 1.5).

4. If you spend 8 additional power points on this menu ability, your maximum weight is 3/4 more than what it would otherwise be (multiply by 1.75).

Menu B Abilities (3 power points)

Morphic Resonance, Object: As morphic resonance, except your type becomes object. You temporarily lose your Con score, though the hit points you lose return once you are no longer an object.

Augment: 1. If you spend 3 additional power points on this menu ability, you can gain any subtype of your choice, except for aquatic, chaotic, cold, evil, extraplanar, fire, good, lawful, incorporeal, and swarm.

1a. If you spend 3 additional power points, you can gain any one of the following subtypes: chaotic, cold, evil, fire, good, or lawful. If you choose an alignment subtype, it overrides your actual alignment, though detect alignment spells and similar register a faint aura of your original alignment.

1ab. If you spend 3 additional power points, you can take on as many subtypes as you wish, so long as they are not diametrically opposed. You can not, for instance, take the fire and cold subtypes, or the good and evil subtypes simultaneously.

that a good or a bad thing?

2014-08-03, 09:49 PM
that a good or a bad thing?Do you like doing ludicrous amounts of work (almost 240 pages) over a period of months, not getting paid for any of it, and having your efforts get plagiarized by the people who refused to pay you?

Neither he nor I have a very high opinion of DSP, at this point.

2014-08-03, 09:56 PM
You're lucky even to be able to play a psion. My group has ban them after one session of me trying one, and I was playing a Telepath/Kineticist (Dual-Discipline Archetype). They were upset about the damage Energy Missile was doing in comparison to Flaming Sphere and Magic Missile. It was also a bother that I could expend psionic focus for an auto roll of 15 on a concentration check to manifest defensively. I gave all the usual arguments as to why psionics was balanced, everything that appears on these forums when the subject comes up, to no avail.


In related news I do notice I can optimize far better than they can. They're learning. A player recently made a cool barbarian who exploits AoOs very well, but I chose wisely to have my first character with the group be a Life Oracle. They're certainly not bothered by my heavy optimization in a support role. With my Dark Tapestry Oracle, though, the DM of that campaign has issues.

But I rant.


2014-08-03, 10:03 PM
Do you like doing ludicrous amounts of work (242 pages) over a period of months, not getting paid for any of it, and having your efforts get plagiarized by the people who refused to pay you?

Neither he nor I have a very high opinion of DSP, at this point.

True that. and my question was more in regards to the quality of the power as written.

You're lucky even to be able to play a psion. My group has ban them after one session of me trying one, and I was playing a Telepath/Kineticist (Dual-Discipline Archetype). They were upset about the damage Energy Missile was doing in comparison to Flaming Sphere and Magic Missile. It was also a bother that I could expend psionic focus for an auto roll of 15 on a concentration check to manifest defensively. I gave all the usual arguments as to why psionics was balanced, everything that appears on these forums when the subject comes up, to no avail.


In related news I do notice I can optimize far better than they can. They're learning. A player recently made a cool barbarian who exploits AoOs very well, but I chose wisely to have my first character with the group be a Life Oracle. They're certainly not bothered by my heavy optimization in a support role. With my Dark Tapestry Oracle, though, the DM of that campaign has issues.

But I rant.


Oh, yeah. This is the first time in a long time that I've been able to play any sort of psion in a game. But i also keep getting stuck with the type of players that think Warlock/Dragonfire Adept and everything ToB is also over powered.

2014-08-03, 10:15 PM
True that. and my question was more in regards to the quality of the power as written.Which version, Lycanthromancer's or DSP's?

I think splitting singular powers into multiples unnecessarily really screws with the augmentation mechanic, honestly. It's like having Psionic Fabricate and Greater Psionic Fabricate. Why? Why have such a beautiful augmentation mechanic and not use it?

2014-08-03, 10:21 PM
Do you like doing ludicrous amounts of work (242 pages) over a period of months, not getting paid for any of it, and having your efforts get plagiarized by the people who refused to pay you?

Neither he nor I have a very high opinion of DSP, at this point.

I dunno. The idea isn't exactly a particularly new or unique one. People were homebrewing **** like that decades ago. If he actually was robbed from he should be taking legal action rather than just having his proxies whine on the forums on his behalf.

I think splitting singular powers into multiples unnecessarily really screws with the augmentation mechanic, honestly.
This definitely however. One of the consistent themes behind Psionics is having powers that you scale up yourself by investing more energy into them. A single metamorphosis where your options expand the more points you add makes far more sense than splitting it into separate powers.

Having powers with someone's name attached to them is pretty stupid too, as that's very much not what psionics is supposed to be about, researching how to cast spells someone else invented is more of a wizard thing.

2014-08-04, 02:53 AM
I'm not mad because the powers are no longer broken. I'm mad because they've been dropped to levels nearing uselessness.Hyperbole much? it's still a very good power, just no longer the only power you need for any given situation.
I never argued the Psion wasn't still T2 at all. But that discipline has dropped severely in its utility and even focusing on that niche is still going to fall behind the Wizard or Cleric now.So.. you're complaining that they are no longer equal to two of the three classes widely agreed upon to be brokenly over the top overpowered?
Look, I recognize from your post here that your table runs at a very high op level. I'm okay with that, really. But i'd also like to encourage you to look at the other classes, because the other T1s got knocked down a bit in the translation to PF too. Not enough to kick them down to actually being balanced, but a lot of the things that you would have been complaining about if you were building their classes have been toned down as well. They're still really high power. So are you.

2014-08-04, 04:53 AM
Psion (outside of some extreme cheese) was also never "lolbroken" and ignoring some of Tippy's suggestions can't break tier 2.

Um, IIRC, T2 IS "lolbroken". T1 is just "lolbroken" in more than two ways.

This is a generalization, of course, that makes the assumption of ideal balance being T3

2014-08-04, 06:28 AM
Um, IIRC, T2 IS "lolbroken". T1 is just "lolbroken" in more than two ways.

This is a generalization, of course, that makes the assumption of ideal balance being T3

T2 is 'can break the game'. T1 is 'can break the game in every a new and exciting way every day'. Normal psion is t2, a psion with every single power on their powers known list is t1.

2014-08-04, 09:28 AM
I agree with the OP. I think the beast shape, etc... line of spells was an over-nerf as it was, but the metamorphosis powers is just ridiculous, I couldn't believe how horrible it was when I read it, they make the polymorph spells from paizo look amazing. OP, I would suggest just not bother with those powers anymore.They're better-written than the Paizo spells. They don't require you to dig through piles of monster statblocks to find something with all the abilities you want, and the rules for non-Small/Medium manifesters are more clear.

Also, they've got support if you want to specialise in them:
Swift Shapeshifter (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/feats/swift-shapeshifter-psionic) + Master of All Forms (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/feats/master-of-all-forms-psionic) feats
Improved Metamorphosis (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/feats/improved-metamorphosis-psionic) feat
Metamorph (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-prestige-classes/metamorph) PrC

EDIT: Let's compare the metamorphosis chain with expansion (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-powers/e/expansion). For 1pp both expansion and minor metamorphosis increase your size for 1 minute/level, but the latter also grants +2 Intimidate and +10 Disguise. Increasing your size by two categories requires 7pp for expansion but only 5pp for metamorphosis, which again throws in the skill boosts for free.
It's not just expansion - minor metamorphosis also functions as a stronger version of vigor and bite of the wolf, and the ability to use multiple effects at once means you effectively get Linked Power for free as well.

2014-08-04, 09:45 AM
Anyway, I'm looking at some of their Psychometabolism powers (Metamorphosis, I'm looking at you) and...is that discipline even worth it now?

In a nutshell, Metamorphosis was nerfed in PF because Polymorph was nerfed in PF.

And yes, it's still quite useful. You can't completely dump your physical stats anymore, but you can still go from relatively noodly-armed nerd to primary tank in 6 seconds or less.

Also, please note that MM hits Huge+ waaaaay earlier than Beast Shape.

Oh, how horrible metamorphosis is, that it merely replaces at least 3 distinct powers! It's merely one of the most useful buffs in the game! Woe is me, who can solve only "all mobility problems and many fighty problems" instead of "every problem" with a single manifestation!

Dude. Seriously. Yes, the power was nerfed. It's still one of the most powerful resources in the game. The psion is still a T2 powerhouse, even within its ranks.


2014-08-04, 11:08 AM
That looks suspiciously like Lycanthromancer's version, which came out well before this version and was, in fact, submitted to Dreamscarred Press, who refused to pay for all of the work he put into his psionic powers revision but who don't seem to have problems cribbing ideas from it.

Metamorphosis (NAX)*
Level: Egoist 1
Display: Material and Olfactory
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 min/lvl [D] for a creature, or 1 hour/lvl [D] for an object
Power Points: 1, XP (see text)

*Snip seven pages' worth of additional options*

Dude, srsly, wtf? What sick and twisted mind ever thought up _that_? A single 1st-level power with more versatility, scaling and oomph than otherwise entire _classes_ get? I haven't really ever bothered about Psionics, but this is plain ridiculous.
(And I quickly checked the PFSRD to make sure the actual Psionics Unleashed version is not half as bad.)

2014-08-04, 11:17 AM
Do you like doing ludicrous amounts of work (almost 240 pages) over a period of months, not getting paid for any of it, and having your efforts get plagiarized by the people who refused to pay you?

Neither he nor I have a very high opinion of DSP, at this point.

Do you have even a shred of proof to support these accusations? No offense to you or the other guy, but it just reeks of sour grapes. It's also libel.

2014-08-04, 12:01 PM
Dude, srsly, wtf? What sick and twisted mind ever thought up _that_? A single 1st-level power with more versatility, scaling and oomph than otherwise entire _classes_ get? I haven't really ever bothered about Psionics, but this is plain ridiculous.
(And I quickly checked the PFSRD to make sure the actual Psionics Unleashed version is not half as bad.)There are plenty of magical effects like that. Astral Construct and Psionic Minor Creation are better than almost everything T5 and below for everything but "dealing massive damage," and A.C. is quite good, even for that.

Being better than those classes really isn't hard.

Every manifesting class got at least one signature power in that revision, designed to be a staple from level 1 on. They tend to require large amounts of pp pumped into them to remain relevant during encounters on par with the character's ECL, but still useful even at lower augmentations.

Do you have even a shred of proof to support these accusations? No offense to you or the other guy, but it just reeks of sour grapes. It's also libel.He submitted his revision in winter of 2008. Psionics Unleashed was released in 2010, just over a year afterwards. There are a lot of details strikingly similar to the powers revision, such as the Metamorphosis entry. And shortly thereafter, they gave at-will 0 level Talents based off of psionic focus without a power point cost (and they also give the option of spending 1 pp instead of dealing with one's focus, and not allowing augmentation without spending that 1 pp first).

I don't have any actual documentation, since the computer with the I.M. conversations with Bacris stored on it conked out a few years ago, but it stinks of serious fishiness to me.

2014-08-04, 12:52 PM
He submitted his revision in winter of 2008. Psionics Unleashed was released in 2010, just over a year afterwards. There are a lot of details strikingly similar to the powers revision, such as the Metamorphosis entry. And shortly thereafter, they gave at-will 0 level Talents based off of psionic focus without a power point cost (and they also give the option of spending 1 pp instead of dealing with one's focus, and not allowing augmentation without spending that 1 pp first).

I don't have any actual documentation, since the computer with the I.M. conversations with Bacris stored on it conked out a few years ago, but it stinks of serious fishiness to me.

Not familiar with the time, were they accepting submissions at the time? A lot of the time designers for things like games won't even look at such things, to avoid this kind of thing specifically.

2014-08-04, 12:53 PM
I hadn't ever heard about that, Rubik. Is that part of why Lycanthromancer doesn't hit the BG boards anymore? I liked his posts.

2014-08-04, 01:07 PM
Not familiar with the time, were they accepting submissions at the time? A lot of the time designers for things like games won't even look at such things, to avoid this kind of thing specifically.Yes, they were taking submissions, and Bacris backed out after he sent his psionics revision to him, stating that it was too much work for them to pay for.

We discussed it at the time, and I even read the I.M. conversations. I found myself rather annoyed by it, and he had to be feeling it a lot more so than I did.

I hadn't ever heard about that, Rubik. Is that part of why Lycanthromancer doesn't hit the BG boards anymore? I liked his posts.Life has been complicated in recent years. Depression and ADD have reared their ugly heads, and neither of those is fun to deal with.

2014-08-04, 01:17 PM
I don't have any actual documentation, since the computer with the I.M. conversations with Bacris stored on it conked out a few years ago, but it stinks of serious fishiness to me.

Surprise, surprise.

Look, you're a cool guy and all, but I just don't believe a word of this fable, and you further admitted you have no proof of it either. And even if something like this did happen, I have no reason to believe you/he didn't simply shoot over something unsolicited and then claim you were ripped off after the fact when they started to make it big. And aside from picking abilities from menus - which both of you likely got from Astral Construct - your level 1 metamorphosis looks nothing like theirs. There's just nothing whatsoever to go on.

If you/he feel that strongly about it, suing might be more productive than vindictively ranting on forums in every thread they are mentioned.

2014-08-04, 01:25 PM
Just read though the new metamorphis power myself, and oh my freaking god, what on earth have they dont to it?

I certainly agree with the OP on this being a complete and utter waste of pp to manifest now.

2014-08-04, 01:29 PM
Well it's worth noting that they were both updates of the same thing, likely with a similar design philosophy. It's possible that they just evolved in a similar way. Or alternatively it's possible that somebody read through them, got ideas, and may not have necessarily realized that they were influenced by it. I'm not saying that DSP is likely entirely without fault here, and it's possible that they did explicitly steal the idea, but it's of note that aren't identical and it's very difficult to assume that it's completely cribbed, when Lycanthrope's Metamorph is almost identical (or very similar) to the Astral Construct menus, since they're so similar and they're all updating the same thing, it is very possible that the ideas may have developed alongside without it necessarily being theft.

2014-08-04, 02:02 PM
Just read though the new metamorphis power myself, and oh my freaking god, what on earth have they dont to it?

I certainly agree with the OP on this being a complete and utter waste of pp to manifest now.You know one of the most popular, powerful and desired powers for a psychic warrior? expansion? every metamorphosis spell does what expansion does, and better, for the same cost, cheaper if you want a second Size increase.
How is this a waste of PP?
The same manifestation also replaces bite of the wolf. At advanced levels it replaces both bite of the wolf and claws of the beast. Eventually all three. And a bonus to disguise and to intimidate for free. And if that is still not enough, a paltry augmentation gives you alternative movement speeds. Later you also get to cover for physical and AC enhancements, fast healing, energy resistance and poisons.

This power is not a "waste of pp".

2014-08-04, 02:04 PM
Even in its heavily nerfed form, the Metamorphosis line offers substantial flexibility, action economy, and power relative to comparable options.

At 5th level, you're looking at burning a move action (Swift Shapeshifter) and 5 pp for options like:
+20 temp HP (4 pp Vigor) and Flight
+4 size to Strength (7 pp Expansion) and +2 natural attacks
Out-of-Combat - some combination of 100 healing-over-time (33 pp Natural Healing), a travel option, and/or +8 Stealth boost, and the free +2/10 disguise bonus.

Egoists and Vitalists can also share the benefits with allies through class features and/or feats. (Eventually.)

2014-08-04, 02:18 PM
This power is not a "waste of pp".

But but unjustified hyperbole!

2014-08-04, 06:31 PM
The main problem that I see is that a lot of the things it gives become useless at higher levels. Enhancement bonuses to ability scores, DR/magic, small amounts of temp hp. Ok, so you don't have to pick those, but now you're looking at an even smaller menu of stuff.

Also, while customizable, it's generally less bang for your buck than Beast Shape, mainly because it doesn't give natural attacks for free.
Beast Shape II (giant octopus): +4 str (size), -2 dex, +4 NA, bite, 8 tentacles, grab
With Metamorphosis, the most you're getting is three attacks, no grab, less dex, (slightly) less NA. And that would require augmenting to 15 PP, more than the (effective) 7 for Beast Shape II.

2014-08-04, 07:54 PM
You know one of the most popular, powerful and desired powers for a psychic warrior? expansion? every metamorphosis spell does what expansion does, and better, for the same cost, cheaper if you want a second Size increase.
How is this a waste of PP?
The same manifestation also replaces bite of the wolf. At advanced levels it replaces both bite of the wolf and claws of the beast. Eventually all three. And a bonus to disguise and to intimidate for free. And if that is still not enough, a paltry augmentation gives you alternative movement speeds. Later you also get to cover for physical and AC enhancements, fast healing, energy resistance and poisons.

This power is not a "waste of pp".

That's all great for a Psywar. A class with already decent hit die, armor and weapon options, extra combat feats, and BAB. Not what is basically a full caster. It'd be great as mentioned for classes that can pass all those buffs onto a character that can safely jump into melee. Or take advantage of the bonus to stealth.

Additionally, the new Metamorphosis completely ruins the thematic value of the power that's been around since AD&D 2e and before to turn into really cool ****.

There were MUCH better ways to nerf it (not that it'd be any more or less balanced) and keep it Metamorphosis. At this point it's just a hodge-podge of buffs.

2014-08-04, 10:15 PM
Psion's may be tier 2 but that is only because they specialize IMO. Had a telepath mind rape a campaign, far more damaging to have someone auto detect int over 1 and then be able to make it do/not do whatever it wants. He also spent 2 feats on the AC so he had a tank/dps/whatever when wanted, scaling to be a speed bump or beast depending. So no, they do have a few tools casters do not, but the amount they specialize is what makes them always feel a lot more balanced then the wizard whose spell book has hundreds of spells.

2014-08-04, 10:28 PM
Psion's may be tier 2 but that is only because they specialize IMO.That's the one thing that separates tier 1 from tier 2.

Beowulf DW
2014-08-05, 01:01 AM
If you/he feel that strongly about it, suing might be more productive than vindictively ranting on forums in every thread they are mentioned.

Yep. It sucks if it's true, but the only two choices are to either do something about it, or move on. Anything else is to invite further suffering and bitterness. And I say that as somebody that's also suffered from ADD and depression.

That's the one thing that separates tier 1 from tier 2.

And there really is no doubt that the Psion is anything less than tier 2. Even if the power really was nerfed to hell, that's one power from one of the most historically capable classes in this game and its predecessors.

2014-08-05, 06:54 AM
And there really is no doubt that the Psion is anything less than tier 2. Even if the power really was nerfed to hell, that's one power from one of the most historically capable classes in this game and its predecessors.Not only historically but currently as well!

2014-08-05, 09:19 AM
You know, when polymorph/summon discussions come up, I often wonder if it would be worthwhile to take the "for player characters" entries that later MMs got and make them a part of every monster entry. In that section would specify what spells can summon, call, or transform you into the creature, and what powers you do or do not get from turning into it from another form. Perhaps potentially broken, but at least it would make designers think of these things and allow versatility without requiring umpteen new spells per splat book. Alternatively, it could spell out spells specifically for them if the forms are too good to be part of a more generic line.

Slithery D
2014-08-06, 06:45 PM
The complaints about Metamorphosis (which I somewhat share) led me to seriously look at the Metamorph prestige class (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-prestige-classes/metamorph) for the first time and...wow.

Supernatural Shift gives you some amazing menu options (paralysis, strength/dex damage, breath weapon w/o cooldown, paralyzing fear aura), and if you make it level 9 and Shift Type (picking up Construct, Elemental, and Plant) it becomes pretty spectacular. It only costs two feats and level 7 (edit: level 9 since you can't take both prereqs at 7) for a non-Egoist to enter, which is the method I think I'd pick.

I could easily see doing this as a Gish oriented Tactician (to take someone's topic yesterday) since I kind of hate the Strategy increases there and you can boost your collective with another feat.