View Full Version : How much would circus equipment cost?

2014-08-03, 10:41 PM
I'm building a character that is responsible for a circus, and as the sole proprietor and owner I'm footing the bill with my starting gold. The problem is that I don't actually know how much this sort of stuff would cost, or more accurately the ingredients needed. So I not only need a shopping list of circus things, but I also need to find the prices for lots of circus things that don't exist yet, such as huge tents, erecting stands, carnie games and the like. We're starting at level 9, and I've got a cohort to chip in so I'm not exactly poor. But I'll also be adventuring away from the circus, meaning I need some of that 55, 000 combined total to equip me (less my cohort, they'll be staying out of fights for the most part but still need some gear).

The circus not need be mind blowingly magical- mundane is fine (though if you have good ideas for magic acts I can save up for, by all means let me know). Most of the people will likely need to be paid, but I've got 8 followers that can handle some skilled work. I should probably mention that some of the followers and staff are also awakened vermin- this circus is mostly the remains of a liberated cult formerly run by Vermin Lords and Masters of Flies. Which makes for some interesting cost cutters- spider silk rope, maybe some way to make tents? Have there ever been materials on spidercraft items or somesuch?

Also, carnie tropes and tricks. The more stuff there is to choose from, the better. Who do I need? What do I need?

Oh, and bug puns. Lots of bug puns for the bug bards.