View Full Version : looking for ideas from exprienced players of prepared casters.

2014-08-04, 01:30 PM
So I haven't even started using my current character yet and I'm already thinking about what I will do for my next guy.
Currently im a spontaneous caster about 60%blaster, 40% BC, buff, utility

Next I'm thinking about ditching the blasting altogether to focus more on the other stuff. I really love the idea of chain spell and a bunch of other metamagic on enervation, sounds awesome. I'm also liking arch mages arcane reach ability (and spell shaping too)

My mind is just all over the place and unable to put it all together level by level to coalesce what I'm wanting.
I'm thinking wizard 5, incant 5, initiate of the sevenfold veil 7, archmage 3.

One thing is trying to get enervation before I go incantatrix and ban necro. (Probably specialize conjuration ban evoc and enchantment. Is there a way to get 4th level spells sooner than level 7? Is there a different Prc that I could take at 6 and 7 to get 4th level spells before going incant?

As far as races I'm not sure if I should go elf for INT , halfling for size benefits, or human for another MM feat.

I'm interested in using all that wizards have to offer except for scry and die as I don't think that play style will fit in well at the table. (Heck maybe it does, no one has ever tried out before)

What are your thoughts for a build?

2014-08-04, 01:40 PM
Can we get system/book restrictions, please?

Blasting is pretty bad for prepared casters. Sorcerers are easier to work with in that case.

The extra int from Grey Elf isn't always worth it if you are focusing on no-save spells like enervation.

A wizard's strength is versatility. Your effectiveness will almost always be determined by how you prepare your spells for a day.

2014-08-04, 01:51 PM
Can we get system/book restrictions, please?

Blasting is pretty bad for prepared casters. Sorcerers are easier to work with in that case.

The extra int from Grey Elf isn't always worth it if you are focusing on no-save spells like enervation.

A wizard's strength is versatility. Your effectiveness will almost always be determined by how you prepare your spells for a day.

D&d 3.5, all official sources allowed. Nothing crazy like infinite loops, overly clunky rules interperatations.

This guy will probably have no blasting spells. Will probably have shadow evocation prepared so if needed to blast for some reason I could.

No save spells are preferred, but I'm sure some spells that offer a save are too good to pass up (like glitter dust etc)

Also, are there enough good divination spells at each level to make specializing in divination viable (I haven't found enough good divination spells) or is abrupt jaunt that good to make banning a second school worth it?

2014-08-04, 02:01 PM
Abrupt Jaunt is pretty much too good not to use. If you are focusing on Conjuration, then don't bother with using Shadow Evocation to blast, since most of Conjuration's Blasting spells are better since they often don't allow SR. The Orb line of spells is considered some of the most reliable damage in the game.

As far as I am concerned, it's more important to target a weak save than having a +1 to the DC. Animals have bad will saves, reflexes are often low, undead have terrible fort saves for the few that will work, and casters often have a bad fort save, etc. Playing smarter, not harder, is ideal. If you're not going for a OP level optimization, it won't matter.

2014-08-04, 02:18 PM
I don't really want to be the bread winner or show horse of the group. I just want to be able to decisively contribute if/when the need arises.

Is there a way to get enervation before 6th level? What would be a good Prc to take for 2 levels to stave off incantatrixs focused study until I have enervation, or just stick with wiz for 2 more levels?

2014-08-04, 03:06 PM
... before I go incantatrix

I don't really want to be the bread winner or show horse of the group. I just want to be able to decisively contribute if/when the need arises.

Played well you should own the group.

Here are some handbooks (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=399.0) — which may help.

2014-08-04, 03:22 PM
I don't really want to be the bread winner or show horse of the group. I just want to be able to decisively contribute if/when the need arises. If this is the case, focus on buff. Persistent Spell with your Incantrix abilities will make maintaining buffs easy. Carry only a few enervations and save-or-loss spells.

Is there a way to get enervation before 6th level? What would be a good Prc to take for 2 levels to stave off incantatrixs focused study until I have enervation, or just stick with wiz for 2 more levels?

Master Specialist. Take 5 levels of that, 2 levels of Master Whateveryourspecializationis...ist.

2014-08-04, 04:09 PM
After looking at school specialization and prohibited schools again Isee that it says that you cant use spells of that school at all. Not from scrolls, wands, nothing.
I remember reading something somewhere that you can still use spells from that school that you already know you just can't learn any more from those schools.

EDIT- dug through the playground archives some more and found my answer. It don't work. So pretty much being a specialized conjurer and having enervation as an incantatrix won't work. Unless I ban illusion which I'm not sure I want to do.