View Full Version : Pathfinder Capoeira Ninja Build

2014-08-04, 04:37 PM
This came out of a previous thread where I was kicking around a combat rogue build. (Thanks to those who helped out there!) I’ve refined it a bit now, and I think I’ve got a pretty good damage machine, but would love opinions/feedback/suggestions!

Meet Golorkis, a level 12 kobold ninja whose capoeira-style full attack consists of 8 attacks: Two claws, a bite, a tail slap, and two unarmed kicks from each foot. With improved two-weapon feint, he can replace his first attack with a feint that turns the other 7 attacks into +5d6 sneak attacks. So, just how much damage is that?

Well, suppose Golorkis full-attacks a medium-sized opponent that has BAB +13, a +2 wisdom modifier, and AC 26 including a +2 dex bonus. Then the full attack will do an average of 121 damage (this is taking into account miss chances; math is below). This assumes no enhancement or situation advantage: If, say, he’s flanking, has used his wand of bless, activates boots of speed, spends a ki point for an extra attack, and does his elemental dragonmaw damage, it goes up to 204 expected damage. I’m still somewhat new to Pathfinder, but I think that’s pretty good for 12th level, right? Here's the build:

Kobold Ninja 10 / Ranger 2

Stats(20 point buy): Str 10 (14 - 4 racial), Dex 24 (15 + 2 racial + 3 level bonus + 4 enhancement), Con 12 (14 - 2 racial), Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 10

Racial Traits: Dragonmaw, Crafty, Darkvision 60’, Light Sensitivity

Feats: Two-Weapon Fighting (level 1), Weapon Finesse (via ninja trick), Tail Terror (level 3), Aspect of the Beast - Claws of the Beast (via Ranger Combat Style), Multiattack (level 5), Improved Unarmed Strike (via ninja trick), Combat Expertise (level 7), Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (via ninja trick), Two-Weapon Feint (Level 9), Improved Two-weapon Feint (level 11)

Ninja Tricks: Rogue Talent - Weapon Finesse (level 2), Unarmed Combat Training (level 4), Combat Trick - Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (level 6), Fast Stealth (level 8), Advanced Talents - Skill Mastery[Stealth, Bluff, Acrobatics, Use Magic Device] (level 10)

Items: Amulet of mighty fists +4 (64000 gp), Boots of Speed (12000 gp), Leather armor +3 (9000 gp), Mask of Stony Demeanor (500 gp), Cloak of Resistance +3 (4500 gp), Belt of Incredible Dexterity +4 (8000 gp), Wand of Invisibility(4500 gp), Wand of Bless (750 gp), Bracers of armor +2 (4000 gp)

Defense: hp 81.5 (avg), AC 25, Fort +10, Ref +20, Will +6, Improved Uncanny Dodge, No Trace

Offense (with math!): A typical attack is at +21 (+9 BAB, +7 dex bonus, +1 small size, +4 Amulet of Mighty Fists). Going full-attack adds a -2 to them all (TWF for the unarmed strikes, secondary attack penalty for the natural attacks). Using skill mastery to take 10 on his bluff check for the improved two-weapon feint, he gets a score of 30, which is an auto-success against the DC of 25, so the opponent's AC gets reduced to 24. The attacks are:

Claw (+19, 1d3+5d6+4), Claw(+19, 1d3+5d6+4), Bite(+19, 1d4+5d6+4), Tail(+19, 1d4+5d6+4), Secondary Kick 1 (+19, 1d3+5d6+4), Primary Kick 2 (+14, 1d3+5d6+4), Secondary Kick 2 (+14, 1d3+5d6+4)

Multiplying to-hit chances by average damages yields:

.8*23.5+.8*23.5+.8*24+.8*24+.8*24+.8*23.5+.55*23.5 +.55*23.5 = 120.65 expected damage.

Now, let’s calculate expected damage for an “all-out” round - that is, Golorkis used his Wand of Bless before combat to get +1 on attacks, activates his Boots of Speed for another +1 and an extra attack, is flanking the enemy, spends a ninja ki point for another extra attack, and adds his 1d6 elemental dragonmaw damage. We get sneak attack damage from flanking, so we don’t have to give up our first attack for a feint, but that also means we’re hitting the full AC. This means our attacks are now:

Claw (+23, 1d3+5d6+4), Claw(+23, 1d3+5d6+4), Bite(+23, 1d4+6d6+4), Tail(+23, 1d4+5d6+4), Primary Kick 1 (+23, 1d3+5d6+4), Secondary Kick 1 (+23, 1d3+5d6+4), Primary Kick 2 (+18, 1d3+5d6+4), Secondary Kick 2 (+18, 1d3+5d6+4), Extra Kick 1(+23, 1d3+5d6+4), Extra Kick 2(+23, 1d3+5d6+4)

Again multiplying out to-hit by damage yields:

.9*23.5+.9*23.5+.9*24+.9*27.5+.9*24+.9*23.5+.9*23. 5+.65*23.5+.65*23.5+.9*23.5+.9*23.5 = 204.7 expected damage.

-The Fast Stealth trick and Wand of Invisibility are there to get Golorkis into a position where he can get the full attack (and survive long enough to do it).
-This build assumes that Two-weapon Feint is a prerequisite for Improved Two-Weapon Feint; if it’s not then we get another feat.
-The 2 Ranger levels need to be taken by level 5 for the feat prerequisites to work out. Any favored enemy (or any ranger archetype that fits the Natural attacks combat style) works with this build, and indeed can push the damage even further.
-I didn’t add a tail attachment because I wasn’t sure whether a tail with an attachment still counts as a natural attack. If it does, a tail attachment adds a couple points of damage.
-You could also do this build with a Kitsune, which means you couldn’t take Tail Terror and thus would have 1 fewer attack, but you could replace it with Swift Kitsune Shapeshifter, use the Scout template, and then take Vulpine Pounce at level 13 to deal all this damage in a charge every second round.

2014-08-04, 05:09 PM
OK, I think a breakdancing lizard guy who can kill Drax the Destroyer in one round is the most amazing melee build I have seen on this forum.