View Full Version : Pathfinder Just got invited to my first D&D game! halps :)

2014-08-04, 09:48 PM
So I just got invited to a D&D game. All I know about the Campaign I'm joining is that max level is 1-8. 10h campaign. I'm going to play with 3 newbeginners and if I know them right they will troll!! and 1 experienced and a experienced GM + me ofc. and we will always be able to revive our characters with some nasty death penalty I dont know of yet.... :s

and me... well I am a try hard xD but dont give me op guide build links :p So since I am playing with 3 expected "trolls" I thought best thing I do is playing support role and I have read through alot of stuff here www.d20pfsrd.com but I don't have time to go and read through everything to this weekend so I hoped you could give me a general direction when it comes to what spells to take, fea

I have planned a Elf Wizard Familiar Summoner crowd controll support role (can I have healing spells?)

Also thought of healing tanky cleric to keep my team healthy.

My goal is that no "trolls" shall die. so any tips on items, stats I should take, spells, familiar, racial feats, race etc. Idk really where to start. so much to read :)

thanks for the help :)


thanks for many good tips and replies. but since Wizard is not viable "earlygame choice" and I will never reach late game with the max level 8.... well screw that. I still think it sounds way more fun to play a wizard only because you guys tell me not to and tell me its hard xD I love when thing are hard. <3<3<3 instead of the point click and shoot.

I see about making a cleric or a sorcerer instead.

any tips about what sort of sorcerer or cleric I should play? I favour: (currently reading on sorcerers)

Crowd control -> Summons -> Healing -> damage -> tanky -> diplomatics/talking/knowledge skills -> other

and as said earlier only paladins are banned so everything goes. :) and I care extremly little about talking skills. one of the members told me they gonna play social bard.

Thank you for all your help. I ended up playing a sorcerer.

I was thinking on taking:

Arcane Bloodline (invisibility bitches)
Chaotic good (RP purposes)
Human (because of bonus feat and racial ability skilled)
Spell focus (I think, It sounds extremly good but maybe I missunderstands it. could someone explain this one to me?!?)
any tips traits and feats?

and could someone tell me how I aquire new spells? I think I missunderstood this part.

well I played some I just gonna keep this post to ask questions as I have things I wonder about. most likely about sorcerer

2014-08-04, 11:38 PM
First things first, are you going to be playing Pathfinder (a spin-off of Dungeons and Dragon) or are you going to be playing one of the many editions of official Dungeons & Dragons?

A few more questions:
What level are you starting at?
What method is your group using to determine starting ability scores?


1. Wizards do not get healing spells. They cast Arcane magic which almost never heals anything. Healing falls within the scope of Divine magic which druids and clerics use.
2. I would recommend against playing a prepared caster like a wizard in your first game. They require much more knowledge of the rules of the game and experience playing than a spontaneous caster does. A good spellcasting class to start off with is the Sorcerer which casts spells that he knows spontaneously (on the fly) as needed. Playing a spontaneous caster will give you more time to learn how the game mechanics and playing the game actually works rather than setting you up to spend 3/4ths of your time looking up what all of your spells actually do.

2014-08-04, 11:56 PM
Jello's questions are all important, but another big point is about the "trolls"
By troll, do you mean are going to be bad (low system mastery) , deliberately screw up (murderhobo mentality), or just be *******s (being an *******)?
If the first, then you've got the right idea. Build a high power supporting character. This is what God Wizards are designed for: Carry your teammates without them ever realizing that you are doing the lifting.
If the second, nothing you can do to stop them, so just out murderhobo them all.
If the third, don't play. It is not worth playing with people who are just there to be *******s.

2014-08-05, 06:53 AM
First things first, are you going to be playing Pathfinder (a spin-off of Dungeons and Dragon) or are you going to be playing one of the many editions of official Dungeons & Dragons?

A few more questions:
What level are you starting at?
What method is your group using to determine starting ability scores?


1. Wizards do not get healing spells. They cast Arcane magic which almost never heals anything. Healing falls within the scope of Divine magic which druids and clerics use.
2. I would recommend against playing a prepared caster like a wizard in your first game. They require much more knowledge of the rules of the game and experience playing than a spontaneous caster does. A good spellcasting class to start off with is the Sorcerer which casts spells that he knows spontaneously (on the fly) as needed. Playing a spontaneous caster will give you more time to learn how the game mechanics and playing the game actually works rather than setting you up to spend 3/4ths of your time looking up what all of your spells actually do.

thank you for ansvering. the max level is 8 in this campaign so I believe there wont be too much crazy stuff going on. and we start at level 1. so I wont think it will be way to complicated, and I am a quick learner. Yes I do believe we are playing pathfinder (it is more advanced and more fun they said) we are throwing dices to get our starting stats. So its no normal 10points in all stats start. idk what that is specificly called

prepared caster does that mean I have to like channel all my abilities before going to battle?!? like sleep 8 hours?!? I read there was channeling items do I need them?!? does that help me?!? where spotanious doesn't really have to care about this?!? I really don't care if I get a steep learning curve, more learning more fun xD

I allready read on tons of wizard conjuration spells. and cleric spells. etc. so It would be kinda stupid not playing one of those 2 at this stage. xD god of love!!! I allready know I have to spend 200gp per wizard level if my familiar dies and it takes 8 hours. but I have no idea what a fighter or berserker or something like that do... gawd hit stuff with fury or something xD but do you still suggest I play something else?!? is the cleric a spontanous caster?!?

2014-08-05, 07:13 AM
Jello's questions are all important, but another big point is about the "trolls"
By troll, do you mean are going to be bad (low system mastery) , deliberately screw up (murderhobo mentality), or just be *******s (being an *******)?
If the first, then you've got the right idea. Build a high power supporting character. This is what God Wizards are designed for: Carry your teammates without them ever realizing that you are doing the lifting.
If the second, nothing you can do to stop them, so just out murderhobo them all.
If the third, don't play. It is not worth playing with people who are just there to be *******s.

by troll I mean "Break into the guard tower after escaped its captivity to get his bag back, which contained 3 days of rations, some dirty clothes and a knife as a bard with fighting stats. rolled a natural 20 and tried to climb as a bard up into window at the second floor. and had to jump back out because he didn't roll a natural 20 on the way down and fell on top of 2 guards because he didn't check where he was jumping. he luckily knocked out the two guards and manage to escape into the sewers. but he never cleaned his wounds or simular after the original escape from the guard tower. so there was bloodstains where the guards followed.(after the GM specifically said he was bloodied and was dripping blood and he still didnt clean his wounds) in the sewers he tried to fight the guards by searching the sewers and throwing poo at the guards (instead of escaping, which would be easy because he had nightvision and the guards didn't) where he got caught and hung the day after with no trial." I hope you understand xD

but I think its fine I am going to try to play a lawfull good guy and do everything in my power to save them hopeless fools xD even so I have another experienced player with me and the campaign is suppose to be very linear we should always know what to do to finish the main quest. but before finishing that I want to become a hero and gain an ACTION POINT :p

2014-08-05, 07:42 AM
A Cleric is a prepared caster. Most are, or they are half casters(meaning they don't get 9th level spells).

Channeling usually refers to Channel Energy which is a cleric deal.

Given what you have told us already, even one who is largely unfamiliar with casters such as myself would recommend a Sorcerer over a Wizard. They can't end up knowing EVERYTHING EVER like a Wizard can, but make up for that by being able to react better than a Wizard, unless you actually understand Divination magic.

2014-08-05, 08:29 AM
so how am I suppose to learn how to play a wizard without actually playing the wizard?!?

2014-08-05, 08:39 AM
Seriously for new players I too recommend sorcerer over wizard.

Wizard is all about knowing the right spells to memorize for the day and casting them at the right times.

Sorcerer is more about picking the right spells to know period - you can then cast them whichever and whenever you want.

On the surface that makes sorcerer look bad, but for new players most DMs will give helpful advice on what spells to choose and may allow you to swap them if you get it wrong (and the rules allow some swapping too). This makes it far harder to mess up as a sorcerer.

And as for "how do you learn to play wizard" - well after you have played a sorcerer you have a fair idea about how spells work - what and when to cast them. This should give you a much better experience as a wizard if you choose to play one now.

Oddly, both classes are usually easier to play than a fighter - fighters really need to be good at mental arithmetic.

Anyway good luck and have fun!

2014-08-05, 08:47 AM
Quick rundown of what "prepared" versus "spontaneous" casting means:

A "spontaneous" caster (such as a sorcerer) has a number of spells he simply knows. This number is determined by his level in the Sorcerer (or other spontaneous-casting) class. He also has a number of spell slots per day. He spontaneously, at the moment of expending a spell slot, chooses which of the spells he knows to cast with that spell slot. As long as he has even 1 spell slot of a given spell level available, he can potentially cast any of the spells he knows that are no higher than the level of the spell slot.

A "prepared" caster only has a number of spell slots per day. Wizards and most other prepared arcane casters have a spellbook that determines which spells they know, while most divine prepared casters have all of their spells. However, at the start of each day, a prepared caster must choose which of the spells he knows will occupy each of his spell slots. This means they need to have some idea of what will be useful. Fortunately, there is a lot in your favor when it comes to arranging this knowledge; even without divination, you should have a good idea what your usual suite of buffs are to cast on your party, for example.

Prepared casters also get a lot of mileage out of long-duration spells, because they prepare them on a "day off" and then cast them. Then they let them hang around while preparing new spells on adventuring days.

Prepared casters almost invariably have more spells to choose from than do spontaneous casters, because they have all of them (if divine) or have big spellbooks full of them (if arcane). Spontaneous casters know fewer spells than wizards will typically have in their spellbooks.

On the other hand, people are recommending the Sorcerer to you because the Sorcerer is able to simply have a list of spells, and choose what to cast from it when he feels like it. It takes less overall planning on a daily basis, and gives more versatility with what you DO have. Just less flexibility in changing what you have.

2014-08-05, 09:09 AM
Quick rundown of what "prepared" versus "spontaneous" casting means:

A "spontaneous" caster (such as a sorcerer) has a number of spells he simply knows. This number is determined by his level in the Sorcerer (or other spontaneous-casting) class. He also has a number of spell slots per day. He spontaneously, at the moment of expending a spell slot, chooses which of the spells he knows to cast with that spell slot. As long as he has even 1 spell slot of a given spell level available, he can potentially cast any of the spells he knows that are no higher than the level of the spell slot.

A "prepared" caster only has a number of spell slots per day. Wizards and most other prepared arcane casters have a spellbook that determines which spells they know, while most divine prepared casters have all of their spells. However, at the start of each day, a prepared caster must choose which of the spells he knows will occupy each of his spell slots. This means they need to have some idea of what will be useful. Fortunately, there is a lot in your favor when it comes to arranging this knowledge; even without divination, you should have a good idea what your usual suite of buffs are to cast on your party, for example.

Prepared casters also get a lot of mileage out of long-duration spells, because they prepare them on a "day off" and then cast them. Then they let them hang around while preparing new spells on adventuring days.

Prepared casters almost invariably have more spells to choose from than do spontaneous casters, because they have all of them (if divine) or have big spellbooks full of them (if arcane). Spontaneous casters know fewer spells than wizards will typically have in their spellbooks.

On the other hand, people are recommending the Sorcerer to you because the Sorcerer is able to simply have a list of spells, and choose what to cast from it when he feels like it. It takes less overall planning on a daily basis, and gives more versatility with what you DO have. Just less flexibility in changing what you have.

Segev's post is excellent, and a good summary.

One trap to be wary of though, is that it does not apply on the divine side. If you are persuaded (or want to) to go the divine route - i.e. cleric - be warned that there is a class called the Favored Soul (it's in the Complete Divine sourcebook). It is supposed to be to a cleric what a sorcerer is to a wizard, however it fails miserably.
If you go divine, just go cleric - favored souls require a lot of system experience to not be terrible.

2014-08-05, 09:24 AM
EDIT: quoted the wrong spot earlier.

I have planned a Elf Wizard Familiar Summoner crowd controll support role (can I have healing spells?)

Also thought of healing tanky cleric to keep my team healthy.

With a low level game and what I gather is low knowledge of the game, I suggest staying away from Wizard. There's a decent learning curve to get the correct spells prepared each day, and I (others, please correct me) think that they are a weak PC at low levels, unless your group is resting after every fight.

Sorcerer will allow you to understand only a few spells, and use whichever one of those you want pretty much whenever you want.

I also suggest looking at Summoner (free tank, decent spells, many summons that you can use to heal people between fights (but not until higher levels)), or Witch (great control at lower levels, decent spell list (has Heal))

2014-08-05, 09:28 AM
Segev's post is excellent, and a good summary.

One trap to be wary of though, is that it does not apply on the divine side. If you are persuaded (or want to) to go the divine route - i.e. cleric - be warned that there is a class called the Favored Soul (it's in the Complete Divine sourcebook). It is supposed to be to a cleric what a sorcerer is to a wizard, however it fails miserably.
If you go divine, just go cleric - favored souls require a lot of system experience to not be terrible.

Well he's linked the PFSRD, which suggests he's playing Pathfinder, so an Oracle is just fine. Also there are lots of Divine Spontaneous Casters, some of which have very short lists and therefore are easier to work with, such as the Shugenja, who get a very short list and are spontaneous. There's also the healer (a low OP choice, but that's what he asked for)

2014-08-05, 09:34 AM
Or... Go bard and get a little bit of everything... Healing spells? Check. Spontaneous caster? Check. Ability to wear light armor? Check. Ability to use ranged and melee weapons effectively (if not fabulously?) Check. Ability to buff your teammates? Yep. Know a little bit about everything? You got it!

Bards are much less nerfed in pathfinder than they were in 3.5

also, it's a good class to learn mechanics of spellcasting and fighting...

My 2cp

2014-08-05, 09:49 AM
Well he's linked the PFSRD, which suggests he's playing Pathfinder, so an Oracle is just fine. Also there are lots of Divine Spontaneous Casters, some of which have very short lists and therefore are easier to work with, such as the Shugenja, who get a very short list and are spontaneous. There's also the healer (a low OP choice, but that's what he asked for)

Oops I forgot the PF part. What you have just posted makes me want to try it though - I have got a FS character and it is a bit disappointing so some of the PF ones may just work nicely.

Thanks :smallsmile:

Shining Wrath
2014-08-05, 10:07 AM
Part of the power of a Wizard comes from familiarity with the 3000 or so available spells, so the Wizard can prepare exactly the right spell. You won't get there in time.

The sorcerer, on the other hand, only has to find about 20 good spells in those 3000. And there are that many good spells in the Player's Handbook.

You'll learn how to cast a spell, how to use a familiar, about materials, and so on. You just won't have to have a spell book with dozens of spells in it.

2014-08-05, 01:09 PM
thanks for many good tips. but since Wizard is not viable "earlygame choice" and I will never reach late game with the max level 8.... well screw that. I still think it sounds way more fun to play a wizard only because you guys tell me not to and tell me its hard xD I love when thing are hard. <3<3<3 instead of the point click and shoot.

I see about making a cleric or a sorcerer instead.

any tips about what sort of sorcerer or cleric I should play? I favour: (currently reading on sorcerers)

Crowd control -> Summons -> Healing -> damage -> tanky -> diplomatics/talking/knowledge skills -> other

and as said earlier only paladins are banned so everything goes. :) and I care extremly little about talking skills. one of the members told me they gonna play social bard.

2014-08-05, 01:41 PM
Well, wizards are actually a viable early-game choice. However, with your priority list, you don't want a wizard. You want a druid.

First, I shall summon an expert.
Kcanygge, kcanygge, kcanygge! I summon thee! Arise!

Alright the master of druids is en route.

Druids are nature priests. They are also probably the best Summoners in the game, with amazing Battlefield Control, a reasonable array of healing spells, good blasting and melee ability, reasonable tankability, and I believe they have Diplomacy as a class skill, but they can also Diplomacy Animals through Wild Empathy.

2014-08-05, 01:46 PM
Here's a guide to Sorcerers. (https://docs.google.com/document/d/13MRfgZWlAakfd06JnboqbK6xNdb2Ht63dYqVg2kpGiI/edit?pli=1)

The general points are:
pump Charisma up as high as you feasibly can (I rarely start with less than a 20, and never less than an 18 if I can help it)
pick a race that increases Charisma (Human is great for this and for another reason)
Don't neglect Dex or Con as they're your AC, ranged attack rolls, and HP
pick a bloodline that you think is neat (or default to Arcane bloodline, since it's mechanically strong)
keep an eye out for stuff that increases spells known (Arcane bloodline, Expanded Arcana feat, Human Favored Class Bonus)
try to diversify your known spells, but make sure you grab the potent ones too. (don't grab both Sleep and Color Spray, for example)

An easy default build is to grab a human arcane bloodline sorcerer and go from there. Pump Cha to 20, grab some Dex and Con at the expense of Str. Snag Color Spray and something else, probably burning hands.

Some cheese you can do if you have access to Ultimate Magic (it's on the paizo reference document, but your gm might restrict books): take Spell Focus(Evocation) as your level 1 feat and Spell Specialization(Burning Hands) as your human bonus feat. Now your burning hands spell is 2 caster levels higher than normal, meaning it does 3d4 damage at level 1 instead of 1d4. Later take Intensify Spell to double the cap on Burning Hands' damage (up to 10d4 instead of 5d4.)

Burn things!

2014-08-05, 01:47 PM
Do you know the makeup of your group?

Personally, I prefer making a character that will allow the rest of the group to shine. But that's not possible with certain types of groups.

Do you have any idea what sort of groups you will be facing?

If you think the rest of your group will be more damage oriented and enemies will be fewer than five for most groups, Witch with Evil Eye, Slumber, and Cackle will be the best crowd control (take one or two out of each fight without any effort).

If you really want to do Summoning, take the Summoner: Master Summoner class. That will give you over seven summons per day as a Standard Action that lasts minute/lvl and a decent spell selection to buff/debuff.

2014-08-05, 01:53 PM
Well, wizards are actually a viable early-game choice. However, with your priority list, you don't want a wizard. You want a druid.

First, I shall summon an expert.
Kcanygge, kcanygge, kcanygge! I summon thee! Arise!

Alright the master of druids is en route.

Druids are nature priests. They are also probably the best Summoners in the game, with amazing Battlefield Control, a reasonable array of healing spells, good blasting and melee ability, reasonable tankability, and I believe they have Diplomacy as a class skill, but they can also Diplomacy Animals through Wild Empathy.

do I have to prepare spells as druid?

2014-08-05, 01:57 PM
Do you know the makeup of your group?

Personally, I prefer making a character that will allow the rest of the group to shine. But that's not possible with certain types of groups.

Do you have any idea what sort of groups you will be facing?

If you think the rest of your group will be more damage oriented and enemies will be fewer than five for most groups, Witch with Evil Eye, Slumber, and Cackle will be the best crowd control (take one or two out of each fight without any effort).

If you really want to do Summoning, take the Summoner: Master Summoner class. That will give you over seven summons per day as a Standard Action that lasts minute/lvl and a decent spell selection to buff/debuff.

Only thing I know is that I will have a bard with extreme social skills :) probability for a rouge is also high. else I don't know :) since I know we are going to have a bard with social skills having a sorc with that is kinda dumb?!? with high CHA

2014-08-05, 02:04 PM
If you really want to do Summoning, take the Summoner: Master Summoner class. That will give you over seven summons per day as a Standard Action that lasts minute/lvl and a decent spell selection to buff/debuff.

Okay, this is a bad plan. Master Summoner is one of the most powerful summoner archetypes (and yet people whine about synthesist instead). It is also extremely complicated, between building both your character and your eidolon, and then, at the table, you become the guy whose turn take half an hour because you have literally a dozen minions, plus your character, plus your eidolon.

2014-08-05, 02:14 PM
hahaha... **** it xD I find everything so exciting etc.... **** it!

Cleric and Sorcerer GO!

its final

2014-08-05, 02:41 PM
Okay, this is a bad plan. Master Summoner is one of the most powerful summoner archetypes (and yet people whine about synthesist instead). It is also extremely complicated, between building both your character and your eidolon, and then, at the table, you become the guy whose turn take half an hour because you have literally a dozen minions, plus your character, plus your eidolon.

It's all in how you play it.

Have a plan for the Eidolon (only dealing with eight levels). Keep Eidolon away from combat (Master Summoner's Eidolon is only 1/2 strength), make him a trap finder.
Commit to using only Summons necessary for combat (know a couple that have specific traits you want for that fight (grapple, tanky, damage).
Roleplay well (calling seven creatures in the first fight of the day and then resting for 23 hours is not good roleplaying)
Broodmaster might give you a dozen minions. Master Summoner gives you only as many as you call out. And only one if your Eidolon is out.

nice to see that someone else realizes the possible potential of this class.

2014-08-05, 02:48 PM
It's all in how you play it.

Have a plan for the Eidolon (only dealing with eight levels). Keep Eidolon away from combat (Master Summoner's Eidolon is only 1/2 strength), make him a trap finder.
Commit to using only Summons necessary for combat (know a couple that have specific traits you want for that fight (grapple, tanky, damage).
Roleplay well (calling seven creatures in the first fight of the day and then resting for 23 hours is not good roleplaying)
Broodmaster might give you a dozen minions. Master Summoner gives you only as many as you call out. And only one if your Eidolon is out.

nice to see that someone else realizes the possible potential of this class.

One batch of minions when the eidolon is out, which is potentially 7 things you control (you, eidolon, 1d4+1 creatures from SMI list off of SMIII

2014-08-05, 02:57 PM
One batch of minions when the eidolon is out, which is potentially 7 things you control (you, eidolon, 1d4+1 creatures from SMI list off of SMIII

Agreed. But if the player is Summoning more creatures than he can handle, then he is simply being a bad player. OP stated he likes summons. I suggested the class that I think is most useful at summoning and leave it to him to play how he will. But, all your points are valid concerns.

2014-08-05, 03:02 PM
Agreed. But if the player is Summoning more creatures than he can handle, then he is simply being a bad player. OP stated he likes summons. I suggested the class that I think is most useful at summoning and leave it to him to play how he will. But, all your points are valid concerns.

The problem is that Summoning wasn't even his first priority. First was BFC, second was summoning. That's why I went with druid. Spell list is better for BFC, AC replaces Eidolon, and Summons are about as easy as with Summoner, on top of a solidly tanky chassis with good offensive blasting and buffing.

It's also why I summoned eggynack, God of Druids. He just hasn't gotten online yet.

2014-08-05, 03:40 PM
Crowd control -> Summons -> Healing -> damage -> tanky -> diplomatics/talking/knowledge skills -> other

I agree with the guys talking about druids:

- prepared caster you can't screw up spell choices and be cornered into uselessness (like our Sorcerer unable to do mind affecting things against undead)
- animal companion does some work
- wild shape gives utility different than spells
- spell choices are divided between CC, summons and healing

Sample for first level: Your animal companion does kill goblins in one bite, you root the rest in place with a well placed Entangle spell and deal with them with normal weapons
Sample for 5th level: You toss a Spike Growth (1d4 damage per square crossed, DC 27 Perception to notice only for classes like rogues, Reflex negates slowed movement speed) before battle, shape into a lion and summon some critters. After the battle you patch the worst injuries up with a Wand of Cure Light Wounds (costs 750 and frees up so many spell slots)

Shining Wrath
2014-08-05, 06:55 PM
A sorcerer can't be good at everything the way the wizard can, but can be quite good at a few things. Clerics can be versatile.

Think of ways to help your party be better. Crowd control is excellent. Summons don't really come into their own until higher level but are very flexible. Healing is best done out of combat, so think about what you'll do in combat. Neither a cleric nor a sorcerer is a natural tank, although magic can make you one.

2014-08-07, 06:55 AM
Thank you for all your help. I ended up playing a sorcerer.

I was thinking on taking:

Arcane Bloodline
Chaotic good
Spell focus (I think, It sounds extremly good but maybe I missunderstands it. could someone explain this one to me?!?)
any tips traits and feats?

and could someone tell me how I aquire new spells? I think I missunderstood this part.

2014-08-07, 07:13 AM
Unlike the wizard, sorcerers only pick new spells while leveling up and are stuck with their choices till their net level up when they can pick some more spells, so for them, spell choices are a LOT more important than for other classes.

2014-08-07, 07:48 AM
Unlike the wizard, sorcerers only pick new spells while leveling up and are stuck with their choices till their net level up when they can pick some more spells, so for them, spell choices are a LOT more important than for other classes.

are there ways and what are they (if there are) that makes me able to learn more spells on each level up? (or something simular) I understand that sorcerers are more natural talented mages then wizards which study their magics. so I wont believe there are many ways as sorcerers to gain new spells.

2014-08-07, 08:11 AM
From the SRD (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/sorcerer)

For a Sorcerer
"A sorcerer begins play knowing four 0-level spells and two 1st-level spells of her choice. At each new sorcerer level, she gains one or more new spells, as indicated on Table: Sorcerer Spells Known."

Alternative Favored Class Bonus (Each time you level)
Human: Add one spell known from the sorcerer spell list. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level the sorcerer can cast.
I'm not sure if this allows you to know extra cantrips at the first few levels, but someone here will chime in.

Looking at both charts on the page; (barring CHA bonus and other things)
Level 3 Sorcerer
Cantrip; Know 5, Cast at will
Level 1; Know 3, Cast 5/day

Level 4 Sorcerer
Cantrip; Know 6, Cast at will
Level 1; Know 3, Cast 6/day (if you took the Human Alternate Favored Class, you can have an extra level 1 spell known, because you are capable of casting level 2 spells)
Level 2; Know 1, Cast 3/day

2014-08-07, 09:25 AM
From the SRD (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/sorcerer)

For a Sorcerer
"A sorcerer begins play knowing four 0-level spells and two 1st-level spells of her choice. At each new sorcerer level, she gains one or more new spells, as indicated on Table: Sorcerer Spells Known."

Alternative Favored Class Bonus (Each time you level)
Human: Add one spell known from the sorcerer spell list. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level the sorcerer can cast.
I'm not sure if this allows you to know extra cantrips at the first few levels, but someone here will chime in.

Looking at both charts on the page; (barring CHA bonus and other things)
Level 3 Sorcerer
Cantrip; Know 5, Cast at will
Level 1; Know 3, Cast 5/day

Level 4 Sorcerer
Cantrip; Know 6, Cast at will
Level 1; Know 3, Cast 6/day (if you took the Human Alternate Favored Class, you can have an extra level 1 spell known, because you are capable of casting level 2 spells)
Level 2; Know 1, Cast 3/day

thank you :)

HUMAN: Sorcerer Add one spell known from the sorcerer spell list. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level the sorcerer can cast.

someone explain this one to me closer. If I am level 5 and I level up. I can add one spell because of levling up. in addition of on level 4 or lower level spell?!? did I understand this correctly?

2014-08-07, 09:32 AM
thank you :)

HUMAN: Sorcerer Add one spell known from the sorcerer spell list. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level the sorcerer can cast.

someone explain this one to me closer. If I am level 5 and I level up. I can add one spell because of levling up. in addition of on level 4 or lower level spell?!? did I understand this correctly?

If you take that trait, each time you level up you get to select a new spell that "is at least one level below the highest spell level the sorcerer can cast."
If you are Level 5 and Level up to 6, you will be able to cast Level 3 spells. As such, you can gain a bonus spell that is, at most, Level 2.

EDIT: Look at the two charts on the SRD page I linked. One is how many spells per day you can cast, the other is how many spells per day of each level you know. Both of those numbers may altered by other things (Charisma, Traits).
Leveling from 5 to 6, with that Trait, gives you
Level 5 Sorcerer
Cantrip - 6
Level 1 - 4 (Plus any other spells from other abilities, Traits, Bloodlines)
Level 2 - 2 (Plus any other spells from other abilities, Traits, Bloodlines)
Level 3 - 0

Going to Level 6 gives you
Cantrip - 7
Level 1 - 4 (Plus any other spells from other abilities, Traits, Bloodlines)
Level 2 - 2 (Plus any other spells from other abilities, Traits, Bloodlines)
Level 3 - 1

So, you learn ONE cantrip and ONE "Level-3 spell"
With that Alternate Human Trait, you also learn ONE "Spell of Level-2 or Lower".

2014-08-07, 11:52 AM
If you take that trait, each time you level up you get to select a new spell that "is at least one level below the highest spell level the sorcerer can cast."
If you are Level 5 and Level up to 6, you will be able to cast Level 3 spells. As such, you can gain a bonus spell that is, at most, Level 2.

EDIT: Look at the two charts on the SRD page I linked. One is how many spells per day you can cast, the other is how many spells per day you know. Both of those numbers may altered by other things (Charisma, Traits).
Leveling from 5 to 6, with that Trait, gives you
Level 5 Sorcerer
Cantrip - 6
Level 1 - 4 (Plus any other spells from other abilities, Traits, Bloodlines)
Level 2 - 2 (Plus any other spells from other abilities, Traits, Bloodlines)
Level 3 - 0

Going to Level 6 gives you
Cantrip - 7
Level 1 - 4 (Plus any other spells from other abilities, Traits, Bloodlines)
Level 2 - 2 (Plus any other spells from other abilities, Traits, Bloodlines)
Level 3 - 1

So, you learn ONE cantrip and ONE "Level-3 spell"
With that Alternate Human Trait, you also learn ONE "Spell of Level-2 or Lower".

oh **** xD omg... .... ...

I always thought that level 20 meant tier 20 spells -.- fml... I see now that max tier of spells are 9... god...

thank you for clearing that up for me............. I feel like such a big retard atm

2014-08-07, 02:29 PM
oh **** xD omg... .... ...

I always thought that level 20 meant tier 20 spells -.- fml... I see now that max tier of spells are 9... god...

Don't sweat it. D&D rather overuses the word 'Level'. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0012.html) (Which is extra strange when you consider how much Gygax usually wrote like he'd swallowed a thesaurus....)

2014-08-08, 09:18 AM
Well I gonna leave a small summary when I finnish mah first session tomorrow or sunday. and yeah hope you see you guys ingame xD

if someone have some last minute tips I happily read them :p wish me luck

2014-08-09, 09:02 AM
what does "spell focus" do. help plox fast

2014-08-09, 02:27 PM
what does "spell focus" do. help plox fast

Makes one type of magic spell (enchantment, evocation, mecromancy, etc) you cast slightly harder (+1 on the difficulty) for targets to save against.

2014-08-16, 06:31 AM
The spell color spray

"vivid cone of clashing colors springs forth from your hand, causing creatures to become stunned, perhaps also blinded, and possibly knocking them unconscious. Each creature within the cone is affected according to its HD.

2 HD or less: The creature is unconscious, blinded, and stunned for 2d4 rounds, then blinded and stunned for 1d4 rounds, and then stunned for 1 round. (Only living creatures are knocked unconscious.)

3 or 4 HD: The creature is blinded and stunned for 1d4 rounds, then stunned for 1 round.

5 or more HD: The creature is stunned for 1 round.

Sightless creatures are not affected by color spray."

dooes that mean I throw a d6. if I get 1 or 2 I can stun the targets hit by 2d4?

3-4 means target is stunned for 1d4+1?

5-6 they are stunned 1 turn?

2014-08-16, 07:36 AM
"HD" is a characteristic of creature. It stands for "Hit Dice" and determines how much hit points creature in question has; for example, wolf (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/animals/wolf) has 2 HD and Constitution of 15, which gives him 2d8+4 hit points (2d8 are his two Hit Dice and +4 is his Constitution's modifier +2, taken as many times as many Hit Dice he has, i.e. twice). Your character's HD is equal to his character level.
Thus, if you cast this spell onto a pack of wolves, all of them who get into a cone would be affected as 2 HD creatures and be unconscious, blinded and stunned; but if you cast it on a bear (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/animals/bear/black-bear) who has 5 HD, he will only be stunned. You do not roll anything; your targets roll their Will saving throw (and those who succeed are not affected by the spell entirely), but it is another matter.

2014-08-16, 07:44 AM
if I throw example magic missile and have no armor. is there anyway I can fail my spell cast?

2014-08-16, 03:16 PM
if I throw example magic missile and have no armor. is there anyway I can fail my spell cast?

If you get hit while spellcasting, or are trying to keep your balance, or a few other ways, you'll need to make a Concentration check, so max out that skill.

2014-08-25, 08:41 AM
when do I take a concentration check? do I take them if I have full health as sorcerer?

or is it only when im hurt and are bloodied and if im grappled etc?

2014-08-25, 08:42 AM
and when I level up I get to throw a health die 1d6 + con modifier? (as sorcerer ofc)

2014-08-25, 08:54 AM
Concentration checks are made if...
1. You want to cast a spell defensively. Normally, casting a spell while someone is standing next to you will provoke an attack from them. Casting defensively means that you risk losing the spell completely, but you do not provoke the attack
2. If you are damaged while casting the spell. This can occur if you provoke an attack of opportunity by not casting defensively, or if someone readies an action to attack you if you cast a spell. It is based only on the damage dealt, and has no relation to the current state of your HP.
3. Adverse conditions, such as being grappled or distracted. This is the rest of the table.

Yes, when you level up, you roll a single d6, add your Con modifier to the result, and add that total to your max HP.

2014-08-25, 06:56 PM
Bring Doritos!

2014-08-25, 08:11 PM
Bring Doritos!

Well, bring enough of some sort of snack to share with everyone. I wouldn't recommend Doritos - you don't want to get orange residue on people's books.

2014-08-25, 08:50 PM
Best snacks i've found are unsalted nuts, kettle chips or hard candies like M&Ms. These are generally tasty and leave little residue if you're going to be passing books.

We've explained how you gain spells through leveling, so that's already covered, however for sorcs, there are ways to get extra spells known. Sortof.

A Page of Spell Knowledge (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/m-p/page-of-spell-knowledge) can allow a spontaneous caster, if held, to use their spell slots to cast the spell held in the item. They're pretty costly though, starting at 1k gold for a single level 1 spell and the price topping at 81k for a level 9 (IE: the cost is [spell level^2]x1000 gold).

For the most part, Evocation, Illusions, Enchantment and Necromancy schools benefit the most from this feat. Abjurations tend to either use your caster level (which, for the most part is simply your levels in sorcerer), Conjurations rarely force saves (though when they do, they're nasty) as they tend to create things, Divinations occasionally do have saves but it tends to be the higher level ones used to spy on enemies and Transmutations are often better used for beneficial purposes like buffing yourself or your teammates.

One special case though, is that Spell Focus (Conjuration) is required for Augment Summoning, which is a fantastic feat if you're planning on summoning critters.

Others have actually given a good idea on when you'll be rolling this, so I won't go too much into it. Here's the full rules on concentration (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic#TOC-Concentration)however.

The key thing to remember is just to stay outside and away from of things that could hurt you, use common sense and you should be fine. If you do get into trouble, the 5ft step (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Take-5-Foot-Step)and withdraw (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Withdraw)actions are your friends.

Look into the metamagic rods. They're pretty neat and the lower level ones allow for better use of your weaker spells at higher levels, or at least get more bang for your buck. A lesser Metamagic Rod of Extend Spell allows things like your lower level summons to last longer, or your Acid arrow to continue dealing it's damage over a longer period of time. This can also be used on spells like Mount (granting you a free horse for 4 hours/level) where at lower levels this free beast can serve as a rather cheap combat pet if you invest in handle animal, in addition to being a mode of transportation. It also allows for Mage Armor to last for most, if not all, of an adventuring day. At higher levels the +4 AC might not mean much, but it's a life saver at the lower levels.

2014-08-25, 09:24 PM
If you need help with choosing spells for your Sorcerer, with a quick rundown of why some spells are considered better than others, this is a most excellent guide (https://docs.google.com/document/d/17S3pYy0wk8uUTJ3RFaIDk5vz29WYmOXuhWiOKHO2E_M/edit#heading=h.l4dhw7c1mzqd) (if Google Docs defaults to "suggest" mode, you can set to "viewing" mode with the green combo box on the top right corner of the page).

2014-08-27, 02:16 PM
I start to get the hang of most things now. I have a arcane bloodline sorcerer level 4 with some metamagic feat and augmented summoning. so I basically trying to stun as much as I can while tanking damage with summons. I play with 4 noobs atm. so we try and fail all the time.

my biggest mistake so far is me thinking I got 5magic missiles at level 1 :D thinking I had 10 missiles at level 9 xD and the others I play with believed me cuz nobody knew the sorcerer spells xD but yeah :p

I guess its not as bad as the other guy who thought he could choose 4feats and 2 rouge talents at level 1. (wonder where he got it from) but yeah Learn by playing

or the druid who thought he could throw all his spells from his spell list at will and he could throw as many he wanted aslong he met the level requirement xD level 1 -> first rank spells -> level 2 -> secound rank spells.... You just summon those nature's Ally IX at level 9 ;)

2014-09-03, 02:53 PM
you need certain components casting several spells. does the components dissipear after spell use?

2014-09-03, 02:58 PM
Material components are consumed, but, unless they are expensive (listed in the spell as being worth more than 1gp), they are infinitely provided by a Spell Component Pouch.

If the spell requires a focus, that is not consumed.

2014-09-03, 03:08 PM
oh ok I think figured this out.

so if my spell is marked F (focus) and it says Mithril dagger. I can throw that spell aslong I have a mithril dagger and it wont disappear.

and if it says M (material) and it says honeycomb. the honeycomb will disappear ?

2014-09-03, 03:17 PM
I read somewhere that you could fuse with your magic pouch when you were a druid or maybe a syntesist eidolon somehitng idk. is that true?!? or can someone put me straight? and its safer to get the eschew materials feat?

2014-09-03, 03:23 PM
I will thank everyone on this forum to play Sorcerer who gives me Eschew materials. I am no cheater as everyone else who spams spells with materials with no way to compensate!! XD

2014-09-03, 03:50 PM
Don't sweat it. D&D rather overuses the word 'Level'. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0012.html) (Which is extra strange when you consider how much Gygax usually wrote like he'd swallowed a thesaurus....)

The first exposure I had to D&D rules was the 1e AD&D player's handbook. In this book, when they are explaining classes and levels, they actually discussed that they considered, in writing AD&D, changing the terminology such that you had "ranks" in your classes, "orders" of spells, and "floors" of dungeons, precisely because of this over-use of the word "level." They decided against making this shift out of a bit of legacy adherence and largely because they thought it started sounding awkward, and that players were intelligent enough to pick up which kind of "level" was being referenced from context.

2014-09-04, 06:38 AM
oh ok I think figured this out.

so if my spell is marked F (focus) and it says Mithril dagger. I can throw that spell aslong I have a mithril dagger and it wont disappear.

and if it says M (material) and it says honeycomb. the honeycomb will disappear ?

I read somewhere that you could fuse with your magic pouch when you were a druid or maybe a syntesist eidolon somehitng idk. is that true?!? or can someone put me straight? and its safer to get the eschew materials feat?
When wildshaped everything a druid is carrying/wearing at the time they assumed the form is melded into them and inaccessible (without wildling clasps). The feat Natural Spell explicitly allows items in the melded spell component pouch to be used by a wildshaped druid casting a spell (something they usually cannot without the feat).
So: a wildshaped druid with natural spell can cast spells with a component, but only if they had their pouch when then assumed the form. A druid in its natural form needs the pouch to cast without Eschew Materials.

2014-09-06, 08:07 AM
So me and my D&D noob crew ended up in a discussion last session. (really wish we could afford any of the dnd books xD)

when a level 3 rouge flank/sneak attack with two weapons.(rouge finesse feat ofc) and he hit with both weapons. Does he apply his Dex modifier as damage to both his hits? or does he apply it to all his dices he throws? even the ones for the sneak damage. 6x4 (thats just op)

and if the rouge crit attack on sneak does he get crit damage?!? or crit on the actual attack. like if he uses short sword. throw a 20 he get 1d6x2 + sneak attack dices

2014-09-06, 08:08 AM

When wildshaped everything a druid is carrying/wearing at the time they assumed the form is melded into them and inaccessible (without wildling clasps). The feat Natural Spell explicitly allows items in the melded spell component pouch to be used by a wildshaped druid casting a spell (something they usually cannot without the feat).
So: a wildshaped druid with natural spell can cast spells with a component, but only if they had their pouch when then assumed the form. A druid in its natural form needs the pouch to cast without Eschew Materials.

right :) thank you! hope I can take your word as law xD ahahaha

2014-09-06, 08:13 AM
So me and my D&D noob crew ended up in a discussion last session. (really wish we could afford any of the dnd books xD)

when a level 3 rouge flank/sneak attack with two weapons.(rouge finesse feat ofc) and he hit with both weapons. Does he apply his Dex modifier as damage to both his hits? or does he apply it to all his dices he throws? even the ones for the sneak damage. 6x4 (thats just op)

and if the rouge crit attack on sneak does he get crit damage?!? or crit on the actual attack. like if he uses short sword. throw a 20 he get 1d6x2 + sneak attack dices

2014-09-06, 04:35 PM
First-off, it is rogue not rouge - rouge is a color/type of cosmetic.

So me and my D&D noob crew ended up in a discussion last session. (really wish we could afford any of the dnd books xD)
Congratulations and welcome to the game. You really ought to have the books to play the game as the SRD intentionally misses a lot of stuff out - have your checked the PDF sellers?
Also there are lots of similar games available cheap or for free.

when a level 3 rouge flank/sneak attack with two weapons.(rouge finesse feat ofc) and he hit with both weapons. Does he apply his Dex modifier as damage to both his hits? or does he apply it to all his dices he throws? even the ones for the sneak damage. 6x4 (thats just op)
The rogue does not apply his Dex mod to damage with any weapons. Weapon Finesse only affects the "to-hit" roll not the damage roll.
The rogue does apply the Sneak Attack damage (2d6 for a rogue 3) to every qualifying attack - so yes, with two weapons that is both of them when flanking. This seems like a lot, but a lot of monsters are immune, and getting into flank is often dangerous for the rogue.
Also don't forget that if the rogue moves more than 5' in the round he can only attack with one attack (though 2-weapon fighting penalties don't apply as only one attack is being made).

and if the rouge crit attack on sneak does he get crit damage?!? or crit on the actual attack. like if he uses short sword. throw a 20 he get 1d6x2 + sneak attack dices
Successful criticals only multiple the base weapon damage and fixed additions (e.g. the bonuses from strength and a magic weapon). Since Sneak Attack is bonus dice of damage it is variable and is not multiplied. Note this also means that a +1 flaming sword would multiply the sword damage (well roll twice actually) and the +1, but not the 1d6 fire damage.
The fighter's Power Attack damage bonus is multiplied if he manages a critical while power attacking.

2014-09-06, 04:52 PM
First-off, it is rogue not rouge - rouge is a color/type of cosmetic.

So me and my D&D noob crew ended up in a discussion last session. (really wish we could afford any of the dnd books xD)

Congratulations and welcome to the game. You really ought to have the books to play the game as the SRD intentionally misses a lot of stuff out - have your checked the PDF sellers?
Also there are lots of similar games available cheap or for free.

If you REALLY need help.... PM me. I can point you in the right direction.

EDIT: Upon actually reading the title, you're running Pathfinder... I can still help out a little bit though.

when a level 3 rouge flank/sneak attack with two weapons.(rouge finesse feat ofc) and he hit with both weapons. Does he apply his Dex modifier as damage to both his hits? or does he apply it to all his dices he throws? even the ones for the sneak damage. 6x4 (thats just op)

The rogue does not apply his Dex mod to damage with any weapons. Weapon Finesse only affects the "to-hit" roll not the damage roll.
The rogue does apply the Sneak Attack damage (2d6 for a rogue 3) to every qualifying attack - so yes, with two weapons that is both of them when flanking. This seems like a lot, but a lot of monsters are immune, and getting into flank is often dangerous for the rogue.
Also don't forget that if the rogue moves more than 5' in the round he can only attack with one attack (though 2-weapon fighting penalties don't apply as only one attack is being made).

Granted.... he could either dip a level of swordsage or burn two feats to get Shadow Blade, which gives Dex to damage with Shadow Hand weapons, many of which are finessable.

2014-09-07, 05:09 AM
wait wait wait wait wait wait wait....

so you get your strength modifier added to you d20 to see if you hit or not.... and not the actual damage die?!? :O by default

2014-09-07, 05:29 AM
**** im such a noob god -.-

2014-09-07, 05:31 AM
I thought the veteran guy I know had most of the basic covered -.- he teached me the wrong skillz D:

donate money to me for dnd books xD ahahaha jk


2014-09-07, 09:43 AM
wait wait wait wait wait wait wait....

so you get your strength modifier added to you d20 to see if you hit or not.... and not the actual damage die?!? :O by default

You get Strength to Attack and to Damage by default. With Weapon Finesse, You get Dexterity to Attack and Strength to Damage.

There are a few ways to get Dexterity to Damage
Slashing Grace, a feat from the Advanced Classes Guide, allows you to choose a one-handed slashing weapon and get Dexterity to Damage with it. However, the weapon still does not qualify for Weapon Finesse, so you have Strength to Attack and Dexterity to Damage
Dervish Dance, another feat, allows you to add Dexterity instead of Strength to both Attack and Damage with a scimitar as long as your off hand is empty.
The Agile Weapon Enhancement allows you to add Dexterity to Damage.

2014-09-07, 12:47 PM
You get Strength to Attack and to Damage by default. With Weapon Finesse, You get Dexterity to Attack and Strength to Damage.

There are a few ways to get Dexterity to Damage
Slashing Grace, a feat from the Advanced Classes Guide, allows you to choose a one-handed slashing weapon and get Dexterity to Damage with it. However, the weapon still does not qualify for Weapon Finesse, so you have Strength to Attack and Dexterity to Damage
Dervish Dance, another feat, allows you to add Dexterity instead of Strength to both Attack and Damage with a scimitar as long as your off hand is empty.
The Agile Weapon Enhancement allows you to add Dexterity to Damage.

thank you.

2014-09-17, 09:05 AM
so when I summon monsters. it says it take "one round." not the standard action and such.

does that mean I have to use a full round action and it appears on the start of my next turn?!?

2014-09-17, 09:21 AM
so when I summon monsters. it says it take "one round." not the standard action and such.

does that mean I have to use a full round action and it appears on the start of my next turn?!?

It's actually worse than that. You take a full round - you start casting on your turn, taking a full-round action, and continue casting until the start of your next turn - at which point the monster appears and acts, and you get your next turn.

So - what's the difference? Well any attack made on you between the turn where you start casting and the appearance of the monster has the potential to interrupt your cast (concentration check DC 10 + spell level + damage taken not to lose the spell if hit). For this reason anyone who starts casting a spell and does not finish the cast tends to make themselves a priority target for the opposition's attacks for the round.

Also, while you can take a 5' step before you cast you cannot after as you don't finish the cast within your turn.

This isn't to say don't summon - it's to say be very careful when you summon and try not to be attackable.

2014-10-01, 07:22 AM
say i play sorcerer. I have 0 level 1 spells and level 2 spells.

but I do have 4 level 3 spells left. can I throw level 1 or level 2 spells?!? and how does that work?

thank you

2014-10-01, 07:31 AM
If I play a monk with elemental fist.

I chose to use flurry of blows. can I add elemental fist to every hit on flurry blows?!?

and can I cleave on top of that?!? and add the elemental fist on every cleave hit?

2014-10-01, 10:04 AM
If I play a monk with elemental fist.

I chose to use flurry of blows. can I add elemental fist to every hit on flurry blows?!?

and can I cleave on top of that?!? and add the elemental fist on every cleave hit?

Flurry of Blows is a full round action. Cleave only works on standard action attacks (aka single attacks). You can add elemental fist on every attack but you will use up daily uses. Even on missed attacks.

2014-10-01, 10:10 AM
Question 1: I believe you can, but would prefer if someone else can confirm. It might be something that changed between PF and 3.5. Or just a really common houserule.

Question 2: I believe you can. Forgot PF Cleave is different from 3.5 Cleave

2014-10-01, 10:38 AM
Flurry of Blows is a full round action. Cleave only works on standard action attacks (aka single attacks). You can add elemental fist on every attack but you will use up daily uses. Even on missed attacks.

right, I think I got it. so if I get 4 hits when I use flurry of blows. I will use 4 charges of elemental fists?

and if I cleave 2 targets with elemental fist I will use 2 charges of elemental fists?

Dammit here I hoped I could cleave on my Flurry of Blows xD What if I use Ki-points which gives a standard action. could I apply cleave to Flurry of blows?

dont ansver that I know the answer xD

2014-10-01, 10:42 AM
Question 1: I believe you can, but would prefer if someone else can confirm. It might be something that changed between PF and 3.5. Or just a really common houserule.

Question 2: I believe you can. Forgot PF Cleave is different from 3.5 Cleave

Yes so far I only met houserules when I come to this part. and I cant find any rules on this matter but verywell ^^

2014-10-01, 11:32 AM
say i play sorcerer. I have 0 level 1 spells and level 2 spells.

but I do have 4 level 3 spells left. can I throw level 1 or level 2 spells?!? and how does that work?

thank you

A sorcerer can use a higher level spell slot to cast a lower level spell that they know - so that is a "Yes". Each slot can only be used to cast one spell, so if you use a 3rd level slot to cast a 1st level spell it's just as used as if you cast a 3rd level spell.

But a first level sorcerer with a charisma of 18 does not have any second or higher level spell slots, despite the bonus 2nd, 3rd and 4th level spells from their charisma (it's not 0+1 = 1 it's null + 1 = null).

2014-10-01, 11:41 AM
A sorcerer can use a higher level spell slot to cast a lower level spell that they know - so that is a "Yes". Each slot can only be used to cast one spell, so if you use a 3rd level slot to cast a 1st level spell it's just as used as if you cast a 3rd level spell.

But a first level sorcerer with a charisma of 18 does not have any second or higher level spell slots, despite the bonus 2nd, 3rd and 4th level spells from their charisma (it's not 0+1 = 1 it's null + 1 = null).

thank you khedrac my love <3 :P

2014-10-01, 01:39 PM
when you pick a feat example lunge. which needs 6+ Bab.

Can I pick this feat if my bab is 2 + 4 strength, or must I wait till level 6 when my bab is actually 6?

2014-10-01, 01:44 PM
BAB = Base Attack Bonus. You need a BAB, not a Total Attack Bonus(BAB+STR+other mods) to meet those requirements. They are usually used as level gates.

2014-10-01, 01:54 PM
BAB = Base Attack Bonus. You need a BAB, not a Total Attack Bonus(BAB+STR+other mods) to meet those requirements. They are usually used as level gates.

thank you argument ended

2014-10-01, 02:33 PM
Also note that not all classes get +1 BAB at each level. Sorcerers are half BAB which is +1 every two levels, for a max of +10 at 20. (Basically, half of your sorcerer HD, rounded down)

2014-10-01, 02:40 PM
Languages: Dwarves begin play speaking Common and Dwarven. Dwarves with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Terran, and Undercommon. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.

Can I choose one of these languages if I have +1 int modifier

2014-10-01, 02:42 PM
Also note that not all classes get +1 BAB at each level. Sorcerers are half BAB which is +1 every two levels, for a max of +10 at 20. (Basically, half of your sorcerer HD, rounded down)

yes I know but there was just an argument :) so we let the forums deside :p

2014-10-01, 02:43 PM
Every +1 Int Modifier at start lets you pick another language from your race's Bonus Languages.

So yes.

2014-10-01, 02:45 PM
Every +1 Int Modifier at start lets you pick another language from your race's Bonus Languages.

So yes.

thanks again Mr :p *gives cookie*

2014-10-08, 07:09 AM
right... some in my group starts to make up their imaginary rules and things like that... but yeah

can someone tell me how evasion works. and when is it appropriate to use evasion?!? examples on when you cannot use it. thank you

2014-10-08, 07:33 AM
can someone tell me how evasion works. and when is it appropriate to use evasion?!? examples on when you cannot use it. thank you

This is from an online source. I do not know if the wording is RAW.

If subjected to an attack that allows a Reflex save for half damage, a character with evasion takes no damage on a successful save.
As with a Reflex save for any creature, a character must have room to move in order to evade. A bound character or one squeezing through an area cannot use evasion.
As with a Reflex save for any creature, evasion is a reflexive ability. The character need not know that the attack is coming to use evasion.

One does not "use" Evasion. Evasion simply happens.

1) You are allowed a reflex save.
2) You succeed your reflex save.
3) If you have Evasion, you take no damage (otherwise you take half)

2014-10-08, 07:39 AM
This is from an online source. I do not know if the wording is RAW.

One does not "use" Evasion. Evasion simply happens.

1) You are allowed a reflex save.
2) You succeed your reflex save.
3) If you have Evasion, you take no damage (otherwise you take half)

so it is up to GM to use Evasion? the difference is 0 damage. half damage?

2014-10-08, 07:52 AM
so it is up to GM to use Evasion? the difference is 0 damage. half damage?

You do not "use" evasion. It is a static ability that you either have or you don't have.

Here's an example of how it's typically used during play:

An enemy sorcerer casts the spell fireball and targets a space that puts your entire party in the blast. Everyone must make a reflex save to see if they take full damage. If the rogue and the fighter succeed on their reflex saves, the fighter will take half damage and the rogue won't be affected at all.

2014-10-08, 07:52 AM

No more using evasion on zombie bite attacks... god...

2014-10-08, 07:54 AM
You do not "use" evasion. It is a static ability that you either have or you don't have.

Here's an example of how it's typically used during play:

An enemy sorcerer casts the spell fireball and targets a space that puts your entire party in the blast. Everyone must make a reflex save to see if they take full damage. If the rogue and the fighter succeed on their reflex saves, the fighter will take half damage and the rogue won't be affected at all.

thank you xD You saved my day!! I just need someone to agree with me xD my friends doesn't seem to think its op that you could get a reflex save on every single attack roll -.-

2014-10-08, 07:59 AM
thank you xD You saved my day!! I just need someone to agree with me xD my friends doesn't seem to think its op that you could get a reflex save on every single attack roll -.-

That would be a bit ridiculous. Evasion very clearly states that it applies to reflex saving throws.

Honestly most of your questions can be answered by checking the pfSRD or purchasing the core rule book. You can find them cheaply in .pdf format as well.

2014-10-08, 09:19 AM
Honestly most of your questions can be answered by checking the pfSRD or purchasing the core rule book. You can find them cheaply in .pdf format as well.
The issue seems to be more that his friends don't bother reading. Or, that they read and disagree on what is said.

Let's be honest; D&D books are somewhat poorly written, very poorly organized, and make little sense unless you have a firm understanding of the groundwork. OP coming here gives authority to the rules and saves him and his friends a lot of time learning or arguing.

I just need someone to agree with me xD my friends doesn't seem to think its op that you could get a reflex save on every single attack roll -.-
While it sort of makes sense that a nimble Rogue could get that sort of save for each attack, the dynamic is already used by having Reflex Bonus to AC.

2014-10-08, 10:28 AM
The issue seems to be more that his friends don't bother reading. Or, that they read and disagree on what is said.

Let's be honest; D&D books are somewhat poorly written, very poorly organized, and make little sense unless you have a firm understanding of the groundwork. OP coming here gives authority to the rules and saves him and his friends a lot of time learning or arguing.

While it sort of makes sense that a nimble Rogue could get that sort of save for each attack, the dynamic is already used by having Reflex Bonus to AC.


Most of my problems is my friends not reading the rules propperly. I go blind to certain things when we are ingame, but when we are out of game it's time fight :D but ofc I failed some rules my self since they dont make sense.. but they make sense in a way of balancing