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2014-08-05, 12:47 AM
"So the legend is true?"

Dorah Thunderrok slams his fist on the table, punctuating his last word. The thud echoes through his great hall. The scholar adjusts her glasses. "My king, there are many ancient legends that are far more plausible than this...this great blue cavern. Are you sure that you're not-"

"I trust my oracle," the dwarf king says, cutting her off. He eyes the ancient blind dwarf, who sits rocking on the floor babbling his gibberish. "If he says that the cavern above is real, then I believe it." The scholar gave a defeated sigh at the king and his foolish dreams.

The king's secretary steps forward. "Shall I send out the decree then?"

"Do it," the king answers. "Send it to the lord of every clan, great and small. Each one is to send me one or more of its finest soldiers, according to its size. They will take part in an expedition for the glory of the realm!"

As the secretary leaves, the king looks and the hewn stone walls of his great hall. These carved-out rooms and tunnels are all that he has ever known. But maybe one day he would be able to see this legendary paradise, where there are no shadows, the ground is soft, the food is plentiful, and the ceiling is so high it cannot be seen. This place called "The Sky."

The letters were written and sealed with the king's emblem, then sent to the halls of the lords of every clan: Godshammer, Ashenhand, Ferrumar, Stonemark, Forskar, Aurumclade, Stoneheart, Fellgrim, and a few other smaller families. The letters instructed the clad lords to select a few of their bravest and most skilled dwarves to send to the heart of Khal-Ammon, from whence they would embark on an expedition for the glory of the realm.

Each lord sent his or her best knights, eager to win glory and favor in the eyes of the king and the other clans.

Irish Musician
2014-08-06, 10:17 AM
Firtha Godshammer (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=973580), Enforcer of Moradin's Might
The Godshammer clan, the most respected clan dedicated to the god of the dwarves, Moradin. Well known for their wealth and power, but also for their justice, truthfulness, and generosity, a Godshammer member will always help a fellow dwarf in need. Even those of different clans, for they are all children of Moradin and the earth. The summons came to the clan leader, Bronzeban, and as he read it over he knew exactly who he wanted to go on this mission. Of course, his adopted daughter wouldn't let him live it down if he didn't let her go, so while he was the leader the decision was made for him. He never admitted it in front of anyone, but he had a very large soft spot for the little Deep Gnome infant he found all those years ago. So he sent someone to fetch her.

Firtha was in the training room, whacking wooden men with her hammer with deadly accuracy. Of course if she wasn't there, she would have been in the forge hammering away. Were you to see her, you would be quite confused, as Firtha tend to make people tilt their head to the side. She didn't really look like any dwarf, because of course she was a Deep Gnome, but she didn't tend to look like her people either. Most of her people in the Underdark tended to have blue tinted skin with hair that was a shade or two off of that. But Deep Gnomes' pigment does an interesting thing. It tends to pick up colors from its surroundings. So once Firtha was old enough to, she started working in the forge, and her skin and hair picked that up. She skin has a pinkish shade to it, while her hair ranges from bright pink to fiery orange/red, with her eyes a fiery red. Her armor is made special for her, given her size, as is her hammer, both with the symbols of Moradin etched into them.

After knocking the head off of one of her wooden enemies, the head rolls to the feet of a messenger who's eyes are wide. Firtha smiles and laughs to herself and walks up to the messenger, slinging the hammer on her back. "Oi, whatcha be wantin' there? I be in the middle 'o practicin' my swings!" The messenger hands over the letter and scurries away, not wanting to be the hammer's next victim. The Godsahmmer clan tended to have a very distinct dialect and way of speaking that Firtha, of course, picked up. Their speaking was very guttural and tended to be spoken in the back of the mouth. Their words also tend to get cut short and lots of hard stops with certain words.

Firtha reads over the letter and a large smile washes over her face. She runs to the main meeting chamber of the clan and runs up to her father and gives him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. He kind of chuckles and looks down at her....which for a dwarf is saying something. "You really be lettin' me go?!" He lets out a big laugh, "O' course! Not that you would let it be any other way, buggin' me until Moradin come! Go get your things, child, an' get ready fer the trip to see the king. Some 'o tha men will be comin' with ya, so you will be leadin' 'em to tha king, and on tha mission." Firtha runs to get ready as Bronzeban gets everything else to go see the king.

2014-08-06, 04:12 PM
Deep in a remote cavern, in a forgotten Mausoleum so old that the name it bears can no longer be read, the subject of centuries’ worth of horror stories signs his name with a flourish to the first letter he has written in centuries.

TO HIS NOBLE MAJESTIE Dorah Thunderrok, Low King of the Dwarrow-Folk, greetings.

It will not ſurpriſe Your Majeſtie to learn, that word of that moſt daring Expedicioun, to be mounted by Your Majeſtie in ſearch of the Cavern Above, called by ſome the Sky, hath reached even unto the darkeſt corners of this Kingdome, where dwelleth its eldeſt Inhabitant.

Your Majeſtie hath wiſely payed none heed to thoſe, who ſay the Ceilingleſs Cavern of Blue is nought but a Færy-Tale, grown in the telling by Bards eager for coin. No doute Your Majeſtie will own, in His great wiſdome, that I too am no Færy-Tale, though my Name hath been ſpoken to fright dwarrowlets in their beds for nigh eight hundred Yeares.

I prey pray Your Majeſtie to believe, deſpite the ſtories of me that are known to all, that I hold no greater Deſire in mine Heart than to ſee the Light of the Sun. If Your Majeſty will ſuffer to read on, I ſhall explain wherefore a Vampyre ſhould wiſh any thing ſave warm Blood. My reaſons are three-fold, viʒt:-

Imo, though it may ſeeme hard to believe for thoſe who have growed up with tales of the Dredde Vampyre of the Under-Darke, I had once a warm bodie, and even a Mother. She had ſeene the Sun with her owne eyes, and tolde me of the Azure Vault. To hear of Your Majeſties Expedicioun, awaked in me auncient Memoryes that had lain a-ſleeping for more than nine Centuryes, and a longing to ſee the Gloryes my Mother tolde me of in my Cradle.

IIdo, amonge the auncient bookes of my late Maſter, the Necromancer Eðvarðr (whom the Dwarrow of to-day knowe as Evard, a latter-daye corrupcioun of his Name), when ſearching for any thing to undoe the Dark Ritual whereby he turned me into what I now am, I found a Tome which was aged and fading even then. On one crumbling Folio, whereon the Words hardly could be made oute, I read that one could doe no better thing with a Vampyre, than to putte him in the Light of the Sun.

Therefrom I inferre, that Sun-Light be either ſuſtenance for the Vampyre, in place of Blood, or elſe an outrighte Cure for the Vampyric Condicioun. I tryed to find my way up ſome Centuryes ago, ſeeking the Balm of the Sun’s rayes, but failed for lack of nouriſhment. Were Your Majeſtie to allowe me to join with His Expedicoun, I would not have this diſadvantage, ſince I know Your Majeſtie will chuſe the braveſt Explorers who could bear with eaſe the loſs of a ſmall amount of Blood, and would not fear to journey with a Monſter from a childrens Færy-Tale.

IIIo, and moſt ſimplie, mine Unlife hath been long, and wanteth Adventure and excitement. I have ſeene no new thing for over ſix Centuryes, and have ſuffered an intolerable Boredome.

I am not ignorant, that Your Majeſtie may heſitate to truſt the profeſsed good intenciouns of a Vampyre. Might I humbly ſuggeſt to Your Majeſtie, that if I had in mind onlie the taking of Blood, I would have ſought eaſier prey than the braveſt Heroes in the Kingdome, who, in full knowledge of what I am, could eaſily outnumber and deſtroy me ſhould they ſo chuſe. Further, if it will reaſsure Your Majeſtie, I will ſwear on mine owne grave not to take the Blood of any of my fellow-Explorers, ſave with their conſent.

Leſt Your Majeſtie ſhould be unable to find a Meſsenger with the courage to deliver a return Miſsive, I intend to take the Libertie of preſenting myſelf at Your Majeſties Court iii dayes hence.

I remain Your Majeſties moſt long-standing Servant,


Poſt ſcriptum: Pleaſe forgive the griſly medium wherein I am forced to write. I have written no letters for over ccc Yeares, and have found that mine Ink-Well is all dryed up.

He waits a few minutes for his blood to dry on the vellum, for he has no breath to speed the drying. Then he folds the letter neatly and seals it with red wax, impressing in it the image of a bat from his signet ring. He closes his eyes and focuses on that image in his mind. When he opens his eyes, he is changed. Taking the letter in his feet, he beats his wings and embarks on the long journey to Thunderrok’s halls. He knows there is much further still to go, but at least for now he doesn’t have to walk.

2014-08-10, 03:32 AM
There were two sounds one could commonly expect to hear in the Ashenhands caverns, the sounds of the forge and the faint murmurs of exchanged rumors. There were always rumors being spread, some secret traded for another (the degree of believed falseness being determined by the trust the one person had for the other), and this day one in particular was making the rounds faster than most. There were many versions of it circulating, many different tales being spun. Many of the more outlandish ones even made it to those with only one tankard filling their bellies, and many a friendship was tested this day.

What was agreed upon for sure was two things. First, a missive was sent by the king to the lord of the clan. Second, the lord had locked himself in his meeting chambers, alone, to go over the letter himself. There were many rumors of what the message contained, each claiming to be backed by the most absolute of proof. Those who were good at the game believed that this was the order to send representatives for the expedition that they had been hearing of. The timing would fit, and it has much outside collaboration. The only question among them was who would b be sent, and who would go.

The great doors that led to the entrance of lord Ashenhands chambers creaked as a dwarf entered. There could only be one person who it could be, as the guards were instructed to let no one through save the one. They were large (both the doors and the meeting room), although a lake in the middle took up much of the floor. Many stalactites dripped water from the ceiling, and many stalagmites stood tall out of the lake. A few of them held torches, providing the only light in the room. The largest of all had been carved into a throne, where the lord currently sat. The throne was back and to the left of where one might call the center of the lake, were it more regular, but far enough away from shore that one could not make it on foot without getting wet. A marble podium stood in front of the lake, currently with a parchment placed upon it.

*drip* Vistra entered the room, taking note of the object on the podium. She walked up to it, and seeing her name written across the top, she read it in the almost silence. *drip* She looked to her lord, slightly confused. She had just returned from one lengthy assignment, and here was a second. The stone like face nodded. *drip* She turned and exited the hall, slipping into the shadows as the guards closed the doors behind her. She was going to collect supplies, leaving just as quietly as she had arrived. She pondered how many would notice she had returned at all.

Storm Vermin
2014-08-10, 07:43 AM
Aldrik dodges the strike aimed for his arm and answers with a hammer blow of his own. His opponent, a young dwarf clad in a heavily padded armor, barely manages to deflect the attack. The knight follows up with a shield bash, making the other dwarf stumble backwards. With a sudden swing, Aldrik hooks his hammer behind the adversary’s knee and gives it a fierce tug. The hapless youngling falls on his behind with a yelp. The older dwarf takes a step forward and…

Helps his training partner get back to his feet. “You’re getting better, Bjorn, but your footwork still needs improving. “ Aldrik pats the other dwarf on his back. “I reckon we still have time for a few more fights. “ The young dwarf winces, but nods and lifts his weapon.
“Sir Aldrik!” a loud voice rings out in the training room, rising above the sounds of a few dozen dwarves engaging in mock combat. The knight turns towards the source of the voice and notices one of the clan Stonemark’s heralds. “ Lord Hilrim requires your presence in the great hall in half an hour. “ the messenger continues.
“Understood.” Aldrik calls back. He excuses himself and rushes off to change into something more presentable.

Exactly half an hour later, Aldrik enters the great hall of his clan’s house. He barely pays attention to the intricate murals adorning the walls or the beautiful statues placed around the room. The knight instead focuses his attention on the dwarf seated on a high chair at the far end of the hall. Lord Hilrim Stonemark, a thin, elderly dwarf dressed in fine robes, gives the knight a measured look and nods slightly.
“It’s good to see you, Aldrik.” He says in quiet voice.
“My liege.” Aldrik bows deeply.
Hilrim motions for the warrior to come closer and hands him a rolled parchment. “Read it, my knight, and tell me what you think.”

After a few minutes, Aldrik folds the letter and chews his lips. He always considered tales of the sky to be mere children stories, but the king seemed to be very serious about the whole thing. “I reckon I am one of the dwarves to be sent on this expedition.” The knight says, trying to keep his tone level.
His lord chuckles softly. “That’s all you’ve got to say? Well, you are correct. Of course, as one of the greatest clans, we shall send many more soldiers, and a lot of support staff, but you will be Stonemark’s representative on this journey.”
“I will not disappoint the clan.” Aldrik declares solemnly.
“I never doubted that. Now go and prepare yourself for a long road. You leave in two days.”

The dwarven knight bows deeply once again and leaves the hall. On the way to his room, Aldrik tries not to worry about the expedition too much. He’s not afraid of venturing forth into the unknown – quite the opposite, in fact, he could use a bit of excitement – but the goal… Surely, the king wouldn’t arrange such a grand party just on a whim, the warrior tells himself. And besides, even if they don’t find the blue cavern above, it will still be a great journey, worthy of song and memory. Somewhat comforted, Aldrik decides not to worry about things he can’t change, and instead focuses on the preparations for the expedition.

2014-08-11, 06:13 AM
The first thing the golem recalled was the cold. There was an intense but familiar heat at it's back, but everywhere else was a strange, almost alien, coolness. Despite the discomfort, it felt itself being drawn further into the cold. The chill was soon accompanied by a heaviness enfolding it. The next sensation was a light, which seemed strangely weak. A moment later, a similarly diminished sound entered it's awareness.

"There it is Inesbren. I told you it would work this time. We just had to get the incantation right."

A lower, rougher voice responded. "Finally. We paid dearly enough for it."

"A necessary expense. I'm just glad we were able to get this finished in time for his majesties summons."

"I'll send our reply out today. We've been cutting it close as is. They'll probably want a name though for the crew listing. What should we put down."

The first voice made a snort followed by "I doubt it will matter much. People don't pay much attention to automata. Call it thunk for all I care."

After a brief pause, the second voice replied "I suppose I can spin that into something believable. Why don't you check it's responses while I take care of that."

A few days later, the newly titled Cthonka found itself traveling with a number of strange folk along long,winding passages. It had been told to follow one called Halseift, a slightly smaller specimen who seems to stumble over himself occasionally. From what Cthonka had pieced together, the local lord was sending them on a quest for something called the sun. Though the words were unfamiliar, something in them brought back some of the feeling from the blazing heat of it's first memory. Even were it not bound by the crude runework on this sluggish form, that might be something worth pursuing. Right now it's best course of action seem to be the listen more and hopefully get a grasp on this strange shadow world.

2014-08-12, 06:11 PM
A red-headed dwarf with an unusually large number of staves and orbs strolled leisurely through the halls of his clan's caverns. Many gave him odd looks as he passed by, less for his appearance and accessories, and only slightly because he was speaking in an unusual tongue--this was, after all, the Forskar clan, renowned among all of the underdark as having the most learned scholars--all of whom could hold their own if it came to a fight, of course. No, the strange sight was his audience--an odd dwarf-like creature, seemingly made of solid iron and packed earth, and a disembodied hand riding atop the creature's head--both of whom appeared to be listening with rapt attention to the dark, guttural tongue he was speaking in.

Breaking off from that tongue, he continued in the dwarven language--speaking with a clarity and lack of accent that was typical of Forskar dwarves, "That was Thoven's idea--since it's difficult to directly translate from Deep Speech to Dwarven, he thought it would be better to use Abyssal as an intermediate step, and it surprisingly works quite well. Of course, there are still references that are nonsensical in the text, about that old wive's tale of "the Sky" and something about stars and constellations, which of course exist only on other planes of existence--not here, on the material."

The iron figure nodded, and cocked his head as if he had a question to ask. However, before it could speak up, a courier came running down the hollowed out rock hallway. "Sir! The clan chief is requesting your presence immediately."

"Alright, alright! Run back and tell him I will be there when I am done with my current work." Without missing a beat, he turned back to his ferrous companion and asked, "Now, what were you about to ask, Jarn?"

Again, before he could get a reply, the courier interrupted the iron creature again, "Sir, your fa--i mean, the clan chief insisted that you return to him now. He has a guest come directly from the king who has requested your presence."

Bah....always interrupting my studies at the worst times. It's not like I'm the heir, just another son--albeit, the one with the highest position at the moment, since Thoven died. he thought to himself as he brushed past the courier without a response. Moving through the halls, burned into his memories even after a few decades spent mostly outside of the clan's caverns, he traversed in silence to the great hall of his father--followed in a similarly silent manner by his elemental companion and familiar. He passed through soaring corridors carved in intricate detail and through rough-hewn shortcuts to the lower levels of the clan complex. Finally, he approached the main entrance to his father's audience chamber, and walked into the room without allowing the guards to announce him.

"What do you need from me, my liege?" he asked in an unmistakably sarcastic tone after closing the doors behind him.

A voice echoed from behind his father's seat in laughter--a voice that he knew well, and one that was followed by the appearance of an old friend and fellow scholar. "Mara. Mara Aurmen. It has been far too long since I've been blessed with the chance to converse with you. What brings you here? Has there been some fascinating new discovery or development in our people's interaction with the dark elves? Or some new text that you'd like me to translate for you? Or better yet, a new artifact or tome you'd like me to go find for you?" Dewin smiled broadly as he stepped up to his sometime colleague and dear friend and warmly hugged her.

"Oh, Dewin. You know me too well. However, I come on official business from his majesty." She paused and pressed her lips together, as if what she were about to say was distasteful. "He has decided that the "Sky" is actually real. And that it is a good use of our resources to send an expedition. He sent out a call to all of the major clans to provide their best warriors and adventurers. And I've come because you are one of the few among our people who can both read the journal that supposedly tells the path upwards and fight as one of our finest." She shook her head. "I won't lie--I believe this journey is pointless, but the king is set on this course, and I would give it the best chance of success possible--which means you." She stopped speaking suddenly, and searched Dewin for some hint of what his response would be. She knew that he was not the most patriotic dwarf, and that the king's summon would mean little to him--his response would depend on his desire for adventure, new knowledge, and his loyalty to those he cared for.

Dewin pondered her request. He knew as well as she that there had been no credible research that "the Sky" truly existed. Such a cavern would be impossible based on their understanding of both natural and worked stone formations, and would surely have been found before if it existed. However, the chance to get his hands on the journal was a huge draw--as was the fact that Mara had asked for his help. He looked to his father, who had sat in silence throughout the exchange, and gave him a questioning look.

His father sat in motionless silence for a moment longer, before slowly standing, walking up to Dewin, and placing his hands upon Dewin's shoulders. He spoke slowly, voice heavy with concern, "I know that you will make your own decision, as always, but I believe this tale to be credible. Your great-grandfather told tales of the Sky, though he himself had never seen it, and I have always felt in my heart that we would someday reach it. As always, you have my blessing and support no matter your decision--simply do what you believe to be right. And return safely--I know not what I would do with my days if you were not here to vex me." His father laughed, though there was a forlorn tone to the sound which hung in the air as he returned to his high seat.

Dewin thought for only a moment more, before turning his gaze back to Mara, determination and excitement dancing in his eyes, "I'll do it. For the two of you, even if my own curiosity had no say in the matter. Lead on, Mara. I've just finished preparing for an expedition that will have to wait for my return--take me to this journal, and to the rallying point."

Mara led the way from the audience chamber after paying her respects to the clan chief. As he exited the room, Dewin spared one last glance back towards his father, locking eyes for a moment to share in an exchange of emotion and promises too important for words, before nodding his respect and beginning his journey.

2014-08-13, 01:10 AM
Dorah the king placed the letter on the desk and shouted, "The nerve of that monster! This letter was written by than none other than Dvergula himself!"

"Truly, sire?" His secretary asked with a shudder as he examines the letters inked with blood. There was not a single young dwarf in the kingdom who had not been threatened with Dvergula's punishment if they did not go to bed, nor was there are creature in the underddark who didn't count a cousin's friend's sibling among the vampire's victims.

"He terrorizes the people of this kingdom for generations, and now he thinks I'm just going to let him travel with my men?"

"Sire, he was never convicted of those-"

"We all know damn well that he's the one responsible! No. I will not tolerate his corpse in my expedition."

The Oracle suddenly threw his head back and let out a moan. Everyone stopped to listen, knowing that what would come next were the words of the gods themselves.

"The burden of unpaid favor is a millstone around the neck of a man in the waters. Justice has no respect for titles; the king drowns the same as the thief or the whore. Suffer the dead to rise with the living, and cut loose the burden."

Several hours later, the royal archivist, Old Toggs Aurmen, returned to the king's hall. "Your majesty, it took me quite a while, but I believe I have determined that of which the oracle was speaking. It would seem that back when the Stonebeard clan ruled Khal-Ammon, the creature called Dvergula saved the life of the king, and the king swore an oath repay him. Dvergula did not claim the reward immediately, and has not since. It would seem that the crown does indeed owe him a debt."

The secretary spoke: "I would remind his majesty that while it is traditional for a new dynasty to take on the debts of the old, it is not obligated to do so."

"Well, it's clear that the gods feel differently," Dorah said, slumping in his chair. "I am left with no choice. The vampire will be joining this expedition, damn his corpse. I will not compromise the safety of my vassals, however. I will ensure that steps are taken to constrain him."


The grand cavern at the center of Khal-Ammon was buzzing with activity. Word of the muster had spread, and dwarves from the many boroughs had come to see what was going on, as well as to trade and socialize. The pubs and market squares were filled with dwarven, merchants, sellswords, gamblers, urchins, craftsmen, bards, and even a few gnomes from the nearby city of Nyxr, all swapping tales and speculating on the purpose of the muster.

"I heard we a-goin' to war wid the Drow."
"With just a few men from each clan, are ye daft? The king's lookin' for a wife for 'is daughter."
"Daft yourself! The king doesn't even have a daughter."
"I think 'e's just testing their loyalty. I 'eard some of the clan lords 'ave been a-grumblin.' Pass those rolls, will yeh?"

One by one, the chosen adventurers make their way through the city's tunnels to the king's hall. They show a guard at the entrance a letter of summons with the royal seal, who takes them in to see the secretary. He records their names, and then directs them to the guest rooms. The rooms are small, containing only a bed, a table, and a small closet, but the attach to a larger common room, where all the guests can see each other and talk.

2014-08-13, 03:03 AM
Vistra took stock of the guest room, and deciding there is nothing of immediate importance heads out to the common room. As she walks any watching her would notice that she seems constantly surrounded by shadows, and that every so often they seem to lose track of her. Once she gets to the table, she sits down and pulls out a small bag, and begins digging around in it, doing an inventory of its contents mentally. Her arm goes in a bit deeper than should be possible, and she takes longer than should be necessary for a bag so small.

Irish Musician
2014-08-13, 09:33 AM
Firtha Godshammer (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=973580), Enforcer of Moradin's Might
Firtha, after being let into the Hall, makes her way to her temporary quarters. Most would think it was minimal for a King's guest quarters, but for Firtha it was perfect. She didn't need much in a room because she didn't tend to spend much time in her room. She set her pack on the bed and immediately made her way into the communal room. She went over to a large keg that was set out, grabbed a tankard, and poured herself an ale. She looked around the room and saw a dwarf with her arm up to her shoulder in a bag. Smiling Firtha walked over to her, slammer her tankard down along with her Warhammer, and made her not so subtle introduction. "Oi! I be Firtha Godshammer. I be supposin' yer here for tha King too, huh? That one o' them fancy magic bags? Be bigger on the inside than the out, eh?" Firtha smiles at the dwarf in front of her and takes a long drink of her ale, gulping down about half of it, leaving those watching where the Deep Gnome might be putting it all at once.

2014-08-15, 04:11 PM
His letter delivered, the creature known as Dvergula beat his leathery wings and flew high above the heads of the crowd in the market-cavern. He was tired and needed somewhere to rest, but he also had to be sure the expedition would not leave without him knowing. Somewhere to watch from, yes. Memory stirred. But would the ceiling-warrens still be there, after all this time?

Dvergula circled just below the ceiling, dodging stalactites, and searched. Now, was it over here, or... yes, there! A tiny hole, only a few inches wide, over two hundred feet above floor level. Getting in would be tricky: the hole's width was less than his wingspan. But some tricks, if practised often enough, can never be forgotten. Dvergula flew straight at the hole, folding his wings at the last instant and letting his momentum carry him through. He wormed his way through the tunnels, letting instinct guide him each time the way forked, until finally he emerged in another great cavern. Far below he saw a stout dwarf on a magnificent carved seat, with various attendants milling around him. Good morrow, Your Majeſtie, he thought. We ſhall meet ere long.

He flew around as quietly as he could, looking for a stalactite with a good grip. After a short while he found one from which he could observe both the king and the entrance doors. He could not hear the dwarves below him clearly from so high up, but anything important to him was likely to be said in a loud voice.

Hanging upside-down, he closed his eyes and slept. For some reason no-one understood, he always felt he ought to be asleep when the warm were awake, and awake when they were asleep. If he were going to venture forth with warm dwarfs, he would have to adjust. But that was for later. For now, he needed rest. After all, it wouldn’t do to make himself hungry just when he had to win the trust of those he usually preyed on.

2014-08-15, 11:56 PM
One by one the chosen arrive. When the last one checks in, a short time passes before all are summoned to the Great Hall.

The Great Hall is rightly named. The entire room is enormous,stretching one-hundred meters long and sixty wide. The floor is paved with mosaic, bearing the symbols of the gods and the great clans. The walls are made of grey stone, with murals depicting great scenes from dwarven history. Two rows of quartz columns support the ceiling, which is made of backlit colored crystal.

Two rows of royal guards face each other, lining the path up to the throne. The glow from the ceiling reflects off of their mithril scale armor and gold embellishments, and the polished heads of their pole-axes.

At the other end of the room, King Dorah Thunderrok sits on his marble throne, wearing his own battle-armor. At his side are his advisors, his secretary (who was taking meticulous notes of everything), his marshal, the Oracle, and various other attendants.

As the last of the chosen file into the room, the king stands up and addresses them.

"My loyal subjects, you have been chosen by your lords as the very best among their servants. I have called for you all here, for you are needed for an expedition for the glory of the realm.

"My scholar has uncovered writings that tell of a great cavern that exists above us, where there are no shadows and the ground is as soft as a bed. My Oracle tells me that this place is indeed real, and the gods have placed a fire in my heart to find it. You have been chosen for this mission. You will explore the caverns and passages that lead to this place, and return to report what you find.

"Soon I will retire to my chambers, while Marshal Lord Morrik Direheart will brief you on what is to come. Once the supplies are together, you can be off."

Irish Musician
2014-08-16, 12:32 AM
Firtha Godshammer (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=973580), Enforcer of Moradin's Might
Firtha drinks her fill as she waits on the summons to see the king. Once she is led there, she listens to the king's proclamation. Of course we will, she thinks, We will do this for the glory of the kingdom and the glory of the all-father. Firtha stands up, which puts her about at the same height as the sitting dwarves, and proclaims to the king, "Sire," giving a large bow, "If thaOld Father be commandin' it, so shall it be. Clan Godshammer be not restin' until this land o' soft earth 'n' light with no shadows be found. If'in you, yerself, did not proclaim its existin' I wouldn't believe its bein' real. But from tha mouth o' mah King, I be believin' it." On the last "believin'" she slams her warhammer down on the ground, sending radiant sparks flying this way and that.

2014-08-16, 04:29 PM
High above the throne room, Dvergula opens one jet-black eye. So, it beginneth. He opens his claws and drops, spreading his leathery wings and gliding down in a wide, slow spiral. As he descends he hears a shout.

But from tha mouth o' mah King, I be believin' it."

And well thou ſhouldſt, he announces, appearing suddenly a dozen yards behind the group and striding forward with lazy confidence. I have long known the Azure Vault to be real. It is ſpoken of in too many auncient and learnèd bookes to be a mere Færy-tale. Long have I dreamed of ſeeing the Sun with mine own eyes, and feeling its light warm my cold Fleſh. I failed in my queſt once before, but with the braveſt Dwarrow in the land by my ſide, I have no doute but that we ſhall ſucceed.

Approaching the marble throne, he bows low. Majeſtie, I am honoured to ſerve this moſt courageous Expedicioun. I vow I ſhall not return unto Your Majeſties domaine ere I reach the fabled Cavern Above. And if I may have leave to be ſo bold, Your Majeſtie is the very likeneſs of Your Majeſties noble Great-Great-Grandfather, King Thorkeld the Mighty.

Having greeted the king first, according to ancient custom, he turns to the others. Well met, brave travellers, he says. I am known by your kind as Dvergula. Be ye not frighted, I pray you. Though Monſter I am, Legend hath made me crueller than it hath the right to do.

2014-08-16, 11:38 PM
From the back of the room a deep voice rumbles from a towering earthen figure, "Master Halseift would like to vouch the support of clan TinRoot in this grand endevour. Our envoy stands at the ready."

After a whispered comment from the figure at it's side, it continues "As for the new arrival, the master admits to knowing many such legends, including some he'd be keen to put to the test if the need arises."

Storm Vermin
2014-08-19, 07:17 PM
Aldrik bows deeply when the king finishes his speech and prepares to declare his clan's support only to be startled by the vampire's arrival. The knight quickly composes himself and clears his throat. "The Stonemark clan has answered the call. It will be a great honor to take part in this expedition." He eyes Dvergula. "I'm sure everyone here will do their best to achieve this grand goal."

2014-08-20, 10:32 PM
The king gnashed his teeth and gripped the arms of his throne at the entrance of the vampire. He took a slow, deep breath and said with a strained but courtly voice, "Gentlemen, this is the creature known as Dvergula. He will be joining you on this expedition as a comrade in arms. I realize that you likely have reservations about bringing him along, but the gods, in their wisdom, have seen decided that he is fit to come along. Therefore, you are all to treat him as a comrade, so long as he acts the same to you."

After the last comments had been made, the king was about to stand up when the great doors opened with great force. A courier ran into the room, slowing down awkwardly as he entered the hallowed room. The king stood abruptly. "What merits this kind of interruption?"

The messenger spoke quickly, but timidly. "Your G-g-grace, there has been an-an incident at the excavation site of the new d-dormitories. The hulks have s-s-started some s-sort of reb-b-bellion. Foreman Grumm r-respectfully requests some of your g-g-guards to put it down."


The maniacal grin on the kings face is replaced by a sheepish frown as he observes the shocked, horrified, and confused looks on the faces around the rooms. "Err...I mean - that's terrible. But this is a perfect chance to see how my expedition team can work together." He turns to the party. "Follow this courier to the site of the incident. The foreman there will explain the situation. Do whatever you can to fix this. We'll resume talk of the expedition later. Go make me proud!"

With that, the party was dismissed. The courier leads the chosen through the network of tunnels that make up the ancient palace-city of Khal-Ammon. Soon the tunnels lead to an area on the outer edge where the city was being expanded. The already-carved rooms here were filled with scaffolding, tools, and rubble, as well as dwarf laborers, who had abandoned their tasks in response to the crisis. A massive stone slab blocks off a newly-constructed corridor. By the door stand several dwarves of clearly high status: the site's foreman, and the heads of the Mason's and the Beast-Tamer's Guilds. When the foreman sees the adventurers approaching, he hurries over to greet them, followed closely by the guild masters.

"Thank the gods you've arrived. We rolled that slab place to keep the hulks contained, right? But they'll get hungry sooner or later, and it's not going to hold them back then."

The master Mason stepped up. "Whatever is going to happen needs to happen quickly. I have Masons in there that we need to rescue. If only some dwarves hadn't lost control of their beasts-"

"This issen' my fault!" The beast master objects. "We had e'ry reason ta believe that Number 63 had died inna cave-in. There's no way this coulda been predicted."

It is widely known that Umber Hulks are some of the best tunnelers in the Underdark, but they are notoriously impossible to control. the Beast Tamer's Guild rose to prominence in the kingdom when they perfected a method by which juvenile hulks, through a will-suppressing collar, could be rendered pliant and trainable. Before they became too old and powerful enough to resist the collars influence, they would be put to sleep

"This is no time to be placing blame," the foreman said firmly. He turned back to the party. "This is what you need to know: there are several young hulks beyond in the construction zone that barrier. The area was breached by this Number 63, who is apparently a former tamed hulk who outgrew his collar and broke free. He has returned and broken the collars on the young ones in there, right? There are also several Masons who were trapped in there. We need you to destroy Number 63 at least, and do whatever else it takes to make the chamber safe. Any questions?"

Irish Musician
2014-08-20, 11:12 PM
Firtha Godshammer (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=973580), Enforcer of Moradin's Might
Firtha listens tot he King's orders and nods, "By yer word."

Firtha follows the others to the excavation site, knowing pretty much where it was at, but liking the directions. Once there, Firtha impatiently listened tot he bickering of the other dwarves, wasting time. "By Moradin, Enough! We don wanna be hearin' 'bout who be to blame. We can be sortin' out who ta blame later. Right now there be dwarves to save. We will take out this 63....but I don't be promisin' that we will be sparin' the others. Ya might be back to square one on this one, beast master...punishment from Moradin for whoevers mistake this be. Now," Firtha looks to the foreman, "where can we be gettin' in there without lettin' tha monsters out? Just be pointin' us in tha right direction....and step back." Firtha swings her warhammer over her shoulder, resting it there, and gives the dwarves a huge grin.

2014-08-21, 07:42 AM
I ſhall be only too glad of the chaunce to prove my Loyaltie, replies Dvergula to the king's exhortation.

At the tunnel entrance, Dvergula takes in the situation and suppresses a grin. He hasn't had this much excitement in a hundred years. Move aſide the ſlab, Maſter Foreman, he commands. My companiounes and I have no Fear of Monſters.

Storm Vermin
2014-08-23, 06:39 PM
"Rescue the masons, take out the big hulk, take care of the small ones. Sounds simple enough" Aldrik straps on his shield and grabs his craghammer. "Every moment we spend here wagging our tongues put fellow dwarves in peril. Let's go."

2014-08-24, 01:56 PM
The iron clad form of Cthonka strides forward. "Master Halseift has sent me to assist you in his stead. I take it the difficulties are past this simple silica slab. Do you need any assistance in removing said obstacle?

2014-08-25, 12:25 AM
The foreman glances at Cthonka. A look of disapproval crosses his face briefly before he answers. "No need; we have the barrier on a track, right We'll open it now. Once you're inside, we're going to close it behind you. When you're ready to come out, just knock and we'll open it again." He gives a signal, and a team of workers pull on the tackle. The thick slab of stone slowly moves aside, leaving just enough room for the party to enter.

As the chosen cross the threshold, the beastmaster calls out, "Those hulks take a lot o' time an' money to train. If you can get tha collars on them, they shouldden' be a danger anymore. There should be some spare collars inna crate in the first room."

After the barrier is returned to its place, the adventurers look into the chamber. The excavation of first room had already been completed, and masons had been at work smoothing the walls and carving decorative designs. The mason's supplies lay in somewhat-organized piles and in crates around the room. The room is still lit by lightrods.

On the far end of the room two young umber hulks are visible. One is tearing apart and consuming a dwarf corpse, while the other digs through some crates curiously. The chattering of other hulks echo through the chamber, but it would be difficult to determine the direction of the source.

Current Map and tracker (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fs17kQjEoD0yMY08uvPBk5txRaZkykrrOiLzgnGrCdk/edit?usp=sharing)

This area will be treated as a single encounter. We'll use group initiative, starting with the PCs. There's a combat tracker on page 2.

2014-08-25, 04:01 PM
Dvergula moves towards the hulks, trying to tread lightly so as not to be detected. He hides behind a group of crates, looking and listening for any other signs of danger in the vicinity.


2014-08-25, 10:08 PM
Dvergula practically glides across the floor. From his position behind the crates, he can see the two hallways leading out of the sides of the chamber.

To the west, the passage leads to another large, roughly excavated room. The room is dark, but he can barely make out the form of a dwarf standing inside.

To the East, the hallway is more smoothly carved but unfinished by the masons. There is nothing in the hallway. Two rooms join it from the North and South, but the inside of them can not be seen from this angle.

Dvergula is hidden from H1 and H2.

I made some changes to the map. The purple-ish color is "fog of war", and I closed up a hole in the wall that shouldn't have been there.

2014-08-26, 11:12 PM
Cthonka advantage along the left wall, his shield at the ready.

Moving to AA18 and readying a retaliatory charge should they move within range with hostile intent. Stealth [roll0]. I'd like to look in the crates, but will likely need to get a bit closer first.

2014-08-27, 01:17 AM
Cthonka makes it to the first crates, but not without making a sound. As he crouches behind the crates, he bumps a pile of tools on top, one of which falls off the opposite side. The two hulks look up, alert but not yet aggressive.

2014-08-27, 07:12 AM
Dvergula attempts to indicate silently to the others, by means of gestures, that there is a dwarf in the passage leading west.

Irish Musician
2014-08-29, 09:26 AM
Firtha Godshammer (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=973580), Enforcer of Moradin's Might
Firtha moves up as quietly as she can. Not usually being one for to make a quiet entrance, this is a challenge for her. However, she sees Dvergula's motions and understands....there is a dwarf alive, and she is going to help him. Firtha makes he way west, hoping that she can make it to the dwarf in time.

Move x2 - Double move to Z14
Minor - Perception check to see if she sees anymore dwarves alive or hulks, esp the hulk they are looking for [roll0]

Stealth check, but I do not have high hopes [roll1] Sad day when my Stealth check beats my Perception check lol

Storm Vermin
2014-08-30, 03:43 PM
Aldrik moves slowly along the right wall of the cavern, in order to secure the group's flank. He readies his hammer, expecting the monstrosities to spot the intruders soon.

Stealth Roll: [roll0]
Minor Action to activate Defender Aura, Move to AG18, readying a charge if a hostile hulk gets into my move range.

2014-09-01, 02:28 AM
The hulks, now alert, began to move around to room, looking for the intruders. One stepped around a support column and spotted Firtha. It lunged forward, brandishing its heavy digging claws. The beast managed a glancing hit on Firtha.

Meanwhile, the other hulk ignored the attack, and instead stepped around the crates to survey the room without much sense of urgency.

Umber Hulk 1 (H1)
Move action: move to Z9. Firtha is no longer hidden from H1
Standard action: Charge to Z13, attacking Firtha

Attack vs. AC: [roll0]
Hit: [roll1] damage.

Umber Hulk 2 (H2)
Move action: Move to AG9

2014-09-01, 12:08 PM
Seeing the hulk focus it's attention on a companion, Cthonka moves rushes the beast.

Moving next to Firtha and attacking should trigger my readied charge. That's [roll0] vs AC for [roll1] damage.

Irish Musician
2014-09-02, 12:05 AM
Firtha Godshammer (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=973580), Enforcer of Moradin's Might
Firtha does her best to sneak around the two hulks, but she turns her head and locks eyes with one. It lets out a yell and charges at her. She moves out of the way for the most part, but its claw catches her arm's exposed skin. She looks down at the wound and stares far up at the beast. "Well, I wanted this to be a nice take-down.....but apparently not!" She raises her warhammer above her head and brings it down on the beast's knees.

Minor - Oath on H1
Standard - Sonnlinor's Hammer vs AC [roll0] or [roll1]
Damage - [roll2], it gets a -2 to its next attack before the end of my next turn
Move - Shift to Y13

2014-09-02, 06:18 AM
Dvergula sees an opportunity to press the Umber Hulk from both sides, and charges while Firtha swings her hammer. Baring his teeth, he slams the creature with the full force of his undead strength.

Charge to AA13
[roll0] vs Reflex, +2 for flanking = 32
[roll1] damage. Make that 16 thanks to Devastating Ki Focus (natural 1 or 2 becomes a 3).
If I hit: [roll2] damage and I gain a healing surge.

I forgot the flanking bonus so that's actually 32 vs Reflex, though I doubt it'll matter.

Storm Vermin
2014-09-02, 04:48 PM
Aldrik decides that, since the lone hulk is surrounded from all sides, there's little he can do to help in that fight. Instead, recalling the beastmaster's words, the knight rushed toward the central pile of crates. He roots through them, looking for the control collars the other dwarf mentioned.

Minor Action to activate Defend the Line stance, Move to AD13, and Standard to search the crates for collars.
Perception Roll, in case it's needed.

2014-09-02, 11:10 PM
Aldrik finds the appropriate crate with the Beast Tamers' Guild insignia. Inside are the collars he needs.

A standard action can be used to place a collar on a juvenile umber hulk. This action requires a DC 22 thievery check, or DC 17 with combat advantage, or an auto-success against a helpless target. Once the collar is in place, the hulk will cease to be hostile, although it will not obey the commands of non-guild members.

2014-09-04, 01:04 AM
The hulk shakes off Dvergula's bite and turns to him, focusing his many eyes on the vampire with a deadly glare. Dvergula resists, and Firtha uses the opportunity to leap into the air and bring her blessed hammer down on the hulk's head. It stumbles back, and fixed them both with another stare. Dvergula wisely continues to look away, but Firtha is caught and falls down.

The other hulk hears Aldrik rummaging through the crates and moves around them to attack him. His first heavy claw is deflected by the knight's shield, but the other leaves a gash in his shoulder.

Umber Hulk 1
Minor action: Disarming Gaze against Dvergula

Attack vs. Dvergula's Will: [roll0]
Hit: the target is stunned.

Opportunity action: MBA against H1

Attack vs. AC: [roll1] or [roll2]
Hit: [roll3] damage.

Umber Hulk 1 (continued)
Move action: shift to Z12
Standard action: Crushing Gaze against Firtha and Dvargula

Attack vs. Firtha's Will: [roll4]
Hit: [roll5] psychic damage, and the target falls prone.
Attack vs. Dvargula's Will: [roll6] (+2 if the Disarming gaze hit)
Hit: [roll7] psychic damage, and the target falls prone.

Umber Hulk 2
Move action: move to AE13
Standard action: Claw Flurry against Aldrik (two claw attacks)

Attack vs. AC: [roll8]
Hit: [roll9] damage.
Attack vs. AC: [roll10]
Hit: [roll11] damage.

Irish Musician
2014-09-04, 01:56 PM
Firtha Godshammer (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=973580), Enforcer of Moradin's Might
Firtha smashes down on the hulk and looks up at it. Their eyes meet and she is immediately knocked down to the ground by some unseen force. She immediately pops back up, saying a little prayer to Moradin, and smiles at the big hulk. "Alright you big bastard, time for you to heel!" She then swings her might hammer, trying her best to knock the beast out so they can subdue it!

Minor - As per my boots, stand up
Standard - Resurgent Sun vs AC [roll0] or [roll1]
Damage - [roll2] radiant, and I take a healing surge and regain HP on a hit or miss
Move - Shift to Y12, so that our vamp can shift up as well and get him some CA!

2014-09-04, 04:58 PM
Brushing off the Hulk's attempts to dishearten him with its many-eyed gaze (as if that could frighten a creature like him!), Dvergula turns his attention towards the other monster. Come hither, thou beaſt, and face me! he cries.

[roll0] vs Will
[roll1] psychic damage and pull to AB13 (to set up flanking with Aldrik once he has grabbed some collars).
I will reserve my move action (and possibly an AP) depending on whether or not I hit.

EDIT: What is with these damage rolls? The 15 is actually a 17 but I assume I missed anyway.

Move: shift to AA12 to give Firtha flanking.

2014-09-04, 06:05 PM
Cthonka rumbles "Such tricks pale before the runes of splendor. Let me show you..". So saying, he reaches a glowing hand toward the hulk.

Stepping toward the umber hulk, which should put me at Z13. I should be closer already from the charge.
Once in range, I'll use Word of Befuddlement (destruction) on the hulk for [roll0] vs will. On a hit it takes [roll1] damage and attacks a creature of my choice (most likely itself) the next time it gets hit by an ally before the end of my next turn.
If the first attack hits, I'll follow up with Sohei Flair as a minor action for [roll2] vs Ac and [roll3] damage.

2014-09-05, 10:37 AM
Dewin had followed the group by force of habit and the guidance of Ferrum and Manny. The iron and earth construct gently pushed on Dewin's back as the disembodied hand made sure none of the dwarf's many items were lost as they walked through the tunnels. The scholarly dwarf was engrossed in the journal that Mara had provided to him, working out the obscure translation--Abyssal was a complex language to interpret, with an unique syntax and unusual grammar.

As the fight broke out, the Ferrum and Manny made a concerted effort to draw Dewin's attention silently. Manny eventually got fed up with their efforts and took the book out of Dewin's hands--replacing it with a staff in each hand.

Dewin looked up to complain to his familiar, but stopped as he took in the scene around them. "Now what was that fo...Oh." Looking about for the book, he saw it still in Manny's grasp. "Give that to Ferrum. Ferrum, don't let that get damaged please. Stay out of the fight unless I say otherwise." Manny briefly hopped over to Ferrum's shoulder and dropped the book into his outstretched hands. As he jumped back over to his master's shoulder, Dewin took a look at which staves Manny had deemed necessary for the fight, and concurred with his assessment. "As always, you know what I need before I do, Manny. Thank you."

Stepping forward to get closer to the fight, Dewin stretched out the staff in his right hand and intoned a spell in Deep Speech that he had learned from a group of Mind Flayers in one of his journeys. As he spoke the spell, darkness gathered into a point at the head of his staff, before shooting towards the hulk standing next to the armored knight. As it approached, it spread and slowed, laying down a twilight gloom around the creature.

Manny immediately pulled the staff Dewin had attacked with out of his hand, replacing it with another in the blink of an eye.

Sorry guys! Busy days. I'm back now.
Free Action(s): Disembodied Hand switches book for Cunning Staff in right hand, and Defensive Staff (+1 AC) in left and "stores" book.

Move Action: Walk to AD17.

Standard Action: Twilight Falls vs. Hulk 2 (w/Cunning Staff).
Attack vs. Will
Target: Each Enemy in Burst 1.
Attack: [roll0]
Hit: [roll1] and the target in the origin square is dazed until EomNT.
Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of your next turn. When any enemy in the zone attacks a creature, the creature has partial concealment against that enemy.

Free Action: Disembodied Hand switches Cunning Staff for Aversion Staff (+2 to all Def. against a creature under one of my effects).

Storm Vermin
2014-09-05, 01:01 PM
Aldrik considers the monster before him. There is no way he can snap the collar on this thrashing beast, not with the heavy armor weighing him down. But maybe he could help with the other hulk. The knight belts out "Dvergula, catch!" and throws one of the collars to the vampire. Aldrik then quickly turns around and swings his hammer at the opponent next him.

Free Action to throw one of the collars to Dvergula.
Standard Action - Basic Attack against the Umber Hulk 2.
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]
The Hulk is slowed if this hits.
Move Action to Shift to AE14.

2014-09-07, 03:41 AM
Dvergula turns and snatches the collar out of the air. This ſhall put thee in thy rightfulle place! he hisses at the creature beside him.

2014-09-07, 03:59 AM
The first hulk, finding itself surrounded, lashes out wildly with its claws, trying to create some space. Cthonka dodges a claw, but Dvergula receives a would on his side.

The second tries to escape the dark for created by Dewin's spell, but Aldrik keeps it pinned down. It moves to the side and takes a swipe through at the obscured target. Aldrik easily avoids the blow.

Dewin's concentration is nearly interrupted when the wall to his right cracks and gives way. He avoid the shower of stones, but is immediately set upon by another hulk rushing through the entrance it had just made. It hits him with full force, nearly knocking the wind from him.

Umber Hulk 1 (H1)
Standard action: Claw Flurry (two Claw attacks against Cthonka and Dvergula)

Attack vs. Cthonka's AC: [roll0]
Hit: [roll1] damage.
Attack vs. Dvergula's AC: [roll2]
Hit: [roll3] damage.

Umber Hulk 2 (H2)
Move action: Shift to AF14
Standard action: Claw against Aldrik

Attack vs. AC: [roll4] (including concealment)
Hit: [roll5]

Uber Hulk 3 (H3)
Move action: Burrow/move to AH18
Standard action: Charge to AE17, MBA against Dewin

Attack vs. AC: [roll6]
Hit: [roll7]

2014-09-07, 04:41 AM
Dvergula ducks back from the hulk's swiping claw, but takes a small scratch. Quickly recovering his balance, he twists towards the creature's neck and reaches out with the collar.

[roll0] (DC 17 due to CA)

2014-09-07, 04:49 AM
Dvergula realises just in time that the hulk is about to move and escape his grasp. Focusing on the techniques his Dark Master, Eðvarðr, taught him so long ago, he uses his honed concentration to strike true.

[roll0], DC 17

The Hulk safely collared, Dvergula goes to look for more of the restraining devices.

Move: to AE13
Free: pick up two more collars from the crate.

2014-09-07, 05:17 AM
Vistra Ashenhand

Keeping to the shadows, Vistra creeps along the walls to the right-hand side of the cavern. She is almost caught by surprise when another Hulk smashes through a section of wall not a moment after she passes it, but thanks to her Shadow abilities it overlooks her and instead charges her wizard companion. She uses her position from behind the creature to try and hamper it.

Minor: Elude Senses.
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, creatures can’t use darkvision, blindsight, or tremorsense to detect you. You can be detected with other senses as normal.

Move: to AG17

Standard: [roll0] (with flanking) vs H3's AC, shifting to AF17.
[roll1] damage, knock prone, and shift back to AG17.


Dvergula sees Vistra join the battle and throws one of his collars towards her, yelling "Catch thou this!"

Vistra Ashenhand

This is assuming I hit H3: if not I will edit.

Vistra reaches out and catches the thrown collar even as she moves further into the fray. Closing in on the Hulk beside Aldrik, she reaches around its chitinous neck.

Free: catch collar.
Extra move: to AG14
Action Point: See next post as I can't edit in a new roll.

2014-09-07, 05:40 AM
[roll0], DC 17 with flanking.

2014-09-07, 12:36 PM
As the collars snap into place around their necks, the two hulks gain an unfocused look in their eyes. They sit down, as if oblivious to the violence that had just taken place.

2014-09-08, 02:01 PM
That area is not well-enough lit to see . There are a few lanterns around the current room if Firtha would like to use those.

Irish Musician
2014-09-09, 09:56 AM
Firtha Godshammer (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=973580), Enforcer of Moradin's Might
Firtha, seeing that the hulk in this room are being taken care of, turns back to look where she can make out a dwarf....alive! However, just past him, she sees the beast they have come here to take out, "Number 63 be here! I can be seein' him through tha dark there. Come on lads, lets get 'im!" She then starts making her way into the dark to complete their mission. She then yells out to the mason, "Don' worry, help be here!" Firtha then seems to disappear as she walks on the stone, her body and hair turning the same color as the stone, and walks up next to the mason. She then whispers to him, "If'in that thing comes a chargin', by Moradin's Hammer, you move out o' tha way. I'll be tha one takin him on!"

Minor - Stone Camouflage, gain partial concealment until the end of your next turn, and you gain 5 temporary hit points.
Standard & Move - Double Move

2014-09-09, 01:10 PM
The mason seems not to hear Firtha at first. Then he turns toward her with a glazed-over look in his eye, and he tries to smack her with his hammer. As he was a mason, not a fighter, his slow and clumsy swing misses Firtha's head by a good 18 inches.
The other mason walks across the room and makes his own attempt, with similar results.

Dwarf Mason 1 (DM1)
Standard action: Hammer vs. Firtha

Attack vs. AC: [roll0]
Hit: [roll1] damage.

Dwarf Mason 2 (DM2)
Move action: move to N13
Standard action: Hammer vs. Firtha

Attack vs. AC: [roll2]
Hit: [roll3] damage.

2014-09-09, 10:38 PM
Seeing two of the beasts dealt with, Cthonka closes on the remaining hulk, hoping to draw fire from his scholarly companion.

Move to AD16 and attack hulk with Crushing Surge for [roll0] vs AC and [roll1] damage (plus temp hp) on a hit. As a fighter power, that should leave the hulk marked.

Storm Vermin
2014-09-10, 04:30 PM
Trusting the rest of his companions to deal with the last juvenile hulk, Aldrik hurries towards the other chamber.

Move Action twice to U12.

Irish Musician
2014-09-10, 05:23 PM
As Firtha gets attacked by the masons and sees their eyes, she yells to the others, "Watch out! These masons are under some kind of spell. Do not hurt them, only subdue them!"

2014-09-12, 01:02 AM
Deftly stepping around the hulk, Dewin felt a momentary lack in his hand as Manny switched out the protective magical staff for one that felt more like a snake to his arcane senses. Stretching it toward the hulk that had just charged him, he intoned a basic charm to lead the hulk away from him. As he spoke, ribbons of shifting color stretched from the staff in an attempt to lull the creature into slowly crawling along with them away from Dewin's slightly injured form.

Move: Shift to AE18
Standard: Beguiling Strands Vs. H3
Attack vs Will
Attack: [roll0]
Hit: 6 Damage and the hulk is pushed to AE14

2014-09-12, 01:19 AM
The uncollared hulk tears at the stream of magic until they disappear, then stands and lashes out at the nearest enemy, the vampire. Dvergula deftly dodges the swings.

Move action: stand
Standard action: Claw flurry against Dvergula

Attack 1 vs. AC: [roll0] (including mark penalty)
Hit: [roll1] damage.
Attack 2 vs. AC: [roll2] (including mark penalty)
Hit: [roll3] damage.

2014-09-12, 06:38 PM
Taking advantage of the beast's momentary distraction, Cthonka slips in a sucker punch at it's flanks.

Making a combat challenge attack for [roll0] vs AC at [roll1] damage.

Irish Musician
2014-09-18, 10:45 AM
Firtha Godshammer (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=973580), Enforcer of Moradin's Might
Firtha smiles and says to the dwarves, "You all be stayin' here, I be needin' to take care o' a thing." With that a bright flash explodes in front of the dwarves and Firtha is gone. She quickly moves past them and heads over to the big Hulk they were sent here for. Marking it for its fate, Firtha Charges at it, appearing suddenly in front of it. "Take this ye overgrown mole-rat!!" She swings her hammer at it, striking it with Moradin's Lightning. She then swings her hammer again, and blinks out of existence again, leaving the Hulk wondering what the hell just happened!

Move - Distracting Flare, I become invisible and move my speed, becoming visible at the end of the movement
Minor - Oath on 63
Standard - Charge and use Raging Tempest (I can use it as a charge attack) [roll0] or [roll1]
Damage - [roll2] + [roll3] lightning, The next time the target takes damage from an attack before the start of your next turn, it takes [roll4] extra thunder damage (so if the next attack hits, this turn)
ACTION POINT!! - Executioner's Cloak - [roll5] or [roll6]
Damage - [roll7], and you are invisible to the target (save ends).
Aftereffect - You are invisible to the target until the end of your next turn.
Miss - Half damage, and you are invisible to the target until the end of your next turn.

2014-09-20, 04:44 AM
In the main room, the remaining uncollared umber hulk stammers to its feet and turns to Cthonka, leaving its back exposed to Dvergula. It focuses its terrible gaze at the automaton, then barrels forward, swinging both claws.

Move action: stand up
Minor action: Disarming Gaze against Cthonka (provokes opportunity attack from Dvergula)

Attack vs. Will: [roll0]
Hit: Cthonka is stunned (save ends)
Standard action: Move to AE15

In the side room, the fully grown Number 63 looks around, trying to fine where the troublesome gnome had gone. Thinking it hears footsteps, it swings wildly at the ground beneath it.

Standard action: Grabbing Double Attack against Firtha

Two claw attacks.
Attack 1 vs. AC: [roll1] (including total concealment)
Hit: [roll2] damage.
Attack 2 vs. AC: [roll3]
Hit: [roll4] damage.
If both attacks hit, Firtha is grabbed, and takes ongoing 10 damage until escape.

2014-09-20, 04:49 AM
Number 63's claws hit only the air and Firtha nimbly dodges its attacks. The hulk steps away and continues attacking.

Move action: shift to G10
Action point: Grabbing Double Attack against Firtha

Two claw attacks.
Attack 1 vs. AC: [roll0] (including total concealment)
Hit: [roll1] damage.
Attack 2 vs. AC: [roll2]
Hit: [roll3] damage.
If both attacks hit, Firtha is grabbed, and takes ongoing 10 damage until escape.

Minor action: Confusing gaze against Firtha

Attack vs. Will: [roll4]
Hit: Firtha slides to M12 and is Dazed (save ends)

2014-09-20, 04:53 AM
Firtha continues to avoid the claws, but then, by pure chance, makes eye contact with the beast. Time slows down for a moment as she sees deeply into its eyes. She starts to feel lightheaded, and leads back. Groggily trying to keep her balance, she walks backwards. Yes, this is a good direction to go. She walks straight into the hammers of the enthralled but still clumsy dwarves.

Standard action: Hammer against Firtha

Attack vs. AC: [roll0]
Hit: [roll1] damage.

Standard action: Hammer against Firtha

Attack vs. AC: [roll2]
Hit: [roll3] damage.

2014-09-20, 01:29 PM
Curſes, thinks Dvergula as the Hulk rises to its feet, I ſhould have known better than to wait on help from others. But it turns its gaze on the Golem, and Dvergula sees another chance to strike.

[roll0] vs Reflex
[roll1] damage

Storm Vermin
2014-09-21, 06:52 PM
This monster can control dwarves? Moradin protect us! Aldrik thinks as he rushes by the masons. He ignores them for the moment - their attacks seeme to have little effect on the well-armored gnome, anyway - and closes in on the hulk. Putting himself between 63 and Firtha, the knight bangs his hammer on his shield and yells "Come and get me, you filthy animal!"

Double move to K11, going around the dwarf masons to avoid attacks of opportunity.

2014-09-25, 04:09 PM
Vistra Ashenhand

Seeing the way the fight is going, Vistra tries to manoeuvre the remaining free hulk into a disadvantageous position. Then she can go and tackle Number 63.

Move: shift to AF15
Standard: [roll0] vs H3's Reflex.
[roll1] damage, slide the target 1 square (to AD15), and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn.

2014-09-25, 04:15 PM

The vampire sees his chance, and glides nimbly towards the distracted hulk, collar in hand. Let us ſee how this fitteth thy neck!

Move: shift to AD14
Standard: [roll0] to collar H3 (DC 17 with flanking).

2014-09-25, 06:04 PM
The hulk collapses from the wound inflicted by Vistra. The pain diverts its focus, enabling Dvergula to just barely snap on the collar. The hulk is pacified.

2014-09-26, 02:55 AM
Seeing the last beast subdued, Cthonka lumbers toward the ensorcelled dwarves, calling out "Waken, weak willed ones. Thy captors have been captured."

Double moving to T13.

2014-09-27, 06:23 PM
Dewin watches as his companions handily take care of the beast that he had led astray. He found it intriguing that the beast had been so angry at the strands of his spell--most tended to react as if waking up from sleep.

Well, perhaps the hulk simply disliked being awoken.

Hearing the noise of combat from the other room, he turned away from the curiosity and strode purposefully toward the next chamber, passing by a crate to retrieve a collar-which was handily stowed away by the quick thinking Manny-on the way.

Double move to U13, with a stop midway to grab a collar from the crate. to clarify, he's got his defensive and cunning staves out right now.

2014-10-01, 01:50 AM
Now that Firtha is no longer a threat, the large umber hulk turns its claws on Aldrik. It seizes his arm in one claw, but he wrenches free before the other claw could latch on, gaining a nasty wound in the process.

The two enthralled masons continue to swing at Firtha, entirely ineffective.

Number 63
Move action: Move to I11
Standard action: Double grab attack against Aldrik

Attack 1 vs. AC: [roll0]
Hit: [roll1] damage.
Attack 1 vs. AC: [roll2]
Hit: [roll3] damage.
If both attacks hit: Aldrik is grabbed and takes ongoing 10 damage until escape.

2014-10-01, 02:09 AM
The three hulks safely collared, Dvergula grabs a handful of collars and rushes over towards Number 63.

(Grab three collars, double move to T12)

Irish Musician
2014-10-06, 10:09 AM
Firtha Godshammer (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=973580), Enforcer of Moradin's Might
Firtha, knowing she can't reach the biggest hulk, uses her hammer to subdue one of the poor masons. "Sorry lad, but I can't be havin' ya gettin' in tha way!"

Standard - MBA on DM1 for nonleathal Dmg, going for an knock-out here, not a kill [roll0], [roll1] non-leathal damage

Save - [roll2]

2014-10-08, 03:00 AM
The unfortunate dwarf's eyes rolled back and he fell back, knocked out cold.

Number 63 flails its claws at Aldrik, who continues only to defend. Aldrik's defense fails for just a second, and the hulk take the chance to seize him and draw him into its terrifying mandibles.

Number 63
Standard action: Grabbing Double Attack against Aldrik

Attack 1 vs. AC: [roll0]
Hit: [roll1] damage.
Attack 1 vs. AC: [roll2]
Hit: [roll3] damage.
If both attacks hit: Aldrik is grabbed and takes ongoing 10 damage until escape.

2014-10-08, 02:43 PM

Seeing how easily the first dwarf thrall went down, Dvergula charges at the second in a blur of supernatural speed, slamming him with his shoulder but being careful not to hit any vital organs.

Behoveth us to clear the field ere we engage Number LXIII, he thinks, but I would fain not harm his unwitting ſervant before my companiouns.

Charge to O14
[roll0] vs Reflex (+12 normal, +2 flanking, +1 charge)
[roll1] non-lethal damage... is totally wrong because I rolled the wrong die. :smallredface: I will reroll in OOC.
EDIT: Oh well, 17 is still not bad. And enough to knock him out, apparently.

2014-10-09, 09:00 AM
Seeing the miners dispatched, Cthonka tries to close with the big brute in back.

Assuming Dvergula drops number 2, Cthonka will charge the hulk. (I should be at T13 from my last turn's double move.) Otherwise, He'll use Crushing Surge on the dwarf (reflavored as a sleeper hold to subdue).

In either case, that's [roll0] vs AC for [roll1] damage.

Irish Musician
2014-10-09, 01:52 PM
Firtha Godshammer (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=973580), Enforcer of Moradin's Might
Firtha watches the vampire as he goes to knock out the dwarf mason, "Just be makin' sure you don't be takin' a taste o' him." Firtha gives the vampire a look and then turns her attention to the Hulk. She was still affected by the Hulk's gaze.....but that wouldn't stop her from getting a shot in.

Standard - Charge using Sonnlinor's Hammer vs aC [roll0]
Damage - [roll1], The next attack the target makes before the end of your next turn takes a penalty to the damage roll equal to -2.

Save for dazed - [roll2]

2014-10-09, 02:23 PM
Dvergula's corpse hit's the thrall with force that shakes its mind free. His clouded eyes clear and for a moment he seems lucid. Then he sees the creature of his childhood nightmares before him, and he faints.

2014-10-17, 02:48 AM
Number 63 recoils at the ferocity of the Firtha's attack, dropping Aldrik's unresisting body. It swings at Firtha, but the power of its blows are dampened by the bruise it has just acquired.

Aldrik takes 10 ongoing damage before N63's turn.

Number 63
Free action: Drop Aldrik
Standard action: Grabbing Double Attack against Firtha

Attack 1 vs. AC:
Hit: [roll0] damage (including damage penalty).
Attack 1 vs. AC: [roll1]
Hit: [roll2] damage damage.
If both attacks hit: Firtha is grabbed and takes ongoing 10 damage until escape.

Irish Musician
2014-10-21, 01:12 PM
Firtha Godshammer (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=973580), Enforcer of Moradin's Might
Firtha sees Adrik fall to the ground and a little bit of blood fall from his mouth. Too late does she look back to see the hulk slashing at her. The first one connects, but she is able to get her hammer up in time and knocks the other claw away.

She smiles at him, "I be gettin' ya there Aldrik!" She points her hammer at him, and a dose of healing energies radiant over him, healing his wounds. She then turns to the hulk, "That no be nice! Yer gettin' on me nerves, ya rock with claws!" She then swings her hammer at it, hoping to connect and give her friends time to come and help.

Minor - Healing word, Aldrik spends a healing surge and gains [roll0] extra HP, as well as +2 to Defenses UEMNT
Standard - Smiting Symbol [roll1] or [roll2]
Damage - [roll3], ally within3 of me gains +2 to all defenses UEMNT, plus 7 THP. (Adrik)

That gives him, essentially, a +4 to all defenses UEMNT

2014-10-22, 03:42 PM
Dvergula now turns his grisly attention to the leader of the hulk rebellion. Let us ſee how long thou canſt ſtand alone against Thunderrok's choſen, Number LXIII.

Free: Dark Reaping (from reducing a thrall to 0hp): one creature I hit before EONT takes +1d8+4 necrotic damage.
Move: to L9
Standard: Charge to J10
[roll0] vs No. 63's Reflex
[roll1] damage plus [roll2] necrotic damage

2014-10-23, 07:28 PM
Seeing an ally struck, Cthonka steps in with a quick slash with it's shield edge before following up with a glowing back hand.

Attacking an ally triggers shield riposte as an immediate reaction for [roll0] vs fort. If that hits, it does [roll1] damage and pushes the target 1 square, allowing Cthonka to shift 2 after it.
For his standard action, he'll go with Word of Diminishment (D) for [roll2] vs AC. If that hits, it does [roll3] damage and inflicts vulnerability 2 for 1 round.