View Full Version : Player Help Nonsense Build, need some advice

2014-08-06, 01:57 PM
a continuation:

so for once i get to play and not manage a game of insane players. if you've seen other posts i play with people that come up with insane things to text the limits of fun and my patience. but we all have fun and i appreciate creative non OP players

SO! i never get to play and i don't want to use all the years of knowledge to make something OP. and i am not going to mess with casting cause that leads to trouble.

here are my 2 idea. the first one i don't need help with, the second i do. the more "votes" for either build will win and ill roll with that. i have about a week...
we start at 1 and go to whenever. so dont plan on lining up a build to 20.....just the start of one.

Idea 1: Warforged Fighter with Shocking fist (when i Feat into it) just simple and fun.

Idea 2:....i want to try an Awakened Living Spell (i have the back story all lined up).... NOW in the interests of FUN, i need a level 1 spell to have this based off of....any ideas? i want to stay away from Evocation.....something thematic and fun.

Note: is this even legal or an idea with legs (no pun intended)? i dont know all the RAW/RAI for making an awakened living spell work.


2014-08-06, 03:49 PM
An awakened 1st-level living spell? How about Grease? You are basically a puddle of grease, except you are made of pure arcane energy. Alternatively, try Wall of Smoke. Or try to talk your DM into allowing Scholar's Touch.

2014-08-06, 04:40 PM
Ooh Grease is a good one.....can i also do Silent Image and always look like an oozy mutton leg?4

2014-08-06, 04:44 PM
Entangle. Be a sentient plant without any of the flaws of being an awakened plant.

2014-08-06, 06:30 PM
Sleep, and fluff liking to hug people. Cue Jigglypuff syndrome.

2014-08-06, 06:45 PM
Unseen Servant: be a butler

Charm Person.

CLW: The ultimate bandaid

Hideous Laughter: The Joker, 2.0

Reduce Person: Talk to your GM about letting it stack. Grapple someone, and reduce them to nothing.

2014-08-06, 09:14 PM
Unseen Servant: be a butler

Charm Person.

CLW: The ultimate bandaid

Hideous Laughter: The Joker, 2.0

Reduce Person: Talk to your GM about letting it stack. Grapple someone, and reduce them to nothing.

Good lord Hideous Laughter, brilliant.

2014-08-06, 09:29 PM
So it looks like the top 2 are

Hideous Laughter


Random Action

vote up!

2014-08-07, 01:28 AM
I am not sure, but would a Living Painless Death override the 'needs to be willing' part? If so...

Excuse me, I'm off cackling manically in the corner.

2014-08-07, 09:16 AM
I am not sure, but would a Living Painless Death override the 'needs to be willing' part? If so...

Excuse me, I'm off cackling manically in the corner.

hmmm that would be ultra interesting if it was so ;)

2014-08-07, 09:30 AM
Some ideas:

Alarm - Imagine a car alarm always on. You can lead to some nasty tactics

Identify - Pretty handsome utility spell

Magic Aura - Have fun changing magical auras

Ventriloquism - The i'm-here-but-not spell

Erase - Erase all the knowledge, notes and accounting books just because you can

2014-08-07, 09:55 AM

Make one of those hybrid Living spells (I think the example one was fireball/glitterdust?) out of Scholar's Touch/Erase. DEVOUR THE KNOWLEDGE.

2014-08-07, 09:56 AM
hmmm that would be ultra interesting if it was so ;)

How about throwing it at your players? They are only CR 1, after all... With sentry ooze and the elite array, you can make them CR 4 monsters with the only thing standing between you and instadeath a DC 18 reflex save. That means your 16 DEX rogue chances of not dying are still only 50%.

2014-08-07, 10:00 AM
How about throwing it at your players? They are only CR 1, after all... With sentry ooze and the elite array, you can make them CR 4 monsters with the only thing standing between you and instadeath a DC 18 reflex save. That means your 16 DEX rogue chances of not dying are still only 50%.

Hahaha the guys i play with think the Dragon Shaman is a walking death machine. i cant give them anything too heady or else we would never get very far

2014-08-07, 11:17 PM
I was able to convince the DM to let me use a second level spell. hello torrent of tears! bwaahahahah