View Full Version : Unguent of Timelessness and spell effects

2014-08-06, 04:59 PM
I've often seen people talking about the unguent in combination with two spells: Bone Talisman and Acorn of Far Travel. These two spells need objects to be cast upon and these objects are bones and an acorn, respectively.
This combo seems to extend the duration of spell effects cast on objects, multiplying them by 365, and it also seems to prevent the object from disintegrating after you use the spell effect.
So, normally, a Bone Talisman spell cast on a bone to get a turn undead attempt, lasts 10min/level or until discharged, but with the unguent it lasts something like 1 year/level or until discharged...
And this seems totally broken to me, because we are now talking about some minor effects like a bone of turning, but what if someone applies other spells to the object day after day? I don't even know what kind of cheese this can lead to.

To be honest, nothing, and really nothing in the unguent text refers to spells, effects or the like, it refers only to the object itself. But now i read about people saying that the spell or spells effects are made part of the object by the unguent, thus their duration can be dramatically increased that way.

Now, what do you think?

2014-08-06, 05:56 PM
I think its a misreading.

Unguent of Timelessness
When applied to any matter that was once alive this ointment allows that substance to resist the passage of time. Each year of actual time affects the substance as if only a day had passed. The coated object gains a +1 resistance bonus on all saving throws.

Seems pretty straight forward that the OBJECT is affected not a spell placed on it. The object doesn't become the spell it is just a focus or receptacle

2014-08-07, 09:13 AM
Ok, while i agree with that, people seem to rely on this

"Each year of actual time affects the substance as if only a day had passed. Bone Talisman has a range of touch, it cast on the bone itself, and the spell's becomes a quality of the bone that th was cast on. Everything about that bo including the spell's effect, has its pas of time slowed by the unguent.

I'd like to see more opinions on this before i can be satisfied.

2014-08-07, 09:32 AM
Let's say you cast Temporal Stasis (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/temporalStasis.htm) on a creature who's under the effects of another spell. "For the creature, time ceases to flow and its condition becomes fixed." The other spell that was still on that creature will not have its duration expire while he's under the Temporal Stasis, because its condition is fixed, including being under the effect of that spell with its current remaining duration. A spell on a creature or object is a condition on that creature or object, and it's also affected by anything that would affect that creature or object's passage of time.

Unguent of Timelessness allows an object to resist the passage of time. Each year of actual time affects it as if only a day had passed. If it's under the effect of a Bone Talisman spell, and for it time only passes at a rate of one day per year of actual time, then the duration of the Bone Talisman spell will likewise pass just as slowly. You can put Unguent of Timelessness on a quarterstaff and cast Shillelagh on it, and it will last about six hours per caster level because the quarterstaff will stay in that state for much longer than normal, as though time had passed much slower than normal.

2014-08-07, 08:07 PM
Ok, this makes so much sense now, but i still think this is an interpretation of the unguent text (and a *very* smart one) that heavily depends on optimisation level of the table and DM's approval. Again i say that if the unguent could work like this by RAW, well it is obviously an extremely underpriced item and opens up to an unbelievable amount of cheese, possiblly ending up in a broken way.

I'm not aware of tricks to abuse this, but if the unguent text could be stretched to work in that way, someone could easily walk all day long carrying an almost permanent source of buffs that never expires.

Should the unguent be used that way?

2014-08-07, 08:17 PM
So, shilelah and bone talisman... What other objects/spell effects can take advantage of the Unguent? I had a few listed in Shax... candle of focusing, I think. Fire beetle lamp. There must be others. We need a list!

2014-08-07, 08:51 PM
So, shilelah and bone talisman... What other objects/spell effects can take advantage of the Unguent? I had a few listed in Shax... candle of focusing, I think. Fire beetle lamp. There must be others. We need a list!

Any spell that's cast on a nonliving item of organic material. So no metal or stone weapons, armor, or shields, but wood, bone, and leather are all fair game.

(Greater) Magic Weapon
Keen Edge
Magic Vestment

Bone Talisman

Arrow of Bone
Burning Sword
Checkmate's Light
Dolorous Blow
(Lesser) Energize Shield
Exacting Shot
Flame of Faith (can only target nonmagic weapons, the unguent is a magical effect on it)
Infernal Wound
Iron Silence
Lawful Sword
Sonic Weapon
Undead Bane Weapon
Weapon of the Deity

If dndtools had a 'target' field in its spell filter, you could put 'weapon touched' or similar in that field and get a nearly complete list from every book. Luckily there's google-fu (http://www.google.com/cse?cx=010918785989085430250:jd6tjgonwfu&q=Target%3A%20Weapon%20touched&oq=Target%3A%20Weapon%20touched&gs_l=partner.3...9814.13725.0.13886. 205.2092.13j8j1.22.0.gsnos%2Cn%3D13...0.3969j19342 55j24..1ac.1.25.partner..20.2.203.cjLG9AG5kl4#gsc. tab=0&gsc.q=Target%3A%20Weapon%20touched&gsc.page=1).

Edit: Get some armor, shield, primary melee weapon, (Elvencraft) bow, backup melee weapon, etc. made from wood or leather or bone or dragonhide, etc. Put a single dose of Unguent of Timelessness on all of those for 150 gp. Hire an NPC spellcaster to put a caster level 20 Extended Greater Magic Vestment or Extended Greater Magic Weapon and Extended Greater Mighty Wallop if applicable on each of those for only 800 gp per spell. Each of those will last six hundred and eight days or roughly twenty months. That's +5 armor for 800 gp, +5 shield for 800 gp, +5 weapon for 800 gp, bludgeoning weapon does colossal-size base damage at no penalty for 800 gp, etc. for almost two years in-game.