View Full Version : AMiH Sidequest: Natalie's Day at the Farm

2014-08-06, 06:43 PM
Your trip back to the farm is pretty uneventful. You happen to leave at a pretty advantageous time. Several large groups of adventurers are actually heading in a similar direction as your farm, so you get to enjoy an escort for two thirds of your trip.

When you arrive, you can see Liam out there, bailing some hay for the horses and hasn’t noticed you. Naoki and Naomi are running around, obviously not doing their chores, but turn and charge at your with their toy weapons as you arrive! “Nattyyyyyyyyyyyy!” they shout as their war cry as they approach. It’s unclear if they intend to whack you with their sticks or hug you.

2014-08-06, 11:46 PM
"Uh oh, haha! Whaa!"

Natalie steps up and protects her face from the twins' sticks with one arm as she reaches around with the other to pull them into a hug. "Gotcha! Come here, hahaha!"

Having been dismounted, Horsie has predictably made a beeline for Liam and the hay pile. Natalie briefly looks up to see him. The distinctive battle cry may have caught his attention, or maybe he's already decided to just keep working while the kids goof around. Either way. "Hi dad!"

...but back to the hug-bound twins. Natalie stands up and loosens her grip. "Hey, guess who I talked to while I was helping Mr. Grundy yesterday? One of the teachers at the Respite! He lives there, and gives lessons to new druids in training. And, he's very interested in meeting you, Naoki!" She grins, barely containing her excitement for the situation.

Yeah, there's also the whole Stilletto and undead attack thing but she'll get to that in a second when Dad asks for the news report.

2014-08-07, 07:06 PM
Naoki squirms wildly in your hug and accuses you of tickling him, but refocuses instantly when you mention the druids. “Really?!” he asks, his eyes bright with excitement. “I am ready…” he says in a serious tone, sticking out his chest proudly as he holds his wooden stick like a druid’s shillelagh. Then he wipes his nose on his sleeve…

Naoki giggles and the sight of her brother’s behavior and turns her attention back to Natalie. “Mom an’ I’ve been baking pies all mornin’ for the summer festival. It smells like heaven in the house! I hope you’re hungry; we need someone to test ‘em on.”

Your father is leaning on his pitchfork. He waves at you with his hat and shouts out, "Welcome home sweetheart!" He looks back to the house. "Honeypot! Guess who's home from the big city?! HONEYPOT!"

A few moments later, your mom sticks her head out the window and waves, then pops back inside, shouting something about "busy right now."

2014-08-08, 02:21 AM
"Ha ha, good!" Natty laughs. She figured Naoki would like that.

She waves back to her mom as she responds to Naomi. "Festival? What... Ohmygosh! Is it Summer Festival already?? I totally forgot!"

They catch up with Liam as Nat resumes her walk to the house. "I already promised Mr. Grundy I'd help out again this week," she explains. "He has a big smithing contract coming up, so it's going to be really busy, and he's also worried about security because, uh..."

...because he killed a guy? Because the most dangerous gang in the country is after him for revenge? That makes it sound like a terrible idea.

"...because there were some murders and zombie attacks last night. Oh, plus, he paid me a whole ten gold for last week! So, if any of y'all need some of it for anything..."

2014-08-08, 10:33 AM
“Zombies?” Liam said with an apparent look of concern in his eyes. He doesn't even register the offer of money. “Are you sure you should go back there? Not that we’re doin’ much better. Had a goblin raid a few days back. It wasn’t as easy to fend ‘em off withoutcha, but we sent em runnin’. We lost a few goats out of it, but no one got hurt…" he thinks about whether Natalie would be safer in the city with a zombie, or here on the farm with marauding goblins for a moment, then nods to himself. “Just don’t tell yer mom about the zombies, I guess.”

You all head into the house together.


Once inside, the smell of hot pies seduces you better than a fine perfume. It fills the warm air with the tart and sweet smell of baked fruits.

Nothing has changed at all in the house. Two stories, with a private room for you and a shared room for your younger siblings. You used to share the room with Naoki and Naomi, but when your brother moved out, you got the big one, and spent a lot of time decorating and dressing it just how you wanted it. It’s evident though, that Naomi has slept in your bed a few times since you’ve been away. Perhaps she’s gunning for her chance at a private room.

Your mom is fussing about in the kitchen, calling for Naomi to “get’cher rear in here before I break a paddle over it!” Naomi smiles at you. “I better go. It’s good to have ya home!” She gives you a big hug and scampers off to the kitchen.

2014-08-10, 02:15 AM
"Ha ha, it's good to be back! Hi mom!" She lets Naomi and Kiko get back to baking hijinks.

"Uh, I really can't stay too long, they'll need me back at the forge... but, goblins again?? Argh, I'm sorry... but yeah, I guess everyone's alright."

She stares off a bit, still clearly hung up on something. "...which goats did they get?"

2014-08-10, 10:59 AM
Liam grabs a cup of tea then settles into his chair. “Uhhh… let me think. I think it was Nellie, Scrapper, Ole Joe, Billy, Shanghai and Spots. Spots was gonna be a prize goat for the festival too. Think he woulda made a good breeder.”

He takes another sip of tea and waves his hand as if he doesn't wish to talk about it. "But what about'chu, kiddo? How's life in the big city? Made any friends yet? Sounds like yer on yer way to makin' a fortune, at least."

2014-08-11, 01:28 AM
"Aw, maaan!" Natalie groans. "I'll miss Spots, too... I mean, I guess I technically made way more than enough to pay for five goats, but it's not the same. Stupid goblins..."

She stares out the window for a second as she tries to get over her fixation on the goat issue. She learned a lot about tracking missing animals since last year from the ranch, and she and horsie could probably team up and get the goats back from a couple of goblins by themselves, but not a whole camp of them...

Come to think of it, how big are the typical goblin raider camps 'round these parts? That's a local knowledge check, right?

[roll0] (+2 background, -2 int)


"...anyway! It's been fun. Everyone at the forge went out to an ale house Aria's coming back this week, she and Lydia are both super-smart and do magic and chemistry and stuff. And there's Vlad, who lives at the Respite. He's the one I was telling Naoki about. Hey, mom, have y'all seen him around maybe? He has a goatee, and he's a human, but he's also kind of scaly I guess?"

2014-08-11, 11:42 AM
Knowledge Check:
A typical goblin raiding party will be small... somewhere between 4 and 9, but a goblin tribe could have up to 100 residents (including children).

"Magic?" Liam quips in a concerned tone. "Yer gonna wanna be careful round them, sweetheart. I hear them kind've been goin' mad as hatters lately."

Your mom pipes in from the kitchen. "Goatee and scales? Ah yes, I met the boy. Teaches at the Respite right? Did some tradin' with the druids about two months ago. He was a real sweet boy. Knew how ta mind his manners." She said with a subtle hint toward her two youngest--one of which, Naoki, had a mouthful of strawberry pie in and on his mouth. "What?" he asks when he realizes that he has an audience and wipes his syrupy mouth on his sleeve.

Your mom clucks like a hen at this and closes in on Naoki. "Now what did I tell you about usin' yer sleeve as a napkin?! Gimme that shirt'cha ornery little..."

Kiko continues muttering about the constant washing she has to "break her poor arms and back every day to do" as the long suffering Naoki allows himself to be changed by his mother.

2014-08-12, 12:50 AM

At this point, Natalie is already cradling a piece of the test pie in her bare hands and naturally getting it everywhere. She tries to slurp up the bits in the most danger of spilling out onto the floor before anyone realizes what a terrible example she's setting.

*glp,* "Yeah, I know. Aria was trying to figure out what's causing it - whoop!" She catches an escaping strawberry and eats it. "Still not sure how she wanted to go about it, though. Y'all can't really test that by sitting them in water..."


"Oh, uh, mom," she says between bites, "I was actually gonna take Naoki to see Vlad for a visit! I already asked, and he said it was okay."

2014-08-12, 07:34 PM
Naoki, who is dutifully allowing himself to be changed, suddenly alights with excitement. “Can I? Pleeeeaaaase mom?!”

Kiko freezes as if struck. A son gone from the nest, a daughter already starting her new life, and now her little Naoki?

“But Naoki’s just a boy!” She starts to protest.

“Oh c’mon dear. Lot’s of people start their apprenticeships at his age.” Liam starts to argue.

“Maybe at 9 or 10!” Kiko interjects.

“Well, our son’s brighter’n most! Besides, it’ll be nice for Natty to have a bit o’ home there. The two of ‘em can spend some more time together,” Liam counter-proposes.

He moves up to Kiko as she sputters, trying to come up with a reasonable argument. “Summer festival” is all she can manage as Liam wraps his hands around her little shoulders. “Come on love. He won’t be far. I think this is a great idea an’ our Natty will make certain that he’s safe the whole time. An education amongst the Druids’ll give’m a life we could never offer him.”

Kiko finally gives in and Naoki goes bananas, whooping like a monkey swinging from a tree as he rushes to put on his “druid costume” that Kiko sewed for him as a birthday gift last year. It doesn’t quite fit right, since he’s grown a lot since then, and it’s worn around the edges, but he wears it with the same pride a master would wear their ceremonial robes with.

“Now,” Liam says to you in all seriousness, “you’re gonna’ to need to keep an eye on him, Nattie. He’s yer responsibility until after the Summer Festival, ya hear me?”

2014-08-13, 09:48 PM

The dramatic reaction takes Natty by surprise. "I said it was for a visit, mom! I'll bring him back!"

"Don't worry, I'll make sure he's safe and sound. I'm sorry we'll be missing Summer Festival, though... Be sure to tell everyone hi for us, okay?"

2014-08-14, 04:25 PM
Kiko and Naoki have already run off. Liam shrugs. "She's been a bit overprotective lately. Ya' say, 'a visit' she hears, 'leavin' forever to become a druid'n never come home.'" He goes back to his chair and sips his tea. "So, how much time ya got before ya gotta head back? Ya' stayin' the night?"

2014-08-15, 02:38 AM
"Uh... no, I'm actually supposed to be back at Mr. Grundy's later today." Natty scoops some water into her cup and curls up in her chair as she did earlier. "I was gonna wait and come later, but they said there wasn't much to do 'til afternoon anyway. Also, the guards said the roads aren't safe at night? They're too busy with all the stuff going on in the city, so the bad guys are taking advantage, I guess."

She chugs her water and continues to shoot the breeze with Dad until Naoki's ready for the trip to town. "Okay, so we have pies and the goats are gone... how is everyone else doing? Have you heard what anyone else has planned for the festival?"

2014-08-17, 07:48 PM
Liam shrugs as he thinks about it. “Not much has changed. Not much ever does. The guards may be right about trouble outside the settlements, but they don’t come round here’n bother us. Yer mom’s pies’r gonna win at the festival fer sure. I donno what I’m gonna do about goats though. I hear the Shepherd’s ‘r gonna enter a pig this year. Gonna’ be a real winner.”

Naoki comes running out, freshly dressed and packed with his own “adventure gear.” It’s a sac with a water pouch, a sling, a sling bullet pouch, a rolled up sheet of parchment, some chalk, some fishing twine and hook and a couple days worth of rations… mostly dried nuts and berries. “We ready?” he asks with eyes so wide, they might just pop out and head to the city without him. He loops a leather strap around his neck that has a clumsily carved symbol of Ehlonna on it, making sure to rub the symbol with his thumb for luck.

2014-08-20, 03:16 AM
"Hahaha! Okay!" Natalie laughs at the sight of her excited brother. "Just let me refill my water jug and make sure Horsie has enough food, and we can take off for the Respite."

This routine is finished in pretty short order, and the siblings are pretty stable in their fancy military saddle. "Later dad, bye mom! We'll see y'all next week!"

2014-08-27, 09:27 AM
“See ya soon, kiddoes! Don’t get in any trouble while yer there! You be good now! Drink plenty of water and stay away from the bars! They get dangerous in the city!” Your parents shout out at you as you ride off.

Your brother is elated, singing a song about sprites dancing in a satyr’s grove that he’d learned when he was a toddler. You make it back to the city gates unhindered.

A guard let’s you in with little trouble and you enter the crazy streets of the Tourist District. To your left is the ever-rowdy and constantly swaying Dented Skill mercenary guild. Ahead of you is the Master’s Theater. To the right is the Tower of Knowledge, greatest library in Ibra Down. Far off in the distance, you can see the towering spike of the Temple of Pelor and you know that somewhere in the midst of all this chaos is the calm serenity of Elhonna’s Respite.

Where do you wish to go first?

2014-08-28, 09:59 PM
Natalie la's and sings along with Naoki throughout the trip, enjoying the quality time with her little bro. Once they arrive, she smiles and sighs as she looks around. This part of town is quite the sight, but they still have a schedule to keep.

"Hey! Noki!"

Natalie taps the top of Naoki's head to get his attention.

"Okay, now, we're going straight to the Respite to meet Vlad," she explains. "Y'all make sure to stay with him for the rest of the day, until I get back from Mr. Grundy's. Okay?"

Of course the, 'straight,' part of the plan is still contingent on young Natty's ability to remember how to get there from here. She looks around again, petting Horsie's mane. "Uh..."

I'm not even sure what I'm rolling here, so here's a d20 roll: [roll0]

The worst possible modifier is a straight-up knowledge check with -2. However, her Survival skill has a total modifier of +3, if she can navigate that way.

If that doesn't work and/or she can't remember, she'll ask Horsie and see if she remembers. Horses can usually find their way back to familiar places, Natalie has probably taken her a number of times, and it's too hilarious not to try. I'm not sure whether handle animal (+9, to push it as a trick) or wild empathy (+4, to communicate her request) are more appropriate here, so here's a raw d20 roll again: [roll1]

2014-09-01, 02:12 AM
It takes a while to finally find the Respite, but there are enough signs in the district for you to get your bearings. Horsie slows to a stop at the serene entrance to the temple of Ehlonna.


The serenity of the druidic sanctuary seems impenetrable by the surrounding cityscape and a peaceful calm washes over you as you approach the mouth of the miniature forest. Druids only tend to visit the outer gardens to tend it, so the path up to the gate is quite lonely. Naoki hops down and grabs his sack. “Hey, Natty. Mom said to give you this.”

He produces some wrapped items from his bag:

A pouch of coins: 5 copper
A vial of homemade medicine: Grants +1 to save vs. disease
Two rolls of homemade bread: Reduces the effects of fatigue to a -1 penalty to STR and DEX per roll. (Effects do not stack).
One small bottle of rice wine.
A note: “Love, mom.”

2014-09-02, 12:08 AM
"Huh? Oh, awesome! Thanks!" Natalie takes a quick look into the bag as they approach the temple gate. "Yesss! Mom's bread is the best. Did you get any?"

If not, she gives him one of the bread pieces, because of course she does.

The gardens, as usual, are among the most beautiful and well-kept in the history of ever. Natalie has a habit of just staring at the water feature and zoning out, but an excited Naoki is a pretty good reminder to stay on task, so getting to the gate shouldn't be a problem. She looks around trying to find someone to ask about Vlad's whereabouts.

2014-09-02, 07:13 PM
Naoki accepts the bread happily and stuffs it into his pocket. He's too excited to eat right now. It takes several moments of wandering about to find some druids, but you eventually stumble upon an odd group of people sitting in the woods. One of them, you recognize as a member of the order. He is a gnome with a short, but wild gray beard and happy, youthful eyes that defy the wrinkles and sun spots on the rest of his face. He's smoking a pipe and appears to be engaged in pleasant conversation, judging be the fact that he and the group periodically break into laughter.


2014-09-02, 10:41 PM
"Hey y'all! What's going on?" Natalie interrupts, smiling and waving.

She gives a moment for the answer (and likely responds accordingly with something like, "Cool!") before addressing her own business to Friend Gnome. "Have y'all seen Vlad around? I was talking to him yesterday about bringing Naoki to meet him today."

2014-09-04, 11:20 AM
The old gnome lifts a bushy eyebrow to reveal an inquisitive gaze. “Vladimir? Haven’t seen the lad since this morning. Celia says he’s gone to see his mother about the birthday party.”

He gets up off his perch on a low branch in a tree and walks up to Naoki, who is just a bit taller than the gnome. “And you must be Naoki, then. How old are ya, lad?”

“Eleven,” he says shakily.

“Eleven! My boy, you’re all grown up and ready to become a man. You’re probably too old for candy then.” He pulls out a bag of chocolate covered Goodberries and pops one into his mouth, rolling his eyes in satisfaction and grunting, “mmm!” before swallowing. “A pity. I grow them myself, and have too many harvested.”

Naoki looks at the gnome, eager to try the exotic candy, but more eager to confirm something that should already be obvious. “Are you a druid?” he gasps.

Again the bushy eyebrows raise to reveal bemused eyes, then hands you and Naoki a candy. “My boy, I am Rodran, the Hidden Wonder! Servant of the Glade, and Protecter of the Wood, Chairman of the Fey and Commonfolk Alliance, Wielder of the Sacred Staff and Friend of the Wild.” He flourishes his arms and hands as he speaks, spinning at times for dramatic effect and then finishes with his arms held high as if he were about to summon lightning from the sky. Then, after a moment, he looks back to the boy. “But I might know a druid or two. I’ve heard a few of them call this place home!” he pops another candy in his mouth and smiles.

The bizarre antics of the old druid leave Naoki a bit confused, but definitely entertained.

2014-09-05, 10:54 PM
"Oh, huh! Whose birthday is it?"

Natalie happily accepts the choco-berry and munches on it as she wonders what Rodran is, if he's not a druid. Maybe an expert diplomat or something... or! He might be a ranger, like she is. Maybe. Can rangers even do the goodberry thing? Maybe if they get good enough? Eh, it doesn't really matter right now.

"Ha ha, these are great! Thanks!" She says. "But, uh, do y'all know when Vlad's getting back? I have to go to work in town, and I kind of need someone to keep an eye on Naoki for me..."

Well, she could probably get away with bringing him to the forge, but given all of the stuff that happened yesterday... yeah, no, too risky.

But, the Respite is always pretty safe, and she implicitly trusts the druids that run it. "...uh, maybe y'all could watch him for a while? Just until I'm done and come back for the night. I'm not sure when that'll be, though..."

2014-09-06, 07:56 PM
"Absolutely!" the gnome says cheerily. "A friend of Vladimir's is a friend of ours, and we'd be glad to host the young lad. I'm not sure when he'll be back though. Party plans can take a while, after all."

The Goodberry is delicious and surprisingly satisfying. It lifts your spirits and builds your confidence. You gain a +1 morale bonus to your next CHA or WIS based skill check.

"Naoki. Would you like to meet some of my friends?"

Naoki smiles and nods his head excitedly. The gnome guides the boy to a tree and chitters like a rodent. Out of the tree comes a fat little chipmunk with a nose twitching for a treat, which Rodran graciously provides. "If you'd like to pet him, you're going to have to earn his trust. He's had a long morning and may be a bit irritable, so be careful." He hands the boy some treats to offer up as tribute, then waves to Natalie and winks as if to say I've got this; don't worry about a thing.

2014-09-08, 12:05 AM
Natalie observes the trained chipmunk and admires it for a moment. It's really something! Training chipmunks is hard.

"Hahaha! Okay, cool! Have fun guys, I'll see y'all later!"

With that, Natalie takes the opportunity to get Horsie and get back to the forge.

2014-09-08, 12:33 PM
Your trip back to the forge is a slow process. The streets are alive with activity, so it’s somewhat surprising when you arrive at the forge and find it closed. A sign on the door reads, “Closed for service at the Temple of Pelor. Will reopen one hour after service has ended.”

2014-09-09, 08:04 PM
You hear a noise behind you. It's Siegfried clanking his way up to you.

2018-04-20, 05:37 PM
Months in the future, but not many...

Natalie hears a sound like a cross between a loon and a coyote.

What is it?

Knowledge(Nature): [roll0]

2018-04-21, 11:14 PM
You recognize the call of the rare and elusive giant panda. Judging by the pitch of the call, you suspect it to be female.

Pandas very rarely make sounds, and usually only to mate or to call out to their cubs... the call you hear suggests that the female is nearby, and possibly looking for a mate.

Also, your inbox is full.

2018-04-24, 12:09 PM
AMiH Sidequest: The Panda

You see a young adult panda shaking off the rain and swaying her large, heavy head left and right. She seems to be giving up the hunt for a mate, and now just wants to find a bit of shelter from the downpour.

Slowly, she starts waddling in your direction, but hasn't noticed you yet. She's about 2 and a half feet tall, and you estimate she weighs around 180.

You can remember your father's teachings on these gentle creatures, and that it is bad luck to hunt or kill a panda. Still their fur is highly prized on the black market.

You have cover and total concealment granted from the rain and the bamboo stalks.
Your knowledge check grants you all the knowledge available about pandas (use Black Bear Stats) that can be found in the SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/bearBlack.htm).
Your character knows everything that can be found in this link (https://www.natgeokids.com/za/discover/animals/general-animals/ten-panda-facts/#!/register) about pandas.

2018-04-25, 08:04 PM
Sensing that Argi'er isn't far behind her, Natalie can barely contain her excitement and parts the bushes to let him see.

"Hello panda~" she coos sweetly to the bear. "Are you lonely? Stuck in the rain?"

Natalie knows that the panda won't understand her, but as with most animals they should like the calm and cutesy voice.

Animal empathy? Handle animal?

[roll0] + 7 or 13 to get the panda to come and visit, or at least keep her from running away.

2018-04-26, 12:39 PM
The panda observes you with curiosity. And cautiously moves toward you.

She is positively soggy under the downpour. The canopy is thinner here, allowing more light to shine down, but also allowing the rain to fall thicker and splash percussively on fronds, rock, and ever growing puddles. She huffs and shakes her large head, sending spiral sprays of shimmering moisture everywhere.

Then, she stands before you, barely 5 feet away, examining you, but seemingly not threatened by you.

2018-04-27, 01:03 AM
Natalie doesn't seem to mind that she's getting soaked in the jungle rain. She slowly offers one hand to the panda to sniff before waving to her human friends with the other. "Hey, we're twins, aren't we? You have a little mask over your eyes like I do! Haha!"

It becomes painfully obvious that the panda is also getting waterlogged. If Natalie waits any longer, they'll both end up stuck in the mud.

"Uh, okay, let's come back over here..."

She retrieves a little bit of trail mix from her bag to get the bear's attention and leads her to the edge of the clearing, taking shelter under some broad leaves.

2018-04-27, 10:20 AM
The group has caught up with you now.
We can return to the main thread.