View Full Version : Optimization Build Challenge: Can't Touch This

2014-08-06, 08:10 PM
Alright, I'm thinking I'm going to try making a series of challenges. Build the character with the highest stat.

3.5 and PF are separate. You can submit an entry from one or the other, but you cannot mix them.
For 3.5, any WotC published material is permitted. No Dragon Mag unless published by WotC (I don't think this started until 4e, but idk)
For PF, Paizo published only. I would personally be inclined to allow Dreamscarred Press, but that opens the floodgates of third party, and I don't want to do this.

Keep to Practical Optimization. If you ever get NI anything, your build is invalid. Note anywhere that RAW or RAI is disputed, what your take is, and what the opposing views are. No stupid RAW abuses (drown healing, Inspire Greatness for early entry, etc)

Point buys:
3.5: 32
PF: 25

On durations for effects: Any duration, but note when it is something shorter than "cast and forget" all day buffs (16 hours minimum).

Builds may also be submitted for any of 5 levels: 1, 5, 10, 15, 20.

First, we're making an untouchable character: Maximize your Touch ACs

On your mark, get set, OPTIMIZE!

2014-08-06, 08:17 PM

2014-08-06, 08:18 PM
3.5: 32
pf: 25

2014-08-06, 08:23 PM
Hmm, I will try this I guess. Going 3.5

2014-08-06, 08:41 PM
How long does this touch ac have to be sustained? Permanently or just past a certain amount of time?

2014-08-06, 08:44 PM
Any duration, but note when it is something shorter than "cast and forget" all day buffs.

Blink Knight
2014-08-06, 08:48 PM
I see what you did there.

Ghost Ward + Magic Vestment chained, Crystals of Arrow Deflection (range only) or Screening (incorporeal only), Dex + Wis to AC is a good start point. Polymorph (thing with high NA) + Scintillating Scales + Sirene's Grace if a Sorcerer also goes a long way. Wall of Blades and Wings of Cover each automatically counter one touch attack a round (wall of blades doesn't always work but generally touch attacks have lower accuracy).

Getting touch AC up works better when the party helps each other out than trying to make a single stand alone character. Though if it has to be one Persist Cleric or Draconic Polymorph Sorcerer is probably the best base.

2014-08-06, 08:50 PM
I'm thinking kalashtar artificer using a combination of spells, item alteration, and the dancing with shadows feat.

Shapechange into a solar, cast giant size, bite of the werebear, and scintillating scales for +40 deflection bonus. Then use the solar's change shape to assume the form of a halfling to negate the size penalty from giant size and gain another +1 from size. All spells are personal and so can be persisted using artificer metamagic tricks.

Now make items of Dex and AC to be altered by Item Alteration so that you can have as many stacking bonuses as possible. Throw in improved combat expertise for a +15 (+20 with divine power) dodge bonus. And I'm betting that'll be the highest you can push this before TO. Though I'd love to be proven wrong.

2014-08-06, 08:50 PM
Wall of Blades and Wings of Cover each automatically counter one touch attack a round (wall of blades doesn't always work but generally touch attacks have lower accuracy).

Both of these contribute nothing to your Touch AC. I'm not looking for characters that block damage, I am looking for the highest possible Touch AC. This is a statistic on a character sheet.

2014-08-07, 02:55 AM
Here we go. Pathfinder, 20-level build. According to Hero Lab this gives me a touch AC of 89, although the statblock it generated only says 86. I spent way too long doing this, so I'll have to figure out later what the correct value is.

Basically the idea is this:

Starting stats are 7/16/7/13/18/13, level-based increases are CHA/INT/DEX/DEX/DEX
I am a gnome with Permanencied Reduce Person to get Tiny size.
I have a Belt of Physical Perfection, a Headband of Mental Superiority, a +5 Manual for Dex, and +4 Tomes for Cha and Wis
I am fighting eight half-ogres wielding longswords, all of whom are adjacent to me
In addition to DEX, I get WIS to AC from Monk/ChampIrori, INT from Kensai (max +5 since that's my Magus level), and CHA from Smite Evil being used against at least one of the ogres
I am using Earth Child Style to increase my dodge bonus vs. giants to +6
I am fighting defensively, with Combat Expertise maxed, and using a +5 Defending weapon (a dagger, if it matters)
Champion of Irori gives me bonuses for being adjacent to multiple enemies
I drank an Infused True Cognatogen (+8 alchemical bonus to mental stats, -2 to physical)
I am hasted (Boots of Haste)
I cast Shield and then used Arcane Redoubt to have the shield bonus add to my Touch AC
I am in a Defensive Stance
I have spent Ki to increase my AC
I suspect some things are a little off, but I should really go to bed already.

Gnomely Burrell
Gnome Champion of Irori 6/Magus (Kensai) 5/Monk (Flowing Monk) 4/Paladin 1/Stalwart Defender 4 (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 0, 0; Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 9)
LG Tiny humanoid (gnome)
Init +10; Senses low-light vision; Perception +15
AC 86, touch 86, flat-footed 48 (+4 shield, +15 Dex, +2 size, +12 deflection, +23 dodge, +1 insight, +3 sacred, +16 untyped)
hp 258 (4d12+1d10+15d8+80)
Fort +18, Ref +20, Will +30; +2 vs. illusions, +2 vs. enchantment spells and effects
Defensive Abilities magus arcana (arcane redoubt), canny defense, defensive training (+6 dodge bonus to AC vs. giants), evasion, uncanny dodge
Speed 40 ft.
Melee +5 defending dagger +36/+36/+31/+26/+21 (1d2+12/19-20) and
. . unarmed strike +30/+30/+25/+20/+15 (1d8+7)
Space 2.5 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks flurry of blows, sweeping smite, +1 on attack rolls against goblinoid and reptilian humanoids, ki strike, magic, smite chaos, smite evil, spellstrike
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th; concentration +32)
. . At will—detect chaos, detect evil
Gnome Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th; concentration +32)
. . 1/day—dancing lights, ghost sound (DC 23), prestidigitation, speak with animals
Magus (Kensai) Spells Prepared (CL 5th; concentration +14):
. . 2nd—
. . 1st—
. . 0 (at will)—
Str 11, Dex 30, Con 17, Int 28, Wis 36, Cha 34
Base Atk +17; CMB +34 (+36 grapple); CMD 90 (94 vs. bull rush, 92 vs. grapple, 94 vs. overrun, 94 vs. pull, 94 vs. push)
Feats Combat Expertise, Defensive Weapon Training[UC], Dodge, Earth Child Style[UC], Endurance, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, Toughness, Weapon Focus (dagger)
Skills Acrobatics +16, Craft (calligraphy) +13, Knowledge (religion) +20, Linguistics +14, Perception +15; Racial Modifiers +2 Craft (calligraphy), +2 Perception
Languages Common, Gnome, Sylvan
SQ ac bonus, arcane pool, aura of good, chosen weapon, defensive powers (immobile, unexpected strike), defensive stance, flowing dodge, ki defense, ki pool, maneuver training, perfect strike, redirection, shield the weak, skill mastery, slow fall, spell combat, unarmed strike, unbalancing counter, valiant stand
Combat Gear cognatogen (infused grand), wand of invisibility, greater; Other Gear +5 defending dagger, bag of holding iv, belt of physical perfection +6, boots of speed, headband of mental superiority +6, dusty rose prism ioun stone, manual of quickness of action +5, monk's robe, tome of leadership and influence +4, tome of understanding +4, 97,248 gp
Special Abilities
AC Bonus +16 The Monk adds his Wisdom bonus to AC and CMD, more at higher levels.
Arcane Pool (+2, 11/day) (Su) Infuse own power into a held weapon, granting enhancement bonus or selected item powers.
Arcane Redoubt +4 (Su) 1 Arcane Pool: Treat shield bonus to AC as bonus to touch AC.
Aura of Good (Ex) The paladin has an Aura of Good with power equal to her class level.
Boots of speed (10 rounds/day) Affected by haste
Canny Defense +5 (Ex) +INT bonus to AC (max Kensai level).
Chosen Weapon (Dagger) Kensai abilities only function when wielding a weapon of this type.
Combat Expertise +/-5 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Defensive Stance (9 rounds/day) (Ex) +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 to Will saves, +2 to AC when defending, but may not move.
Defensive Training +6 Gain a dodge bonus to AC vs monsters of the Giant subtype.
Defensive Weapon Training +2: Blades, Heavy Gain +2 dodge bonus against a single fighter weapon group
Detect Chaos (At will) (Sp) You can use Detect Chaos at will (as the spell).
Detect Evil (At will) (Sp) You can use detect evil at will (as the spell).
Earth Child Style Defensive training AC increases to +6 against giants
Endurance +4 to a variety of fort saves, skill and ability checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue.
Evasion (Ex) If you succeed at a Reflex save for half damage, you take none instead.
Flowing Dodge (maximum +13) (Ex) At 3rd level, a flowing monk gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC for each enemy adjacent to him, up to a maximum bonus equal to his Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). This ability replaces fast movement.
Flurry of Blows +16/+16/+11/+6/+1 (Ex) Make Flurry of Blows attack as a full rd action.
Greater Sweeping Smite (Ex) Keep smiting additonal adjacent targets as long as you hit.
Hatred +1 Gain a bonus to attack vs goblinoid/reptilian humanoids.
Immobile +4 (Ex) In defensive stance, gain listed bonus to CMD vs. effects that would move you.
Improved Grapple You don't provoke attacks of opportunity when grappling a foe.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Ki Defense (Su) A monk can spend 1 point from his ki pool to give himself a +4 dodge bonus to AC for 1 round.
Ki Pool (Su) You have a ki pool equal to 1/2 your monk level + your Wisdom modifier.
Ki Strike, Magic (Su) If you have ki remaining, unarmed strikes count as magic to overcome DR.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Maneuver Training (Ex) CMB = other BABs + Monk level
Perfect Strike (Ex) Use 1 arcane pool to maximize weapon dam, or 2 for +1 to crit multiplier.
Redirection (4/day, DC 25) (Ex) At 1st level, as an immediate action, a flowing monk can attempt a reposition or trip combat maneuver against a creature that the flowing monk threatens and that attacks him. If the combat maneuver is successful, the attacker is sickened for 1 round
Shield the Weak (13 allies) Give up your save against area effect to grant allies +4 Ref. and improved evasion.
Skill Mastery (????) You can always take 10 with (3 + int modifier) skills.
Slow Fall 20' (Ex) Treat a fall as shorter than normal if within arm's reach of a wall.
Smite Chaos (Su) +12 to hit, +7 to damage, +12 deflection bonus to AC when used.
Smite Evil (2/day) (Su) +12 to hit, +7 to damage, +12 deflection bonus to AC when used.
Spell Combat (Ex) Use a weapon with one hand at -2 and cast a spell with the other.
Spellstrike (Su) Deliver touch spells as part of a melee attack.
Unarmed Strike (2d6) The Monk does lethal damage with his unarmed strikes.
Unbalancing Counter (DC 25) (Ex) At 2nd level, a flowing monk's attacks of opportunity render a struck creature flat-footed until the end of the flowing monk's next turn (Reflex DC 10 + 1/2 the monk's level + Wisdom modifier negates). This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 2
Uncanny Dodge (Ex) Retain Dex bonus to AC when flat-footed.
Unexpected Strike (1/defensive stance) (Ex) In defensive stance, make an AoO if a foe moves into a square you threaten.
Valiant Stand +3 (Su) Bonus to attack and AC if adjacent to multiple opponents but no allies.

Slithery D
2014-08-07, 07:53 AM
If you can use an artifact in Pathfinder you need the Robe of Rifts (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/MagicArtifactsDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Robe%20of%20th e%20Rifts). Gives your armor and natural armor bonuses to touch AC and basically trivializes the touch aspect of the challenge.

I realize you don't allow 3rd party PF, so no Psionics, but I always figured a True Mind Switch with something with high natural armor and dex (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/rakshasa/rakshasa-maharaja), plus this artifact would be a good start for maxing touch AC.

2014-08-07, 08:18 AM
If you can use an artifact in Pathfinder you need the Robe of Rifts (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/MagicArtifactsDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Robe%20of%20th e%20Rifts). Gives your armor and natural armor bonuses to touch AC and basically trivializes the touch aspect of the challenge.

I realize you don't allow 3rd party PF, so no Psionics, but I always figured a True Mind Switch with something with high natural armor and dex (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/rakshasa/rakshasa-maharaja), plus this artifact would be a good start for maxing touch AC.

Unless you can buy it I don't think you would be able to make a character with an artifact.

2014-08-07, 10:33 AM
Elf (with Otherworldly) Wilder 18/Warblade 1/Marshal 1, pick up Metamorphic Transfer, Linked Power and Psychic Reformation, with Metamorphosis and Starmantle via Expanded Knowledge (Starmantle gained via Spell to Power Erudite to make it exist as a power). Take form of visilight and drain charisma for days.

Starmantle makes you immune to attacks with a reflex save, and Warblade adds Charisma to saves thanks to Marshal's Motivate Constitution Minor Aura, but you can't fail them thanks to them being checks. Psychic Reformation for when not in combat for applying said sky high charisma to the saves, so you can put it on whatever you wish, using PsiRef to change.

2014-08-07, 10:43 AM
It's not extremely optimized, but here's a level one build (3.5):

Strongheart Halfling Ninja 1
Abilities: 8's in everything except 18's in Dex and Wis so 6 20 8 8 18 8
Feats: Dodge, Mobility
Items: Potion of Protection from Evil

Passive Touch AC: 20 (+5 Dex, +4 Wis from ninja, +1 size)

Situational Touch AC: 31 (+5 Dex, +4 Wis, +1 size, +9 Dodge, +2 Deflection)
As passive (+10) and provoking an AoO (+4) from his current dodge target (+1) after taking the total defense action (+4) under the influence of his Protection from Evil potion, and the enemy is evil (+2 Deflection).

I'm sure someone can beat this, but there isn't much to work with since you can't use level adjustment and you are stuck with starting gold.

2014-08-07, 11:28 AM
1: Is dragon compendium off limits
2: Do we have to use PC character advancement rules?

2014-08-07, 11:30 AM
1: Is dragon compendium off limits
2: Do we have to use PC character advancement rules?

1. It is published by WotC, therefore it is allowed.
2. Compared to simply advancing HD? Yes, you must use PC character advancement rules.

2014-08-07, 11:50 AM
ECL 20 with LA buyoff:
Gloura, (fallen) Cobra-Strike Monk 2/ Fighter 2/ Blackguard 3/ Arcane Duelist 3/ Mystic Wanderer 1/ Sorcerer 1/ Dragon Devotee 1
Dodge, Mobility, Power Attack, Improved Sunder, Weapon Finesse, Parrying Shield, Divine Shield, Ascetic Mage, Divine Might, Elusive Target, Practiced Spellcaster: Sorcerer.

Str 8 -1
Dex 34 +12 (18 base, +10 race, +6 enhancement)
Con 12 +1 (8 base, +4 race)
Int 8 -1
Wis 14 +2 (8 base, +2 race, +4 enhancement)
Cha 40 +15 (18 base, +6 race, +3 levels, +6 enhancement, +5 inherent, +2 Dragon Devotee)

+6 Enhancement to Dex (36k), +4 Enhancement to Wis (16k), +6 Enhancement to Cha (36k), NPC spellcasting: Wish x5 (132,650), Monk's Belt (13k), +5 Defending Armor Spikes (72,350), +5 Defending/+5 Defending/+5 Defending Elvencraft Composite Longbow (217k), two +5 Defending Gauntlets (144,604)

Touch AC 133
+12 Dex
+16 Monk (7th with Ascetic Mage)
+15 Dodge (Arcane Duelist)
+1 Dodge (Dodge feat, one target)
+19 Shield (Shield spell 5 minute duration, Divine Shield 10 rounds, Parrying Shield)
+15 Profane (Mystic Wanderer)
+15 Deflection (Unearthly Grace from Gloura)
+30 Defending Weapons (Defending is "a bonus that stacks with all others." This would include other Defending bonuses.)
+10 Base

Edit: Sample PO build (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?342828-Damnable-PC-s-need-a-Blackguard-built-that-ll-teach-them-a-lesson!#6).

2014-08-07, 11:54 AM
Biff, you can get 4 more if you account for Mobility :P

2014-08-07, 12:00 PM
Quick 3.5 level 20 version:
Primordial Giant [Secrets of Xen’drik] Half-Giant [Complete Psionics]
Venerable age (-6 physicals, +3 mentals)

Level adjustment buyoff or racial class unfinished, doesn’t matter, either works.
-10 Str
-8 Dex
-6 Con
+7 Int
+3 Wis
+7 Cha

Point buy:
Str 12 (4 points)
Dex 10 (2 points)
Con 8 (0 points)
Int 8 (0 points)
Wis 16 (10 points)
Cha 18 (16 points)

Str 2
Dex 2
Con 2
Int 15
Wis 19
Cha 25

Could add Magic-Blooded from Dragon Magazine #309 but I’ll go with the ban on Dragon for now.

Bard 7/Battledancer 1/Arcane Duelist 2/Sublime Chord 1/Incantatrix 6/Wyrm Wizard 3
Battledancer is from Dragon Compendium, Arcane Duelist was on Wizards site but now it seems to be down. Still, the relevant part is the Cha to AC on level 2. Sublime Chord is Complete Arcane, Incantatrix is Player’s Guide to Faerun, Wyrm Wizard is Dragon Magic (pick Minute Form as the learned spell). Last levels could be better but eh, this’ll do.

1. Expeditious Dodge [Races of the Wild]
Otyugh Hole [Complete Scoundrel]. Iron Will
3. Mobility
6. Extend Spell
B (Battle Dancer). Improved Unarmed Strike
9. Arcane Preparation
12. Arcane Disciple [Complete Divine]: Luck
B (Incantatrix). Persistent Spell
15. Arcane Disciple [Complete Divine]: Competition [Spell Compendium]
B (Incantatrix). Reach Spell
18. Ascetic Mage

Snowsong [Frostburn]: +4 Morale
Inner Beauty [Fiendish Codex I]: +4 Sacred
Greater Visage of the Deity [Spell Compendium]: +4 Untyped
Nixie’s Grace [Spell Compendium]: +8 Enhancement
Tome of Leadership: +5 Inherent

Mentoran Leaf [UA ( http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/campaigns/sanity.htm#mertoranLeaf)]: +2 Alchemical
Assimilate [Power ( http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/assimilate.htm), used through Dorje + Use Psionic Device]: +4

Draconic Polymorph [Draconomicon] into Pit Fiend: 27
Elation : +2 Morale
Inner Beauty [Fiendish Codex I]: +4 Sacred
Greater Visage of the Deity: +2 Untyped
Divine Agility [Spell Compendium]: +10 Enhancement (Miracle to cast, then Reached, then Persisted)
Minute Form [Complete Arcane, through Wyrm Wizard]: +8 Size
Tome of Dex: +5 Inherent

Psychofeedback [Power ( http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/psychofeedback.htm), used through Miracle]: +20 Dex
Assimilate: +4

Buffs include Shapechange into Gloura [Underdark] for Cha to AC (and saves), then Holy Transformation through Miracle for Outsider type and then Draconic Polymorph into a Pit Fiend. All spells are persisted via. Incantatrix.

This gives her all-day stats of:
37 Base (Pit Fiend)
+4 Untyped (Greater Visage)
+4 Sacred (Holy Transformation)
+8 Untyped (Draconic Polymorph)
+2 Morale (Elation)
+16 Enhancement (Bite of the Werebear)
–10 Size (Minute Form)
= 61 Total

27 Base (Pit Fiend)
+2 Untyped (Greater Visage)
+2 Morale (Elation)
+4 Sacred (Inner Beauty)
+10 Enhancement (Divine Agility)
+8 Size (Minute Form)
+5 Inherent
= 58 Total

27 Base (Pit Fiend)
+4 Sacred (Holy Transformation)
+2 Untyped (Draconic Polymorph)
+4 Untyped (Greater Visage)
+8 Enhancement (Bite of the Werebear)
-2 Untyped (Minute Form)
= 43 Total

22 Base (Permanent Polymorph Any Object into Planetar)
+2 Untyped (Greater Visage)
+6 Enhancement (Item)
= 30 Total

19 Base
+4 Untyped (Greater Visage)
+2 Enhancement (Nixie’s Grace)
= 25 Total

25 Base
+4 Morale (Snowsong)
+4 Sacred (Inner Beauty)
+4 Untyped (Greater Visage of the Deity)
+8 Enhancement (Nixie’s Grace)
+5 Inherent (Tome)
= 50 Total

In short:
Str 61
Dex 58
Con 43
Int 30
Wis 25
Cha 50

Then add temporary boosts: -20 Strength, +20 Dex from Psychofeedback, +4 all from Assimilate, -1 Dex, +2 Cha from Mentoran Leaf:

Str: 45 (+17)
Dex: 81 (+35)
Con: 47 (+18)
Int: 34 (+12)
Wis: 29 (+9)
Cha: 56 (+23)

Dex goes straight to Touch AC
Gloura (Shapechange), Arcane Disciple, Battle Dancer and Monk’s Belt (with Ascetic Mage) all grant us Cha to AC
Tortoise Shell [Spell Compendium] totals our Natural Armor at +32 (23 Pit Fiend + 9 Enhancement from Tortoise Shell), which Scintillating Scales [Spell Compendium] turns into Deflection
As Fine creatures, we get +8 Size-bonus to AC
Snowsong gives us +4 Insight to AC
Holy Star [Spell Compendium] gives us +6 Circumstance to AC
Recitation [Spell Compendium] gives us +3 Luck to AC
Shield of Warding [Spell Compendium] gives us +5 Sacred to AC
Divine Protection [Spell Compendium] gives us +1 Morale to AC
Interfaith Blessing [Complete Champion] gives us +2 Untyped to AC if we worship Fharlanghn/Moradin/Pelor - let's worship Fharlanghn
Expeditious Dodge gives us +2 Dodge to AC every round when we move over 40’ (every round even in overland travel ‘cause why not)
Haste has +1 Dodge to AC
Aerial Alacrity [Races of the Wild] has +1 Dodge to AC
Visions of the Future [Player's Handbook II] has +2 Dodge to AC and further can be discharged for ½ caster level (minimum 17, so 8)
Monk’s Belt has +1 untyped
10 AC
+35 Dex
+8 Size (Minute Form)
+23 Cha (Gloura)
+23 Cha (Arcane Duelist)
+23 Cha (Battle Dancer)
+23 Cha (Ascetic Mage)
+32 Deflection (Scintillating Scales Natural Armor)
+4 Insight (Snowsong)
+6 Circumstance (Holy Star)
+3 Luck (Recitation)
+5 Sacred (Shield of Warding)
+2 Untyped (Interfaith Blessing; Fharlanghn/Moradin/Pelor)
+1 Morale (Divine Protection)
+2 Dodge (Expeditious Dodge)
+1 Untyped (Monk’s Belt)
+2 Dodge (Visions of the Future)
+1 Dodge (Haste)
+1 Untyped (Aerial Alacrity)
= [B]205 Touch AC (211 with Visions Discharge)

That’s a good start though Wisdom-based build could probably hit higher numbers. At the very least, maxing Wisdom too could enable using Monk’s Belt, Saint and the Wisdom-based AC sources would probably lead to a significantly higher result (Owl's Insight alone plus caster level buffing, something else I haven't bothered with here, would see to that).

Still, the shell of being able to persist and cast most spells (Miracle gives us access to basically all spells under 8th level and we get it from Luck-domain, and Incantatrix takes care of persisting up to 15 spells each day and Extend Spell allows us to persist twice that amount overall) is solid and makes life quite easy and makes you basically item-independent. I’m not gonna do the nitty-gritty itemization, skills, spell selection and such, nor am I listing the dozens of random special abilities all those spells grant since it’s mostly irrelevant and it’s a momentous effort. Assume Use Psionic Device with 13 cross-class ranks in it for a total of +34 naked score pre-assimilate. Add items if necessary. There's plenty of WBL left after those silly Tomes (or Wishes, whichever one prefers).

EDIT: Made minor improvements, switching to Exalted Raiment from Sacred Haven, replacing Surge of Fortune with Recitation and adding Haste & Aerial Alacrity.
EDIT#2: Remembered Natural Armor enhancement, facepalmed and added Tortoise Shell + Scintillating Scales. Since I wanted to go over 200, I also added Inner Beauty to further buff Dexterity. Which leaves me at 199. Drat. There are some easy ways to add more but they're Profane bonuses and such and I'm deliberately avoiding them in this build. Keeping it good. Defenders of the Faith also has an item that gives +4 Competence to Charisma but that's an unupdated 3.0 source, something else I'm avoiding. Flaws could add some feats that give trivial AC bonuses, I guess, but I'd rather not use them.
EDIT#3: Hah! Cracked it! Interfaith Blessing [Complete Champion], given this Half-Giant worships e.g. Fharlanghn, gives +2 AC!
EDIT#4: With flaws, it would be possible to add Ability Enhancer [Dragon Compendium]. This would add +2 to all stat improving Transmutation spells, which would amount to significant Dex/Cha bonuses. I'm doing this Flawless so I won't peruse this for now but it's worth noting that the option is there. Also, an idea I got from Team Solar, it would be possible to improve the bonuses with the Guardinal Feathers [Complete Champion extra spell compendium] for +2 per spell (it doesn't take a genius to figure out this would be a massive increase in numbers). Again, I won't bother with it for now though; if someone wants to improve upon my result, there's another option.
EDIT#5: Added Visions of the Future.
EDIT#6: Upgraded into Shield of Warding [Spell Compendium] from Exalted Raiment . Added Divine Protection [Spell Compendium].
EDIT#7: Screw it, here's Ability Enhancer version with other temporary nonsense (uses fractional BAB - cut Charm-domain if that's not in):

Bard 1/Battle Sorcerer 6/Battle Dancer 1/Arcane Duelist 2/Sublime Chord 1/Incantatrix 6/Wyrm Wizard 3

Level 5 Sorcerer ACF to not learn an extra level 2 spell, instead getting a Domain Granted Power [Complete Champion] - pick Charm-domain (+4 Charisma for a minute)

1. Expeditious Dodge [Races of the Wild]
[b]Flaw (Noncombatant): Spell Focus: Transmutation
Flaw (Inattentive): Ability Enhancer [Dragon Compendium]
Otyugh Hole [Complete Scoundrel]. Iron Will
3. Mobility
6. Extend Spell
B (Battle Dancer). Improved Unarmed Strike
9. Arcane Preparation
12. Arcane Disciple [Complete Divine]: Luck
B (Incantatrix). Persistent Spell
15. Arcane Disciple [Complete Divine]: Competition [Spell Compendium]
B (Incantatrix). Reach Spell
18. Ascetic Mage

37 Base (Pit Fiend)
+4+2 Untyped (Greater Visage)
+4+2 Sacred (Holy Transformation)
+8+2 Untyped (Draconic Polymorph)
+2 Morale (Elation)
+16+2 Enhancement (Bite of the Werebear)
–10 Size (Minute Form)
= 69 Total

27 Base (Pit Fiend)
+2+2 Untyped (Greater Visage)
+2 Morale (Elation)
+4+2 Sacred (Inner Beauty)
+10+2 Enhancement (Divine Agility)
+8+2 Size (Minute Form)
+5 Inherent
= 66 Total

27 Base (Pit Fiend)
+4+2 Sacred (Holy Transformation)
+2+2 Untyped (Draconic Polymorph)
+4+2 Untyped (Greater Visage)
+8+2 Enhancement (Bite of the Werebear)
-2 Untyped (Minute Form)
= 51 Total

22 Base (Permanent Polymorph Any Object into Planetar)
+2+2 Untyped (Greater Visage)
+6 Enhancement (Item)
= 32 Total

19 Base
+4+2 Untyped (Greater Visage)
+2+2 Enhancement (Nixie’s Grace)
= 29 Total

25 Base
+4 Morale (Snowsong)
+4+2 Sacred (Inner Beauty)
+4+2 Untyped (Greater Visage of the Deity)
+8+2 Enhancement (Nixie’s Grace)
+5 Inherent (Tome)
= 56 Total

With temporary buffs (including Charm-domain) that amounts to:
Str: 53 (+21)
Dex: 89 (+39)
Con: 55 (+22)
Int: 36 (+13)
Wis: 33 (+11)
Cha: 66 (+28)

All defensive buffs are enhanced by Guardinal Feathers [Complete Champion]:
10 AC
+39 Dex
+8 Size (Minute Form)
+28 Cha (Gloura)
+28 Cha (Arcane Duelist)
+28 Cha (Battle Dancer)
+28 Cha (Ascetic Mage)
+34 Deflection (Scintillating Scales Natural Armor) [going by the strict reading where Scintillating Scales doesn't use the word "Bonus" and thus can't be Guardinal Feathered, nor Draconic Polymorph; Feather is instead used with Tortoise Shell for higher Natural Armor to convert]
+4+2 Insight (Snowsong)
+6+2 Circumstance (Holy Star)
+3+2 Luck (Recitation)
+5+2 Sacred (Shield of Warding)
+2+2 Untyped (Interfaith Blessing; Fharlanghn/Moradin/Pelor)
+1+2 Morale (Divine Protection)
+2 Dodge (Expeditious Dodge)
+1 Untyped (Monk’s Belt)
+2+2 Dodge (Visions of the Future)
+1+2 Dodge (Haste)
+1+2 Untyped (Aerial Alacrity)
= 249 Total

I don't want to do math on how much CL we could reasonably get but we're probably looking at 30's which would make Visions give +15+2. Total Defense (Tumble is a class skill so it can be maxed, thus we're looking at +8) would be +8 more and then you can add any number of +1 defending weapons you can wield - Greater Magic Weapon is easily available. We'll go with 1 for brevity here, which would add +5 more. Thus +13 from Defending + Total Defense and discharge Visions for +13 extra (over the +4 it's already giving) or +26 more for 275 Momentary Touch AC. We can further cast Heroics couple of times to get Improved Combat Expertise and cast Divine Power for +20 more for 295. As Sacred bonus, Law Devotion would unfortunately do nothing here, but something like Saint (with level adjustment buyoff) could buff it to 306 already without casting Wis-buffing spells. Of course someone probably just builds a Thrallherd with a couple of appropriate Thralls that blows this all outta water; surprising how much allies with feats can add, really.

That's outside the scope of this redesign though and this build thus reaches a total of 295 momentary AC while flying at 40'+ and using total defense, moving all BAB to AC and discharging Visions of the Future.

No Consumables, no requirements, all day:
10 AC
+28 Dex
+8 Size (Minute Form)
+23 Cha (Gloura)
+23 Cha (Arcane Duelist)
+23 Cha (Battle Dancer)
+23 Cha (Ascetic Mage)
+32 Deflection (Scintillating Scales Natural Armor)
+4 Insight (Snowsong)
+6 Circumstance (Holy Star)
+3 Luck (Recitation)
+5 Sacred (Shield of Warding)
+2 Untyped (Interfaith Blessing; Fharlanghn/Moradin/Pelor)
+1 Morale (Divine Protection)
+1 Untyped (Monk’s Belt)
+2 Dodge (Visions of the Future)
+1 Dodge (Haste)
= 195 Total

No Consumables, no requirements, 1 minute:
10 AC
+38 Dex
+8 Size (Minute Form)
+25 Cha (Gloura)
+25 Cha (Arcane Duelist)
+25 Cha (Battle Dancer)
+25 Cha (Ascetic Mage)
+32 Deflection (Scintillating Scales Natural Armor)
+4 Insight (Snowsong)
+6 Circumstance (Holy Star)
+3 Luck (Recitation)
+5 Sacred (Shield of Warding)
+2 Untyped (Interfaith Blessing; Fharlanghn/Moradin/Pelor)
+1 Morale (Divine Protection)
+1 Untyped (Monk’s Belt)
+2 Dodge (Visions of the Future)
+1 Dodge (Haste)
= 213 Total

Consumables & reasonable requirements:
= 249 Total (see above)

Consumables & absurd requirements:
= 295 Total (see above)

Dug up Arcane Duelist on the Wayback Machine (http://web.archive.org/web/20130628080235/http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20030224a) (Wizards deleting old edition material, argh...

2014-08-07, 04:01 PM
absolutely no one has added 5 ranks in tumble + total defense to thier build for an extra +6. unless i missed it and i am sorry. so that +6 above the highest.

2014-08-07, 05:26 PM
absolutely no one has added 5 ranks in tumble + total defense to thier build for an extra +6. unless i missed it and i am sorry. so that +6 above the highest.

15 ranks is +8 (Oriental Adventures, Extreme Tumbling - Epic rules (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/skills.htm#tumble) continue it from there tho hitting 25 ranks pre-epic is kinda tricky). It's also fairly trivial to Divine Power and Improved Combat Expertise for +20 more. I actually thought about it, but opted against it since I went with the highest maintainable Touch AC instead.

Martimus Prime
2014-08-07, 06:44 PM
I'm thinking half-fey aasimar wilder/swordsage would be the best way to go, at least in terms of a relatively accessible build.

You gain a small racial bonus to DEX right out of the gate. Your substantial CHA goes to your touch AC due to your wilder ability, your decent WIS goes to your AC (including touch) due to swordsage, and as long as you're focused you can use a feat from Complete Psionic to add your armor bonus to your touch AC; proceed to pump the enhancement on a mithril breastplate (your WIS bonus still applies due to light armor), get the strongest defending weapon that you can (untyped bonus), and grab items that boost your DEX/CHA/WIS. Acquire compression to shrink yourself to small size or below to provide flat bonuses to your touch AC. Without specifically granting a touch AC bonus, powers such as concealing amorpha can push this character's untouchability even further, and racial abilities such as protection from law can give you situational deflection bonuses if rings are too expensive at a given point in your career.

Alternatively, switch out swordsage for fighter to allow the armor bonus converted to touch armor to go even higher, picking mithril full plate and a tower shield; I think there's a feat somewhere to add your shield bonus to AC against touch attacks as well, and using the tower shield for cover applies a percentage miss chance on top of all of it.

EDIT: Almost forgot to include Combat Expertise, Dodge, and Mobility for higher levels, as well as ranks in tumble; even outside of the challenge proper, working towards Spring Attack is a good idea, seeing as your hit points will not be good. Presuming, of course, that anyone actually succeeds on applying damage to a target this evasive :smallbiggrin:

2014-08-07, 06:56 PM
OP: I'm interested in this, but can you define practical optimization a bit more rigorously? The builds I've seen so far are absurdly situational (note to avoid offending anyone else: I didn't see all of them, sorry if yours doesn't fit this). I think of them as theoretical optimization. On the other hand, you give a few examples of builds you don't want to see, but I'm not really sure what isn't allowed. Are you thinking of something like Iron Chef (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?349040-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LVII) requirements?

edit: tried to clarify

2014-08-07, 07:11 PM
OP: I'm interested in this, but can you define practical optimization a bit more rigorously? The builds I've seen so far are absurdly situational and thus in no way practical. Are you thinking of something like Iron Chef (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?349040-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LVII) requirements?

Yeah, in retrospect, if I do future challenges I'm going to just copy the Iron Chef rules.

Basically, no going Infinite.

2014-08-07, 07:58 PM
OP: I'm interested in this, but can you define practical optimization a bit more rigorously? The builds I've seen so far are absurdly situational. I think of them as theoretical optimization. On the other hand, you give a few examples of builds you don't want to see, but I'm not really sure what isn't allowed. Are you thinking of something like Iron Chef (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?349040-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LVII) requirements?

edit: tried to clarify

Not sure why a Wilder is situational. The dip of Marshal and Warblade are possibly unnecessary, but Metamorphic Transfer and Psychic Reformation are among the most powerful powers available, while Linked Power...

2014-08-07, 08:05 PM
OP: I'm interested in this, but can you define practical optimization a bit more rigorously? The builds I've seen so far are absurdly situational. I think of them as theoretical optimization. On the other hand, you give a few examples of builds you don't want to see, but I'm not really sure what isn't allowed. Are you thinking of something like Iron Chef (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?349040-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-in-the-Playground-LVII) requirements?

edit: tried to clarify

Well, the build I made is at least perfectly functional by virtue of being a caster with 9th level spells from Bard/Wizard lists and some goodies from Cleric-list too, and even the numbers are sustainable aside from the few spike abilities. Granted, basically all the 9th level slots are wasted buffing with silly spells you wouldn't normally bother with in order to maximize the touch AC but we're still talking about a caster with Shapechange active, most under-9th slots open (and with that Charisma there's a fair number of them), massive casting stat & solid defensive setup overall so his output will be quite relevant.

Not the kind of character I'd necessary play and certainly one wasting lots of resources but that, I find, is the inevitable side effect of trying to maximize a single value on a level 20 character especially in a way where the desired effect is specifically as high a stat in one value as possible as opposed to circumventing the problem. Far as the TO/PO spectrum goes, I would certainly allow the character I posted in an Incantatrix-allowing level 20 game (indeed, it'd obviously be on the weak side in such a game). It doesn't loop anything, it doesn't really break the game, the worst it even uses is Shapechange and Incantatrix Persisting (both are, of course, ridiculous but again, we're talking about level 20 casters here and all 3.5 is explicitly allowed in this challenge).

2014-08-07, 09:17 PM
While not going infinite, it's probably bordering on TO, but here goes:

Killer Bee the Chaotic Evil Human

Factotum 3/(ex)Monk 1/Battle Dancer 1/Ur Priest 2/Spell Dancer 1/Mystic Wanderer 1)/Vermin Lord 10/Symbiotic LA 1

Vermin Lord forms a Hivemind from a Swarm of Wasps.

From Fiend Folio, Wasps Swarms are medium sized, constiting of fine sized wasps.

A single Wasp swarm consists of 10,000 fine sized creatures.

When swarms form a Hivemind, beyond a certain size, each creature in the Hivemind gain 1 Int and Cha for every 50 individual creatures in the Hivemind. That's roughly 200 Int and Cha from 1 Wasp swarm. Gather or summon 6 Wasp swarms and form the Hivemind. (Using 6 because Swarms normally occupy 4 squares. 6 is the max I can fit in a cube of 27 squares so that none are more than 10 ft away from any other)

Vermin Lord includes his Vermin Familiar as part of the Hivemind. Now the familiar gains the Int and Cha bonus.

Vermin Lord forms a Symbiotic Creature (+LA template from savage species) with his Vermin Familiar as the guest. Mental attributes in a symbiotic creature is based on the guest.

Vermin Lord now has an extra 1200 int and cha. Gaining a bonus of 600 to any int and cha related stats. He also gains the ability to cast level 9 sorceror spells.

Int to AC twice (Kung Fu Genius Monk and Factotum Cunning Defense)
Cha to AC twice (Battle Dancer and Mystic Wanderer).

From stats alone, that's +2400 to AC and Touch AC.

Can go up more via
9 level Divine spells
9 level Sorceror spells
Can apply metamagic like Persist on all buffs using Spell dancer.
Dumping a fraction of the extra feats gained from the Hivemind into Font of Inspiration to gain Inspiration points.
Remaining feats from Hivemind can be used to pick up AC boosting feats.
There should be a way to use Rebuke undead to gain more AC.

2014-08-07, 09:35 PM
I'm surprised none has gone Deepwarden Fist of the Forest yet.

2014-08-08, 01:36 AM
Not sure why a Wilder is situational. The dip of Marshal and Warblade are possibly unnecessary, but Metamorphic Transfer and Psychic Reformation are among the most powerful powers available, while Linked Power...

Well, the build I made is at least perfectly functional by virtue of being a caster with 9th level spells from Bard/Wizard lists and some goodies from Cleric-list too, and even the numbers are sustainable aside from the few spike abilities.
My apologies to both of you. Vaz I saw Gnomely Burrell and the Stronghear Halfling Ninja and skipped over yours. Eldariel I completely missed yours. 9th-level spells are certainly practical.

Shaikujin, I think using Symbiotic template pretty much means (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-322352.html) NI AC if you're trying. Having said that, I applaud your use of Vermin Lord and the spacing rules.

And on that note, here's a pair of builds for pathfinder, abusing a completely reasonable rule that Paizo instituted:

The Politician
LG Poltergeist Oracle 7/Holy Vindicator 6/Exalted 5

He died 20 years ago, but he's still the best ruler the city's ever had, even if he never leaves the capital building. But even the best rulers inspire enemies.

Build:Note: I'm using CR as base level according to this rule by Paizo: http://paizo.com/PRD/monsters/monstersAsPCs.html

Str - (7 base)
Dex 30 (18 base + 2 racial + 4 tome + 6 item) (+10)
Con - (7 base)
Int 5 (11 base - 6 racial)
Wis 10 (8 base + 2 racial)
Cha 34 (18 base + 2 racial + 4 levels + 4 tome + 6 item) (+12)

(ignoring level 1 due to racial feats)
3 Alignment Channel
5 Skill Focus (K: Religion)
7 Deific Obediance (Desna)
9 Martial Weapon Proficiency
11 open
13 open
15 open
17 open
19 Dodge

Relevant Abilities:
Incorporeal (CHA to AC)
Oracle Spellcasting (17 levels)
Life Mystery (grants Channel Energy using Oracle Level as cleric level)
Channel Energy (Holy Vindicator levels stack with Oracle levels for channeling) 13 levels = 7d6
vindicator’s shield
Expanded Portfolio - Luck Domain (grants Moment of Prescience)

Skills: 5x K: Religion, 5x Diplomacy

110000 Tome of CHA +4
110000 Manual of DEX +4
36000 Headband of CHA +6
36000 Belt of DEX + 6
47022 +1 Dueling Defending Luthier's Rapier (from Pathfinder Companion: Second Darkness Player's Guide)
22002 +1 Defending Dagger
Out of 880,000 gp (source: http://paizo.com/PRD/gamemastering.html)

1. Casts Death Knell 8 times each morning on some alignment-opposed ants to get +7 CL for 10 minutes.
2. Cast several spells at CL 25:
-Moment of Prescience for situational +25 insight to AC.
-Greater Magic Weapon on each weapon, uses the whole enhancement for +10 AC (if it stacks, +5 if not)
3. Use Vindicator's Shield for +7 sacred/profane bonus to AC
4. Use Luthier's Rapier's ability for +4 sacred bonus to CHA for 10 minutes
5. Total Defense for +4 AC

Total AC = 10 base + 10 DEX + 14 CHA + 5/10 enhancement + 25 insight + 7 sacred/profane + 1 dodge + 4 total defense = 76/81

1. Archon's Aura gives opponents within 20 ft. -2 to-hit, which is like +2 touch AC.
2. Polymorphing into a humanoid with UMD+a scroll and getting a Succubus's Profane Gift grants +2 CHA = +1 AC when the polymorph wears off, but it's cheesy.

Hm, I haven't really used those class levels. Let's try the high-level route:

Ghost Rider
LG Penanggalen Advanced Arcanotheign Oracle 1/Paladin 1/Hellknight Commander 1

You can take your flavor text and eat it.

Str - (7 base)
Dex 33 (9 base + 16 racial + 4 advanced + 4 Penanggalen)
Con - (10 base)
Int 33 (7 base + 20 racial + 4 advanced + 2 Penanggalen)
Wis 34 (18 base + 10 racial + 4 advanced + 2 Penanggalen) (+12)
Cha 54 (18 base + 16 racial + 4 advanced + 4 Penanggalen + 1 levels + 5 tome + 6 item) (+22)

BAB 18 (racial) + 1 Paladin + 1 Hellknight Commander = +20

17 Osyluth Guile (+CHA as dodge bonus to AC)
19 Combat Expertise (+6 AC)

Relevant Abilities:
Incorporeal (CHA to AC)
Lore Mystery
Revelation: Sidestep Secret (CHA replaces DEX to AC)
Smite Evil (CHA to AC vs target)
Smite Chaos (CHA to AC vs target)

137500 Tome of CHA +5
36000 Headband of CHA +6
101020 +5 Dueling Defending Luthier's Rapier (from Pathfinder Companion: Second Darkness Player's Guide)
76102 +5 Defending Dagger

1. Uses Command Undead on a Frostfallen Fleshwarped Advanced Half-Celestial Half-Fiend Half-Janni Dream-Eater Half-Dragon (each of the 10 types) Haunted-One Blighted-Fey Fey Succubus Oathkeeper-Paladin 8 (16 HD, 85 Cha)*
2. Commands the succubi to use their Loyal Oath on him for +37 sacred bonus to AC
3. Activates Luthier's Rapier ability for +4 CHA
4. Uses the whole enhancement on his defending weapons for +10 AC (if they stack, +5 if not)
5. Selects a target for Smite Evil and Smite Chaos
6. Fights Defensively for 6+CHA to AC

*This may qualify as a stupid RAW abuse. If you think so, ignore it.

AC = 10 base + 24*4 CHA + 37 sacred + 5/10 enhancement + 25 dodge + 6 Fighting Defensively = 179/184 vs Smite Evil & Chaos target, 131/136 otherwise

I invite anyone to improve these if you can, I made them up pretty quickly and am not sure they're completely optimized.

Edit: added templates to Ghost Rider, remembered Outsiders have MWP, more stuff for Ghost Rider including use of Command Undead and stacking all the CHA-boosting templates. Still not sure it's completely optimized, eg. is there a better choice for template-stacking than Succubus? But I'm probably done for now.