View Full Version : Thoughts about fumbles and criticals from Dragon Compendium

2014-08-07, 03:15 AM
So I've been going over the Dragon Compendium and I came across these tables. The group I lead isn't really hard on optimization and prefer flavor and story, so I thought this might be interesting to add. I realize that fumbles are generally a bad thing, since they penalize the mundane classes, but as far as I can tell the critical hit table gives a big advantage which in my mind makes up for the fumbles. Thoughts?

2014-08-07, 04:29 PM

2014-08-07, 05:08 PM
No, it is not worth it.

The critical effects table might be worth implementing, but unless those effects are in addition to the damage, usually the damage is better because it kills them.

That fumble table is crippling. 20 % chance (it's listed twice) of a Dex check or prone and 1d4 rounds of stun. That basically removes you from the fight. 8% chance to hit and maybe kill an ally. Same to hit and maybe kill yourself. CHANCE OF WEAPON DESTRUCTION. There is a reason rust monsters have no place on any random encounter table.

2014-08-07, 05:18 PM
I just bought the deck of critical fumble cards I'm going to try and use them Saturday in our game.

I thought they sounded fun and my players surprisingly all thought it would be funny to implement. I figure we'll give it a shot and if they don't like it we'll stop using them no biggy.