View Full Version : Trouble with FOrceward

Max Caysey
2014-08-07, 07:01 AM

Yeah so... I have had trouble understanding whether this ward moves with you.

(Spell Compendium, p. 98)

Abjuration [Force]
Level: Sorcerer 4, Wizard 4, Spellthief 4,
Components: V, S,
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: 15 ft.
Effect: 15-ft.-radius sphere centered on you
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: Will negates; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes

Waving your arm about your head to trace the curve of a dome, you call up a hemisphere of force as clear as glass.

You create an unmoving, transparent sphere of force centered on you. The sphere negates force effects and provides an impassable barrier against incorporeal creatures. Spells with the force descriptor do not affect anything within the sphere, and any force spell that overlaps the area, such as wall of force, is automatically countered. Incorporeal creatures, or creatures with the force descriptor must make a Will save to enter the area of the sphere.

Forceward does not push a creature out of the way if you move toward an incorporeal creature or force effect and such creatures are treated as if they automatically succeeded on their saving throws against this spell.

I have highlighted the, what I feel is inconsistencies.

THanks in advance

2014-08-07, 07:18 AM
Here is my attempt at a completely literal RAW reading.

1. The sphere does not move.
2. If you move (out of the sphere and) toward an incorporeal/force creature, it automatically succeeds on its saving throw to enter the sphere, even though you're no longer in it. What "towards" means in this case is likely determined by something like whether your path's line would cross through the creature's square.

Note that, given 1, it's indeed true that you don't push anyone out of the way by moving.

Here is my attempt at a RAI reading:

1. The sphere does not move with you. That's it.

2014-08-07, 07:30 AM
An alternative RAI reading is that the sphere always remains centered on you (i.e. unmoving related to the caster), because otherwise the last paragraph would be meaningless, but the interpretation that the dome may not be moved and the second paragraph is just remnant of earlier version of spell that allowed the dome to be moved is more likely.

Max Caysey
2014-08-07, 08:34 AM
An alternative RAI reading is that the sphere always remains centered on you (i.e. unmoving related to the caster), because otherwise the last paragraph would be meaningless, but the interpretation that the dome may not be moved and the second paragraph is just remnant of earlier version of spell that allowed the dome to be moved is more likely.

INdeed, but still I find in unclear just exactl what ruling should be used. Yes I know this shoould be up to DM, but I like to have popular vote from this place!

2014-08-07, 09:01 AM
Nothing in the SpC Errata, nor in the CDH. Looks like you've found yourself a new rules dysfunction.

Fax Celestis
2014-08-12, 05:44 PM
I think that's holdover text from other abjuration spells that wasn't picked up in post-editing.

If an abjuration creates a barrier that keeps certain types of creatures at bay, that barrier cannot be used to push away those creatures. If you force the barrier against such a creature, you feel a discernible pressure against the barrier. If you continue to apply pressure, you end the spell.

As with many abjuration spells, forcing the barrier against creatures that the spell keeps at bay strains and collapses the field.

2014-08-12, 09:50 PM
I think that's holdover text from other abjuration spells that wasn't picked up in post-editing.

True, it looks like a cross between the wording from spells like antimagic field and repel vermin.

If it did move, it sounds like you could just stroll through walls of force willy-nilly.

Max Caysey
2014-08-13, 02:25 AM
I'm personally inclined to think that is should move or was intended to move with the character. Again... the spell is badly worded.