View Full Version : Good melee classes that go with Soul Eater

2014-08-07, 09:50 AM
Ok, so I had a question. If I make a level 6 build, what would go well with Soul Eater and make the character a very efficient fighter (meaning can kill easily). Let's say regular stat buy (28 points), regular feat progression, 1 flaw allowed, and any race or class allowed. Any suggestions? I basically want to be able to attack alot, and deal as many negative levels as possible in a round (while having a decent chance of hitting something).

2014-08-07, 09:52 AM
Warshaper is generaly the go to thing to go with souleater since it can grant an absurd amount of attacks.

2014-08-07, 09:56 AM
I would need another class to get to +4 BAB by level 5 for warshaper, and I can only take 1 level in order to switch to Soul Eater. I want my 6th level to be SE.

2014-08-07, 10:00 AM
I'm not too familliar with it but I believe totemist aslo grant some natural attacks.

2014-08-07, 10:02 AM
It depends on how your GM rules the Negative levels work. Do they apply any time you touch an enemy (ie, every hit with a natural weapon)?

If so, Whirling Frenzy barbarian, and after your first level in Soul Eater, switch to Totemist.

If not, it depends on what race you're using to enter.

2014-08-07, 10:06 AM
Elderand, yes Totemist does, but I wouldn't make the BAB in time :(

And Keledrath, any races are open, so idk which would be good to use for natural weapons.

2014-08-07, 10:19 AM
Kobolds. The web enhancement gives them 2 claws and a bite. Grab Weapon finesse and at level 6 you can be dishing out 3 negative levels/turn.

2014-08-07, 10:34 AM
Charisma is a good secondary for them. The Life Drain feat as cha to the HP lost with negative levels.

Also, tibbits.

There is a weapon enhancement that adds your energy drain to your attacks, which is pretty sweet.

Wildshape Ranger with forms that grant a lot of attacks. Fleshrakers?

2014-08-07, 11:04 AM
You'd need a full BAB class with access to natural attacks, unless you wish to be a Kobold or a Tibbit, neither of which particularly lend themselves well to melee, despite the natural attacks, and neither qualify for Soul Eater straight out of the box due to typing.

To get Weapon Focus, you need to be proficient in them, which means you need to be an Aberration, Dragon, Giant, Magical Beast, Plant, or Undead, and of those type, a few specify non-humanoid ones.

The only way I can think of being any of those is through being a Dragonwrought Kobold, Volodni, or Necropolitan, and unless you have access to LA buy-off or your DM grants you bonus XP, Necropolitan and Volodni are out of the question.

To qualify in time, you need 3 feats, but you only have 2 before ECL6. That means you need some form of Bonus feat to get a Fighter Bonus Feat. There are two Full BAB classes I know which can do that in 5 levels, and that's Fighter 1/X4, and Warblade 5.

2014-08-07, 11:29 AM
I made an E6 build for this before. Go Elan with City Brawler Barbarian/Whirling Frenzy, and Battledancer. Grab improved two weapon fighting and snap kick. You attack 6 times only with unarmed strikes, and you can probably add extra with abyssal heritor/ilithid/aberration feats.

2014-08-07, 11:30 AM
How does Elan qualify?

2014-08-07, 11:32 AM
Aberration type = not a humanoid

2014-08-07, 11:34 AM
You need Weapon Focus in a natural attack, which is something that unarmed strikes are not (you get iteratives, etc), and you need to be proficient in that unarmed strike, which is something humanoid shaped aberrations like the Elan are not.

2014-08-07, 11:38 AM
You need Weapon Focus in a natural attack, which is something that unarmed strikes are not (you get iteratives, etc), and you need to be proficient in that unarmed strike, which is something humanoid shaped aberrations like the Elan are not.

IIRC, Unarmed Strikes are natural attacks with a specific exception that allows iteratives. I would few a different ruling as jerkishly pedantic.

2014-08-07, 11:39 AM
Honestly if your DM is already going with that simply touching them activates the neg levels, and it isn't a standard action to use it. I would not go with something that is multiple attack patterns,as it will eat into your build and limit you to the point you will grow bored with it once the cool factor wares off.

I would suggest an evil crusader, for both thematics and purpose. Your entire job is to attract attention , and it gives you a double layer of punishment as you will have the build already to withstand the attention you will draw, but between the crusaders natrual healing via hitting something, and the negative level absorption temp hp you get, it would make you a very durable and annoying tank, and still give you something to do as at level 5 you gain access to things that litterly let you punch throw walls.

2014-08-07, 11:48 AM
Vaz, Tibbits are Monstrous Humanoids. That type is proficient with any weapons mentioned in its entry, such as it's cat claw attacks. Tibbits qualify out of the box.

CE Tibbit Soulborn 4/Whirlpouncebarian 1/Soul Eater 1; take Open Least Chakra (Feet) at level 6. Ignore the -8 strength penalty from cat form via Incarnum Defense. Bind Thunderstep Boots and dump your essentia point that you got from the Soulborn bonus feat into it. Charge, hit 4 times, inflict 4 negative levels, and get 2d4 bonus damage and a chance to stun on every hit. Might be non-terrible.

2014-08-07, 11:51 AM
Honestly if your DM is already going with that simply touching them activates the neg levels, and it isn't a standard action to use it. I would not go with something that is multiple attack patterns,as it will eat into your build and limit you to the point you will grow bored with it once the cool factor wares off.

I would suggest an evil crusader, for both thematics and purpose. Your entire job is to attract attention , and it gives you a double layer of punishment as you will have the build already to withstand the attention you will draw, but between the crusaders natrual healing via hitting something, and the negative level absorption temp hp you get, it would make you a very durable and annoying tank, and still give you something to do as at level 5 you gain access to things that litterly let you punch throw walls.

Do Armor Spikes qualify for Necrotic Focus enchantment from Libris Mortis?

Tibbit could take Underfoot Combat (http://dndtools.eu/feats/races-of-the-wild--84/underfoot-combat--3018/) for an AC boost. And the idea of a cat making a hoard of undead slaves to pet it is funny to me. Other than that any Anthro Animal that gets natural weapons would work. There is a pretty famous Anthro Giant Squid build out there somewhere.

2014-08-07, 11:53 AM
You should look it up and find out lol

2014-08-07, 12:01 PM
You can do a warshaper build no problem. Not sure your race, but the way I did the build was white dragonspawn changeling with the +1 la bought off.

1 Barbarian - Alertness, Lion totem (pounce)
2 Barbarian - Wolf totem (Improved Trip)
1 Fighter - knock down, bonus feat (weapon focus)
2 Fighter - bonus feat (power attack)
1 Warshaper
1 Soul Eater -

2014-08-07, 12:06 PM
You should look it up and find out lol

I can tell you this, trying to thumb through books while a one year old is climbing on you and trying to play with the pages is not easy... but it seems to work but unless the OP is going for a grapple or two-handed weapon build probably not worth it.

The Insaniac
2014-08-07, 02:00 PM
A warforged with second slam and jaws of doom might be a good way to pull it off. Kobold isn't a valid choice because soul eater requires that you be non-humanoid.

2014-08-07, 02:04 PM
Anthropomorphic octopus whirl-pounce barbarian 5/soul eater 1/totemist X would probably suit your needs.Kinda cheesy though.

Edit: I may be forgetting some racial hit dice in there. But monstrous humanoid has full BAB anyways

2014-08-07, 02:10 PM
So my wildshape ranger suggestion has no traction? Oh well. I'll build one sometime for a later game. I like the idea.

2014-08-07, 02:15 PM
So my wildshape ranger suggestion has no traction? Oh well. well, if it helps, thats how I entered soul eater in a one shot game. Warforged wildshape ranger, into soul eater 1, seven levels of master of many forms, then warshaper for even more attacks.

Edit: you might make your dm cry, but it is so fun

2014-08-07, 02:22 PM
well, if it helps, thats how I entered soul eater in a one shot game. Warforged wildshape ranger, into soul eater 1, seven levels of master of many forms, then warshaper for even more attacks.

Edit: you might make your dm cry, but it is so fun

That... that sounds so... dear god, I can feel the book hitting me already lol. And Snowbluff, I have never heard of a wildshape ranger O.o sorry.

Jeff the Green
2014-08-07, 02:25 PM
also, tibbits.

It might be interesting to throw Soul Eater on to the basis of the Cathulhu build. Something like Soulborn 2/Stoneblessed 3/Goliath Barbarian 1/Soul Eater 10/Warshaper 2/Totemist 2. You do have to delay Soul Eater entry thanks to the lossed BAB from Stoneblessed, but in return you get the option of being tiny or large as you prefer, three natural weapons (plus UAS, ideally) until level 17, then basically infinite. You could also intersperse Warshaper and Totemist with the Soul Eater.

Plus Tibbits qualify for the cat feats (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fools/20030401c), some of which are decent and synergistic with other nice feats for melee.

2014-08-07, 02:26 PM
That... that sounds so... dear god, I can feel the book hitting me already lol. And Snowbluff, I have never heard of a wildshape ranger O.o sorry.

You lose some things for Wildshape and Fast Movement. You can find it on the SRD, IIRC.

2014-08-07, 02:39 PM
IIRC, Unarmed Strikes are natural attacks with a specific exception that allows iteratives. I would few a different ruling as jerkishly pedantic.

Eh. The rules of the game articles specifically support me. I can't comment on your houserules, however. Thanks for your opinion, though. It is noted.

Fair catch on tibbits, opened my DMC and saw first sentence, calling them humanoids.

Wildshape ranger wouldn't qualify for SE in time unless it has some Natural Attack otherwise.

2014-08-07, 03:33 PM
[QUOTE=Plus Tibbits qualify for the cat feats (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fools/20030401c), some of which are decent and synergistic with other nice feats for melee.[/QUOTE]

They make great assassins with those too.