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2014-08-07, 03:54 PM
Hello! I am wondering if there are any RPGs out there, in which you play as Monsters. Preferably rules lite, and not GRUPS(I HATE that system), Anything from White Wolf Publishing(My group HATES that system), Or BESM(None of us understand that system) or Class/Level based like D&D/Pathfinder.

The idea is that you're a monster, doing a 9 to 5 job, like Monster's Inc, but tasked with killing a target or group of targets in a very Slasher Movie style(rather then scaring children). Little Fears, as well as Monsters and Other Childish Things, are to geared towards the children characters to work for me, and Monster Island, is to focused on Kajiu Pay-Per-View Wrestling. So I am wondering if there exist a system that focuses specifically on the above.

So to Summarize:

Monsters Inc If it was a Horror Movie
Rules Lite
Point By over Classes and Levels
No White Wolf

Thanks in advance for any help you offer!!

PS: The first person to suggest anything on the "NO!!!" list, get's -10 bazillion Interwebs. :smalltongue:

2014-08-07, 04:21 PM
Lost Souls (http://www.hauntedattic.org/lostsouls.html) probably counts - everyone is some form of undead, trying to accrue karma so going out and killing people is not the best idea.

You could do this with Chaosium's Basic Roleplay system (so Avalon Hill RQ3 is what I am actually thinking of) - play a chaos party.

2014-08-07, 06:28 PM
Well, there's a Brazilian system for just that... To top it off, it's completely free (http://newsrpg.wordpress.com/category/nova-vecchi-editora/). But I guess this doesn't help you at all, right? :smallbiggrin:

2014-08-07, 06:55 PM
I'm not sure you'll be able to find any of the books anymore but.....


2014-08-07, 08:26 PM
Apocalypse Prevention, Inc. from Third Eye Games. There are a number of races, including variants on werewolves, vampires, ghosts, changelings, and the Creature from the Black Lagoon. Characters are point-based, everything is based on the roll of a d20. It also has a Savage Worlds conversion, if that's your poison, but it also allow you to switch monsters from SW to API.

2014-08-08, 02:23 AM
Of the ones I could find more information on, they don't seem to be what I need. Though defiantly going to have to add them to my collection for later use, and your suggestions did help me better think of how to explain my needs.

I need something that would allow me to quickly, and rapidly, pump out monsters, though a combination of abilities, with skills/stats being bought or randomly rolled, and the abilities possibly altered by a small list of augment thingies(the difference between a Fireball and a Lightening Blast being the elemental type). So as to do a game of The Cabin In the Woods, but with the players being the monsters going after the humans.

Something that could do MORE then that is great. But I'm not looking for "Monsters, Hiding among humanity" or these "We are Monsters...But we are all Humanity has against the darkness." Goodie Heros/AntiHeroes. They are no more heroes or valiant then some random Joe in a diner. Just the kind of creatures you would find in a horror movie, all complied together and given personalities. It's more about the roleplaying then the carnage, but still needs to be lethal and have a combat system to allow for the carnage.

2014-08-11, 08:38 AM
I would suggest Mutants and Masterminds 3rd edition. You wouldn't need to do much refluffing, and it's a versatile enough system that you can do veritally any monster you want as long as the number of points the GM sets the game at is high enough.

2014-08-12, 09:18 PM
I had considered Mutants and Masterminds, but it isn't all that lethal of a system, which for what it's meant for(comic book emulation) it does fine, but not for this. I do appricate all the suggestions, which have added to my wishlist for games to add to my library but none of the suggested really covers what I am seeking.

2014-08-13, 02:10 AM
Fudge works pretty well for this. It's a generic system, and was written by a GURPS author who got sick of GURPS's mountain of rules and decided to make something much simpler. The perks:

A mechanical scale system for mass, which works via geometric growth and can handle a wide variety of monster sizes.
No fixed list of attributes - if you want the attributes to be Teeth, Guile, Scales, and Prescence, go for it.
No fixed list of skills - you can implement a skill list that fits monsters easily.
Potentially fairly deadly. You'll want to compress the wound system a bit, but any real damage leaves actual wounds which weaken the characters (penalties). Fudge has a bit of a death spiral built in, and that's actually a good thing here.
It's free.

The one downside is that Fudge basically requires some GM work. You'll have to select attributes, you might need to select a skill list (though I generally let players define skills for themselves), there are some decisions to make as Fudge basically has a variant rule or two for most everything, except instead of there being the basic rule and variants there are just a set of rules to select from.

2014-08-13, 04:18 AM
Goodie Heros/AntiHeroes. They are no more heroes or valiant then some random Joe in a diner. Just the kind of creatures you would find in a horror movie, all complied together and given personalities. It's more about the roleplaying then the carnage, but still needs to be lethal and have a combat system to allow for the carnage. Sounds great

2014-08-13, 05:09 PM
I had considered Mutants and Masterminds, but it isn't all that lethal of a system, which for what it's meant for(comic book emulation) it does fine, but not for this. I do appricate all the suggestions, which have added to my wishlist for games to add to my library but none of the suggested really covers what I am seeking.

I'm pretty sure there are rules for lethal combat and you can just rule that combat defaults to these rules. (Cause, you know, gotta represent when Deathstroke Stabs you through the chest or shoots you in the face with armor piercing high explosive rounds and what not.)

2014-08-14, 11:45 AM
I know it's splitting hairs, and M&M 3e has that pretty DC Skin attached to it but....I've always used it for Marvel, Deadpool, much more awesome then Deathstroke. :smalltongue:

But anyway, My group was considering using West End Games Men In Black, and porting over the Ghoastbuster's International Ghost Powers to fill in the blanks, as soon as we can decide what game to go with now that we have these new ones in our library of gamatude. XD