View Full Version : Mantle of the Fiery Soul and Khyber Shard Holy Symbol

Promises Kept
2014-08-07, 07:15 PM
Alright, so this is an interesting little trick, one I've not seen mentioned anywhere else: A Dweomerkeeper (or any cleric willing to spend 2000 xp and 5000 gp/creature) can Command any creature in the game not immune to Transmutation effects. A Fire-aligned Khyber Shard Holy Symbol (FoE 155) allows a cleric to use Rebuking on any "creature of the inset element," which is, in this case, fire. Mantle of the Fiery Soul (It's Hot Outside) permanently adds the fire subtype to any creature. The important part is this: non-undead have no Turn Resistance and lower HD than undead of similar CR. Need Wizard casting forever? Gate a Black Ethergaunt or Dread Linnorm in, ask it to submit to Mantle of the Fiery Soul and wait one round as your service. Proceed to have a perfectly loyal uber-wizard companion at almost no cost. Need some terraforming, base defense, or a terrifying Siege weapon? Grab a Spirit of the Land. If you really want to get your DM's goat, do this to the BBEG - there is very little defense after the first save, as non-undead don't have measures for dealing with Turning. To make the trick even more terrifying, make use of Negative Levels. You can Command *anything* if you load it down with enough of those, and have as many creatures as your Rebuking level (which can be quite high, depending on how you boost it). Now, I'm sure I've missed something, here, particularly in the way of ideal targets. Thoughts?

2014-08-07, 07:29 PM
A Khyber shard holy symbol only takes up money, but its a from a setting specific book which may or may not be allowed by some DMs. The Fire Domain ability in the SRD does precisely the same thing, except it can be used more than once in a day and can't be stolen from you (though admittedly it takes up one of your few domains). Just seems worth mentioning.

Promises Kept
2014-08-07, 07:34 PM
Huh, I'd sort of assumed that they were more specific than that (like requiring the elemental type). Didn't even bother to check. Egg on my face, I suppose.