View Full Version : Optimization Awesome rolls, what should I do with them?

2014-08-08, 02:34 AM
I'm playing in an Eberron Campaign where any 3.5 official material goes (this includes Dragon and Dungeon magazines).

I rolled the following using 5d6 keep the top 3.


I'm probably playing with a Cleric and Illusionist Wizard, so I'd prefer something that can keep up with tiers 1 and 2 but also take advantage of those high rolls. It doesn't need to be MAD, just something that really use those high stats.

Besides that, I'm pretty open. Just keep in mind that the group I'm playing with is mid-op at the most.

2014-08-08, 02:37 AM
Archivists make for a pretty MAD tier one class, as do clerics. The former have the dual-stat casting thing, and the latter want charisma for turn attempts and reasonable physical stats for beatstickery.

2014-08-08, 07:13 AM
Eberron? Halfling Paladin of Dol Arrah from the Talenta Plains. You get a dinosaur mount.

Or a warforged monk could be fun.

With scores like that and your group being mid-op at best, time to run with a lower tier mad class.

2014-08-08, 07:34 AM
I would go as some kind of gish. A sorcerer/paladin or a wizard/warblade into abjurant champion. They tend to need good physical stats on top of a good casting stat.

2014-08-08, 07:38 AM
I'm playing in an Eberron Campaign where any 3.5 official material goes (this includes Dragon and Dungeon magazines).

I rolled the following using 5d6 keep the top 3.


I'm probably playing with a Cleric and Illusionist Wizard, so I'd prefer something that can keep up with tiers 1 and 2 but also take advantage of those high rolls. It doesn't need to be MAD, just something that really use those high stats.

Besides that, I'm pretty open. Just keep in mind that the group I'm playing with is mid-op at the most.

I'd go for an archery-based bard, I think. Dragonfire Inspiration is probably overkill; I think you can handle this with basic Inspire Courage and bard buffs. You'd want the 18/16 in Cha/Dex (could probably flip-flop those either way and still make it work). I think there is a bow of songs or something in MiC that lets you add Cha to damage or something similarly nifty.

Why bard? Well, with those Tier 1s doing their thing, you'll want to cover a couple different roles, which bard does well with skills and face value. If the cleric is face or close-combat, you can buff that up. Archery is a good way to be relevant in mid op without being overpowered, keeps you safe, and lets you safely rejigger between singing/spells/damage round-to-round without worrying about being cornered.

Others more versed in bards can probably come up with more tricks, but you mentioned mid-op, so you don't want ot go overboard. As for race, I'd go with something unusual, in order to break the half-elf bard or similar stereotypes. Ever wanted to play a dwarven archer? This is a good place for dream dwarf. Or perhaps one of the variant half-orcs/sharakim or such, orcish skald? That would be cool, but I don't know a way to avoid that Cha hit that half-orcs have to deal with (though I seem to recall there being something).

Buomman? That would be cool. Buomman kung-fu bard archer? Would be some interesting role play, for sure.

2014-08-08, 12:25 PM
I know you said it was Eberon CS, but if your DM allows, go for the Ruby Knight Windicator (assuming the obvious fix for Divine Impetus is in play). It's a really awesome class but also insanely MAD (like, Monk-level MAD)

2014-08-08, 01:11 PM
Thanks for the ideas everyone! To address something that I didn't make clear. I don't know this group too well yet, so I'm not sure if those T1s are going to accidentally break the game. That's partially the reason why I wanted something that can keep up with them.

On the other hand, I don't want to overshadow anyone with greater Op-Fu. So I'm kinda in a bind. I want to be able to contribute, but not make other people have less fun.

I'm going to think about the ideas I've gotten, and see what the other players are planning on doing (see if I can't get a better gauge on how likely things are to go crazy). Keep the ideas coming though, it's really helping my creative juices flow.

Anyway, responses to some of the ideas...

Archivists make for a pretty MAD tier one class, as do clerics. The former have the dual-stat casting thing, and the latter want charisma for turn attempts and reasonable physical stats for beatstickery.

Archivists are a great choice, and I've always wanted to play one. Great fluff, and they are probably the most easy to tone down of the T1s. I like it. Cleric isn't a bad option that I'd considered, but I don't want to play a cleric when we already have one, so that I don't end up making the other look bad.

Eberron? Halfling Paladin of Dol Arrah from the Talenta Plains. You get a dinosaur mount.

Or a warforged monk could be fun.

With scores like that and your group being mid-op at best, time to run with a lower tier mad class.

Like I said, while these guys are probably mid-op, I'm not 100% sure. I'm worried about a low tier class not being able to contribute. After all tier 1s can accidentally break the game. However, playing a high-op monk might be fun, either going Tashalatora, Martial Monk, or those juicy ACFs like Holy Strike, Shadow Blend and Invisible Fist.

I would go as some kind of gish. A sorcerer/paladin or a wizard/warblade into abjurant champion. They tend to need good physical stats on top of a good casting stat.

Gishing is definitely a possibility, and Sorcadins are always fun to play. Wizard/Warblade opens up Jade Phoenix Mage which is a fun PrC.

-Awesome Bard Stuff-

Bard's not a bad idea either, as a high T3, I could even build some fail-safes into the build just in-case the players do start to break the game. I really like bards too, and taking the opportunity to play a less than optimal Race since I don't care about stats as much would be fun too.

I know you said it was Eberon CS, but if your DM allows, go for the Ruby Knight Windicator (assuming the obvious fix for Divine Impetus is in play). It's a really awesome class but also insanely MAD (like, Monk-level MAD)

On the same level as the Wizard/Warblade, that actually could be a lot of fun. The DM has explicitly allowed us to be any race or class, so I'm guessing that a setting specific PrC would be fine.

Hiro Quester
2014-08-08, 03:17 PM
Let me second the bard idea.

But check out a bard warblade. Bard6/Warblade14 is typical. This gets 20 levels of inspire courage bonuses to the party, a few levels of bardic casting, and a pretty kickass combat abilities. If you want to go DFI, then it synergies well with tiger claw TWF style.

A build like that needs high strength, and reasonable dex, con, charisma. And a high int helps for skills and for diamond mind maneuvers.

With these stats you could even consider playing an elf, absorbing the con hit, and accessing the awesome Eternal Blade PrC (ToB) which gets int bonuses on lots of things. Seriously, check it out. The blade guide opens up lots of fun role-playing possibilities for you and your DM.

2014-08-08, 03:26 PM
Commoner. All the way. Act like your something special all the time because you came from a small town. You'll be the real working class hero of the party. Stand up for Tier 6's by demonstrating that class don't matter as much as spirit!

or bard...like everyone else said.

2014-08-08, 04:41 PM
Alright, thinking about it, I'd really like to use the Dragonmark Heir PrC (Mark of Making). It has nice flavor, and from what the DM's told me, having a Dragonmark could be very important in some situations and the Heir makes the most out of the Dragonmark. It's probably not the most optimized thing, but using that in a build seems like it could be a lot of fun.

I know one of the classic Dragonmark Heir builds is Artificer 7/Dragonmark Heir 5/Artificer 8. But I'm not sure if I want to handle the headaches of the Artificer right now. Is there anyway to make a decent face build (preferably bard) with it? I've got a couple of ideas that might work... I'll have to try them out.

2014-08-08, 04:44 PM
Tag marshal for the minor aura that adds Cha to Cha based skills and go from their. Dragonmarked heir is delightfully flexible in its entry. Paladin/marshal for super Cha synergy (ahoy). A full marshalbaradin is probably overbaord though.