View Full Version : Pathfinder How many ways can you reduce your size category?

2014-08-09, 01:24 AM
So, i am currently playing a level 7 Chaotic Evil Gnomish wizard/engineer. I have a very eccentric play style, and i focus on being invisible and controlling the battlefield. In character i came up with the Idea of modifying my humanoid clockwork familiar to function as almost a mini-mech.

This was all okay with my DM. but, the problem is, he is tiny and i am small size.

So other than permanency, enlarge/reduce person, are there any ways to make up the size gap?
i'd prefer keeping him the size he is, but that would require me to reach diminutive, or possibly fine size.

Any suggestions would be wonderful. <3

2014-08-09, 01:32 AM
So, i am currently playing a level 7 Chaotic Evil Gnomish wizard/engineer. I have a very eccentric play style, and i focus on being invisible and controlling the battlefield. In character i came up with the Idea of modifying my humanoid clockwork familiar to function as almost a mini-mech.

This was all okay with my DM. but, the problem is, he is tiny and i am small size.

So other than permanency, enlarge/reduce person, are there any ways to make up the size gap?
i'd prefer keeping him the size he is, but that would require me to reach diminutive, or possibly fine size.

Any suggestions would be wonderful. <3

If you're okay with turning into a giant you can use the spell... I think it was return to nature to permanently get smaller. You can do this repeatedly to become as small as you desire. I do mean as small as you desire by the way.

2014-08-09, 01:33 AM
Polymorph yourself into a tiny animal with opposable thumbs?

2014-08-09, 02:03 AM
Young template. Makes you one size smaller, but costs you 4 Strength (who cares?) and 4 Con (more of an issue). You do gain 4 Dex in the deal, and it's a -1 CR template, so you gain a level out of it! Or just take Advanced + Young, to be one size smaller, and have +8 Dex and +4 to all mental attributes, for +0 CR.

Psionics! These can get you down two size categories, and the Skin of Proteus lets you change shape at will.

Magic Jar. Your body is still the base size, but since you're not in it, you can use something else.

Bag of Holding / Portable Hole. More ways to store the surplus volume.

Share Spells. Enlarge Person, shared with your mech only (not you), and Reduce Person, shared with yourself only. It does involve a bigger mech.

Rod of Wonder. Has an effect that seriously shrinks you.

Reincarnation Roulette. There aren't many humanoids the size you want, but if you can get some fey blood in you, the majority of low CR fey are really small.

2014-08-09, 03:45 AM
is it possible to make the compression ability permanent?
and does that stack with reduce person? or is it considered a magical effect?

2014-08-09, 01:01 PM
Sadly, Incarnate does not have Compression as a permitted power. GM permission could change that, though.

The Skin of Proteus gives you a Menu B enhancement, which means you are two sizes smaller as long as you want to be. You do need to revert to full size in order to trigger the Fast Healing or other benefits.

Effects that modify size are explicitly called out as not stacking (Compression in particular), and tend to fall under the category of polymorph effects. Which is entertaining, because it allows you dispel polymorph effects with Enlarge / Reduce Person, or detect disguised doppelgangers and the like the same way.

Do note that Young affects your base size, so it will stack with effects that change your size later (you're inherently smaller, and powers that affect your size work normally).

Another option to go down a size category (sometimes): become a lycanthrope. In animal form (only) you are the size of the base animal. This only allows a one step size reduction, but there are ways...

Young Gnome: Size is Tiny, CR = -1
Were-Squirrel: Size is Diminutive in animal form, CR +1, so no net CR change.

Toss in Reduce Person or a Skin of Proteus and you can go down to Fine.

You could argue for a gnome under permanent Reduce Person being eligible for were-squirrelhood, which saves you the Con loss from Young, but that also limits your potential minimum size.

2014-08-09, 03:34 PM
My DM said, since the character has already been made, the young template can't be applied.
looks like the easiest/cheapest way would to permanency enlarge on him and reduce on me.