View Full Version : Level 6 duskling totemist - help me with a build

2014-08-09, 01:51 AM
So I've decided to introduce the incarnum to my campaign world, and I'll do so using:

Anyway, a somewhat large meteor will hit a hill several days from a city. The meteor should be about the size of a bus, and my first question is:

Other than a minor eartquake in the area, will there be anything I should account for (excluding the fact that some people might have seen it)?

Back to the point, I need the players to feel like something truly alien is upon them. Now, the meteorite is actually a vessel, which will have two midnight golems which will animate when the party arrives, and some Neogi in the first layer (while not incarnum, they still look alien, and were somehow used by the dusklings as body guards).

The second question is:
Do you have a better idea for some sort of pets that look alien? The only thing I dislike about the neogi is that they are aberrations and not magical beasts (totemist and all that).

Finally, since I've read half of the book and skimmed over the rest I can't say that I'm suited for a good build that's both optimized and looks exotic. So, considering that my party should be level 5 by the time they get there, and I want this to be a "boss", I was thinking about posting two midnight golems in front (weakest version, cr 3 each, el 5 total), then inside creating a encounter of level 5 or 6 with the neogi (or their substitute) and finally have them face the totemist, possibly accompanied by a weak flanking buddy, to bring the EL to 7 possibly.

Third question:
How should I build the totemist?

So, let me hear it. All suggestions are welcome.

P.S. Since I'll be running with the whole aliens theme, please suggest some exotic armor material for this occassion, something that looks similar to the midnight golem perhaps, or anything really that would act the same, and I can fluff the look to be like that of the golem.

2014-08-10, 12:05 AM

2014-08-10, 07:55 AM
Totemists aren't too hard, which is nice. You'll probably want Bonus Essentia and Improved Essentia Capacity as feats, which leaves you one more (Power Attack?).

You'll need to pick a natural weapon to bind to your Totem chakra; Kruthik Claws have the best +damage scaling with +essentia, Girallion Arms are 4 attacks and get +essentia to hit and damage, Displacer Mantle has reach but only attacks as a full-round action; Landshark Boots are also 4 claw attacks but a bit harder to use (Jump required); Phoenix Belt lets you hit people next to you with an AoE; and there are a couple more Claw options. Alternately, you can use a weapon: longspear, mace, or whatever. Bind up a bite attack, Lamia Claws, or something else entirely. Gorgon Mask is probably too mean to use on the PCs, but there are several other weird Totem binds, like the Totem Avatar.

For your other bind, you can get a bit more exotic. Sphinx Claws give Pounce-ish; Frost Helm gives a cold laser; Urskan Greaves let you charge harder; and there are other options too.

For shaping, you'll want the Wormtail Belt because it is easy natural armor. Rageclaws are 10 free hit points. Blink Shirt is cute but takes a standard action to use, so it's not great in combat. Other melds to taste, maybe see if you can get him resistance to the party's favorite energy type.

As for armors, you're stuck with light armor. Midnight constructs are pretty crystal-y; you could use Mundane Crystal (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/specialMaterials.htm#crystalMundane) from the psionics rules to make his chain shirt. It wouldn't really do anything different, but it would look cool.

Other items include standard low level stuff from the MiC. You probably don't need an Amulet of Mighty Fists or Necklace of Natural Attacks, especially not at this level. Maybe a Healing Belt. Maybe something that seems alien, but is really just a consumable attack: I seem to recall some orbs you can throw at people with bad effects.

It is a good idea to include a buddy or two for the Totemist; boss monsters have a problem in 3.5 of not having enough actions and being too squishy. Throw him some Soulsparks or something.

Have you considered using Incarnum Wraiths instead of or in addition to the Neogi in the ship? The CR might be a bit high, but it's an option. Soulsparks are an option here too.

2014-08-11, 06:37 PM
Are there soulmelds that aren't in the MoI book, but are somewhat official and not simply homebrew? Are there any good homebrew soulmelds, that can help me add exotic stuff?

Fax Celestis
2014-08-11, 06:42 PM
Are there soulmelds that aren't in the MoI book, but are somewhat official and not simply homebrew? Are there any good homebrew soulmelds, that can help me add exotic stuff?

There's a couple in Dragon Magic, couple more on the Mind's Eye articles somewhere.