View Full Version : Pathfinder How to make an Earthbender in Pathfinder

2014-08-09, 03:14 AM
I think Fire and Water benders can be made fairly easily with quigong monk/monk of the four winds with either efreeti or marid style feats respectively, and I think Wind Oracle creates a pretty decent Air Bender; but I have no idea how to create an earth bender.

So help me out here, how would you go about creating an Earth bender from Avatar in Pathfinder?
(I have a deep and abiding need to play Melonlord obviously :D)

2014-08-09, 04:01 AM
Pardon me, but true Waterbenders are Undine Bards (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/featured-races/arg-undine/watersinger).

Owh wait, the question is earth. Yeah most earth elemental themed spells and affect default to acid for damage. I guess the easiest option is druid, most stone and earth spells are on the druid list so you gain all the earth related moves.
Harder is the Quinggong Monk, again, Mighty Fist of The Earth (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/m/mighty-fist-of-the-earth) is a thing and basically allows you to shoot rocks. But thats only one move, no earth quakes, no stoneskins.

2014-08-09, 05:12 AM
I think you want a psychic warrior with powers like Stomp, Thicken Skin and maybe some crystal powers via Expanded Knowledge to represent throwing rocks. The Survivor path seems good.

2014-08-09, 06:05 AM
What about a Samsaran Oracle with the Metal Mystery? The Oracle levels net you some Metal Bending while the Samsaren race lets you pick some of the rock/earth themed druid spells.

Red Fel
2014-08-09, 08:13 AM
Well, I think your first stop should probably be Oread. They're not highly optimized, as races, go, but their racial feats are certainly thematic. Particularly: Murmurs of Earth: Tremorsense. Toph? Toph. Stony Step/ Oread Burrower/ Oread Earth Glider: You know those scenes where an Earthbender is standing, and two pillars of stone rise under his feet, and then he runs in place, and the little rock hills move under him? That's this, only with the later feats, you can also do so underground.
Also, consider the Alternate Racial Trait Treacherous Earth, which lets you create difficult terrain. If you're picturing an Oread stomping on the ground, causing cracks, crevices and disruptions, you're doing it right.

Oreads also have two archetypes. Again, they're not particularly stellar, but there we are. Of note, however, is the Student of the Stone archetype. It gives you more solid-defense rather than mobile-defense options, and adds the Shaitan Style line to your list of bonus feats. You can easily refluff "acid damage" as "earth damage." (Note, however, that you could also receive these feats from the Master of Many Styles archetype, and still have room for other options.)

2014-08-09, 01:35 PM
this seems like some solid stuff to go on. Also, watersinger, wow; yeah that is water-bending, even has blood-bending. Forget what I said about monk (still probably best option for fire-bender though). Also, thanks for coming through Playgrounders! :D

EDIT: So, to sum up:

Fire Bender: Human Quigong/Monk of 4 Winds Monk
Water Bender: Undine Watersinger Bard
Air Bender: Human Wind Oracle
Earth Bender: Oread Druid

Does this seem legit?

EDIT 2: seems like earth-bender takes the longest to come online.

Red Fel
2014-08-09, 02:16 PM
Earth Bender: Oread Druid

Student of the Stone is Monk, not Druid. (The other Oread archetype is for Summoner, and its not Earthbender-y at all.) And it can be argued, reasonably, that a Master of Many Styles (also Monk) can frankly do most of what a SotS does, and better.

That said, an Oread Druid could make some interesting use of the Oread Gem Magic alternate racial trait (lets you sacrifice gemstones to augment certain earth spells, some of which are Druid spells).

EDIT: And you were probably responding to Yanisa and Nightbringer. Blah, my reading comprehension is lacking today.

EDIT 2: seems like earth-bender takes the longest to come online.

That, and it's not as effective a concept. Firebending is easy - it's basically fire-based gishing. Watersinger is waterbending, full stop. But even the abilities keyed to Earth aren't terribly impressive in terms of earthbending - mostly because they deal [Acid] damage. You could refluff it, but it's not the same. Further, you're not so much reshaping or moving stone or what-have-you, as you are spraying things with [Acid] damage, generally.

S'much harder to do.

Fax Celestis
2014-08-09, 02:39 PM
Druid, IMO, with the Domain variant. Take Cavern or Stone subdomain as your choice, and load up on [Earth] spells.

Get your hands on The Genius Guide To Earth Magic, if you can.

If 3.5 material is portable, take the Rootwalker alt class feature set from Dungeonscape, and pick up Earth Form from Races of Stone. See if your DM will relax or remove the racial requirement on Stonespeaker Guardian (also RoS), consider the Earth Dwarf race from Unearthed Arcana, and also consider the Earth Dreamer PrC (also RoS).

PF may have an earth-dwarf variant in and of itself, I forget. Even so, there are a bunch of alt racial features from Dwarves of Golarion that can help you emulate or augment such.

2014-08-09, 02:41 PM
Shugenja, or Wu-Jen.

2014-08-09, 03:00 PM
I think Fire and Water benders can be made fairly easily with quigong monk/monk of the four winds with either efreeti or marid style feats respectively, and I think Wind Oracle creates a pretty decent Air Bender; but I have no idea how to create an earth bender.

So help me out here, how would you go about creating an Earth bender from Avatar in Pathfinder?
(I have a deep and abiding need to play Melonlord obviously :D)

Not Pathfinder, but I don't think you'd go too wrong with a Warlock with the appropriate refluffing.

"I am an Earthbender. I can use Earth to make all sorts of attacks, and have personally mastered a few earth-type tricks, like using a column of earth to leap, or grabbing you with hands of stone."

You might have to make up a few tricks, but others can be refluffed (for example, a lot of them seem to know Entropic Warding; they throw up a lot of Earth, protecting them from the ranged touch attacks of other benders).

2014-08-10, 12:32 AM
EDIT: And you were probably responding to Yanisa and Nightbringer. Blah, my reading comprehension is lacking today.

That, and it's not as effective a concept. Firebending is easy - it's basically fire-based gishing. Watersinger is waterbending, full stop. But even the abilities keyed to Earth aren't terribly impressive in terms of earthbending - mostly because they deal [Acid] damage. You could refluff it, but it's not the same. Further, you're not so much reshaping or moving stone or what-have-you, as you are spraying things with [Acid] damage, generally.

S'much harder to do.

I actually really like your suggestions but, level 9? 11? 13?! damn that's a late start, you know? I guess pathfinder just really isn't designed to handle stuff like this.

2014-08-10, 12:51 AM
Though it is homebrew this Avatar D20 (http://www.scribd.com/doc/58731271/Avatar-the-Last-Airbender-D20) (Other Avatar D20 supplemental info for this homebrew here (https://sites.google.com/site/avatard20/)) is fairly well thought out and edited. You could just convert this from 3.5 rules to Pathfinder.

2014-08-10, 03:52 AM
I must confess that I haven't seen much of Avatar in ATLA or LOK versions so far, but from what I've seen of them the Sorcerer with the Deep Earth bloodline seems like a good place to start. Its Bloodline power, Tremmor, functions as a Trip maneuver, and you can take the Improved Trip feat to augment it further. The 3rd level Stonecutting bonus seems a little off I suppose, but the 9th level Tremmorsense seems akin to Toph's sense of the world around her.

Empasize transmutation spells that deal with shaping earth and stone, and Maybe port one of the Reserve feats from 3.5 if allowed, but for the most part this Sorc bloodline has a lot to offer in earthly prowess.