View Full Version : Ways to permanently incraese in size...

2014-08-09, 04:06 AM
How can my character, a divine caster (archivist), permanently increase in size in order to qualify for a template like Hivenest Creature from Dungeonscape?

Can i just PaO myself into a permanently large-size elf? What other ways are there to do it?

Thanks for your help:)

2014-08-09, 04:09 AM
Permanency on Enlarge Person prehaps?

That said, there is a couple of other issues with your idea

* You would have to be Plant, Undead or Construct
* You can't be a player character (as shown by the lack of Level Adjustment, which equals LA: - )

2014-08-09, 07:21 AM
Can i just PaO myself into a permanently large-size elf?

This spell functions like polymorph, except that it changes one object or creature into another.
This spell functions like alter self, except that you change the willing subject into another form of living creature. The new form may be of the same type as the subject or any of the following types: aberration, animal, dragon, fey, giant, humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, ooze, plant, or vermin. There are no Large Elf creatures (or any other Large Humanoid creatures that I know of), so Polymorph Any Object can't accomplish your desire.

2014-08-09, 08:20 AM
There are no Large Elf creatures (or any other Large Humanoid creatures that I know of), so Polymorph Any Object can't accomplish your desire.

Only large humanoids in print are Hornhead Saurials (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/frx/20030528a) in the Serpent Kingdoms Web Enhancement (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20040717a).

2014-08-09, 11:50 AM
Essentially the point where that comes into play is when i turn into an undead (dry lich). So asides permanency, there is no way to permanently become large-sized?

2014-08-09, 10:38 PM
Primordial Half-Ogre, if you can get level buyoff...