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View Full Version : D&D 3.x Other Races Revised (All of PHB, DMG, XPH, MM, MM2, MM3, MM5, CP complete) (PEACH PLEASE)

2014-08-09, 04:22 AM
Just saying that this is gonna be almost all crunch as I feel that the flavor of these does generally not bare repeating. Instead the goal of this is to modify the races to be more logical with their flavor, and to be relatively balanced. That being said lets get started. Also this project is continuous I will update it and modify it more as I go along and get advice
Note everything here has no Hit Die and is LA 0, because LA and Hit Die are so poorly handled that I don't feel comfortable giving them to anything
Players Handbook Races

Humans already serve as the well rounded jack of all trade and need no adjustment, just going to specify that Humans must meet the prerequisite for the bonus feat at level one, (a weird thing that players handbook does not specify), and one minor thing

Humans are entitled to one additional bonus language at level 1 regardless of there intelligence score.
Everything else is the same


Dwarves by design are the most powerful race in the players handbook, however they really only require one adjustment to be a bit more balanced in my opinion

+2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity, Dwarves are tough and hardy, if not a bit clumsy
Everything is the same

Elves are by far the race in the Players Handbook with the most problems there flavor it is all over the place, one day they're the snotty intellectuals, the next they're the nature loving, peaceful archers, the best thing to do IMHO is to pull a 4th edition and split the elf up into two races, how about High Elf and Wood Elf (I know Wood Elf is a sub-species in the Monster Manual, I'm retooling it).
Also although this is the one thing I don't like to do, Elves really, really need two positive modifiers to compensate for the Constitution stat penalty, it's just that Constitution is unarguably the most important stat in the game to the point that regardless of the bonuses, taking a penalty is off putting for any class, honestly even with two bonuses they will probably still be underpowered.

Wood Elf
Medium Humanoid (Elf)
+2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Constitution: Wood Elves are graceful and wise but frail.
Wood Elf base land speed is 30 feet
Immunity to magic sleep effects, and a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or effects.
Low-Light Vision
Weapon Familiarity: Wood Elves treat the short bow and longbow as simple weapons.
+1 racial bonus on attack rolls with longbows and shortbows.
+2 racial bonus to Search, Listen, Spot, Knowledge (Nature), Handle Animal, and Survival, Wood Elves spend a lot their lives in nature and as such have attune senses and knowledge of nature around them.
Automatic Languages: Common and Elven
Bonus Languages: Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, and Sylan
Favored Class: Ranger
High Elf
Medium Humanoid (Elf)
+2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Constitution: High Elves are academically gifted and graceful, but frail
High Elf base land speed is 30 feet
Immunity to magic sleep effects, and a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or effects.
Weapon Familiarity: High Elves treat longswords and rapiers has simple weapon rather then martial weapons
+1 racial bonus on attack rolls with longswords and rapiers
+2 racial bonus on Knowledge (Arcane) and a +1 racial bonus on all other knowledge checks. High Elves are scholars and love learning about all different kind of things, especially arcane magic.
+2 racial bonus on Listen, Search and Spot checks. A high elf who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if they were actively looking for it. A high elf's senses are so keen that they practically have a sixth sense about hidden portals.
Trance: High elves do not sleep, as members of the other common races do. Instead a high elf meditates in a deep trance for 4 hours a day. A high elf resting in this fashion gains the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep.
Automatic Languages: Common and Elven. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, and Orc.
Favored Class: Wizard

Gnomes in the Players Handbook are confused are they weaker dwarves, or somewhat magical halflings? I think keeping them tricksters is easiest way to handle the issue sense like Dwarves they are bit high powered this modification will also help with that.

+2 Charisma, -2 Strength: Gnomes are friendly, but weak due to there size
Gnomes no longer have their dodge bonus versus giants.
Gnomes no longer have their bonus versus kobolds or goblinoids.
Gnomes have Low-Light Vision instead of Darkvision
Everything else is the same

Half-elves are the most famously underpowered race in the players handbook and the whole Wood Elf/High Elf split complicates things, just note that Half-Elves described can come from any of the Elf subraces (excluding aquatic elves, aquatic half-elves are different enough they need their own stat page), and their is a difference between half-elves of different sub-races but it is minor. I decided to buff the Half-Elf, just a bit.

Half-Elves are now Humanoid (Elf, Human) rather than Humanoid (Elf)
Half-Wild Elves, Half-Wood Elves, and Half-Grey Elves have Low-Light Vision
Half-Drow have Darkvison out to 60 feet, but no low-light vision
Half-High Elves has no Low-Light vision or Dark Vision
Half-Elves get a bonus feat at level 1 but unlike humans their options are limited depending on what type of elf their elven parent was. Also they must meet the prerequisites for this bonus feat, unless stated others.

Half-High Elves choose from the following: Any metamagic feat, any item creation feat, Martial Weapon Proficiency (Longsword or Rapier), Weapon Focus (Longsword or Rapier)*, Skill Focus (Spellcraft or Knowledge (any))
Half-Wood Elves choose from the following: Martial Weapon Proficiency (Longbow or Short bow), Weapon Focus (Longbow or Short bow)*, Skill Focus (Knowledge (Nature), Handle Animal, Survival), Track

Half-Gray Elves choose from the following: Any metamagic feat, or Skill Focus (Knowledge (any), Listen, Search, Spot, or Spellcraft)

Half-Drow choose from the following: Any metamagic feat, Martial Weapon Proficiency (Rapier, Short Sword), Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Hand Crossbow), Weapon Focus (Rapier, Short Sword, Hand Crossbow)*

Half-Wild Elf choose from the following: Martial Weapon Proficiency (Longbow, Greatclub), Weapon Focus (Longbow, Greatclub)*, Improved Unarmed Strike

*While the Half-Elf does have to be proficient with the weapon they choose to get the Weapon Focus bonus feat, they do not have to meet any other prerequisite.
All Half-Elves are entitled to one additional bonus language at level 1 regardless of their intelligence score.
Everything else is the same

Half-Orcs are actually my favorite of the players handbook race but probably the third worst from a balance stand point due to the lack of class features and the unbalanced ability score distribution the following changes are made

Half-Orcs are consider Humanoid (Orc, Human) rather than Humanoid (Orc)
+2 Strength, -2 Intelligence (to a minimum of 3), Half-Orcs are strong, but not intellectually gifted when compared to humans.
+3 racial bonus to Intimidate
Weapon Familiarity: Half-Orcs may treat the orc double axe as a martial weapon rather then an exotic one.
Bonus Feat: A Half-Orc gets a bonus feat at level 1 much like their human parent unlike their human parent they are limited in their selection to the following options (they must meet the prerequisites in order to pick it): Any fighter bonus feat, Simple Weapon Proficiency (any), Martial Weapon Proficiency (Any), Skill Focus (Intimidate).
Bonus Languages: Any
Favored Class: Any
Everything else is the same

The halfling are already well balanced IMHO, I just made one change that always bugged me a little, that the rogue base race was slower then a human (though making them faster puts them a little bit more powerful then they should be).

Halfling base land speed is 30 feet

Monster Manual Races
Astral Deva Angel
Obviously not doing stuff that is so high ECL that unless I radically change the flavor and stuff, but luckily the Astral Deva already has such an example if you want to use this variant just call it a Deva and use the flavor from the 4th edition Players Handbook 2, also I am starting from scratch with these guys so unless it is stated here they don't have it.

Medium Humanoid (Planetouched*)
Deva base land speed is 30 ft
+2 Wisdom, -2 Strength; Deva are blessed with divine wisdom, but not with great strength
+2 racial bonus on Knowledge (religion)
A deva is entitled to 2 additional bonus languages regardless of intelligence modifier
Automatic Languages: Common. Bonus Languages: Any
*See Players guide to Faerun page 191

Bugbear are interesting to me, I never quite got why they are goblins but I decided to keep that part of the flavor, also I removed anything about them stealthy, because neither their artwork nor much of their flavor indicates any real ability of stealth, in case you're wondering I'm starting from scratch for the bugbear unless it's stated here they don't have it

Medium Humanoid (Goblinoid)
+4 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma: Bugbear are very strong, and hardy, but impulsive, not very bright and off-putting.
A bugbear's base land speed is 30 feet
Low-Light Vision
+1 Natural armor bonus
+5 racial bonus to Intimidate
Automatic Languages: Common, Goblin. Bonus Langues: Draconic, Elven, Giant, Gnoll, Orc.
Favored Class: Barbarian

So I figured it might fun to stat Centaur as a ECL 0, incase you care why I figured it would be balanced for centaur to have the modifiers of the old elves when it was under power for elves to have it, I think 40 ft land speed might compensate, also I am starting from scratch with these guys so unless I say they have it they don't have it.

Large Monstrous Humanoid
+2 Strength +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence -2 Charisma: Centaur are strong hardy but offputting and not book smart
Space/Reach: 10 feet/5 feet
A centaur's base land speed is 40 feet
Weapon Famarity: Treats longbows and shortbows as simple weapons rather than martial weapons
+1 racial bonus on attack rolls with longbows and shortbows
Automatic Languages: Common, Sylvan. Bonus Languages: Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Dwarven
Favored Class: Ranger

Deep Dwarf

At this point I feel the need to clarify I am not doing every possible race only the ones that make sense, or the ones I get crazy ridiculously stupid ideas to do.
Again along with the regular dwarf only one change really needs to made
+2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity
Everything else is the same

Duergar (Non-Psionic)
Never got why this guy was LA +1 so I feel only following changes need to be made to be balanced
+ 2 Constitution, -2 Charisma
Darkvison out to 60 feet.
No Spell-Like Abilities
No +4 to Armor Class against Giants
No +1 racial bonus against orcs and goblinoids
+1 racial bonus on attack rolls against dwarves (excluding other Duergar)
Everything else is the same

Aquatic Elves
I never got where that intelligence penalty came from, nothing in the flavor text talks about it so I tried to modify them to the Elves of the sea
+2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Constitution
Low-Light Vision instead of superior low vision
No automatic proficiency with longsword, rapier, longbow, and short bow
No Gills
Favored Class: Druid
Weapon Familiarity: Treat nets as a martial weapon rather then exotic weapons, and Tridents as Simple Weapons rather than martial weapons
+1 racial bonus to attack rolls with Nets and tridents

Medium Humanoid (Elf)
With the Drow its easy for to make mild modifications to the Lesser Drow for LA 0 and I will do just that
+2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution; Drow are clever and tricky, however they are as frail as other elves
Darkvision out to 60 feet
Weapon Familiarity: Drow treat the Rapier and short bow as simple weapons and hand crossbows as martial weapons
+1 on attack rolls with rapiers, shortbows, and hand crossbows.
+2 racial bonus on Will saves against spells and spell-like effects
Spell-Like Abilities: A Drow with a Charisma score at least 10 has the following spell-like abilities: 1/day- dancing, lights, daze, touch of fatigue. Caster level equals the drow's class levels.
Light Blindness: Abrupt exposure to bright light blinds drow for 1 round. On subsequent rounds, they are dazzled as long as they remain in the affected area.
Everything else is the same
Gray Elf
Ah the intellectual I just kind of created earlier but never fear I have a solution to this problem of Grey Elf redundancy, make them a two for one deal of the two elves mental stat I made with a strength penalty and no weapon stuff, they are non-fighting peace friendly but socially isolated elves: this replaces the regular grey elf stuff BTW

Medium Humanoid (Elf)
Land Speed 30 feet
+2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, -2 Strength
Immunity to magic sleep effects, and a +2 racial saving throw against enchantment spells or effects
Trance: Grey elves do not sleep, as members of the other common races do. Instead a Gray elf meditates in a deep trance for 4 hours a day. A high elf resting in this fashion gains the same benefit that human does from 8 hours of sleep.
+2 racial bonus to Listen, Search, and Spot, High Elves entitled to hidden door checks.
+2 racial bonus on Knowledge (Arcane) and a +1 racial bonus on all other knowledge checks. Gray Elves are scholars and love learning about all different kind of things, especially arcane magic
Favored Class: Archvist, Gray Elves are reclusive scholars there Wisdom and Intelligences makes ideal to study of the manipulation of divine magic.

Wild Elf
I am going to kind of combine the old Wood Elf and Wild Elf but barbarian Elves sound like to fun of a concept not use, this replaces the regular Wild Elf by the way.

Medium Humanoid (Elf)
+2 Strength, +4 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, -2 Constitution, Wild Elves are Strong, very graceful despite their barbarian nature, but still as frail as normal evles and not very bright
A Wild Elves base land speed is 30 feet
Low Light Vision
+1 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks.
+2 racial bonus to Survival checks
Weapon Famarility: Wild Elves are all proficient with Clubs and treat Greatclubs as simple weapons rather than martial weapon
+1 on attack rolls with Greatc
Favored Class: Barbarian

Wood Elf
If you want to see the race named Wood Elf, check "Elf" under the Players Handbook section, if you want to the race that took the Wood's Elves flavor, it was merged with the Wild Elf.
I am honestly not to familiar with Giths so if balance to hard against flavor let me know also I am going off the EPH as a base rather than MM just cause

+2 Dexterity, -2 Wisdom
Naturally Psionic: Githyanki gain 2 bonus power points at 1st level.
Psi-like abilties: A githyanki has the psi-like ability of far hand 3 times per day. Manifester level is equal to 1/2 hit dice (minimum 1st). The save DCs are Charisma-based
Power Resistance (Ex): A Githyanki has power resistance of 5
Favored Class: Psychic Warrior

I am honestly not to familiar with Giths so if balance to hard against flavor let me know also I am going off the EPH as a base rather than MM just cause

+2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -4 Intelligence (always at least 3)
Naturally Psionic: Githzerai gain 1 bonus power at 1st level
Psi-like abilties: A githzerai has the psi-like ability of far hand 3 times per day. Manifester level is equal to 1/2 hit dice (minimum 1st). The save DCs are Charisma-based
Power Resistance (Ex): A githzerai has power resistance of 5
Favored Class: Wilder
All else is the same

Gnolls are gonna be a breather, they require almost no modification from there original for to be LA 0 other removing that racial hit die and +2 Strength

+2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma
Low-Light Vision replacing Darkvision
No Racial Hit Dice
No Racial Skills
No Racial Feat
Automatic Languages: Common, Gnoll. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Elven, Goblin, Orc
LA +0
Everything else is the same

Svirfneblin are probably one of the hardest classes to modify not because they are so powerful, but because it is impossible to determine what the hell gives them +3 LA, and when I did, I found it was just most unique part of the race that I didn't want to get rid of, this might be a little high powered, let me know.

-2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -4 Charisma
Darkvision out to 60 feet
No low-light vision
Does not get Weapon Familarity with the Gnome-Hooked Hammer
Does not get a +1 racial bonus against Illusions cast by Gnomes (excluding against Svirfneblin)
Spell Resistance equal to 5+class levels
No racial bonus on all saving throws
+1 dodge bonus to Armor Class against all creatures
Only gets a +2 total racial bonus to Craft (Alchemy) and Listen checks)
Spell-Like abilites only include a +2 racial modifier.
Everything else is the same
Forest Gnome
I literally had no idea that is race existed till I was scrolling through I monster manual and noticed that these guys existed, so I needed to update it.
+2 Wisdom, -2 Strength; Being the nature for the long time has given great wisdom, but there small size makes them weak.
No attack bonus or dodge bonuses
Automatic Languages: Gnome, Sylan, Common, and a simple language that enables them to communicate on a very basic level with forest animals. Bonus Languages: Elven, Draconic, Dwarven, Goblin, Orc
Favored Class: Druid rather than bard
Everything else is the same

The goblin is one of those races that is designed to be under powered so up its powers feels a little off but here it goes.

-2 Charisma, +2 Dexterity
+4 racial bonus on Search checks. Goblins are adept looking for what they need to survive.
Low-Light Vision instead of Darkvision
Everything else is the same

I am only gonna make one kind of odd changes to these guys, PS I know its place but those body proportions (above 4 feet but 30-35 pounds) seems really creepy to me, I would like to change the favored class as they are not as adept at roguing as Lightfoot halflings but I don't what to replace it with

Large Statue: despite being considered a small size creature they relatively large in size for one and as such they get a -2 size penalty to hide checks (for a total of a +2 size bonus counting the small benefits) and can wear armor and clothing and use weapon designed for medium sized characters along with those for short sized characters
Everything else is the same

Deep Halfling
You know surprisingly these guys need like literally no changes they have stats matching there flavor, and because they are less athletic then regular Halflings the hole 20 ft thing make sense, I would like to change the favored class as they are not as adept at roguing as Lightfoot halflings but I don't what to replace it with

Unlike some other races I can understand the logic behind there LA, they are just a bit more powerful then the players handbook races, so they were worried that too many people would play as a Hobgoblin, and this kind of messes with the standard party line up a bit, but still I am making a LA 0 version of them because they are pretty interest and it is like the easiest race to do so, incase your wondering about that complicated weapon focus and armor thing, I wanted a class feature that represented there military focus.

+2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma: Hobgoblins are orderly, accurate, and hardy, but emotionally distant and stubborn in there ways
No Darkvision
Low-Light Vision
Bonus Feat: Gets one weapon proficiency or armor proficiency feat they meet the perquisites for.
Everything else is the same.
Unlike most races I am keeping Kobolds darkvision (they are race that makes most of their income via mining they darkvision helps), I removed their con penalty because of the fact that I view Con as being connected to stamina, and if any reads Races of Dragon you would know that Kobolds work they mules while mining. Also things with asterisk (*) were stolen from races of Dragon version of Kobolds, and I know the food thing wasn't in the racial stat sections but because it does affect game mechanics (The game does expect you to eat, it should be and most DMs wouldn't know about it other wises)

+2 Dexterity, -2 Strength
Humanoid (dragonblood*, reptilian)
Kobolds add Craft (trapmaking) to their list of class skills.*
Cold-Blooded: A kobold who inhabits a region with a temperature of 40° F or above for 24 hours can go for another three after that time before having to eat normally. However, after inhabiting a region with a temperature below 40° F for more than three days, kobolds must consistently consume three times as much food per day than is normal for their size.*
Automatic Languages: Draconic, and Common. Bonus Languages: Dwarven, Elven, Undercommon, Halfling while Kobolds are isolationists they do learn Common, and intelligent Kobolds learn other languages in order to sell there Jewels to merchant in there native tongue (under the guise of an illusion of course).
Everything else is the same

I got a request for Lizard people and sense this is the cannon Lizard people I feel this works best
+2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, Lizardfolk are strong and hardy, but stupid and impulsive.
No Racial Hit Die/Racial Skills/Racial Feat
Not automatically proficient with shields
+2 natural armor bonus rather than +5
Favored Class: Barbarian

Locathah are interesting, I think what I will do will them is just try to make them a standardish aquatic race, sense they are kind of weirdly stated I will just make create them from scratch
Medium Humanoid (Aquatic)
+2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma: They are wise but not trusting of others
Base Swim Speed is 30 feet.
+8 racial bonus any swim checks to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on Swim checks, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line
Automatic Languages: Common, Aquan Bonus Languages: Elven, Gnome, Giant, Halfling
Favored Class: Ranger

I am just make them merfolk "Underwater humans" again due to their weird stating I am making it from scratch
Medium Humanoid (Aquatic)
Base Land is 5ft. Swim speed is 30 ft.
Amphibious (Ex): Merfolk can breathe both air and water.
1 extra feat at 1st level (they must meet the prerequisites for the feat)
4 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level
+8 racial bonus on any swim check to perform some special or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.
Automatic Language: Common, Aquan. Bonus Langauges: Any
Favored Class: Any


I can't believe it took me this long to get the Orc it is by far the easiest thing to do.
+4 Strength, -2 Intelligence (to a minimum of 3), -2 Wisdom
No Darkvision
+5 racial bonus to Intimidate
Weapon Familiarity: Orcs may treat Orc Double-axes as martial weapons rather than exotic weapons.

I got a request for these guys and it was actually kind of hard to make a balanced version of this because there is nothing to penalize that makes sense flavor wise
Medium Humanoid (Planetouched (See PGtF))
+0 to all ability scores
Low-Light Vision instead of Darkvision
All else is the same

The Tiefling wasn't to hard to make just make it a Planetouched and penalize strength and bom there you go.
Medium Humaniod (Planetouched (See PGtF))
+2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma, -2 Strength
Low-Light Vision instead of Darkvision
Favored Class: Warlock instead of Rogue
All else is the same
Troglodytes are pretty easy to make LA 0, just remove racial hit die and nerf stench and Bam! there you go BTW I think I am done with the monster manual for know have any request let me know :)
Darkvision only out to 60 feet rather then 90
No Racial Hit Die
Only +2 Natural armor bonus rather then +6
Stench (Ex): As described, they can only use it once per day, and in a cone shape in from of them.
Automatic Languages: Common, Draconic. Bonus Langauges: Giant, Goblin, Orc

Dungeon Master Guide
Gold Dwarf
Surprisingly no changes, I bet you didn't even these guys existed.
Half-Human Elves
Due to the splitting of the Elves these guys also need a split.

Half-Human High Elves
Medium Humanoid (Human, Elf)
Half-Human High Elf base land speed is 30 feet.
+1 Racial bonus to Listen, Search and Spot Checks
Weapon Familiarities: A Half-Human High Elves treats Longswords and Rapiers as simple weapons rather then martial weapons
+1 racial bonus on attack bonuses with Longswords and rapiers
+2 racial bonus to Knowledge (Arcana), +1 racial bonus all other Knowledge checks
Bonus Feat: A Half-Human High Elf gets a bonus at first choosing from the following, assuming they meet the prerequisites or stated otherwise : any metamagic feat, Weapon Focus (Longsword, or Rapier)* or Skill Focus (Knowledge (any))
*Only needs to be proficient need with the respective weapon.
Automatic Languages: Common and Elven. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin and Orc
Favored Class: Wizard

Half-Human Wood Elves
Medium Humanoid (Human, Elf)
Half-Human Wood Elf base land speed is 30 feet.
Low-Light Vision
+1 Racial bonus to Listen, Search and Spot Checks
Weapon Proficiency: A Half-Human Wood Elf treats Longbow and shortbows as simple weapons rather than martial weapons
+1 racial bonus on attack rolls with longbow and shotbows.
+2 racial bonus to Knowledge (Nature), Handle Animal and Survival
Bonus Feat: A Half-Human Wood Elf gets a bonus at first choosing from the following, assuming they meet the prerequisites or stated otherwise :Weapon Focus (Longbow, or Short Bow)*, or Skill Focus (Knowledge (Nature), Survival, Handle Animal, Ride), Track
*Only needs to be proficient need with the respective weapon.
Starting Languages: Common and Elven. Bonus Languages: Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc and Sylvan.
Favored Class: Ranger
Half-Human Grey Elves
Medium Humanoid (Human, Elf)
Half-Human Grey Elf base land speed is 30 feet.
Low-Light Vision
+1 Racial bonus to Listen, Search and Spot Checks
+2 racial bonus to Knowledge (Arcane), and + 1 to all Knowledge checks
Bonus Feat: A Half-Human Grey Elf gets a bonus at first choosing from the following, assuming they meet the prerequisites or stated otherwise: any metamagic feat, any item creation feat, Skill Focus (Knowledge (any), Spellcraft, Listen, Search, and Spot)
Starting Languages: Common and Elven. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Gnoll, Goblin, Orc, and Sylvan
Favored Class: Archvist
Half-Human Drow
Medium Humanoid (Human, Elf)
Darkvision out to 60 feet.
Half-Human Drow base land speed is 30 feet.
+1 Racial bonus to Listen, Search and Spot Check
Weapon famarilarity: A Half-Human Drow treats hand Crossbows as martial weapons and short swords and rapiers as simple weapons.
+1 on attack rolls with hand crossbows, short swords and rapiers
+2 racial bonus to Knowledge (Arcana, and Religion)
Bonus Feat: A Half-Human Drow gets a bonus at first choosing from the following, assuming they meet the prerequisites or stated otherwise:Any Metamagic feat Weapon Focus (Hand Crossbow, rapier or short sword)*, or Skill Focus (Knowledge (Arcana or Religion)
*Only needs to be proficient need with the respective weapon.
Starting Languages: Common, Elven, Undercommon. Bonus Languages: Abyssal, Aquan, Draconic, Drow Sign Language, Gnome, Goblin, Kou-toan.
Favored Class: Cleric (female) or Wizard (male)
Half-Human Wild Elves
Medium Humanoid (Human, Elf)
Half-Human Wood Elf base land speed is 30 feet.
Low-Light Vision
+1 Racial bonus to Listen, Search and Spot Checks
Weapon Proficiency: A Half-Human Wild Elves gain the Martial Weapon Proficiency feats for the longbow and the greatclub. If the Half-Human Wild Elves starts in a class already proficient with either of the weapons, the get Weapon Focus as a bonus for the respective weapon, even if the don't meet all the prerequisites.
+2 racial bonus to Survival
Bonus Feat: A Half-Human Wild Elf gets a bonus at first choosing from the following, assuming they meet the prerequisites or stated otherwise :Weapon Focus (Longbow, or Greatclub)*, or Skill Focus (Knowledge (Nature), Survival, Handle Animal, Ride), Track, Improved Unarmed Strike.
*Only needs to be proficient need with the respective weapon.
Starting Languages: Common and Elven. Bonus Languages: Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc and Sylvan.
Favored Class: Barbarian
Expanded Psionic's Handbook
First I am going into this knowing almost nothing of Psionics so when if screw up horribly let me know, and these guys don't look LA 1 normally either
Small Humanoid
+0 to all ability scores
Chitin: No long grants damage reduction
Naturally Psionic: Dromites gain 2 bonus power points at 1st level.
No Psi-Like abilities
All else is the same

See Monster Manual entry
I don't get why are aberrations, or the Charisma penalty, thats all I really feel I need to change

Medium Humanoid (Human)
No Penalty to Charisma
See Monster Manual Entry
See Monster Manual Entry
You know what I always hated that Giants are not considered Humanoids but thats beyond the scope of this project so I figure this might be a good comprimise for to nerf the half-giant in that regards, and BTW starting from scratch I don't say they have it, they don't have
Medium Humanoid (Giantborn*, Human)
+2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -4 Dexterity
Half-giant base land speed is 30 feet
Elemental Acclimated: Half-Giants have a elemental resistance depending on their giant ancestor
Half-Cloud Giants have a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against all air spells and effects
Half-Fire Giants have a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against all fire spells and effects
Half-Frost Giants have a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against all cold spells and effects
Half-Hill or Stone Giants have a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against all earth spells and effects.
Bonus Feat: A Half-Giant gets a bonus feat at first level choosing from the following (they must meet prerequisites to pick it): Any fighter bonus feat, simple weapon proficiency, martial weapon proficiency, light armor proficiency, medium armor proficiency, heavy armor proficiency, shield proficiency, tower shield proficiency
Powerful Build: As standard
Bonus Languages: Any
Favored Class: Any
*Affected by things that affect both exclusively Humanoids or Giants
I am not that familiar with Psionics but I feel that this balanced if you have any changed that I should make let me know
I am going to see if this works, starting over off course
Medium Monstrous Humanoid
+2 Dexterity, +2 Strength, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma
Natural Weapons: 2 Claws 1d4+1, bite 1d4 plus poison
Posion (Ex): A thri-kreen delivers it poison (Fortitude save 11) with a successful bite attack. The intitial and secondary damage is the same (paralysis for 2d6 rounds). A thri-kreen produces enough poison for one bite a day.
Immunity to Sleep (Ex): Since thri-kreen do not sleep they are immune to magic sleep effects. A thri-kreen spellcaster still requires 8 hours of rest before preparing spells
Skills: The Thri-Keen gain a +5 competence bonus on all Jump checks and a +4 racial bonus on hide checks in sandy or arid setting
Automatic Languages: Thri-Kreen, Common Bonus Langauges: Elven, Halfling, Dwarven

Again only one change
No Darkvision
Wow, these guys were LA 1 that is absoletely hilarious I am giving these guy a buff but they will still be LA 0 by any reasonable reasons standard
-2 Strength, +2 Intelligence
No Darkvision
Players Handbook II
Have no idea why I bothered check this but there is nothing here
Monster Manual II
Vassal Abeil
Sigh.. this going to the Succubus all over again, I have to remove the flight and drone, I am going to start over with these guys so unless I say they have it they don't have it.
Medium Monstrous Humanoid
+2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Cha, -2 Int, Abeil are grace and wise, but off-putting to other races and not very well educated.
Base Land Speed is 30 ft.
Hive Mind (Ex): As Standard
Natural Weapons: 1d6 Stinger
Poison (Ex): A vassal abeil delivers its poison (Fortitude save DC 10) with each successful sting attack. The initial and secondary damage is the same (1d2 points of Strength damage).
Improved Grab (Ex): A vassal's grapple bonus is +1.
Favored Class: Druid
Automatic Languages: Common, and Sylvan. Bonus Languages: Elven, Gnoll, Giant

Bladeling actually were pretty easy to make a la 0, and I starting over with these guys so unless I say they have they don't have it
Medium-Size Humanoid (Lawful, Planetouched)
+2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma: Bladelings are dexterious but offputting
Base-Land Speed is 30 ft.
+2 Natural Armor Bonus
Razor Storm (Ex): As Standard
Immunties: A bladeling takes no damage from acid and it is immune to rust attack despite its metallic hide.

Jermlaine are fascinating characters and I am not going to be changing much but I am starting from scratch
Tiny Fey
Base land speed is 30 feet.
+6 Dexterity, +6 Wisdom, -6 Strength, -6 Charisma: Jermlaine are very insightful and dexterious but weak due their size and very stubborn and offputing.
Speak with rats and bats (Sp): At will, a jermlaine can produce an effect like that of a speak with animals spell (caster level 3rd), except that it enables communication only with rats, dire rats, bats, dire bats, hunting bats, guard bats, and war bats.
Starting Languages: Common, Dwarf, Gnome, Goblin or Orc (you can only pick one) Bonus Languages: Common, Dwarf, Gnome, Goblin or Orc
Favored Class: Rogue

Again starting from scratch here you go
Medium Humanoid (Planetouched)
+2 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Wis, -2 Cha
Resistance: Chaond has a resistance of 5 for the following elements: Acid, cold, sonic
Shatter (Sp): As described
Favored Class: Wizard
Starting Languages: Common Bonus Languages: Any (excluding Celestial and secret languages)

Ditto on starting over
Medium Humanoid (Plancetouched)
Base land speed is 30 ft
+2 Wis, -2 Cha
Resistance of 5 to Electricity, fire, and sonic
True Strike (Sp): As Standard
Starting Languages: Common Bonus Languages: Any (excluding Celestial and secret languages)
Favored Class: Monk
See Expanded Psionics Handbook
Monster Manual III
Again only one change
No +2 racial bonus to Intimidate
+ 2 racial bonus to Gather Information
Flind Gnoll
I had to stretch a lot make these guys work, but I did
+2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Constition, -4 Charisma, -2 Wisdom
Low-Light Vision instead of Darkvision
No racial hit die
+1 natural armor bonus instead of +2
Gonna be easy to fix these guys
+2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom
Low-Light Vision instead of Darkvision
No racial hit die
Weapon Profiency: An ibixian gets Martial Weapon Proficiency with the greataxe, if they start in a class already proficient with great axes they get Weapon Focus (Greataxe) as a bonus feat instead even if they don't meet all the prequisites, also they are no longer nesscarily proficient with all simple weapons.
+1 Natural armor bonus instead of +2
Everything else is the samge
Forestkith Goblin
Why on earth are these guys LA +1 again
Low-Light Vision instead of Darkvision
Honestly these guys need no changes at all.
Poison Dusk Lizardfolk
These guys only require a few minor changes
+2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -4 Charisma
+2 natural armor bonus instead of +3
Bonus Languages: Halfling, Sylvan, Goblin, Gnoll
Honestly the shifter is a bit out of my depth of its power level, the assymetris ability scores bonus bug me but consider they the shifter traits in might be balances have any advice let me know
The Warforged are interesting player race, and if my revisions make them too powerful feel free to let me know of any issue

+2 Constitution, -2 Charisma
Automatic Language: Pick any language (excluding secret languages) Bonus Langauges: any (excluding secret languages)
All else is the same

Warforged Scout
The Warforged from what I can tell looks like it was underpowered on purpose regardless I am going to buff it a bit
+4 Dexterity, -2 Strength, -2 Charisma
A warforged base land speed is 30 feet
Automatic Language: Pick any language (excluding secret languages) Bonus Langauges: any (excluding secret languages)
All else is the same

Monster Manual IV
Nothing here is really something that can easily be made into a LA 0 class (if you have any requests from here let me know)
Monster Manual V
Wow surprisingly these guys fit a LA 0 race really easily, I was expecting my search to come on up empty but no it didn't

Medium Humanoid (Feytouched*)
+5 racial saving throw bonus against enchantments spells of effects rather than complete immunity
No Low-Light Vision
Will Sapper (Ex): penalty reduced -2
*Something I just made up it is basically planetouched but for Fey. They are susceptible to spells and effects that specifically target both humaniods or Fey

Dungeon Master's Guide II
Really unsure why I bother checking this, I figured there might a hidden race or two like in the first one but their is nothing
Complete Psionic
I have no idea why I decided to check the entire complete series but I am glad I did, as I am not that familar with Psionics I am have no idea how power their abilties are but I am going to make these changes

Medium Humanoid
No Darkvision

The rest of the Complete Series (Complete Adventurer, Complete Arcane, Complete Champion, Complete Divine, Complete Mage, Complete Soundrel, Complete Warrior)
Nothing in any of them I checked, I don't why I bothered they are designed to optimize already existing characters, I just figured it was worth a look (and if I didn't I wouldn't have found the Synad)
Races of Destiny
As far as I can tell at a glance, these guys seem balanced its hard to tell the exact balance of each combination, because they are so many of them
Nothing major but I am going to mess with them a bit
Medium Humanoid (human, elf, orc, goblinoid, dwarf, gnome, halfling)
+4 Constitution, -4 Charisma
Emulate race is removed
Favored Class: Any
Sea Kin
I need to make only one change
Favored Class: Any
I am a little confused why these guys are LA 1 and I making no changes and just treat them as LA 0, I am serious
I am going to tray to make

What I am doing for the Succubus is giving it a Hit Die Progression, it think that is a good compromise, also I have never made a racial progression before so any advice is always helpful.

Base Succubus (Prior to Hit Die Progression)
Medium Humanoid (Planetouched, Chaotic, Evil, Shapechanger)
+2 Charisma, -2 Strength
Alter Self (Su): As Changeling ability.
+2 racial bonus to Bluff checks
Favored Class: Bard
Starting Language: Common, Abyssal. Bonus Languages: Any (excluding secret languages)
Racial Progression

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save

Flight 20 ft (clumsy)

Flight 40 ft (poor), Charisma Bonus, Suggestion 1/day

Flight 50 ft (average), Suggestion 3/day, Outsider type, Energy Drain at will

Hit Die: d6
The Succubus's class skills are: Bluff, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide, Knowledge (all skills, taken individually), Listen, Move Silently, Perform, Profession, Search, Sense Motive, Speak Language, Spot
Skill Points at 1st level: (8 + Int modifier) x 4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 8 + Int modifier
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Succubus is proficient with all simple weapons, and light armor.
Starting Gold: As Rouge
Flight: At first level of a Succubus's racial hit die, the Succubus gets wings and the ability to fly with movement speed of 20 feet and clumsy maneuverability, this increase to 40 feet and poor maneuverability at the second level of the racial hit die class, to 50 feet and average maneuverability at the third level of the racial hit die class.
Energy Drain: At the third level of a Succubus's racial hit die gains the ability to drain energy at will from a humanoid it lures into some act of passion, or by simply planting a kiss on the victim. If the target is not willing to be kissed, the succubus must start a grapple, which provokes an attack of opportunity. The succubus's kiss or embrace bestows one negative level. The kiss or embrace also has the effect of a suggestion spell, asking the victim to accept another kiss, or other embrace from the succubus. The victim must succeed on a DC 10 + succubus's Charisma modifier Will save to negate the effect of the suggestion. The DC is 10 + the succubus's charisma modifier for the save to remove the negative level (unlike most negative level saves this one is Will based).
Spell Like Abilities: At the second level of the Succubus racial hit die they can their Suggestion spell like ability (with the restriction described above) 1/day. This increases to 3/day the 3rd level of the Succubus's racial hit die.
Charisma Bonus: The Succubus gains +2 charisma at second level of their racial hit die.
Outsider type: At the 3rd level of their racial hit the Succubus loses their planetouched subtype and becomes an Outsider, however their Alter Shape ability still allows them to take on the appearance of a creature of the Humanoid type, but does not allow them to take on the appearance of a creature of the Outsider type.

My New Stuff
Incase your wondering I don't plan to go Mul on this thing, it is fertile
Medium Humanoid (Dwarf, Human)
Half-dwarf base land speed is 30 feet. However, half-dwarves can move at this speed even when wearing medium or heavy armor or whose speed is reduced in such condition
Darkvision up to 60 feet
Stonecunning: As Dwarf
Weapon Familiarity: As Dwarf
Stability: As Dwarf but only a +2 bonus
+1 racial bonus on saving throws against poison
+1 racial bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like effects
+1 racial bonus to attack rolls against orcs and goblinoids
+4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against Giants
+2 racial bonus on Appraise checks that are related to stone or metal items
+2 racial bonus on Craft checks that are related to stone or metal
Bonus Feat: A Half-Dwarf gets a bonus feat choosing from the following (he can only pick one he meets the prerequisites for): Any fighter bonus feat, Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Medium), Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Shield Proficiency, Tower Shield Proficiency, Martial Weapon Profiency (dwarven waraxe or dwarven urgroshes) or Skill Focus (Appraise, Craft (Armorsmithing, blacksmithing, gemcutting, locksmithing, sculpting, stonemasonry, or weaponsmithing)

Coming soon to Race Revised: Monster Manual II races, My own hybrid races

Oh and by the way this was made at 2 AM by a guy who has read about D&D WAY more then he has actually played it so PEACH is always appreciated.

2014-08-09, 05:10 AM
I gotta say, I really like this. I'm gonna be putting this into any games I run in the near future if you don't mind :smallbiggrin:

But, is there a reason why Gnomes loose their bonuses against monster types? It's situational at best, and I'm not quite sure it's any different to dwarven adeptness against orcs. Although I can see why having 2 is a bit of a problem.

Also are you thinking of ever putting any races like playable Tieflings and other planetouched that don't go into LA1 or less common stuff (or more common depending on your experience) like Lizardmen or Cat people?

2014-08-09, 05:26 AM
I gotta say, I really like this. I'm gonna be putting this into any games I run in the near future if you don't mind :smallbiggrin:

But, is there a reason why Gnomes loose their bonuses against monster types? It's situational at best, and I'm not quite sure it's any different to dwarven adeptness against orcs. Although I can see why having 2 is a bit of a problem.

Also are you thinking of ever putting any races like playable Tieflings and other planetouched that don't go into LA1 or less common stuff (or more common depending on your experience) like Lizardmen or Cat people?

The reason the Gnome lose their bonus wasn't because of balance, but rather it was an issue of flavor, Gnomes are friendly charismatic tricksters having standardized combat training seemed a little out of place

I do plan on modify things that are LA 1 or 2 such as the Tielfling, Hobgoblin, Lizardfolk, into ECL 0 races pretty soon (this afternoon or evening hopefully). And eventually I will get to the Catfolk of the Races of the Wild which I hope satify your need for cat people, while I do have my own race concepts I plan to add, most them are hybrids, and I only have really flesh out idea for a truly new race, that I plan to add.

And I would love it if people used this stuff in there campaigns feel free :smallsmile:

2014-08-10, 06:42 AM
I think a lot of these changes needed to happen. Good work!

However, I would contest your assertion that Dwarves are the most powerful race in the PHB. That title would have to go to humans, because whatever you're playing, you will generally find humans to be one of if not the best for the job.

2014-08-10, 09:31 AM
The bugbear has the exact same stat modifiers as a water orc.

2014-08-10, 01:18 PM
The bugbear has the exact same stat modifiers as a water orc.

Just curious, do you think that makes the race a little too broken, or just repetitive (they are 100s of different races in the series having two with the same ability score modifiers is inevitable)

2014-08-11, 11:39 AM
My #1 pet peeve with D&D 3.5 races is that they all have darkvision, minus a handful.

I like night as a GM, personally. In more down-to-earth game systems I run, like Call of Cthulhu, I take lighting into account and try to emulate levels of darkness in the game world. And it's paid off, too. I get players hissing at each other in character to turn off the [expletive] flashlight before they get caught, and one player suggesting (in character) that they take advantage of the full moon's light to stage a midnight ambush.

But all that goes out the window when everyone can see in the dark! Personally I'm surprised humans and halflings even survived natural selection, what with everything being able to hunt them down in the night...if something lives underground, like dwarves, drow, or gnomes, yeah, it makes sense for them to get darkvision. But everything else is just obnoxious to me. Low-light vision should be more than enough, if not overpowered, for anything that lives on the surface. Because there's always going to be some light, unless you really are in a cavern like a dwarf.

2014-08-11, 05:21 PM
My #1 pet peeve with D&D 3.5 races is that they all have darkvision, minus a handful.

I like night as a GM, personally. In more down-to-earth game systems I run, like Call of Cthulhu, I take lighting into account and try to emulate levels of darkness in the game world. And it's paid off, too. I get players hissing at each other in character to turn off the [expletive] flashlight before they get caught, and one player suggesting (in character) that they take advantage of the full moon's light to stage a midnight ambush.

But all that goes out the window when everyone can see in the dark! Personally I'm surprised humans and halflings even survived natural selection, what with everything being able to hunt them down in the night...if something lives underground, like dwarves, drow, or gnomes, yeah, it makes sense for them to get darkvision. But everything else is just obnoxious to me. Low-light vision should be more than enough, if not overpowered, for anything that lives on the surface. Because there's always going to be some light, unless you really are in a cavern like a dwarf.

I never actually though about it before, but know that I think about, I kind of agree, I think I gonna go through and remove Dark Vision on things like Goblins and Orcs, (replacing with Low-Light Vision if I see it fit, with Orcs I don't, with Goblins I do)

2014-08-11, 07:21 PM
honestly i prefer the first 3 levels of the savage progression of Succubus. the rules of Savage Species are sometimes stupid (no multiclassing out, HD+LA to determine level ranges when most of the races used have LA is the only number you are supposed to use for ECL).

the fact is, eating souls through sex is kinda their thing. also it doesnt feel right for them to not have wings

2014-08-11, 08:21 PM
honestly i prefer the first 3 levels of the savage progression of Succubus. the rules of Savage Species are sometimes stupid (no multiclassing out, HD+LA to determine level ranges when most of the races used have LA is the only number you are supposed to use for ECL).

the fact is, eating souls through sex is kinda their thing. also it doesnt feel right for them to not have wings

I know, know I admit its not really right for a succubus not having wings you can't make a proper succubus from a LA 0, but I still could incorporate the whole draining energy thing, albeit in a much more limited format.

2014-08-12, 05:26 AM
I couldn't get past the Succubus due to the awful grammar and spelling, sorry if English isn't your first language or something.:smallfrown:

The ones I could bear to read through seemed okay mechanically though, other than the Succubus (that really shouldn't be a player race).

2014-08-12, 01:44 PM
I couldn't get past the Succubus due to the awful grammar and spelling, sorry if English isn't your first language or something.:smallfrown:

The ones I could bear to read through seemed okay mechanically though, other than the Succubus (that really shouldn't be a player race).

I am going through right now to fix as many typos as I can, and I decided to just flat out delete the Succubus, I tried to make it LA 0 but it's probably not reasonably possible.

2014-08-12, 02:06 PM
I am going through right now to fix as many typos as I can, and I decided to just flat out delete the Succubus, I tried to make it LA 0 but it's probably not reasonably possible.

go for 3-4RHD, with their normal energy drain (its actually weaker then a wight's if we remove the suggestion). combine with the 50' (average) flyspeed, change shape, and +4 Cha. Retain the Outsider, Chaotic, and Evil type and subtypes.

2014-08-13, 12:03 AM
go for 3-4RHD, with their normal energy drain (its actually weaker then a wight's if we remove the suggestion). combine with the 50' (average) flyspeed, change shape, and +4 Cha. Retain the Outsider, Chaotic, and Evil type and subtypes.

I made a Succubus racial hit die progression following your advice and but it also allows people to make a succubus and not go through the progression and feel (somewhat) like a Succubus

2014-08-25, 03:03 AM
Various Race Comments:
Human: Seems fine to me.

Dwarves: Dwarven bards are a thing now. Yaaay.

Elves: Why on earth to elves universally get extra attributes? They don't really need the buff. Further, it might be easier to just give elves +1 with the appropriate weapons (bows for wood, swords for high, clubs for wood, etc.) and the ability to treat their racial as simple rather than martial.

High Elf: If you make Trance a supernatural ability, then High Elves are incapable of living in areas without magic - they will die of exhaustion, unable to sleep.

Gnomes: Giving them a charisma bonus cements them as bards and sorcerers. That seems reasonable enough. But why take away the darkvision?

Half Elf: This is extremely complicated. Maybe just treat it as an elf, but with neutral attribute modifiers?

Halfling: No objections here.

Deva: I'm not seeing a reason to choose Human Cleric if you have the option to be a Deva Cleric.

Bugbear: Bugbears are stealthy because they're goblins. I don't know why they're goblins. But I do note that they're no longer Large sized. Why?

Centaur: See comments under Elves regarding weapon proficiency.

Duergar: I agree that Duergar having SLAs was silly.

Aquatic Elves: The reasoning for the intelligence penalty is, strangely enough, mentioned in the Sahuagin fluff. Again with the elven attribute buffs. Also, Weapon Focus (respect) ???

Drow/Grey Elf: An easy change to distinguish the two would be to give Drow a charisma bonus instead of an intelligence bonus.

Gith: Their whole fluff background thing is that they are former slaves of the mind flayers who broke free and fled to the Astral Plane. So some really low level psionics is basically a requirement, even if it's just Far Hand 3/day.

Gnoll: This seems fine for a LA +0 Gnoll.

Svirfneblin: The illusions line got caught off, as did the spell resistance line. Unless you seriously want them to have a spell resistance of 2?

Forest Gnome: Seems reasonable.

Goblin: Perhaps trade the strength penalty for a charisma one? Goblins are basically good at being rogues and mounted fighters, so giving then a strength penalty does them no favours.

Tallfellow: Tallfellows are indeed freakishly gangly at those proportions. How about Ranger for the favoured class?

Deep Halfling: Seems fine to me.

Hobgoblin: This seems way too complicated. You could easily simplify this by saying that a hobgoblin gets one Weapon Proficency and Armour Proficiency feat that they qualify for.

Kobold: The Cold-Blooded ability is not exactly grammatical. Other than that, it looks fine.

Lizardfolk: Yep, looks great.

Locathah: You should note whether they can breathe in air or not.

Merfolk: These are indeed underwater humans. Again, though: Can they breathe air?

Orc: +8 to Intimidate is kind of a lot.

Aasmir/Tiefling: Why not give them a tiny bit of magical ability? Light and Darkness 1/day. A clear sign that they're a little otherworldly, but nothing actually overpowering.

Troglodyte: Stench is kind of a vital part of being a troglodyte. Why not change it from an always on thing to a 1/day cone? Like a skunk!

Gold Dwarf: No idea what these are or if I should care. No comment.

Half-Human Elves: What's the difference between a half-elf and a half-human elf?

Dromite: They're elemental ant people with psionics. So they should get Scent 60', Chitin (DR 5/Bludgeoning OR Energy Resistance 5 to one energy type) and Naturally Psionic (get 2 free power points). No racial modifiers.

Half-Giant; I have no idea why they're psionic at all.

Maenad: I have no idea what Maenads are about. But they're balanced as a race, I guess.

Thri-Keen: Looks good. Limiting poison to 1/day is fair at low levels.

Xeph: I have no idea why you don't like darkvision, but I don't object in this case.

Blue: Yep. They're awful by default.


I'm not going to review the Eberron/Races of Destiny stuff, since I'm not familiar with the setting.


Succubus: This is what I was specifically requested to look at. So let's see...

I'd recomend changing all the saves to 10 + 1/2 HD + Charisma (if you want them to stay relevant at all levels) or to give them a fixed save DC not based on Charisma (if you want them to eventually stop being used).

Suggestion is a very powerful ability and I don't think you should give it out, even in a weakened form, as a first level ability.

Energy Drain is not something a 1st level character should have access to. Not because it's an overpowered effect, but because it results in uncontrolled Wights, which can easily destroy a 1st level party.

I personally recommend a longer progression. For example:

Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Evil, Shapechanger)
+4 Charisma, -2 Wisdom, -2 Strength.
Two natural claw attacks (1d6)
+8 racial bonus on Listen and Spot checks.
Succubus Progression (Sp and Ex): A succubus grows into their natural powers over time. Whenever they would normally gain a level, they may instead gain one hit dice in Outsider. A succubus gains various seductive powers as the number of Outsider hit dice they possess increases. The save DC for their racial abilities are always 10 + 1/2 HD + Charisma. A succubus cannot advance in a character class until they have at least 3 Outsider HD and are not considered to be fully in control of their powers by other demons until they have at least 6 Outsider HD.
HD 1: Detect Good, at will. Charm Person, 3/day. Immunity to Electricity.
HD 2: Change Shape into any Small or Medium humanoid. Tongues. Immunity to Poison.
HD 3: Detect Thoughts, 3/day. Telepathy 100'. DR 10/cold iron or good. Charm Person becomes Charm Monster.
HD 4: Energy Drain. 50' fly speed (average). Suggestion, 3/day. Energy Resistance 10 to acid, cold and fire.
HD 5: Ethereal Jaunt and Greater Teleport (self plus 50lbs only) 3/day. Spell Resistance 12 + HD.
HD 6: All SLAs can now be used at will. Summon Demon, as per the Succubus ability.

2014-08-25, 03:20 AM
Holy crêpe, you put a lot of work in this it seems. I may come back here to PEACH a few races when I have more time (pretty busy with the Base Class Challenge ATM).

2014-08-25, 07:45 AM
This might just be me, but I do not think the ability modifiers on your Centaur is fitting.
It get that they must be tricky since they are going from a LA2, but I just do no see a Centaur as being "frail".
Personally I'd see their original -2 INT along with perhaps a -2 CHA to go alongside a +2 STR and +2 CON/DEX to fit thematically better.
Or maybe give them +2 (STR/CON/DEX) alongside +2 WIS.
Also, if the Centaur chooses Ranger as a class, it basicly got two Weapon Focus feats for free at level one, to me that seems abit iffy at best.

EDIT: Also, looking over the MM entries on Horses, there is not one of them which have more DEX than CON. I do not know why I thought that mattered (Because they are half horsies? :smallconfused:)

2014-08-28, 10:59 PM
Various Race Comments:
Human: Seems fine to me.

Dwarves: Dwarven bards are a thing now. Yaaay.

Elves: Why on earth to elves universally get extra attributes? They don't really need the buff. Further, it might be easier to just give elves +1 with the appropriate weapons (bows for wood, swords for high, clubs for wood, etc.) and the ability to treat their racial as simple rather than martial.

High Elf: If you make Trance a supernatural ability, then High Elves are incapable of living in areas without magic - they will die of exhaustion, unable to sleep.

Gnomes: Giving them a charisma bonus cements them as bards and sorcerers. That seems reasonable enough. But why take away the darkvision?

Half Elf: This is extremely complicated. Maybe just treat it as an elf, but with neutral attribute modifiers?

Halfling: No objections here.

Deva: I'm not seeing a reason to choose Human Cleric if you have the option to be a Deva Cleric.

Bugbear: Bugbears are stealthy because they're goblins. I don't know why they're goblins. But I do note that they're no longer Large sized. Why?

Centaur: See comments under Elves regarding weapon proficiency.

Duergar: I agree that Duergar having SLAs was silly.

Aquatic Elves: The reasoning for the intelligence penalty is, strangely enough, mentioned in the Sahuagin fluff. Again with the elven attribute buffs. Also, Weapon Focus (respect) ???

Drow/Grey Elf: An easy change to distinguish the two would be to give Drow a charisma bonus instead of an intelligence bonus.

Gith: Their whole fluff background thing is that they are former slaves of the mind flayers who broke free and fled to the Astral Plane. So some really low level psionics is basically a requirement, even if it's just Far Hand 3/day.

Gnoll: This seems fine for a LA +0 Gnoll.

Svirfneblin: The illusions line got caught off, as did the spell resistance line. Unless you seriously want them to have a spell resistance of 2?

Forest Gnome: Seems reasonable.

Goblin: Perhaps trade the strength penalty for a charisma one? Goblins are basically good at being rogues and mounted fighters, so giving then a strength penalty does them no favours.

Tallfellow: Tallfellows are indeed freakishly gangly at those proportions. How about Ranger for the favoured class?

Deep Halfling: Seems fine to me.

Hobgoblin: This seems way too complicated. You could easily simplify this by saying that a hobgoblin gets one Weapon Proficency and Armour Proficiency feat that they qualify for.

Kobold: The Cold-Blooded ability is not exactly grammatical. Other than that, it looks fine.

Lizardfolk: Yep, looks great.

Locathah: You should note whether they can breathe in air or not.

Merfolk: These are indeed underwater humans. Again, though: Can they breathe air?

Orc: +8 to Intimidate is kind of a lot.

Aasmir/Tiefling: Why not give them a tiny bit of magical ability? Light and Darkness 1/day. A clear sign that they're a little otherworldly, but nothing actually overpowering.

Troglodyte: Stench is kind of a vital part of being a troglodyte. Why not change it from an always on thing to a 1/day cone? Like a skunk!

Gold Dwarf: No idea what these are or if I should care. No comment.

Half-Human Elves: What's the difference between a half-elf and a half-human elf?

Dromite: They're elemental ant people with psionics. So they should get Scent 60', Chitin (DR 5/Bludgeoning OR Energy Resistance 5 to one energy type) and Naturally Psionic (get 2 free power points). No racial modifiers.

Half-Giant; I have no idea why they're psionic at all.

Maenad: I have no idea what Maenads are about. But they're balanced as a race, I guess.

Thri-Keen: Looks good. Limiting poison to 1/day is fair at low levels.

Xeph: I have no idea why you don't like darkvision, but I don't object in this case.

Blue: Yep. They're awful by default.


I'm not going to review the Eberron/Races of Destiny stuff, since I'm not familiar with the setting.


Succubus: This is what I was specifically requested to look at. So let's see...

I'd recomend changing all the saves to 10 + 1/2 HD + Charisma (if you want them to stay relevant at all levels) or to give them a fixed save DC not based on Charisma (if you want them to eventually stop being used).

Suggestion is a very powerful ability and I don't think you should give it out, even in a weakened form, as a first level ability.

Energy Drain is not something a 1st level character should have access to. Not because it's an overpowered effect, but because it results in uncontrolled Wights, which can easily destroy a 1st level party.

I personally recommend a longer progression. For example:

Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Evil, Shapechanger)
+4 Charisma, -2 Wisdom, -2 Strength.
Two natural claw attacks (1d6)
+8 racial bonus on Listen and Spot checks.
Succubus Progression (Sp and Ex): A succubus grows into their natural powers over time. Whenever they would normally gain a level, they may instead gain one hit dice in Outsider. A succubus gains various seductive powers as the number of Outsider hit dice they possess increases. The save DC for their racial abilities are always 10 + 1/2 HD + Charisma. A succubus cannot advance in a character class until they have at least 3 Outsider HD and are not considered to be fully in control of their powers by other demons until they have at least 6 Outsider HD.
HD 1: Detect Good, at will. Charm Person, 3/day. Immunity to Electricity.
HD 2: Change Shape into any Small or Medium humanoid. Tongues. Immunity to Poison.
HD 3: Detect Thoughts, 3/day. Telepathy 100'. DR 10/cold iron or good. Charm Person becomes Charm Monster.
HD 4: Energy Drain. 50' fly speed (average). Suggestion, 3/day. Energy Resistance 10 to acid, cold and fire.
HD 5: Ethereal Jaunt and Greater Teleport (self plus 50lbs only) 3/day. Spell Resistance 12 + HD.
HD 6: All SLAs can now be used at will. Summon Demon, as per the Succubus ability.

Elves (On the racial attributes): Its not because their elves they get two bonuses is because a con penalty is such a big deal, they NEED to 2 ability score bonuses to balance it out, look at any fan made class handbook in existance they all say don't pick Elf because of the con penalty
Elves (On the Weapon thing): Fixed
High Elves (on trance): Fixed
Gnomes (On Darkvision): Favorwise there is no reason for them to have darkvision there not really miners or live in the dark.
Half-Elves: Its not really the completicated you get a bonus feat, selection depends on your elven half, and BTW they still get favored class any, bonus languages any, the diplomacy bonus etc. making elves with neutral attribute just makes Elves-light, something I am kind of trying to avoid
Deva: I'm assume your referring to the bonus feat, and I removed it
Bugbear (On medium size): According the 3.5 monster manual they are medium sized I didn't change that, I might give the large statue feature though.
Aquatic Elves (On the intelligence penalty justication): I couldn't find it can you point it out to me?
Aquatic Elves (On Weapon Focus (respect)): That was a typo, (though you probably figured that :smalltongue:), any ways fixed
Drow/Grey Elves: Advice taken
Gith: Advice taken
Svirfneblin: Fixed
Goblin: Advice taken
Tallfellow (about favored class): Can you give a justification for that
Hobgoblin: Advice taken
Kobold (On Cold-blooded): Thats how it worded in RoD any advice on rewording
Locathah: The MM never said anything and according to the description of the aquatic subtype, if nothing is said they don't.
Merfolk: The word amphibious was already there but I put the full description to make it more visible.
Orc: Fixed
Tiefling/Aasimar: They didn't loss their spell-like abilties. Noticed the thing on the bottom saying: "All else is the same"? That means they still have everything I didn't explicitly take away or replace.
Troglotyde: Added
Gold Dwarf: They are in the DMG as a sample sub-race
Half-Human Elf: They represent Half-Elves raised by Elves rather then humans
Dromite: Advice taken
Succubus: I made it a constant DC, moved the energy drain to unlock at 3rd level (the CR of wight), I decided not the hit die longer, made suggestion 3rd level. BTW I am stoping emphasis on the succubus, I'd prefer to spend the limit time I have to work on this on the other races please..