View Full Version : Rules Q&A Changing creature type versus spells

St Fan
2014-08-09, 05:21 AM
I was about to post in the RAW Q&A thread about a specific case (namely, the Axiomatic Creature spell from BoED) but then I realized there was a much more generic question underneath.

What happen when a spell affect a specific range of creatures (for example, Charm Person or Enlarge Person which affect solely humanoids) and a character who is under said spell change to another type unaffected by it?

For example, if a charmed spellcaster cast a Polymorph spell on himself to help his "friend", an his type is no longer humanoid, is the charm still working?

The question would be a lot more prevalent with permanent spells. With the aforementioned Axiomatic Creature, it affect "One corporeal creature of lawful or neutral alignment that is native to the Material Plane." The last part isn't likely to change, but alignment sure does. What if the axiomatic creature becomes chaotic? What if it IS a chaotic creature that was temporarily switched to neutral by a magical effect when the spell is initially cast on it?

The way I see it, there are three possibilities:

1) The spell still work whatever the form as long as the subject was fitting the condition during initial spellcasting. (Big, big gamebreaking potential ahead.)

2) The spell is broken since the subject no longer fits its requirement. (Less chance of misuse, though creative players might use it to dispel/break spells in some unexpected way. Can put a serious damper on some Permanency combo.)

3) The spell is supressed. As it was cast on a creature fitting its requirement(s), it sticks, but as long as the creature is of an unfitting nature, its effects no longer work. Returning to normal and the spell effects work anew if its duration isn't expired.

The third position seem to the most logical and less risky of game-breaking, at least IMO.

There are some precedents, for example the fact that most shapeshifter returns to their true form when killed.

Which open a sub-topic of this discussion, in fact: a dead character is no longer a creature but an inanimate object (a corpse). So, one has to wonder what happen to spells that where cast on it while living.

The way I understand it, being killed and resurrected doesn't wipe out permanent spells on the character. (Raise Dead even mention that magical diseases and curses aren't neutralized; it can easily be extrapolated to other magical effects...)

This can have some interesting consequences for those prestige classes that result in a change of creature type, though.

2014-08-09, 07:50 AM
Which open a sub-topic of this discussion, in fact: a dead character is no longer a creature but an inanimate object (a corpse).
Actually, this appears not to be the case: A dead character is not an object, it's a creature with the "dead" condition. Yes, this seems like a weird rule, but it ends up closing a lot of odd little holes in the rules.

St Fan
2014-08-09, 09:20 AM
Actually, this appears not to be the case: A dead character is not an object, it's a creature with the "dead" condition. Yes, this seems like a weird rule, but it ends up closing a lot of odd little holes in the rules.

Okay, I seem to have neglected this point. Does it mean you can actually on a corpse any spell which doesn't have "a living creature" as condition for the target?

2014-08-09, 10:11 AM
Okay, I seem to have neglected this point. Does it mean you can actually on a corpse any spell which doesn't have "a living creature" as condition for the target?

Well, for one, you can raise dead on them, and you certainly can't do that to a toaster.

Duke of Urrel
2014-08-09, 01:35 PM
What happen when a spell affect a specific range of creatures (for example, Charm Person or Enlarge Person which affect solely humanoids) and a character who is under said spell change to another type unaffected by it?

For example, if a charmed spellcaster cast a Polymorph spell on himself to help his "friend", an his type is no longer humanoid, is the charm still working?

The FAQs address this problem on page 88.

A spell only checks to see if you are a legal target when it is cast. If you become an illegal target later (such as via the Polymorph spell), the spell remains in effect.

St Fan
2014-08-09, 06:32 PM
Didn't expect there was an offical ruling.

Which FAQ is that, exactly?

Duke of Urrel
2014-08-09, 08:26 PM
Didn't expect there was an offical ruling.

Which FAQ is that, exactly?

Now that I've checked, I have to admit that I quoted the page number wrong. It should have been page 87, not page 88.

The version of the FAQ that I quoted from is dated June 30, 2008. As far as I know, this is the latest (and probably the last) edition of FAQs for D&D version 3.5. Unfortunately, I don't remember where I found it…

However, I do know where you can find the version of March 14, 2008. It's here (http://wizards.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1406/~/d%26d%3A-3.5-and-3.0-errata-and-faq). Open this web page and then download the file by clicking on this label: Main35FAQv03142008.pdf. The question I used has the following text:

If, while under the effect of a spell that depends on type (such as hold person), my character is transformed into a different creature type by polymorph*, does the spell’s effect remain?

And this text appears on page 85 of the March 14th version of the FAQs.

Of course, not everybody considers the Sage's answers to the FAQs to be definitive (and I myself disagree with a few of them), but there you are!

2014-08-09, 10:06 PM
The version of the FAQ that I quoted from is dated June 30, 2008. As far as I know, this is the latest (and probably the last) edition of FAQs for D&D version 3.5. Unfortunately, I don't remember where I found it…
The Official D&D Game Rule FAQ page is here (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/er/20030221a).

Duke of Urrel
2014-08-09, 10:38 PM
The Official D&D Game Rule FAQ page is here (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/er/20030221a).

Thank you for this. I've bookmarked this page now.