View Full Version : Hey guys, new here...

2014-08-09, 05:27 AM
Hey guys, I'm new here. Have been roaming around this forum for quite some time, reading your opinions on certain aspects of table top games. I look forward to being apart of the conversation. I'd really like to point something out for you guys, if you're interested in some decent reading material. I've been running a 3.5e game since May and have been keeping up with my parties quests via blog, and if you guys would like to check out what has happened so far in my game, then here is the link http://asberon.blogspot.com/

I'd love for you guys to give it a read and maybe give your opinion on what has happened so far, and I'd be happy to answer any question you may have in regards to this campaign. Thanks guys!

2014-08-09, 09:53 PM
Bump... won't be the guy who bumps his post every time, just thought I'd bump it one more time lol.

2014-08-16, 08:23 PM
Hey man. Sounds pretty cool il be sure to check it out. Subscribed to the thread to catch further updates.

2014-08-17, 06:35 AM
Same here!

I'll be sure to read all your campaign logs and give them a good and constructive review, although I'm not exactly a pro, or a native speaker!

Sounds really interesting!
