View Full Version : [IC] [D&D 5e] The Cassini Main

2014-08-09, 10:43 PM
It's another fine equatorial afternoon, the sun burning a hole in the pale blue sky, the dark blue sea spread out westward before you, trade wind steady and strong at twenty knots from the jungled coast that recedes at the port quarter, the air fileld with spray that has for the past several days caked the decks and shrouds - and you - with salt. For any of you with a maritime background, you're a few points west of a true course toward Foam.

Sure, the principal settlement of this warm and pleasant territory has an official name - Caer Paelias, for the third princeling of the Imperial house, who one day might rule here - but every colonist's called it Foam since ever.

Regrettably, it's unlike you'll be tacking anytime soon, as a savage's slung stone has cracked the helmsman's skull. He hangs limp over the wheel, his life's blood pooled, spreading and steaming and drying dark on the deckplanks under the hot sun and the cool sea breeze.

The orcs came out from the jungle-shadowed shore in swift-paddled outrigger canoes, schooling like minnows just ahead of Lady Berythna during the hustle and haw of the westward tack only minutes ago. Those of you who are sailors know there was no choice but to tack through the native boats, the landward course was for grounding. As your ship bore down on the native boats, there was bustle and argumentation over the bowsprit, the Captain insisting in his harsh patois that no trade would be haggled. Then the stones and bolas flew, and the Captain and the helmsman fell. Though a dozen crewmen man the rails, ducking native missiles, they have been able to cut loose the rope from only one of the four stone-weighted snares that have wrapped around the starboard rail. A clamor of orcish warcries continues from the nearest canoes, now hidden from your view by being hauled close under the side of the Lady Berythna. It seems like they will board soon. A half dozen more of the native boats, which have fallen astern, nonetheless continue to hum stones over the deck where you crouch.

By this time you've been able to find cover from slingstones, and equip your weapons. Your choice whether to don armor.
Characters (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?366080-D-amp-D-5e-CharSheets-Cassini-Main)
Discussion (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?366079-D-amp-D-5e-OOC-The-Cassini-Main&p=17937611#post17937611)

2014-08-19, 09:24 PM
Captain Carric Galascient (elf, currently down)
First Officer Rolen Nainodel (another elf, just came out of trance an hour ago, was at swordplay with Lamas before the tack, now is crouched under the rail on the side where boarders might come, trying to cut loose one of the three remaining bolas with a shortsword)
Second Officer Freddim Ondavian (human, was at helm, now dead)
Bosun Narvin Wellspoke (human, had the night watch, has been asleep below deck)
8 day-time sailors (seven humans and an elf, all crouched under the rail and armed with clubs and daggers)
8 night-watch sailors (all human? you think so, as passengers you don't talk much with the night watch; they have been asleep below decks)

Envoy Laucian Iphelama (elf, seasick)
you guys

several tons of northern wine; a couple heavy chests of gold from a native mine; LOTS of salt fish; several casks of viridian dye powder; you don't know what else.

As you wait, crouched amidships between the fore and aft masts, under the foresail boom, you have just time to complete your mental reviews of the ship's condition before:

Initiative - Orc Warleader
AC 11 (leather), 18 hp
Action Surge (Orc Warleader) [roll1] Athletics to vault the rail DC 13
Attack (Orc Warleader) [roll2] spear [roll3] prc [roll4] target (less confusing to make 9 = Rolen)

[roll5] after Orc Warleader - 6 Orc Warriors at starboard rail
each AC 10, 9 hp

[roll6] Athletics to vault the rail DC 13
[roll7] Athletics to vault the rail DC 13
[roll8] Athletics to vault the rail DC 13
[roll9] Athletics to vault the rail DC 13
[roll10] Athletics to vault the rail DC 13
[roll11] Athletics to vault the rail DC 13


[roll12] Initiative - Rolen
Attack [roll13] shortsword [roll14] prc [roll15] target orc
Action Surge Attack [roll16] shortsword [roll17] prc [roll18] target orc (7 = warleader)

[roll19] after Rolen - 8 crew

Attack [roll20] dagger [roll21] prc bonus Attack [roll22] club [roll23] bld [roll24] target orc
Attack [roll25] dagger [roll26] prc bonus Attack [roll27] club [roll28] bld [roll29] target orc
Attack [roll30] dagger [roll31] prc bonus Attack [roll32] club [roll33] bld [roll34] target orc
Attack [roll35] dagger [roll36] prc bonus Attack [roll37] club [roll38] bld [roll39] target orc
Attack [roll40] dagger [roll41] prc bonus Attack [roll42] club [roll43] bld [roll44] target orc
Attack [roll45] dagger [roll46] prc bonus Attack [roll47] club [roll48] bld [roll49] target orc
Attack [roll50] dagger [roll51] prc bonus Attack [roll52] club [roll53] bld [roll54] target orc
Attack [roll55] dagger [roll56] prc bonus Attack [roll57] club [roll58] bld [roll59] target orc

What you intend to do

[roll]Initiative roll initiative
attack weapon damage type of damage

I will resolve the round in order of rolled initiative, once everyone's posted

Please note the deck space of about 8 ft x 40 ft between the bulging sails and the starboard rail is "tight" with the press of as many as twenty bodies, which means that large swingy weapons (warhammer + staff) are at disadvantage to hit.

Scarlet Dragon
2014-08-19, 09:53 PM
Kiln:HP 12/12 AC 12
Kiln glances at his pack with his wooden shield atop it and more importantly his leather armor inside it. Growling in displeasure he decides that it would take too long to put it on and instead opts to just grab the shield. "Wé betst repelle hem orcs quykly lest hem do more thanne throwen stonnes." With that he waits for his colleagues to finish preparing so that they can put down this attack.

My action for the first turn is to grab my shield. As to the accent, I am using a mix of Middle and Old English to give a little flair to Kiln's speech. I'll include a spoiler with the transliterated sentence so people can understand what he meant as it sometimes does get hard to read.
"We best repel these orcs quickly before they do more than throw stones"