View Full Version : What to buy for my cleric?

Guinea Anubis
2014-08-09, 11:25 PM
Making a new PC for a Carrion Crown game I am playing in, since my current PC looks like he will bite the dust next game. I have made an 11th level cleric of Sarenrea.

I have the normal 89,000 gp to spend and I am looking for some ideas on what to spend it on. I am thinking some Pearls of Power, Prayer Beads, Deathless Armor and a Flame Burst Weapon.

2014-08-10, 12:05 AM
What domains do you have, and have you taken any prestige classes?

A standard Strand of Prayer Beads with the Bead of Smiting removed only costs 9,000 gp according to the DMG pricing. It hasn't been addressed in the errata and the DMG overrules the SRD for D&D games. That has a Bead of Karma and a Bead of Healing on it, for only 9,000 gp.

Lesser Metamagic Rods of Extend are one of the best things ever. Use it with Magic Vestment, Slow Poison, and various other buffs.

Get a Reliquary Holy Symbol (MIC) and a pile of Night Sticks (LM) if you're using Divine Metamagic: Persistent.

In a few levels get a standard Rod of Extend and a 6th level Pearl of Power. Every other day prepare Energy Immunity (SC) twice and use the pearl to cast it three times, using the rod on each. On the days in between prepare Energy Immunity and Superior Resistance (SC) each once and use the pearl to cast Energy Immunity twice, again using the rod on each. This will give you constant immunity to all five energy types and a +6 Resistance bonus to all your saving throws, for two 6th level spell slots and those two items. Just for perspective, if a +6 Cloak of Resistance wasn't an epic item, it would cost the same as that 6th level pearl of Power.