View Full Version : Pathfinder More ideas to throw around

Crimson Wolf
2014-08-09, 11:39 PM
Okay so hopefully this time I might get a bit more advice and talk since the last time I posted. My campaign is going pretty well with only a few hickups here and there and have the main premise set. I think the only main problem besides players being absent time to time due to life is I don't know which Devil or devils to have as the main end fight and it is really bugging me >.< But I have a insane amount of time until that happens.

Now in the meantime until I figure out or someone gives me a great idea I was wondering on some other things. Namely, at one point there possibly might be an airship battle or two, along with a few army battles to get to the end area and I thought of an idea. Not something game breaking, but something slightly unique and nifty. Was thinking that maybe once the players are starting to either help with said ships being built that, during the process they are getting training in using things on the ship, navigating said ship, possibly even helping pilot it (or at least parts of it). And came up with the idea of a side chart like a ship battles only feat/trait/talent list. Like unless something hops on deck attacking players, they would be using this list for any and all ship active items and such. Think of it as you have your character in a game, you have their feats, skills, and all the nifty stuff. But the moment they hop on a vehicle, you are the same level but using a entire different list that involves just vehicle combat, piloting, and such.

So the players would choose the number of feats their level/class would normally allow but assign them as per vehicle/ship combat/piloting/ Just an idea is all, probably wont do it if it is too big a hassle or if the players don't like the idea but wanted some feedback on it first. Now my other idea which I talked a tiny bit with the players and they seem to enjoy is claiming land, areas, mines, resources and the like then helping the planning and development of a headquarters type of base. Now they don't know it would be helped by a faction that is hidden for now but would be revealed later. Mainly the planet they are on now is, for the most part, uninhabited by any sentient life (yes monsters and stuff but the previous "people" who lived there were wiped off the map) so claims for things are up for grabs. Storyline wise, two portals opened on the planet when a wizard was doing some planeswalking and ended up there. Opening a portal to his home world and another world on this new one, letting the races from both sides meet up and form a grand faction of races to start exploring this world. Though first thing was first, make a main city and food supply to this place around the portals.

Was mainly wondering ideas on just what things could be done for giving them options on making said base later in the game, and how far I should let them have as a list of options and ideas to add on to it. Including possible drawbacks for some choices or upkeep they should have for any npc's that can be "hired on" to help this faction base.

2014-08-10, 12:03 AM
The second character sheet for when you are on an airship is cool, but just how important are the ships themselves? If they are just for going from point A to B with the occasional battle then it might be more of a hassle than it is worth to make such a system.

Allowing the players to claim land and then build an empire is indeed a solid way to do thing, and can lead to a much more diversified experience for the players. IF they are willing to put the time and effort in. Stronghold Builders guide is a great resource for constructing anything from mundane forts to mighty impenetrable castles so i recommend you go through and find what you like/don't like before handing it out to players.

Crimson Wolf
2014-08-10, 12:13 AM
I do have the builders guide, and as per the airships being important. It is more like, say halfway in the campaign they realize just what might happen in this new world and the effects that would happen. So every bloody great mind of tech and magic gets together to invent stuff, thus boom airship. Said ship or ships might be the only way possible to get to some parts or areas within time frame, along with the absolute only way to fight a boss later I had in mind >.> like literally the ONLY way to fight it. Reason being, you wont be able to fight a flying tempest behemoth on land because I highly doubt it might stay just in front of you like some final fantasy fight XD Plus I think they might enjoy some badass air battle versus something that nature itself fears.