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Queen Sapes
2014-08-10, 06:47 PM
Issue 1: Nightmare on Elm Street

There’s a saying in the sleepy New England town of Mystery, ‘If you’re looking for Mystery and you think you’ve gone too far, then you’re almost there’. Thanks to the White Mountains that surround it, Mystery is far from anywhere, locked deep in the wilderness with the nearest town 45 minutes away thanks to the winding mountain roads. Mystery, to the naked eye, is the idyllic little town far from the reaches of the big city but close enough that it doesn’t disappear altogether.

The town is barely spread over two miles, with homes, gas stations, and occasional workplaces dotting the wilderness for the next ten. On one side of town is Mystery Mountain, the tallest peak in New Hampshire and lovely state park. On the other side of town is the Hale River, a crystal clear river in the day named for Mystery’s founders: the Hale Family. One of the many White Mountains rises up just on the other side of the river, trapping Mystery in a valley. The small town itself is just a handful of main roads with only local businesses populating the streets thanks to the persistence of Mystery residents. It’s the kind of place you would have expected to see disappear decades ago, but Mystery remains resilient against all odds. Mining on Mystery Mountain used to fuel the town, and even though the mines closed up, logging in the surrounding area still goes strong. It’s not uncommon for a logging truck to drive through town several times a day, and many residents still work for Hale Logging.

Apart from that, tourism and the local college keep the town afloat during the year. During the summer, Mystery Mountain makes a popular camping and hiking destination, with Mystery the only place to stop for all the necessities. In the fall, the college takes in a new crop of students, and the town itself goes all-out for things like the Mystery High Homecoming game and Halloween. In winter, Mystery Mountain attracts people from across the state thanks to the mountain-top ski resort. And finally, spring brings the hunters to town with hopes of getting the biggest game. Mystery, though quiet, never stays still for long.

Finally, if a local ever tells you that “the sun sets early in Mystery”, they aren’t exaggerating. Thanks to the two mountains, the sun arrives late and disappears quickly, with the shadow of Mystery Mountain quickly overtaking the town. The nightlife of Mystery is what would be expected. All the stores close their doors at nine, with the exception of the bars which linger on until the later hours of the night. Aside from that and the occasional big event, Mystery shuts down at night, the good townsfolk disappearing behind the safety of the doors to their homes. Because despite the fact nobody is willing to admit it, they all know something isn’t right in Mystery. The small town isn’t quite idyllic as they all want to think. Things creep through the forests at night, strange lights blink on the mountain long enough for someone to glimpse them, sounds straight out of a horror movie pierce the night, and shadows move when there’s nobody there. If you ever get the feeling that you’re being watched, or something’s outside your window, or just on the other side of the shower curtain, chances are it’s not just in your head.

The rest of the world has superheroes, mutants, and men with amazing machines. Mystery has something far more frightening. Mystery has monsters. And some of them are here to help.

Gathered by the great and powerful sorcerer Eldritch, four of them lounge around the cabin Eldritch generously conjured up for them before leaving for other more important matters. It’s late in the day, the shadow of Mystery Mountain already having fallen over the town, and where most teams would be out stopping crime, the members of Mystery Inc. sit waiting for something to happen. In fact, for roughly a week straight that’s been the general plan of action. Mystery’s reputation for being a sleepy town is certainly accurate.

The cabin at least is extremely nice. The entire thing is wood, or some other material manipulated into appearing as wood. Immediately from the entrance visitors are open to the living room area, which is a slight indent in the ground that features a stone fireplace filled with magic fire and a flat screen TV, and the dining room, which is mostly a table with seven places. Opposite the front door is a stocked bar for the team, with a door to the backyard adjacent to it. Left of the bar is a staircase which leads upstairs to a small library stocked with magical encyclopedias which overlooks the main part of the cabin. Next to the stairs is a door that leads into three separate bedrooms for the team, upstairs another door serves the same purpose.

The team pretty much lounges around the main area, entertaining themselves in one way or another. At the bar, the ghost of a woman hovers over a barstool as if sitting on it, entertaining herself by levitating the bottles around. A robot made of dark metal sits on one of the couches, his red eyes locked on the TV which is displaying some kind of painting show where a white man with a large afro teaches people to paint. Next to him is a monster of a man with scars crisscrossing his body, all his features almost as canine as the large wolf lying beside him. Sitting at the dining room table is a woman with hazel eyes and brown hair who has a large book laid out before as she pours over it for information.

They all sit in relative silence until the sound of keys rustling outside the front door alerts them to the return of the other three. The doorknob turns, the door drifts open, and three others walk in from the late afternoon summer outside. A woman dressed in a lot of red walks in, her appearance not quite perfectly human. That fact is cemented when she wipes away some makeup as she walks in, revealing the zombified flesh beneath. Another younger woman with white hair follows the first, her eyes cautiously watching the woman in red. Finally, an older looking Chinese man walks in carrying a large pizza box with the logo for ‘Christie’s Pizza’ on the front. He sets in down on the dining table for everyone to dig into. For better or worse that’s the most difficult mission the group has to deal with, retrieving food for a gang of freaks to the outside world, half of whom don’t even require food to begin with.

Before anyone can say anything, the zombified woman in red takes a newspaper out of her pocket and unfurls it on the table. In a small town like Mystery, the best source for tips comes from the morning paper, and today has a small but nonetheless interesting article on the front page.

”High School Football Field Vandalized!”

2014-08-10, 07:16 PM
Wallok sits on the couch, eyes glued to the television screen. He did not know how the dark sorcery that made the machine work functioned, but he knew that it must be a great magic to allow such an image. He and Farrok had investigated the strange box upon their arrival, looking for the men within, but had not found them. He had even broken the first television in half to try to find the small people within, only for there to be nothing there. Truly it was a great conundrum for the Toraq, one that would require further investigation in the future.

Of course, the Toraq does nothing quietly. While Farrok may be sleeping, the Toraq had duties he must fulfill. Sprawled out on the couch, slightly drunk and completely naked, the Toraq praises his god.

"Hann gerði Toraq," he shouts, the rising and falling of his tone somewhat resembling a song. "Artoran slátra hór - "

As the door opens, the Toraq interrupts his singing, hoping some great foe has come to challenge him but no, it was simply the zombie, with a piece of paper. The Toraq reclines again, instantly losing interest. Paper was useless, especially the ones with squiggly lines all over. Those tasted funny. All it was good for was removing feces from ones ass.

Farrok, on the other hand, is far more interested, instantly rising and taking the pizza box, the giant wolf trotting off into the corner to enjoy its catch. While it was customary for the Toraq and their Beasts to kill what they eat themselves, the duo had decided to make pizza an exception. Across the link, Wallok can feel the elation of his companion.

"Artoran ukist á ný og drepa hór!" the Toraq resumes shouting, slurring his speech slightly as Farrok consumes the pizza meant for the group, box and all.

I'm just going to use Icelandic for Toraqi because I don't want to make a language up. :smallredface:

Anubis Dread
2014-08-10, 07:43 PM
Oh? The others were back. Marilyn sighed, shutting her book and setting it to the side. Another day wasted. Certainly access to an entire library of arcane books was a dream came true. Or at least it had been at first. But despite her searching it day after day she had yet to find a cure to her current dilemma, nor had she unlocked anymore spells that were useful on more than an incredibly situational basis. What's more, she was INSIDE of an evening, just reading! She should be at the bar, getting a little bit tipsy off of other people's dime. Flirting uproariously and perhaps starting a little bit of a fling. But it was such a small town that if she went to the bar as too many different people it would arouse suspicious, while if she went as the same way consistently it would both risk flaring up her unique disability and get her a reputation. Which in turn could lead to the more freakish members of their squad being revealed. She couldn't have that... being one of the only ones to look normal and have any social grace, if she was the one to blow their cover she'd never live it down!

Speaking of cover, it was about time to switch forms... this form was too close to her original one to sit in for long, or else there might be trouble assuming it again. Switching to the form of a smaller red head, Marilyn shut her book and set it to the side before reaching for a slice, and... well, damn.

"Charming," she sighed as she watched the dog devour the pizza, before turning her attention to the paper. "And that seems like a job for the local police... if not the groundskeeper. I'm betting there's a little bit more to it than the headline would suggest though if you thought it worth our attention. What is it? Drag marks? Crop circles? Painted runes??" Though at first she sounded sardonic, as she went on her voice actually grew kind of excited. It meant a break from digging through all these useless book and maybe a bit of action!

2014-08-10, 07:49 PM
Garnet watches the multiple undead in the room. Why did such a brilliant man like Eldritch trust these abominations. Her skin crawled just thinking about it. And the smell from the zombie was horrid, no matter how much she tried to mask it.

"Supper is on, mortals et alii. And there seems to have been an incident at the stadium," she says, pausing ever so slightly on the word stadium. What was wrong with the word colosseum? It was a much better word, especially given the sports generally played on it.

As the Toraq moves, Garnet makes to deliver food to everyone before most of it was lost. Anyone who did eat suddenly finds a piece of warm pizza in their hands and other appendages just as the box begins to be devoured.

2014-08-10, 08:06 PM
As Farrok bites into an empty box he turns towards the immortal girl, growling angrily before continuing to devour the grease-soaked box, catching the piece of pizza flung at it by its Toraq companion without any effort.

"What stadium?" the Toraq asks, each word coming slowly to him. From the way it is asked, the Toraq seems to be asking more what a stadium is, rather than where the stadium happens to be located.

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-10, 08:07 PM
Perry (How Pelias wishes to be called of Duty), continues looking at the screen intently. From what he understands the show is called "Iron Artist" despite none of the artists being made of iron. Very disappointing. He was hoping more of his kind could help him out. Nevertheless he/she watches "Chief Ramzes" (Decided to make this into a combo of Shaft and Iron Chef and Painting) criticize and insult the new painters often throwing in slurs that are bleeped out. Perry creates a easel for himself out of his own body and using more of himself paints. The movement is purely aesthetic, as Perry could just wish the painting. But for him the process is important.

He sees certain people start eating the Pizza, and decides to at least try it himself.

Growing an extra limb, and detaching a single eye, he sends the proxy to collect one of the pieces of pizza and dissolve its matter into individual molecules whilst not getting out of his seat.

Delicious. That definitely contained carbon and sodium.

Not sure what to say about the vandalization, he decides to be quiet. Will doing minor acts of community service free him of his sins?

Loads Dictionary Protocol

Stadium is an Arena used for entertaining a large group of people as the center is used to hold the spectacle. Spectacles range from Musicians, to Gladiatorial battle to other forms of sport

2014-08-10, 09:53 PM
Strangest vacation I've ever been on, and I spent a weekend in Ancient Rome. Cat finishes wiping away the heavy makeup that lets her pass for living, at least well enough to sit in the car outside the pizza joint, and watches those who partake dig into the slices rescued from Farrok. Used to be somthin' of a delicacy. Only pizza places used to be the little hole in the wall restaurants in big-city Italian neighborhoods. Now even Mystery's got one. Fast food, they say. Even the damn food's gotten fast. Yeah, we had diners and hot dog stands and all that, but this is something else again.

"And that seems like a job for the local police... if not the groundskeeper. I'm betting there's a little bit more to it than the headline would suggest though if you thought it worth our attention. What is it? Drag marks? Crop circles? Painted runes??" Though at first she sounded sardonic, as she went on her voice actually grew kind of excited. It meant a break from digging through all these useless book and maybe a bit of action!

"Hmm? I got it for the crossword, doll." The Crimson Detective chuckles knowingly at Marilyn's question. "But now that you mention it, does seem to be some fuss going on at the school. Let's take a look, shall we?"

I... don't actually know what's going on at the school. That's the GM's department. :smallsmile:

Queen Sapes
2014-08-10, 10:29 PM
The Detective picks up the newspaper to get a good look at the article for the first time. In small towns like Mystery, everything makes the news, so most of it is junk or things that are happening so far from Mystery they might as well be completely ignored. However, the article peaks a particular interest thanks to the little things.

"High School Football Field Vandalized!"
Late last night the home field for the local Mystery High Mountain Lions was vandalized by a group of unknown criminals. Witnesses state that they heard what sounded like 'a loud and angry roar, like a bear caught in a beartrap' come from the direction of Mystery Senior High School around ten o'clock at night. Police were called in to investigate and potentially free the trapped animal, but upon arrival found no animals at the site. Upon investigating the football field, Sheriff Martin Henley says Deputy Sharon Evans noticed dozens of indents in the field, as if a shovel dug deep into the ground and uprooted some dozens of spots on the field. When measured, the holes were identified as 1ft across in diameter and 4.5ft deep. Sheriff Henley says damages to the field were minor, but will take weeks to completely fix. Principal Vanderson says he has high hopes the field will be fully repaired by the time the Homecoming game rolls around next month.

The article, though small when compared to other local news such as 'Helen's Diner Reopened After Refurbishments!', includes a black and white image of the football field. The entire thing is torn up, just like the article said, but worse than it makes it out to be. The entire field is covered with these deep holes, some overlapping and spilling dirt in between each other, and they appear to continue past the football field, indenting the track field and the edge of the mountain slopes beyond that.

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-10, 10:55 PM
This should at least warrant our investigation? Our involvement minimizes the risk of others getting injured in the process of recapturing wild animals.

Perry kinda stretches it. Mainly because he is looking for any way to help out and ease his robo-guilt.

2014-08-10, 10:59 PM
Wallok looks at the man of metal, his obnoxious singing finally stopping as he scowls at the robot.

"Farrok no animal. Farrok Beast!" he shouts, automatically assuming the robot is talking about his companion when he says animal.

"No call Farrok animal!"

In the corner, the wolf gives a quick bark of approval, the sound echoing through the house.

Anubis Dread
2014-08-10, 11:07 PM
"Hm, if I didn't know any better I'd guess we had some kind of summoning based coven in town," the Siren admitted, looking carefully at the picture. "I don't see any runes or blood anchors though... and most demons tend to sound like a baby elephant mixed with a Tasmanian devil than a bear."

Setting the newspaper back down, Marilyn thought for a few moments before taking another bite of her pizza. "At this point we should get to it. The longer we leave it, the more likely the trail is to be cold. Besides, if we go tonight we might catch them in the act. They had to have done this at night the first time, maybe they weren't done."

Making an Expertise: Magic check just in case there's something overtly magical going on: [roll0]

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-10, 11:07 PM
Initiating Politeness Protocol

No need to feel upset old chum, I wasn't refering to you good fellow and your......SCANNING........Dog? I was referring to the animal in the newspaper, and may I be so bold as to say that you are completely incorrect. Your....Wolf, like all life forms with intelligence under parameters X70 is classified as non-sapient and thus is classified under group animal unless proven to be artificial at which point it will be reclassified as IV level AI.

2014-08-10, 11:09 PM
Boy, some folks sure are keen on believing nothing's wrong, even when its right in front of 'em.

"Seems last night a 'group of unknown criminals' visited Mystery High School. These being the sorts of criminals who roar 'like a bear caught in a beartrap', mind you. Sheriff was called, didn't find any animals, but they did find the field covered in holes. Got a picture here, look to be about a foot across, maybe four and a half feet deep. Holes run out past the field onto the track and up the mountainside. No machinery recovered either, naturally, and no leads mentioned. But the principal is hopeful they'll have the field all patched up for the Homecoming game next month, so that's nice, at least." Cat finishes her summary of the article with a half-grin and passes it around to anyone who wants to see the picture or read for themselves.

"Oh, and Helen's Diner is open again, but given our line of work, I'm thinking a visit to the school might be a touch more important. How's everyone's schedule lookin' tonight? Anyone gotta go bark at the moon or commune with Old Scratch?" She chuckles, mostly to herself.

2014-08-10, 11:14 PM
The stream of long, intelligent words would have been difficult for a typical English speaker to follow; to a Toraq who still is shakey on the idea of a "stadium" it is indecipherable.

Still, the word animal shows up more than once, causing the naked, eight foot tall Toraq to rise to his feet in anger, blood flowing from his palm to form a long axe.

"FARROK NO ANIMAL!" he shouts, slamming the axe into the ground. Unfortunately, a couch happens to be in the way. The poor cloth and stuffing doesn't stand a chance, collapsing in on itself as it splits cleanly in half.

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-10, 11:20 PM
Seeing as how he is not good at communicating but knows when he has done a stupid, Perry tries to ease things over.

But technically as going by the Oxford Thesaurus circa 2005, your ani-...Pet Ferrok may also be classified as beast. Does that satisfy? Though this is oxymoronic.

Anubis Dread
2014-08-10, 11:24 PM
Marilyn thought over the words of her living impaired team mate. "Come to think of it, from the way it's described it almost sounds like those holes could be... foot prints? It's bizarre, but that IS sort of what we-"

Annnnd there went the couch. Again. She better try to put a stop to it before they were docked another bit from their pay. She could barely afford the luxuries she was used to as it was, and she barely paid for any of it! "Calm down Wallok, just relax," the Siren crooned softly, her body shifting into a somewhat more appealing form of the red head she currently had as she turned on the charm... literally, in this case. "I know you're frustrated, but you should just sit down and let us work this out. After all, a handsome man like yourself can't be expected to waste his time thinking over things like this! Words are pointless when you're as strong as yourself, there's no need to get angry over them."

Probably don't really need to do this, but going to use the Fascinate Advantage before we have more broken furniture. It seems less likely to produce hurt feelings than the outright thralldom some of her powers could do. :smalltongue:.

Persuasion Roll: [roll0]

2014-08-10, 11:25 PM
"No! No pet! No animal! Farrok is Beast!" the Toraq proclaims loudly for all to hear, the horse-sized wolf rising from its corner to quietly walk towards the Toraq, eyeing the robot with no small amount of anger, clearly resenting being called an animal.

And then the Siren begins to speak.

While most of the words mean little to the Beast Duo, the tone is more than enough to get the point across to Wallok. He sits on the split couch, the dog sitting with him as well. The redheaded form helped as well; Vitri, companion of the Laughing Child was a redhead.

"No animal," he mutters as he idly scratches the head of the wolf.

2014-08-11, 12:43 AM
The Toraq's rage is nothing new by now, no mean feat considering only recently meeting the humanoid... and there was Marilyn, on queue, to calm him.

"Sorry, last I was there they didn't serve the recently living. I doubt it's changed," Garnet jabs to the zombie. "So it would seem we're heading over there then? We may need to look less conspicuous to what being made the marks." She thinks to herself, what could make a mark like that in the ground, then disappear so quickly. Were they prints, or were they digging for something? The roar was not described as recurring, so being left to assume it was not, it may have been searching for something. So little information to go on, it was hard to tell. Only way to learn more was to go there and look around.

"Siren," she says, looking to Marilyn, stopping herself from simply calling the acquaintance 'witch,' "grab a few books that you think may be useful for references. A little of everything - demons, phantasms, aberrations, fey, cults et caetera." In a moment, Garnet is looking over at the bookshelves, skimming over the various titles, some vanishing from the shelf to a table, the same while thinking on what could have done that damage to the field? Why is four and a half feet significant? What would that be in other systems? One and a half meters, give or take. Three cubits, perhaps? If it was cubits, that would put the likely source as something biblical. And only one foot wide. Either feet, or possibly looking for something. Likely something large if they were digging. "Put a bit of emphasis on the demons. Just an idea."

Queen Sapes
2014-08-11, 01:24 AM
As Midnight pours over the shelves looking for anything significant, one of the ancient tomes starts shaking on the shelf. A golden glow envelops the book, and it pulls itself from the shelves to hover in the air, opening up as a voice emerges from the ancient book. "Why are you all making such an absurd amount of noise!?" the book shouts in a gruff and commanding voice at the team. The book, nicknamed 'Chester' for the letters of the author's name that can be translated, is Eldritch's other gift to the team. One part ancient encyclopedia of magic and monsters, one part guardian, one part watcher, and one final part loud abomination which shouldn't exist in a sensible world. Then again, that last part applies to the entire team in some way. Chester hovers over to the railing that separates the library area and the main part of the cabin, its pages looking around to get a look at the entire team. "Don't you people know that it's rude to wake a sleeping book from his nap!? What's the matter anyway, did you all finally find some reason to get busy?"

In your witchcraft experience, not a whole lot involves digging random and near perfect holes in the ground. A few summoning spells require things from under the ground such as roots, special rocks, and insects of all kinds, so it could have been the site of some witch or group of witches digging for something. Of course, with the sound of a bear, that makes it even more confusing. Perhaps some sort of shape changing druid or a witch with a bear familiar? Or perhaps something else entirely.
Calling upon your expertise with monsters of the night, you do your best to piece together what kind was digging, or for what reason. Several kinds of demons make their homes just below the surface, perhaps a nest of them was making the football field their home. Then a bear wandered onto the field, upset the nest, and they sprung on the pair. Although that doesn't account for the holes in the mountainside or indents in the track. Perhaps some big monstrosity wandered towards the school, dug out of boredom, and then wandered off? Doesn't account for the bear, unless it was a giant bear, but it is a possibility. Ultimately there's little helpful clues in the article to be sure of anything. It would likely be easier to just check out the field and see if the police missed anything important.

2014-08-11, 02:12 AM
"Indeed, Chester," Midnight says, grabbing the newspaper from the table. "A large amount of unusual holes three cubits deep and three hands wide appeared on the stadium and the mountainside. We were looking for some tomes to bring for reference while we looked around the area, unless you might know anything of something like that."

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-11, 07:55 AM
Just because I can (And the reason I primarily took Variable), intrigued in the calming form of Marilyn, Perry decides to follow suit.

I know usually the DM rolls but this is merely because its more relevant to me how good of a disguise I could make, and not how I am to fool somebody else considering I always look chrome anyway

I should look pretty similar too Merilyn, just completely monochrome black.

Perhaps I could be useful in checking for similar situations of similar past occurrences on online databases?

2014-08-11, 08:20 AM
"Shut up stupid book," Wallok mutters, still thoroughly entranced by Siren.

"Where big monsters at?" the Toraq asks as the undead hunter rambles off a list of names. "Farrok good at finding. We go find now," the Toraq says, moving for the door with the Beast. Of course, he has no idea where or what a stadium is, so his search is unlikely to yield much.

2014-08-11, 09:33 AM
"Ni de hen ho chiak, wo bu ze tau tze ma."* he commented as he took a bite out of his slice, slipping back into mandarin as his memory wandered back to his days in the Middle Kingdom, trying to remember if he had faced or heard of anything like that.

Time for the Ancient dragon's roll for knowledge magic, much memory

*This is delicious, I have no idea why.

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-11, 10:19 AM
Toraq Wait!

Perry grabs him by the shoulder still in his Siren get up.

It would be best if we came into the situation informed. Perhaps Chester has information to aid us.

2014-08-11, 10:26 AM
The Toraq looks down at the tony Siren-bot, amazed that it managed to reach his shoulder.

"Okay. Talky book! Where I go for inform?" the Toraq bellows at Chester.

"Go find badguys and squish!" the Toraq cries in a truly abysmal imitation of the book.

"Thanks talky book!" the Toraq says, walking out the door before peeking his head back in.

"Where sta-di-um?"

Anubis Dread
2014-08-11, 12:16 PM
Marilyn pursed her lips in distaste as her doppleganger appeared, before changing her form to be more lithe, tall, and her hair blonde. She had enough of an identity crisis already without two of her walking around.

"Calm down, Toraq. It does not good to go into a battle with a rusted sword. We need to prepare ourselves for battle before we take to the field," the Siren spoke diplomatically, her voice heavy with her fascination power. Before turning back to the party.

"Honestly though I think Toraq has a point - this looks like footprints more than anything else. If it's a physical creature, it can be tracked by scent. Though some idea of WHAT could create such foot prints would be useful. Some sort of robot?" was the only possibility that came to mind. "That roars like a bear..."

2014-08-11, 12:28 PM
"But I use axe," the Toraq states, tendrils of blood twining around one another to create the brutal weapon. "And Blood Weapon no rust!"

"I wait in yard. Tell when talking done. Afli!" the Toraq shouts as the axe becomes a bow. In one smooth motion an arrow the size of a spear appears, soaring away even as the great wolf flies after it, moving far faster than most cars. While the Toraq cannot see the creature catch the arrow he can easily feel it over the bond the two share.

Afli means catch.

2014-08-11, 01:55 PM
"Holes in the ground. Oh my" Rose appears behind the Crimson detective, looking over the zombie shoulders with an amused smile on her cherry lips. "Such a heinous crime deserves our full attention.L I hope the wolf hasn't fulled on pizza" Her voice would be dripping with sarcasm but actually she does welcome the distraction. Stacking bottles in various size pyramids was starting to get old, with a tilt of her head thee lavitating bottles fly back to their shelves behind the bar, some novelty is appreciated.

She hasn't chimed in so far (or even bothered to make herself visible) because for one she didn't have anything to contribute and besides any conversation that involves the tinman and wolfguy are genraly pure comedy gold and she didn't feel like interrupting it "Well, whatever did this, I doubt it sticked around , It doesn't cost anything to check the place out."

2014-08-11, 02:07 PM
"Footprints? I was thinking more along the lines of a den, or a demonic honeycomb." She notices the ancient Toraq as he itches for a fight. "Ekki hafa áhyggjur. Við munum taka þig til sem völlinn þegar allir er tilbúinn. Við gerum ekki allir bera hina meðfæddu vopn eins og þú gerir."
Totally forgot that I chose a different color for speech.

Translation: Do not worry. We will take you to the stadium when everyone is prepared. We do not all carry innate weapons like you do.

2014-08-11, 02:54 PM
"Ég mun fara í fimm mínútur. Drífðu þig," the Toraq shouts back, far more articulate in his native tongue. As his companion comes bounding back the Toraq rushes the beast, grabbing it with a leaping tackle. The two naked beasts roll about the ground, shouting and laughing loudly.

Basically, "Leaving in five minutes, hurry up."

Also, note that Wallok isn't too solid on exactly how long five minutes are.

Queen Sapes
2014-08-11, 03:15 PM
"Hm... I dunno, witches maybe?" the book says, questioning his own answer. "Maybe a colony of undead moles? I dunno kid, I'll need a lot more details before I can give you anything solid. You two!" Chester shouts, the group somehow aware he's referring to Siren and Crimson. "You've been out and about in town the most since we got here, you know your way to the school, right? Should be dark in about twenty, perfect time to sneak over and do a little investigating! Take the truck out front, we don't want any of you walking around town scaring the locals!" The pages of Chester turn as he thinks. "Oh, right!" he exclaims, hovering himself over to the library's desk. On top of it, next to the books Midnight removed, are several small glass vials filled with strange glowing lights. The same golden glow enveloping Chester covers one of the vials, and he hovers it over to Midnight. "Take this with you. We don't want anybody freaking out when they see the team, and Eldritch especially doesn't want anybody panicking about the eight foot tall naked man. He won't put on a pair of pants, so Eldritch suggested someone carry this. With this near Wallok, anybody who looks at him will believe he's wearing pants. He'll still be naked, but at least people won't panic about it."

You certainly know of several spirits who could possibly have done this to the football field, but the question is why they would have done it. It could have been a spirit under the ground, or perhaps the field might actually be a place where the spirits can cross over? It's not beyond possibility that something or a group of somethings crossed into this world, and had to uproot a lot of the field to get through. It is definitely strange enough to warrant an investigation, and once there you can find out if the mystic is actually present.

Anubis Dread
2014-08-11, 03:42 PM
"I see your point... knowing Wallok anyway. If it was a different 8 foot tall naked man the reaction could well be very different," Marilyn chuckled. ...she really was NOT getting out enough if that was amusing to her. She didn't care if it was a night on the town or a mystery, she NEEDED to get outside.

The Siren thought to herself for a few moments. "I could cast a scrying ritual of some kind to get us a better idea of what we're dealing with... but it would take more time than just investigating the field. Plus it's rather taxing. Some good old fashioned investigating to start off with sounds like the best idea. Though if they were foot prints we may be expected to go mountain climbing," she sighed. She was not the out doors type... which made being assigned in Mystery all the more aggrivating.

Just an fyi, when they're out and about The Siren tends to just read everyone's mind with impunity. It's undetectable, so there's no reason not to at least peek at the surface thoughts of anyone they encounter.

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-11, 03:57 PM
Considering I'm the only individual here qualified to drive, would anybody mind if instead of using the truck we used a method more organic for myself?

Thank god I actually took points in vehicles.

2014-08-11, 04:12 PM
"Depends why we cant just use the truck."

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-11, 04:16 PM
I can provide a smoother experience and go at faster speeds.

2014-08-11, 04:23 PM
"I was assuming we were to be inconspicuous."

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-11, 04:45 PM
My likeness are very convincing and inconspicuous.

As I attempt to mimic Garnet


Still if it would make yourselves and the rest of the group more comfortable I am willing to drive the Truck provided by Elritch

2014-08-11, 05:21 PM
Midnight looks over the robotic likeness of herself. "I never took automata to need ego stroking. I was just as ready to walk as drive, but should you need to prove your worth via acting as transport, far be it from my duty to tell you what you may or may not do. I will be content to walk, however." She heads toward the door. "Also, you got the coloring all wrong. Pay more attention to Ross when you're watching him. Remember: 'Try to imagine you're the tree. How do you want to look?'" Without explaining, she disappears outside. "Toraq, ætla ég að þú vilt ekki að hjóla í lorry, rétt? Svo lengi sem þú ert fljótur, verður þú ekki að," she says, holding the glowing vial.

Was it irresponsible to ignore Chester and just walk anyways? Maybe. Was it a good idea to cram so many people into one vehicle? Also a bad idea, and sharing the lorry with the beasts was asking for trouble.
Toraq, I assume you don't not want to ride in a lorry (truck), correct? So long as you are fast, you won't have to.

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-11, 05:33 PM
Perry drops his Garnet getup.

I apologize. I just find the process.....Uncomfortable to be honest. A comparable example to one as yourself would be commanding a beast from inside its own womb.

And indeed what am I doing. From what I understand everybody here is capable of reaching the stadium without any transport whatsoever.

Anubis Dread
2014-08-11, 05:41 PM
"I for one would not want to walk all that way anyway," Marilyn admitted, brushing some hair out of her face before deciding it wasn't worth the bother and simply shortening it. "Especially not at night. We'll take the truck, if only so our ride doesn't spontaneously transform into a robot while we're still in it because we ran into trouble."

2014-08-11, 05:57 PM
The Toraq nods in agreement. After a rapid conversation of images and feelings Farrok trots over, dropping the arrows of blood at Wallok's feet where it rapidly integrates with the rest of his body.

With hardly any effort the Toraq leaps onto the back of his companion, the wolf hardly seeming to notice the weight.

"Ready!" the Toraq shouts, the tone similar to a child that had just been buckled into a carseat.

2014-08-11, 06:06 PM
Midnight simply walks towards the school's stadium. On the other hand, it's walking at over 100mph. She brought a tome to look through, though, running on her hunch about demons of some type with behavior like that of bees or wasps. It was going to be several hours of her time, regardless of which method of travel she used.

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-11, 06:19 PM
Perry feeling embarrassed, hides in the Trunk of the Truck. Immensely presumptuously assuming that he was the only one who could drive.

2014-08-11, 06:30 PM
Farrok has the exact same speedas you Es. Not sure how you're outpacing. :smallconfused:

Upon Farrok the Toraq easily keeps pace with the immortal huntress, only keeping the same pace as Garnet because, well, he doesn't know the way to this sta-di-um construction.

The Toraq is relatively quite as he rides, only toppling and handful of trees with his axe and not quite singing at the top of his lungs.

2014-08-11, 06:50 PM
"Just for the reccord" There's is a small shimmer in the air around Tarlock and where he and his wolf stands, there appears to be in a quick succession:
A beer bellied middle aged balding man in blue jeans and shirt with a big Rottweiler
A fat blonde woman in a pink jumpsuit near an overly large poodle. You swear you can hear a muffled ghostly giggle with this one.
A large man that actually kind of look like a cleaner less savage version of Toraq in flannel shirt and blue jeans accompanied by a wolf hound.
"just wanted to remind that if anyone is in need of more illusory makeovers, I gotcha covered" Most members of the team are probably familiar enough with her ability to know it won't fool a security camera (and Pelias maybe ?) or touch but otherwise it looks pretty real, there's even the slight lingering smell of clothes for each. And then she drops the disguises anyway, since Eldrtich just happened to provide already for that particular situation, no point in wasting her concentration.

She turns herself 'off' (invisible) again takes a few steps into the air and starts flying in direction of the town. She could take the truck* but one of the (very few) positive perks of her special condition is that she can fly and even do so at full speed in straight lines with no fatigue or risks of collision so she'll be there in time. It's a nice day outside she might as well fly there, take her time, see what's new in town.

Rose transparently rolls her eyes for herself before slipping into the truck*. It's amusing but good thing it's not an emergency..

*(somehow it works, she has while ago decided not to try to figure out exactly vehicles can somehow carry her when she's normally unable to interface with any kind of solid matter. probaly the same way she can't touch but still can somehow see despite the fact she doesn't have any solid eyes nor more than solid fingers, yet one sense works the other doesn't. She's never exactly beena physics major but she doesn't need to be to tell her 'condition' has it's own weird special rules.)

Anubis Dread
2014-08-11, 08:00 PM
Marilyn stuffed her costume and a book or two into her satchel before shouldering it and casually walking out to the car. This was... they were all far too eager, and were potentially blowing their cover. Well she for one did not feel like showing off... though she didn't feel like driving as a blonde. Black hair worked much better for that, and since she'd be sitting she could keep it long without it getting in the way.

Seeing that everyone else was just hopping in, the Siren raised an eyebrow before assuming she would be the one driving. Using the teams keys to open up the driver side door, she hopped in and closed the door, casually clicking in her seat belt. "I know half of us don't need them, but can everyone buckle up? I don't want any of me to get a ticket," she implored her team as she adjusted the mirror, before turning the key to the ignition to get the motor running.

Alright, now it was time to... find a decent radio station. No mean feat in a town like Mystery, which had about -10 radio stations with anything good on. Let's see, country, country, news, ads, country, documentary, country, rap, country, country... country... seriously, more country?... metal, classical, first country. Metal it was!

"Everyone here? Who isn't running ahead like an idiot?" Marilyn asked over her shoulder.

2014-08-11, 09:12 PM
"Our two resident sharp instrument wielding sociopaths are the ones running outside the truck. I don't suppose I could convince you to put something nicer for the rest of us ?" The ghost (who liked Country more than Metal, all things considered) sighs as acknowledgment of her presence; "I'm not seeing the detective and the old man but I'm sure they'll be here any moment."

She wonders for a second if she should try to convince the robot to turn into a car after all and ride in him instead, he'd really seems to want to be helpfull at any costs and he's got to have better taste in music. Nah, maybe later. She is somewhat curious about his power though. looks handy and pretty awesome. "Hey Perry" she slides near him. Aaw he looks somewhat embarrassed. "Don't think i've seen you in action much yet. If it isn't too rude of me to ask, are there any limits to what you can do with it ?"

Okaaay ? apparently a certain word is considered an insult by the automatic censor, had no idea it was a pejorative term.

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-11, 09:58 PM
Considering Perry hid in the trunk he is surprised to find a face phasing through the wall.

!!!!!...Oh, Miss Rose! You startled me....Sorry for acting out before...Im not used to interacting so much with others.... About my limits Im not completly sure myself. My coming into self awareness is only a recent occurrence. So far, the most complicated thing I had successfully mimicked was a private jet. Does it hurt?....Phasing through matter like you do.

Aww shucks thanks for striking up a conversation :smallredface:

2014-08-11, 10:49 PM
Cat belatedly gathers her equipment and slides into the backseat. "Aw, curses. Shoulda called shotgun. My understanding is that means I'd get first rights to the radio, might find something that isn't going to give me a migrane." She lowers her hat and slouches back into the corner. It was a lousy disguise, but it was getting dark, and the odds of someone getting a good look at her while they were driving weren't great. "Corner of Elm and Clark, cabbie. Extra if you get me there fast."

Apologies, today was long and very tiring. Just chiming in, I'll be back to full speed tomorrow. That goes for everything else, Sapient.

2014-08-11, 11:04 PM
"Phasing ?" Rose raises an eyebrow not sure what he means before realizing she's half though the wall. Woops. She passes all the way through it and "sits" near the robot. "Oh I suppose I am. But not really. I mean it's not a conscious effort of my part. It's more like.. I just move freely. I can see the wall but for me it's just not there and as far as the wall 'cares', I don't exist"

She puts her hand through the wall a couple of time while recalling occasional conversations with witches, Eldritch and other undeads. "Don't really fully understand all the details myself but as far as I understand I'm just..." she shrugs. How to call it ? An echo, a reflection ? she never quite accepted that, she still feels herself, just.. very handicapped. "...'not fully there'. So no it doesn't hurt, few things do nowadays. Even if I want them to." There's a slight sourness in her voice in that last sentence followed by a pause and an obvious change of subject

"But I bored you enough about me. So 'Coming to self awareness', uh ?" she noticed that "So that wasn't part of your design ?"

I don't know how the ghost are supposed to work in this setting so I'll try to stay rather vague on the details hope this doesn't contradict anything from the DM ? (it should be noted that anything she say is only from her POV. (if not an outright lie))

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-11, 11:28 PM
You are correct. My true form is of this.

Perrys eyes dissolve into his body and the whole thing melts into a black silvery Liquid.

Synthesising new eyes Perry re-forms himself.

Im actually a modified replica of a sub-system of a much more advanced Android. Even maintaining shape was not part of my design. I acquired that after certain modifications. I achieved self awareness after an certain accident.

Anubis Dread
2014-08-11, 11:53 PM
"You wouldn't. Trust me," Marilyn sighed in reply to Cat as she took the truck out of park and put her foot on the accelerator. Getting the truck off to a steady, road abiding speed. Whatever was going on at that field was long gone at this point, there was no reason to speed there. Like a certain pair who were going to draw attention. She sighed.

"I know where it is, don't worry," she replied in response to the cabby comment. "Hell I probably know the way better than you do. Apparently the football field is considered to be 'quiet place we can be alone' when you're out on a date. College kids. Still he was cute, so I put up with it. Not like there's many other places in town to have some alone time with a date." No traffic, they should get there pretty quick at this point.

2014-08-12, 04:42 AM
"So you weren't forced fed the metaphorical apple, it happened by accident ? It sounds like quite the story." The ghost tilts her head slightly not even bothering to even remotely hide her obvious interest in hearing more of it.

"Well for what it's worth, call it intuition The dead woman puts her hand on the android shoulder in a pointless intangible pat. "but I get the impression it could have ended up way worse. You seem like a rather nice guy."

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-12, 08:18 AM
I appreciate the sentiment. I may assume that your intangibility is newfound as well?

Queen Sapes
2014-08-12, 03:25 PM
The Beast Duo and Midnight arrive well ahead of the rest of the team, a good twenty minutes ahead thanks to their incredible speeds. Thankfully the entire town of Mystery is dark by now, although given that 9 o'clock in late Summer is usually night everywhere in the North, that certainly isn't unique to Mystery. Mystery Senior High sits as the base of Mystery Mountain, its running track literally a few yards away from a slope that starts the mountain's climb. It's a nice building, built as old as forty years ago but repeatedly receiving refurbishments and maintained with love and care. The entire thing it two floors with a basement that is kept off limits to non-faculty. The football field and the running track that loops around it are behind the building, the front of the building being mostly parking for students.

Thankfully this late the building is abandoned and locked up, all the faculty and students long ago returned home. Still, rather than investigate the field by themselves and potentially get overwhelmed by whatever could still be there, Midnight and the Beasts linger in a forested area across from the school, waiting for the others to arrive. It was probably best not to stay out in the open with the massive beast of a man and his wolf. After waiting in the brush for about twenty minutes the others arrive in the truck. The vehicle runs smoothly for Siren, despite its appearance. Eldritch may have conjured up the equipment they would need, but he definitely didn't make it pretty. If it was too pretty it would stick out too much in Mystery.

The team pulls into the parking lot, ready for anything. They make their way around the building, since breaking into the locked facility without any reason would cause a lot more problems, to the football field to check it out. Stepping over, under, or through the police tape blocking off the field, Mystery Inc. gets their first actual look at the field. All the holes and indents in the track field are there just like the picture said, but with the darkness of Mystery its rather difficult to get a good look at them.

2014-08-12, 03:34 PM
The large Toraq fidgets constantly as he waits for the others to arrive, bored out of his mind. He could kill anything that attacked he and Farrok and still he was stuck here! It was absurd.

When the others finally arrive the Toraq sprints towards the feild, opting to just slice through the police tape with a razor-sharp axe.

With hardly any effort the Toraq sends a few rapid images of them looking in the holes and killing the things that come out to Farrok. The duo quickly begins searching with the keen senses of a wolf.

Wallok has Acute Olfactory and Darkvision. Farrok has the same with Extended and Tracking on Olfactory.

Wallok Perception: [roll0]
Farrok will use Skill Expertise and get a 29 on his Perception.

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-12, 04:45 PM
I can provide illumination.

Offers perry ad he turns on his night vision.

2014-08-12, 06:06 PM
I can provide illumination.

Offers perry as he turns on his night vision.

"You're too kind, Tin Man, but I can see just fine." Crimson Detective taps her temple. Sure enough, here in the darkness her eyes take on a sort of unearthly glow, and she moves as if it were daylight. She tags along with the rest of the truck crew, making her way down to the football field. "Well now, that's some truth in advertising. 'Field vandalized' indeed. Let's take a looksee, shall we?" Stepping over the cut down caution tape, Cat begins poring over the field with a practiced eye.

Taking 10 with Investigation for 25.

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-12, 06:48 PM
Well then I shall conduct my own investigation.

Things that I manifest: Darvision, a Geiger Counter, Infra Vision.

[roll0] for investigation, not perception.

2014-08-12, 07:17 PM
"No it's been a long time actualy."
The truck stops and the ghost peers outside. It's dark and the only thing she can make out are the woods and the massive sikhouette of Mistery high. She's got quite a few memories in this place.

"Tincan, I'll take that offer for a light" The ghostly package does come with some supernatural senses but either night vision isn't one of them, or she just hasn't figured how to do it yet. The light is appreciated "Just make it weak enough no to be seen by witnesses" She adds as she tries to squint through the darkness and adapt to the lack of life.

Assuming someone provides a light
Perception [roll0]
Investigation [roll1]
whichever applies. Rose has Supernatural awareness and Detect life

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-12, 07:29 PM
Overjoyed (But not enough to divert full attention to creation), Perrys arms elongate and slither on the ground too the edges of the pit, form themselves into upright theatre spotlights projecting with their full power providing a powerful but focused light.

Perry forms himself new arms whilst the other part of his body is occupied providing the light.

Alert me if more light is required

Anubis Dread
2014-08-12, 07:38 PM
Funny. With this place technically being a crime scene, she'd expect some cops to be walking around. Or at least a security guard or something. A part of her was disappointed. She specialized in getting what she wanted when it came to people, so there not being any people here meant she was a bit of a third wheel since her investigation skills were lacking comparted to the others.

Still, she wasn't completely out of her depth - her senses were still a fair bit keener than most. "You guys keep doing what you're doing. I'll make sure nobody stumbles onto freak central," she sighed, staying near the entrance of the stadium to keep an eye out for anyone who might have heard them.

Awareness - [roll0]

EDIT: ...okay this was boring. Slumping to the ground, Marilyn instead pulled out one of the books in her pack and began flipping to it, oblivious to her surroundings.

2014-08-12, 10:17 PM
Garnet walks around the grounds, comparing the holes to depictions in demonology, fae studies and extrathanatology books. "Thank you for the illumination." You know what they need? Books with a sort of "Find this word" mechanic. Like a glossary or appendix, but of any word you can think of. And it just points out those sections in the tome. (OOC: AKA, Ctrl-F for books :smalltongue: )
Perception: [roll0]
Investigation, or whatever I would do for that untrained: [roll1]
If another Expertise (Magic) check would help: [roll2]

Queen Sapes
2014-08-13, 02:37 AM
As the team looks over the field, the somewhat chilly late-September wind picks up a little as it rolls through Mystery. The wind shakes the trees all around the area, throwing the leaves that chose to fall early through the air. Mystery Mountain itself appears to shake in the wind as its trees rustle, no doubt spooking a few of the critters living in the trees. Still though, it's nice at this time in Mystery. It's quiet, and as long as nobody is paranoid it's a pleasant evening with all the stars in the sky out. If it wasn't the middle of the week and the field wasn't destroyed, it would be a perfect night for a football game.

You look around at the field to search for some sort of clue as to what was here. Unfortunately, all you see are a lot of holes in the ground, and not much past that. There is certainly dirt, rocks, and grass, but apart from that there isn't too much you would call 'interesting'. However, Farrok certainly finds something interesting to take account for. The great wolf ignores the pits in the ground completely, not finding anything worth his time, and instead heads for the goalpost on the right side of the field. The wolf then points to the top of the left arm of the goalpost, which shows clear signs of being chewed on by something. The wolf's head looks to the goalpost for a moment but darts at the sound of the brush rustling in the wind, its eyes quickly returning to the goalpost.
You give the newly illuminated football field a good look over with your practiced eyes, keen on finding some sort of idea as to what did this to the football field. You walk around the holes in the field, peering down each one to look for any sign of, well, anything really. Towards the center of the field you start to notice a pattern of the holes. They are random across the board, but seem to concentrate themselves toward the middle. Peering into one of the center holes, you clearly see something beneath the field. Some kind of concrete that is just barely visible in a number of holes around the center of the field.
You scan the field, looking for some kind of disturbance utilizing a variety of means. The Geiger counter quickly proves to be fruitless, and detects nothing beyond normal was radioactive was near these holes, or sprang from these holes. Infravision also proves to be of little help, besides showing off all the various kinds of bugs crawling around in the field. You can definitely tell the holes are more concentrated to the middle of the field, but apart from that you have nothing. When the wind picks up you glance at the mountainside, infravision picking up something interesting. You spot all the typical woodland animals such as birds, squirrels, and even deer walking along the mountain, but at the spot where the indents head into the mountain, the entire area takes up a very splotchy glow of warmth. Bubbles of the forest there are glowing with heat, the area in between them just as cold as the rest of the woods.
Unfortunately, your search doesn't turn up too much one would call "helpful". The ground is certainly full of life, but its just like the life everywhere else in town: insects and other assorted bugs crawling around in and under the dirt. For better or worse you detect life, and that goes for all life. The holes don't have anything interesting in them as far as you can tell, but as you investigate them you get a strange sense come over you. You get the feeling that something big, bigger than you've encountered in your life or afterlife, is nearby and yet extremely far away at the same time. Almost like the big presence is linked to something much smaller farther away. And it's difficult to tell, but it feels like the big presence of life is somehow getting stronger. Not closer or any nearer than before to you, but more concrete and visible.
You glance over the holes in the ground, trying to piece together some idea of what caused them. And yet to you they just look like holes in the ground randomly scattered across the field, something you could have known from the picture in the newspaper. They're clearly more clustered toward the center of the field, possibly because whatever was here wanted something at the center of the field. The books are of little help, since from what you can tell the holes lack any real sign of why they were dug or what was in them. For the first time in your investigation, an idea pops into your head about what could have made the holes: aliens. Maybe some kind of extraterrestrial presence wanted to investigate Earth dirt, then abducted a bear at the same time. Just as likely as any other theory so far. While walking around the field you also don't pay attention to where you're going too well, likely distracted by the rustling trees all around Mystery Mountain, and accidentally step into one of the holes. Your foot goes all the way down into it, leaving you fumbling as you end up sitting with one leg down, one leg outstretched in front of you. Helps to be flexible.

2014-08-13, 04:31 AM
There's a yelp from a hole as the absentminded hunter falls partway in. "What about extraterrestrials?" Midnight says as she pulls herself up. "Someone comes by, a sort of visiting alien biologist, and they are simply curious about life here. They come by, just here to take some samples to look at animalcules, a bear wanders by, might as well bring a macroscopic specimen as well. Look at the field from above, it would be interesting. Why the lines, why the symbols, what is its significance? To us it is obvious, but from an outside perspective, it's bizarre." Her talking begins to speed up to a mile a minute as she continues on.

A pause as the group no doubt looks at her like a mad woman. "Oh come now, it's not the worst idea in the world. All the naturalists and explorers would do it - Charles Darwin had Harriet and his fossils, Amerigo Vespucci had his maps, Meriwether Lewis and Frederick Pursh took plant specimens during their explorations of Louisiana. Extraterrestrial naturalist visitation is not be strangest phenomena in Mystery."

"If it's a stupid idea, fine, just give me a shovel and I'll simply dig quietly."

2014-08-13, 07:24 AM
"Hey!" the Toraq shouts, looking at the goalpost. "Bad guys real big! They eat metal fork!" the Toraq shouts, pointing at the chewed end of the upright.

For the Toraq and the wolf the answer was rather simple: the bad guy was really, really big which meant that they would fall really, really hard. The Toraq forms his axe in a flash, preparing to chop the upright down for a closer look at the bites.

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-13, 10:54 AM
Materializing a Shovel for Midnight (let me remind you that almost everything I materialize has to be connected to me or it will either explode or go inert), Perry thinks about Stopping Wallok but just decides to let somebody else do it.

Perry creates Telescopic eyes and decides to focus in on the Mountain top area.

Taking a 10, 27 Perception check

Dropped Aspects:

Laser Arm 13 Points
Protection 11 Impervious 6: 17 Points

Manifested Aspects:

Create Object:
Feedback, Proportionate, Continuous, Precise,

X2 Light Fixtures (Create Object 5, Feature, Light: 12 Points)
X1 Shovel (Create Object 1: 2 Points)

Darkvision , Infravision Total, Extended Sight 3, Acute: 6 Points

2014-08-13, 12:04 PM
"Well, our giant aliens weren't poking around as you please." Cat chuckles as she clambers out of one of the holes at center field. "Look here, there's something under the field, 'round the 50 yard-line. Our holes are juuust deep enough to touch it, too. Whatever's down there, feels like concrete. Perry, Midnight, if you're gonna dig, can you bring that shovel over here and conjure me up another one?"

2014-08-13, 12:42 PM
"Will do." Garnet begins digging out the hole on the ground, making it wider and as deep as it will go. (Quickness, add 7 to the rank to time she's been working to figure out progress, 6s is ~15min).

Anubis Dread
2014-08-13, 01:00 PM
Marilyn looked up from her book and into the stadium. Well, at this point there was no way she was going to be able to explain what was going on. On the other hand, this was nothing but physical labor. She did not like physical labor.

"Tell me when you find something!" she called into the stadium before continuing to flip through the book. Maybe she could distract someone walking by to avoid them looking into the stadium? Ideally that wouldn't even be necessary.

2014-08-13, 01:00 PM
The Toraq looks at the rest of the crew, frowning as they ignore the news he had found. No matter. He'd investigate the bites himself!

The Toraq pivots, both hands on his axe as they strain to keep it in line, the blade of blood aimed at the ground pole of the upright. The Toraq pivots around as he finishes the swing, attempting to catch the upright on his back so he can lower it to the ground.

I believe it's just a routine check to attack an object? If so, DC 25 Toughness for it which should be enough as uprights are hollow.

Wallok will try to catch it after he chops it down so it doesn't make too much noise.

2014-08-13, 02:07 PM
"Hate to spoil the treasue hunt but wolfboy is right." The ghost looks fixedly at the thin air as she's trying to pierce something she's not quite getting. "I feel a presence right here but not quite" Well isn't that clear "Could be in another dimension, I don't know. Is anyone thumbs pricking ? Because I don't want to alarm anyone but I think it's coming this way. No idea how long it'll take."

Almost like the big presence is linked to something much smaller farther away. And it's difficult to tell, but it feels like the big presence of life is somehow getting stronger. Not closer or any nearer than before to you, but more concrete and visible.

Are we talking in a matter of seconds, minutes or something much more gradual ?
Because if it's the former I'd like a chance to give a warning before something happen

Queen Sapes
2014-08-13, 02:27 PM
Midnight quickly gets to digging a fine hole in the football field, completely destroying what was already vandalized before. After roughly twelve seconds she has made a hole big enough for three to stand in, dug all the way down five feet to whats below the field. This leaves Midnight standing on top of a large and flat surface of concrete, clearly something buried beneath the field. Given its close proximity to the school, it isn't beyond possibility that this is somehow part of the school's basement, perhaps built here long ago with the school. Unfortunately, the concrete doesn't give way to the shovel, as lack of exposure to the elements has kept it rather sturdy.

Across the field at the goalpost, Warrok hacks away at the left spoke, catching it as it falls out of the air to him. The monster turns it over in his hands, examining the bite mark. Whatever came here and messed with the field clearly was a large being. The bite mark is a good foot long, and looks like daggers sunk into the goalpost along the bite mark.

As the group investigates the area, the wind once again kicks up, accompanied by the sound of an animal. It isn't unusual to hear animals around Mystery, given its location and how easily the local wildlife accepts the town's presence, but this certain sound tips the team to the presence of something else nearby. A grizzly bear, likely extremely close, roars as loud as it can from wherever it is. The sound appears to come from Mystery Mountain nearby, and most of the team look over to see if they can spot the animal. Instead a smaller object comes flying out of the pine trees like it was thrown by someone. Its spiraling arc stops as it hits the field, bouncing in an odd way before settling on the field. Lying there on the field is a football, albeit an extremely wet one as it is soaked in some kind of liquid that drips from it.

As you watch the forest at the base of Mystery Mountain, you start to notice the thermals getting strange. The blobs and bubbles are still present, but they appear to be shifting towards each other and expanding. The space between them gradually shrinks into nothing as the blobs of heat begin to take form. Despite the darkvision, you still aren't able to see anything there in your normal non-infra vision. That is, until the football appears, although that appeared to come straight from the brush.

2014-08-13, 02:34 PM
"Monster has big teeth!" the Toraq shouts, holding it up to the mouth of his companion to compare the size of the gouges. "More big than Farrok!" he quickly adds even as the wolf snorts in derision.

Left part of the upright bouncing against his shoulder, Wallok makes his way back to the group. When the football comes out of the brush the pole is hastily dropped as thick plates of red armor spread across the Toraq and a bow appears in his hand.

"Die!" he shouts, firing an arrow the full length of a spear into the unfortunate football.

Beside the Toraq, Farrok snarls at the ball, his body heavily armored as well.

2014-08-13, 02:43 PM
Midnight looks over her work. Hm, possibly just part of the school, but- and then Toraq lets loose a shout as he fires an arrow into the unarmed sporting equipment. The huntress picks up the ball by the arrow sticking from it, examining the liquid in the light. "I don't quite think we are under attack, Toraq, but thank you for the vigilance."

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-13, 02:49 PM
Pelias retracts his shovel and spotlight.

I wouldnt be so sure . There are entities up in that mountain projecting intense heat. They are aware of our presence.

Taking a 10, 27 Perception check

Dropped Aspects:

Impervious 6: 6 Points

Manifested Aspects:

Darkvision , Infravision Total, Extended Sight 3, Acute: 6 Points

Anubis Dread
2014-08-13, 02:50 PM
Oh oh, trouble. Coming from inside the stadium? Tucking away her book and rushing inside, The Siren pulls out what passed for her costume and quickly donned it. It was just a cloak, rainbow in hue and with the tail end of it looking like feathers, but she found it valuable to make it known whenshe was 'The Siren' and when she was undercover. It made it so people looked less carefully at uncostumed people hanging around on the street.

"...what," the Siren spoke in a dead pan taking in the scene. Not even a question. Just... what. Alright, so something was around them and they had thrown a ball at them right? And they could hear it roar, which meant it was within hearing distance.

"Alright I'm going to try something. Get ready," the Siren warned, before looking to the bushes and... singing. It wasn't in any real language, at least none that was recognizable, but it still seemed to have some meaning. It was calming, soothing, charming. Excluding her allies from its effect, she instead called to whatever beast might be hiding. It's safe. We're friends. Obey me...

Using Song of the Siren - DC19 Will Afflict Power with Charm - Compulsion - Controlled as its stages. It's a Perception - Hearing based area attack, so if it can hear it it hits. Thankfully she can also exclude anybody she wants from it, so nobody else is effected.

2014-08-13, 08:54 PM
"It's nearly there ♪"

Suddenly there's a roar. and a ... bouncing ball ? Okay that was very unexpected.
The ghost decides to try the magic 'finger' test on it. Namely poke it with the tip of a finger, if it's magic it should be able affect her and she can touch it. Otherwise no.

2014-08-14, 02:01 PM
Ni de se me? Tui pu chi, what is this? the old man says, approaching the ball.

Try to catch up with this, dammit I can't

Queen Sapes
2014-08-15, 03:59 PM
Midnight briefly examines the liquid, trying to determine what exactly it is. After a small moment of investigation, the hunter is able to determine that the liquid is very clearly saliva, and lots of it for it to soak the football like this. Rose's attempt to touch the football fails, as her hand is able to pass straight through the ball. It's just a typical football, albeit soaked in something's saliva. Something that is likely near, if Rose and Pelias are any indication. The team's eyes and ears turn to the thick brush rustling in the wind at the edge of Mystery Mountain, as Siren attempts to coax whatever is there out to them.

After a few seconds of Siren's melody, something emerges from the brush, quite literally appearing as if out of thin air. A single long appendage with one talon making up the end emerges from the brush and steps onto the ground. It pushes down deep, most of the talon digging into the ground until its almost submerged roughly 4ft down. Then another leg emerges. And another. And another. As the second two arms appear out of the brush, apparently not disturbing the trees at all, the other two arms move forward in a clear walking movement. Following the front four legs, the rest of the creature slowly emerges from the brush.

Standing at the base of the mountain, right before the track, is a creature unlike anything anyone there has seen before. The monster is roughly the size of a house, easily towering over the entire group. It looks like a hybrid between a spider and a brontosaurus, with the spider's body and legs but the dinosaur's neck and head. Its body is covered in black and dark brown splotches of fur that cover its entire body save for the massive claws for feet it possesses. Its legs easily keep it suspended above the ground, keeping a good 6 feet between its underside and the ground. The neck isn't quite as long as the dinosaur's was supposed to, but still keeps the head above the body by a good nine or so feet. The head itself may be the most odd part about the beast. The head looks like some sort of warped football helmet given living characteristics. Eight eyes of various sizes cover the top part of the face, with the helmet's facemask warped into a gruesome jaw of teeth not unlike a venus fly-trap. The monster looks around at Mystery Inc., and roars loudly with the angry voice of a bear.

2014-08-15, 04:39 PM
Garnet looks up at the... Brontorachnid. Until someone tells her otherwise, it's a brontorachnid. "I don't suppose the brontorachnid speaks," she says, pulling out six knives from nowhere, ready for a fight.

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-15, 04:56 PM
Pelias undoes all but darkvision.


He ushers too Midnight.

It may be sapient. Our priority should be to subdue if it is enraged. Not hurting it.

Ooc: giant football playing naogi from outer space!

2014-08-15, 05:01 PM
"BAD GUY!" the Toraq shouts, wordlessly coming to consensus with his great beast that this monster needed to be killed here and now. While he wasn't particularly familiar with the monsters of Earth, Wallok knew enough to recognize this as abnormal as well as something that doesn't appear on his own world.

Farrok flies forward, a grey blur, howling angrily as it lunges at the (many) legs as it rips and tears, trying to pull the great beast down to the ground. Wallok, on the other hand, is more direct, simply leaping through the air, bow turning to an axe as he attempts to bring it down on the great mix of various species.

"Fyrir Artoran!"

"For Artoran." He'll probably be saying that a lot.

Farrok is going to attempt to Trip it! I have Improved Trip, so I'm going to say the giant monster has to resist with Acrobatics.
AC: [roll0]
Athletics: [roll1]

Wallok is trying to squish it with his axe. If Trip succeeds, don't forget the reduction to Parry.

AC: [roll2]
Toughness DC 25.

If that hits, Farrok's Warrior of Two Skins will trigger.

AC: [roll3]
Toughness DC 23.

Anubis Dread
2014-08-15, 05:18 PM
...huh. Well looked the the highschool science teacher had an unhealthy obsession with spiders and dinosaurs, a cloning lab, and WAY too much time on their hands. At least she guessed? Or it could be an alien, or... just about anything! It boggled the mind!

At least it was being effected by her voice. All she needed to do was keep singing, to keep it calm and... and... "Oh my god!" Was all the Siren could say as Toraq attempted to attack the thing. There went that! Well maybe not, if she could just enthrall it a little more thoroughly...

Continuing to sing, The Siren brought her will to bear on the creature, attempting to enslave it to her will.

Sonata of the Succubi - Persuasion DC17 required, [roll0]. DC19 Afflict with a whole host of goodies, most pertinently Concentration and Cumulative.

2014-08-15, 05:31 PM
Cat's eyes go wide as she glances from the slobber-covered football to the enormous creature emerging from the woods. "Maybe it wants to play fetch?" She pulls one of her pistols from its holster but holds off on firing for the moment. Perry had a point, and really, what was a gun going to do to this thing? "All right, big and tall, can you understand us? We're not looking for a scrap! ...Aw hell's bells, we're gonna get one, though." She watches Wallok and Farrok go rushing towards the beast with a sour look on her face. "Stop it, you fools!"

I'm not the most diplomatic sort, but those two're just plain more trouble than they're worth.

Holding action for now.

2014-08-15, 05:41 PM
Midnight sinks into slow motion, time all but stopping around her so that she could think. Toraq had initiated hostilities. While that was good, and she had been ready to fight before, other group members had expressed reluctance to immediately fight the beast, opting to communicate first.

The question is, how to backtrack to a point where communication is possible, and how to restrain Toraq. This is already going to be a problem for the future, so best do deal with it now.

When time speeds back up around her, Midnight is next to Siren. "Extend your spell to Toraq as well, or he's going to blow it for all of us."

Anubis Dread
2014-08-15, 05:58 PM
"Iiiii am pretty sure that if I did that...
And I were to faaaail, he might end up attacking me to.
Please restrain him phyyyysically, if you want to stay back-
From ticking off the strange spider dinosaur duuuude," the Siren worked into her song in reply. Fascinating Toraq from not attacking the furniture was one thing. Trying to hold him back with sorcery during battle seemed like it would be one of his 'murder triggers'.

2014-08-15, 08:09 PM
As he sees the man and the wolf charging towards the dino thing, he moved. Touching the pearl necklace around his neck, Wang, changed into that of a giant serpent with legs, a classical chinese dragon. Shifting into the air, he attempts to place himself between the two and the creature.

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-17, 12:05 AM
Pelias sees Wallok Attack the Creature, and hears the Sirens cries to restrain Wallok


Enraged like he hasn't felt before, Pelias Liquifies himself, and stretches to restrain the attacking Barbarian before he could inflict more harm on this creature, growing multiples of arms to restrain him before he can harm it further

Unacceptable! Unprocessable! Short sighted! UNSUGGESTED!

Shapeshifting into the form vaguely reminiscent of a 7 headed hydra with legs, he warps his apendages around Wallok Engulfing him into his dark gooeyness.


Move Action: Manifest 3 Points worth of Elongation. Extra Limbs 5, Manifest 2 Point STR (Grapple Only)
Extra Effort: Move Action: Manifest 10 Points STR (Grapple Only)
Free Actions: All Out Attack
Normal Action: Attack, Grapple

Dropped Aspects:

Laser Cannon
Dexterity 4

Manifested Aspects:

Elongation 12, STR 4


Grapple Attempt:

Attack Check [roll0]

Grapple Resistance Difficulty


Edit: YES! I hit even if I can't use All out attack to go over my max limit!

2014-08-17, 05:24 PM
"Nice to see you fitting in the ambient insanity just fine Pelias , but you might be getting just a liiittle carried away" Rose tries to reason in a soft and hopefully soothing voice while tracking with her eyes the big weird spider-dinosaur-quarterback ...thing that just appeared.

Now she would agree that wolfboy 'charge and kill first, ask question second' attitude is going to be a problem but while she probably could use her own power of suggestion to calm the axe wielding barbarian maybe that's something that might be dealt with at a later date ?

As in when there's not a giant monsters roaring at the team ? She's all for not judging a book by it's cover and such but benefit of the doubt aside she's going to take a wild guess and say that roaring likely denotes a certain hostility Siren is stopping to act for now but is that going to work "So not to interupt your little wrestling match but you guys may want to keep some of that energy for the possibly violent savage beast ?" Beat. "... the one that isn't part of the team ?"

Having said that, she turns herself off (invisible and inaudible to anyone, appearing only through selected illusionss) and float on the side of the football field. Earlier it seemed to her there was something else about the presence she felt like it was linked to another smaller one. Could there could there be a summoner of sorts hanging back somewhere not too far directing the creature ?

The situation took kind of a silly turn somewhere.

I should probaly roll init like everyone else, just in case: [roll0]

Queen Sapes
2014-08-18, 12:08 AM
Farrok's attempt to rip and tear at the massive monstrosity's eight legs doesn't so much succeed at causing any damage to the creature, but the force of Farrok barreling into its legs causes the monster to fall slightly onto its side, Farrok backing off just a bit as it comes down. However, the monster is only briefly fazed by the wolf's attempt at toppling it down, and as Wallok leaps through the air at it, four blood red eyes with black slits down them fall upon the Toraq. Just before the Toraq is on the monster, it throws its massive head into him, the sound of helmets smacking into each other ripping through the air as Wallok is hurled backwards by the force. He flies backwards into the stands and hits hard, the wooden bleachers buckling as Wallok is left sitting in a mess of them completely unharmed by the impact.

The monster's eight eyes then settle back on Wallok, a low growl coming from the beast as its throat begins to convulse. The muscles in the abomination's neck begin to squeeze, bulge, and push as it starts bringing something from within up, almost as if it is about to vomit horribly onto the field. Instead, as its head jerks forward to throw something from its body, the monster's maw snaps open and a small brown objects shoots out of its throat at Wallok. The objects hits Wallok with its full force in the chest, pushing the Toraq even further into the broken bleachers as he falls through them and down into the metal bars beneath. The strange vomit bounces from Wallok's chest and down the bleachers until it settles on the grass, a second saliva covered football decorating the field. Then Pelias snatches at Wallok, wrapping him up thanks to the Toraq's rash judgement of attacking the creature.

The Toraq at least momentarily distracted by the silver liquid, the monster turns its attention to the wolf nipping at its legs. Its teeth dripping with drool from the football it just ejected, the creature snaps at Farrok. The monster's razor maw barely misses the wolf as it jumps away before the creature's jaw snaps shut on him. The creature still takes advantage of the distance now between it and Farrok, and picks itself back up while surveying the field and the others on it. Its slit-like eyes study the six visible members of Mystery Inc, and it roars violently before snapping its jaws in the direction of all of them, likely now on the hunt as it begins moving closer.

At the appearance of the abomination, its presence has completely filled your senses, almost completely obscuring the smaller presence you felt before. However, something tickles at the back of your mind once it steps within twenty or so feet of you. You can just barely hear the sound of what seems to be a door opening and between one and three people descending stairs. Then the voice of a girl, likely extremely young, speaks. It sounds to you like she asks, "Should we be down here?" A boy's voice responds with something, but a rumbling from somewhere near them obscures his answer.
The Beast Duo:
Farrok succeeded at tripping the Brontorachnid, but its Parry still beat the to-hit from Warrok. I did account for the +5 to attacker, and -5 to defender.
Also how the Brontorachnid hit Warrok away is not an action on the monster's part, just flavor text.

Secret rolls for Will for now, but I will let you know I rolled a 20 and 22 for each roll Will roll respectively.

First of all, since its 7 versus 1 I'm going to go with a piece of GM advice I received a long time ago: Giving a single enemy multiple moves in a round when hes fighting a lot of players, in order to make it more challenging. So there you go, the Brontorachnid gets 2 turns every round until you take him out. So, with that said:

[roll0] to hit Warrok. Toughness DC 22. Hit.

[roll1] to hit Farrok. Toughness DC 25. Miss.
Also Strength or Dodge DC 20 to resist a Fast Grab.


2014-08-18, 12:29 AM
Take a -5 penalty to active defenses for an All Out Attack
Attack Roll: [roll0] Crit on nat 16-20
Toughness: 22*

If Attack roll succeeds by 2 degrees, the DC increases by 2. If the Attack roll succeeds by 3 degrees or more, the DC increases by 5.
Midnight watches as the creature throws the barbaric humanoid off of it, but them it does something odd. A predator would follow its prey and go for the kill. It was something you always saw - lionesses, zombies, even an intelligent creature like a vampire once negotiation is off the table.

This one didn't. It barked angrily, but it didn't move. It acted like a person who got punched in the face at the market. "Hey, what the Hell was that for?" but no followup.

"What do you want?" she yells to the creature. She switches to every language she can think of that would apply, including extra-human ones.
If it speaks a language, I can understand it.

2014-08-18, 01:24 AM
With a great roar Wallok erupts out of the bleachers, sprinting towards the great beast as the tendrils of Pelias fall away, leaving the Toraq almost completely free from the bonds of the robot. Already his Blood Armor was repairing itself, liquid flowing into cracks to reinforce where the bleachers had scratched it, making the armor stronger than it had been before. The attack had hardly hurt and, fortunately, the metal-man hadn't been even close to restraining the Toraq with his strange body.

"BAD MONSTER!" the Toraq cries, attempting the same attack for the second time; leaping in the air towards the monster and smashing it with an axe. Even as the Toraq does so, Farrok dashes about between the legs of the beast, biting and tearing at the lowered torso with massive fangs, seeking to simply inflict as much damage as possible with his vicious fangs.

Wallok Move: Escape Action! (Rolled in OoC, Success)

Wallok Attack: [roll0] Critical 16-20
DC 25 Toughness Critical, DC 30 Toughness

If Wallok Hits, Farrok Warrior of Two Skins: [roll1]
DC 23 Toughness

Farrok Attack: [roll2]
DC 23 Toughness

If Hit, Fast Grab. Strength or Dodge DC 23 to resist.

If Farrok Hits, Wallok Warrior of Two Skins: [roll3]
DC 23 Toughness

2014-08-18, 01:41 AM
"Standa niður, Toraq!" Midnight yells to the foolish Toraq.
Stand down, Toraq!

2014-08-18, 02:21 AM
The Toraq ignores the command completely, intent on getting a very large monster head as a trophy from all of this.

2014-08-18, 02:57 AM
A sigh as her attempts at simple diplomacy are interrupted. She really didn't want to fight with the minor extra-universal giant. That was a job for someone more imposing than her. "王,请他听。之前,他被杀害了,如果你觉得喜欢它。" she says to the dragon of their team.
Wang, please make him listen. Before he gets killed, if you feel like it.

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-18, 08:34 AM
Wallok bursts out of his bindings, Pelias finds himself madder then ever.

Twisting his whole body into that of a singular giant snake, and transforming the rest of his limbs into walking appendages, Pelias attempts to simply devour Wallok Alive.

But his Teeth end up swiping against dead air


Move Action: Manifest Create Object 18
Standard Action: Trap with Created Object
Dropped Aspects:

Laser Cannon
Dexterity 4
Total: 21

Manifested Aspects:

Elongation 3,
Extra Limbs 5
Strength 2 (Limited to Grapple)
Create (Feedback, Proportional, Accurate 2 ) 16 (10 Points)


Created Snakehead:

Volume 3, Toughness 13

Total: 20/21

Attacking Dodge:

[roll0] VS Dodge 15
Dodge Resistance Check VS DC 26

Anubis Dread
2014-08-18, 12:34 PM
The Siren grimaced. It had completely thrown off the effects of her song... it must have a strong will. A strong will meant a weak constitution, but if she attacked it like that it would solidfy the fact they were attacking it rather than just trying to subdue it. But at this stage, knocking the monster out and capturing it seemed the safest option. If it was friendly, they could work out their misunderstanding later.

Taking a deep breath, The Siren screamed. A loud, piercing scream that blew across the stadium. She could control it, but it would still have been agony to hear. For the monster though it was more than just agony, it was an outright assault.

Using Balad of the Banshee. DC19 Damage effect vs Fortitude, and it's selective so I forgo targetting anything but the monster. And, on a hunch, I'll also forgo not targetting the 'footballs'. I am thinking there's more to those than meets the eye.

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-18, 01:08 PM
Pelias sees the Siren release her attack but is at the moment in no position to do anything about it.

Ms. Marilyn! What are you doing! Your going to harm this creature!

Anubis Dread
2014-08-18, 01:11 PM
"THAT'S THE IDEA!" Marilyn let out at the end of her scream, before closing her mouth and continuing in a more level voice. "If we let this thing run amok it's either going to kill one of us or draw attention from the townsfolk! We need to knock it out, drag it somewhere where no-one will see it and deal with it then!"

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-18, 01:21 PM
Pelias Lulz over the idea in his positronic brain, but comes to the conclusion that this is true. Wallok has escalated the situation where somebody will be hurt no matter what. By incapacitating the beast, it allows for the situation to be resolved with minimum harm to all.

Well then....be sure not to inflict grievous harm

Dammit, I REALY wish I could do this but I have no imagination.

I would shape-shift myself into the same spider, but with a Cheerleader outfit and pom poms. That should at least get a reaction from the beast.

2014-08-18, 02:12 PM
So much for doing this the quiet way.

"So we're playing follow the leader? All right, works for me. Come on, Mister Monster! Back into the woods we go!" The Crimson Detective shakes her head as she taps her ring, a simple silver band with a smoky gem set in the middle. The Detective literally melts away into shadow, reappearing moments later in the darkness near the foot of the mountain, behind the monster. She tucks the gun away for now, opting for a more direct approach, rushing up to one of the brontorachnid's hind legs and throwing several punches.

She grins up at her teammates. "Don't worry, tin can, I'm not leaving no scars. Come on, big fella, put 'em up. Follow me!"

Move: Teleport over behind the critter.

Standard: Unarmed Power (+2/-2) Attack, DC 23 toughness check if it hits. [roll0]

2014-08-18, 02:25 PM
I would shape-shift myself into the same spider, but with a Cheerleader outfit and pom poms. That should at least get a reaction from the beast.
And so it was said and so it happened below.

Having a strange but amusing bout of inspiration Rose silently snaps her finger and it appears a few dozens of meters from the first creature wearing ' GO monsters !' top in, all her cheering, waving her little pompoms while making little rhytmic cheers like cries.

She didn't put a lot of effort into it, so the vision isn't going to last but hopefully that'll distract the thing just long enough for the other idiots to realise it's likey not sentient and pull their act together

And that's why you have an illusionist on your team, Scolly, So your visions may come true (kindof) :smalltongue:(Normaly I wouldn't use someone else joke but I was going to do something like that anyway so..)

Okay so crunch wise, it's a Daze action fluffed as using illusions
if it works the monster blow up one action the monster is *sigh* only dazed. (I really wish they hadn't nerfed distract so hard)


She's just operating off of logic, albeit arguably spotchy logic. IF Giant monster is attacking, AND hurting her teammates, THEN make sure it goes down as quick as possible before it hurts anyone else. Worst case scenario they can capture it, drag it back to base, and patch things over then.

She's operating of pretty damn common sense seeing a we're facing a giant snarling monster who has shown no signs of sapience whatsover so ar.
If anything it's Pelias and midnight who are being pretty obstinate right now.

2014-08-18, 02:45 PM
Hey, you guys were the ones who wanted to wait and be social when I was ready to fight. I'm not being obstinant, just trying to figure out what the team is doing in the first place so I don't screw things up for everyone. There was no discussion of "Hey, it hasn't said anything, let's kill it now." And Scowling has just been operating on the same logic. Several of you guys got mad when Wallok attacked on sight, remember.
Seeing her allies' change of tone, Midnight groans. Unable to make up their bleeding minds. Okay, fine. She's merely here to do a job, and she's terrible at talking anyways.

Time stands still around Midnight. She throws the six blades she pulled out earlier at the monster. She pulls out six more and does so again. And again. And again. They fly forward for a moment, slowing to a halt as the air decides supersonic knives are not something it approves of. By the end of a couple minutes of her time, a wall of sharp metal sits in front of her, all aimed at the monster. It had been... Maybe one second. Would be more if she had not been so distracted by indecision. Time resumes its normal pace, and the daggers all sail forward at normal throwing speed.

Unless you would like me to roll again, I'll just keep my roll from before, so as to not be cherry picking good rolls and discarding bad ones.

Take a -5 penalty to active defenses for an All Out Attack
Attack Roll: Rolled a 5 for a total of 21 Crit on nat 16-20
Toughness: 22*

*If Attack roll succeeds by 2 degrees, the DC increases by 2. If the Attack roll succeeds by 3 degrees or more, the DC increases by 5.

Queen Sapes
2014-08-19, 12:34 AM
Hearing Midnight's words the monster roars again, the sound of the bear still just as unintelligible as before. It does take a step or two in her direction though, just before Wallok comes screaming in at it from the stands. The creature is caught off-guard by the Toraq's quick rebound, and the beast man is able to bury his axe into the monster's head. The Toraq doesn't get any kind of footing on the creature though, and falls to the ground pulling his axe with him, leaving a gash in the creature's helmet-like head. Oddly enough though, no blood comes from the head wound, although it could be that the Toraq's attack simply didn't pierce any blood vessels. Farrok bites at the monster's underside as his Toraq strikes, but the creature scurries back, swatting lightly at Farrok and forcing the mighty wolf back.

Then Siren screeches at the abomination, and it roars in pure agony louder than the others had heard it before. It coils its neck and buries its head as far as it can from the piercing sound until Siren relents. Then it returns its head to the fight, in time for Crimson Detective to get around it and punch at the monster's legs. The zombie woman's fists have little effect on the creature, although it does register her presence as it twists its head to look at her. The monster's eyes have changed now, one eye clearly taking on a green color instead of red for a moment until it kicks the Detective away with its claw-like feet. The monster turns its head around to find the illusion Rose set up standing before him. The image shakes and dances before it, and the abomination studies it for a few seconds, slowly approaching as it does. Then its jaw lowers open and it snaps at the image's body, shattering the illusion completely. The creature's movement throws off Midnight's wall of knives, which are flung behind the monster and dig themselves into the bleachers opposite where Toraq smashed into. The monster registers their impact, his head snapping to it as his eyes study once again.

Beast Duo:
Brontorachnid Toughness Roll: [roll0]. -1 and Staggered.
Brontorachnid's Parry beat all other to-hit rolls.

Brontorachnid Fortitude Roll: [roll1]. -1 and Dazed.

Crimson Detective:
Brontorachnid Toughness Roll: [roll2]. Actually a 25, but still No Damage.

Brontorachnid Will Roll: [roll3]. Beat.

Brontorachnid's Parry beat Midnight's to-hit roll.

Now just waiting on Admiral.

2014-08-19, 08:20 AM
Nodding, the dragon roars, attempting to intimidate the creature that was now charging at his, lack for a better word, team, along with the naked man into backing down.

His serpentine form slithered through the air, moving more gracefully than anything his size has any right to move.

Intimidate Standard action

Move action fly in between the two

Queen Sapes
2014-08-19, 01:16 PM
The massive beast takes a few steps backwards at the dragon's roar, backing off from the fight for a brief few seconds before lashing out at the dragon. With Wang being such a large target, the abomination doesn't bite at him but instead lashes out with his head, hitting the dragon with the blunt force of his helmet-like skull. He succeeds at hitting him, the full force going into the dragon's long and serpentine body. The dragon pushed back for a second and Wallok on the other side of him, the creature turns its attention to Siren, who had just moments ago shrieked painfully to the creature's ears. It opens up its jaw and fires into Siren, another football launching from its throat into the witch. It hits her hard in the gut before bouncing away, not causing any real damage to her physically, but easily throwing the wind from her through sheer force.

Brontorachnid Will Roll: [roll0]. Fail, -2 penalty to all checks until next move.

[roll1] to hit Siren. Toughness DC 22. Critical Hit, even with the adjusted -2 check penalty.
Fortitude DC 15 for the critical. (Dazed, Stunned, Paralyzed)

[roll2] to hit Wang. Toughness DC 25. Hit, even with the adjusted -2 check penalty.


2014-08-19, 01:22 PM
From her high vantage point Rose looks at the bloodless wounds her teamates inflictad on the beast, then tilt her head sightly listening to something in the air. after her distraction fails she gives a split seconds of though and then with a shrug sudenly dives atempt dives head first into the beast.

Using my move action to try to move into the thing and see if I can pick up the voices again with more clairity.

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-19, 01:44 PM
Pelias Expands his mouth Snake, Solidifying it and increasing its density, and turning it into a cage large enough to try to capture the beast inside.

HA I wrote up my actions beforehand so I could put them in quickly!
Move Action: Remove 5 Points worth of Proportional flaw from Create Object, Manifest 2 Points Dexterity, 1 Point Ranged Attack Bonus.
Standard Action: Trap with Created Object

Dropped Aspects

Laser Cannon
Dexterity 2
Total: 17

Manifested Aspects:

Elongation 2
Create (Feedback, Proportional, Accurate 2 ) 16 (15 Points)
Advantage: Ranged Attack 1


Created Snakehead:

Volume 8, Toughness 13

Attacking Dodge: [roll0]
Dodge Resistance Check VS DC 26

Queen Sapes
2014-08-19, 01:46 PM
Pelias leaps at the massive abomination, warping from the form of a snake to the form of a large silver cage that wraps over the creature. It isn't fast enough to dodge out of the way of Pelias, the robot instead falling around the beast and trapping it where it stands. The beast roars once more in frustration, examining the cage it's now trapped inside inquisitively. It grunts and roars a bit more at the cage that now surrounds it, but doesn't immediately take any kind of action against it.

Even before you dive into the creature, just getting closer to it is enough to strengthen the sound of the voices in your mind. The scene continues a little further from where it left off before, the sound of footsteps in a relatively empty empty room filling our mind for a moment or two. "So what is it you wanted to show me?" the girl asks, her cute voice echoing a little. "There's nothing down here but old boxes." After she says that the ceiling rumbles again before the other voice says something.

"I told you, it's a surprise! Now go wait over by those boxes while I go and get it," the voice of a young man no older than eleven says as he steps across the space. The girl seems to walk away from him and lift herself up onto a box, the sound of her pants scuffing a little on the wooden boxes. Above, the ceiling rumbles once more before a buzzer goes off, followed by people cheering. "And with that, the Grizzlies take a six point lead, ladies and gentlemen!" says the muffled voice of a man above them as he announces it to a crowd.

Anubis Dread
2014-08-19, 02:07 PM
Oof! She was being hit! She wasn't supposed to be hit!! She was supposed to just hang around the back and sing, not get mauled by giant space monsters!!! Okay okay calm down, just... breathe. And get the hell away!

"Stay back!" the Siren shouted in a panic, opening her eyes and flashing the beast before her with a magic blast from them. Not even waiting to see if she'd hit, The Siren immediately scampered away as fast she could, not wanting to get attacked a second time. She'd been lucky just now, there was no way she could take another hit like that!

And now The Siren's final song - Melody of the Medusa. DC19 Afflict that ISN'T sense dependent. I'm assuming the monster is less than 30 feet away? Anyway it goes Impaired, Immobilized, Paralyzed and targets Foritude - should help keep the thing still long enough for it to be caged.

2014-08-19, 02:08 PM
Okay, now we're focused! Midnight throws even more knives, now that her focus is purely on the creature and incapacitating it.
Take a -5 penalty to active defenses for an All Out Attack
Attack Roll: [roll0] Crit on 32-36
Toughness: 22* +5 due to Crit.

*If Attack roll succeeds by 2 degrees, the DC increases by 2. If the Attack roll succeeds by 3 degrees or more, the DC increases by 5.

2014-08-19, 02:09 PM
"GOOD IDEA METAL MAN! OPEN UP CAGE!" the Toraq shouts, sprinting towards the cage, his wolf instantly appearing at his side. In the cage the monster can't run, making it easy prey.


Scowling Dragon
2014-08-19, 02:23 PM
Pelias responds by making the outside of the Cage (Which is designed to be insulating. No holes for the monster to spit the Footballs from) spiky (Aesthetic feature but designed to ward away).

Our purpose is not to kill! You hear me Wallok? NO KILL!

Taking a second of thought, he quickly mumbled something to keep the Barbarian sated

Eh..Yet! No Kill! Examine first!

2014-08-19, 02:30 PM
"KILL NOW!" the Toraq shouts, axe sliding down his hand as he takes it with both hands even as the wolf jumps up, striking at the wall with powerful legs. If he could break in, killing the monster would be easy!


Attacking an Object with Finishing Attacks. That's an Auto-Crit. I'm doing full Power Attacks and All-Out Attacks on both.

Wallok: [roll0]
Toughness 35.

Farrok Reaction: [roll1]
Toughness 23

Farrok: [roll2]
Toughness 33

Wallok Reaction: [roll3]
Toughness 23

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-19, 02:39 PM

Peliases auditory functions begin to malnfunction as he is damaged.

The cage collapses and dissipates into dust and Pelias drops into a quivering pile of goo.

Wallok: Toughness 35.
The Cage: [roll0]
Pelias: [roll1]

Farrok Reaction: Toughness 23
The Cage: [roll2]
Pelias: [roll3]

Farrok: Toughness 33
The Cage: [roll4]
Pelias: [roll5]

Wallok Reaction: Toughness 23
The Cage: [roll6]
Pelias: [roll7]

Err I think Im incapacitated?

Queen Sapes
2014-08-20, 01:04 AM
The magic from Siren hits the beast hard as he stumbles against the still-standing cage. However, the magic quickly begins taking effect on the beast, as its joints and legs begins forming a stone-like seal on them that slows the abomination's movements. The creature stumbles as it struggles to move, eventually stopping completely as it is frozen in place. The monster struggles against his stone bindings as Wallok and Farrok take the cage made of Pelias around him down in order to get at him. But before the beast duo can take even the smallest swing at the frozen monster, Midnight deals her wall of blades at the monster, the daggers appearing out of nowhere and imbedding themselves into every part of the monster.

The abomination roars in pain and anger once more, still struggling against his stone joints as the blades bury themselves into him. The creature roars again, this time much weaker than the first as his head begins to droop down. Again it roars, little more than a short grunt made in the direction of Midnight. With a final heavy breath, its head falls down to the ground, defeated. But then it becomes stranger. The moment the monster's head hits the grass, it simply disappears. Literally in the blink of an eye, the creature appears to fall unconscious, defeated by Midnight's knives, and then vanishes completely. Where its claw legs were still embedded in the field, the dirt slumps down, falling as if the creature had just pulled his feet from the holes. The many knives Midnight had drove into him fall down onto the field as the beast disappears, clanging against each other as they hit the grass. And finally, Rose remains hovering in the air where the creature had fallen, everyone stunned that it just simply vanished. The only remnants of its visit that remain at the field are the damage done to the grass, the broken remains of the bleachers, and three footballs covered in saliva.

Remaining in the abomination while the others try to catch it, you hear the scene continue playing in your ears. The footsteps walk back towards where the girl had sat, and the young boy says, "Alright, here's your surprise!" Then the sound of quick movement on the crates, followed by many tiny things falling, and the girl shrieking in complete and utter fear. She apparently leaps off the crate and runs out of the room back up the stairs. The boy and one other laugh uncontrollably as the girl shrieks. "Don't be so scared, Ida! They're only spiders!" the first boy calls to the young girl as she runs, still laughing at the prank he pulled. "Good one, Mike," he says to the other boy, the two apparently sharing a high-five.

The second boy begins to say something when his voice suddenly gets quiet extremely fast, disappearing instantly in less than a second. Then all sounds cut and the great presence of the abomination retreats back into nothingness. For a brief second you can perceive the smaller presence once again, it disappearing along with the huge presence of the beast. You're left hovering where it once stood on the field, the only signs it was there at all being all the damage it caused.
Brontorachnid Fortitude Roll: [roll0]. Impaired.

Brontorachnid Toughness Roll: [roll1]. This is versus a DC 32. Out.

Pelias and the Beast Duo:
No more moves this round! Sorry!

Waiting on 3 more moves! SCRATCH THAT, END COMBAT.

2014-08-20, 01:38 AM
Wallok swings his axe down, intent on taking the beasts' head as a trophy, bemoaning the fact that the stupid knife girl had killed the monster first...

Only to find it gone!

"Where bad monster?" he says despondently, looking at Midnight. "What you do to bad monster? Where bad monster go?"

Farrok begins to sniff around the grass inquisitively, wondering exactly where the giant monster had gone every bit as much as his companion. If they could track it down they could still take a trophy. Probably.

Routine 29 on Olfactory Tracking for Farrok. I'm guessing it will do nothing because it was BrontoNIGHTMAREONELMSTREETrachind but it can't hurt to check.

2014-08-20, 01:55 AM
Midnight looks quizzically at the spot where the creature was. "I haven't a clue... It may not have even been a creature one can take a trophy of... There will be beasts like that, sometimes." Though none that were still living that she knew of. Certainly none that simply faded from existence... Though summons will occasionally do that. "I think I have a clue where to look for information. Let us head back."

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-20, 08:56 AM
Pelias begins to slowly reboot himself. He begins to form his basic defensive functions, and retracts any leftover parts of himself.

Seeing the apathy from both Wallok and Garnet he finds himself feeling something new, a completely new feeling he hasn't felt before. He doesn't like that feeling.

Unsure of what to say or do, Pelias slithers underneath the stadiums stand and attempts to fully recuperate himself.

Anubis Dread
2014-08-20, 12:32 PM
"It HAS to be something summoned! There's no other reason it would dissappear like that," The Siren exlaimed our loud, trying to focus on the mystery. Now that everything was quiet, she was beginning to calm down. But she was still shaking from her near call as she stood back up from where she'd been scrambling desperately across the field. Okay it wasn't a close call, she wasn't even hurt, but... she wasn't a robot, or a cave man, or some other super tough, invulnerable hero. She'd first learned magic over the internet for gods sake!

Looking around, The Siren adjusted her cloak, trying to take the situation in. "Everyone okay? No-one got injured by the thing? Or Wallok..."

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-20, 12:45 PM
Touched by the sympathy, Perry calls back.

Thank you for the concern Ms Marylin. All my damages caused by Walloks rash behavior can be repaired in due time.

Well at least somebody has common sense on the team.

I saw you get attacked by that creatures Football attacks. Have you sustained any permanent injuries?

As for the creature, there be an innumerable amount of explanations outside of dismissed summoning. It could have Teleported, or transformed into different matter. Or been an illusion all along.

2014-08-20, 01:01 PM
"Teleportation is out - it took too long to disappear when we took it down. Plus there was not an accompanying effect or sound like there usually is. Illusion is out - illusions don't cause physical damage, and those footballs are still around. I'm thinking similarly to Marilyn - someone summoned that."

Anubis Dread
2014-08-20, 01:09 PM
Oh wow, she hadn't even noticed Perry getting hurt... she'd been too busy running away from the fight at the mere thought of being injured. The thought that she had been terrified at being injured and was running while one of her team mates actually WAS injured filled her with shame. She felt a bright flush come across her face, and she sub-conciously shifted into a smaller form as if to hide herself. "I'm... I'm perfectly fine. No injuries, just a little shaken up," she admitted.

She couldn't focus on her embarassing actions in the fight right now though - they had a mystery to solve. "I definitely agree it has to be conjured, the only question is from where," Marilyn agreed. "It could be a demon, from a parallel dimension, from another world... even if we know it's summoned it could still have been called by anything from pseudo-science to sorcery."

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-20, 01:43 PM
I disagree Ms Garnet.

Says Perry as he slowly slithers back into the Arena. Perry continues, with a not-invisible irritation in his voice.

Magicians fool an audience using mere visual trickery. When taking into account abnormal capabilities, it is possible to fool one into just about anything. Maybe something else Teleported the creature away. The damage could have been caused by something else and this has all been a elaborate hallucination. There are methods to fool even my non-organic sensors.

And as you point out the Footballs remain. Im not exactly certain, but are summoned creatures capable of leaving behind such clues? Perhaps we should more carefully investigate one of them. Perhaps for DNA evidence even (With All the saliva and all).

2014-08-20, 01:51 PM
"METAL MAN!" Wallok shouts at Perry as he begins to reform. "Where you hide during fight? You make bit cage then go poof. No more cage!" he quickly adds, keeping an eye on Farrok as he sniffs around for some hint of where the beast went.

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-20, 02:08 PM
Feeling his anger algorithms rise, Perry decides to go the snarky route in some way of dealing with his anger

Wallok must not have Good Eyesight or hearing. Because if he did he would notice that Perry Become cage, and so when Wallok attack in vain attempt to assert self Wallok actually damaged Perry.

Then Ms Esper who chomping at the Bit ignored Perrys Auditory cues of damage and pain in favor of attacking mostly incapacitated beast!

Does that answer your Question Wallok?

2014-08-20, 02:11 PM
"Why you turn cage?" the Toraq asks, confused. "That dumb idea. You dumb-dumb metal man," the Toraq says, heading over to Midnight and attempting to pat her on the shoulder. "Knifey Girl very smart. Stab good."

"You kill monster good. I let you eat part when we find again," Wallok says, nodding sagely as he speaks to Midnight.

2014-08-20, 02:13 PM
"Sorry tincan but while you have a point about illusions. A thoughfull Rose slowly floats down from where the creature used to stand and turns herself visible. She would kow. I'm afraid you are overthinking this. I felt a supernatural presence here, present compagny excluded of course, Two in fact" Given the ongoing debate... "I get it no one heard anything while getting near the thing ?"

Anubis Dread
2014-08-20, 02:16 PM
"Oooookay, everyone just chill out before we have bodies in this stadium that won't conveniently dissappear when they fall to down ground. I don't want to have to dig any graves tonight, I'm already exhausted," The Siren attempted to head off any conflict, her voice oozing with fascinating power. "For now we should either head back to base to get more clues or work on unearthing this... whatever it is underground."

The Siren frowned. "No, I didn't... I really should have tried to read its mind to see what was going on, but I doubted it spoke english. I wouldn't have understood what it was saying."

Going to use the Prevent PvP Fascinate Advantage, Persuasion [roll0]

2014-08-20, 02:17 PM
While Siren's melodic tone helps to distract Wallok, Rose's question does far more to distract the Toraq.

"I hear sound!" Wallok shouts, raising his hand as he inhales mightily.

"ROOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAR!" he bellows, the great roar a poor imitation of the beast's cry.

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-20, 02:31 PM
At first Perry Was Taken aback at being called stupid and any form of argument dismissed by Wallok. He was about to put up an argument, but then decided not too. He would get back to talking too Wallok when he was in a better Position.

True Ms Merrilyn. We best focus our efforts. It was indeed likely not an Illusion. Im just questioning of why somebody would summon something that was in general not very aggressive to vandalize a football court and spit a few footballs.

Ms Rose, mind you go into specifics of the presence you felt? For I heard nothing.

Insight Counter Roll:


Queen Sapes
2014-08-21, 01:33 PM
Sniffing around at the site the abomination fell, Farrok doesn't detect much aside from lingering sweat soaked into the grass from years of practice and games. But, for a brief second after the creature disappeared the air smells distinctly of lilac perfume, the smell disappearing almost as fast as the strange creature.

2014-08-21, 02:07 PM
As the creature vanished, Wang, slowly shifted back into human form as his eyes narrowed, "Ni de she me?" he muttered as he got back to his feet with great apparent effort.

Magic for figuring out howww

2014-08-21, 05:23 PM
Admiral, can we get a translation when you speak?
"I think it is nothing but the concrete beneath the stadium."
Is it a summon or something more unusual? [roll0]

2014-08-21, 05:56 PM
As the great wolf relays his emotions and feelings to the Toraq and the Toraq does the same, Wallok snorts in derision.

"Big monster make flower smell. Ljánalegt lykta mönnum skrímsli," the Toraq mutters as he looks around. How do you track something that doesn't leave a trail?

Silly smelling human monster.

2014-08-21, 06:29 PM
"Well one of the two, I think you saw and felt first hand. But maybe if you keep in disbeleiving it's existence maybe the damage will vanish away as well." Rose try not to look too amused, she actualy kind of like the robot. "but there was another smaller one. I only felt her shortly, didn't saw naything but she was there. Oh and the voices" she adds as an afterthought.

She points a finger down. "I'm going to take a look under there before you start digging but I'm calling it, there's only going to a part of the school under, cellar or maintenance tunnel I'd wager there and nothing of interest in there. A few spiders and an empty box." She thinks sligtly about it "Or maybe the lair of the worm that will destroy the world, the voices weren't quite clear"

That last part is a complelty deapan joke fromt he character, just so we're clear.
The voices aren't, tho, even if she's being deliberatly cryptic and misleading about it because as it is said in her personality section, she has a slightly twisted sense of humour and if she tells you everything without a bit of arm twisting, where's the fin in that ? :smalltongue:

May I try a bit of knowlege Expertise (Local history) to know if i can indentify the 'grizllies' as a team (the newspaper mentioned the 'mountain lions' as the local team) and if there has been any disparition or anything of the sort of childen reported lately ? (esepcialy on little girl called 'ida' or such)

Rolled on invisible castle 17 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4614810/)

And she does use intangibility to take a peek under the concrete if she can. (Byt the way if you feel that power is getting a little too powerfull I'm okay to put another limit beyd 'magic' to it)

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-21, 06:58 PM
Wait don't leave yet!...Voices? What did they say in particular? Voices of what?

They spoke of a World destroying Wyrm?

Perry reforms his arm, and proceeds to use it to scratch his chin.

Question, would you allow me too Variable up regeneration? If not Im cool with that.

and Ha! You can't make Perry Squirm! Hes too gullible!

Queen Sapes
2014-08-21, 07:11 PM
Dipping down into the ground for a moment, Rose passes through the concrete to get an idea of what's underneath the field. The phantom finds herself in a dark room lit only by an emergency light over the doorway inside, although a few details of the room are immediately clear. First is the abundance of wooden crates in the room, all pushed towards the walls or corners with various labels on them. Most are random assortments of numbers, but a few crates have a fairly common label: 'MRE'. Second, there are also folding chairs stored away down in the room, all on one long rack. A table occupies one corner, covered mostly in dust save for where tools have disturbed it. In the corner of the table is a pot with a Venus Fly Trap growing out of it, the plant somehow surviving in this dark underground room. Maybe the janitor moves it from time to time. Over the table is an older poster, likely forty or fifty years old, with the words 'Don't Be Scared Kids!' written on it in bright big letters. The rest of the poster is occupied by a couple of cartoon dinosaurs, the largest being a brontosaurus in the center flanked by a triceratops and a T-rex, and information on how to survive a nuclear attack below it. Lastly, written in faded black paint by the door are the words 'Nuclear Shelter'.

Popping open the crates with her telekinesis, Rose takes a peek inside at what the crates have to offer. Unsurprisingly, they're all filled with supplies, although most of it looks to be over forty years old. It is all coated in dust, but a surprising amount of it has still held together. Other than the supplies, nothing inside is of note. Honestly before Rose popped open the crates, they haven't been touched in years, aside for being moved around.

The Grizzlies are the local team's rival, and nearly all the homecoming games for the past thirty years have been against the Grizzlies. It's been a steady rivalry during the entire time, although the rivalry has never escalated past friendly competition. Both schools also tend to prank each other when it gets to homecoming week, but given that it isn't quite that time, the abomination probably wasn't some insane prank. You also don't recall any news in recent times about the town children, aside from a few 4-H things, and certainly don't know of a girl named 'Ida'.
You're rather unsure of how this creature somehow managed to vanish away literally in the blink of an eye. Teleportation could certainly be an option, but unless the abomination was also part wizard then someone else would have had to teleport it away. On top of that the wizard would have to be rather strong, since there are few teleportation spells that are noiseless and traceless. You doubt it was an illusion, since, like the others had said, no illusion could cause damage like that. The beast could have been from another dimension, only manifesting here for the duration of the fight before being drawn back into its native dimension, but that would require there being a hole in the fabric of reality right where the group is standing, and the raw magic isn't around to support it.
Consulting memory and training, you have your doubts about the 'summoning' idea. Most, if not all, summoned minions either don't disappear once they're defeated, or they disappear with some kind of trace, such as melting down into piles of sulfur or burning the ground where they fall. This creature did nothing like that, it simply vanished. Either this was some kind of extremely rare summon, made for reasons completely unclear to you, or it was something else entirely.

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-21, 09:55 PM
Ms Rose? Ms Rose!

Perry Calls to Rose. He creates a magnaphone.

Its highly improbable you hear me through concrete but did you encounter the Wurm? If so please do not take it on! We best contact Eldritch, or even the Freedom League! A enemy of world destroying caliber is way outside our station!

Perry Turns to the others.

Should we act? Perhaps her lack of response is caused by an attack by the Wurm! I am uncertain!

2014-08-21, 11:40 PM
"I think she was pulling your leg, Perry.

I think we should ask the book. This is some unusual magic. Not any witchcraft m- I would know."

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-22, 09:14 AM
She was not! I don't think as an intangible spirit she is capable of pulling.

Anubis Dread
2014-08-22, 12:22 PM
Relax Perry. As long as she's not more than a hundred feet away she's still in range of my telepathy. Standard protocol for us all to be hooked up right? I'm sure she'd buzz if there was even a hint of danger," Marilyn reassured him, gently putting a hand on his shoulder. Which she actually had to reheighten herself for considering she'd still been in a fairly short guide beforehand.

Whatever this thing was, she didn't have enough magical know how to determine the specifics. She racked her brain anyway, but they would proabably need to hit the books when they got back to base.

Expertise: Magic, [roll0]

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-22, 12:29 PM
Thank you Ms Marylin. I appreciate the gesture.

Perry Breathes out (metaphorically) for a bit. Its going to be alright.

2014-08-22, 03:38 PM
Rose looks aroud the underground bunker for a bit. As she was expecting, nothing too particular. She still take the time to look around in the dim light for anything strange, supernatural or simply just off. She also take a little while to look at the plant and the poster, ah, this explains that.

"It seems the worm is on a sabatical, the world should be safe for this millenia." Rose emerges from under the concrete with a slight smile. She did consider how amusing it might have been to make the sound of rumbling earth a bit befor comming out but there's a difference between indulging in an off hand joke and an outright gratuitous childish prank.

"In all seriousnes, it's just an old bunker arranged as a janitor office under there. I suppose it could have been the place of ritual sarifices or build over an indian cimetary but everything in it place seems perfectly mundane to me. Doesn't mean irrelevant, though" She opens her arm and creates a small replica of the room she saw below, it almost looks like she's holding a tiny model who somehow even smell like the musty old room.

"You want to ask the book right ?" she look at Midnight who said something about 'knowing whre to look next' "It's worth a try but I'm willing to bet he won't know anything about our monster. Because..." She feels she lft them hanging long enough. She tilts her head slightly and suddently voices are heard.

"the voice of a girl, likely extremely young, speaks. It sounds to you like she asks, "Should we be down here?" A boy's voice responds with something, but a rumbling from somewhere near them obscures his answer.
Alright, here's your surprise!" Then the sound of quick movement on the crates, followed by many tiny things falling, and the girl shrieking in complete and utter fear. She apparently leaps off the crate and runs out of the room back up the stairs. The boy and one other laugh uncontrollably as the girl shrieks. "Don't be so scared, Ida! They're only spiders!" the first boy calls to the young girl as she runs, still laughing at the prank he pulled. "Good one, Mike," he says to the other boy, the two apparently sharing a high-five.

"That's what I heard." As the scene was playing out, she creates small images of a football helmet and s apider before adding a dinosaur and a venus flytrap and make them hover in each other, recreating a rough silhouette of the monster. "It was shaped after her memories somehow.We need to find the girl.

I was going to have her hold information a bit longer, pry a bit and have fu with this but I figure that given my slow posting rate I didn't want to hold things too much.

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-24, 08:48 AM
Are you insinuating that this girl of some-kind has created this monster? Most peculiar. But can that wait, I feel like its best if we all gather our bearings and think what do do next before doing anything rash.

2014-08-24, 05:26 PM
"So we're lookin' for someone? All right. That's back in my wheelhouse. Well, more than giant QB-playin' spidersaurs, leastways. I do agree with the tin-can on this, Miss Rose. I can help find our gal, no doubt, and I doubt I'm the only one who can make that claim, but if we're hunting after a run-of-the-mill civilian, we might want to go back to the cabin and plan this out, seeing as some of us raise eyebrows in public, and it is getting awfully late for social calls."

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-24, 06:59 PM
Perry is still confused.

I have noticed that my group has repeatedly made this mistake but I am not a tin can. That is one of my possible functions but not all of them.

2014-08-24, 07:02 PM
"What civ-il-an smell like?" the Toraq asks, glancing at Farrok. "Farrok find smells good. Then we chop civ-il-an!" the Toraq shouts, slamming his axe into the ground as Farrok howls in agreement.

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-25, 04:19 PM
Lets all just head to the cabin before Wallok murders somebody

Pissed off, Perry Walks towards the Car

I will be Piloting

2014-08-25, 05:36 PM
"Indeed. If his behavior becomes too bad, our next incident may be the Toraq from another universe. If anyone needs me, I'll be consulting the book back at our base." With that, she's gone.

Anubis Dread
2014-08-25, 06:19 PM
"...okay, I don't know if I should be curious or terrified that a robot is in charge of the radio," Marilyn admitted, falling in line and getting into the car with the rest of the crew.

2014-08-25, 06:27 PM
"What civ-il-an smell like?" the Toraq asks, glancing at Farrok. "Farrok find smells good. Then we chop civ-il-an!" the Toraq shouts, slamming his axe into the ground as Farrok howls in agreement.

The sigh that escapes Cat's throat is distilled despair. "A civilian is a regular Joe, a normal person, not a... ah, to hell with it, you're too dumb to understand what I'm sayin' anyhow. Farrok, you're the bright one, no chewin' on folks if you're our bloodhound, not 'till we've got the low down, OK?"

The Crimson Detective slides back into the car. "Perry, you sure you're up for this, you took a mean hit. I'll drive if you want to patch yourself back up or what have you."

Back to the cabin works for me. And yes, I know Wallok and Farrok have the same INT score. :smalltongue:

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-25, 07:31 PM
Thank you for the concern Ms King, but after the beating I took It be best if I assert myself in a non-violent manner, thus reducing my newfound anger reflex.

I assume these are customary

Perry Shape-shifts a pair of shades.

The radio here is inferior to the quality that my internal transmitter can provide. I have access to any radio station on the planet. If any of you want music I can put it up to a democratic vote for what kind the riders should listen too. As of yet I have not found any preference myself. Will this be Satisfying Ms Merylinn?

Perry speaks in restrained and a bit aggravated tones.

2014-08-25, 08:05 PM
"Farrok is smart!" the Toraq exclaims jovially, grinning as he pats his companion while they rejoin the group.

"Need more pizza," he says as he nears Cat. "Can I get more pizza?" he asks, the great wolf sniffing the air as it attempts to get a scent for the local pizza shop.

Queen Sapes
2014-08-26, 05:58 PM
After a little discussion over radio choices, the team finally leaves the high school in its rather broken state, delegating the job of repairs to the school. Besides, it means somebody in town gets paid for repairs, and the school doesn't have to use its budget for pointless upgrades. With Pelias at the wheel of the truck, Siren at shotgun, the Detective, Wang, and the ghost sitting in the back seat, and the monstrous beast duo taking up the truck bed on the promise of pizza, the team returns home, listening to the voted choice on the radio: the hits of the 80's. The group briefly stops at Christie's Pizza to pick up some late night food, the stoned staff inside barely batting an eye as the truck rolls up driven by a silver man with a giant man and wolf in the back. With three more large pizzas in hand, graciously paid for by the deep pockets Eldritch gave them, all the members of Mystery Inc. return to the cabin.

The rest of the team arrive home to find Midnight already there, surrounded by books on practically every supernatural subject from demonology to cosmology to mystic horticulture. The hunter digs through the books trying to understand the creature the team fought roughly thirty or so minutes before. Chester floats above her, the faceless book somehow clearly puzzled at the information Midnight gave her. "It was spitting footballs? Really? Who does that!? And why!?" Chester exclaims, likely hung up on that little detail.

Skipping a little forward to the cabin to get things rollin' again.

Anubis Dread
2014-08-26, 07:00 PM
"Well it was on a football field, so I have three theories on that," Marilyn exposited to the book as she entered, packing away her cloak before entering the magical library and beginning to flick through book titles. "The first theory is the simplest - the thing just got into the store room or something and swallowed a bunch of footballs. It then just regurgitated them as an impromtu missile weapons."

Where was the book on demons? It didn't look like a demon, but it was an illustrated volume, so it would be easy to tell if it was in there or not just by flicking through. "The second theory is a little more out there. It was on a football field. Footballs belong on a football field. Ergo, it shot footballs. Some kind of reality conformance, or illusion based on the environment. Magic can be weird like that." Nope, nadda. Marily sighed before putting the book back on the shelf, before picking up another. "The final theory is that it wasn't a football at all. It just co-incidentally looked like one. Maybe it was some kind of egg, or pod or something."

"The PROBLEM with all of these theories is it still doesn't tell us what this thing is!" she sighed, collapsing into a chair as she flicked through another volume. "I mean, aside from it being a half spider, half dinosaur, half football..." Hearing her own words, the witch put her hands to her temples and rubbed them futily. "I need something sugary, fill of alcohol, and with a name that's at least PG 13," she sighed in frustration.

Another Expertise Magic - let's see if these books help. [roll0]

2014-08-27, 01:59 AM
Garnet looks around for a quill and ink, and begins sketching the creature as best she can from memory.

"Its legs came out of the underside like so," she says, moving slowly even by normal standards to maximize the detail and minimize flaws. "As said, it had a lower body like a coppe and an upper one that lacks an analogue to compare to. It had an unusual and rather grotesque head, atop a long neck. While at the time it was reassuring to not have such a monsterous visage while we fought, it is a nuisance now. The body was covered black and brown fur..." The picture slowly begins to look like the creature they fought, growing fur and details filling in the drawing slowly.

"If only it hadn't vanished like it did... Having something to bring back would have been perfect. Is this bringing any of your pages to mind, erm, table of contents?"

I am not sure what skill, if any, would be used, though I suspect it would be Dexterity based. If possible, I'll take 20 on that for a total of 21.

2014-08-27, 04:04 AM
"It's not gonna look like anything in any book. It's memories, all jumbled up together." Cat objects to the pair of mystic experts poking around in the library from over the top of her pizza and gin and tonic. She no longer needed food, but she still enjoyed it. It was a habit she had no real intention of breaking, now that chow was entirely a pleasure instead of a necessity. The liquor was a deeper-seated and entirely different matter, like breathing. Still a bad example, now that I think on it. Don't need to do that anymore either.

"Rose showed us, it's bits and bobs of that Ida girl's bad night down in the bunker. It spits footballs 'cause there was a game goin' on. It's got spider legs cause that little rat of a kid poured a bunch of the creepy-crawlies on her. Now, the hows and whys of all that, I ain't got half a clue, but seems to me you're barkin' up the wrong tree here. You're not looking for some particular flavor of demon or shape-shifter, there's no entry 'bout helmet-headed spiders on page 182 of Chester. You're looking for somethin' that makes memories real, or as real as that thing was at least."

Anubis Dread
2014-08-27, 09:44 AM
"A slightly modified theory two then?" Marily asked as she flipped through the book. "Can't say I see where a dinosaur fits in, but honestly it's the best theory so far. The issue is that's even harder to track down, because the only real thing we knew, it's appearance, is now useless."

The Siren mulled over their course of action as she continued to study. "I could cast a ritual to track down where the thing came from," she mused. "The only problem is that would take at least two full days to get going, and could take half a week even depending on how complicated it ends up being. If we're in a time crunch it might not be the best choice."

2014-08-27, 12:28 PM
"You admit that you don't have a source for certain features of the creature. Perhaps Chester does. I'd say start up the ritual. There's no reason to currently believe ourselves to be on a time crunch."

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-27, 12:56 PM
Perry (Who was always in the room and if you say otherwise your a commie), creates a projector and projects a 360 rotation of the beast onto the wall of the cabin

Whilst I had the beast temporarily contained, I was in position to inspect it from all angles. Maybe the Dinosaur aspect can give us a clue. Maybe we can focus on that?

2014-08-27, 01:02 PM
"Cwan I fwind fwlower gwirl?" Wallok says, mouth full of pizza. After a quick swallow, he repeats himself. "Farrok smell flower girl. We track that down?"

2014-08-27, 01:30 PM
Perry's projector aspect shows up just as Garnet was finishing up her drawing. She looks up at the projection. "Γαμώτο! Ηλίθιος αυτόματο!" she yells, crumpling her paper and throwing it at a trash bin.
Gamóto! Ilíthios aftómato!"

Damnit! Stupid automatons!
"Was there anything in the memory that suggested a specific age? Not of the subject, but of the memory itself? We can likely narrow our search if we know what age the girl or woman is to be."

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-27, 02:53 PM
At the sound of Wallok offering to track the girl Perry replies

NO! DESIST! We where lucky that the creature was a creation, but I will not let you track this girl so you may murder her. Isn't that what you where planning? "Go find badguys and squish!"

2014-08-27, 04:05 PM
"The final theory is that it wasn't a football at all. It just co-incidentally looked like one. Maybe it was some kind of egg, or pod or something."
"Brilliant. Then we should go back with haste lest the town to be overrun by evil spiderquaterbacks from dimension X"

Rose hasn't been talking much because one hand she's honestly rather annoyed at Midnight and Siren who apparently ignored her (or did she forgot to appear to them when she did that ? She was pretty sure she did but sometime it's hard to tell) but on the other rather hand she find absolutely hilarious their insistence to identify a magical creature with such improbable features. (Although... Wouldn't she would have to confess to being curious, wouldn't it be amusing if somewhere in Chester's pages there actually was a dreaded spido-bronto-footballsaurus demon ?). Midnight's attempt as drawing is icing on the cake.

"You admit that you don't have a source for certain features of the creature. Perhaps Chester does."

"I can tell you where each of the detail of the creature come from. The dinosaur came from a poster that was in underground shelter where it happened. So was the plant the jaws came from. The memory happened during a football match above by the "Grizzlies" "
... Although now that she say it out loud, Siren does have a point. Oh she can tell where the dinosaur part come from but a better question is why would they all, including a little ridiculous details such as the name of the team or the poster become amalgamated in such an weird... Strange... Odd (none of these feel like quite the right adjective) composite ? There's something vaguely familiar about this but she can't quite put her finger on it.

the term Rose is looking would be 'surreal'.

As a player I'm of course somewhat spoiled by the chapter title.
Which is why I'd like to know if my character could, in character, (with an appropriate roll if necessary ?) make an association between 'small memories cobbled together' and 'dream'
(Adding to this, the fact that the creature only appears at night and that Rose has the power to influence/read dreams (though power stunts at first then will buy whenever I get the necessary power points))

"Was there anything in the memory that suggested a specific age? Not of the subject, but of the memory itself? We can likely narrow our search if we know what age the girl or woman is to be."

"The girl sounded young when it happened. As of the scene itself. Likely no older than thirty years, maybe less, Anyone knows what's the the lifespan Venus flytrap is ?" Rose shrugs "No sooner than last homecoming though. Sorry I can't be more specific."

I admit I'm curious, I'm not sure why Midnight and Siren seem to have both completely missed Rose explanation ? I was under the impression that both we're close to Perry when it happened ?

Sadly the lifespan of Venus flytraps is believed to be over twenty so it doesn't narrow it down much I'm afraid

2014-08-27, 04:48 PM
"Plants aren't my thing, but flytraps are little things, aren't they? Can't be that old, right? The Grizzlies would be a clue as well. They're the team for one of the other little towns up here, right? So the memory can't be older than the first time they played Mystery's squad. Gives us a hard cuttoff date, at least. I imagine someone's fancy gadget can look that up faster than I can."

2014-08-27, 05:07 PM
Wallok turns to the robot, standing up slowly as he glares at the construct, accidentally knocking over a table in the process.

"You no let me?" Wallok says, his tone accentuated by the growl coming from his companion.

"You no LET me?" he repeats, his voice a dull roar. "How you stop me metal man? You weak. No have strength to take life. You too cowardly to kill what threaten friends. You want to let monster hurt us? I only one strong enough to strike first. Without me monster eat you whole," he adds, gnashing his teeth for emphasis.

"You no let me hunt down one who attack us?" he asks, axe growing in his hand as thick plates of blood form across his body. "How you stop me?"

2014-08-27, 05:10 PM
"Ahead of you. The Grizzlies are the reason I've toldwhat I did. They've have been playing againt the local team at homecoming for about thirty years" The ghost shruggs "Was hoping the plant might allow to narrow it down; everything else in the bunker was either at lest forty years or not in the memory"

"Oh godamnit" rose makes a little 'hang on a minute' hand gesture in the direction of the detective and turns herself 'off'. Silently the ghost swoops behind the raging barbarian and start whispering in his ear. A while ago, she discovered that her voice even if it wasn't directly heard by their ears could still be heard by their minds. her voices resonates at a 'subconcious' level, and her voice mixes in her their own thoughs. A little push in the right dirrection where needed.

"The metal man is not worth your time, You don't want to fig..." The ghost gives it a spit second of thoughts "...You don't want to fight him right now. Not so late, not indoors between the artifical walls of the weak men"

Sure she could use her powers of suggestion to stop Wallok from fighting like siren did a moment ago. And then what ? He'd be momentarily detered and just start again a little later. Lets Midight and Perry teach him a lesson once and for all in a language he'll understand: Pounding him into the ground.
Besides it should be great to watch. No need to have the the cabin trashed in the process, tho.

-AP: 'Suggestion' Affliction (7)
Extra: Perception range, Flaw: Limited:Cannot force someone to do something they really wouldn't do
(quirk: 'short range'(while it doesn't need a roll being perception based, she must still be close to the target)), feat: subtle (2), insidious.

I genrealy don't use these kind of powers on fellow Pcs without the accord of the player but I figured it was unimportant enough in that case to be okay ? If you aren't okay with it Arcan, you can make it an automatc failure or I'll just edit it out

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-27, 06:06 PM
My suspicions where correct. You where planning on killing the assumed girl. Despite my previous evidence, I assumed that maybe I could reason with you. Thats the only thing you value don't you? Raw Strength. Is that what I need in order to gain your respect? Il stop you, or fall trying

Perrys Eyes start glowing an brighter shade of red. Despite his damages he gets into a defensive position, becoming more smooth and shiny.

2014-08-27, 06:28 PM
"Okay, this is getting foolish. Wallrok, you cannot kill a human being without our express permission. You will be killed by the rest of us if you try. If you kill us, you will not go home. We have, for better or worse, been assigned as a team, and as the eldest here, I will not have us squabbling like infants.

Perry, do not goad him into a fight. You are no better than him if you do.

Here is what's going to happen: We are going to find this girl, or woman. We are going to evaluate if she is a threat. If she is not hostile, we will try and find a way to end this safely with minimal bloodshed. If she is hostile, we will work to incapacitate her, or kill her if it is the only option." The hunter slams a dagger into the table in frustration.

2014-08-27, 06:37 PM
"Toraq do not kneel," Wallok says simply, spitting towards Midnight. "Read your stupid books. I do what I will."

With a low whistle the Toraq storms out, knocking the door off its hinges as Farrok lopes along at his heels. Permission? What did they think he was, their slave? If they wanted to stop him he'd kill them.

The Toraq flies off, sprinting towards the woods. If he could at least lose the party he could find the girl without their help and figure out what she knew.

Wallok: [roll0]
Farrok: [roll1]

Anubis Dread
2014-08-27, 06:38 PM
Marilyn was about to step in... before she just sighed instead, getting to her feet. She really didn't have time to deal with this crap. She could have been just studying up on more magic, or spending the night on the town bouncing to mediocre music and dancing with moderately attractive members of the opposite sex, but instead she was here trying to play moderator between a cave man and a robot. A cave man and a freaking robot!!

"I am going to begin a scrying ritual to see if we can locate the source of this... memory collage," Marilyn intoned huffily, growing herself a bit and changing her face and body into a more stern form as she glared at the two men trying to have a penis measuring contest. "If either of you want to help, I'll have a list of things to buy from the grocery store for material components in a bit. For now, the best thing both of you can do is be quiet so I can concentrate," she grew a bit red out of frustration, before picking up a pencil and paper and beginning to work out the sigils she'd need to pull something like this off.

...and now the cave man was running off. Great, just great. "I'd be a lot more concerned about them running loose if I thought they could find their own navel," the Siren sighed.

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-27, 06:47 PM
Perry initially takes a more relaxed stance as Midnight reminds him of how he should act. She was right. He wished he could forget the fact that he was a murderer. 3 by his hands directly and 5 by secondary effect. He was unsure of how many where non-lethaly injured.

He sees Wallok run out.

Will they not be a threat on their own?

Perry says in a passive manner as his eyes turn off almost completely.

2014-08-27, 06:52 PM
Rose turn herself 'on' again and looks over Marilyn shoulders with a bit of curiosity. "Wouldn't that ritual of yours be more efficient if you did where the thing appeared ? Or with one of those footballs as samples ?"

Those are good to honnest questions, she doesn't know much about magic (beyond what you get from being technicaly a paranormal phenomon for decades and hanging around quite a few mystic as a result) but it would seem like those details might help.

Anubis Dread
2014-08-27, 07:03 PM
"It's definitely a lot easier with a sample from the thing," Marilyn agreed. "'Thankfully' I have plenty of that," she grimaced, looking down at her saliva stained shirt from when the projectile had hit her. "Speaking of which I really need to change... and take a bath... and another bath after that... anyway you're completely right on the ritual location too," the Siren went on, forcing the thought to the side for now. She needed to at least get a sketch down before she did anything. "The only problem is that the ritual takes a few days of almost uninterrupted work at the location it's going to be cast at. There's no way we can set it up to take place on the field without drawing attention. I could make some sort of item with a similar effect, but that would take more time and magic than just the ritual for too small a pay off."

A threat? "Probably," Marilyn admitted with a sigh as she worked. "But I am BEYOND caring right now. If they want to scare some campers they can go ahead. I doubt they'd kill anyone though. They're rough around the edges, but unless someone is a real threat they wouldn't attack them. I think..."

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-27, 07:07 PM
I hope the Police don't encounter him at any point in time.

Perry says limpedly.

I acted in haste when a Immaturely left to drive. I can go retrieve a football from the stadium. It would take around 20 minutes.

Anubis Dread
2014-08-27, 07:10 PM
"Actually this brings up a good point," the Siren frowned as she worked. "The stadium. Shouldn't we have someone watching it while the ritual is being cast? We really should not have just high tailed it like that without leaving someone behind... I need to stay here to cast, but does someone want to take first watch and let Perry drop them off when he goes to pick up a ball?" She still really didn't like those balls... she wanted one on hand just in case, even ignoring how useful it would be as a ritual focus.

2014-08-27, 08:21 PM
A sigh. That could have gone much better. "He has his warning. Let him do with it as he will."

"Whoever has the best eyes should watch the stadium. Or is the most combat capable... You mentioned needing supplies and ingredients? If you get me a list I can scrounge around town, pick up what you need."

2014-08-27, 08:40 PM
After some running and noticing the fact that nobody was attempting to follow him, Wallok and Farrok stop, the duo grinning at each other.

"Find flowers, find monster," the Toraq states as if that was a proper explanation. "Find monster save day. Good plan," the Toraq says, nodding sagely as he begins to make his way back towards the town, silently conveying to Farrok that he should attempt to trace the flower scent. Whether or not he killed the flower girl was still up in the air, although more than a small part of the Toraq wanted to do it simply out of spite.

Farrok is going to use Skill Expertise to take 10 on Perception to Track, giving him a 29. His Olfactory is Tracking and Extended. He'll start using it in earnest as they near the town.

2014-08-27, 08:54 PM
"Well it's not really my buisness" the ghost gives the sound of a poilte (yet completlty artifical since she doesn't really have working lungs anymore) cough "but the idea occurs that Wallok isn't going too far because at the difference of Perry, cat and I he's to need sleep. And so will you two ? And no offense to your skills girl but it's not like we haven't another lead to try too. So how about you take your shower and your rest and start that ritual tomorow ?"" While she's being friendly, there's just a hint of something else in her voice but hard to tell what.* "Perry can go fetch what you need, Cat and I can take watch.


Mostly I figure then whenever everyone is ready we could swith to 'tomorow morning' when it'll be possible to look for the girl (hard to do when the whole town is aleep) for those who want to prepare the ritual can till do so (and Wallok should be less pouty mood :smalltongue:) thus allowing more people actualy do things

2014-08-27, 10:08 PM
"I'd call him a rabid dog, but I don't want to insult Farrok." Cat watches the Toraq storm out with weary contempt.

Too stupid to function. Heard it as an insult a few times. Never seen it in person before him. Wonder if his world's full of folks like that, or if they just got fed up with bricks-for-brains and tossed him out. "I can follow him if you think it's necessary, but I think we're OK for the night."

"Anyway, Rose is right. No need for 'first' watch when you don't need to sleep at all. I can keep an eye on the football field, and the company would be more than welcome."

Anubis Dread
2014-08-27, 10:24 PM
Marilyn wasn't sure if she was being patronized or not, but frankly a bath sounded HEAVENLY right then. Sighing wistfully, the Siren wrote out a quick, speculative shopping list and left it on the table, before shifting into a short, buxom body perfectly sized for their bath tub. Seriously, if only for never having to have her legs uncomfortably cramped she loved her shape shifting powers.

"You're right of course, I am filthy and EXHAUSTED! Just remember our link only goes for 100 feet centered on me, so be careful if you get separated." Putting her work to the side for now, Marilyn walked off to the bathroom, eager to have a nice long bath. It was good thing only half of the team ever needed to use it...

Low quality Lamb Meat - tends to be bloody
Hot Dogs - these things are loaded with eye of newt
Ten candles, preferably lilac scented
A pack of magic markers
A dried rose
Tequila and chocolate - not for the ritual, I just REALLY need booze and candy <3

Scry Source of Trouble

Remote Sensing 9 (Sight, Hearing)
Extras - Dimensional 3, Subtle 2, Extended Range 2
Linked - Comprehend 2 (Languages)
Flaws - Feedback, Activation 2, Concentration, Limited (Must have physical residue of source of trouble), Check Required (Expertise: Magic) 5

Total PP - 7
Time to Write Ritual - 28 hours (20 hours if rushed - can still make the routine check by taking a -10 to rush it out a bit)
Time to Perform Ritual - 70 minutes

Okay that may be a little cheesy I admit, but it should get the job done.

2014-08-27, 11:06 PM
"Hm... I'll retrieve these for you at sun up. Enjoy your bathing." Hm... A lot of this should be available at the local store... Except maybe the lamb meat, but can't hurt to look before slaughtering someone's property. Magic markers are easy to find, the flower shop should have some expired roses that are too dry to sell... Hm... I may have some fun with the personal items... "I think I ought to turn in early if I want to have your supplies ready in the morning. Bonne rêves, tous la monde."

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-28, 08:22 AM
Whilst perry does whatever is required he also does one extra thing. In his mind he keeps himself alert to Police stations and local news reports. In case anything happens, he will be ready to act.

2014-08-28, 07:32 PM
Wang has been sitting around in his human form, attempting and failing to keep up with the conversation, words he barely understood the meaning of flying right by him.

Sorry, gaaah, why do these projects come in right one after the other? I mean, finish one, WOOOH then suddenly BAM another project hits you right in the face.

Queen Sapes
2014-08-29, 02:50 PM
The Beast Duo:
Wallok and Farrok hunt through the woods searching for the scent Farrok picked up for some time. The wolf has them headed towards town for a bit, but thanks to the large number of homes outside of town, the wolf is instead sent off further into the forest. Hours pass as the two hunt through the woods, the best light they have coming from the moonlight fighting through the trees. Every once and awhile Farrok twitches at the sound of something, his head snapping in the direction of it, usually to find nothing. Occasionally it's a deer, which reacts to the sight of Farrok by bounding off into the brush. With a job to do, and a hunt already in progress, the wolf chooses not to pursue. A few times its the wind, the rustling of the tree branches playing with the moonlight to make it appear as if shadows of men and women and beasts were stalking them through the forest. Even if the shadows were following them, they never approached.

After hours of moving through the forest, well near 3 AM, Farrok follows the weak scent into a large clearing, with tall grass filling the field and wildflowers growing everywhere. Despite the absence of trees covering the clearing, the moonlight seems to fade here, darkness overcoming the light despite the stars and moon still visible in the sky. Even to the Toraq's superior eyes the clearing looks dark, like a mist of shadow has filled the area. The duo walk into the clearing suspicious, Farrok sniffing around at the wildflowers trying to match the scent. Wallok scans the area, the thick brush making it somewhat difficult to spot anything, until the wind picks up, causing the grass to bend and the flowers to shake. Standing off of the center of the field is what looks to be a man turned away from the two beasts. Only his upper body is fully visible, but its clear he's wearing heavy jeans with a belt on his lower half. His torso is covered by a dark blue sweatshirt and brown jacket which flaps in the wind. The hood of the sweatshirt is pulled up over his head, obscuring any details about his head such as hair color or anything about his face. Lastly, he appears to be wearing a thin red scarf around his neck that shakes around in the wind. The man stands there in the clearing, apparently oblivious to Farrok and Wallok's presence, his hands in his pockets and his face turned towards the ground.

Most of Mystery Inc. :
At this point the team splits up, with Siren and Midnight remaining at the cabin to get some well needed rest with Mr. Wang on watch for any possible trouble. Not that it would be likely for some kind of zombie, werewolf, or demon to come bursting through the door, but in a town like Mystery one can never be too careful. Plus Eldritch hadn't exactly equipped the cabin with any kind of mystical defenses. Something about keeping the cabin from radiating too much obvious mystic energy. Best defense the cabin had was the inhabitants inside, and a sturdy looking shotgun that hung over the door. Although nobody on the team was exactly sure if it even so much as worked.

Meanwhile the rest of the group went to watch the football field, make sure no other strange sight decided to appear. The Detective, Pelias, Rose, and for some odd reason Chester, all returned to the field to watch it. Thankfully the police either hadn't received a call about the fight here tonight, or were too understaffed to respond, but either way the dark field was left just as untouched. As the zombie, ghost, and robot near the field, Chester pops out and snaps open, his pages lighting up and filling the area with their light. The books hovers around the scene, taking a look at everything despite his lack of eyes. "Wow, you guys really did a number on this place!" Chester practically shouts, possessing no concept of 'volume control'. "Last time I saw a field this destroyed was when Eldritch and Mischief had to cure some kind of monster plague!"

Doubt anyone needs any information rolls responded to, right? Also, that ritual looks fine to me.

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-29, 06:26 PM
Do you have any insight on the situation? Please do so whilst I examine one of the balls more closely

Perry comes up to one of the Footballs spit and shines a examining ray over it.

Scanning Beam: Senses 6 (Analytical Auditory, Chemical,and Visual) (Copied the Power from a Green Lantern Ring)

2014-08-29, 10:20 PM
"Hello!" Wallok shouts with true Toraqi subtly. The shadows in the woods had been odd and forced the Toraq and his companion to prepare for battle more than once, only for no foe to be there. Of course, the jury was still out on this one being good or bad as well, although if Farrok traced him here he was probably linked with the flower girl, right?

"Do you know Flower Girl?" the Toraq shouts, striding closer all the time. "She make big monster! It go ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAR!" the Toraq shouts, bellowing at the figure in yet another poor imitation of the Brontorachnid's bellow.

2014-08-31, 03:02 AM
"Could you tone it down a notch? Ain't no one here deaf, at least not yet. Besides, we can't claim credit for this one, Chet. Well, maybe a little excavatin' around the bunker. The rest of this is all our monster's doing, though. Spot anything worth spotting?" The Crimson Detective's question is directed at both Chester and Pelias.

Queen Sapes
2014-09-01, 03:52 PM
The Beast Duo:
As Wallok and Farrok stride close to the foreign figure, loudly proclaiming their presence, the figure starts to turn. As he turns around, the wind starts to whip around, causing the scarf to dance violently on his neck, and the grass to almost bend over flat. As the wind moves through the trees, it picks up whispers which fall wordlessly on Wallok's ears, the grass rustling blotting out the noise. The figure looks up at the imposing monster, his eyes appearing from under the hood as he tilts his head up. The figure's face is nothing but darkness, a pure black pit in which the Toraq's eyes can't pierce. His eyes are the only light from within them, stunningly bright stars surrounded by night.

As the eyes fall upon Wallok and Farrok, the two monsters feel something they've never quite experienced before. The figure's presence causes their muscles to stiffen, their hearts begin racing, but not with the thrill of battle, and they find their eyes locked to the man. Sweat beads begin forming on the Toraq while Farrok begins panting heavily, their sweat freezing them as they watch the man. He simply stands there, watching the two, as he appears to flicker around to their eyes, the wind appearing to swirl the black mist around him as he stands there, two stars in the night watching them.

Will DC 28 (Impaired, Disabled, Paralyzed)

+5 situational bonus granted by Fearless, which this character overcomes.
The football you examine appears to be rather mundane. The football itself is just a standard brown ball, with heavy padding to have it weight just right but still not be too dangerous to get hit by. The saliva that covers it appears to have given it a bit more weight, but even that is starting to dry. Still, it is there, and you do your best to examine its makeup. Unfortunately, it's somewhat of a loss. The saliva appears to be one part water, one part standard bear genes, and one part spider. No other DNA is present, although that's likely for the best. No dust means it wasn't stolen from anywhere, and no lingering DNA means that the Brontarachnid didn't eat anyone. Still, it doesn't help much in finding Ida.

Scowling Dragon
2014-09-01, 04:11 PM
The objective value of information is impossible to quantify, and noticing something with a sensor doesn't have a direct cost except for the cost of the energy spent on maintaining the device. I that sense I find everything worth examination for the world is filled with unique traits that fill the databanks with thoughts of fancy and may have the potential to trigger imagination.exe a program I have been working on for a time. However I did not find anything relating to the topic at hand. These are regular Footballs, but the saliva from them does not contain the DNA of a Brontosourus. But that of a bear and an Arachnid. Whatever the creature that attacked us was, it was a real being that could exist. It wasn't a temporary illusion or illogical magic. Further analysis pending.

Perry Pierces the shell of the ball (Carefully, trying to adjust for the airflow), and examines its insides.


2014-09-01, 05:51 PM
The Toraq snarls, armor of blood naturally wiping away the cold sweat as the warrior becomes clad in his armor. Toraq did not feel fear. They feared no foe, turned down no challenge. The dark man in pants was just another enemy to be taken out as quickly as possible.

"Kill bad man!" the Toraq shouts, verbose as usual, as the duo spring into action, Farrok snarling as the flies past Wallok. At the last second the great wolf slides to the ground, trying to slam into the legs of the frightening figure and take him to the ground.

"YOU NO SCARY!" Wallok shouts as his massive legs lower his bulk towards the ground before launching him up, axe poised to come down upon the monster and end this fight early.

Farrok is going for a Trip!
AC: [roll0]
Athletics: [roll1]
Scary man resists with Acrobatics.

Wallok Attack:
AC: [roll2]
DC 25 Toughness

Farrok Reaction:
AC: [roll3]
DC 23 Toughness

2014-09-01, 06:29 PM
(Assuming I'm skipped to the morning)
As the sky begins to lighten up from the sun's activity beyond the mountains, Garnet begins to stir. No matter how much you screw with your metabolism and temporal perception, the human body needs its 8 real hours to recover. It makes sense, really. 16 waking hours requires 8 sleeping hours. No matter how much you multiply that, the rule holds true: If it feels like 80 days awake, it needs 40 similar days asleep.

The list, the list. She pulls out the list. Still the same list as before. Putting on some less archaic clothes (Honestly, how did women these days feel comfortable in this stuff!? It borders on nudity!) and grabbing some money, the polymillennial walks into the main square of town.

Queen Sapes
2014-09-02, 09:10 PM
The Beast Duo:
As the wind whips around the open field, the strange figure chooses not to move a muscle as Farrok drives himself into him. The figure takes the full force of Farrok's body, being thrown from its feet like a ragdoll and landing face-first into the grass. The figure bounces a little as it lands sprawled out on the grass, not bothering to defend itself as Wallok brings his blood axe down hard where he landed. The axe rips straight through the figure, and Wallok can even feel it hit the dirt as it goes through the figure's sweater. However, something is clearly wrong, even the Toraq picking up on it. In the tear Wallok made, along with the axe, pokes a a lot of hay. Flipping the body over with his foot, there's nothing but straw poking up through the neck hole, nothing supporting the hood as it falls onto the ground.

From seemingly twelve directions at once, Wallok and Farrok hear the loud chuckle of a man enter the field, carried only by the wind as it swirls through the grass and flowers. Almost instinctively, Farrok creeps closer to Wallok, both scanning the woods for threats but unable to get their eyes to pierce the black fog. The chuckle loops, casting itself from different directions every time it finishes one play, more popping in as the wind picks up a bit faster. The wind grows in force as the laughing voices grow, until it sounds like the chuckling is coming from everywhere surrounding the clearing. But the wind doesn't stop there, instead growing and amassing more force behind itself. It swirls toward and around the two beasts, tearing blades of grass, dirt particles, and loose pieces of hay up as it passes. The wind grows to such a speed that it drowns out the chuckling laughter, the loose things it picked up being thrown into the duo's eyes. They squint against the dust and grass that seeks to blind them, struggling to keep focus on the threat that had vanished, but in moments their eyes are forced closed by the gale force winds. For what seems like a few minutes the vortex swirls, deafening and blinding the Toraq and his wolf, until it suddenly cuts itself short.

In one moment the wind is raging, the next it stops dead in its tracks. The two can hear again in an instant, the sound of laughter having ceased itself when they weren't able to hear it. Instead, Wallok can hear a bird chirping high overhead, and what is likely a squirrel rustling through a bush as it runs away with a fresh bounty. The Toraq feels heat on some of his body and opens his eyes, blinking them open as he takes in the early morning light. The sun was now rising over the White mountains, casting its rays down to Mystery. The light ran through the trees around the duo, running unevenly to the ground, but enough of it was falling upon the two to warm them. Which was another odd thing. The field around them had vanished, being replaced by another plain section of the forest. Trees and bushes sprang up all around them, and the black mist, the tall grasses, and the wild flowers had disappeared. The body was gone, not a straw or scrap of clothing left before Wallok. The only remaining trace of the body was a single piece of hay tangled in Farrok's fur.

Wallok looked around for his axe for a moment, finding it with a quick glance around embedded in a tree nearby. The Toraq reached for his weapon, pausing just as his hand neared the handle. Burned into the blade of the axe and most of the handle was a black palm print. It lasted for a few seconds, long enough for Wallok to see it, before evaporating into the air like water, leaving Wallok's axe clean.

The monster hunter arrives in town quickly enough, even without the truck Pelias, the Detective, and Rose had taken. They weren't back at the cabin yet, but they likely were well on their way by now. One of the many perks of being in a faster personal time-space is certainly being able to arrive quicker to spots than most. You don't waste your day that way. Midnight itself somewhat lacked a "main square", but worked more on a single main road, with four other important roads breaking off of it. Hale Street, named for the town founders, was a fairly busy place this early in the morning. Truckers moved through the street either headed up to get more logs, or headed down to deliver them somewhere bigger. Cars pulled slowly into town from their woodland homes, depositing their drivers at work just in time for Midnight to arrive. The grocery store was open faster than most of the other stores, making it her first stop.

There were also three other stores worth stopping at this early in the morning. The Donut House opened up early, fresh doughnuts going out for people to pick up either on their way to work or out of town. To the left of the Donut House was Little River Coffee, which also opened up early. Both technically sold the other's products, but what they specialized in was their best, making it worth-while to stop in to both. Maybe someone back at the cabin would enjoy some coffee and donuts. Then there was the gas station, oddly unnamed in town, where the local paper got dropped off daily. It was technically sold at the grocer, but they didn't typically get around to replacing the paper until later in the morning.

Inspecting the insides of the football, you find nothing unusual about the ball's contents. Just a lot of typical air and rubber on the inside. Ultimately it appears the footballs were a bit of a wash, just a lot of information reinforcing what Mystery Inc. already knew. Still, good to know they were probably on the right track.

2014-09-03, 12:00 AM
First up, may as well pick up breakfast for the humans and Pelias. Garnet picks up a dozen donuts for the group, having already bought most of Marilyn's list items. Hm... The alcohol will be hard to do anything with. Plus, she might want some herself. Chocolate on the other hand...

"Oy, cíepa," she calls over to a tired looking clerk at the grocery store, not paying attention to her dialect. It was early in the day, and Mystery being so small, the grocery store was nearly deserted. "Ic áséce sum chóclat sé ábierneþ hræcing."
Hey, merchant. I'm looking for chocolate that burns the mouth. (Spicy chocolate)

Scowling Dragon
2014-09-03, 12:04 AM
Perry Tosses away the football.

There is absolutely nothing extra remarkable about the conjured football.

2014-09-03, 07:12 PM
The Toraq spins about, eyes wide with, if not fear, amazement. While Toraq do not fear, the Toraq took more than a small amount of comfort in the sun's embrace.

"Laughey strawman dead," the Toraq states as if he was trying to convince himself. "Good job Farrok," the Toraq states, patting the beast on the head. Verbal communication was, of course, redundant but hearing something other than the laugh made the Toraq feel safe.

As the axe returned to its natural state, sliding up the Toraq's arm and becoming absorbed into his body, the Toraq can't help but shudder. Nothing left marks on blood weapons. They could bend them, break them, shatter them, remove them from his hand but whatever happened it would just appear again. A mark remaining for seconds was abnormal at best and indicative of horrible things to come at worst.

"Place bad," the Toraq states, plucking the straw from Farrok and wrapping it around his finger. Fields did not become forests overnight, just as the reverse did not happen.

"We go home now," the Toraq says, forgetting his original goal of hunting down the flower girl. He needed to be somewhere familiar and, preferably, with pizza.

With long loping strides the duo being to make their way back, almost joined at the hip.

Queen Sapes
2014-09-05, 07:52 PM
The busty but short blonde woman working the register stares a moment at Midnight while she tries to understand what Midnight said. "I'm sorry Hun, but could you say again? It's pretty early, and my brain's still waking up," she says with a bright smile. Outside, a few more people start to show up to the grocery store, either picking up stuff early or getting there to beat a later rush. One is a teen with square glasses, short brown hair, and the physique of a quarterback, who walks in to dig through the soda aisle for a little while. He's followed shortly by a red haired woman with two children, one in a stroller, and another clearly on the way given her baby bump. She disappears among the aisles, getting the shopping out of her way early. A moment later a brunette girl in her mid-teens pulls up in a white sedan, quickly putting the car into park as she hops out to come inside. The girl is dressed in the same uniform as the other cashier, clearly an employee of the store. She doesn't come through the front doors, instead heading around back, likely to store her stuff in the employee area.

Everyone but Midnight:
Not too long after Midnight headed out, the truck carrying Pelias, Rose, the Crimson Detective, and the talking encyclopedia known as Chester, pulls into the driveway of the team's cabin. The four walk or float in, finding Midnight gone without so much as a note, and Wang asleep in a chair in the living room, watching some show on the TV which appears to have faded into infomercials. "Really, it's just a matter of knowing how to pin down fifty-six goblins with a forklift when you need to!" Chester exclaims and explains to the other three, finishing off some story he was telling them whether they were interested or not. The commotion of Chester's yelling is enough to pull Siren from her sleep, although the witch had already slept more than enough for the night. A few moments pass before the Beast Duo, bounding through the early morning woods filled with no terrors of the night, come into sight of the cabin, just on the other side of the gravel road leading up to the house.

2014-09-05, 08:03 PM
"Chocolate. The kind that makes your mouth burn due to chili peppers in it." She watches the people come into the store one by one. Early shoppers. Never trust early shoppers. Most of them were always up to something. Her mother had always said something to that effect. After all, look at her: she was up to something. Harmless something, but something none the less. A normal person prepares their food the night before and then attends their daily business. They go to market after work because it's on the way home and they are already out. "If you lack that, just the darkest kind you have will do. The rest I ought be able to find."

Anubis Dread
2014-09-05, 11:40 PM
Marilyn yawned as she sat up in bed, blinking as she moved her mouth to chew the sleep from it. She'd been EXHAUSTED. She hoped they had the ingredients to get the ritual going. They didn't have much time. She had a sharpie or two left though, she could at least start it.

Sitting up in bed, the Siren got up and walked over to her rather sparse vanity table. Adjusting her night gown, she examined her long, mussed up hair with a disapproving frown. She kept forgetting going to bed with long hair was a bad idea. Shifting into a smaller form with shorter, straight black hair, she nodded in approval before changing into something a little more casual. There, all ready for a rushed day of ritual crafting. Except for breakfast. And... come to think of it whatever had caused enough noise to wake her up.

Clearing the last of the sleep from her eyes, the Siren freshened up a little bit before leaving her bedroom, squinting in the brighter light of the common room her comrades were in. "Morning," she greeted them, stifling a yawn. "Find any leads?"

Scowling Dragon
2014-09-06, 01:11 AM
Perry Gets ready to confront Wallok. Shifting into his brute form, Perry Matches Wallok Hight, even if he is more wiry and lean.

Perry Patietly waits outside Walloks Room like only a robot can.

When he comes out, he will receive a sturdy talking too.

2014-09-06, 01:39 PM
"'Fraid not, unless you count figuring out that the footballs are nothin' but footballs. Addition by subtraction and all that." Cat is perched in the windowsill, drowsing in the sun like, well, a cat.

"You got everything you need for that ritual you mentioned?" The undead detective stretches, causing a series of pops and cracks that put any living body to shame, and wanders her way to the kitchen, poking about for a moment before beginning to make coffee.

Anubis Dread
2014-09-06, 06:33 PM
"Well, the fact that they were even still there to look at tells us something. Though I don't know what that something is. It will still be a good focus for the ritual though," Marilyn noted as she knelt down on the floor and pulled out a sharpie. "I don't have the things on the list yet, but I have enough to get started. Apart from more sharpies all of that stuff is just for the last parts of the ritual anyway," she went one as she began to inscribed the ritual circle on the floor.

Queen Sapes
2014-09-06, 09:43 PM
"Well, can't say we carry anything exotic like that," the lady cashier says to Midnight. "Folks 'round here aren't into stuff like that. They like it pretty plain," she says, with a giggle. "But we do have some dark chocolate you might like. Aisle seven," she says, pointing off to an aisle stocked entirely with candy, cereal, and pudding mixes. The pregnant woman brings her children through the aisle, letting them chose some cereals they would like for breakfast.

2014-09-07, 12:34 PM
The Toraq slowly strides out of the woods, the oafish grin strangely absent from his face as he nears the group. Toraq do not feel fear, but that doesn't mean they can't be shaken by a deadly foe.

"We kill bad guy! No find flower girl!" the Toraq says, the first statement tinged with a small degree of uncertainty. By his side, Farrok gives a low whine.

Scowling Dragon
2014-09-07, 12:43 PM
Turning his head to the side, Perry sees Toraq exit out of the woods and bellow his victory.

Opening the window, and form fitting himself to allow himself to exit through it, Perry drops down to the ground with a heavy thud, intercepting Toraq before he gets into the house.

With his Arms crossed Perry Asks

What did you do.

Perrys voice is dangerously soft. Wit

2014-09-07, 12:58 PM
"C'est domage..." Garnet heads over to the aisle to grab a bar of the darkest bar possible. Meat... They ought to have a meat department here, right? She looks around for a sign or something for that.

(If the shopping is entirely uneventful, I can skip through it if you want.)

2014-09-07, 02:38 PM
"Go away stupid metal man," the Toraq says, using his superior strength to shove his way past the automaton. He didn't need to explain himself to the robot, especially if he was going to act like he was superior once again.

Scowling Dragon
2014-09-07, 02:50 PM
Perry stops the push. Growing even larger than Wallok (By 6 feet or so) Perry bellows.

No more. We will have a talk.

Perrys form adjusts, becoming stronger, shoulders wider, with defensive plates and oversized arms.

2014-09-07, 03:02 PM
"You let me go or I kill you," the Toraq says, plates of blood forming over his body. "You are slow, coward, weak and stupid. I no listen to you. Go cry in corner because I squish ant on way here," the Toraq says, drawing a rolling growl that almost resembles a laugh from Farrok.

"You do job. I do job. I kill things. You cry about killing things. World continues to spin."

Scowling Dragon
2014-09-07, 03:52 PM
Perry sighs.

I was afraid you would say that. Rationality and restraint is not weakness Wallok. I don't fear you; I pity your primitive mind.

Perry shifts once more. He swells 60 feet in size towering over Wallok. Loosing his abnormal shape, and resembling more a giant version of himself wearing heavier armor.

Must it be this way?

2014-09-07, 04:07 PM
"You dummy that want fight. I just want inside," the Toraq states simply, mentally relaying a plan to Farrok in case things should go far enough south to warrant a battle. Ordinarily the Toraq would simply smash the robot here and now but, for now, the scarecrow had left him slightly drained, robbing him of a bit of his usual bloodlust.

Scowling Dragon
2014-09-07, 04:11 PM
I don't want a fight. I just want to talk to you. I find your attitude abhorrent, and if you continue to go unappeased, you will kill somebody. And then you yourself will get killed. And even that idea, as convenient as it would be, creates revulsion within me. I would not wish death on anybody, even you.

Perry's voice becomes kinder and more welcoming.

Im sure we could come to an understanding.

2014-09-07, 04:24 PM
"Toraq kill bad guys. Bad guys no hurt Toraq again. Die good, meet Artoran. Die bad, slave to Aleru. No fear death," the Toraq says simply, once again moving to enter the house.

"Good talk. I leave now," the Toraq states, a long axe of blood forming in his hand as if to state that the discussion is over.

Scowling Dragon
2014-09-07, 04:28 PM
Perry blocks off Walloks path with his massive leg.

Good and Evil are not binary Toraq, and your here now. You don't get to decide who good and bad. What determines good or evil in your mind?

2014-09-07, 04:35 PM
"I SAY I DONE TALKING!" the Toraq bellows, axe forming as he slams it into the ground.

"We leave," the Toraq states, Farrok appearing at his side before the words are even spoken. "We fight own fight, you fight yours. We laugh at your grave," the Toraq states, the duo turning to the forest to find a place for a well-earned nap.

Scowling Dragon
2014-09-07, 04:37 PM
We are a team Wallok. Im not going to let you go until we come to some form of understanding.

Perry takes a few giant steps and prevents Wallok from Leaving.

Anubis Dread
2014-09-07, 04:53 PM
The Siren frowned as she looked up from her work. Yelling from outside... and lots of it. She sighed, tucking the sharpie away and standing up from her work. She hated to take time out from the ritual, but at the same time she had little choice in the matter. It was a useless effort if her team killed each other while she was preparing it.

Walking over to the window, she shifted to a taller, more buxom red haired form to try and appeal to Torraq before leaning out the window, looking for her team mates. ...damn it, they were even closer to killing each other than she'd thought they'd be. Only one way around this.

"Hey you two, quit it now,
I'm tryyyyyying to get this ritual down,
Once it's done, we'll have to fight,
So make up so we can do it right.
It's realllly tiresome to hear,
You bickering out here for years,
So please spare my fragile ears,
And come back in here."

The Siren sang out the window to the two 'heroes' fighting below. Her fascination wouldn't be enough - she'd need to go full out compulsion. At least if they got made at her for it they'd need to come back inside to deal with it rather than stomp off into the woods in a tantrum.

Song of the Siren - DC 19 Entranced - Compelled - Controlled Afflict, Will save. Kind of rude, but seriously this is getting out of hand.

Scowling Dragon
2014-09-07, 05:04 PM
Perrys sound filters feel interference. Harmful code is inserted, but most is blocked off. His head turns towards the siren, but attempts to focus on Wallok.

But I must do this now before it goes out of control

Anubis Dread
2014-09-07, 05:09 PM
"Trust me you're not helping, not one little bit,
By threatening to fight one frothing at the bit,
So just let it go, you're not one to talk,
When all you've done is threaten, and push, and block."

If she hadn't had a lot of experience with this sort of thing she'd be having a real hard time trying to put all this into song.

Scowling Dragon
2014-09-07, 05:11 PM
I merely wish to come with an understanding with Wallok so he does not go around at night killing people. Do YOU have a better idea? he does not listen to anything but brute power. My biggest threats have been to detain. Your comparison is unreasonable.

Perry stands up and turns to only observe Siren. This would be a good time for Wallok to run if he wished too.

2014-09-07, 06:08 PM
"We wanted to go inside anyways," the Toraq mutters, a small twinge of anger shining through his somewhat-dowered emotions.

With calm, confident steps the duo begins to make their way back towards the house, somewhat glad for the distraction that allowed them to not need to tear apart the robot piece by piece and even more gladdened to be able to sleep on a pile of the human mattress inventions.

Scowling Dragon
2014-09-07, 06:23 PM
Perry just watches Wallok walts away

This is madness! You may not care for life, but I do. Wallok arrives yelling about murder that he committed in the middle of the night and you let him do so repeatedly!

Anubis Dread
2014-09-07, 06:47 PM
Marilyn just shook her head, glowering down at the robot. "Regardless of what you say, Wallok is the one walking away from potential killing a valuable ally. I don't care WHAT he yells about, so long as he plays nice. I suggest you start doing the same, because if this sort of thing happens again I WILL take his side over yours. I hate people who try to force other people to fit into their little ideas and molds of what they should be."

Outright slamming the window shut, The Siren turned back to her ritual and angrily marked some more runes down on the floor.

Scowling Dragon
2014-09-07, 06:53 PM
Fine. If assaults you, and breaks every bone in your organic body I will be yelling encouragement's. For I know that if I attempt to stop him you will be taking his side.

He bellows with his huge size.

Perry feels pissed. Stupid Humans. They don't value his pain because he's a Robot.

He shrinks down to regular size.

2014-09-08, 08:07 PM
The rest of the shopping going by with little interruption, Garnet returns to the cabin, bags in hand.

"I come bearing coffee and donuts!" Indeed, in one hand is one of those holders for four cups of coffee (Wang, Marilyn, herself and a decaf for Wallroc, since the last thing they needed was a Toraq on caffeine), and in the other a large box of donuts, supplies for the ritual in several bags. "Someone ought tell the automaton to not change to such large sizes during the day. I could spot him a ways off."

Setting the snack portion of breakfast on the table, she pulls out the supplies for the ritual. Lamb meat, hotdogs, 10 candles (hopefully the spirits like citronella oil), the dried rose, magic markers. The checker simply noted that this must be a very odd date that she had planned. "Eh, elle voudrait effectuer un rituel divinatoire afin de trouver la personne qui à convoqué un démon." the woman responds absentmindedly. The rest of checkout went quietly.

"And your other requested materials," she says, handing off a brown paper bag to the witch, inside of which a bottle of tequila and what is clearly a chocolate bar in foil are visible. Not visible in her pocket was the wrapper: Noir Absolu, 99% Cocoa.
Eh, she wants to do a divination ritual to find the person who summoned a demon.

I did not know they made chocolate that dark, but they totally do!

Anubis Dread
2014-09-08, 08:50 PM
"I already gave him enough of a chewing out he should be a good toy for the dog," Marilyn admited teasingly, sticking out her tongue. Coffee, chocolate, donuts and booze. Was there anything that could make this day go any better? Turns out she'd be needing that alcohol a lot more than she'd thought though.

Standing up for a few moments, Marilyn walked over to her saviour and took her alcohol and chocolate with thanks, along with some coffee. Sighing, she put the alcohol aside for the moment and sat back down to write the ritual. As much as she wanted to be drunk off her ass right now, magic symbols and alcohol did not mix. The last time she'd tried that she ended up summoning a naked football player instead of a minor demon. Granted that had ended up being a great evening, but she couldn't really afford that kind of slip up now.

"So, has anyone worked out a plan of attack when we actually find this thing?" Marilyn asked as she worked, taking a sip of her coffee before opening her chocolate up and sneaking a bite. Her eyes immediately widened, she sat up straight and shook her hands desperately as she tried to keep the bite in long enough for her to set her coffee down. Finally safe from covering her ritual circle with caffine, Marilyn inelegantly spat out the wad of chocolate from her mouth.

"Dear god, it tastes like tobacco mixed with tree bark!" she spat, shocked by the bitter taste. Before looking down with it again with a frown. "Actually the after taste isn't that bad. Bitter though," she made a face.

2014-09-08, 10:08 PM
"Well it would help if we knew what we were hunting for. They seem to work off of memories, but that's of little use. A million and one other nasty beasts are-" and then her friend bit into the chocolate.

Garnet stifles a laugh, sitting down on the couch to try and mask her giggling. "Well I couldn't very well give you that hyper-sweetened quisquiliae that they seem to sell by the barrel. It was the best quality I could find." It was a half truth: the old style of chocolate was way better than this "milk chocolate" that they make now. She plucks half a square of the nearly black chocolate, and nearly has the same reaction, sans spitting out the chocolate. Far from the worst thing she'd tasted. After all, you don't need to look for the exotic to compare that with molding bread washed down with borderline rancid milk as a pretty vile meal. Still, that's why it was called the Dark Ages. Couldn't always live in the upper class.

"Though I think it could have gone without the tobacco..." she coughs. "Anyways, the target... Oh, did Wallroc find anything? I would hate to have to fight with him about hurting a little girl."

2014-09-08, 10:46 PM
"Wallok? He came back yellin' something about killin' a bad guy, but not finding our gal. Mixed blessings, I spose. Then tin-can got in his face and we had ourselves another shouting match. Now you're all caught up." Cat pours herself a cup of coffee and spikes it liberally from a flask at her belt. "I figure a chat about whoever did get whacked is in order, but giving the big lug a minute might be... healthy. Didn't sound like he's in a real fine mood."

The zombie snickers as Marilyn bites into the chocolate, not doing nearly as good a job at hiding her laughter as Midnight had. "Lord, that prank had whiskers when I was alive. 'Course, you were probably around when they came up with it the first time."

2014-09-08, 11:38 PM
"Hehe, yeah... I was there when the first European tried the stuff! Pretty much the same reaction. And then there was when Christoforo actually spat the drink out, in front of our hosts! I talked them down, said our people were not used to such fine drink. There was a lot of laughter and drinking after that... Nearly got found out as a girl that day, was so buzzed on the stuff. Marilyn'd have loved it. They mixed the cocoa with a sort of local alcohol. Powerful stuff." She grabs another bite of the demonically dark chocolate. "Of course then we came back later, killed a bunch of them off and took their gold, couple of slaves. Most died of the pox on the way back... Was an ugly time in your history, my history. Couldn't put a single face on it either. Everyone was to blame. Want to talk about a time when a flood would have been well earned, look no further. Would have had some poetic justice to it, a flood during the seagoing period..." She grabs her coffee, sipping a bit as though she had been musing about the weather, rather than the fall of humankind.

"It's nice that Wallrok didn't kill a little girl last night. That would have been quite upsetting to learn."

2014-09-09, 12:14 AM
"You're kidding me ?" Rose looks with a bit of amused incredulity at Midnight. She knew she was old but she didn't though she had came to America that early. "So any other events you were there to. The tea party ? Fort Alamo ? Next you'll tell me you were in Philadelphia and met ol' Goergie and his pals."

"It's nice that Wallrok didn't kill a little girl last night. That would have been quite upsetting to learn."

"...Most upseting meaning: would have to put him down like the rabid dog ?" Rose interogate the hunter from the corner of her eyes. Hey she's glad it hasn't came to that (and hopefully never will) but you alway gotta be prepared for the worst.

2014-09-09, 12:40 AM
"Staged, avoided, bunch of charismatic old men who hit their rebellious phase in their forties rather than teens," she says, numbering them off on her fingers. "You all should have stayed with the British, or at least found a better rallying point than tea and a fight you started," she says, sipping some more coffee. "Still, gotta hand it to you. Made it work out eventually. Just took nearly 200 years to start hitting your stride. Certainly make the top ten countries for their time in my book."

Hm... That may have been a bit too much info. Still, they don't actually know anything, just that she's far older than she looks. Still have obvious limits on when she is from, if they know their history and anthropology, and no idea what. Should be wary of the two, though. There's friendly, and then there's trusting. Will need to get close to the others in case things change within the group.

"But I'm sure I would just bore you with stories about how history class loves to paint over what happened with a fat old brush of rose colored paint. What about you? Certainly your, ahem, condition is... Less than usual." She brushes aside the accusation. "I do my job. If my job is to socialize, I socialize. If it is to protect, I protect. If it is to kill, I kill. Currently, Eldritch has me here to defend this town and as a secondary find out why Mystery is so aptly named. I will do what is required to perform these tasks."

Anubis Dread
2014-09-09, 09:11 AM
Marilyn wasn't sure if that chocolate would taste any better once her taste buds adapted, but she knew she didn't want to try another bite until she had something else in her stomach. Downing some more coffee, she grabbed a donut and continued to work on the circle while the others talked. It was kind of strange at times how she was the most 'normal' of the group. She was used to being the outsider, the weird one, but compared to cave men, immortals, zombies and robots she was positively boring.

"If history is rose colored I'd hate to think what actually happened at Salem," Marilyn noted a little wryly as she worked. She still had a bit of witch pride even with her history after all. "And we really need to stop talking about fighting each other and putting each other down. It's not really good for team morale, especially when we're talking about someone that's already very assertive when it comes to their independence," she went on before taking another bite of her donut.

2014-09-09, 02:09 PM
Inside, Wallok sits on the pile of matressses, fuming.

"Stupid stinky metal man," the Toraq states, his "inside voice" almost a bellow. Across the room Farrok cracks open an eyelid, staring bemusedly at his companion before lying back down on his own pile of mattresses, attempting to sleep.

"It no fair. I smart. Why people think metal man smart? He slow and stupid," the Toraq continues, savvy to the fact that his companion was more or less unconscious but simply not caring. "Stupid metal man give straw man hug. I chop straw man! He no scary," the Toraq states, images of the terror already falling behind as a new series of events are made.

"We save from big spider monster too," he says, continuing to ramble. "But nooooooo. Metal man always right just because he metal," the Toraq states, eyes going wide in a sudden epiphany.

"Good talk Farrok!" he bellows, slapping the wolf on the side, drawing an annoyed growl from the snoring beast. The Toraq races out the doorway (the door had long since been broken and, for some reason, repairing it wasn't high on the chore list), heading down to the kitchen. As he rummages through drawers, pots and pans clattering about as he searches.

Soon enough the Toraq has found a large strainer and, without hesitation, slams it onto the top of his head, the metal bending to accommodate the massive cerebrum.

"Now I metal," the Toraq states, quite pleased with himself.

Naked with a strainer smashed onto the top of his head the Toraq strides outside, an oafish grin on his face.

"What plan tiny people?" he asks, insulting the others like the robot did. That made you smart too, right?

Assume the "conversation" with Farrok is in Toraqi as well as the "Now I'm metal" bit. Typing everything in Icelandic is a pain.

2014-09-09, 02:29 PM
"We aid Marilyn however possible with her ritual, including leaving her alone as requirements dictate. When it's done, we figure out what to do." She looks at the deformed strainer atop the Toraq's head queerly. "I like the hat. Really suits you. How did the hunt go?"

2014-09-12, 01:01 PM
"No find flower girl," the Toraq states, stroking his chin as if deep in thought. "Find bad guy though. He scary. No scare Toraq but he scary. Made no trees and big wind. No nice," the Toraq says, adjusting his hat. "I chop him with big axe and he go poof and trees come back. He dead," the Toraq says, the last bit as much of a question as a statement. "All left is this," the Toraq says, lifting his left hand to show the party his new straw-ring and accidentally flipping them all off.

"No flower girl. Just bad straw man who get chopped."

2014-09-12, 01:11 PM
"Hm, a scarecrow. Fitting." The Japanese had myths about objects gaining a life of their own after a long period of time. Perhaps something like that? Or, she thinks, becoming a bit giddy, a spirit that simply possessed a scarecrow? She couldn't fight the undead within her team, no matter how much she resented their existence. Anything that was a threat to the town was fair game though.

Anubis Dread
2014-09-12, 01:12 PM
Well sounded like the Toraq had had quite the adventure... though it took away a little bit of the gravity of the situation that he was wearing a pot on his head and was going around without any pants. Which would have been great if he had two brain cells to rub together, but as it was it just reminded Marilyn that he was in the terrible position of being hot enough to want a fling with, but too dumb for it to be a good idea.

Wait, what was that on his... aha! "Wallok, sweety, could I have that ring you're wearing?" the Siren asked him sweetly, putting down her marker for a few moments. "I'd very much like to meet this straw man of yours, and I can find him much easier with that than with this football."

2014-09-12, 01:36 PM
"No find dead man," Wallok says simply although he does carefully take off his ring and toss it towards Siren. "But he squished. I squish him with axe," the Toraq says, a smug grin on his face as if every time he states that the monster is dead it becomes a little more true.

2014-09-12, 01:40 PM
"Then where is the rest of the body?"

2014-09-12, 02:27 PM
"It go poof like monster. Already said that," the Toraq says, rolling his eyes at the stupidity of the woman.

2014-09-12, 02:46 PM
"If there's no body, then how do we know it to be dead? Where's the head? If I can't look into the dead, spiritless eyes of a target, I don't consider the job done."

2014-09-14, 10:10 AM
"It dead," the Toraq reiterates, a scowl beginning to form on his face. "It go squish. No more bad guy. He squished."

2014-09-14, 01:16 PM
"Wallok, I can list five things off the top of my head where 'squish makes dead' isn't true. There are more things in heaven and earth, Wallok, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

1) Ghosts. Several are good at illusions, and could easily fake their death. Only a few things will properly kill them.

2) Vampires. After slaying, special precautions must be taken to ensure they don't resurrect.

3) Poltergeists. Similar to ghosts. Normally the spirit is bound to an area by some wrongness in their life, and won't die until it is righted.

4) I've run across a man who claimed to be old enough to be a distant ancestor of myself once, and had more than a few stories of faking his death, and returning from what to most looked like death.

5) Sea stars. Chop them up and you make more. Weirdest thing, just isn't right."

Totally considered a Dr. Who reference, but decided Man from Earth would be less cliche.

2014-09-14, 01:37 PM
"HE DEAD!" the Toraq shouts, slamming his axe to the ground and turning his head away. "He has to be," he mutters before tearing off his hat and tossing it on the ground.

"Smart hat bad," the Toraq mutters before heading back inside, obviously upset by the very possibility that the monster could still be alive.

2014-09-14, 03:21 PM
"What about you? Certainly your, ahem, condition is... Less than usual."

"Me ? Oh there isn't much to me, I'm as transparent as can be" The ghost smiles as she turns herself invisible as demonstration. Just her little joke. Her very evasive little jpke "Just a poor woman who tried to make her way thanks to alittle talent fr entertainement and the great entrepreneurial spirit of this great country. And then missed an apointement with the reaper. Nothing more to it"

Then Wallok enters. He's a bit endearing with a colander on his head, like a large axe crazy murderous child. And he killed a strawman apparently. Well at leas that makes the body disposal easy, just find a stabble.
An interesting discussion between him and Midnght ensues, Rose listen quielty .

From her own experieriences that distinction between 'Ghost' and 'Poltergiest' is bunk, there's just folks that came back. Sometime becaus they wantd it, sometime is thrusted on them and all with different sets of rules. She doesn't know what decides it, though, often wondered. She does know she's been relatively lucky all thing considered.
She'd correct but the 'few way to kil them' gave her a good reminder that she's a undead hnter. Just like with the cops back in the days, you're alway polite maybe even a bit friendy but never get too budy budy, that'll spare some drama if relations ever sours up.


"Heh. For whatever that means around here."

Whenever the big guy is calmed down she'll ask him if he can get her to the 'crime' scene. Maybe she'll be able to feel some leftover or have a little chat if it's a colleague.

Off the how ghost and poltergeist thing, I'll let the Gm decide who is the closest. Rose has only been a ghost for 70 years or so after all wiether idnight has done this for centuries if not millenia.

Going to the scene of the battle can happen offscreen (unless theres smeone to actualy talked too but I doubt so)

Queen Sapes
2014-09-15, 08:55 PM
The rest of the day passes by rather uneventfully, at least compared to last night. Wallok isn't extremely helpful to Rose in pointing out where he had encountered the strawman, the Toraq more interested in sleep than finding something he wanted to believe was dead. He manages to point her in the direction he came from, the ghost woman setting off in that direction for most of the day while the others relax and Siren works on the ritual. Rose passes through the forest, looking for the clearing Wallok had described, but even a day's search brings her nothing. Well, nothing apart from the typical creepy aura the woods emanate, even in the middle of the day while butterflies and deer tromp through the trees. As the sun starts to set on Mystery, wrapping the town in dusk, Rose returns home empty handed, not wanting to get stuck in Mystery's forests at night. Especially when the shadows start moving on their own.

Sometime during the day, while Wallok and Farrok are snoozing in their room on the pile of mattresses, Pelias decides to leave the team. He quietly says his goodbyes to the team, departing without another word to the Beast Duo. Before he takes off, some of the members of Mystery Inc. ask him where he plans to go. He mentions something about finding his brother, before shaping himself into a car, and speeding down the road towards the main highway. Meanwhile, Chester mumbles something about finding a replacement for the robot, flying back into his spot on the bookshelf. The rest of the day, the book is occasionally heard mumbling, possibly in a call with Eldritch regarding the situation, not that anyone would interrupt it.

Eventually, at 2 am, Siren's ritual completes. The witch sits cross-legged on the floor of the cabin, surrounded by her ritual markings, and at once the information floods into her mind. Her eyes snap open, pure white as she sees Mystery from far above, her view surrounded by misty edges. She flashes closer to town, the image dragging off into the woods until it settles on a home, outside of town by maybe five minutes. The image flashes closer, focusing on the address of the home, before jumping to the upstairs window of the two-story house. Through the window, Siren can see a teenage girl, maybe sixteen or seventeen, sleeping peacefully in her bed. From what she can see of the room, it's nothing special. A light pink probably painted on when she was born, light carpeting covered in clothes, and a vanity covered in make-up. The fairly typical and almost stereotyped room of a teenage girl. Although, just before the Siren flashes back to her body, she catches a glimpse of something in the window. A dreamcatcher, which almost appears to shimmer from the moonlight, as it rests in the window.

Siren is brought back to her body, finding the rest of the team busy doing what they always do while she was in her trance. More pizza, more television, and more booze. Glad to see things never seem to change.

Anubis Dread
2014-09-15, 09:43 PM
So, the source of the trouble was a magical artifact. She'd think it was simple enough, if it wasn't for the Toraq's run in with the straw man, she'd think it was open and shut. But that encounter disturbed her. Was it just another dream? Or was someone giving these things to unsuspecting teenagers, attempting to unleash havoc in Mystery? Either way, the course of action for now was clear - get to that house, snag the dream catcher, then get back here and whip up an anti-magic container to keep it in. She didn't want the Toraq's dreams to- hey!

"That was my tequila!" were the first words out of her mouth before she sat upright. Before she felt light headed and sat down for a bit. Even if she hadn't made the ritual too tiring, it was still a head trip to leave her body like that. "Ugh, whatever, I know what's causing the issues," she went one, cradling her head before she felt enough in her own body to stand up.

"We have a magical artifact causing some havoc. Seems that this girl," she morphed into the form of the girl she'd seen "has been unwilling unleashing her dreams on Mystery. I have her address - all we need to do is sneak into her room and snag the dream catcher hanging by her window. No smashing involved," she added for Wallok's benefit.

2014-09-15, 10:19 PM
"I c'n head o'er 'ere n' grab it. Shid be saf nuff," Garnet slurs from the other side of the room. Despite her state, she was still playing darts with daggers, with scary accuracy (whether that's scary because they're still hitting the bullseye, or scary because she was still playing darts after drinking enough to kill a woman her size, was not certain). Hey, if she wasn't going to drink the whiskey that Garnet went out and bought at her request, that was just fine. "I lef ye some, dinnae worry. Jus' tell me 'ere the house is... an' I c'n go 'n' fetch it." I mean seriously, you ask for something, and then go and precede... or was it proceed? Or secede? That sounded right. You go and secede to make no use of it, just doodling your little magic circles... Mamma would have laughed at your circles! And you misspelled some of the words!

I actually did decide to roll fortitude saves for her, and she consistently got results in the 20's despite her average fortitude.