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View Full Version : [Empire] The First Tellurian Games, Year 437

2014-08-10, 10:57 PM
The First Tellurian Games
-Summer, 437-

All Guests note - any alliances or trades or betrothals can be merged into your action of attending the games, so long as you summarize all occurrences in your action post.

All regents in attendance are invited to dwell in the homes built for just such purposes along with the Stadium. Though not as ostentatious as as palaces they are fully staffed and by no means of poor quality owing to Woodwind architectural expertise.

Demonstration events from any realm are welcome. They serve as an opportunity for a culture to show off their most prized feats in a noncompetitive atmosphere.

Amber Stadium
Amber Stadium:
Said to be named after the amber waves of Grain common along the Anagua in Grizzland and for the beautiful resource long received from the nation of Wenyavuk rumors run wild regarding the name as being in tribute to the late Regina of the Jeweled Cities, being the product of a Woodwind Architect's fascination with the great woman. The Triumvirate itself has not made any explicit commentary on the name, enjoying the lighthearted controversy it brings about.

As a piece of architecture the stadium impresses, being constructed of the native Grizzland stone along with timber from Woodwind and accents of Shintouite from Kasumor in braces and important structural components. The stadium lies just beside the mouth of the Anagua/Western Grand Canal along the fertile coast and has access to the ocean for ship based games between nations.

The main stadium building houses a massive track encircling an even larger field upon which mass melees and the all important Caragita take place.

In two smaller buildings connected to the main stadium building decent sized open air sand arenas are set to hose duels in one and arts and demonstration events in the other (foreign events permitting)

Day 1
Revelry in the streets of Ardens Castro, capital of Grizzland and neighbor to Amber Stadium which sits just outside its gates.

Day 2
Naval Race along the Anagua
Duel Tournament Opens
Art Contest Opens

Day 3
Mass Melee at the Great Stadium
Demonstration Events

Day 4
Naval Battle in the Sea of the Golden Sun just outside Anagua's mouth
Mounted Race, 3 laps raced within Amber Stadium

Day 5
Caragita at Amber Stadium (foot race, long jump, javelin throw, wrestling)

Day 6
Revelry in the streets of Sarab
Naming of champions

Event Descriptions

Arts Contest: Any craft or display of art may be submitted. Prize awarded for finest skill and overall beauty.

Caragita: A contest in four parts: a foot race, long jump, javelin throw, and wrestling. Prize for best overall is the highest honor of the Games. Special recognition is given for distinguished performance in each event and it is considered the heart of the Games.

Duel Tournament: Any blunted weapons may be used. Prize awarded to the character with the best win/lose/draw record. Please organize your own 1v1 matches.

Demonstration Events: Noncompetitive display of any cultural artifact (e.g. weapons styles, poetry, etc.).

Mass Melee: Party-based combat against all realms in three parts: initial war cry, mock battle, and post-battle revelry. Prize awarded to the last party standing, with special recognition for distinguished performance in each of the three phases of the event.

Mounted Race: A race in three laps around the track at Amber Stadium. Any landborne mount may be used. Prize awarded to the best overall.

Naval Battle:Two forces of three ships face off in Anagua Harbor. Prize awarded to the overall champions.

Naval Race: A race from Ardens Castro at the western mouth of the Anagua to Grlack on the east end of the Western Grand Canal and back. Prize awarded to the best overall.

Event Mechanics

Roll 2d6+...
# of Rolls
Victory Condition

Arts Contest
Highest Result

1/2 Military (rounded up)
4 (Foot Race, Long Jump, Javelin Throw, Wrestling)
Highest Cumulative Result)

Demonstration Events

Duel Tournament
1/2 Military (rounded up)
3 (Rounds 1, 2, and 3)
Best 2/3

Mass Melee
3 (War Cry, Mock Battle, Revelry)
Best 2/3

Mounted Race
1/2 Military (rounded up)
3 (Legs 1, 2, and 3)
Highest Cumulative Result

Naval Battle
Best 2/3

Naval Race
1/2 Military
2 (out, back)
Best Cumulative Result

Caragita: +2 if you have Athletes as a resource
Duel: +2 if you use a Scrolls of Prowess style in your duel
Mass Melee: +2 to any 1 phase: war cry, mock battle, revelry
Naval Race/Battle: +2 if you have Ships as a resource
Naval Race/Battle: +2 if you have Aeromancers available

For the duel tournament and mass melee, challenge as many people as you would like and resolve each 3-round bout individually. Victory goes to the contestant with the greatest win/lose/draw ratio.

For all other events, roll the indicated number of times. Everyone competes in a single contest, as opposed to the challenge method above.

Feel free to ask me about any rules clarifications (or suggest changes! This is a perpetual work in progress).

Embrace the Anachronism
Feel free to make all of your rolls for the events as soon as you’d like. In the interest of letting people RP whatever they’d like, I think it’s a good idea to free ourselves from linear time. Your first post could be about something at the end of the Games or vice versa. Go nuts!


Aerial Race
Duel (W/L/D)
Mass Melee
Mounted Race
Naval Race


In addition to whatever awards are given by their nations, victorious contestants will receive a crown made of grain stalks woven together by Nyroth's Mistress of the Weave, a chest of mixed Dragon Scales, and a platinum Trival minted in commemoration of their victory containing the date and event which the champion won. The winner of the Caragita shall receive a Qarimos crafted ocean-faring ship or equivalent cost in addition to the aforementioned rewards.

Aerial Race
Arts Contest:
Duel Tournament:
Mass Melee:
Mounted Race:
Naval Race:

Past Games
The First Worldwide Raaneki Games (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?330727-Empire!-The-Raaneki-Games-of-347&p=16975881#post16975881), Summer 347
The Second Raaneki Games (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?334602-Empire-The-Second-Raaneki-Games-year-362), Summer 362
The Third Raaneki Games (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?339070-Empire-The-Third-Raaneki-Games-year-377), Summer 377
The Fourth Raaneki Games (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?344990-Empire-The-Fourth-Raaneki-Games-year-392), Winter 392
The Fifth Raaneki Games (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?351797-Empire-The-Fifth-Raaneki-Games-year-407&p=17525799#post17525799), Summer 407
The Sixth Raaneki Games (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?358331-Empire-The-Sixth-Raaneki-Games-year-422)

2014-08-10, 11:17 PM
Speaker Aluic Shaeldtae looked at both his fellow Triad council members and nodded, taking a step forward so that he stood front and center of the raised platform directly across from the main entrance and resting somewhat secluded between the benches available to spectators to the stadium in which he and the fellow Triad Council Members sat.

"Welcome one and all to the lands of the Triumvirate! It is a great honor to take up the mantle of the Games, left as legacy of the Raaneki people, and it is with that legacy in mind that I say, may the first Tellurian Games Begin!"

The crowd of natives and other Triumviral citizens accompanied by travelers from other lands seeking to witness the Games erupted in thunderous applause and hoots of cheering. Aluic smiled, he could only hope the Games her matched even a fraction of the great Games of Raaneka.

Triad Council
Lord Chancellor Irvest Ethmorl - 49
Shahidi Avie Barasa - ??
Speaker Aluic Shaeldtae - 53

Others of Interest
Senator Zaafarani Ignato - 50
Senator Ajeet Nia-Rohana - 56
Captain Jengo Murumbi - 44
Guildmaster Bil Kethmik - 46
Istizo Lilin - 18
General Vladmir Drakksen - 41

2014-08-12, 09:22 AM
Three ships flying the Jeweled Cities banner made port in the mouth of the Anangua the day before the festival. With them came a contingent of the massive Pono al a Ono, the sentient sea-beasts from the Sea of Glass. The ships were strangely wide at the front, yet they moved with great speed. The Naval Academy of the Jeweled Cities continued to refine their hull designs, and these had all the latest upgrades. The local fishermen’s fears were quickly allayed as one of the ships carried enough giant clams to feed the Pono during the Games. The small delegation who planned to participate in the games found appropriate lodgings near the stadium; the ships crews made their presence known in the local taverns.

Andus Fitzrion was just 20 years old, but he caused a stir wherever he went. It was rumored that he was the bastard son of King Rion of Celero and an unknown Celerese noblewoman. He had the Celerese appearance, tall and hard, with fair skin and wavy blonde hair. He followed the Islander dress, eschewing a shirt when possible. People, particularly women, noticed. Looking at him, you could clearly see why his father was rumored to have been quite the libertine.

23 and 2/3 links tall, 1 chain, 140 links in weight
When Fern Cascade married King Rion, she sought out any potential children of his and found them good and noble professions. Professions in places far, far away from Celero itself. She took a special liking to Andus, and persuaded her father, Opus Petrichor, regent of the Jeweled Cities, to raise him. Most considered him the heir apparent to the Jeweled Cities.
With him came his bodyguard. Tecoumsay was a Komola from Pennoccident. He seemed more leporoid (rabbit-like) than some Komola, and did his best to appear intimidating despite his short stature.


************************************************** **********************

Martin saw his children to their cottage near the stadium. Ginger was in her twenties now, plenty old enough to watch her bothers Max and Gilligan at the games. Martin and his wife Yvinia,were off to Genivania to console his cousin Jonas. The loss of Shvedrishti left him bereft and inconsolable.

As soon as the parents were out of sight, Ginger gave her brothers the plan for the day. It was short and to the point- don’t bother her, don’t get into any trouble, be back by dark or sleep on the front porch.

Ginger Grant-Tremblor (Born 414) Short, but with flawless bronze skin and sparkling emerald eyes. Her long black hair is artificially streaked with red and purple. Along the right side of her face is her family’s tattoo, and her chest and arms are marked with the traditional paints of the Quill, though they clearly were not either Islander, Quill, or Guilderne.
Maximillian Grant-Tremblor (Max) (born 419). Similar to sister in appearance, though stockier and more heavily muscled. He prefers weight lifting and wrestling to running and swimming, and his build shows it.
Gilligan Grant-Tremblor (born 424). A near twin to his brother. He was lucky that Martin adopted him when he was young, and his tastes run towards music and mathematics more than swordplay. He also loves sailing.

2014-08-12, 12:33 PM
*A Tavern the First Night*
"Ay! If it ain't da bastahd son of da King of Celero!" Captain Jengo Murumbi shouted as he slammed down his flagon of Heartwine and approached Andus, "Say boy, how dem islands treatin ya? Good I'd guess eh boy? Tell you straight boy, I don't tink you got the salt in ya veins. What say you bout facin me and mine in a boat battle when da event gets open? Or you gonna make dem FATS boys fight for ya boy since dey put you AQUA pops ta shame huntin monstahs at da Regatta and you know Jengo is a monstah!" the drunken pirate grinned with a dangerous leer.

2014-08-12, 01:39 PM
"Yes, yes, my father was quite accomplished with the sword in his breeches." Andus replied with a wave. "I'd say we might be brothers, but your mother didn't keep a complete client list."

2014-08-12, 01:55 PM
"Yes, yes, my father was quite accomplished with the sword in his breeches." Andus replied with a wave. "I'd say we might be brothers, but your mother didn't keep a complete client list."

Jengo laughed raucously, "Mehbe you ain't no noble son iffin your pops goin to ma modda for his jollies!"

2014-08-12, 02:15 PM
Jengo laughed raucously, "Mehbe you ain't no noble son iffin your pops goin to ma modda for his jollies!"

"No, your mother was just that good!" He laughed in return. "Had Kings and and Councilmen waiting outside her door."

2014-08-12, 04:09 PM
"No, your mother was just that good!" He laughed in return. "Had Kings and and Councilmen waiting outside her door."

"Barkeep, get dis man a drink!" Jengo shouted, clapping him on the back, "Say now boy, you evah don end up swinging da big chain on da islands you come find me, I get you a ship and a crew how about dat mon?"

2014-08-12, 05:39 PM
"Barkeep, get dis man a drink!" Jengo shouted, clapping him on the back, "Say now boy, you evah don end up swinging da big chain on da islands you come find me, I get you a ship and a crew how about dat mon?"

"Let's see how I do in the naval competition. I might just halfta take you up on that." Andus smiled back, sending his bodyguard for another round of vodka and carrot-juice.

2014-08-12, 07:39 PM
Day Two of the Games A Tavern


The barkeep shakes his head as he passes a drink to the red-headed kid. He had, over the years, established a very precise range of how much heartwine different types of people could take before passing out. The kid had left that range over a half hour ago. Hey, it was good for business at least; many of the men in the tavern had bought more drinks than they normally would have to avoid being outdone by a boy who hadn't even reached puberty yet.

Iv? There you are!

A young girl in an expensive-looking dress marches in, stopping next to the drunk kid.

Where's Yviana and Dissator?

She glances around the tavern, eyes widening a little.

You are watching them right? They're not wandering off in the middle of a crowded city right?

The boy shifts a little, sounding a little guilty but mostly annoyed.

Aww come on Ellis. It's our city and there are guards everywhere. They'll be fine.

It was your job to watch them though! You told father we wouldn't need escorts because of how well you would watch them! Come on we have to look for them-

Just stay and drink for a bit.

He grabs her arm and yanks hard. Ellis yelps as she loses her balance and fall forward onto him, spilling his wine everywhere. The bartender sighs, helps the girl up and mentally added a cleaning charge to the kid's bill.

The girl looks at him indignantly, trying her best to imitate the voice her mother uses to reign in her brother when he's misbehaving.

Ivgald Ethmorl!

Come on. Stay and drink with me.

And why, she pulls her back straight and puts her hands on her hips while speaking, Would I do that?

Because you always do what I say.

Ivgald's face is jovial and boisterous, but his eyes are different.

Ellis sits down next to him, daintily curling her legs up.

Just one. She says, and her voice sounds hollow.

At the Duel Tournament.

And your name? The organizer inquired.

I am the dark dwarf! the short-statured contestant replies. His face and body are obscured by a cloak, and his voice is obviously faking being deeper than it should be. Probably some child trying to enter the tournament on the sly. Oh well, the weapons were blunted and he was wearing well-crafted leather armor, he would be fine.

Very well sir dwarf, a hint of sarcasm creeping into his voice, You are entered into the duel tournament. You may proceed to the arena and challenge whoever you wish.

Nearby, a young girl with red hair watches the proceedings, pressing both hands to her face nervously.

Ongoing Days One Through Three

Almost before the first day begins, flyers are popping up all over the stadium and city, advertising a demonstration event by Lord Chancellor Irvest Ethmorl and General Vladmir Drakksen. The demonstration is for some type of new weapon, one the flyers claim is unlike any seen before. A betting pool forms speculating as to what the weapon is. Rumors state that a disguised General Drakksen put a hundred Trivals on a weapon that can change shape, but this is dismissed by all serious theorists. The forerunner as of late night on day two is a crossbow that fires multiple bolts in a spread.

2014-08-12, 09:12 PM
Ooc: Andus’ stats are here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17926136&postcount=801)

Day 2
Andus captained The Ravenous Guppy, a two batten-masted rig with a lanteen sail across the prow. It was crewed with pirates vetted by Teycoumsay from his years preying on Priory ships. They even had an aeromancer from their monastery helping them.

Leg1- upriver: [14] The Guppyset a good time. With the wind coming off the coast, Andus kept the tacking to a minimum. Brother Zephyr, the aeromancer aboard, kept the winds at a steady rate. They made excellent time, despite the current.

Leg 2- downriver: [10] Coming back downriver, Andus struggled. He was unfamiliar with strong current river sailing and underestimated when he needed to tact into the wind. He was not pleased with the second half of his run.
rolls are here (”http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17926136&postcount=801”)

Later, he found his way to the dueling arena. Win or lose, at least he could vent some anger. Seeing the challenger in the cloak he called out, “I’ll fight you, dwarf.” . Of course, he was reasonably certain it was a mere boy trying to act brave. But the best lessons are the harshest ones, his mentors told him. He would not hold back.

[12]Using Islander technique of The Rolling Sea, with Kracken Gloves
[13] Using Ziu Diapian techniques from the Salterri, with a shield and spear.
[10] Using Celeres Odia Ferrum, with a pair of Kukri.

rolls are here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17930352&postcount=805”)

Ginger watched from the sidelines. The sun made her head hurt, or perhaps it was the wine from last night. In any event, watching the fights always stirred something inside her. Turning to the young girl with red hair nearby she asked, "Enjoying the fights?"

2014-08-13, 09:46 PM
A passel of Dwarven warriors entered the Stadium armed with Mithril and bearing the banner of Mularuhm. At their head was Reichten Cedrik Gemgrinder, though it was doubtful any who didn't hail from Mularuhm itself or perhaps Jarrland or Pavonia would recognize the military commander. He didn't command much but he nonetheless took his job quite seriously. He had been sent all the way north across the surface no less, to continue the policy of reintegration with the wider world his sister, or he supposed he should say, his "king" had implemented. Not that Cedrik quite understood why, these surfacers were all the same, every being touched by the sun's rays daily seemed to have an innate knack towards the short sightedness and a short temper that burned bright and fizzled out quickly.

Nonetheless he was here with a purpose and would carry it out, at least this event had activities that he might train his men.


Eventually Cedrik finds himself at the dueling arena,

"Say, bub, you wanna fight?" he asked some fair haired surfacer who looked ready for a fight.

2014-08-14, 07:29 AM
Eventually Cedrik finds himself at the dueling arena,

"Say, bub, you wanna fight?" he asked some fair haired surfacer who looked ready for a fight.

Andus' blood was up from his fight fight. "A real dwarf. Good. Come, little, rock man, let us duel."

rolls are here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17939144&postcount=809)

Pass 1 [13]: Weilding dual Kukri, he utilized the leaping / sliding techniques of the Jeweled Cities "Dancing Flame". The gymnastics were a crowd pleaser, and it was unlikely the dwarf had seen ship deck fighting before.
Pass 2 [12]: Keeping with the Jeweled Cities styles, he used "Rolling Seas" next, armed with Welcoming Kracken gloves- an excellent choice against someone in mail- more so if it is light mithril.
Pass 3 [13]: Lastly, he used a version of the Celerese Odia Ferrum, one he was developing himself. Armed with a shortspear and curving shield, it relied on body movements for misdirection to provide the opening for a decisive strike.

2014-08-14, 10:49 AM
Later, he found his way to the dueling arena. Win or lose, at least he could vent some anger. Seeing the challenger in the cloak he called out, “I’ll fight you, dwarf.” . Of course, he was reasonably certain it was a mere boy trying to act brave. But the best lessons are the harshest ones, his mentors told him. He would not hold back.

[12]Using Islander technique of The Rolling Sea, with Kracken Gloves
[13] Using Ziu Diapian techniques from the Salterri, with a shield and spear.
[10] Using Celeres Odia Ferrum, with a pair of Kukri.

Rolls (link lower down)

From nearby, Lord Chancellor Irvest Ethmorl watched the fight play out. The Islander used a variety of styles and weapons; an interesting opponent. His diminutive opposite number was, quite frankly, terrible. He was being demolished. He also looked really familiar... Wait a minute, that move had been something he had taught to...

After the fight, Irvest silently approached the cloaked figure from behind and yanked his hood back. His own face in bruised miniature stared indignantly back at him.


Now came the tricky part. His youngest son was renowned for his stubbornness, he would have to phrase this carefully; if he insinuated Diss was too young to fight, or ordered him away without giving a reason, he would make a scene.

You're giving away free points. Everyone who fights against you will have their win-loss ratio skewed, and give them an unfair advantage.

He really had no idea if that was true, but Dissator seemed to have bought it. He had that look on his face he got when he had broken something by accident.

What if... There was someone I had a chance at beating?

Should you actually encounter someone like that, feel free.

Irvest had to spend another five minutes debating with his son as to who exactly his son could fight, eventually establishing that he shouldn't challenge anyone until he had seen them fight someone else and was sure he could take them. It left him in a sour mood, and he stalked off to find the Islander that he had seen earlier. The man was just finishing up a fight with a dwarf.

You there! Now that you're warmed up, how about a real fight?

He gestured to the servants who had been following him dutifully, who began affixing the many hanging knives, cape blades, and manticore wrist rapiers that were the hallmark of Majurged style. The last one approached carrying a massive warhammer, which the Lord Chancellor hefted.

Ready to face the Flying Basilisk?

[10] Using Majurged with Warhammer, Manticore blades.
[13] Using Majurged with Warhammer. His Manticores broke during the last match.
[11] Using Majurged with Halbred. A modified Majurged developed by Nathanias Ethmorl that uses pole arms.

Rolls for both fights: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17939696&postcount=811

2014-08-14, 11:19 AM
Ready to face the Flying Basilisk?

[10] Using Majurged with Warhammer, Manticore blades.
[13] Using Majurged with Warhammer. His Manticores broke during the last match.
[11] Using Majurged with Halbred. A modified Majurged developed by Nathanias Ethmorl that uses pole arms.

Rolls for both fights: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17939696&postcount=811

Andus was winded from the pair of fights, but not willing to back down. "Flying, leaping, crawling, swimming, sitting around drinking... I came here to fight. Let's go."

Pass 1 [12] He brought into play the Islander Dancing Flame style, paired with a Jie. It was an exhausting match. His attempts to draw is opponent off guard were thwarted time and again by the cloak blades. It gave his opponent an economy of motion his acrobatics lacked. He stepped in to block a strike by a manticore blade, driving it into the dirt and sendin his opponent off balance. He struck quickly scoring the point.
Pass 2 [8] He kept up the Dancing Flame, assuming that without the manticores it would be an easy match. His opponent knew this, and drew him in. It was a quick victory for the man this pass.
Pass 3 [8] He struggled to remember what he had been taught about defeating majured styles. Very little, he realized. Shooting a nasty look at Tecoumsay, he choose to fall back on his shield and shortspear techniques. But it allowed far too much distance between the opponents, which was quickly and decisively turned against him.

rolls are here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17939997&postcount=812)

OOC: Imperitor, per the rules, you should be using 2d6+1/2 military for your rolls. You don't have to re-roll this fight, I'm OK with the results. It is just an FYI for the future.

Ginger watched with amusement the fight between the boy and the handsome blonde. Then, with admiration in his fight with the true dwarf. But this latest fight had her heart in her throat the entire time. So much so she didn't notice when her brother's joined her.
Max tried to get his sister’s attention”Gigi, there’s a problem”
”I didn’t mean to do it.”Gilligan whined.
Ginger didn’t even turn to look, "Quiet, you two!”
”Gigi, it’s important!”
”Well, I did. But not really”
"Hush, twice!”
"Ginger! The guards are looking for Gilligan!”
That got her attention. She closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Please tell me nothing is on fire.
Max replied”No. Nothing is on fire.”
”This time”, Gilligan added.
"So what did you do this time?”
”Well, I was over at the stables looking at all the animals. Some of the racing horses are really amazing! There was this tan one, with big brown spots all over…”
"And you let them loose?” She guessed.
”Not this time.”
”Hey!” He yelled at his older brother, ”That was only the one time. And dad said if it wasn’t for the snake I had in my satchel..”
"What DID YOU DO to the horses? Ginger was losing patience.
”Nothing!” Gilligan said, crossing his arms and looking defiant.
”Tell her about the racing theropods” Max prompted.
”I didn’t mean to spook them honest. But they started getting all puffed up and honking at me, so I honked back. I didn’t think it would get them all twittery.”
Ginger took a deep breath, "And….”
”Well, they knocked over their water barrel. And I felt really bad about that. So I did the responsible thing. I went and bought them a new one. The boy sounded rather proud.
”From a wine merchant…”
"You fed them wine?.” Ginger couldn’t believe her ears.
”I thought it was water…. I did not!”.
”Only because of the titan-neck in the paddock next to them.” Max smirked. Gilligan shot him a mean look.
”How was I supposed to know he could reach all the way over there?”.
”What part of titan NECK did you miss?”
"Will you two stop and tell me what in the name of the sea demon actually happened?” She looked at both her brothers. Maximillian, the older, was trying hard not to laugh. Gilligan was looking everywhere except at his siblings. She sighed and put on her best mom voice, "Now!”
”Well, when I got near to the paddock with the donkey cart and barrel, the big beast must have smelled the water”
”Water!. So all of a sudden this big head comes over the paddock wall and into the barrel. It got a couple of good slurps before I realized it. ”.
”You mean before the donkey realized it” Max was trying not to laugh so hard, tears were coming out of his eyes.
Gilligan kicked his brother in the leg. ”Knock it off! I was just trying to fix my mistake, that’s all Dad always said to be responsible ”.
"Max! Leave him alone, OK?. Tell me why the guards are looking for you!” Ginger scolded her brothers.
”Well, the poor donkey”.
”Rented donkey” Max added, earning a quick cuff on the head from his sister.
”the donkey saw the beast and got spooked, and ran off into town. And the titan neck must have really liked the… wine, ‘cause it took off after the cart.”.
”You’d think they would have put it in a pen with a stronger fence.” Max commented, . ”Plowed right through it.”
”I tried to chase after them, but those big legs can go really fast.”.
"Spirits preserve us! Where is it now?”
Gilligan wouldn’t answer and just looked away. Max finished the story, ” “Well, I found Gilligan wandering the street looking for it. I guess it couldn’t find the cart, so it started wandering around and sticking its head into tavern windows. We made our way back here as soon as we could.”
”We’ve got to find it, Gigi! The poor thing !”.
"Yea, poor drunken thunder-lizard.” She sighed, taking her brother’s hand and starting back towards town.

2014-08-14, 03:52 PM
OOC: My bad. I was using d10+1/2military+2 for scrolls of prowess style. Which I think has a lower average than 2d6+modifiers, so I'm also willing to let it stand. Funny that the host of the event would mess up the rules :smalltongue:

2014-08-14, 04:51 PM
OOC: My bad. I was using d10+1/2military+2 for scrolls of prowess style. Which I think has a lower average than 2d6+modifiers, so I'm also willing to let it stand. Funny that the host of the event would mess up the rules :smalltongue:

ooc: No problem. I let loose a drunken apatosaurs.

2014-08-14, 06:09 PM
A small party of horsemen arrived at the gates of Ardens Castro early in the evening of the first day, clad in plate armour and carrying a banner with the sigil of the Burning Legion, but wearing collars and pins with the lion badge of Jarrow. At their head was a man in his mid-thirties, dressed in a manner reminiscent of a Calorum priest, but his clothes bearing none of the usual insignia of such, and when he removed his travelling hood and cloak it could be seen he was wearing a headband. He had a small sword at his belt, but anyone with an eye for such things would have suspected it to be entirely decorative, for there was no sign either on the weapon itself or in the way the man carried himself that he had ever put it to serious use.

As his guards headed off to find their own billets, he excused himself from them and made his way towards the stadium, looking around at the revellers.

"Almost like Raaneka," he said to himself, "though not quite."

2014-08-15, 08:38 PM
Day 5

Teycoumsay entered the Caragita, just for appearance sake. As a giant rabbit, he was naturally athletic. Sadly, he was also massively hung-over.

Foot race: (2d6+3)[7]
Long jump: (2d6+3)[11]
Javellin throw: (2d6+3)[7]
wrestling: (2d6+3)[11]

2014-08-15, 09:20 PM
Carmine representatives were sadly few at the Games, with travel to Grizzland cut off by the war in Salteire and hostilities with the Empire of Dawn and the canal closure preventing any ships from making the journey, while the huma riders of Tempestia were occupied evacuating their people in the face of wildling invasion. A few athletes had made the long trek south through Pavonia and north through the Imperium, or come a long way round through Glazfell and the north, but, while ambitious souls, they were mostly a sorry bunch physically, all the fittest specimens having been recruited into the militia or army.

Still, there were a couple of representatives of the royal family present, including Princess Anguryn, who had made the relatively short journey from her usual residence in Raaneka. The last caragita had been won by a Jarrland princess, so it did not come as a huge surprise to see another one competing this year. Anguryn was little like either her cousin or her namesake, however: a sweet and gentle girl while growing up, the murder of her mother and an ensuing adult life spent in a Satato-ruled Raaneka had dulled any real violent animus in her (in stark contrast to her sister, who was proven murderous and widely regarded as mad). At first glance she could even have passed for a Raaneki, what with her silver-grey godana, her pure white hair, and casual attitude towards clothing.

Her age counted a little against her, too, and she was easily outperformed by younger and fitter competitors in the foot race and long jump. She regained some standing with the javelin throw, but despite her extensive training with Amber Adite (widely rumoured to be her lover, except in Raaneka, where it was accepted fact), her wrestling was a letdown. She showed little sign of disappointment, however, apparently happy merely to perform before the crowds.

8, 8, 11, 8 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?331102-EMPIRE!-The-Community-Dice-Rolling-Thread&p=17948968#post17948968)

Morph Bark
2014-08-18, 08:48 PM
Zuei Markus Shuyan had always been good at ballgames and cliffdiving back at home, and he had been eager to prove himself at the grandest event the world knew to show off the extent of the prowess of their physicality. His retainer had told him he had only been allowed to go because his father considered his third son to be expendable. Needless to say, Shuyan had been tempted to push him overboard during the boattrip to Grizzland. It was curious how it was so close to home, and yet it was too dangerous to travel overland. He didn't mind, Salterri ships were big enough to hold lots of little places to explore and keep him entertained during the trip.

[9] Upriver was a little hard to do with the ship. Markus Shuyan was used more to the Heart Sea's currents than fast-flowing rivers.
[12] Downriver was easier, and they managed to grab the current well.

[ship race rolls (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?331102-EMPIRE!-The-Community-Dice-Rolling-Thread&p=17964819#post17964819)]

Ready to face the Flying Basilisk?

[10] Using Majurged with Warhammer, Manticore blades.
[13] Using Majurged with Warhammer. His Manticores broke during the last match.
[11] Using Majurged with Halbred. A modified Majurged developed by Nathanias Ethmorl that uses pole arms.

"YU-EEEAAAHH, GETTIM!" A young girl was roaring from the stands, having a front row seat in a slightly more luxurious part of the stadium. Fengbao whirled her arm over her head as she wooped and cheered on the fighters. The Ethmorls' striking red hair reminded her of her father's, so she was sure they'd do well.

Beside her, Shuxian was roaring possibly even louder. Fengbao's triplet sister Huanle looked less amused with the fights, but her gaze was inevitably drawn to the young men who were competing. "I wish Yue was here to see this," she muttered, a mischievous smile playing on her lips.

"Stop ogling the boys, Huanle," Fengbao complained, "we're here to see the men in action." "And the women!" The younger Shuxian added indignantly. "Right. Real warriors, going head to toe with each other in a fight to the death!" "Except nobody dies."

Huanle humphed at her sisters. "I know you'd go wrong in life the moment you liked the dragon better than Longinus the Bard."

"I liked dad's stories about the sea captain better anyway," Fengbao added, turning toward Huanle for a moment. When she looked back, the fight was over, and not in the way she would've liked. "Ratsdammit."

Ginger watched with amusement the fight between the boy and the handsome blonde. Then, with admiration in his fight with the true dwarf. But this latest fight had her heart in her throat the entire time. So much so she didn't notice when her brother's joined her.
Max tried to get his sister’s attention”Gigi, there’s a problem”
”I didn’t mean to do it.”Gilligan whined.
Ginger didn’t even turn to look, "Quiet, you two!”
”Gigi, it’s important!”
”Well, I did. But not really”
"Hush, twice!”
"Ginger! The guards are looking for Gilligan!”
That got her attention. She closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Please tell me nothing is on fire.
Max replied”No. Nothing is on fire.”
”This time”, Gilligan added.
"So what did you do this time?”
”Well, I was over at the stables looking at all the animals. Some of the racing horses are really amazing! There was this tan one, with big brown spots all over…”
"And you let them loose?” She guessed.
”Not this time.”
”Hey!” He yelled at his older brother, ”That was only the one time. And dad said if it wasn’t for the snake I had in my satchel..”
"What DID YOU DO to the horses? Ginger was losing patience.
”Nothing!” Gilligan said, crossing his arms and looking defiant.
”Tell her about the racing theropods” Max prompted.
”I didn’t mean to spook them honest. But they started getting all puffed up and honking at me, so I honked back. I didn’t think it would get them all twittery.”
Ginger took a deep breath, "And….”
”Well, they knocked over their water barrel. And I felt really bad about that. So I did the responsible thing. I went and bought them a new one. The boy sounded rather proud.
”From a wine merchant…”
"You fed them wine?.” Ginger couldn’t believe her ears.
”I thought it was water…. I did not!”.
”Only because of the titan-neck in the paddock next to them.” Max smirked. Gilligan shot him a mean look.
”How was I supposed to know he could reach all the way over there?”.
”What part of titan NECK did you miss?”
"Will you two stop and tell me what in the name of the sea demon actually happened?” She looked at both her brothers. Maximillian, the older, was trying hard not to laugh. Gilligan was looking everywhere except at his siblings. She sighed and put on her best mom voice, "Now!”
”Well, when I got near to the paddock with the donkey cart and barrel, the big beast must have smelled the water”
”Water!. So all of a sudden this big head comes over the paddock wall and into the barrel. It got a couple of good slurps before I realized it. ”.
”You mean before the donkey realized it” Max was trying not to laugh so hard, tears were coming out of his eyes.
Gilligan kicked his brother in the leg. ”Knock it off! I was just trying to fix my mistake, that’s all Dad always said to be responsible ”.
"Max! Leave him alone, OK?. Tell me why the guards are looking for you!” Ginger scolded her brothers.
”Well, the poor donkey”.
”Rented donkey” Max added, earning a quick cuff on the head from his sister.
”the donkey saw the beast and got spooked, and ran off into town. And the titan neck must have really liked the… wine, ‘cause it took off after the cart.”.
”You’d think they would have put it in a pen with a stronger fence.” Max commented, . ”Plowed right through it.”
”I tried to chase after them, but those big legs can go really fast.”.
"Spirits preserve us! Where is it now?”
Gilligan wouldn’t answer and just looked away. Max finished the story, ” “Well, I found Gilligan wandering the street looking for it. I guess it couldn’t find the cart, so it started wandering around and sticking its head into tavern windows. We made our way back here as soon as we could.”
”We’ve got to find it, Gigi! The poor thing !”.
"Yea, poor drunken thunder-lizard.” She sighed, taking her brother’s hand and starting back towards town.

The streets of Ardens Castro were full of people. That was par for the course for the large city, but now there were also lots of people from abroad, and not just merchants coming in with their goods. Tianshi had told their nanny Marina to take her and Yinhuo along to go shopping. She was interested in what goods Grizzland and the northern lands had to offer. This was the first time she had travelled outside of the Imperium, and while their other sisters had opted to go to the Stadium, Tianshi had wanted to see more of the city instead. She figured she could always watch the next Games, finding it obvious that one of her sisters would participate in an attempt to live up to the legacy of their parents. They had left with their bodyguards before Tianshi had even woken up--and usually she was the first!

Yinhuo pulled Tianshi's dress as the eldest sister was inspecting an artistic bowl made out of the shell of a dire crab. "I wanna go see thevatar." She stated. Tianshi shook her head and kept her attention on the bowl. "The Avatar is a different person now, she won't be participating in the Games."

This seemed to be dissatisfactory to Yinhuo, who put on a pouty face. Tianshi began to negotiate a price with the merchant, but was interrupted for a moment when Yinhuo began to pull her dress again. "Stop that," Tianshi said, without raising her voice. A few seconds later, Yinhuo pulled her dress again. "Stop that, Yinhuo," Tianshi said again, turning and her voice raising a bit.

Then her eyes trailed across the large creature heading their way with stomping feet and widened. "Silver Lady--"

"It's the Wyrm Below!"

2014-08-18, 09:24 PM
He was inspecting some wares at a market stall when he became aware of what at first he thought were some particularly noisy revellers, and turned to glance in their direction out of curiosity. Then the tenor of the noise filtered through, and he came to appreciate it was not revelry, but panic. The first refugees from whatever it was causing the problem were already approaching him.

Ignoring the cries of "run, you idiot!" he walked onwards, keeping his eyes peeled for any sight of a fire, but there was none. Instead, as he rounded a corner, he caught his first glimpse of the great beast rampaging around the streets of the city. Then, rather closer, he caught sight of two rather familiar-looking young girls. His nieces, if he was not mistaken.

"Oh, lord," he said, with a sigh, and walked onwards, towards the oncoming creature. He had heard of these things, though never seen one in person. Still, the same principles should apply... he hoped. It was just a shame it wasn't a lion: he'd always got on rather well with them. Holding up his hand to ward the apatosaurus off, he stuck two fingers in his mouth and blew, a surprisingly low whistle like he would for the lacertals back in Vennland.

Gonna roll Luck for this, I think...

2014-08-19, 08:11 AM
Ginger hauled her two younger brothers back to the bazaar. She wasn’t certain what she was going to do. She wasn’t sure what she could do. But a thunderbeast was loose, looking for wine. And it was her youngest brother’s fault.

Tracking the beast was easy- just follow the screams. Fighting the fleeing crowds was more difficult. Max took the lead, finding gaps and weaving through the crowd. Finally, they spotted the beast. It was blocking a major road, its head down and hidden in an alley on one side of the street, its tail slowly knocking down a half-timber building on the other with each swish.

As they approached, a low whistle caused it to lift its massive head. Wine and bits of barrel dripped from its mouth as it happily chewed up some poor merchant’s wares.

2014-08-21, 08:57 PM
Elwyr advanced cautiously, but steadily, towards the apatosaurus, one hand outstretched in a calming gesture, the other stuck in his mouth. He whistled again to keep the dinosaur's attention, and, when he got close enough, slowly moved his hand on the side of its head to stroke and try to soothe it.

He spoke to it in a low, slow voice. "It's alright, just stay calm, nothing to worry about. You like the wine, then?" The best thing might be to lure it back to its stables with a cartful. The lord himself only knew how much it would take to get the thing drunk enough to calm down completely, though. His purse seemed to give a sympathetic twinge.

Roll (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?331102-EMPIRE!-The-Community-Dice-Rolling-Thread&p=17982958#post17982958)to try to calm the dinosaur down - it is very average...

Morph Bark
2014-08-23, 10:34 AM
Just for comparison:


"We need to get into the alleys," Tianshi decided tactically, "mother's going to be furious if I let anything happen to us." She looked around for one and made her way towards one when she spotted it, but then noticed that she was being pulled a different way.

"Uncle Elwyr!"

Tianshi's head turned, confused and ready to be mad with Yinhuo for endangering their lives. Then she saw that, indeed, their uncle Elwyr was standing there, clearly recognizable from the glow on his forehead. She looked from him to the huge reptile and saw him approaching it. She thought quickly. Uncle Elwyr had been blessed by the Lord of Fire and was a brave man to boot, but bravery was too often the same as stupidity and the Lord of Fire wasn't something she was keen to have faith in herself. She pulled Yinhuo with her towards the alley, but kept an eye on Elwyr, looking at the apatosaurus to make sure the dragon-like rage-monster didn't go after them.

Then Yinhuo pulled free from her grasp and ran towards Elwyr in a straight line, not even bothering with checking on the apatosaurus' actions. "Yinhuo!" She shouted a whisper. Her sister had always been a little careless, and her adoration of uncle Elwyr was no doubt little help in this situation. The 10-year-old bumped into the man swiftly from behind and tried to put her arms around him in a hug as she looked past him at the big creature. "Yay, uncle!" Then, softer, "Are you gonna send your lions after him?"

Tianshi kept her eyes on the dinosaur. It seemed to be calmer now, if only because it had found drink, but what if it decided it needed something else to drink? It was a good thing Huanle was at the stadium. She would lament loudly about the dragon coming for the virgin princess' blood.

2014-08-26, 09:04 PM
Then Yinhuo pulled free from her grasp and ran towards Elwyr in a straight line, not even bothering with checking on the apatosaurus' actions. "Yinhuo!" She shouted a whisper. Her sister had always been a little careless, and her adoration of uncle Elwyr was no doubt little help in this situation. The 10-year-old bumped into the man swiftly from behind and tried to put her arms around him in a hug as she looked past him at the big creature. "Yay, uncle!" Then, softer, "Are you gonna send your lions after him?"

Tianshi kept her eyes on the dinosaur. It seemed to be calmer now, if only because it had found drink, but what if it decided it needed something else to drink? It was a good thing Huanle was at the stadium. She would lament loudly about the dragon coming for the virgin princess' blood.

Elwyr laughed softly, trying not to disturb the apatosaurus further. "Why would I do that? Besides, I don't think even all the lions would bother him too much." He patted the dinosaur gently. "I know they're big and scary, but the're very gentle usually. Perhaps not harmless, but only because they're so big. They only eat plants, not people. Although apparently they do drink wine," he added with slightly more edge in his voice. "What are you and -" he glanced at her sister - "Tianshi, I imagine, doing out here on your own anyway?"

2014-08-30, 12:39 PM
Elwyr laughed softly, trying not to disturb the apatosaurus further. "Why would I do that? Besides, I don't think even all the lions would bother him too much." He patted the dinosaur gently. "I know they're big and scary, but the're very gentle usually. Perhaps not harmless, but only because they're so big. They only eat plants, not people. Although apparently they do drink wine," he added with slightly more edge in his voice. "What are you and -" he glanced at her sister - "Tianshi, I imagine, doing out here on your own anyway?"

Suddenly, the big creature decided that it had enough to drink, lurching it head back up and snapping at Elwyr, fortunatly missing him. It stormed further down the street, searching for more to eat, people scattering before its path.

A cloaked figure nearby Elwyr, Yinhuo and Tianshi looked at the dinosaur. Although cloaked, her Kasumori features were clearly visible, but something didn't feel quite right. The texture of the tail was more insectoid then scaly, and her wings were large, intricate and strongly chitinized. She spoke to them, only the lower part of her face visible, her voice amused.

"Despite how much fun it is to watch this beast wreak havoc, its about time that it has to stop, wouldn't you agree? If you excuse me, I'll stop the beast in its tracks."

With those words, she flew up, flying in an arc towards the head of the creature. In flight, she whispered "Grïend, grant me your strenght of earth." and upon having chanted those words, her right arm grew larger and larger, taking on the appearance of blue crystal (People who know Grïend recognise it). Heaving a collosal fist as big as her body above her head, she dove towards the apatosauros, fist connecting with the beasts skull with a loud thunk. The beast let out a roar, then slowly sank to its knees, finally topling over on its side, unconcious.

Before the eyes of the people, the cloaked figure's fist slowly shrank down to normal size and composition. She flew back to Elwyr, Yinhuo and Tianshi. Her hood was off now, revealing a well known face.

"Well, that takes care of that, right? It was about time for that dinosaur to go to sleep." Nyllana said, winking at the trio of Salterri.