View Full Version : Pathfinder Kobold Press\Open Design Savant Class

2014-08-10, 11:56 PM
So I was looking at this class on d20pfsrd and I thought to myself, self this is a cool class. Does anyone have any experience with this class, or any optimization ideas for feats and skills perhaps? We are using anything pathfinder (as in with the logo, not from paizo):smallbiggrin:

I was thinking on focusing on being a skill monkey because of the way that Knacks and Personas work. Feat selection is going to be a priority because the DM is new and won't be using anything outside of the core books and a pre-gen adventure path set in the Midgard Setting. So I won't be able to make notes about anything really outside of what CRB, APG, UM, UC provide.

Any kind of help would be useful, I am the party veteran and I am going to be a gap filler, as needed personas kind of thing. I can optimize just fine by myself, but this class is just so open, aside from its combat applications I'm just curious what others might come up with.

Thanks guys

2014-08-11, 05:33 PM
No one? No one has any insight on (in my opinion) one of the coolest, best balanced, most useful 3rd party classes for pathfinder? Wow, I thought you guys would jump at the chance to offer thoughts and insights.

2014-08-11, 06:12 PM
I have to admit, it looks really cool.

I don't see any immediate breakability issues, but from a role-playing view alone it looks potentially really awesome to play as, and definitely allows the versatility that someone like me likes.


Yes, I would create several support personas (if I were you) all capable of some specified action.

For example, I'm thinking you could make a scout persona, a famous rogue who had legendary stealth so high he could turn himself invisible on a whim, and eyes like a hawk, good for greed.

Or alternatively, embody a famous orator, hasting your teammates with effectively a second level spell (gooooo summoners!), and speaking calming words.

Skill monkey is definitely good though.

2014-08-11, 11:13 PM
I have 3 personas so far as we haven't played yet and start this saturday.

1) Hektor, son of Thrague Guardian of the weak, slayer of the mighty (+4 strength, weapon proficiency, shield and med armor proficiency)
2) Takarsus the nimble, Cutpurse extraordinaire (+4 dex, skill slight of hand, skill stealth)
3) Irridan the merciful, Cleric of Urheim (+4 wis, spell cure light wounds, spell cure light wounds)

I can't wait to see where he goes. I love this build sooooo much.

The actual character's name is Baron (Thats right, his name is Baron. Not title. Name.) of the "Von Munchausen" family. Batsh!t insaned crazy homeless old man. The locals love him and occasionally buy him drinks to hear him spin his tall tales and the town guard and innkeeper buy him meals. In return, he protects the children that he sees on the streets. Also a champion of the homeless, and keeps his eye on the local thieves guild.