View Full Version : need help to know if this is fair (PF)

Meth In a Mine
2014-08-10, 11:57 PM
Hi all I've been tasked with running a short adventure to keep the party limber while our normal DM is on vacation. This party (minus myself obviously) is 2 clerics (1 buffer who often has his ac in the 30s, and one healing specialist) a synthesist summoner (the guy has like 4 attacks, is large size, fairly high-op) an investigator (who loves him some poison and swarms) a necromancer, and a rogue. What I'm looking at including is: a tophet (a construct that can serve as a walking prison) (cr 10), a pair of shard slags (oozes that are made of molten metal) (cr 8 each) some advanced scrap golems (golems that can shift into swarms)(cr 7 each) and a furnace golem (an iron golem with a flaming breath attack and a swallow whole ability)(cr 14). The adventure is supposed to be set in an abandoned fire giant forge built in a volcano, hence all the metal stuff. My main concern is the furnace golem. With its immunities and great hitting power (not to mention it has grab which would allow it to throw a PC to a molten bath) I'm not sure they can handle it. So I turn to GitP to help me keep things fair. No deaths are permanent, this is strictly non-canon, but this should still be fun.
Thanks and regards,


2014-08-11, 12:34 AM
Hi all I've been tasked with running a short adventure to keep the party limber while our normal DM is on vacation. This party (minus myself obviously) is 2 clerics (1 buffer who often has his ac in the 30s, and one healing specialist) a synthesist summoner (the guy has like 4 attacks, is large size, fairly high-op) an investigator (who loves him some poison and swarms) a necromancer, and a rogue. What I'm looking at including is: a tophet (a construct that can serve as a walking prison) (cr 10), a pair of shard slags (oozes that are made of molten metal) (cr 8 each) some advanced scrap golems (golems that can shift into swarms)(cr 7 each) and a furnace golem (an iron golem with a flaming breath attack and a swallow whole ability)(cr 14). The adventure is supposed to be set in an abandoned fire giant forge built in a volcano, hence all the metal stuff. My main concern is the furnace golem. With its immunities and great hitting power (not to mention it has grab which would allow it to throw a PC to a molten bath) I'm not sure they can handle it. So I turn to GitP to help me keep things fair. No deaths are permanent, this is strictly non-canon, but this should still be fun.
Thanks and regards,


how the crap are we supposed to answer this whne you gave us absolutely NO INFORMATION on what levels they ( the PCs are) who cares if they are an optimizing syntheisst if he is only lvl 1 then yeah you are being a jerk here if they are lvl 27s then why are you even bothering trying to throw a cr 7 at them?

2014-08-11, 12:43 AM
It would be useful to know the level of the party and the level of threats that they have recently defeated. Are you planning an encounter with all of these monsters at once, or several encounters with each of those monster groups encountered individually?

2014-08-11, 06:47 AM
If your party is level 14, it's fair.

Meth In a Mine
2014-08-11, 09:22 AM
Holy concussions batman I knew I forgot something. They're level 8.

It would be useful to know the level of the party and the level of threats that they have recently defeated. Are you planning an encounter with all of these monsters at once, or several encounters with each of those monster groups encountered individually?
Another thing I forgot. My bad. The monsters are encountered as such: the Tophet guards the entrance to the forge, the Shard Slags lay dormant in a waste metal repository in a large hall with numerous furnaces and anvils. The Scrap Golems are waiting in their swarm forms amidst piles of weapons in a storage room, and the Furnace Golem guards an enchanted anvil in the heart of the forge, on a metal platform suspended above the caldera by adamantine chains.

Apologies and Regards,

2014-08-12, 03:54 PM
Seems like a decent short adventure to me.

It would be an overall easy one for your party actually since you have 6 members everything but the furnace golem would be a cake walk. and the tophet would be rather easy, but not as easy as the rest.