View Full Version : Pathfinder a disgusting player.

2014-08-11, 04:01 AM
thank you for all helps. please lock this thread.

as some already knows I had my first campaign this weekend. and I ended up with 2 really cool people and I really got to play my sorcerer propperly RPG wise. I still have to learn to "when its smart to use my arcana knowledge and spellcraft and simular" I forgot to combine the detect magic with other checks. but... there is always a but...

we had one player playing as "Greggor the greedy" with high skill in several things... like appraise... he took appraise checks on almost everything, and at the first moment we got somewhere. a city a village or anywhere really. he split from the party. throwing appraise on castles, conjured ghost ships, tavern, the king, the queen and so on. then the GM made him meet a sneak thief bard. which completly ripped Greggor of and stole a bunch of his money and charmed greggor to hell. Even he was charmed, he denied his charmed status and talked to this thief bard like he was not charmed at all breaking character, over and over and over and over. and I don't know how many times we told him that he was breaking characters in obvious situations. a level 15 guard used intimidate on lvl 1 Greggor and greggor didnt even notice.

we ended playing split for 5 hours... -.- and afterwards he complained that we 3 got more play time then him. (he usually went afk making maps or afk fishing or something like that.) but he been into jail 3 times so.... its kinda stupid. he is playing like a merchant bard, and have less money and items then he started playing, its so....... frustrating... anyone have some tips?!? we have tried to not make fun of him or simular. we tried to take him really seriously. any tips?

I am asking for tips because we started a campaign. and its kinda stupid starting over ^^

2014-08-11, 05:27 AM
The answer seems obvious enough - stop inviting him to your game. That will take care of the problem quite nicely.

2014-08-11, 06:16 AM
he took appraise checks on almost everything, and at the first moment we got somewhere. a city a village or anywhere really. he split from the party. throwing appraise on castles, conjured ghost ships, tavern, the king, the queen and so on

I don't know too much about Pathfinder, but I'm pretty sure you can't actually make Appraise checks on most of these things because their value is not based upon their intrinsic material worth (also, half of them are people............ :smallsigh:).

2014-08-11, 06:29 AM
I don't know too much about Pathfinder, but I'm pretty sure you can't actually make Appraise checks on most of these things because their value is not based upon their intrinsic material worth (also, half of them are people............ :smallsigh:).

People are just a large and ambulatory form of currency.

2014-08-11, 06:29 AM
I don't know too much about Pathfinder, but I'm pretty sure you can't actually make Appraise checks on most of these things because their value is not based upon their intrinsic material worth (also, half of them are people............ :smallsigh:).

He could estimate the ransom they'd fetch, or their value as slaves. IIRC, there are rules for slave and hireling costs somewhere.

And here's a little secret: The value of literally anything is just the price someone would pay or forgo to have it. It could be a cookie, a share of stock, a castle, a child's life, a mountain, a unit of airspace, an hour of labor, anything you can imagine.

EDIT: Also, there's no such thing as intrinsic value. All value is subjective and completely dependent on the buyer's willingness to forgo other things for the product in question. Two or more buyers may be willing to pay different amounts for the same product or service.

2014-08-11, 06:36 AM
The DM needs to have a talk with him and explain it's a group game. He needs to draw up a new character with a different attitude, so he can get into the spirit of the game.

2014-08-11, 06:52 AM
What kind of place has level 15 guards?

2014-08-11, 06:55 AM
What kind of place has level 15 guards?

The kind which gives them enough encounters to level up a lot?

2014-08-11, 07:01 AM
What kind of place has level 15 guards?

Drow Cities? *shrug*

2014-08-11, 10:00 AM
as some already knows I had my first campaign this weekend
Congratulations. On the whole it sounds like everyone had a good time.

its so....... frustrating... anyone have some tips?!? we have tried to not make fun of him or simular. we tried to take him really seriously. any tips?

I am asking for tips because we started a campaign. and its kinda stupid starting over ^^
In my experience, the best way to handle poor roleplaying is to have story consequences. Some examples:

If a player is in the habit of splitting from the party, have him run into an encounter that is too much for him, but that could have been handled with ease had the entire party been together, such as a group of bandits or something (I wouldn't have them kill the character; just beat him up really bad and steal all of his stuff, to teach him not to go wandering around alone).
If a player is in the habit of not roleplaying the effects of various spells, enchantments, etc., have him stricken by some effect for trying to resist, such as a 4-point DEX and CHA penalty (to reflect the fact that he's doubled over in pain like a bad William Shatner scene). The effect remains in place for 1d4 rounds after he stops resisting.

Also, as noted by others above, your GM should probably read over the rules governing skills. There are some really cool things you can do with Appraise, but appraising people is not among them. Intimidate results in the Shaken condition (-2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks), regardless of how the player chooses to roleplay it (talking smack to a guard who just intimidated you is just false bravado; you still take the -2 penalty).

Finally, sometimes players want to do things that seem to make sense to them, but are not actually allowed by the rules. The GM is perfectly within his rights to not allow it.

Hope this helps.


2014-08-11, 11:03 AM
Congrats on the game.

As to the oddball player. There are ways to handle these things in game. Up to the DM, and you and the other players can always make a stand. Was once in a game where a party visited a temple in a city. While there the wizard in the group made a few disparaging and downright insulting comments about the god. The priests and acolytes just grinned and said nothing (after all he was just a foreigner and didn't know any better.) But for months after he was known throughout the area as the fellow who insulted a well respected god in her own temple. He did not get very good customer service anywhere, the guards would make a point of hassling him, etc. Finally he took the hint and went and apologized to the cleric and made atonement. The next service featured forgiveness.... It all worked itself out after a while.

2014-08-11, 11:50 AM
What kind of place has level 15 guards?

The King and Queen perhaps? The OP suggest he met them.

2014-08-11, 01:00 PM
The King and Queen perhaps? The OP suggest he met them.

You are correct. we met the king and the queen and their bodyguard paladin champion leader I think is around level 15 :) I manage to spellcraft/arcana knowledge one of his spells he used killing another npc!

2014-08-11, 02:31 PM
Are not PC's immune to social skill effects like diplomacy and intimidate? The charms should have been played out, but I think he was ok RAW on the intimidate.

2014-08-11, 02:37 PM
Are not PC's immune to social skill effects like diplomacy and intimidate? The charms should have been played out, but I think he was ok RAW on the intimidate.

If you can give them the shaken condition infight why should they suddenly not care when the time is not measured in increments of 6 seconds?

2014-08-11, 07:05 PM
What kind of place has level 15 guards?

The place where the DM is giving the jerk player a hint to stop being an ass, get back to the group, and play well with others. Since the player did not get the hint in game the DM and even the others players need to spell it to him directly out of game. If the player refuses to change he needs to be introduced to the other side of the door.

2014-08-12, 02:13 AM
Splitting off from the party can be annoying, and splitting off to do pointless crap is definitely annoying, so don't get me wrong, this guy's behavior needs to change.

That said - "the NPC charms/intimidates you, now you don't even get to play your own character" is one of the more annoying things that can happen in a game, even if theoretically reasonable. So not the best way for the GM to handle things either.

Recommendation: Don't try to solve this IC, talk to him OOC.

2014-08-12, 07:40 AM
thank you for all helps. please lock this thread.