View Full Version : Native outsider are dismissable?

With a box
2014-08-11, 06:54 AM
A native outsider in a random plane (not PMP) can be dismissed? He is not-that-native in said plane...

2014-08-11, 07:09 AM
Anyone not native to the plane they are currently on gain the Extraplanar subtype, which is the target requirement for dismissal, not outsiders. Those two terms are typically mixed up, because, generally speaking, outsiders are also Extraplanar. So a human on the elemental plane of Air would be just as dismissable as an air elemental on the material plane.

The native subtype simply means that the outsider is native to the material plane, making them much more like mortals (can be raised as normal, need to eat, sleep and drink etc). You can still have the Extraplanar subtype on a native outsider if they aren't on their home plane.

2014-08-11, 07:49 AM
Any creature, regardless of type, can be dismissed, banished, or similar if they're on any plane that they're not native to. See the Native subtype (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/typesSubtypes.htm#nativeSubtype) and the Extraplanar subtype (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/typesSubtypes.htm#extraplanarSubtype). Native Outsiders cannot be dismissed, banished, or similar when on the material plane.

2014-08-11, 08:10 AM
I hear rumors that Planescape may return for 5e. It will be interesting to see what they do with the term "outsider": it makes sense for Material-centric campaigns, but Planescape is anything but Material-centric.

As it stands, dismissal shows one of the cracks in the "outsider" terminology: it works against anyone who is not on his or her home plane. This includes native outsiders when they're not on the Material Plane, but it also includes any other Material-native folks who are not on the Material planes. Even standard humans can be dismissed, if they're not on the plane they were born on.

2014-08-11, 08:15 AM
I hear rumors that Planescape may return for 5e. It will be interesting to see what they do with the term "outsider": it makes sense for Material-centric campaigns, but Planescape is anything but Material-centric.

As it stands, dismissal shows one of the cracks in the "outsider" terminology: it works against anyone who is not on his or her home plane. This includes native outsiders when they're not on the Material Plane, but it also includes any other Material-native folks who are not on the Material planes. Even standard humans can be dismissed, if they're not on the plane they were born on.

How is that a "crack?" It makes perfect sense. If you are on a plane you're not originally from, you can be dismissed, regardless of type.

Outsiders are merely the most likely creature to be from elsewhere since most adventures take place on the Material.

2014-08-11, 08:15 AM
I hear rumors that Planescape may return for 5e. It will be interesting to see what they do with the term "outsider": it makes sense for Material-centric campaigns, but Planescape is anything but Material-centric.

As it stands, dismissal shows one of the cracks in the "outsider" terminology: it works against anyone who is not on his or her home plane. This includes native outsiders when they're not on the Material Plane, but it also includes any other Material-native folks who are not on the Material planes. Even standard humans can be dismissed, if they're not on the plane they were born on.

There is no problem with the terminology. Dismissal doe not interact with the outsider type at all. It interact with the extraplanar subtype, not the same thing.

With a box
2014-08-11, 08:16 AM
Thanks everybody