View Full Version : Skulls&Shackles (modified)

2014-08-11, 09:41 AM
Movement. Up, down, sideways. For a long moment, it seems to draw you back into sweet slumber you could definitely use. The night has been much too short, so it seems.

But then a very unpleasant voice cuts through your dreams. “Still abed with the sun over the yardarm?
On yer feet, ye filthy swabs! Get up on
deck and report fer duty before Cap’n
Harrigan flays yer flesh into sausage skins
and has Fishguts fry ye up fer breakfast!”

Comign to more quickly now, there is no doubt you are in the hold of a ship moving on the high seas. If the swaying of the room and the creaking sounds of the ships and screeches of the seagulls wouldn't have helped tipping you off, the evil looking bearded man with a gin from the abyss who is standing in the doorway certainly would have. Red Headscarf, high collared coat, a silver skull for a necklace and a bloody ax in his belt, he sure looks intimidating, and that's ignoring thw whip.

You remember now. Someone was hiring for a pirate ship which had recently lost some crew. Minimum pay, you were told, but share of the loot and the freedom of the seas, raiding the rich bastards in the area. Who could say no to such an offer?

Well, you didn't, and here you are. what was the name of the ship again? Wormwood, wasn't it? Not all that promising.

"I'm called Scourge," the bearded man keeps grinning. "That's Master Scourge to ye. "Ye'll do what I say now and move yer lazy fart bags." With that, he cracks the whip to underscore his point.

2014-08-11, 11:12 AM
Naeri groans as she gets up. She is not used to getting up so early. This guy could probably make normal sailors soil their pants, but it didn't phase her too much. It was likely a display for the newbies. Before getting all the way up, Naeri grabs her flute; she never went anywhere without it if she could help it. While moving to go up on deck she rubs the sleep from her eyes, and with one final stretch as she reaches the deck she's fully awake.

2014-08-11, 11:13 AM

"Aye. Aye. Maschter Scourge." Wheezing a sloppy reply with a tired voice. The last nights grog still made the world a foggy place. What had he done last night? His head hurt. Probably becose that very same grog. He shok his head and the dirty mess that passed for hair whiped around his face.

A name...

Wormwood... Yes.. Wormwood! That was it!

He had gotten aboard as a spur of the moment thing being broke and not enough gold to buy a good nights amnesia.

"Squeak.. Get yer blasted feet of me face or I'll feed ye to Nibbles." The large rat that had served as a pillow up until now. Had woken during mister Scourges shouting and had gotten it into its head to attempt to relive itself on Pete's forehead. "SQUEAK!" He showed the protesting rat to his shoulder and got up. "Where IS the bloody bugger anyway?" Pete noticed the sound of wood being gnawed upon and looked down. "Hey! Ye bastard?! What do ye think yer doing? Stop gnawing on me leg!" The other of Pete's dire rats where sitting comfortably by his right leg. Which incidentally was missing below the knee. Replaced with a wooden prosthetic. "Get yer pretty tail up here now ye scurvy basterd!" He reached down and uncermoniously threw the rat up on to his free shoulder. The pair of rats wrapped their tails around his neck as he staggered to his feet and started to walk up towards the upper deck. Three pairs of red eyes squinting in the dim light. "S'pose ye not be proper to keep the capp'n waiting.. Of we go.."

A sharp thudding noise accompanied his wooden appendage as he shuffled onward.

2014-08-11, 11:24 AM
"We are all extremely intimidated." Incandescent Visage drawls as she comes up to the main deck, looking over the man trying far too hard to intimidate the group of newbies. She dusts off the edge of her dress and moves over to the side of the ship, leaning against the railings that prevent sailors from falling into the sea. "I believe I speak for everyone present when I declare that we would appreciate being given some duties by your illustrious self." If the man would spend less time posturing, they could actually start doing the orders that he has yet to give!

2014-08-11, 11:31 AM
With another crack of the whip and a growl, Scourge points to the bridge. "Once the Cap'n has spoken," he declares.

You are are on a sizable ship in the middle of the ocean, far from any land. Port Peril and the mainland of the Shackles are just an ochre haze many miles astern. Figures cluster around the ship’s mainmast, looking up at the bridge on the stern, where two figures stand. One of them is a broad, muscular Garundi man with a shaven head, a long beard bound with gold rings, and an eye patch -
clearly the captain. The other is a younger, balding man with a long black ponytail, also wearing a long coat and carrying a well-used cat-o’-nine-tails. You are also not the only new recruits. Four others are standing on the deck, set apart by their relative cleanliness and their apparent unease with their newfound situation. A dozen or so other pirates, clearly existing members of the crew, stand about on the deck or in the ship’s rigging.

2014-08-11, 12:58 PM

Yawning from the lack of sleep, Mae stretches her arms up over her head as she and the rest of the new recruits awaken, but is too tired to do any talking to the grim-looking self-styled 'Master Scourge'. Trying not to chuckle at the little blue goblin's sarcastic comment, the mermaid flashes a quick smile at her instead.

With the rest of the group leaving, she pauses just long enough to grab her hat and flops along after them at a greatly reduced pace, bouncing vigorously with what a legged species would call a 'step'. Agitated at the lack of sleep, she can't help but think moody, annoyed things, punctuated by the rise and fall of her jumps, Bloody humans and their legs. Let's see you all stay in front of me underwater. See who's floundering then!

At the sight of the rest of the new recruits however, she studies each one carefully, careful to try and keep a straight face but unable to not grin when looking at Incandescent, still approving of her little insubordination.

2014-08-11, 01:31 PM
Incandescent Visage

Incandescent rolls her eyes at Scourge's continued attempts at being the scariest man in the playpen, quite certain that he wouldn't risk getting stabbed in the face by psionic abilities just for the sake of a sarcastic comment. Nevertheless, she follows the rest of the group towards the mast where they're meant to be getting their orders from the Captain; and yet more eye patches and whips. She'd been under the impression that she escaped the perversity of human culture when she left home, but alas...

It's as she's moseying towards the Captain that she hears a curious flopping from a short distance away, brushing aside some of her red bangs and catching sight of the far-taller and much fishier mermaid who seems to be grinning at her. She turns partly on her heel, placing a hand on her awe-inspiring hips as she looks at the mermaid.

"When most individuals stare at me in such a way, they're attempting to ogle. But one would think you'd only need a mirror if you wanted something to stare at; so, what is it about me that inspires this curiosity?" She asks, raising an eyebrow and smiling slightly.

2014-08-11, 01:54 PM

Grin turning to a little chuckle at being confronted so openly by the girl who barely goes up to her belly and her mirror comment, Mae responds cheerfully, "Oh, she's feisty, not just sarcastic and funny. What can I say? It's hard not to be curious about someone who's cute and willing to say what everyone's thinking. I'm Maereena, but you can call me Mae," the mermaid says, offering a friendly hand and a smile more intended to seduce than befriend to the little blue half-goblin.

2014-08-11, 02:18 PM

Pete squinted in the bright sunlight. Standing somewhat to himself beside the railing. Probably due to the rank smell of unwashed clothes, alcohol and infected sickly flesh surrounding him. He turned toward the women with a snarl. "What are ye about?! " His head hurt and he was annoyed at all the chatter going on on deck. "Shut it or I'll feed ye to.."

He trailed of mid sentence and blinked a few times. Then he looked down to the bottle that he had grabbed from his belt as he ascended to the deck. "The hell!?" He shock the bottle some. It still contained liquid. Blinking a few times as he stared unbelieving at the mer-creature and the short blue woman. Looked down at the bottle again and muttered. "Must have gotten me some bad drink.. Seeing blue gnomes and walking fish.. Get it together Pete.. " He shock his head and made a point of actively ignoring the obvious hallucinations. Still muttering and shaking his head. "Thought the fairy was s'posed to be green.."

2014-08-11, 02:39 PM
Incandescent Visage

The four-foot-something half-Blue arches her eyebrow further as the Mermaid chuckles and starts to introduce herself. "Good day to you, Mae. It's curious that you've somehow adopted the habit of addressing people in third person, or merely confusing speech with thoughts, but it's nice to meet you as well." She says, looking up into Mae's eyes and lightly grasping her hand to shake. "I'm Incandescent Visage. May I call you Mae, or do I have to choose similar adjectives to 'cute' when I address you?"

2014-08-11, 02:58 PM

Distracted momentarily by the clearly drunk Pete, Mae shakes her head and returns her attentions to Visage to shake her hand, giggling a little at her comment, taking it for flirting. "Oh, I think I'll be happy with whatever you call me, Incandescent."

2014-08-11, 03:12 PM
Waking to the shouting and tramping of boots. Brise's head felt like it was splitting in half. The images of the night before came filtering into her ind. Her rejection, the drinking and finally signing up to crew this ship. The pain of her heart quickly replaced that of her head. It was all she could do just to get up and not just curl into a ball and cry. Stumbling to her feet she moved slowly toward the hatch. Reaching the deck Brise was blinded by the bright sunshine and the pain in her head once again warred with the pain in her heart.

A quick look at the other members of the crew was interrupted by sudden need to return last nights partying to the sea. A quick rush to the rail followed. After she was finished she wiped off her mouth with the back of her hand and sheepishly looked back at the rest of the recruits.

2014-08-11, 03:33 PM

Relived at the familiar sight of someone at the mercy of earlier bad decisions. Pete shambled up to the newly retched crew member. Avoiding the imaginary fishgirl and the blue fairy. "Can't keep the drink in ye? Blasted sea-rocking steals even that little solace from ye I've found." Watching the seagulls fight over the offering the girl just made to appease the cruel gods of feasting. "Me guess by the look on yer face is that ye feel as bad as I smell." He coughs up a mirthless laugh. "I could say it gets easier but old Pete ain't a liar. No.. He might be much else but that he ain't." He offers his own bottle to the poor woman. "Something to get the taste of guts of yer .. well guts?"

2014-08-11, 04:29 PM
The sorcerer who was currently weeping the deck next to the rest of the new hands was rather amused by the whole spectacle he was part of. The rest of the new hands were just milling around, one being a merfolk, which was slightly weird, but not very. And he, himself, was the descendant of Kingston Creed the First, a master pirate of long gone, was currently moping the deck of a ship.

But he told himself repeatedly that he'd only put up with this for a while. Everyone had to start somewhere, and as a deckhand seemed okay to him. He quietly promised himself to elevate his position as fast as possible.

2014-08-11, 06:48 PM

"Aye, Aye Mr. Scrooge." Taggaron rises from his hammock, unhooks it and stows it before grabbing his gear. He looked around at the rest of the rag tag seamen the ship picked up. Most didn't seem to have their sea legs, let alone be used to getting up before noon. Two seemed worthy of his eyes and likely more.

Arriving on deck, Tagg awaited the capt'n's obligatory address, breathed in the sea air blowing through his hair and smiled.

2014-08-11, 08:56 PM
As the last stragglers come together, suddenly most people go quiet. The captain starts to speak.

“Glad ye could join us at last! Welcome to the Wormwood! My thanks for volunteering to join my crew. I’m Barnabas Harrigan. That’s Captain Barnabas Harrigan to ye, not that ye’ll ever need to address me. I have only one rule - don’t speak to me. I like talk, but I don’t like yer talk. Follow that rule and we’ll all get along fine. Oh, and one more thing. Even with ye new recruits, we’re still short-handed, and I aim to keep what crew I have. There’ll be a keelhaulin’ for anyone caught killin’ anyone. Mr. Plugg! If you’d be so kind as to make pirates out of these landlubbers, it’ll save me having to put them in the sweatbox for a year and a day before I make pies out of ’em.”

A moment later, the captain turns around again and vanishes somewhere on the bridge, leaving Mr. Plugg to glare at everyone, seemingly judging what he can do with all the new people. With an unpleasant smile, he makes a wide movement with his arms to include all the ship. "We'll need to know quick what each of ye can do. First things first, I say. Anyone of ye a decent cook? The one we have isn't fit to feed the fishes left alone, so someone will need to do something about that."

2014-08-11, 09:12 PM
Incandescent Visage

The half-Blue nods in response to Mae's words, going quiet as they come to listen to the Captain's orders and his surprisingly hammy declarations of what will happen to them if they disobey. As opposed to any of them simply jumping overboard, which is more likely to happen than him getting to capture anyone. Really, light punishments would result in more sailors sticking around. Still, he rambles on, and asks for a cook. Wouldn't it just have been quicker to ask them to list their skills the night before, then gone over them in the morning and given them their assignments?

She shakes her head at the question of her cooking skills. "Here I am, a tongue able to wield six different languages, skilled in memorization, with deep knowledge of the area, its peoples, and magical theory...and he requests knowledge of how to slice a fish. I require zero sustenance to begin with, nevermind eating whatever decrepit meat gets tossed onto the table." She whispers to the mermaid beside her.

2014-08-11, 09:27 PM
Naeri looks at the other recruits and waits a short while, giving anyone who wants to respond to his cook question first an opportunity to do so. After the letting the small one speak, she began to sing. Softly at first, and obviously not in common, but the aria began to grow in power as she moved to the side of the ship. The Undine reaches out a hand and raises it slowly, a large sphere of water rises out of the sea to above head level. Tendrils of water also rise out of the sea, with the sphere, wrapping around it and shifting into different twisted shapes. She finishes her song with a climactic finish and the water falls back into the sea. With a flourish she spins on her heel and gives a bow. "I am Naeri, a Water Singer. I can manipulate water, among other things, with music." She smiles, obviously content with her performance.

Singing in Aquan for those that can make the ling check/know it. It's a song about triumphing over adversity.
Bardic Performance (4/8)

Spellsong to weave in Silent Image to make the water look extra fantastic and vivid.
(Dc 20Perception/Sense Motive check to notice her weaving a spell into her song)

aaand taking 10 on perform check (total of 20, AKA "Great performance")

2014-08-11, 09:32 PM
"Impressive," a halfling woman with a fiddle standing not too far applaudes.

Mr. Plugg blinks for a moment, then nods a grunging agreement. "We'll get to ye in a moment. But as I said, first things first. So, any of ye can make food not tasting like a noble's piss or be poisenous like a rabid bilgerat's bite?"

2014-08-11, 09:34 PM
The sorcerer stopped cleaning the deck with the mop, and began to lean on it, waiting for a chance to speak, as he heard the people immediately start piping up with their capabilities, and the mermaid giving a very good performance of her music. He also spoke up, in a deep voice, one that sounded like it came from underwater "I am Kingston Creed. My abilities are that of a normal sailor, except with the added bit of arcane power from my ancestry. I am a sorcerer. But my food making skills are worse than the wood on the ship's own skill."

With me having the Buccaneer's Blood trait, my last name should ring a bell, since I'm supposed to have a Dread Pirate of the same name in my family line. Up to you what to make of that, if you have the pirates not know who, and ignore it, or whatever you so choose

2014-08-11, 09:37 PM

Who's he calling a 'landlubber'? Is he blind or just stupid? Frowning indignantly at the captain's speech, the mermaid opts not to speak up but makes a mental note against Harrigan.

Listening with an amused smile and impressed look at the blue's list of talents, Mae whispers back with a wink for punctuation, "It's not about slicing the fish...it's about what you can do once it's laid bare."

"I know my way around a kitchen, I can make a decent meal at least. As for my other skills," she says, giving a little hop to intentionally make her breasts bounce, making sure to take note of anyone who can't seem to look away from them, while simultaneously drawing attention to her fishy lower half, "I can outswim any of you, I know my way around a fight, and if there's ever a locked chest when we capture some goods I can pick it without damaging the contents."

2014-08-11, 09:40 PM
Incandescent Visage

"Breasts don't count as a skill." Incandescent drawls after Mae finishes her little display.

2014-08-11, 09:55 PM

Complete with another grin, Mae replies in a whisper intending for only Incandescent to hear, "They do if you know how to use them to get what you want, and on a ship like this, it's a good skill to have. Maybe I'll get a chance to teach you later."

More loudly, she whistles in appreciation of the Undine's singing and calls out to her in the same language.

"You've a gifted tongue, I hope you'll let me experience it more in the future."

At Creed's introduction, Mae briefly wonders why he seemed to stress his surname, but comments in a stage whisper, "We seem to have a lot of arcane talent aboard this ship. Hope we've got enough swordsmen to cover all of them."

2014-08-12, 12:26 AM
"Thank you." Brise said to the...thing that offered her the bottle, "I normally don't hit the bottle as hard as I did last night but I had things to forget." She took the offered drink and, after wiping the mouth of the bottle, took a deep slug of it. This lead to several more minutes leaning over the rail. "Sorry I'm not use it being quite as harsh as that."

When she was finally done the Captain had started to speak. Brise listen halfheartedly. The idea that she might not have sign up for the best ship had started to dawn on her. She listening the others list off their skills and beautiful song before offer her own abilities.

"While I haven't sailed before I am skilled with both rapier and trident. I have quick hands and a nimble tongue to match. I can speak three languages as well as common. Finally my lineage has gifted me with the ability to predict the weather accurately."

2014-08-12, 01:16 AM
"Scrubby" Romiro

He had enrolled in haste, after packing his few belongings in the nick of time, right before the Red Fangs caught up with him. The half-orc clan chief had been less than pleased when he realized the measly-looking halfling wasn't quite as new to Sea Serpent Monte as he had claimed. The chase through town had been entertaining, too bad he hadn't be able to scrounge more than a few silvers from the fat, aging barbarian before he'd wisened up to the trick. Enough luck for one night, one would imagine, but again the Lady had been fickle enough these past few weeks.

Now, just woken up to the familiar feel and sound of the sea, the rat-faced halfling looks this way and that with fast-moving eyes, gauging his wereabouts, letting louder recruits make their mark and get noticed by the whip-wielding loudmouth calling himself Master. Hmm, a mermaid. More used to see those in the water than crewing on a ship. Nice upper body, not afraid to flaunt it... And that blue-nosed gal, a good sharp tongue to her, useful as cover if the captain gets angry. The singer, neat voice, that one wants to get noticed. Same as this... Creed, he said his name was. Vaguely, familiar, although he can't quite trace it right now. All fine, the more visibility to the lot of them, the better.

That leaves the shady-looking human with a musket, a question mark, that one. The sad girl, Romiro doesn't have the faintest idea what she's doing here, but she sure doesn't appear to be happy about it. And the foul-smelling pegleg with his two rats, the most liable to a common understanding, and therefore the one to be most wary of. And a few others to take note of later. Meanwhile, this Plugg character turns his eyes to him, so, time to get it out of the way quickly.

"Name's Romiro, I've been on a ship before. They say I'm good luck to be with. I can help with, y'know, this and that thing on board. But cooking, well, not really, sorry, Master."

2014-08-12, 03:27 AM
Mr. Plugg grunts, satisfied. "Woman, if ye knew yer way round the galleys, that's more than we can say from Fishgut the cook. So yer be the new cook's mate. Report to the galleys and don't let Fishgut throw you in the pot by mistake." While the old crew laughs at that meager joke, he turns to Creed. "Yer having some sailor skills, I'll see if ye can work the rigging. Ye'll learn, if not. Get up there and let me see yer climbing skills." With a swift motion, he points to the masts. "And ye over there," he points to Brise, "good with weather prediction sounds like ye will do well on the crow's nest. Someone," and he stares at the older crew members, "will explain the shifts fer you." Then with a thoughtful glance back at Neri, he scratches his almost bald head. "Ye'll be very helpful fer some battles, methinks. Have ye any skills at arms?"

2014-08-12, 05:28 AM

He looked at his now less than full flask and spat over the railing. This was going to be a long day. "Now.. now.. Mr Plugg. Yer wanting some old knowing' seadogs in them rafters I would wager? Ive served on ships before and knows the knows and the whats. How about letting old Pete take the rigging? Got good eyes too. Whole six of em." He laughed and gave Nibbles a pat. It was rewarded by a sneer from the large rat but it seemed to like it. Maybe the wind would blow the memories away.

2014-08-12, 06:04 AM
Mr. Plugg nods at Pete, but he seems doubtful. "Let's see what ye got, then."

2014-08-12, 09:48 AM
Incandescent Visage

The short woman rolls her glowing red eyes and folds her arms over her chest, then winces and pulls them away from the hooks that are laced all the way through it. "Ow... And no, thank you. My mother was the depraved whore. I'm the intellectual scholar, of sorts, and I have significantly more important concerns than how my breasts bounce in the morning breeze." She answers Mae quite simply. "Except, I suppose, the breasts of a fire spirit. Those would be interesting! Or at least, the sociological implications raised by it! Fire boobs would be fascinating." She adds, significantly more excited by the prospect of physically impossible mammaries than the ones that almost smacked her in the face.

2014-08-12, 09:58 AM

Now it's the mermaid's turn to raise an eyebrow, "Isn't it a scholar's duty to learn all they can though? I bet there's a lot I can teach you about...but as far as a woman made of fire goes, I'm afraid I've got nothing. I'd be happy to help you look for one though," says the hedonistic mermaid, picturing said fire boobs and agreeing with the word 'fascinating' being used to describe them, if for an entirely different reason. Going back to the topic at hand, Mae continues in a whisper, "But if it's the 'sociological implications' you're curious about, tell me, what do you know about my people? I bet I could teach you a great deal about us merfolk," finishing with another wink.

2014-08-12, 10:10 AM
Incandescent Visage

"I know that degenerate merfolk live deep in the oceans, with rumors saying that even those who are individuals are influenced by whatever sinister force controls their twisted kin." Incandescent whispers back to the mermaid. "And a few other tidbits of your culture and anatomy. What is it that you propose teaching me?"

2014-08-12, 10:27 AM

"Oh, this and that," she says with a smile, "I might even be able to give you a practical lesson, after I figure out just how much you think you know. What'd you think?" Asking with an 'innocent' tilt of the head meant to look cute and curious, "Men have killed each other over a chance to...learn more about my kind, do you want to pass on the opportunity?"

2014-08-12, 10:50 AM
Incandescent Visage

"I suppose not." Incandescent whispers back, going on her tiptoes to minimize the volume. "I will consent to your lessons, if only because I fear that continued speaking will cause you to become quieter and quieter, until we have a mute mermaid on our hands."

2014-08-12, 10:54 AM

Chuckling, she speaks a little louder but still in a whisper, "Oh, don't worry, I'm sure I'll be plenty loud for your lesson. Just come find me later tonight when we're not busy."

2014-08-12, 11:00 AM
Incandescent Visage

"Is there a particular reason I cannot be taught while you are preparing meals? My skills are valuable, but can be used in a variety of areas, so it is unlikely I'll be predisposed elsewhere." Incandescent asks innocently, as she brushes her hair behind her pointed ears and tries her best to meet the mermaid's eyes.

2014-08-12, 11:06 AM

Smiling, this time doing it as coyly as possible to match Incandescent's innocent look with an innocent face, "Oh, I suppose we could try, but lessons like this are important. I'd never dream of neglecting them because I was busy making something for the crew to eat...I suppose if you didn't want to wait though, I could find a way to make time, maybe take a break so that both of us could have a snack while I teach you."

2014-08-12, 11:17 AM
Incandescent Visage

"I don't eat, as I informed you earlier." Incandescent points out, rubbing a hand on her horned forehead as she sighs softly. "But a break would be an ideal time, agreed. Would you prefer to call me, or shall I hover about you like a leech?" She looks about the deck. "No offense meant to the leeches on board, of course."

2014-08-12, 11:25 AM

"Just because you don't doesn't mean you can't eat you know. I'll just have to do my best to make it a snack you can't resist tasting for the pleasure of it," she says, her smile moving from coy to flirtatious, "but I won't bore you with the preparation, I'll call on you once I've got some freedom in the kitchen, you might as well take the time to explore the ship or get to know the crew. I'm sure a mind as sharp as yours can find something more interesting to do than just watching me."

2014-08-12, 11:30 AM
"I'm alright with a longsword, and better with a crossbow, but my true talents lie with making everyone else better at what they do. My magic enhances our side." She speaks clamly. She understands why the question was asked. She doesn't look like a great fighter, and frankly she isn't, but she is great at making others better.

2014-08-12, 01:00 PM

Patting poor Brise at the back as she got familiar and acquainted with the grog. "Aye, We all 'ave things we wish to forget. Ye' learn in time." Giving her what might have passed as a sympathetic smile. Nodding at the skeptical looks of the rest of the crew at his words. "Well, should just get to it then." He took a deep swag from the bottle he had gotten back from Brise.

Pete shambled up towards the main mast and eyed the rigging. Shrugged once and started to climb.

Not everyone has seen a one-legged man climb and it was a interesting sight. Apparently Pete had learned to utilize the fact that a wooden leg can not feel tired or hurt. Wrapping ropes around it to get secure footholds where none were present to chase a rat out of his face or belch while smacking himself on the side of the head. It was obvious that his performance was hampered by the fact that he was stone drunk. But then again. If he could scale the rigging drunk then he was probably not a stranger to the skill. That or he had a really bad case of lack of judgement. That the rats where running all over him to try to bite at the seagulls that found an interest in the fish-gut smelling thing that had suddenly entered into their realm were not really helping either.

Pausing his accent at opportune times to fix a rope that was not in its proper place. Adjusting sloppy sail-work and other small but important details that any sailor worth his salt should know how to to even while asleep.

Once he was up in the crows nest he shouted back down to deck. "Finest thing about lacking a leg.. Ye got one less tha' can break once ye hit the deck! Har! Har! And when ye do? Ye just have the timmberman replace the bloody thing in the wood chop! Har! Har! Har!" He laughed as the wind rippled his clothes. Feeling the life spirits make a temporary return to his smelly form.

That is a 17 climb if taking ten is allowed 15 if he is wearing the chain, and 10 if he had to roll for it.
He will attempt a profession (sailor) check as well while he is up there. Roll in OOC. 27 Whoho!

2014-08-12, 01:59 PM
The crew, being torn between the two bantering women and the impressive display, begin to cheer. Bottles come out, and only because Master Scourge lets his whip crack a few times people go back to work.

"Right, then," Mr. Plugg nodds. "Rigger it is. Rest of ye not in special jobs, ye be swabs and all-rounders fer now. Help them learn them ropes, ye filthy bilgerats," he snaps at a few who are leaning against barrels and crates. "If ye don't, we'll have a few more fer keelhauling when the time comes." With that and a final nod, he turns and climbs back on the bridge.

2014-08-12, 04:54 PM

Hearing the call for climbing / seafaring skills, Tagg slings his musket, reaches up and grabs the rigging and begins to climb towards the crows nest.

climb [roll0]

Reaching the top he pulls out his musket. "I am good with this as well."

2014-08-13, 05:10 AM
The old crew starts to go back to their regular duties. Scrouge throws one last, angry look at everyone - he seems to be sorry he didn't get to whip anyone yet - and disappears under deck. Someone stars singing somewhere.

Come all you gallant seamen bold,
All you that march to drum,
Let's go and look for Captain Ward,
Far on the sea he roams.
He is the biggest robber
That ever you did hear,
there's not been such a robber found
For above this hundred year.

A ship was sailing from the east
And going to the west,
Loaded with silks and satins
And velvets of the best;
But meeting there with Captain Ward,
It was a bad meeting;
He robbed them of all their wealth,
And bid them tell their king.

The muscular halfling woman picks up her fiddle and starts playing along.

O then the King proved a ship of noble fame,
She's call'd the Royal Rainbow
If you would have her name;
She was as well provided for
As any ship can be,
Full thirteen hundred men on board
To bear her company.

'Twas eight o'clock in the morning
When they began to fight,
And so they did continue there
Till nine o'clock at night;
Fight on, fight on, says Captain Ward
This sport well pleases me,
For if you fight this month or more,
Your master I will be.

O then the gallant Rainbow, she fired
She fired in vain.
Till six and thirty of her men
All on the deck were slain;
Go home, go home, says Captain Ward
And tell your king for me,
If he reigns king all on the land
Ward will reign king on the sea.

From somewhere on the bridge, an angry shout sounds, and the crew falls silent for a moment, just to start a different song.

"He hates the Ward song, the cap'n does," the halfling chuckles and continues to play along. "He thinks he shall rule all the seas."

2014-08-13, 10:19 AM
Incandescent Visage

"It is a possibility." Incandescent muses out loud, in response to the halfling's comment. "For all of ten years or so, given the average human lifespan and the fact that serving as lord over pirates means surrounding oneself with those who naturally drift towards chaos and violence."

2014-08-14, 01:22 AM
"Scrubby" Romiro

The dirty halfling goes to help with a few tasks to make sure he isn't accused of shirking, while using a little effort as he can. He introduces himself in few words with those crew members he meets, but otherwise does his best impression of disappearing into the background.

Sorry for the minimal post, at this point I lack time for anything deeper.

2014-08-14, 05:36 AM

Taggaron begins to look for tasks that need doing. He seeks tasks that suit his skills (sailor) and tried to avoid basic manual labor as much as he can.

2014-08-14, 08:16 AM

In the galleys, Ambrose “Fishguts” Kroop sits at the bolted down table, a bottle of rum on one hand and a fried fish in the other. From his belly, it is easy to see he loved both food and drink. He isn#t sober anymore, and the day has just started. A large black cockerel sits on his shoulder, eying the mermais as she arrives. There is a pot on the fire, and supposedly the fish right next to it is supposed to go into the stew, but the cook hasn't gotten around to it yet.

"My eyes," he mumbles and wipes his hands across his face, his view only taking in the lower half of his new assistant. "Now I'm seeing walking fish!"

Up on the deck, the halfling introduces herself quickly before each of you find something to do. "I'm Rosie Cusswell," she grins. "I play the fiddle a bit, but I ain't no sweet talking dumbgut bard, I can gut any stinking bilgerat coming at me like any of the stinking rotten zombies calling themselves crew of this scorching ship. And I didn't get my darn name from nothing, either. If ye don't mess with me, I don't mess with ye, though. I may even come round helping yer half-assed attempts at being pirates."

2014-08-14, 09:55 AM

Swinging around the rigging hoisting sails, and what's not. Pete takes some moments to sip from from his bottle and swear at his rats. "Watch ye self Nibbles! That's me ear yer biting! THAT BLOODY HURT!"

Content to do his job and drink himself into blissful oblivion while at it. Or he would have if not a certain halfling down on deck just had called him a zombie. A stinking Bilgerat zombie. Did she know about?.. "Hey ye little bastard! Just who are ye calling a Bloody stinking undead just now?" Pete's eyes were wild and it carried a hint of.. Fear..

"Should give ye a whoppin fer that! Not polite it ain't... Throwin' accusatio' *Hick* ..s of 'undeading'*Hick* around like that."

2014-08-14, 10:03 AM
"Yeah I meant ye, too," the halfling laughs. "Maybe I'll wash yer smelly carcass so ye won't stink up the aft and bug. But hey, ye ain't the worst. At least with ye, the darn wind is blowing away most of the crappy scent. Them rotten meatbags down here got all of it fragging clinging to them as it it was stinkrobe.""

2014-08-14, 10:27 AM

Pete was so taken aback by being so openly ridiculed that he for a moment forgot he was in the rigging and dropped his flask. Giving out a surprised yelp he scurried after it. Managing to catch it before it was out of reach but also to wind himself up and with a long piece of rope caught around his leg.

As he tried to remove it, Nibbles bit his nose and he slapped at the elusive rat with both hands. A capital idea when those where used to hold you in place. The momentary lack of judgement and lack of arm support caused him to end up upside down with both rats sitting perched by his groin. Seemingly snickering. "Don't ye laugh ye bastards!"

The one legged man looked incredibly silly swinging slowly upside down, back and forth above the deck. Realizing this, he turned his head towards the halfling with a defeated smile of his own."Is jest a bit a fragrance is all.." *Hick* Offering the girl the bottle that put him in this whole mess. "A drink and ye can help a lad with a 'distinct fragrance' out of this mess, aye?" He looked hopeful. "Might even let ye throw a bucket o' washin' me way if ye let me down..."

2014-08-14, 11:53 AM
With a wide grin, the halfling takes the bottle and takes a long sip. "Never anything wrong with good, strong liquid," she chuckles. "Now let me see if I can get ye down." With quick moves, she climbs up the rigging and sets to work, when a new female voice pops up in an amused tone.

"What's this? Is this how we now measure the weather? If you swing to the right, there's wind, and if you swing to the left it'll be storm?"

2014-08-14, 12:08 PM

"Aye.. And when me head stops spinnin' the gale is long past and clear skies be waitin'..." Pete muttered sourly. He had been right about this turning out to be a long day after all. "Names Pete. The annoying scoundrels gnawing on me leg is Squeak and Nibbles." He pointed halfheartedly at the rats that were currently occupied with fighting over the right to maim their 'master' further. "And who might ya be lass?"

2014-08-14, 12:22 PM
"Sandara Quinn. I'm a priest of Besmara." Crowned with a mane of fiery red locks,the human looks like someone not to be crossed. Yet the smile lines at the corners of her eyes and the easy way she holds herself hint at a lighter side. She dresses to accentuate her figure, and her whole appearance speaks of the sea, from the seagull feather in her tricorne hat to the sailor tattoos on her arms and the clay pipe thrust into the corner of her mouth. Blowing out a small cloud of smoke, she seems to want to say more, but right then, the halfling disentangles the ropes and Pete falls down, rats and all.

2014-08-14, 01:13 PM

"A priest of Besmara? I would lift me hat to ye yer grace but.." He taps his balding head, smiles and shrugs. This is right about the moment the halfling finishes her work and Pete feels the coils loosen. In a moment of clarity he adds one to one and suddenly remembers gravity. "Wait! Wai.." He hits the deck heads first with a loud smack. "Ow!" He lays sprawled on deck face down before turning over his head to watch the red haired Sandara. "Bloody hell. Just.. Just.. Gonna lay still.. 'till the.. ship stops wobblin'." He breathes raggedly.. After some time he regains his composure somewhat. At least enough to complete a sentence. "I thought all clergy of Besmara commanded their own vessels?

His rats seemed to have fared much better. Mainly by using Pete as a cushion to reduce the impact of the fall. They where now studying Sandara Quinn with their beady eyes. Chirping softly.

2014-08-14, 01:30 PM
"I plan to, one day. Not high enough up the ranks yet," Sandra smiles.

2014-08-14, 04:10 PM
After the song, Naeri got to work doing an assortment of things around the ship to keep busy. Throughout her work she kept a steady pace and hummed while doing her duties.

2014-08-14, 09:55 PM

After bidding her new friend good bye for the time being, Mae makes her way to the kitchens. The sight of the cook however, is somehow even less impressive than both the Captain and the First Mate. I really should've looked into more crews before just joining the first one to offer...

At Kroop's comment, Mae puts her hands on her hips and tries to emphasize her more human features, "I'm not a fish where it counts, trust me. Or haven't you ever heard of a mermaid?" Shaking her head and sighing she continues, "I've been assigned as the Cook's Mate, I'm Maereena," she says, making her introduction with an overly dramatic tip of the hat, intended to cover her look of disappointment at the state of her new crew's chef and her new superior, at least for the time being. "What do you need me to do?"

2014-08-14, 10:20 PM
Slowly, the man's eyes wander upwards, and he swallows. "A mermaid?" Then he looks at his bottle and shakes it, then carefully takes another sip. "Nah, it's ain't the rum. The rum's fine." With one long gulp, he is able to empty the rest of the bottle. "Mebbe I'm dreamin' or mebbe I lost my mind by now, the rest that's been there still. But if yer real - if ye really real, the mebbe you could finish the stew I didn't get te start. I'm so depressed today, I could down a whole bottle in one go... cept I'm outta rum, I gotta.." He tries to get up, but the movement of the ship combines with the movement in his mind cause him to take a few funny tap dance like steps and fall over. A moment later, there is only loud snoring.

2014-08-14, 10:29 PM

Holding a hand to her face and shaking her head, Mae flops over to the stew and examines it and the nearby supplies before getting to work, pointedly ignoring the sleeping Chef. Thank the gods he passed out. I think I'm going to have to start drugging him and just handle all the cooking myself. Honestly, how has this crew survived?

Mae goes to work. How will her food taste? Let's find out! Profession Chef [roll0]

2014-08-14, 10:30 PM
With the issues you have finding anything in the mess, it's surprising the food at least comes out average. You'll eventually have to clean up the place.

2014-08-14, 10:37 PM
During her work, Naeri starts to sing without thinking. It's an old Undine lullaby in an old dialect of Aquan. She only pays a small amount of attention to the other crew members while she works, just enough to avoid being in their way.

2014-08-14, 10:42 PM

Once the food is finished, Mae looks at it somewhat disappointed. Oh well, it's better than whatever slop that lazy ass would've managed to come up with. It's not like the crew can complain, if not for me they probably wouldn't be eating today at all.

Seeing the mess the kitchen is in and thinking about what she has planned for little Incandescent Visage later however, the mermaid decides to make the place a little bit more presentable and spends some time cleaning, hoping to make it a place where she can have some fun. Once the so-called Chef leaves and Incandescent shows up anyway. Besides, I'd rather not have to swim through entrails all day every day. If I clean this place now, I won't have to deal with it being this bad ever again.

Don't know what, if anything, to roll for cleaning a mess, so here's a free [roll0] for relevant modifiers to be applied to.

2014-08-15, 03:37 AM
"And who might you be?" Naeri hears a honeyed voice behind her. "Asides from a good worker, it seems."

A handsome gnome who wears a foppish purple hat, an eye patch, and a white silk shirt, carrying a dandyish cane is watching. "Oh pardon my rudeness. Shortstone, Conchobhar Turlach Shortstone is my name. I'm the ship's new real bard," he explains, with adismissive move towards the fiddle-playing halfling.

In the galleys, Mae suddenly feels watched. And indeed, a female half-orc is leaning in the doorframe, a greataxe leaning right next to her. She wears a simple, brown leather outfit, with a belt sporting several throwing axes. A it of cheap jewelry, mostly sea charms, hang around hr neck. Her partially shaven head and the rugged ponytail she wears make her look older than she likely is. Witha frown, she looks at the sleeping cook. Rhen she shows a toothy grin. "So Fishgut finally gets some help down here. That's good. He's been down on his luck fer too long. Just make sure he ain't gonna get inta any more trouble. Otherwise ye might find yeself part of the next stew." From the way she grins, she's more referring to your appearance and not making a serious threat.

2014-08-15, 10:15 AM
"And who might you be?" Naeri hears a honeyed voice behind her. "Asides from a good worker, it seems."

A handsome gnome who wears a foppish purple hat, an eye patch, and a white silk shirt, carrying a dandyish cane is watching. "Oh pardon my rudeness. Shortstone, Conchobhar Turlach Shortstone is my name. I'm the ship's new real bard," he explains, with adismissive move towards the fiddle-playing halfling.

"Were you not here for introductions?" she raises a playful eyebrow. "Maybe you should be on time to things." Naeri chuckles as she continues to work while the gnome is speaking with her.

2014-08-15, 03:15 PM
"Well," he admits, looking a bit sheepish. "I am not the early morning person and tend to hide somewhere during the captain's... err.. welcome speeches." He shruggs and flashes a winning smile. "All they really expect of me is to tell stories, to play music and do some magic here and there. And in case of some fighting, I can hold my own, I'm sure. But no fighting now, and our well-muscled foul-mouth over there is doing the music, so nothing for me to really do."

2014-08-15, 03:19 PM

"I think it's a little more mundane than being down on his luck," Mae says, motioning to the nearest bottle of grog. "But I'll try to keep him out of trouble. At least I can keep him from poisoning all of you by trying to cook me, anyway. I don't think I caught your name, by the way. I'm Maereena, the new cook's mate."

2014-08-15, 03:40 PM
"I'm Cut-Throat Grok. And Fishgut is drinking fer a reason, ye know. Lost his life in a game of chance, so to say. Wouldn't hold up in any other place in the world maybe, safe that devil worshiper country. But this is the Shackles. Any weird deal can be going down here." She scratches her head. "Damn good cook he is, too, worked fer a great restaurant once. Life's a demon bitch." Then she looks a little closer at Mae. "I only know of one other ship with a mermaid. Good luck, it is, so they say. Just not always fer the mermaid. If any of them buckaneers give ye trouble, let me know. I've had a few of them permanently temper adjusted before."

2014-08-15, 03:48 PM

"Pleasure to meet you," the mermaid says with a tip of the hat and a smile, "but don't worry about me and the crew. Your offer is appreciated, but if any of them get any dumb ideas, I can more than handle myself. Though what other ship are you talking about? I can't imagine too many of my people care for this life."

After waiting for an answer, she glances back at the unconscious cook and continues, "More importantly though, I'm curious, what sort of game was he playing?" Returning her gaze to Grok, her smile turns mischievous and excited, "It sounds like fun."

2014-08-15, 06:03 PM
"A ship called, of all things, Lonely Mermaid. From what I gathered, it was a love thing of sorts, but then ye can't trust the yarn sailors spin when on the waves fer too long. Anything tends to take either a violent or a romantic touch."

Her eyes go to Fishgut, snoring in the corner. "He didn't tell me. Was quite ashamed bout it, too."

2014-08-15, 06:13 PM

Shaking her head, "Such a creative lot. Well, perhaps we'll run into them on the sea one day. It could be nice to chat with another of my kind. Oh, and we don't have that much in the way of supplies, but if there's anything in particular you'd like to eat for tomorrow, let me know and I'll see what I can do."

Her eyes on the drunk once more, she doesn't say anything, but Mae makes a mental note, I'll have to talk to him about that little game. I could have a lot of fun winning.

2014-08-17, 01:21 PM
"I plan to, one day. Not high enough up the ranks yet," Sandra smiles.


"I recon I should propose a toast fer yer ambition then yer highness." Pete looked up to the halfling that had saved him py allowing him to hit the deck face first. "Hey lass! Is there anything left fer the priest in that ol' bottle?" Looking back to the priest of Basmara. "How do ye find the Wormood and its crew then miss Quinn?"

2014-08-17, 02:09 PM
With a laugh, the halfling throws the bottle to the priest, who catches it without trouble.

"Ah, the ship's alright," Quinn says. "The leadership is off the hook though. I mean, it's expected if you are on a pirate ship, you don't find saints, and that's fine. Most of the time, you don't find saints on any ship. But Scourge is plain evil, and his little sidekick - you may have noticed he's also carrying a whip to imitate his idol better - isn't much better. The captain - well, one should never talk bad about one's captain in the open, it's bad luck. He knows how to find loot, he does, and it#s why the crew stays with him.

We lost lots of folks in a raid gone wrong and a storm lately, so don't wonder when everyone seems a bit downtrodden right now."

2014-08-18, 03:53 PM
Incandescent Visage

The half-blue mingles around the aft of the ship to do her job.

2014-08-18, 04:59 PM
"Oh my!" a young voice says behind the half-blue, and the bucket of water used to swap is knocked over almost the same time. "I'm sorry, really, I was just getting these here ropes to them riggers up there!"

A small human, not more than 15 or so years old from what Incandescent can tell, carrying two large rolls of rope, tries to points to the aft. He tries to shrugg another apology, and almost loses one of the rope rolls in the process. Then he realizes something. "I.. you.. soory but I've never seen anyone like you! What are you?" He grins sheepishly. "Asides from, you know..."

2014-08-18, 05:10 PM
Incandescent spins around on her heel as soon as she hears the teenager cawing like some kind of incredibly camp cockerel, placing her hand on her hip and staring at him with large crimson eyes as he stumbles over his own words, and all over the deck. "I'm the daughter of a Chelish male and a Blue goblin chief, the latter of whom is a WHORE." Her sudden outburst of anger passing just as swiftly as it came, she continues. "I'm also a skilled practitioner of the psionic arts. I have a psicrystal somewhere, but I suspect it's buried in my outfit."

"What are you, besides incompetent?"

2014-08-18, 05:16 PM
"Ah... I didn't know goblins and humans could.. you know..." He tries again to balance his load, sways back and forth, and then seems to remember proper manners. He tries a salut. "I'm Jack Scrimshaw, called that becaise I'm good at..."

The salut topples his last semblance of balance and the ropes and himself topple to the ground, to the laughter of several other crew members.

"---scrimshaw," he finishes with a read head and an even more sheepish grin. "And I guess I am really not good for anything else yet."

2014-08-18, 05:21 PM
Incandescent Visage

"One must wonder why you were placed in the field of menial labor, especially considering the injuries you could encounter would likely impede your one true skill..." Incandescent replies with a slightly skeptical look at the teenager as he falls over, not quite deciding to help him up for fear of her own lack of upper body strength. "Why not wrap part of the length of one rope around the other, then use the bridge created by it as a handle? Then you can simply drag both along the ground with one hand, preventing more imbalances. And making it easier to pass along."

2014-08-18, 05:28 PM
"Oh, that is a really good idea!" Jack beams and scrambles up to do just that. "I'm not really bright I know but once I get the hang of it I'll be a useful pirate I swear!"

2014-08-18, 05:35 PM
"Indeed..." Incandescent muses as she hops onto the nearest barrel and looks over the edge of the water. "Is there any particular reason you'd like to be a pirate? Skilled carvers are in higher demand, and have fewer mortalities."

2014-08-18, 06:41 PM
"My ucle's been a pirate, and I lived with him and his girlfriend. Well, more with her, really. Then one day he didn't come back from the sea, and she left, said she can't be mother to someone elses child. Fair enough I guess. But to sell carvings you need to have been prenticed to someone, and no one on the mainland, where we lived, wanted to prentice a pirate son. Never mind I never knew my real family. Anyhoo.. I went to be cabin boy to a merchant ship, the Windsung, and the Wormwood captured us. Turns out the captn knew my uncle, and he shouted it all across the Windsung. I never not told them who my relatives were, and I was sure they wouldn#t want to keep me so the Wormwoof took me along. Now here I am and..."

"Jack," comes a shout from aft. "We ain't got all day, now move yer rotten lazy body over 'ere lest we throw ye to them sharks!"

"Aye aye, Mr. Tate," the boy replies. "Sorry, talk to you later," he whispers. Narwhale is a froend of Mr. Scourge, better not cross him or you are in real trouble." With that, he lifts the ropes up again and, with lots more balance, hurries to the aft.

2014-08-18, 08:38 PM
Incandescent gives a nod in response to the boy, letting him get back to his duties as she goes to hers.

2014-08-18, 08:56 PM
Down in the galley, after Grok has gone, Fishgut wakes up, slightly disoriented. Then he remembers.

"So yer my new mate, eh? Fine with me. I don't bite either. Hope ye a good fishing as well, because fer some reason, them fish all hate my face Or maybe it's because I keep losing the pole fer some reason." He throws the empty bottle away. "Been on the Wormwood way too long, I have. Listen to me, lass, don't make this life be all of it." Very carefully, he gets up and places himself back in the chair.

“It’s poison, this ship, but don’t let anyone hear you say it aloud. The hull listens, see, and the cap’n hears it all. Poison the Wormwood is, though, rotten to the core. You’ll not meet a more nasty, sour piece of work than Cap’n Harrigan in all your days at sea, and his crew’s the same, ’specially the first mate, Mr. Plugg. Vicious little sod, he is. He’d take his own mother’s liver to the butcher to make pies with, he would. But they leave me alone, mostly. They know I can’t ’arm ’em.”

Up on deck, it can't be missed that most of the crew talk about the planned punishment of one of the crew, which is supposed to be happening in the evening. Talk is a thief is going to be keelhauled.

2014-08-18, 11:35 PM

Curious now that she's heard hints to his story and that he's not drunk half out of his mind, Mae listens to Fishguts words. "I'm not bad with catching fish for myself, but enough for the crew...well, we'll see what happens."

Flopping over to him, Mae helps him into the chair and hears him out, nodding at the end. Deciding not to let him know just yet that she's heard a bit from Grok, she speaks up but doesn't mention the recent visitor or their conversation. "Yeah, they didn't really strike me as the most compassionate people in the world...but if this place is poison, why do you stay? Why not just pack up and leave the next time we make port?"

Diplomacy to improve his disposition and get him to talk about this 'game' Grok mentioned [roll0]

2014-08-19, 01:04 AM

"Met some "Mr. Scourges" me self in me days..." Pete glances down to his wooden leg. "Most of em' end up fighting alone or mysteriously cut down during raids after bad times have fallen to the ship. Bad luck bein' one I recon." He spits. "Dangerous things fer a ship the downtrodden feelin'. It makes the crew think twice about their loyalties and most folk ain't loyal to a whip when the misery starts pilin' up and Besmora looks tha other way.." He has a thoughtful look on his face. "Do ye think.. The crew might be feeling it be enough o' the bad luck on to short a time fer one ship?" This was dangerous talk. But grog had a way of loosening the tongue and dimming the wits.

2014-08-19, 05:36 AM
Fishgut belches and starts doing through a reachable drawer for more to drink. "Have a bit of a gambling problem, well, at least I had. Some thing ye just shouldn't bet away. But even if I hadn't - my former boss at the Lobster's Armor - it's where I learned how to cook - has given me a bad rep all over the shores, and cooking is all I know how to do. And this ship or any other," he shrugs. "It may not be as much as a difference that I'd like. Yo ho, a pirates life for me." He sounds really bitter.

The priest nods, and the halfling chuckles at Pete's talk. "Crew's mighty unhappy with how things have gone lately. I reckon it's not going to get much better. But of course, the captain, Plugg and Scourge have their supporters, and their supporters are mightier than those who oppose them. One day, it'll all come back at them crashing dwn like waves sent by the angry goddess," Sally says.

2014-08-19, 03:46 PM
Incandescent Visage

Incandescent, curious about the rumors that she's been hearing, wonders where the best place to go might be, to find out more about the supposed thief. A stupid one, at the very least, considering they decided to start thieving from pirates one day after setting off. They haven't even had a chance to collect loot, and even if they had, the best time for it would be shortly before they dock, or are docked. Knowing this, she approaches the Halfling bard that she spoke briefly to earlier and taps her shoulder lightly.

"I've heard talk of thieves. Do you know anything?"

2014-08-19, 03:59 PM

"A bet? If that's what caused this, why honor it? You might have a bad reputation, but not every town has a port. Go far enough inland and no one will know who you are. Or did the wager involve magic of some kind that's forcing you to follow through?

2014-08-19, 07:34 PM
"Oh," the halfling turns around surprised, then nods. "One of our long time members was so stupid as to sneak into the quartermaster's cabin and steal ale, of all things, and some coin. He was drunk at a time, and my guess is he's been acting ona dare. Ya know, he isn't the brightest. Now he'll die for it. Shame, really, but almost no one survives a keelhauling."

Fishgut sighs. "Nah, just a plain old loss in a card game called "everything's yers." I suppose I could really sneak away next time we're in a port inland. But I'd not be no safe in any post, because the cap'n is a vindictive one, he is, and I can't fer the life of me imagine to not live close to the sea, at least, if not on it. Ye see, I'm doomed, either way."

2014-08-19, 07:42 PM

Doing her best to hide her sigh of disappointment, she doesn't see any reason to drop the friendly act to make things easier in the future. "Well, if that's all it is, why have you not tried to find something else to gamble with and win your freedom from the captain? Or just gotten rid of him? You are the one who makes his food after all."

2014-08-19, 07:44 PM
It takes a moment for the cook to understand. "Ye know lass, I never ever thought of that! Ye are a real clever one, ye are. Ye will have yer own ship sometime, no?" And he lifts the bottle he has found in salut.

2014-08-19, 08:33 PM

Using the edge of her hat to hide the fact that she's rolling her eyes at his stupidity, Mae takes a moment before speaking up again. "Yes, I will have my own ship, one day. Not that I really need one, but it's fun to be in charge. For now though, I'm just the cook's mate. So, is there anything else you need me to do for the time being?"

2014-08-19, 11:59 PM
"Scrubby" Romiro

Scrubby works on his assigned duties with minimal effort, but manages a decent enough job to satisfy the presumably modest standards of a pirate ship. Having done that, he goes on to explore the lower deck, primarily concerned with finding a place to sleep as comfortably as might be found.

2014-08-20, 04:47 AM
"Ah, just have someone bring the food to them sea dogs, if ye can't do it yerself, mate. Yer been a big help already. As fer me, I am going to sleep a little so I'm awayke for the keelhauling later tonight."

There is plenty of space on the lower decks, with enough free hammocks, including the one Scrubby has slept in the night before, free for the taking. There are also bundles of rugs on the floor to sleep on should one so desire. The hold is currently empty of cargo, but several footlockers line the walls. Each of you have been given one upon your arrival.

A female gnome with one eye is busy repairing one of those footlockers. She looks up as Scrubby comes in. "Hi there," she mumbles, moderately interested. "Come to take a nap? Don't let Scourge catch you."

2014-08-21, 02:51 AM
Scrubby gives a half-smile to the gnome woman. "A nap, that's always welcome, right? I trust you wouldn't rat on me? This Scourge guy seems to take pleasure in carrying a whip, it's a safe bet he likes using it, too?"

2014-08-21, 04:03 AM
"Oh yeah, he does. He's not quite right up there." The gnome points to her head. "Life as a pirate is hard already, and ye should indeed carry out swift justice when needed, but if ye make the life of yer mates so miserable they want to be anywhere else but on the Wormwood, then maybe yer doing something wrong," she grins. "Pay is good though, share of booty is always fair. It's why most stay, anyway. Too bad for the miserable lad who'll die tonight, though. He might be better off with his throat cut right here." With her thumb, she points to where the hatch to the bilge is.

2014-08-21, 04:38 AM
Incandescent Visage

"Seems excessive. Does the Captain feel personally betrayed, or something else that would exacerbate the issue, in his eyes?" Incandescent asks, finding the closest inanimate object to lean on as she ***** her head at the Bard. "Training a new member of the crew is going to use up far more resources than a few gold and ale, especially if he's an experienced member."

2014-08-21, 05:24 AM
"He thinks he can find experienced sailors in every town who would love to join up with us. I believe, the proper term would be delusional. But then, most of the time, he manages to find new recruits."

2014-08-21, 09:09 AM

Still disappointed at the lack of substance behind his game, Mae only nods and begins to start moving the food and alerts the crew as Fishguts heads for his nap.

With that done, she makes a round of the ship looking for a good spot for Incandescent's 'lesson' later that day.

2014-08-21, 09:54 AM
The food is greeted with glee, and suggestions are made that if Mae is that good with just fish and a few veggies, what she could probably do with proper meat.

By now, the sun is slowly going down, and more talks about the keelhauling or, as some refer to, tonight's execution, pop up.

2014-08-21, 11:56 AM
The gnome's words get to Scrubby's calculating mind. Dangerous place to be, that ship. Piracy is risky enough, but with the boss always looking for ways to kill the crew... I'd better try and make some friends before I find myself a target.

When he responds, the look of worry on his face isn't completely fake. "They're going to kill somebody tonight? Why? Oh, and my name is Romiro, by the way... A pleasure to meet you. It was feeling lonely being a new crewmate, not knowing anybody on board."

Diplomacy [roll0]

2014-08-21, 12:09 PM
She nods. "Nice to meet ye, too. Name's Giffer Tibbs. Some call me Greenie, because of my hair and skin tone, and that#s fine with me, too. I took this job to escape the bleaching, ya know? It worked, at least." Then she looks to the biulge hatch again. "Jakes Magpie, that's the poor sod. Caught stealing from the quartermaster's cabin. Quite stupid, but he's quite new, and it's said that Scourge took something from him to make him comply better. So maybe it isn't true he was only going for ruma nd money. Maybe he's been trying to get his things back."

2014-08-21, 03:12 PM

Hearing about the keelhauling later that evening, Mae gets curious. "Oh, what happened? We've been away from port for all of a day and someone already screwed themselves that badly?"

While gathering information, Diplomacy on just the crew in general to make friends with the people who don't even have names [roll0]

2014-08-21, 03:15 PM
Mae hears 4 or 5 different versions, all of them involving a new guy named Jakes breaking into the quartermaster's cabin. He supposedly stole either rum and money, or a large jewel, of the quartermaster's weapons, or he tried to rape her. One version claims it was someone else and Jakes was framed but only very few believe that.

2014-08-21, 03:18 PM

Shaking her head she mutters wordlessly, silently cursing the pirates ability to tell a tale. I'll just have to go to the source.

Asking where it's at if she needs to, Mae makes her way to where this so-called Jakes is being kept and does her best to get there without being seen.

Yay, I finally get to roll a skill check that I've got in a decent score in. Stealth to get to Jakes without anyone knowing it [roll0]

2014-08-21, 03:20 PM
You get down to the lowest level without even Scrubby or the gnome seeing you.

The stench in the bilges is unnerving, although it could probably be worse - if it was a hot day. The prisoner is chained up to the wall, looking half unconscious.

2014-08-21, 03:24 PM

Sticking to the darkness to avoid letting Jakes be able to spot her, it wouldn't exactly be hard for him to blab that a mermaid visited him and get her in trouble after all, she whispers to him. "So, you're the poor, unfortunate soul that got caught stealing. Jakes, was it? Everyone up on deck seems to be getting all chatty about your upcoming execution, but nobody really seems to know what happened. I'd rather hear the truth from the source than try to piece it together from a bunch of drunk pirates though, so here I am...How about we chat before your time runs out?"

More diplomacy, this time for Jakes specifically [roll0]

2014-08-21, 04:29 PM
"Greenie - I like it. Some call me Scrubby, by the way... Not meant to be nice, but I gave them the fig and decided I can live with it.

So, Jakes, eh? Wanted to take back what was his in the first place? All well and good, but you gotta make sure you don't get nabbed, first. What are they gonna do to 'im?"

Scrubby isn't one to go out of his way to help the downtrodden, usually. But he sure doesn't like Scourge and his manners. Remaining neutral likely means being left without allies, the wily halfling reasons, already wondering how he might nudge the lad's fate in a better direction, prefereably at a low risk to himself, of course.

2014-08-22, 02:44 AM
"Well," Greenie says, "they will keelhaul him this evening, and as ye may know, it's usually a death sentence, and even if not, people end up badly mutilated and die later. There are a few on board who like spectacles like that, usually friends of the captn." She finishes her repairs and starts on knotting new rigging together. "I've learned to stay out of the way of those people."

In the bilges, Jakes is quite for a moment. Then he chuckles. "Many stories out, aren't they? Well I went to take this..." his chin points to his chest where a simple oron pendant is hanging "... back from the quartermaster's storage. Supposedly, I was giving Scrouge "the looks," whatever he meant by that, so he took it. I didn't come here to have my things stolen so I went to take it back. Now they say I can die with it." He sounds bitter. "Considering I signed on to escape death to begin with, it's rather ironic, no?"

2014-08-23, 02:53 AM

Interesting...he might just be worthwhile to keep around.

Sizing up her options, the mermaid comes to a decision, Having a servant on this ship could be useful. Especially if I have to get rid of Scourge or the captain later, I'll need the support. Nodding her head, despite still being hidden in the shadows, she speaks up again and offers the prisoner a deal. "That sounds about right. Scourge going overboard with punishments fits with how he came off, stupid and thuggish. Why don't we make a deal, Jakes? You signed up to escape death, you say? Well, I think I can help you with that. And in exchange, you'll work for me first, and our dear captain second from now on. What do you say?"

Diplomacy [roll0]

2014-08-23, 06:00 AM
"considering I have no other options, and would not work for this brute of a captain anymore anyway, I'm all game," he says.

2014-08-23, 12:10 PM

"Perfect. In that case, I'll start setting things up. I won't be able to stop the keelhauling, but I'll make sure that you survive it. I'll see you again soon."

With that, Mae makes her way back to the deck, waiting until someone goes to get Jakes. All I've got to do is sneak off the ship when they start to lower him down. It shouldn't be that hard to keep him from getting himself decapitated and keep him breathing...Pity I don't have any potions. Oh well.

2014-08-24, 05:00 AM
Witht he sun going down, the crew begins to gather in front of the bridge, even without having been ordered to. If a few are missing - those who know her will notice the one-eyed gnome being absent - no one is ratting on them.

Harrigan places himself on the bridge and attempts to stare everyone down. With most of the crew, this seems to work. "Y'all know what time it is," he then announces. "It's Bloody Hour. We're going to punish one of our own, and the most likely we'll get to feed the rest of him to them sharks. After that, ye can grab yer evening meal as always."

Jakes is brought up from the bilges by two grim looking pirates who seem to be loyal to the captain. Mr. Plugg, who gets to tie the rope to him, spouts an evil grin. "One of the few highlights in my life," he mutters.

2014-08-25, 03:02 AM
Naeri's day was mostly uneventful. She wanted to lay low the first day after her display, she was hoping to keep from getting any enemies. In that regard the undine singer believes she is successful, but she hadn't had a chance to get the know the crew besides her chats with the halfling fiddler. She was definitely have to get closer to her. The two could have a very profitable relationship for both parties involved. The other bard is a another one to consider too, perhaps the three of them could begin working together... hmm. Maybe they should all-

The loudness of the others bringing up the young bow shook her from her thoughts. Mr.Plugg made Naeri feel uneasy. It was distasteful how much he enjoyed tieing the other man up. It especially put her on edge when he spoke. No profit can come from a man like that. Those kinds of people were too unreliable in Naeri's mind.

2014-08-25, 12:08 PM

Pity I won't be able to do much for his wounds, he won't be in any condition to play with for a while. Oh well.

As Scourge begins to bring Jakes up, Mae quietly slips away from the crowd, intending to get to the water from far enough away that she won't be heard. I'll just hold my breath and give him a little kiss of life as he needs it. Who knows, might even be able to keep him from getting cut to pieces.

If needed stealth [roll0]

If something comes up, a d20 to apply the right modifier to [roll1]

2014-08-25, 02:39 PM
Without being noticed, Mae slips away as Jakes is tied up, and as they throw him overboard, with some people laughing and cheering, she is right there waiting for him.

Up on deck, Mr. Plugg takes his time, pulling the rope very slowly; it is clearly his intention to make sure the culprit drowns. This is a good thing for Jakes in this case, though, somthing the pirate can't know.

"Hurry up already," Scrounge finally says. "I am hungry."

When Plugg finally pulls Jakes out from under the ship, sneering down at what he thinks will be pre-cut sharkfood, the sailor ordered to help him let's out a gasp. "He lives! He's just a but cut but he lives!"

Down in the water, Jakes is close to losing consciousness from the cuts on his back and legs, and he bleeds heavily, but to everyone's surprise he hasn't even lost a limb. Under the heavy curses of Mr. Plugg, several crewmen just push him aside to draw the man back up. Before he can complain about that, the captain calls him back. "He's happened to survive, and ye remember what I said about lilling each other on my ship? Now let's go eat while someone fixes him up, but don't waste any healing potions, he can recover on his own."

2014-08-25, 04:20 PM

Watching the spectacle from afar jaw tightly clenched and grabbing the railing. It is all he can do to avoid throwing himself at Mr. Plugg and throwing him overboard as he punishes the 'accused'. The poor sod being keelhauled reminded Pete to much of his own past. His own old punishment and the cost it had entailed. Helpless and at the mercy of the sea and its far from friendly inhabitants. I hope the sharks make it quick and painless fer him.. His anger at the treatment of the crewman turns into surprise as the man emerges, bloody and battered but still alive. The surprise turns to something else as the deck starts to color red from the blood mixed with saltwater pooling at the surviving mans feet. A disgustingly familiar feeling that he had tried to bury with a mix of cheap grog and dirt now reared its ugly head.

With trembling fingers he reached for the bottle. No.. no.. Take it away.. I refuse... He wanted to rush forward! He wanted to feel the surge! Revel in the glorious feeling! He involuntarily staggered closer.. No.. He started sobbing as he drank deep from the bottle and continued his slow advance. One step at the time..

Squeak and Nibbles was scurrying around him in excitement. Sensing that something was amiss they were climbing all over Pete and checking for danger.. Frustrated that they could not find the source. All their searching and running around between the one-legged pirate managed to slow his advance somewhat though. Suddenly Pete found his leg tangled with that of a large rodent and himself blissfully falling forward and hitting the deck some distance away from the wounded man. The fall momentarily broke the hypnotic trance he had found himself in. With the gathering of what willpower he had left to muster Pete looked away and focused exclusively on the bottle in his hand. As if it was the most important thing in the world.

2014-08-25, 04:59 PM
"Scrubby" Romiro

Having missed his chance to visit the prisoner before he was hauled up by the captain's thugs, Romiro does his best to go unnoticed. After Jakes is pulled back up, he waits until Scrounge and Plugg have turned their backs to creep through the few men surrounding the nearly dead man.

"Hey, you're a lucky one. Mind if I touch you? Y'know, jus' to share the luck around, see?"

He reaches out for Jakes' bloodied arm, while clutching his charm of the Lady Luck. A careful observer may notice some Jakes' wounds closing as he does so.

(Spontaneous) Cure Light Wounds [roll0]

2014-08-25, 07:42 PM
No one pays too much attention, as others have done the same thing before helping the man's wounds. If anyone but Jsakes has noticed something, thesy are too clever to speak up about it. The Besmara priest is there now, too, using her magic openly to help some more. Then her and the bard start trying to dress the wounds.

"Something's going on with the devil," Scourge complains. "He can't possibly have survived this."

Mr. Plugg leads him downstairs, trying to calm him down. "Leave the devil out of it, hear ye? Calling his name fer whatever reason is just going to bring us bad luck."

2014-08-25, 08:16 PM

Sneaking back on board and doing her best to act like she hadn't been responsible for Jakes' survival, the mermaid tracks down Incandescent Visage in the crowd. "That was exciting, wasn't it?" Though the mermaid was referring more to how the pirate's life was entirely dependent upon her rather than the keelhauling itself.

"So, how was your first day on the ship?"

2014-08-25, 08:42 PM
Incandescent Visage

"Not particularly. Keelhauling isn't fun to watch. You just watch the waves, then get a collection of sliced meat, which is more often gross than inspiring. Walking on hot coals, while less deadly, is at least somewhat more entertaining." Incandescent replies casually, as the mermaid walks up to her, apparently exhilarated.

"My day was unspectacular. I spoke with a carver. And yours?"

2014-08-25, 09:05 PM

After looking around to make sure they won't be overheard easily, especially by Fishguts she speaks again, "Less and more interesting than I expected. The cook isn't much, but the drunk sod is more pathetic than anything. I kind of feel bad for him. The quarter-master seems good though, I'm thinking the stupidly vicious pieces of **** of this crew are limited to a number pretty close to two. Bad news is that I haven't managed to make the kitchen perfectly clean for your lesson later, but I suppose it doesn't matter if you don't mind being a little dirty," she says with a wink.

2014-08-25, 09:08 PM
Incandescent Visage

"I'd prefer not to get dirty if possible, but I have clothes that should provide a suitable barrier between my flesh and any remaining grime." Incandescent answers, oblivious to the mermaid's saucy wink. "When will this lesson be taking place?"

2014-08-26, 06:57 AM

Doing her best not to laugh at Incandescent's complete obliviousness at what she's getting at, Mae smiles. She's so smart and so dense at the same time, it's adorable.

"I suppose we could go now, since the crew is going to be a bit distracted, but I might need you to take off those clothes if the lesson is going to be of any use. I'm afraid I don't know particularly much about your anatomy either, so the contrast between our bodies will be very...educational."

2014-08-26, 10:22 AM
Incandescent Visage

"I was under the impression that this tutelage would be for my benefit, and I am well aware of the primary functions and structure of my own form." Incandescent replies, raising an eyebrow at the large mermaid before her. "I am not qualified to teach, regardless of my knowledge, so I'd suggest finding one with more skill as a public or private tutor, if you wish to comprehend the biological facts of any humanoid form."

2014-08-26, 10:19 PM

Doing her best to look innocent, Mae does her best to con the blue into believing that her getting naked is for an entirely innocent reason. "Be that as it may, an in depth lesson from you isn't really necessary, but the...visual aid will help me in knowing what I should emphasize in my lesson. I do want to give you the most intimately detailed lesson I can, after all."

2014-08-27, 09:46 AM
Incandescent Visage

"I'm beginning to doubt your proficiency as a teacher, if you have failed to investigate the matter beforehand. And with but ten minutes to go until the lesson is to begin!"

2014-08-27, 04:26 PM

Grinning in a disarming way, Mae shakes her head as if to say it's not a problem. "It's hardly fair to doubt me before you've seen the lesson in action. I'm simply more of a...hands-on teacher than most, and I prefer a little spontaneity to carefully practiced lesson plans when I'm teaching."

2014-08-28, 09:21 AM
After dinner, most of the pirates gather in groups, to sing songs, to tell tales, and, of course, drink. Each of you on deck is invited, as all of you have proven to be able to do a day's work. There are rum rations for everyone, and someone has smuggled in a barrel of cheap ale, too.

2014-08-30, 05:02 PM
Naeri joins in with the others in their songs, going from group to group mingling with the crew. When not singing she tells them stories of other sailors and myths of the sea that her people tell.

Perform sing: [roll0]

Knowledge local to use my trait: [roll1]

2014-08-30, 05:03 PM
Incandescent Visage

"Then allow me to see a demonstration of your skill so that I can be certain of how much I will appreciate your teaching style, before I commit in such a way. That is a fair compromise, is it not?" The Half-Blue asks, looking the mermaid in the eye.

2014-08-30, 05:26 PM

Meeting the half-Blue's gaze, Mae thinks for a moment, trying to come up with an impromptu lesson to prove that her teaching method works, at least long enough to teach Incandescent how to have fun.

"Alright, in that case, how much do you know about cooking and fish? I could probably teach you a thing or two there before we move on to anatomy."

2014-08-31, 10:29 AM
Many of the crew retire relatively early, given that they need to be up and about at sunrise again. Pirating, they explain, isn't an easy job and nothing like in the romantic stories. Slowly, the ship is left with only the night's watch on deck.

Moving to the next day in next post.

2014-09-01, 06:49 PM
Scrubby uses the evening to make a few more acquaintances, but he isn't in the mood to start and card or dice games. Nor is the crew, as it seems, so he turns in ealry as well. He makes sure to see Greenie before bedtime, however. "You know what, he survived! Quite a feat. Scourge and Plugg ain't pleased, let me tell you. I'll swear Plugg wanted him dead. Not so the rest of the crew, though."

2014-09-02, 09:28 AM
Greeny is happy at the news, but also somehow suspicious. "Was there magic involved? Last time someone survived there was magic involved, but the captain never found out. In any case, it's good to know the plans of the powers that be aren't always coming true."

At dawn the next morning, a rush of sailors on their way to deck wakes you, but immediately upon opening your eyes you can see the problem approaching. An ugly human woman with really big ears and a hostile face,2 human males, one of them bald headed, and a scowling half-ord approach from the stairs. “In a hurry?” the bald one says, and laughs, pushing Scrubby in the chest.

None of them has their knives drawn, but they look like they aren't going to be satisfied without a fight.

2014-09-02, 09:45 PM
"I didn't see any magic, but it doesn't mean he didn't get some sort of help. I prayed the Lady of Luck on his behalf, and I don't think I was the only one." On those words, Scrubby goes to his hammock for a nice night of rest.

The morning sees his blissful sleep rudely interrupted by a bunch of unpleasant-looking ruffians. He considers the hand that intruded on his chest with a quizzical eye, then quickly looks around. No way out. Just what I needed. Time to see if quick friends can be made.

The halfling casually picks a couple of vividly colored small sticks from his breast pocket, and starts juggling with them negligently, as he starts to tell a story in a cheerful, mock-innocent tone.

"You're reminding me of a story, let me tell you the tale. Once upon a time, the most beautiful young prince in all of the wide world got stuck into a dispute between his parents and some ugly warty witch, one with dark magic and ears like cabbage leaves, I'm sure you know the kind. Next thing ya know, the witch curses the poor prince to eternal sleep, the entire castle goes frozen under the spell for a couple hundred years, yada yada yada. Sure thing, the prince dreams for all that time of being awoken by the kiss of an heroic lady knight of the most attractive sort, ya know what I mean? 'Cause, who wouldn't?

Now on the day he wakes up, nay it ain't with a kiss on his lips, no sir, no. It's a dirty rude fingernail to his ribs. He opens his eyes, and the sausage of a finger seems to belong to a footstool that forgot to bathe for a year. And instead of the lovely paladin with a delicate face and strong but soft hands, he sees the witch, except she's got even more warts and even uglier rotting leaves on each side of her head that a hundred years before.

So, then... yeah, lemme tell ya, poor princeling is in no hurry to get outta bed that day, if ya see me meaning."

Perform (Comedy) [roll0] using his halfling jugglesticks and Adaptable Luck with Fate's Favored for a +3 luck bonus.

2014-09-03, 03:50 AM
For a moment, they all stare and listen, then the half.orc grunts. "Who do ye compare to a witch, ye bilgerats? Because I'll be poking this here finger right were it hurts now."

(initiative please)

2014-09-03, 10:54 AM

Sighing, Mae sizes up her competition and reaches for her blade. "You know I love a good fight, but it has to be a good fight, not with a bunch of useless *****."

Initiative [roll0]

Whenever her turn comes around, she'll be attacking the nearest flat-footed enemy for the sneak attack damage

2014-09-03, 12:32 PM
Initiative: [roll0]

2014-09-03, 01:05 PM
Scrubby sighs in mock despair. "Truly, even modestly funny jokes are wasted, on an audience that lacks the intellect to grasp even the simplest of them."

Init [roll0]

2014-09-03, 04:39 PM

A bit hesitant that this might end the same way as the last time he was in a fight. Pete was content at first to let the short man handle the situation. But things had gone from bad to worse. In truth, some part of him longed for this. He had had trouble calming down since the commotion last night and not even drinking himself to a stupor had helped this time. In fact a growing part of him was indeed very happy it would probably come to bloodshed and it made the shrinking part feel very ashamed indeed. But he had grown sick of threats. "They be shouting fer bilgerats? Yar! Harr! Harr! I recon' they be shouting fer mercy fore long!" His two large rats sat on his shoulders. Ready to defend their territory and favorite chewing toy.


2014-09-09, 01:58 AM
"Ye knooow," Naen says, clearly mocking the accent of the pirates, "for someone so big ye have precious little brains to go with.See we don't even need a fight, all we need do is scratch ourselves with our knives just so and say it was ye. Capn' said no stabbings, remember?" And she smiles ever so sweetly.


2014-09-09, 08:50 PM
Ini order:

"Yer couldn't scratch yer own toenails," the woman laughs, seemingly too dumb to get the threat.

2014-09-10, 02:13 PM

"Yer a pack of boneheaded dolts! The cap'n just had one mate keelhauled an' by me recon three more chances will make Scourge a happy man. That is.. If ye he can find enough of ye to keelhaul after Pete is done with ye!"

He squeaks a high note between his teeth that seems to get the rats on his shoulders on edge.

Orders the rats to use the "Aid" trick on him and readies an action to attack anyone that tries to attack him. Rolls? Rolls!

Handle animal: [roll0], against DC 10

Attack:[roll1] (+9 if handle animal works)

Edit: Handle animal failed and that means the rats will revert to defend Pete instead of doing anything productive so that is just ordinary uncoordinated attacks from them.

2014-09-10, 08:10 PM
HP 12
AC 18

Not one for letting her opponents get the upperhand in a fight or escalate things before she can, the mermaid analyzes the situation and decides on a ranged approach, Just in case these morons are better with their fists than their heads. Drawing a shuriken from the bag tied to her waist, she flings it at the bald human.

Move action to draw a shuriken (I hate being level 1, can't draw as part of movement yet :smallsigh:)

Standard action to attack bald human (who should be flat-footed since this is the first round of combat and he hasn't acted) [roll0]

Damage [roll1] + [roll2]

2014-09-13, 04:19 AM
In a singsang voice, the watersinger mutters some strange words.

Prestidigitation - tie the half-orcs boots if he has any, if not the female etc. If none of them has boots, color the bald one's head red

2014-09-13, 01:45 PM
The half orc lifts his fist and wants to charge at Pete; unfortunately for him, his boots are tied together. In his attempt to prevent falling, he grabs the woman's shirt, which causes her to turn to him and, more out of reflex than thought, punch him in the face just before the two of them go down together. The bald man, not so sure what to do to begin with, is caught off guard as the strange bladed weapon tears a gash in his cheek. The remaining human takes a swing at Scrubby, punching him right on the nose.

4 damage for Scrubby

2014-09-13, 01:51 PM
Incandescent Visage

"This is scarcely worth participating in." Incandescent sighs, leaning against the wall and lazily summoning a shard that shoots at the nearest pirate not in melee.

Ranged Touch Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-09-14, 07:53 AM
"Hey, that's my nose!" Scrubby indignantly protests. "But you know what happens, when you press my nose too hard? I get a new one! And a whole extra body to go with it, see?"

To the surprise of his opponent and of onlookers, the halfling's body appears to waver from sight for a second, only to now appear as two identically dirty-clothed, bloody-nosed halflings. "Now you can't ever hit me, unless you aim for both noses at the same time!" he claims, all the while retreating to a less busy corner of the room.

HP, 5/9. Was that lethal damage?

Move action, activate Copycat power (Trickery domain). 1 duplicate, equivlaent to Mirror Image, lasts 1 round.
Move action, retreat. Do we need a map of the area?
Bluff [roll0]

2014-09-15, 04:46 PM

Laughing at the predicament of the falling half-orc. Pete was oblivous that blood had been drawn. "What be the matter ye sorry lump? One leg to many to trip on? Thinking ye cou... cou.." Accidentally laying eyes on Scrubby. Seeing the red droplets fall from not only one.. But two, halfling noses. He inhales sharply and starts to stutter incoherently.

Then as if shot from a cannon he rushes the man who threw the first punch at Scrubby.

To early in the morning to be held back by the cushioning effects of alcohol the old man flings himself forward like a vengeful spirit. Hissing, he tears at the clothes of the man with crooked fingers. Flailing wildly. Accompanied in his madness by the two real rats that scurries like over the struggling pair while biting and squeaking like mad imps.

Attack: [roll0]



2014-09-18, 03:27 AM
"It's always fun to spar with such sophisticated individuals." Another minor spell pulls the woman's hair.

2014-10-02, 07:58 AM
"Aaah, they are sing magic!" the woman states the obvious and turns to flee. "I'ma get help.!"

"Hey you get off... me! Ouch." In the unsuccessful attempt to get Pete off him, the pirate stumbles over a coil of rope and lands in a bucket of dirty water.

A few moments later, the first onlookers appear, just to be run over by the fleeing assault team wannabes. "What was that?" the cabin girl asks wih wide eyes. "How did ye new folks get rid of them old stinkin' fishbones so quickly?"

"Off to work already," an angry voice calls from above. "Sun is up but yer not, so better hurry y'all or there be whippings."

With some grumbling about having missed the interesting parts of the fight, the crew dissipates, not without waving and laughing to you. "Bucket butt," pops up as new nickname for a certain unfortunate pirate.

2014-10-02, 08:33 AM
The second halfling winks out, but not before he says a short prayer to the Lady of Luck, his hand touching the charm around his neck in a superstitious-looking gesture. His nose now back to its usual and unpleasant rat-like aspect, Scrubby answers, "Like I said, I'm good luck to be with. So sure, I'm bad luck to be against, makes sense, right?"

Spontaneous Cure Light Wounds [roll0]

2014-10-04, 06:11 AM
"Yes, a lot of sense." With a smile that's more evil than anything, Naen turns to the others. "Looks like we are the new core of sensible on this ship. My plan - make sure those two whip wielding idiots surely behind this don't bother the ship no more. Even if it may take a while to implement this idea."

2014-10-09, 10:59 AM
"Be careful not to say that out loud where the wrong people will hear," the gnome who had been hanging around earlier advises. "Generally, I doubt too many people would side with the "whip wielding idiots" however. WE better hurry, if we're late they just might use their whips on us."

Fortunately though, it's the group that's been attacking getting the smack down, likely for failing. Everyone is back in their normal routine pretty soon. For a few days, it seems their failure has been forgotten. However, at about mid-morning on the fourth day, young Jack Scrimshaw rushes onto deck with an ashen face and reports loudly to Mr. Plugg. Jack was below on rat-catching duty when something big swam out of the bilge water and bit him. He has a large bite to show for it, which gets treated by the priest. It does look like a giant rat bite, and Mr. Plugg sends the group which has failed in their attack to "deal with them stinking dire rats at once." He also sends Jack along to watch and learn, but his intention seems to be more to have a witness who can tell the story of their humiliation in case they mess up. He clearly seems disappointed when it doesn't happen, but then decides to praise them instead and hangs the 6 dire rat bodies up in the rafters for a day for the seagulls to feast on.

On the evening of the 5th day, which has been almost unbearably hot, a rare visitor graces the deck with his presence. The simpleton hulking brute called Owlbear Hartshorn, who everyone just calls the pet of Plugg, or Pop for short, is allowed up from belowdeck. "Fer a bit of sport," Plugg explains, and his eyes wander over the crew to see which of the new recruits he can unleash the chained brute onto.

2014-10-09, 12:11 PM
For the last few days, Naen had tried to lay low when in view of anyone who might be considered a friend of the powers that be, but listened in very carefully when everyone was talking, trying to judge the mood of everyone while making comments and suggestions here and there, never being the one to openly suggest mutiny. She would want to leave that to others.

1d20 +5
1d20 +5
1d20 +5
diplomacy checks, in the hopes I finally got how to roll

Now, she looks at the brute from her perch on a coil of rope, having a feeling where this would end up. Maybe better to grab the shark by the head. "Sports?" she says, trying to sound cheerful. "What are the rules?"

2014-10-09, 01:15 PM
In the days that follow the minor skirmish, Scrubby plays a sort of double game. On one side, whenever he crosses the path of one of the would-be thugs, he gives them a knowing look, touches in charm with exaggerated devotion, points to his nose or the other guys' boots in a clear reminder of the event, and mutters some idle remark about good and bad luck. Let's make sure they remember, teach them to respect my space!

On the other hand, he does his best to not be noticed by the ship's bigger bullies.

Intimidate vs the earlier attackers [roll0]
Bluff to avoid notice from the Big Baddies [roll1] (includes +3 from Successful Shirker, I think it applies here)

2014-10-13, 11:54 AM

With the fight over with, Mae spends the rest of her free time getting to know the crew better, particularly the charming or skilled members, and her non-free time working on improving her cooking ability. Her thoughts, however are focused more on getting to know the crew than cooking even then though.

Diplomacy to make friends, friends with benefits, etc.

(Sorry for vagueness and brevity of the post, not really sure what to say or do)

2014-10-13, 01:43 PM

Having kept an even lower profile then usual since the fight below deck. Pete had thanked all the deities he could think of that things had not gone out of hand and that he still was aboard the ship and not lining the intestines of a less picky shark. During the rat hunt he had kept a close eye on his two companions to avoid any 'accidents' and even if he had felt uneasy seeing the six bodies swinging in the wind he was glad it was not Squeak or Nibbles.

It had been a long day and perhaps that is why he did not watch his steps close enough as he walked right into a wall of flesh and fell backwards. A bit confused to as why he suddenly was sprawled across the deck he looked up and saw the figure of Owlbear Hartshorn. "Bloodyell! Yer a big´un! Have they been feeding ye other lads?"

Realizing he might have bumped into the wrong guy, he got up and with a look of apology took a bottle from his belt and offered the man.

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2014-10-14, 07:46 PM
Mareena's cooking, and her charming personality, win her a lot of friends quickly, to a point that even Plugg and his croonies decide to leave her alone. No one wants to provoke a mutiny. Asides, the food has gotten better for everyone.

Owlbear looks down, taking a moment to comprehend the situation, then he nods. There is a faint smile at the corner of his lips though.

"Oh," Plugg chuckles. "Looks like we have a volunteer, aye, matey?"

2014-10-15, 01:32 PM

Sense motive: [roll0]

A large alarm went of in his head when Plugg spoke of 'volunteers' and Pete looked around in a futile hope he had meant somebody else.

"What sort of volenteering be that? Mr. Plugg ser?" Pete sized up the large smiling man in front of him and his heart sank.

"Need a mate fer drinking duty, or fer cleaning out the privies of ta captains chambers?"

He was eyeing the large man in front of him as to avoid any nasty surprises. Ready to throw himself away or at least throw the first punch if he turned out to be less than friendly.

2014-10-15, 01:52 PM
"Oh! A volunteer! Impressive, impressive..." Scrubby opens his eyes wide, overdoing his truly impressed reaction a little bit. He approaches Naen and puts his hand on the lad's shoulder. "Can I touch you? You know, for luck... You must feel lucky today, I hope you don't mind sharing." He strokes the charm around his neck, oblivious of the fact he asked for permission after, not before acting on it.

Giving a Bit of Luck to the young hero. For the next round, any time you roll a d20, roll twice and take the more favorable result.

Bluff to give the impression he does this as a superstitious gesture, to gain luck for himself [roll0]