View Full Version : Roleplaying What should a devotee of Asmodeus be doing?

2014-08-11, 02:07 PM
In two of my campaigns, Asmodeus will be important. In one game, I'm a worshiper of Asmodeus, a warlock, who goes around trying to convert people to LE and Asmodeus to give him more power. In the other, Asmodeus will be the BBEG. Other than just converting people with promises of power, what else should I do?

2014-08-11, 02:25 PM
Being the rules lawyer. and/or writing people into contracts.

Ser Charles
2014-08-11, 02:34 PM
Taking advantage of the weak, trapping innocents using intricate contracts, running ruthless cons, bending rules when possible and downright ignoring rules when strong enough to do so!

2014-08-11, 02:37 PM
Planning. Every contingency plan has at least twelve backups.

Otherwise? Public relations. Be the upstanding member of society that everyone likes. Scout for local talent. Keep tabs on the local power structure, go to the social gatherings. You're a man of wealth and taste, so play the part. You're not the flashy one, that's Mephistopheles. You're the one with the real power, the chess-master.

Red Fel
2014-08-11, 03:01 PM
Planning. Every contingency plan has at least twelve backups.

Otherwise? Public relations. Be the upstanding member of society that everyone likes. Scout for local talent. Keep tabs on the local power structure, go to the social gatherings. You're a man of wealth and taste, so play the part. You're not the flashy one, that's Mephistopheles. You're the one with the real power, the chess-master.

These. So much.

A proselytizer of Asmodeus isn't going to go door to door, "Knock knock, have you heard about the Archdevil who loathes all freedom and goodness?" Frankly, he's probably not even going to mention Asmodeus. Being an Archdevil, let alone the head honcho, Asmodeus isn't a trusting sort; being worshippers of one of the utmost embodiments of Evil in the cosmology, his followers probably aren't going to broadcast it, either.

Asmodeus uses a subtle touch, and so should you. Be supportive. Friendly. Reliable. Be the ally everyone wants, the companion everyone needs, have a reputation for being in the right place at the right time with the right stuff. Honor your word, respect authority, and always, always be ready to help, with a warm smile on your face.

And count your favors. One by one, people will trust you. Rely on you. Depend on you. Need you. One by one, you will collect debts. You'll never mention it, of course. What's a little favor between friends, after all? But every now and again, you'll come to someone you helped in the past. You won't call it a debt, or repayment, but you'll mention you could really use a little help with a very small project, won't take a moment of time and a hint of effort. And baby step by baby step, you advance Asmodeus' agenda, expand the gradual, creeping, inevitable corruption, the entropic erosion of all that is Good and Free in the world.

You will expand your influence, of course. Being a trustworthy advisor is no mundane job. Naturally, you will arrange that your advice is successful, and any contrary advice fails. Be creative. People will come to depend on you for counsel. And you will provide it, freely.

You will counsel strength. Firmness. You will counsel cunning, and plans within plans. You will advise constant vigilance, and the faintest sense of paranoia. Your influence will turn noble kings into tyrants, religious leaders into cultists, and folk heroes into monsters. Tyrants, cultists, and monsters who trust you, and only you.

You will have plans, of course. Wheels constantly turning. Your allies are useful, and to be protected. Insulate them from your plans. But every person in the world will be one of three things - useful, expendable, or subject to immediate termination. And every single one of them will be met with a kind word and a smile, because there's no reason to be crude about this.

A devotee of Asmodeus seeks power and influence. Never openly, and never directly. Seek always to be the power behind the power. Your mind should be a drug - valuable, stimulating, and highly addictive to those who partake of your words. Your presence should be a cancer - contagious, corrupting, and incurable. And your face should be the perfect visage - humble, unimpressive, trustworthy, and welcoming.

People will open their homes to you. And when you depart, they will have burned those homes down on their own. And as you walk away, you will be smiling...

2014-08-11, 05:38 PM
These. So much.

A proselytizer of Asmodeus isn't going to go door to door, "Knock knock, have you heard about the Archdevil who loathes all freedom and goodness?" Frankly, he's probably not even going to mention Asmodeus. Being an Archdevil, let alone the head honcho, Asmodeus isn't a trusting sort; being worshippers of one of the utmost embodiments of Evil in the cosmology, his followers probably aren't going to broadcast it, either.

Asmodeus uses a subtle touch, and so should you. Be supportive. Friendly. Reliable. Be the ally everyone wants, the companion everyone needs, have a reputation for being in the right place at the right time with the right stuff. Honor your word, respect authority, and always, always be ready to help, with a warm smile on your face.

And count your favors. One by one, people will trust you. Rely on you. Depend on you. Need you. One by one, you will collect debts. You'll never mention it, of course. What's a little favor between friends, after all? But every now and again, you'll come to someone you helped in the past. You won't call it a debt, or repayment, but you'll mention you could really use a little help with a very small project, won't take a moment of time and a hint of effort. And baby step by baby step, you advance Asmodeus' agenda, expand the gradual, creeping, inevitable corruption, the entropic erosion of all that is Good and Free in the world.

You will expand your influence, of course. Being a trustworthy advisor is no mundane job. Naturally, you will arrange that your advice is successful, and any contrary advice fails. Be creative. People will come to depend on you for counsel. And you will provide it, freely.

You will counsel strength. Firmness. You will counsel cunning, and plans within plans. You will advise constant vigilance, and the faintest sense of paranoia. Your influence will turn noble kings into tyrants, religious leaders into cultists, and folk heroes into monsters. Tyrants, cultists, and monsters who trust you, and only you.

You will have plans, of course. Wheels constantly turning. Your allies are useful, and to be protected. Insulate them from your plans. But every person in the world will be one of three things - useful, expendable, or subject to immediate termination. And every single one of them will be met with a kind word and a smile, because there's no reason to be crude about this.

A devotee of Asmodeus seeks power and influence. Never openly, and never directly. Seek always to be the power behind the power. Your mind should be a drug - valuable, stimulating, and highly addictive to those who partake of your words. Your presence should be a cancer - contagious, corrupting, and incurable. And your face should be the perfect visage - humble, unimpressive, trustworthy, and welcoming.

People will open their homes to you. And when you depart, they will have burned those homes down on their own. And as you walk away, you will be smiling...


2014-08-11, 05:44 PM
Being the rules lawyer. and/or writing people into contracts.

Ha-Haa!! Lawyers are the Devil.

2014-08-11, 05:47 PM
It's only sensible. Asmodeus' realm is one of bureaucracy, and bureaucrats aren't the kind of person to go door to door and try to convert people with a big smile.
Bureaucrats pretend to help you until you're caught in their trap and there is no clear way to salvation.

2014-08-11, 06:25 PM
One of the biggest things is: you are quietly confident. Always. Being unflappable is one of Asmodeus's biggest traits. Devils scheme and plot and plan, but only Asmodeus is so utterly comfortable in his authority that it is literally palpable. A devotee would seek to emulate that trait in everything he does.

2014-08-11, 07:49 PM
These. So much.

A proselytizer of Asmodeus isn't going to go door to door, "Knock knock, have you heard about the Archdevil who loathes all freedom and goodness?" Frankly, he's probably not even going to mention Asmodeus. Being an Archdevil, let alone the head honcho, Asmodeus isn't a trusting sort; being worshippers of one of the utmost embodiments of Evil in the cosmology, his followers probably aren't going to broadcast it, either.

Asmodeus uses a subtle touch, and so should you. Be supportive. Friendly. Reliable. Be the ally everyone wants, the companion everyone needs, have a reputation for being in the right place at the right time with the right stuff. Honor your word, respect authority, and always, always be ready to help, with a warm smile on your face.

And count your favors. One by one, people will trust you. Rely on you. Depend on you. Need you. One by one, you will collect debts. You'll never mention it, of course. What's a little favor between friends, after all? But every now and again, you'll come to someone you helped in the past. You won't call it a debt, or repayment, but you'll mention you could really use a little help with a very small project, won't take a moment of time and a hint of effort. And baby step by baby step, you advance Asmodeus' agenda, expand the gradual, creeping, inevitable corruption, the entropic erosion of all that is Good and Free in the world.

You will expand your influence, of course. Being a trustworthy advisor is no mundane job. Naturally, you will arrange that your advice is successful, and any contrary advice fails. Be creative. People will come to depend on you for counsel. And you will provide it, freely.

You will counsel strength. Firmness. You will counsel cunning, and plans within plans. You will advise constant vigilance, and the faintest sense of paranoia. Your influence will turn noble kings into tyrants, religious leaders into cultists, and folk heroes into monsters. Tyrants, cultists, and monsters who trust you, and only you.

You will have plans, of course. Wheels constantly turning. Your allies are useful, and to be protected. Insulate them from your plans. But every person in the world will be one of three things - useful, expendable, or subject to immediate termination. And every single one of them will be met with a kind word and a smile, because there's no reason to be crude about this.

A devotee of Asmodeus seeks power and influence. Never openly, and never directly. Seek always to be the power behind the power. Your mind should be a drug - valuable, stimulating, and highly addictive to those who partake of your words. Your presence should be a cancer - contagious, corrupting, and incurable. And your face should be the perfect visage - humble, unimpressive, trustworthy, and welcoming.

People will open their homes to you. And when you depart, they will have burned those homes down on their own. And as you walk away, you will be smiling...

You get a round of applause from me.

Even though this advice is probably going to be the death of my Druid in the OP's campaign. >_>