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2015-03-13, 02:59 PM
Thanks everyone!

2015-03-13, 04:12 PM
Q397 For the divination spell, is "Where is X" an acceptable question?

2015-03-13, 04:18 PM
A 397 Divination is an entire school of magic, and includes a lot of spells. Did you perhaps mean the Scrying spell?

2015-03-13, 05:42 PM
I look at it this way: if the bolts hit different targets, each one is pushed back. Therefore, each bolt has its own pushing force. There's no reason for a bolt to lose its pushing force just because it hit a target that was already hit.

Depends on if you view all of the hits to be simultaneous or sequential. If you get hit by 3 bolts at once, then it also makes sense that you would only get knocked back 10'.

2015-03-13, 05:45 PM
A 397 Divination is an entire school of magic, and includes a lot of spells. Did you perhaps mean the Scrying spell?

Check again; there is a fourth-level spell in the Divination school called Divination.

Q397 For the divination spell, is "Where is X" an acceptable question?

A397 "Acceptable" verges not just into RAI, but into what the specific DM wants to do with the X in question.

That said, I personally would consider it unlikely. The spell's description refers to "a goal, event, or activity"; while an object or place of unknown location can be a goal, this spell strikes me as focusing more on events than on other types of noun, particularly since that short list is followed immediately by "to occur within 7 days". Objects and places don't occur. About the only thing I'd expect "Where is X" to get you is directions to a festival, which is hardly worth a fourth-level spell slot.

2015-03-15, 01:16 PM
Q398 Can an Eldritch Knight summon 2 bonded weapons at the same time?

Once you have bonded a weapon to yourself, you can’t be disarmed of that weapon unless you are incapacitated. If it is on the same plane of existence, you can summon that weapon as a bonus action on your turn, causing it to teleport instantly to your hand.

You can have up to two bonded weapons, but can summon only one at a time with your bonus action. If you attempt to bond with a third weapon, you must break the bond with one of the other two.

Q399 Can you give your bonded weapon away? It says you can be disarmed, but could you for instance summon 2 weapons and give 1 to a friend?

2015-03-15, 01:27 PM
Q398 Can an Eldritch Knight summon 2 bonded weapons at the same time?

Q399 Can you give your bonded weapon away? It says you can be disarmed, but could you for instance summon 2 weapons and give 1 to a friend?

RAW, no. Action types cannot be swapped like they could previously.
However, any DM could very well allow you to use your Action to summon the second one.

Yes. Disarmed is a specific thing which removes your weapon from your hand against your will. If you will it, it isn't disarmament.
However, if it begins to get abused, a DM will probably house rule this possibility away.

2015-03-15, 01:36 PM
RAW, no. Action types cannot be swapped like they could previously.
However, any DM could very well allow you to use your Action to summon the second one.

Clarification on my wording: I meant summon 1 one round and then the other weapon the next.
I assume you'll say that is ok.

2015-03-15, 02:04 PM
Clarification on my wording: I meant summon 1 one round and then the other weapon the next.
I assume you'll say that is ok.

Yeah, I would. What would be the point of allowing two bonded weapons if you could only summon one? You can summon both, but by RAW you can only summon one per round.

2015-03-15, 06:32 PM
Yeah, I would. What would be the point of allowing two bonded weapons if you could only summon one? You can summon both, but by RAW you can only summon one per round.

Well, it would still allow you to have two different options. Like maybe bludgeoning and Slashing, or Ranged and melee, or Fire damage and cold damage, or....

But I agree, I see no reason why you can't summon both over two rounds.

And best of all, you can lend it to your ally, and wait for the climactic battle... and summon it back to your hand. Muwahahahahaha!!!

2015-03-16, 06:44 PM

When you cast a spell requiring concentration, while concentrating on another spell requiring concentration, at which point does the first spell's effect end to make place for the 2nd?

Example: I have Bane cast on an enemy, and I cast a spell requiring a Save (and Concentration). Does the enemy get the -1d4 to its save (ie the first spell's effect ends when the 2nd one starts), or not (ie the first spell's effect ends when you start casting the 2nd one).

2015-03-16, 06:51 PM
A 400

Casting another spell that requires concentration.
You lose concentration on a spell if you cast another spell that requires concentration. You can't concentrate on two spells at once.
Emphasis mine.

The first spell ends as soon as you start casting the second spell.

2015-03-16, 06:55 PM

When you cast a spell requiring concentration, while concentrating on another spell requiring concentration, at which point does the first spell's effect end to make place for the 2nd?

Example: I have Bane cast on an enemy, and I cast a spell requiring a Save (and Concentration). Does the enemy get the -1d4 to its save (ie the first spell's effect ends when the 2nd one starts), or not (ie the first spell's effect ends when you start casting the 2nd one).

It's not established in the text, so ask your DM.

Personally, I would rule it on a case by case basis. In your specific example I would usually allow the save penalty from Bane to apply (with room for exceptions).

A 400
Casting another spell that requires concentration.
You lose concentration on a spell if you cast another spell that requires concentration. You can't concentrate on two spells at once.
Emphasis mine.

The first spell ends as soon as you start casting the second spell.

You are reading things which aren't there an interpreting them as it makes sense to you. I understand why you did that, but the fact remains that you did it.
The actual order of events are not specified. It says that you lose concentration on a spell if you cast another spell that requires concentration. Not if you begin casting another spell which requires concentration.
The actual order of events will be determined by the DM, because no order is given.

2015-03-16, 07:33 PM
I can't imagine a DM who would rule that enemies roll their saves against your spell before you cast it.

2015-03-16, 08:02 PM
I can't imagine a DM who would rule that enemies roll their saves against your spell before you cast it.

That's part of what I was attempting to argue previously. Actions tend to be singular entities, that are either performed or not performed. With the possible exception of movement, anything triggered by an action happens either before or after it execution, not during.

2015-03-16, 08:05 PM
A 400 - Correction

You lose concentration on a spell if you cast another spell that requires concentration. You can't concentrate on two spells at once.

You must actually cast the spell, which isn't something instantaneous (all spells have casting times)

So it's not when you beging casting a spell, because at this point the spell hasn't been cast yet. It can be interrupted by a number of things, such as a Readied action knocking unconcious.

In your example, the moment the second spell had finished its casting time without any interruption, the Bane spell would end, and then the second spell would take effect, so the enemy wouldn't recieve the -1d4 penalty.

Roland St. Jude
2015-03-16, 08:39 PM
Sheriff: If this is a thing that requires arguing, or really any discussion, please take it to its own thread. This thread is for asking and answering simple questions answerable by the rules as written.

2015-03-16, 09:51 PM
Sheriff: If this is a thing that requires arguing, or really any discussion, please take it to its own thread. This thread is for asking and answering simple questions answerable by the rules as written.



2015-03-19, 03:58 PM

Apologies if this was asked aleady and I missed it. Does a readied action immediately interrupt the action that triggered it?

i.e. I ready a melee attack if a creature attacks me. An orc with 1 hp makes an attack against me on it's turn. Does my attack interrupt the orc's and potentially kill it before it attacks me or do I have to wait for the ocr's attack to resolve?

2015-03-19, 04:09 PM
A 401 Readied actions and other reactions will always trigger when the triggering action is resolved, unless stated otherwise. For instance, opportunity attacks trigger as the target moves, not after. Additionally, the Shield spell takes effect after you are 'hit,' but before you take damage.

In your example, you would strike the Orc after he had swung.

2015-03-19, 04:11 PM

Apologies if this was asked aleady and I missed it. Does a readied action immediately interrupt the action that triggered it?

i.e. I ready a melee attack if a creature attacks me. An orc with 1 hp makes an attack against me on it's turn. Does my attack interrupt the orc's and potentially kill it before it attacks me or do I have to wait for the ocr's attack to resolve?

A readied attack requires that you wait for the scenario in question to occur before your attack happens. As such, a readied action is a reaction. A reaction is not an interrupt unless it specifically says so, and a readied action does not say so. The action that you were ready for has to happen before the readied action can occur.
So your orc gets his attack off, and then you get your reaction.

2015-03-19, 05:44 PM
Q 402:

What happens if you use the Excavate option of the Mold Earth spell (from the Elemental Evil supplement) on the ground a creature is standing on? Does the creature fall into a 5' pit, or is it moved with the dirt, or does the spell fail? Or something else?

Q 403:

In what ways can the victim of a Phantasmal Force spell interact with the illusion? For instance, if the illusion is a creature, can the victim "kill" it? If it's a pit trap, can the victim "climb" out of it?

2015-03-19, 05:53 PM
A 402 The spell's description states that it is moved instantaneously, which doesn't sound like a creature would be able to move with it. I would rule that the target falls into the pit.

A 403 The illusion is noncorporeal, and doesn't interact with the target with the exception of dealing psychic damage. Any failures to interact with the illusion are rationalized by the target. If it tries to attack the illusion, the target will think that the attack missed, not that it went through the illusion, for instance.

2015-03-25, 10:08 AM
Q404. Assume fighter with the archery fighting style (You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons.)
When this fighter throws a dagger, does he gets the +2 bonus on attack roll? Or the dagger is considered thrown, so it falls in a different category?

2015-03-25, 10:11 AM
A 404 ERROR: Response not found (Sorry, couldn't resist).

Daggers and any other thrown weapons are categorized as thrown weapons, not ranged weapons. As a result, They do not benefit from the Archery fighting style.

2015-03-25, 12:04 PM
Can an MC barb/druid sustain rage through shapechange?

2015-03-25, 12:22 PM
Can an MC barb/druid sustain rage through shapechange?

Barbarians may not concentrate on spells while raging, but wildshape does not require concentration. Any spell or magical ability which does not require concentration is free game during a rage, by the RAW. Further, since class features are retained during wildshape unless otherwise specified, the multiclass druid could enter the rage after shifting if he chose to.

2015-03-27, 05:07 AM
Q405: Can a Hobgoblin Captain benefit from his own leadership ability?

2015-03-27, 05:58 AM
A 405 Because the Captain is in range, is a creature, and can see itself, yes, it will benefit from the ability.

2015-03-27, 12:28 PM
How do you figure out the Offensive CR for a spellcaster?

For example, I have a low level cleric that I'm building (altered version of the Cultist Fanatic from the DMG) who is capable of doing 1d8 with her cantrip but then 3d10 if she uses inflict wounds. Since she can only reliably cast the cantrip, should I use that as her average DPR?

2015-03-27, 12:42 PM
How do you figure out the Offensive CR for a spellcaster?

For example, I have a low level cleric that I'm building (altered version of the Cultist Fanatic from the DMG) who is capable of doing 1d8 with her cantrip but then 3d10 if she uses inflict wounds. Since she can only reliably cast the cantrip, should I use that as her average DPR?

A 406 Something like this is probably complex enough that it warrants its own thread. That being said, I wouldn't completely disregard the spell slot damage. CR is determined on a per-encounter basis, so you have to predict how many spell slots will be used in a round. In order to calculate average damage by this factor, you also need to predict how many rounds combat is expected to last.

2015-03-27, 02:50 PM

Is the Ranger Level 11 Hunter Ability "Volley" a 1x per turn deal? Or can it be used with both attack actions? So 1st attack action - volley at one point. 2nd attack action - volley again or in a different spot.

Is the additional damage from a Warlock's Agonizing Blast Invocation a 1x deal, or is it per beam of Eldritch blast?


2015-03-27, 02:56 PM

Is the Ranger Level 11 Hunter Ability "Volley" a 1x per turn deal? Or can it be used with both attack actions? So 1st attack action - volley at one point. 2nd attack action - volley again or in a different spot.

Is the additional damage from a Warlock's Agonizing Blast Invocation a 1x deal, or is it per beam of Eldritch blast?


A 407

Volley. You can use your action to make a ranged attack...
Emphasis mine. Volley uses your entire Action, not an attack, so it can't benefit from Extra Attack.

A 408 Purely RAW, it's added to every beam. The devs (specifically Crawford) have said that this isn't what they intended, but that they're keeping an eye on it, which is to say that they don't believe the alternate interpretation to be broken (I may be wrong on this latter portion, but that seemed to be the gist of Crawford's response.).

2015-03-27, 02:58 PM
A407 Volley is an action, so you can only do it more than once per turn if you have multiple actions. The extra attack feature let's you take multiple attacks when you take the attack action, and thus has nothing to do with either Volley or whirlwind.

A408 Once per attack roll, once for each separate beam.

2015-03-27, 03:03 PM
Thanks guys!

Occasional Sage
2015-03-29, 02:44 PM
Does the spell gained through the Magic Initiate feat act independantly of spell slots, or does it create its own dedicated slot?

2015-03-29, 02:54 PM
A 409 RAW, it doesn't use slots at all. The spell functions in the same manner as a once per long rest ability.

2015-03-30, 11:02 AM
So I am making a Human variant Cleric and taking the feat that gives me access to two cantrips and a 1st level spell. I chose wizard and for my 1st level spell I am getting find Familiar since in the description it says that the familiar can deliver your touch spells for you. I figure this will be a pretty cool way to deliver ranged healing, I send my owl out to deliver healing spells for me to my allies.

My question is that the description of the familiar states that it has its own initiative and takes its own turn so how does it deliver my touch spells if we are not acting together? Do I cast the spell and then on the familiars turn it can fly to an ally and "deliver" the spell? Or does the familiar have to be in the space of an ally when I cast the spell so that it can be delivered immediately? Just trying to get a little clarification on how this system might work.

2015-03-30, 11:06 AM
A 410 The familiar has to use its reaction to deliver touch spells that you cast. Reactions can be used any time in the initiative order as long as their trigger occurs, which allows the familiar to act on your turn.

2015-03-30, 11:16 AM
A 410 The familiar has to use its reaction to deliver touch spells that you cast. Reactions can be used any time in the initiative order as long as their trigger occurs, which allows the familiar to act on your turn.

So the familiar would have to be in the allies space that I want to heal when I cast the spell right, or am I making this too complicated? Do we simply assume that when I cast the spell the familiar can move and deliver the spell?

The reason why I am so confused is because the spell states that the familiar takes it's own turns and has it's own line in the initiative, so using a reaction to cast the touch spell is different than using its reaction to move to the desired space and then cast the spell.

2015-03-30, 11:44 AM
A410, cont'd: The familiar must be both a) within 100 feet of you and able to target the spell's target from wherever it is. In the case of Cure Wounds, it must therefore be adjacent to the target. Basically, pretend that the familiar is casting the spell from wherever it's standing.

2015-03-30, 09:46 PM
Q411 how many spells does a wizard learn per level?
Q412 what does RAW stand for?

2015-03-30, 09:52 PM
A 411 Wizards gain two new spells every time they level up, in addition to spells that they find on their own.

A 412 RAW stands for Rules As Written, meaning the interpretation of game rules strictly by the text, without taking into account writer intent (or what the reader thinks was the writer's intent).

2015-03-30, 09:55 PM

Q413 do wizards get only 2 spells at first level, or do they get more?

2015-03-30, 09:57 PM
A 413 At first level, Wizards gain 6 spells from the Wizard spell list.

2015-03-31, 08:51 PM
Q414 Does there exist a chart of random spells anywhere in the DMG or elsewhere for randomly deciding what spell is on a scroll?

Edit: I swear I checked the next question number a dozen times, no idea how I messed that up...

And yeah, I'll just do what you suggested below, I was just wondering if there was an "official" table to roll.

2015-03-31, 08:54 PM
Q414 Does there exist a chart of random spells anywhere in the DMG or elsewhere for randomly deciding what spell is on a scroll?

A414 There are lists of spells on each class's spell list in the PHB. If you wanted to pick randomly from that, you could determine the level and roll a D20 or two D10's (d100), going to the spell that corresponds to that number or rerolling if it's too high. That'd probably be the simplest thing to do. To speed play, you could do this before the session starts if you like.

2015-03-31, 09:42 PM
I would just like to point out that the question just answered is Q 414, in order to prevent the numberings being incorrect later down the line.

Addendum to A 414: What Easy_Lee suggested is the quickest way to do it, but, if you really want realism, certain common spells should be weighted more heavily than others.

2015-04-01, 08:40 AM

I'm a fighter. If I multiclass into Rogue, do I become proficient in the Rogue's saves?

2015-04-01, 09:07 AM
A415 No, see the multiclassing section of the PHB. If you went far enough into rogue to get Slippery Mind, then you would get that save.

2015-04-02, 05:56 PM
Q416 where would i post a question about my build that is not appropriate here?

Q417 is there any way for a rogue to get evocation spells?

Q418 is there any way for a ranger to get evocation spells?

2015-04-02, 06:03 PM
A 416 Build help and optimization are best suited to their own thread on this forum. The denizens of the playground will gladly help optimize your build, until they inevitably start arguing about the Fighter.

A 417 Without multiclassing, Arcane Tricksters are limited to Illusion and Enchantment spells. Thieves could possibly cast Evocation spells by way of wands or similar with Use Magic Device.

A 418 Rangers get Cure Wounds, Daylight, and Wind Wall, which are technically Evocation spells. I imagine that you are referring to direct damage spells such as Fireball, however. In that case, your only option would be to multiclass, or certain magic items, though characters are far from guaranteed to receive the latter.

2015-04-02, 06:21 PM
A 417 Without multiclassing, Arcane Tricksters are limited to Illusion and Enchantment spells. Thieves could possibly cast Evocation spells by way of wands or similar with Use Magic Device.

A417 correction:
Arcane Tricksters get one spell from any school at levels 3, 8, 14 & 20. Basically, they get one spell of choice from any school for each spell level.

2015-04-02, 08:06 PM
A 417 continued:
Arcane Tricksters can also choose their cantrips from any school, other than the mandatory Mage Hand.

In addition, if feats are in use at your table, they can, like any other character, take Magic Initiate, Spell Sniper, or Ritual Caster to gain other spells. And if multiclassing is in use, they can multiclass into a spellcasting class.

2015-04-03, 02:06 AM
Q418 Do magic effects that effect an area stack? Example: If I cast spike growth on an area and 10 ft overlapped into another area with spike growth cast on it does the damage increase from 2d4 per 5 ft to 4d4 per 5 ft in the overlapping area?

2015-04-03, 07:43 AM
A418: Read "Combining Magical Effects" in the basic rules.

"The effects of different spells add together while the durations of those spells overlap. The effects of the same spell cast multiple times don’t combine, however. Instead, the most potent effect—such as the highest bonus—from those castings applies while their durations overlap.

For example, if two clerics cast bless on the same target, that character gains the spell’s benefit only once; he or she doesn’t get to roll two bonus dice."

2015-04-03, 09:35 AM

Does the primary target of the Lightning Arrow spell also take the AoE damage?

2015-04-03, 09:45 AM

Does the primary target of the Lightning Arrow spell also take the AoE damage?

A419 The RAW for Lightning Arrow state "Whether you hit of miss, each creature within 10 feet of the target..." so that leads me to believe no, the target only takes the primary 4d8 damage and any creature around it excluding itself takes the secondary 2d8 damage. After saving throws of course.

2015-04-03, 09:46 AM
A 419 The original target is within 10 feet of itself, so it is considered within range of the AoE.

2015-04-03, 03:22 PM
Q420 Counterspell question: Can you know what the other person is casting to cast Counterspell in the equivalent spell slot, or whether it's worth or not to cast a spell?

2015-04-03, 03:43 PM
A 420 RAW is somewhat ambiguous. The spell description does not cite a method for knowing the spell. Making an Arcana check wouldn't be applicable, because checks take an Action unless stated otherwise. Specific references to the spell's level are made, so it isn't unreasonable to assume that the spell's level is known to the caster of Counterspell. However, reasonable assumptions aren't RAW. Also, Blaze it.

2015-04-03, 06:22 PM
Q 421 What are the penalties for wielding a Shield you are not proficient with? I could find penalties for wearing armor w/o proficiency, but they seem to be silent on the topic of shields.

If you wear armor that you lack proficiency with,
you have disadvantage on any ability check, saving
throw, or attack roll that involves Strength or Dexterity,
and you can’t cast spells.

2015-04-03, 07:10 PM
Q 421 What are the penalties for wielding a Shield you are not proficient with? I could find penalties for wearing armor w/o proficiency, but they seem to be silent on the topic of shields.

Shields are listed on the armor table, so the same applies, because a shield is considered armor.

A420 cont:
5e was designed to speed up play and take out the unnecessary parts. Rolling to learn what spell is being cast is one of the things that they did away with. By RAW, there is no way to know what is being cast. If you see an enemy casting a spell, it's probably not going to be good for you. That's one of the reasons, I believe, that counterspell is now a specific spell. You either want to blindly counter spells being cast at you and use that spell, or you don't.
Quick & Dirty. Plus, a reaction is described as an instant response to something. Taking a moment to deduce what is going to happen and then deciding whether or not to counter it is decidedly NOT an "instant" response.
So by RAW, you do it blind or you don't do it at all.

2015-04-03, 07:17 PM
calebrus, I have to disagree that it would be that simple.
Firstly, shields are not worn, so clearly the statement I quoted above, starting with the words "If you wear ..." can not apply to shields by RAW.

That's the reason I'm asking the question - it just doesn't seem that simple to me.

2015-04-03, 07:19 PM
It is that simple.
You asked and I answered. Feel free to change it if you want to at your table, but by RAW a shield is armor, so the same penalties apply.

edit @v:
For the purposes of proficiency and/or non-proficient penalties, they are.
They are listed on the Armor table.
The book tells you what the penalties are for non-proficiency.
The book does not tell you that shields are immune to this penalty, or that shields have a different penalty. So the non-proficient armor penalties apply just like they would to full plate.
If shields were any different, it would tell you so.
If shields were immune to the penalty, then there is no purpose to assigning shield proficiency to any of the classes.
For the purposes of non-proficient penalties, shields are armor.

2015-04-03, 07:25 PM
It is that simple.
You asked and I answered. Feel free to change it if you want to at your table, but by RAW a shield is armor, so the same penalties apply.

Whether or not shields count as armor can be brought into question. For the purposes of the Barbarian's Unarmored Defense, they are not, for instance. But I believe that is an issue that warrants its own thread.

2015-04-03, 11:55 PM
It is that simple.
You asked and I answered. Feel free to change it if you want to at your table, but by RAW a shield is armor, so the same penalties apply.Thanks for the answer, but it's not at all satisfactory. I shall explore further.

2015-04-04, 02:07 AM
Q422where is the CR listed in the monster manual? is there a table of the CR of all of the monsters somewhere in the book?

2015-04-04, 02:36 AM
Q422where is the CR listed in the monster manual? is there a table of the CR of all of the monsters somewhere in the book?

DMG pg 302+

2015-04-06, 10:57 AM
Q423 is there a similar spell to, or any other way to get the same effect as, the 3.5 spell Endure Elements? It protected against heat and cold environment.


2015-04-06, 11:17 AM
A 423 No, there does not appear to be a similar spell in the PHB.

2015-04-07, 08:08 AM
Q424 I frequently see builds with a couple of levels of paladin that talk about indiscriminately using spell slots to add 5d8 divine smite damage. But the PHB says you need to expend a "paladian spell slot", not a slot from a different class, and 2 paladin levels means 2 level-1 slots for 2x2d8 damage total per long rest. What am I missing here? Thanks.

2015-04-07, 08:12 AM
A 424 For casting lower level spells in higher level slots, there isn't really a distinction between what slots come from which classes, because multiclassing casters use their combined level to determine spell slots from a single table. As a result, there's no distinction as to from which class a given slot came.

2015-04-07, 08:27 AM
Thanks. The wording does seem rather specific to me but I just found a (somewhat contradictory) tweet from Mearls that supports that.

2015-04-07, 08:40 AM
Thanks. The wording does seem rather specific to me but I just found a (somewhat contradictory) tweet from Mearls that supports that.

Mearls has a tendency to contradict himself, as his tweets encompass how he would make the ruling were he the DM. Crawfords' tweets refer to the RAW, and tend to be more internally consistent. As a result, Crawford's tweets are the closest thing we have to errata at the moment.

2015-04-07, 08:48 AM
Mearls has a tendency to contradict himself, as his tweets encompass how he would make the ruling were he the DM. Crawfords' tweets refer to the RAW, and tend to be more internally consistent. As a result, Crawford's tweets are the closest thing we have to errata at the moment.

Yeah, I've heard that. Unfortunately I couldn't find a tweet from Crawford on this issue. Thank you. :)

2015-04-07, 11:52 AM
Q425 Can you use the minor illusion cantrip to fluently talk with a different voice?

2015-04-07, 11:56 AM
A 425 If you mean alter the tone of your voice in some fashion and use it to speak, the answer is yes. The sound created by Minor Illusion may be changed as the spell progresses, meaning speaking is possible.

2015-04-07, 12:06 PM
Q426 Is the feat weapon master useless? I guess i mean more of has anyone found a good use for it? =)

2015-04-07, 12:08 PM
Q426 Is the feat weapon master useless? I guess i mean more of has anyone found a good use for it? =)

A426 Not really a RAW question. One can use the feat to become proficient in a selection of weapons, which may potentially include weapons not intended for players depending on one's DM.

2015-04-07, 12:11 PM
Q427 my bad, what does raw mean? I'm new to these forumns, so i'm not familiar with the terms.

And thank you guys for answering my questions!

2015-04-07, 12:19 PM
A 427 RAW means Rules as Written. It refers to the rules as they are stated in the Player's Handbook (PHB), Dungeon Master's Guide (DMG), etc., without regard to RAI (rules as intended).

2015-04-07, 12:22 PM
Q428 Can you use the Remove curse spell on a sentient item, to break its bond with its master?

2015-04-07, 12:24 PM
A 428 Iff the sentient item is explicitly called out as a cursed item, then Remove Curse can break a creature's attunement to that item.

If the object is a cursed magic item, its curse remains, but the spell breaks its owner’s attunement to the object so it can be removed or discarded.

2015-04-07, 06:56 PM
Q429 - Can a Paladin or Cleric use tattoos and/or woad (think the Picts from ancient Britain) as a holy focus for spells?

2015-04-07, 07:09 PM
A 429

A cleric or paladin can use a holy symbol as a spellcasting focus, as described in chapter 10. To use the symbol in this way, the caster must hold it in hand, wear it visibly, or bear it on a shield.

This essentially boils down to whether or not tattoos are 'worn.' There is precedent in the English language of the verb 'to wear' being used to describe possessing a tattoo, so it's technically RAW. However, I would advise that you clear with your DM before attempting this.

2015-04-07, 07:19 PM
A429: Not by strict RAW, no. The only options are an amulet, an emblem, or a reliquary, all of which are listed on the Adventuring Gear table in the PHB, on page 150. Of course, a loose reading of the below passage might allow it, on the grounds that a tattoo might count as "a representation of a good or pantheon":

A holy symbol is a representation of a god or pantheon. It might be an amulet depicting a symbol representing a deity, the same symbol carefully engraved or inlaid as an emblem on a shield, or a tiny box holding a fragment of a sacred relic.

The main reason I can see for requiring a separate object is that it can therefore be taken off of the caster's person, effectively disarming them, which a tattoo cannot (at least, not easily or painlessly).

2015-04-07, 07:21 PM
A429: Not by strict RAW, no. The only options are an amulet, an emblem, or a reliquary, all of which are listed on the Adventuring Gear table in the PHB, on page 150. Of course, a loose reading of the below passage might allow it, on the grounds that a tattoo might count as "a representation of a good or pantheon":

The main reason I can see for requiring a separate object is that it can therefore be taken off of the caster's person, effectively disarming them, which a tattoo cannot (at least, not easily or painlessly).

Actually, the PHB states that these are merely the holy symbols that are commonly used. As a result, it is still within the bounds of RAW to create a different object to serve as a holy symbol, as long as it may be held, worn, or engraved upon a shield.

2015-04-07, 07:26 PM
Actually, the PHB states that these are merely the holy symbols that are commonly used. As a result, it is still within the bounds of RAW to create a different object to serve as a holy symbol, as long as it may be held, worn, or engraved upon a shield.

Yes, that's what I was saying. My point was that, while the listing only has three options, even a strict reading of the item entry says that other items may be used, and a looser reading allows anything that "represents a god or pantheon."

2015-04-08, 12:57 PM
How many hit dice you regain during long rest being at odd level? Do you really regain the same amount at level 1 and level 3?

2015-04-08, 01:06 PM
How many hit dice you regain during long rest being at odd level? Do you really regain the same amount at level 1 and level 3?

Half your level, rounded down.
There was confirmation that "minimum one" was supposed to be included in the text.
Level 1: 1
Level 2: 1
Level 3: 1
Level 4: 2
Level 5: 2
Level 6: 3
Level 7: 3
Level 8: 4

2015-04-09, 12:54 PM
A431:dpes hunter's mark double dice on a critical?

2015-04-09, 01:23 PM
A 431 Yes, Hunter's Mark damage dice double on critical hits, as do Smite dice, Sneak Attack dice, and any other additional damage directly tied to the attack. The exception to this is poison damage from poisoned weapons-- such damage is dependent on a saving throw made separately, and thus not a part of the weapon attack.

2015-04-09, 04:51 PM
A 431 Yes, Hunter's Mark damage dice double on critical hits, as do Smite dice, Sneak Attack dice, and any other additional damage directly tied to the attack. The exception to this is poison damage from poisoned weapons-- such damage is dependent on a saving throw made separately, and thus not a part of the weapon attack.

Careful that is a bit disputed outside of a tweet (as in such a rule is not actually stated outright in the book at all as far as anybody has put out and has only been found in a tweet from a designer).

MOre importantly for this particular thread (since we want to avoid debates) there are instances of poisoned weapons that have no saving throws and some that have saving throws but not the damage.

Carrion crawlers have poison damage but has a save against the poisoned condition but NOT the damage.

Basilisks have poison damage with no save at all and is fully a natural part of their attacks.

Most drow deal additional poison damage with their weapons and it has no saving throw either.

Even by the rule you are using at least two (if not all three because if just having a save tied to a damaging effect but not to the damage itself caused no extra crit damage then you are opening a can of worms with things like battlemaster dice and the like that you likely do not want deal with) enemies that crit poison damage.

In other words we may want to be careful making really broad statements with poison.

2015-04-10, 01:27 AM
Careful that is a bit disputed outside of a tweet (as in such a rule is not actually stated outright in the book at all as far as anybody has put out and has only been found in a tweet from a designer).
Damage that is dependent on a save can't crit. Damage that isn't dependent on a save does crit.

That is the RAW and likely RAI even if you wilfully choose to ignore Crawford for whatever reason.

Shining Wrath
2015-04-10, 08:50 AM
Yes, that's what I was saying. My point was that, while the listing only has three options, even a strict reading of the item entry says that other items may be used, and a looser reading allows anything that "represents a god or pantheon."

I would rule that if graven on a shield counts (and it does), then graven upon the cleric's skin would also count, so long as it is clearly visible during casting.

Leads to evil clerics walking around with their symbol of Evilgod on their forearms, and when battle starts they literally roll up their sleeves.

2015-04-10, 05:47 PM
@Shining Wrath:
I agree, and I really like that idea, but a ruling is not RAW, and therefore doesn't apply for the purposes of this thread.

2015-04-11, 12:32 AM
Damage that is dependent on a save can't crit. Damage that isn't dependent on a save does crit.

That is the RAW and likely RAI even if you wilfully choose to ignore Crawford for whatever reason.

I was trying to avoid a debate on this thread because it is the rules thread which is why I specifically mentioned the fact there is a tweet but you should not say it is RAW without that tweet because I challenge you to actually find a quote that says that in the book because i have tried hard to find it. As for RAW evidence for my claim (because being a RAW based thread we really should back up our claim with facts as much as possible) I will bring it up to support why I said what I said.

Page 194 states" "Some attacks cause special effects in addition to or instead of damage" It then later gives a rule of thumb that if you are making an attack roll then you are making an attack and my previous quote states that you can have special effects tied to an attack that are considered part of the attack.

Would poison be considered a "special effect"? I think that falls under a reasonable interpretation on its own unless you have an agenda against it. It certainly isn't standard and it certainly is an effect.

The rules under critical hits specify that if an attack includes extra dice then those get added twice.

On both of these rules there is no mention of saving throws being a disqualifier for doubling damage dice on an effect tied to an attack roll.

I then checked the index and looked at all cases of saving throws, attack rolls, and critical hits and NONE of them specifically call out that saving throw abilities tied to attack rolls get any special treatment in any way.

I also noticed that there is no mention anywhere that saving throw abilities cannot actually crit. So if you had an attack that was make a spell attack and on a hit make a save for 1d6 damage then there is nothing in the book that says that spell should not crit on a failed save (granted that would be the dumbest spell of all time since it has two points of possible failure in it but that is neither here nor there for our discussion).

I will grant you that after the tweet the intent appears to be that it should not crit (and in fact I currently play that way with poisons that save for damage) but in a RAW thread I think it is disingenuous to not mention that the only reason it works that way is 100% tweet oriented in terms of rules because by just book RAW you have to make an assumption that can be very easily argued against. Hence why I mention it that way.

Of course if you can find a rule that specifically forbids this (most easily a rule stating directly that save effects can never crit rather than just assuming it will never come up) that would solve the problem nicely but I have yet to find anybody who actually has found a rule stating this fact from the book (most of the time it is a variation of "It is supposed to be that way").

2015-04-11, 03:04 AM
I will grant you that after the tweet the intent appears to be that it should not crit (and in fact I currently play that way with poisons that save for damage) but in a RAW thread I think it is disingenuous to not mention that the only reason it works that way is 100% tweet oriented in terms of rules because by just book RAW you have to make an assumption that can be very easily argued against. Hence why I mention it that way.
And you just made it clear why a pure RAW thread fails in this edition. This edition is much more about RAI as the books aren't as legalese as they were in 3.X. I've argued exactly this in every discussion about this topic. Crawford's word reigns supreme for me (and should for all rules cases imo).

I'm away from books in order to search. I agree if you read legalese the case of secondary damage and saves is unclear. But the intent of saves not critting is pretty clear and backed up by designer confirmation. Plenty enough for me.

2015-04-11, 10:37 AM
@Kryx: As much as I whole-heartedly agree with you, this argument has been has before, and I'm going to have to say that the tweets are not RAW for the purposes of this thread, sorry.

2015-04-12, 12:57 PM
A 424 For casting lower level spells in higher level slots, there isn't really a distinction between what slots come from which classes, because multiclassing casters use their combined level to determine spell slots from a single table. As a result, there's no distinction as to from which class a given slot came.

Warlock Spell slots are distinct from other classes' spell slots-- but you are explicitly allowed to cast other classes spells with them and visa versa.

2015-04-12, 01:06 PM
Q 432 How does splitting speeds work? Say you have a walking speed of 30 and a flying speed equal to that. How much speed do you have total?

2015-04-12, 01:27 PM
Q 432 How does splitting speeds work? Say you have a walking speed of 30 and a flying speed equal to that. How much speed do you have total?

A432: Here's what the books say:

If you have more than one speed, such as your walking speed and a flying speed, you can switch back and forth between your speeds during your move. Whenever you switch, subtract the distance you’ve already moved from the new speed. The result determines how much farther you can move. If the result is 0 or less, you can’t use the new speed during the current move.
For example, if you have a speed of 30 and a flying speed of 60 because a wizard cast the fly spell on you, you could fly 20 feet, then walk 10 feet, and then leap into the air to fly 30 feet more.

There is no "total speed," per se, but the maximum distance you can move in a turn is equal to your highest move speed (in this case, they're equal, so it doesn't matter which one you choose, it'll still be 30 ft.).

2015-04-14, 01:24 PM
Q 433

Does the victim of a Phatasmal Force spell get a save check every round?

Scarlet Dragon
2015-04-14, 01:28 PM
A 433
No they only get an additional chance to disbelieve it if they use an action to examine the illusion. And that is actually an Investigation Check not a save.

Edit: This leads to interesting circumstances where the target might be proficient in Intelligence Saving throws but not Investigation, or vice versa.

2015-04-14, 01:35 PM
A 433 Phantasmal Force does not trigger any subsequent saves after the first is failed. The target may choose to make an Investigation check as an Action, which lets them realize the illusion is nothing more than that. This check is not triggered automatically.

2015-04-15, 12:38 AM
Q434 If 2 creatures speak different languages lets say ones Elvish and the other is Sylvan, and they are both written in the Elvish script, does that mean they can both read and write the same language just not speak verbally to each other?

Scarlet Dragon
2015-04-15, 12:43 AM
A434 No having the same script does not equate to having the same words. For example Italian uses the same alphabet English does but can someone who does not speak(Or read) Italian understand it? Most likely not but they could read it aloud to someone else who might be able to translate it for them.

The term script is just another term for alphabet in this case.

2015-04-15, 12:53 AM
A434 No having the same script does not equate to having the same words. For example Italian uses the same alphabet English does but can someone who does not speak(Or read) Italian understand it? Most likely not but they could read it aloud to someone else who might be able to translate it for them.

The term script is just another term for alphabet in this case.

This answer is 100% correct.
I'd also like to point out that there are well over 100 languages that use the Latin Script (sometimes called the Roman Script) such as English, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, and on and on and on... like I said, well over 100.
Just because two languages use the same script doesn't mean that they're the same language.
They're similar in ways, but they're still entirely different languages.

You can look at the different scripts by thinking about Japanese compared to Arabic compared to English.
These three languages all use different scripts.
But now compare Spanish and English. They look extremely similar because they use the same script, and even have many words that are similar in spelling/pronunciation/meaning, but they're still completely different languages, that just happen to have some similarities.

2015-04-15, 06:22 AM
Re 434:

On the other hand, spoken Mandarin and Cantonese are as different as English and Italian, and yet their written forms are basically the same language. And Spanish and Portuguese are different languages both written and spoken, but closely enough related that they're usually mutually intelligible, if both speakers are making an effort to be understood. On the other end of the scale, though, even though Irish and English use the same alphabet, an English speaker probably can't read Irish aloud correctly, because while they use the same letters, the values of those letters are often completely different.

So really, there's no guide to how closely two D&D languages are related, beyond DM fiat.

2015-04-15, 11:22 AM

Can a character use an action to do something that would otherwise be a bonus action? For instance, taking two bonus actions and a move, instead of an action, a move, and a bonus action?

2015-04-15, 11:31 AM
A 435 As confirmed by a Crawford tweet, bonus actions may not be completed using a character's Action.

2015-04-15, 11:44 AM
A 435 As confirmed by a Crawford tweet, bonus actions may not be completed using a character's Action.

To further clarify: IN previous editions, one could lower an action step to a lower action step.
In 5e, one cannot. You can take one action. You can take one bonus action, if you have one available and/or meet any prerequisites. You can move, broken up if you want, at any time(s) throughout your turn, up to a distance equal to your speed. You can take one reaction before the start of your next turn.
None of these can be traded for a different action.
The only one that can sort of be considered is what was previously called Double Move (ie: moving again instead of using your standard action). In 5e, this is called Dash, and is a specific Action, not a trade of any sort (you're still moving once and taking an action - the Dash action - to move again).

2015-04-18, 01:13 AM
Q 346: Huge creature, two questions:

a) Any bonuses to grappling someone smaller than me?
b) Any bonuses to jumping? Can a huge creature jump higher than a medium size?

Can't find sources for either these things.

2015-04-19, 08:49 AM
A 436
As near as I can tell, there are no bonuses for grappling smaller enemies.
Jump height is based entirely on Strength score. Size doesn't come into the equation.

Scarlet Dragon
2015-04-19, 12:43 PM
Re 436

You can however increase the effective size of the jump by 1 and 1/2 of the height of your character if you raise your arms above you. Pg 182 of the PHB

For example: You are 50 feet tall and have a strength of 12, You can normally jump 3+1(Str Mod) feet off the ground, but if you raise your arms you can reach objects that are 75(1 and 1/2 times your height) + 4 for a grand total of 79 feet.

2015-04-19, 11:03 PM
Q 437
For Maximilian's Earthen Grasp, a spell found in the Elemental Evil Player's Companion, is the Strength check to break out of the hand an action? The situation seems similar to breaking out of grapple (in which doing so is an action) but is not explicitly described as such.

2015-04-20, 03:34 AM
Q 437
For Maximilian's Earthen Grasp, a spell found in the Elemental Evil Player's Companion, is the Strength check to break out of the hand an action? The situation seems similar to breaking out of grapple (in which doing so is an action) but is not explicitly described as such.

A437: I've never found anywhere that specifies whether or not actively using a skill (rolling an Ability Check) uses your action.
It looks like the RAW isn't clear on it (someone correct me if I'm wrong and have simply missed it), but I'd just go by tradition.
Traditionally, actively rolling an Ability Check is an action, in every single circumstance, unless that action is part of another action. So in this case (and actually, especially in this case) I would personally rule it as using your action.

2015-04-22, 12:10 PM

I wasn't able to find any specific rule saying that I cant - but I wanted to double check with you all wonderful people :)

Can a specific wondrous item (such as a Staff of Lightning or whatever) be used as a spellcaster's arcane/divine focus?

Or do they have to have a separate focus apart from the item?

EDIT: This of course is assuming your class can attune to the specific item in question.

Thanks in advance!

2015-04-22, 12:44 PM

Ahhh - looks like I found the answer.

For a staff - Wizards, Sorcerers, or Warlocks could use it since their classes allow that type of item to be their focus. Clerics/Paladins couldn't since their items listed as foci do not include staves, and also the item wouldn't have the image of their deity on it. Bard's couldn't use it as a focus since it isn't an instrument, and Druids could only use it if the item is made out of the right materials.

So the answer to my question is....maybe, depends on class of character who has the item.

2015-04-22, 01:20 PM

Ahhh - looks like I found the answer.

For a staff - Wizards, Sorcerers, or Warlocks could use it since their classes allow that type of item to be their focus.
Well....not so fast. Just because a wizard is able to get an arcane focus in the form of a Staff, does not mean that every staff can be used as an arcane focus.
I mean, do you think every crystal or every orb you could find could also be a focus? (If so, the costs would be much lower....)

That said, as a DM I would almost always allow it.

2015-04-22, 02:20 PM
Re 438:

Note that an arcane focus staff costs 5 GP, while a quarterstaff costs only 2 SP.

That said, though, I would expect that any staff intended for spellcasting use, including the ones with charges that let you cast spells, is functionally an arcane component.

2015-04-22, 02:38 PM
Re 438:

Note that an arcane focus staff costs 5 GP, while a quarterstaff costs only 2 SP.

That said, though, I would expect that any staff intended for spellcasting use, including the ones with charges that let you cast spells, is functionally an arcane component.

Yes this is what I was intending - a magical wondrous item staff that casts spells with charges - not just a stick he found in the wilderness.

Thank you both though for your inputs!

2015-04-22, 10:55 PM

Is a Barbarian's Rage damage resistance overcome by magic weapons?

Scarlet Dragon
2015-04-22, 11:56 PM
As a general note unless a resistance source specifies that it is overcome by magic weapons it is not. This goes for all types of exceptions like silver or wielded by a good creature (Looking at you Rakshasa).

2015-04-26, 12:59 AM
Q 440

When you have the war caster feat, you may use your reaction to cast a spell if your enemy provokes a attack of opportunity. Does this include cantrips?

2015-04-26, 02:41 AM
Q 440

When you have the war caster feat, you may use your reaction to cast a spell if your enemy provokes a attack of opportunity. Does this include cantrips?

Yes, though note that not all reaction attacks qualify as opportunity attacks, so this combo is not as potent as it at first seems.

2015-04-26, 09:19 PM
Q 441

The feat Weapon master lets you become proficient with four more weapons. Could these weapons be magical ones? Like could you pick a specific weapon not just general weapons?

2015-04-26, 09:27 PM
Q 441

The feat Weapon master lets you become proficient with four more weapons. Could these weapons be magical ones? Like could you pick a specific weapon not just general weapons?

Well, all magical weapons are just ordinary weapons with magic, so you can become proficient in wielding one if you learn how to wield the mundane kind. But if the magic weapon says something like, "you must be a cleric to use this," you can't overcome that restriction with proficiency.

2015-04-26, 09:46 PM
Q 442: Horses pullin' stuff

Can a single riding horse pull a carriage?
If so, can it also carry its full carrying capacity?
Would a block and tackle change either of the above?

Q 443: How much do the various packs weigh? Or do we have to add up each individual item's weight?

2015-04-26, 09:50 PM
Q 441
The feat Weapon master lets you become proficient with four more weapons. Could these weapons be magical ones? Like could you pick a specific weapon not just general weapons?Well, all magical weapons are just ordinary weapons with magic, so you can become proficient in wielding one if you learn how to wield the mundane kind. But if the magic weapon says something like, "you must be a cleric to use this," you can't overcome that restriction with proficiency.

I may be mistaken (and correct me if I'm wrong here), but I believe he's referring to things such as an Ice Devil's spear, so I'll use that as an example following.
The fact of the matter is that monsters and PCs are built by different rules in 5e. Things which apply to character creation and things which apply to monster creation are not necessarily the same things.
There is no such thing as an "ice devil spear" as far as a PC is concerned. It doesn't exist.
An Ice Devil exists. And some variant Ice Devils use spears. But it doesn't have some magical spear which PCs can take and wield using the same stat block that the monster does.
That isn't some crazy magical spear which can be picked up and used by a PC to deal 2d8 weapon +3d6 cold damage at 10' reach.
That's simply a monster attack block.

Your DM may decide to be extremely nice and rule otherwise, but generally speaking, if it isn't in the PHB, then it isn't for player use.
But even if he is extremely nice and lets you use a specific spear that doesn't even really exist, it's too large for you and you'd attack at disadvantage. And the 3d6 is not a factor of the weapon, it's a factor of the Ice Devil (notice all of his other attacks also do that cold damage). It's just an oversized spear, which is too big for a PC to use effectively.
The same goes for other weapons listed in monster stat blocks. Unless your DM is extremely nice and/or confused, those weapons are simply a part of that particular monster's attack block, and not for PC use.

But like I said, I may be misinterpreting where that question is coming from, so none of that may be applicable.

2015-04-26, 10:09 PM
Q 442: Horses pullin' stuff

Can a single riding horse pull a carriage?
If so, can it also carry its full carrying capacity?
Would a block and tackle change either of the above?

Q 443: How much do the various packs weigh? Or do we have to add up each individual item's weight?

A 442 (I knew this would happen as soon as I post it): PHB 155, animal pulling a carriage/wagon/etc. can pull up to 5x its base carrying capacity, including the vehicle. Block and tackle is a moot point now, but still technically an open question. 443 is still a question.

Scarlet Dragon
2015-04-26, 11:54 PM
A443 The packs are just individual items lumped together for a single price so yes I'm afraid you do need to add all the items up to get their total weight. I believe they are meant to speed up character generation in a "Here's a list of items you should find helpful to be a good dungeoneer, explorer, entertainer, burglar, etc. And here is how much all of it costs when you buy it together."

2015-04-27, 12:56 PM

I thought the answer was already given in this thread, but I looked and couldn't find it, so apologies if this is a duplicate question:

Quick verification on Scroll activation:

1. There are two types of scrolls - Scrolls and Spell Scrolls

2. Anyone can activate Scrolls (though I think the only one listed is the Scroll of Protection), no matter if they are a spellcaster or not. The only requirement is that they can read

3. A Spell Scroll (Such as a Scroll of Fireball) can ONLY be activated by a spellcaster with that spell on their spell list


2015-04-27, 01:13 PM
Correct. Mostly.
Anyone can cast a scroll that is not a spell scroll (those have particular requirements) as long as they can read, yes, but they need to be able to read the language that the scroll is written in, which is obviously not guaranteed.
So, amend it to: Anyone can activate Scrolls (though I think the only one listed is the Scroll of Protection), no matter if they are a spellcaster or not. The only requirement is that they can read the particular language that the scroll was written in.

2015-04-27, 01:16 PM
Correct. Mostly.
Anyone can cast a scroll that is not a spell scroll (those have particular requirements) as long as they can read, yes, but they need to be able to read the language that the scroll is written in, which is obviously not guaranteed.
So, amend it to: Anyone can activate Scrolls (though I think the only one listed is the Scroll of Protection), no matter if they are a spellcaster or not. The only requirement is that they can read the particular language that the scroll was written in.

Perfect, thank you!

2015-04-27, 01:33 PM
A 444 The previous answer is for the most part correct, with one additional possibility: A Rogue (Thief) with Use Magic Device may attempt to activate scrolls as well.

2015-04-27, 01:35 PM
A 444 The previous answer is for the most part correct, with one additional possibility: A Rogue (Thief) with Use Magic Device may attempt to activate scrolls as well.

Ahh yes. Noted.

2015-04-27, 08:29 PM
Q445 Does skill proficiency still scale with INT? eg. if you have an INT of 16 do you get to pick two additional skills from your proficiency list?

2015-04-27, 08:29 PM
Q445: Can the sorcerer who triggers a wild magic surge and gets result that casts a spell counterspell the spell?

2015-04-27, 08:36 PM
Q445 Does skill proficiency still scale with INT? eg. if you have an INT of 16 do you get to pick two additional skills from your proficiency list?

Q446:( Can the sorcerer who triggers a wild magic surge and get a spell cast counterspell on the triggered spell?

A 445 Skill proficiencies are unrelated to Intelligence. The number and type of skill proficiencies are determined entirely by class, background, and possibly race, if you play as an Elf, Human, or other races that grants skill proficiency as a class feature.

A 446 Counterspell specifies a creature that you can see in the process of casting a spell. From a RAW standpoint, you can see your hands casting the spell (assuming you are not invisible), and can attempt a Counterspell.

2015-04-28, 08:26 AM
Q445 Does skill proficiency still scale with INT? eg. if you have an INT of 16 do you get to pick two additional skills from your proficiency list?

Nope. No connection.

Scarlet Dragon
2015-04-29, 01:51 AM

Wild Mage Sorcerer has the Wild Magic Surge effect, does this happen in addition to whatever spell you are casting or does it replace the spell. I personally believe the former since it states that it occurs after you have cast the spell implying that the spell is successfully cast but there is residual energy that could create additional effects.

2015-04-29, 08:28 AM

Regarding the Assassins, from Monster Manual, in their description poison damage is added to their melee attacks (i believe it is the same poison as wyvern poison from DMG). Is this damage added only on the first hit with each weapon, or throughout the encounter?

2015-04-29, 06:04 PM

Staff, rare (requires attunement by a druid)"

Is attunement required for using it as +2 quaterstaff, or only for spells? Asking because while choosing between +2 Quaterstaff (rare item) and Staff of the Woodlands (rare item) it's quite important.

2015-04-29, 06:10 PM

Wild Mage Sorcerer has the Wild Magic Surge effect, does this happen in addition to whatever spell you are casting or does it replace the spell. I personally believe the former since it states that it occurs after you have cast the spell implying that the spell is successfully cast but there is residual energy that could create additional effects.


Regarding the Assassins, from Monster Manual, in their description poison damage is added to their melee attacks (i believe it is the same poison as wyvern poison from DMG). Is this damage added only on the first hit with each weapon, or throughout the encounter?


Staff, rare (requires attunement by a druid)"

Is attunement required for using it as +2 quaterstaff, or only for spells? Asking because while choosing between +2 Quaterstaff (rare item) and Staff of the Woodlands (rare item) it's quite important.

A 447 Wild Magic Surges trigger immediately after you cast a spell, meaning both the spell and the effects of the surge occur.

A 448 The assassins apply the poison damage upon each attack throughout the encounter.

A 449 Magic weapons that require attunement will still enhance attack and damage rolls without being attuned to them.

2015-04-29, 07:44 PM
A 448 The assassins apply the poison damage upon each attack throughout the encounter.

A 449 Magic weapons that require attunement will still enhance attack and damage rolls without being attuned to them.

A448 correction:
For the moment, it's the DM's call.


calebrus44 - Is poison applied to a weapon intended to last for the full minute, or until the weapon strikes?
Jeremy Crawford ‏- I'm not ready to give the official answer, since this is part of my potential-errata analysis.
calebrus44 - Fair enough.

A449 correction:
Only while attuned. It functions as a normal, non-magical piece of equipment until it is attuned.


Brail - Does Sword of Vengeance give +1 always or only while attuned?
Jeremy Crawford - Only while attuned.

2015-04-29, 07:47 PM
A448 correction:
For the moment, it's the DM's call.


calebrus44 - Is poison applied to a weapon intended to last for the full minute, or until the weapon strikes?
Jeremy Crawford ‏- I'm not ready to give the official answer, since this is part of my potential-errata analysis.
calebrus44 - Fair enough.

A449 correction:
Only while attuned.


Brail - Does Sword of Vengeance give +1 always or only while attuned?
Jeremy Crawford - Only while attuned.

Right, I believe I was simply attributing the properties of Hazriwan (a magic greatsword in HotDQ) to all magic weapons, as this item granted certain boni even when not attuned.

2015-04-29, 07:50 PM
Right, I believe I was simply attributing the properties of Hazriwan (a magic greatsword in HotDQ) to all magic weapons, as this item granted certain boni even when not attuned.

Haz is a special case, where it effectively does not need to be attuned, but has other properties if you attune it.
Most weapons have no such exceptions, and attunement is all or nothing.

2015-04-29, 08:26 PM
Haz is a special case, where it effectively does not need to be attuned, but has other properties if you attune it.
Most weapons have no such exceptions, and attunement is all or nothing.

There are, however, other other items in the DMG (I can't think of any off the top of my head) that give certain bonuses before Attunement, and add others once Attuned.

2015-04-29, 08:30 PM
There are, however, other other items in the DMG (I can't think of any off the top of my head) that give certain bonuses before Attunement, and add others once Attuned.

And Staff of the Woodlands, for which the question was posed, is not one of them.
It's all or nothing.
Exceptions are noted. If no exception is noted, it functions as a normal, non-magical piece of equipment until attuned.

Any equipment which requires attunement offers zero benefits while unattuned, unless it specifically says otherwise.

2015-04-29, 08:49 PM
And Staff of the Woodlands, for which the question was posed, is not one of them.
It's all or nothing.
Exceptions are noted. If no exception is noted, it functions as a normal, non-magical piece of equipment until attuned.

Any equipment which requires attunement offers zero benefits while unattuned, unless it specifically says otherwise.

Yes, that's what I was saying. I just wanted to make it clear that, while Staff of the Woodlands is not an exception, they do exist in the book, and not just in HotDQ.

2015-04-30, 10:37 PM
Can you cast the spell darkness then have the sphere positioned it in the sky?

If the sphere can be in the sky, would it cast a shadow?

2015-05-01, 05:10 AM
A 450 Yes, any point may be used as long as it is within 60 feet, and may be seen by you.

A 451 Light "cannot illuminate" the darkness. This means the light is absorbed by the darkness, preventing it from passing, effectively creating a shadow.

2015-05-01, 05:33 AM
A 450 Yes, any point may be used as long as it is within 60 feet, and may be seen by you.

A 451 Light "cannot illuminate" the darkness. This means the light is absorbed by the darkness, preventing it from passing, effectively creating a shadow.
You can't really illuminate a completely transparent object either. Or clear water. So arguably light just passes through affecting nothing. And besides, it's MAGIC. Having it be complete darkness, and yet not cast a shadow makes it all the more creepy.

Up to the DM and/or caster for what they want IMO.

2015-05-01, 05:51 AM
You can't really illuminate a completely transparent object either. Or clear water. So arguably light just passes through affecting nothing. And besides, it's MAGIC. Having it be complete darkness, and yet not cast a shadow makes it all the more creepy.

Up to the DM and/or caster for what they want IMO.

Thinking on it, light passing through unaffected makes more sense. Creepy coefficient aside, saying the darkness absorbs light will inevitably lead to it being used as a shield against light-based attacks, as well as whether or not Scorching Ray counts as light, as it has 'Ray' in the name. Since I prefer magic to be at least partially explained, and not handwaved as far as its workings are concerned, I find this interpretation superior.

2015-05-01, 11:06 PM
Can spiritual weapon grant flanking or sneak attack?

2015-05-01, 11:11 PM
A 452 As Spiritual Weapon is not a weapon with the Finesse property, you can't use it to sneak attack. It also isn't a creature, so RAW it doesn't qualify for flanks.

2015-05-02, 05:25 AM
A 452 As Spiritual Weapon is not a weapon with the Finesse property, you can't use it to sneak attack. It also isn't a creature, so RAW it doesn't qualify for flanks.
Asorel, they're not asking if you can swing it, they're adding if the below rule for sneak attack applies:

You don’t need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn’t incapacitated, and you don’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.
Yes spiritual weapon isn't a creature (no HP, doesn't seem like you can attack the weapon) but I would say that it qualifies as
"an enemy of the target" for the purpose of sneak attack. That's how I would rule it at least. I will admit that the whole thing hinges on if the spiritual weapon qualifies as "an enemy of the target" or not and IMO there is no RAW on that.

I will admit though that I may change my mind if it turns out to be too powerful, but this is the RAW thread, not the "as we would like it to be" thread. RAW is ambiguous IMO.

2015-05-02, 07:18 AM
Asorel, they're not asking if you can swing it, they're adding if the below rule for sneak attack applies:

Yes spiritual weapon isn't a creature (no HP, doesn't seem like you can attack the weapon) but I would say that it qualifies as
"an enemy of the target" for the purpose of sneak attack. That's how I would rule it at least. I will admit that the whole thing hinges on if the spiritual weapon qualifies as "an enemy of the target" or not and IMO there is no RAW on that.

I will admit though that I may change my mind if it turns out to be too powerful, but this is the RAW thread, not the "as we would like it to be" thread. RAW is ambiguous IMO.

Ah, that makes more sense. I suppose browsing Q&A threads bleary-eyed and deprived of sleep is not something of which I should make a habit.

2015-05-02, 07:22 AM
Ah, that makes more sense. I suppose browsing Q&A threads bleary-eyed and deprived of sleep is not something of which I should make a habit.
Funny thing is, after discussing this more with my wife, I would now rule it as "not sneak attack" because the spell is not a concentration one. Thus not able to be mitigated, and too similar to ruling that being next to a wall of fire would also grant it, which doesn't make sense to me. The spell is also somewhat like a DoT, which again, doesn't grant SA.

So because of RAW ambiguity, I'd rule "no it doesn't grant sneak attack."

2015-05-03, 03:42 PM
Q 453

If you ready an attack and it triggers, do you get all of your extra attacks or only one like a reaction? What I mean is if a level 5 fighter readies to attack anyone who enters through the door he is next to, and the orc walks in, does he get 2 swings? I think so but am not sure.

2015-05-03, 03:48 PM
A 453 The Extra Attack feature specifies attacks taken on your turn. As a result, it is not triggered by Readied actions.

2015-05-03, 06:36 PM
Q 453

If you ready an attack and it triggers, do you get all of your extra attacks or only one like a reaction? What I mean is if a level 5 fighter readies to attack anyone who enters through the door he is next to, and the orc walks in, does he get 2 swings? I think so but am not sure.


You are not restricted to just one attack, you get your 'full' Attack Action. But...
Extra Attack only works on your turn.

If you readied an Attack Action, and the trigger happened on your turn, you would get more than one attack.

Under certain interpretations, if you readied Multi-Attack, you would get more than one attack.

2015-05-04, 01:22 AM
Q 454

Can an Eldritch knight choose any type of cantrip? or are they limited to only evocation and abjuration like their spells?

Q 455

Can you use your attack action and if you have an extra attack, can you use a spell for your 2nd attack?

2015-05-04, 02:34 AM
Q 454

Can an Eldritch knight choose any type of cantrip? or are they limited to only evocation and abjuration like their spells?

Q 455

Can you use your attack action and if you have an extra attack, can you use a spell for your 2nd attack?


No. Casting a spell uses your action. Attacking (via the attack action) uses your action.
You only get one action.
If you have two levels of fighter, you can Attack (with extra attack) and then Action Surge to cast a spell.
If you have a spell that can be cast as a bonus action, you can do that and Attack.
But using your Extra Attack to cast a spell is not kosher.

2015-05-04, 03:28 AM
Q456: Do ability-enhancing Manuals and Tomes stack? As in, can you read three Tomes of Clear Thought and have your Intelligence rise by +6?

2015-05-04, 03:34 AM
Q456: Do ability-enhancing Manuals and Tomes stack? As in, can you read three Tomes of Clear Thought and have your Intelligence rise by +6?

A456: Yes, the effects of ability-enhancing magic items do stack, although the Manuals and Tomes do have 100-year cooldowns.

2015-05-04, 09:03 AM
A 454 addendum:

Eldritch knights (and arcane tricksters) are still restricted to choosing their cantrips from the wizard list, so they couldn't take, say, Sacred Flame or Druidcraft.

2015-05-04, 09:48 AM

I am a first time player with a group of other first time players playing Hoard of the Dragon Queen and just finnished Episode 1 after 4 sessions. Our DM is a first time DM but has a good bit of play experiance. Question is this. Did the loot we get break his game? Im a Lvl 1 Fighter and as reward for saving city etc. rolled from tresury ,aparently really good, got a love potion, a robe of climbing and Belt of a cloud Giant essentially making my strength 27 +8 and making me like a hulk going into episode 2. one other fighter got Chain mail that was green that took his AC from 18 to 20 (when he has his shield) and one other player got a braclet that had 17 lvl 3 fire ball beads on it and a neckelace of necro-mind reading. he siad we rolled by the book and thats what we rolled. he wasent too happy. did he do somthing wrong or is the game meant to have those possibilitie's?

2015-05-04, 10:14 AM
A457: I do not think that this is a RAW question, but I would say that your DM was a bit too generous with your loot. Generally, one player shouldn't be getting better loot than the others, and players shouldn't get loot that's too powerful for their level. Or at least, those are my opinions.

2015-05-04, 12:21 PM
Didn't see it was a read as written thread. Sorry. But the guide for the dragon Queens hoard had the list that he was directed to have us roll from. He didn't want to "choose " for us and wanted to have it be by roll. We rolled well and he definitely was not expecting us to get that kind of loot.

2015-05-04, 12:49 PM

I am a first time player with a group of other first time players playing Hoard of the Dragon Queen and just finnished Episode 1 after 4 sessions. Our DM is a first time DM but has a good bit of play experiance. Question is this. Did the loot we get break his game? Im a Lvl 1 Fighter and as reward for saving city etc. rolled from tresury ,aparently really good, got a love potion, a robe of climbing and Belt of a cloud Giant essentially making my strength 27 +8 and making me like a hulk going into episode 2. one other fighter got Chain mail that was green that took his AC from 18 to 20 (when he has his shield) and one other player got a braclet that had 17 lvl 3 fire ball beads on it and a neckelace of necro-mind reading. he siad we rolled by the book and thats what we rolled. he wasent too happy. did he do somthing wrong or is the game meant to have those possibilitie's?

A 457 This isn't quite simple RAW, and probably warrants its own thread. That being said, did go against the 'standard' for HotDQ rewards, and apparently got very, very, lucky on the random table. A belt of Cloud Giant Strength is very much over-the-top for a 1st-level character.

2015-05-04, 12:53 PM

I am a first time player with a group of other first time players playing Hoard of the Dragon Queen and just finnished Episode 1 after 4 sessions. Our DM is a first time DM but has a good bit of play experiance. Question is this. Did the loot we get break his game? Im a Lvl 1 Fighter and as reward for saving city etc. rolled from tresury ,aparently really good, got a love potion, a robe of climbing and Belt of a cloud Giant essentially making my strength 27 +8 and making me like a hulk going into episode 2. one other fighter got Chain mail that was green that took his AC from 18 to 20 (when he has his shield) and one other player got a braclet that had 17 lvl 3 fire ball beads on it and a neckelace of necro-mind reading. he siad we rolled by the book and thats what we rolled. he wasent too happy. did he do somthing wrong or is the game meant to have those possibilitie's?

I don't see anything in Episode 1 that talks about rolling on any chart. I have no idea where your DM got that idea. Nor do I have any idea what chart he was rolling on that he was giving out Str 27 belt and +2 Chain mail. Yes, you are breaking the game with those.

I recommend you have him re-read the episode and figure out what happened. You should have gotten a couple of healing potions and maybe some gold.

I don't think anywhere in that module calls for rolling on any treasure charts, and there is no magic for the first 3-4 episodes, and its not unlikely to get through episode 6 with no magic.

2015-05-04, 02:19 PM
I don't see anything in Episode 1 that talks about rolling on any chart. I have no idea where your DM got that idea. Nor do I have any idea what chart he was rolling on that he was giving out Str 27 belt and +2 Chain mail. Yes, you are breaking the game with those.

I recommend you have him re-read the episode and figure out what happened. You should have gotten a couple of healing potions and maybe some gold.

I don't think anywhere in that module calls for rolling on any treasure charts, and there is no magic for the first 3-4 episodes, and its not unlikely to get through episode 6 with no magic.

I believe farqual's DM was having his players roll for loot, rather than using the treasure listed in the module. +2 Chain Mail is only listed on Magic Item Table H, which has a 2% of being rolled for a CR 5-10 hoard, 9% for CRs 11-16, and 17% for CRs 17+. The Belt of Cloud Giant Strength (the one for 27 Strength) is only on Magic Item Table I, which has a 7% chance for CR 11-16 hoards and 19% for CRs 17+. In other words, the DM probably had no idea how to use the hoard tables, and rolled on them for individual monsters rather than groups of monsters.

Back on topic(-ish): Q458: Under the Clash ruleset, Stands do obstruct LOS for ranged attacks, correct? Or do they fall under "cover" instead? Q459: Does height affect Isolation? That is, can a flying Solo/Stand fly more than 20 feet away from an allied stand and not be Isolated, as long as it flies upwards, and stays within the same square?

2015-05-04, 02:20 PM
I think he wanted to give us a horde type reward........ might have heard him say as much,....... probably used the wrong chart. :/

2015-05-04, 02:50 PM
I think he wanted to give us a horde type reward........ might have heard him say as much,....... probably used the wrong chart. :/

Farqual, please read the rules (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17922904&postcount=1) of this thread. Your question, while not RAW, has been answered. If you would like to continue discussing it, please do so in a different thread.

Q459: Again under the Clash rules, does a Rogue (either an attached Solo or a member of a Stand of Rogues) always gain sneak attack when they don't have disadvantage and are using a proper weapon, due to adjacency with an ally?

2015-05-04, 03:42 PM
Q 460 Can you use your str to throw a weapon instead of dex?

2015-05-04, 03:47 PM
Q 460 Can you use your str to throw a weapon instead of dex?

A 460 All thrown weapons use Strength by default, unless it is a Finesse thrown weapon, such as the dagger, in which case you may choose between Strength and Dexterity.

2015-05-04, 03:53 PM
A 459 The rule for Sneak Attack isn't adjacency, but being within 5 feet. As the Clash rules multiply distances, an ally adjacent to a target isn't necessarily within 5 feet of an ally.

2015-05-04, 04:00 PM
Q 461 When you throw a versatile weapon, can you choose to use two hands or one hand?

2015-05-04, 04:02 PM
A 461 The Versatile property of weapons only applies to melee attacks made with that weapon. If a weapon may be thrown, you use the normal damage die of that weapon.

2015-05-04, 04:29 PM
A 461 As of now there are no Versatile weapons with the Thrown characteristic. So you are in the 'improvised weapon' territory...

2015-05-04, 04:30 PM
A 461 As of now there are no Versatile weapons with the Thrown characteristic. So you are in the 'improvised weapon' territory...

There's the spear. And the trident, for that matter.

2015-05-04, 07:15 PM
Q 462
Can a creature one size larger than you automatically escape your grapple? If so where does it say this in the PHB?

2015-05-04, 07:18 PM
A 462 Large sized creatures don't automatically escape grapples. Some confusion is caused by the Grappler feat saying that the feat negates this condition, but it's nowhere in the main grapple rules. Developer tweets have confirmed that the text of the feat is what is incorrect, not the main rules.

2015-05-04, 07:43 PM
A462 cont:
That was a thing in the play test. It got changed for release, but the bullet point in the feat got lost in the shuffle and made it through to print, when it should have been removed.

2015-05-05, 12:11 AM
There's the spear. And the trident, for that matter.

DANG it! I even checked first... but saw only what I expected to see. :smallyuk:

Thanks for the correction.

2015-05-05, 11:59 AM
Toujours l’Audace
In addition, you can use Sneak Attack with any melee attack made against a target that has none of your allies adjacent to it.

Q 463 Does this remove the weapon restrictions on SA, increase the number of SA's you can make per round, both, or neither?

2015-05-05, 12:06 PM
Toujours l’Audace
In addition, you can use Sneak Attack with any melee attack made against a target that has none of your allies adjacent to it.

Q 463 Does this remove the weapon restrictions on SA, increase the number of SA's you can make per round, both, or neither?

Well, those are basically beta test rules, so there is no RAW answer, because the RAW doesn't officially exist.
But here goes:

Normally, sneak attacks can be made if:
1) you have advantage
2) if you have an ally within 5' (adjacent)

This ability adds a third way:
3) if none of your allies are adjacent

This (unfortunately in my opinion) creates a situation where every single melee attack that does not have a source of disadvantage is a sneak attack (many people have already house ruled it in different ways to combat the always-on melee sneak attacks this ability grants).

It lifts none of the restrictions on sneak attack. You must still use a finesse weapon. You can still only SA once per turn. This just gives a third way to grant sneak attack damage on your attack.

2015-05-05, 12:08 PM
A463 it is not completely clear from the text, but I believe the general consensus is that other sneak attack rules still apply. So a swashbuckler must still use a finesse weapon and is still thwarted by disadvantage, but qualifies for sneak attack on all non-disadvataged finesse attacks.

Since I do not believe swashbuckler is officially published yet, I'm not sure if this is the right thread for this question.

2015-05-05, 03:45 PM
A 459 The rule for Sneak Attack isn't adjacency, but being within 5 feet. As the Clash rules multiply distances, an ally adjacent to a target isn't necessarily within 5 feet of an ally.

Q459, cont'd: Does that also apply to melee-only, non-reach weapons which, under normal rules, cannot be used at any other range besides 5 feet? That is, does the specific rule that Clash runs on a larger grid than Core override the general rule that SA targets must be within 5 ft. of the Rogue's ally?

2015-05-05, 04:09 PM
Q459, cont'd: Does that also apply to melee-only, non-reach weapons which, under normal rules, cannot be used at any other range besides 5 feet? That is, does the specific rule that Clash runs on a larger grid than Core override the general rule that SA targets must be within 5 ft. of the Rogue's ally?

Purely RAW, no. Clash stipulates that abilities with distance effects have their distance multiplied accordingly, and has its own rules for weapons with reach. Because the SA condition is just a range, it applies as normal.

My ruling would be that it allows SA if the adjacent stand made a melee attack in that round as well, then it would be kosher.

2015-05-06, 10:00 AM
Q 464 How long is a round? Like when a spell tell you its duration is one round.

2015-05-06, 10:02 AM
A 464 A round is six seconds, effectively the time from the end of your current turn to the beginning of your next.

Gold Digger
2015-05-10, 09:16 AM
Q465:Can I take the martial adept feat twice (in two different ability score improvements levels) in order to take more maneuvers, or can I choose it only once?

2015-05-10, 09:27 AM
A 465 Feats cannot be taken multiple times unless the text of the feat specifies it. For instance, Elemental Adept specifies that it may be taken multiple times, choosing a different damage type in each instance.

2015-05-10, 12:56 PM
Q.466 Do you get your Dex bonus for damage rolls with your offhand? Say, you are a monk wielding a shortsword and an open hand. Your mainhand will get the +Dex modifier, will your Unarmed Strike get the get Dex modifier as well? Or is it just flat damage, no mod?

Edit: I checked in the PHB, page 196, and it doesn't specify.

2015-05-10, 12:58 PM
Q. 467 What if you use stunning strike on a death tyrant? ofc, he can't use his normal action. But can he use legendary actions while under the effect of a monk's stunning strike?

2015-05-10, 01:13 PM
A 466 Specifically an offhand attack? No, you do not add your ability modifier to the damage roll. A Monk using the Martial Arts feature, however, does add his ability modifier to damage, because specific beats general.

A 467 A Stunned creature is incapacitated. Incapacitated creatures cannot take Actions or Reactions. Since presumably Bonus Actions qualify as Actions, Legendary Actions would logically qualify as Actions as well.

2015-05-10, 01:24 PM
A 466 Specifically an offhand attack? No, you do not add your ability modifier to the damage roll. A Monk using the Martial Arts feature, however, does add his ability modifier to damage, because specific beats general.

Q.466 cont.Where would you see that? Is it the first bulletin on page 78, under Martial Arts?

2015-05-10, 01:30 PM
A.466 Firstly, 5e has no concept of mainhand and offhand. An attack with a weapon, regardless of which hand is holding it, is treated as a normal attack. It is possible for a 5th level fighter to hold a longsword in each hand, make an attack with one, and use extra attack to make an attack with another. However, unless he has the dual wielder feat, the fighter above would not qualify for the bonus action attack granted by two-weapon fighting.

What's notable about the TWF bonus attack is that it requires two light weapons and specifies that attribute modifier is not added to the bonus attack's damage. Attribute damage was assumed, but this bonus attack specifically takes it away. Also notable, the TWF rules don't use the phrase "offhand;" they grant a bonus attack with the weapon held in the other hand. We can assume that 5e characters are ambidextrous for the purpose of attacking.

You add all relevant modifiers to all attacks except where otherwise specified. For example, monks can use martial arts to make a bonus attack (under certain conditions). The bonus attack does not specify that attribute modifier is not added to damage, therefore it is. However, martial arts bonus attacks are unarmed. If the same monk wanted to make a bonus attack with a held weapon, as per TWF, he would not get attribute to damage. On the other hand, if the monk was using a quarterstaff, had polearm mastery, and used polearm mastery for the bonus attack, then he would get attribute damage to the attack, because this attack does not specifically deny attribute to damage.

Does that make sense?

2015-05-10, 01:30 PM
Q.466 cont.Where would you see that? Is it the first bulletin on page 78, under Martial Arts?

A 466 cont'd Correct. The Martial Arts specifies "making an unarmed strike as a Bonus Action," which is not the same as engaging in Two-Weapon Fighting.

2015-05-10, 01:45 PM
A 466 cont'd Correct. The Martial Arts specifies "making an unarmed strike as a Bonus Action," which is not the same as engaging in Two-Weapon Fighting.

Thank you!

2015-05-12, 02:33 PM
Q467 Does the Eldritch Invocation Thirsting Blade stack with the martial classes' Extra Attack? If not, what might be the potential ramifications of houseruling it to stack?

2015-05-12, 02:37 PM
A467 sources of the effect Extra attack never stack with each other. Much like choosing from multiple methods of calculating AC, you choose the highest one.

Scarlet Dragon
2015-05-12, 02:43 PM
Addendum 467 One of the only cases where it increases beyond the normal two is when you are a level 11 or 20 Fighter. Page 164 of the PHB specifically states that multiple sources of Extra Attack don't stack.

2015-05-13, 05:43 AM
Q468 Is the damage die of a greatsword 2d6 or 1d6? If I crit with one as a half-orc, do I do 5d6 or 6d6 damage? If I have great weapon fighting and roll a 1 and a 3, do I reroll or not?

2015-05-13, 05:54 AM
A 468 For a greatsword, the damage die is a d6. A Half-Orc would do 5d6 damage when scoring a critical hit, assuming nothing else that adds damage dice is present. In your example, the 1 would be rerolled and the three would not.

2015-05-13, 08:40 AM
Q469 If my character is a variant human and takes the feat that grants manuevers and a superiority die at level 1, Is the size of the die effected by the class features of the Battlemaster specialty?

2015-05-13, 08:55 AM
A 469 Per the text of the Martial Adept feat, if you ever gain Superiority Dice as a class feature, you use the value of the SP granted by your class instead of a d6

2015-05-13, 08:58 AM
A 468 For a greatsword, the damage die is a d6. A Half-Orc would do 5d6 damage when scoring a critical hit, assuming nothing else that adds damage dice is present. In your example, the 1 would be rerolled and the three would not.

Is there a reference for where this is spelt out?

2015-05-13, 09:14 AM
Is there a reference for where this is spelt out?

This (http://www.sageadvice.eu/2014/08/28/halforc-critical/) is a tweet from Mike Mearls confirming this interpretation. Mearls's tweets are more RAI than RAW, but it's a reference. When taking into account that the PHB specifies one die, which is to say a single polyhedron, (for both Brutal Critical and GWF), I come to the conclusion of my previous answer.

2015-05-13, 09:35 AM
This (http://www.sageadvice.eu/2014/08/28/halforc-critical/) is a tweet from Mike Mearls confirming this interpretation. Mearls's tweets are more RAI than RAW, but it's a reference. When taking into account that the PHB specifies one die, which is to say a single polyhedron, (for both Brutal Critical and GWF), I come to the conclusion of my previous answer.
I looked at the wording and agree that it does specify one dice whereas crit specifies all dice.


2015-05-14, 06:26 PM
469 questions and 27 pages, no, I didn't read all of them, so forgive me if this was already asked.

Anyway, while looking into multiclassing (casters specifically) I noticed that paladin/ranger provide half their class level towards spell slots available (and arcane trickster/eldritch knight 1/3rd), however, they gain access to new spell slots at a faster rate than this if they do not multiclass.

paladin/ranger single class spell slots are gained at levels: 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19
paladin/ranger multiclass spell slots are gained at levels: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20

arcane trickster/edlritch knight single class spell slots gained: 3, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19
arcane trickster/edlritch knight multiclass spell slots gained: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21

This seems to me that by multiclassing you are not gaining all of the features of that level of your class. And I suspect that it was done to simplify multiclassing, rather then intending to reduce what you gain from leveling to x level in the class.

Q470: Is the RAI for multiclassing in ranger/paladin/arcane trickster/eldritch knight to slow your spell slot progression?

2015-05-14, 06:35 PM
A 469 This thread is geared towards RAW questions, which may be answered in an objective manner, using books, official source material, and possible developer tweets as resources in the process if need be. RAI is going to be subjective by definition, as I believe the majority of us are not privy to the the developers' state of mind when writing the rules.

That being said, it was likely done for the sake of simplicity, as is the case for a good part of 5th edition. Paladins and Rangers get casting at 2nd level, are therefore "half casters," and get half MC progression. Eldritch Knights and Arcane Tricksters get casting at 3rd level, are therefore "one third casters," and get one third MC progression. Feel free to start a new thread if you would like this to be discussed further.

2015-05-14, 07:08 PM
Q471: When do warlocks learn spells of 6th level or higher?

No, seriously, according to the chart their spell slots become 5th level at 9th level, and never increase after that, but they can only lean spells up to the level of their spell slots. BUT, their spell list has spells for levels 6, 7, 8, and 9. (and also, there are only 4 5th level spells but you learn 6 spells after your slots are 5th level.)

2015-05-14, 07:15 PM
A 470* At higher levels, Warlocks gain a class feature known as Mystic Arcanum a total of four times. Each one allows the Warlock to choose one 6th, 7th, 8th, or 9th Level spell (depending on at which level the feature is gained) from the Warlock's spell list, which they may cast once per long rest.

2015-05-14, 10:02 PM
Q471 (the real one)

If my Arcane Focus is a staff, can it be a quarterstaff I smack people in the head with? And another thing regarding arcane focus, is there an item I can choose for arcane focus that I don't need to actively be holding? (For example, the orb or the crystal?)

2015-05-14, 10:09 PM
A 471 According to the DMG, any staff may function as a quarterstaff unless stated otherwise. While there is no need to hold an Arcane Focus all of the time, any material components of a spell, including Arcane Foci, must be physically handled during the casting.

2015-05-15, 11:08 AM

Is the Armor of Agathys damage affected at all by how many temporary hit points are left, or how much damage the melee attack does? For instance, if you cast it in a level 6 slot for 30 temporary hit points. A creature strikes you 3 times in melee for 5 damage each. Does it take 90 damage, or some other number?

2015-05-15, 11:20 AM

Is the Armor of Agathys damage affected at all by how many temporary hit points are left, or how much damage the melee attack does? For instance, if you cast it in a level 6 slot for 30 temporary hit points. A creature strikes you 3 times in melee for 5 damage each. Does it take 90 damage, or some other number?
A472 90 damage is correct. The number never goes down.

Though practically at that point the tHP will likely only last 1 or 2 hits and it cannot be replenished by other means (for instance Dark One's Blessing).

2015-05-15, 07:43 PM
Q473: Are cantrips gained through a warlock's Pact of the Tome feature considered warlock spells (as far as the Rod of the Pact Keeper is concerned)?

2015-05-15, 10:31 PM
A 473 Because they are granted by the Warlock class, Pact of the Tome cantrips may be regarded as Warlock spells.

2015-05-16, 07:18 PM
Q471 (the real one)

If my Arcane Focus is a staff, can it be a quarterstaff I smack people in the head with? And another thing regarding arcane focus, is there an item I can choose for arcane focus that I don't need to actively be holding? (For example, the orb or the crystal?)

You can get an arcane focus that is a staff. That does not mean that all staves (ex. a quarterstaff) are an arcane focus.

The DMG says that all of the Magical Staves in the DMG can be used as a quarterstaff. That does not mean all arcane focus staves can be used as a quarterstaff.

That said, it seems reasonable that you could get an arcane focus that was sturdy enough to use as a quarterstaff. Just ask your DM.

2015-05-16, 09:28 PM
You can get an arcane focus that is a staff. That does not mean that all staves (ex. a quarterstaff) are an arcane focus.

The DMG says that all of the Magical Staves in the DMG can be used as a quarterstaff. That does not mean all arcane focus staves can be used as a quarterstaff.

That said, it seems reasonable that you could get an arcane focus that was sturdy enough to use as a quarterstaff. Just ask your DM.

There isn't even a need to go by DM ruling alone. As mentioned previously, any staff functions as a quarterstaff unless stated otherwise.

2015-05-16, 09:54 PM
There isn't even a need to go by DM ruling alone. As mentioned previously, any staff functions as a quarterstaff unless stated otherwise.

I don't see that rule anywhere.... Do you have a page cite?

You mentioned it earlier, but the DMG says any *magical* staff can be used as a quarterstaff..... an Arcane Focus in the form of a staff is not usually a magical staff.

2015-05-16, 10:16 PM
I don't see that rule anywhere.... Do you have a page cite?

You mentioned it earlier, but the DMG says any *magical* staff can be used as a quarterstaff..... an Arcane Focus in the form of a staff is not usually a magical staff.

From PHB 151, an arcane focus can be, among other things, "a specially constructed staff." So while not all quarterstaves can be an arcane focus, an arcane focus can be a staff. It follows that a quarterstaff arcane focus would, at least, be reasonable. Regardless, I would ask the DM just to be sure.

2015-05-17, 07:32 AM
From PHB 151, an arcane focus can be, among other things, "a specially constructed staff." So while not all quarterstaves can be an arcane focus, an arcane focus can be a staff. It follows that a quarterstaff arcane focus would, at least, be reasonable. Regardless, I would ask the DM just to be sure.
That is would be 'reasonable' and to check with the DM is exactly what I said above.

The claim was that the rules said that "every staff" could be used as a quarterstaff.... I was wondering about a citation for that....

2015-05-18, 02:12 AM
Q 474

I'm not sure if you guys answer questions from the updates, but i had a question about the swashbuckler from Waterborne Adventures. It states that the swashbuckler adds his charisma modifier to his initiative roll. Does that mean he adds his Charisma and Dex to the initiative roll, or can he pick?

2015-05-18, 02:29 AM
Q 474

I'm not sure if you guys answer questions from the updates, but i had a question about the swashbuckler from Waterborne Adventures. It states that the swashbuckler adds his charisma modifier to his initiative roll. Does that mean he adds his Charisma and Dex to the initiative roll, or can he pick?

Nothing from the Unearthed Arcana articles is official, therefore there is no true RAW. The RAW doesn't exist because the rules don't exist in any official capacity. The things in those articles are play test beta type stuff. It's untested.
With that said, it would be both, Dex & Cha.

2015-05-18, 05:40 AM
A 474 The text appears to indicate that you may add both your Dexterity and your Charisma modifiers to the roll.

Nothing from the Unearthed Arcana articles is official, therefore there is no true RAW. The RAW doesn't exist because the rules don't exist in any official capacity. The things in those articles are play test beta type stuff. It's untested.
With that said, it would be both, Dex & Cha.

UA articles may not be part of the official rules, but they are still rules. As such, it is possible to interpret them in a RAW manner.

2015-05-18, 08:19 AM
A474: Since it does not say that he doesn't add his dexterity modifier to initiative rolls as normal, he would add both. If charisma were meant to replace dexterity, the usual way to word the mechanic would be "may use X instead of Y."

2015-05-18, 11:26 AM
So I've been interested in D&D for a long time but I've never really played for more than a session or two. So that means I still don't really know what I'm doing half the time.

Enter 5E rules now. I find them a lot simpler, but also a bit vague at times when I need clarity.

Enter the setup/question:

I am planning on playing a Half-Orc Paladin with Oath of the Ancients, possibly with slight hedonistic tendencies depending on how his background goes (though he won't be a lush or dominated by his 'urges' or anything). I know, so original, but I really like that concept.

I am having an issue, though. The Holy Symbol. Let's say he worships a pantheon of gods (probably Silvanus and his ilk, depending on the world I eventually end up playing in). But, let's say his powers don't come from the worship of these gods, but rather as the book suggests, they come from his very belief in a cause greater than himself. I may even have his powers come from nature, if I can find some justification for this.

This raises an issue with the Holy Symbol, as you can imagine. What would it look like, if it does not represent any god? How would I justify its look? I have no idea.

Also, I'm not sure how I will use the Holy Symbol. I kind of want to use it on a shield, but I would much rather use it in the "as long as it's visible" route of things. This particular character has a decent beard (but not super unkempt or anything) that grows from his chin. I have decided he likes to keep it all together with a sort of small sash/band/whatever to tie it. I would prefer to put the holy symbol here, if possible.

So, what are your thoughts? I'm sure the questions have been answered somewhere before. I just need clarification and I wouldn't know where to start looking, and I didn't want to just create another thread.

If your answer is particularly long you can PM me, by the way.

2015-05-18, 12:22 PM
Q 475

In the warlock class the invocation Book of ancient secrets you get to choose 2 1st level spells from any class. Does this mean if i were to pick from the wizard my spell modifier would use int instead of charisma?

Q 476

When you pick the warlocks pact of the tome boon, and pick a cantrip from another class, do you use that classes spellcasting modifier, or charisma still?

2015-05-18, 12:34 PM
A 475, 476 Unless explicitly stated otherwise, spells gained from another class's list that call for a use of your spellcasting ability modifier will use the ability of the main class. In your case, any spells or cantrips that you take will use Charisma as their casting ability.

So I've been interested in D&D for a long time but I've never really played for more than a session or two. So that means I still don't really know what I'm doing half the time.

Enter 5E rules now. I find them a lot simpler, but also a bit vague at times when I need clarity.

Enter the setup/question:

I am planning on playing a Half-Orc Paladin with Oath of the Ancients, possibly with slight hedonistic tendencies depending on how his background goes (though he won't be a lush or dominated by his 'urges' or anything). I know, so original, but I really like that concept.

I am having an issue, though. The Holy Symbol. Let's say he worships a pantheon of gods (probably Silvanus and his ilk, depending on the world I eventually end up playing in). But, let's say his powers don't come from the worship of these gods, but rather as the book suggests, they come from his very belief in a cause greater than himself. I may even have his powers come from nature, if I can find some justification for this.

This raises an issue with the Holy Symbol, as you can imagine. What would it look like, if it does not represent any god? How would I justify its look? I have no idea.

Also, I'm not sure how I will use the Holy Symbol. I kind of want to use it on a shield, but I would much rather use it in the "as long as it's visible" route of things. This particular character has a decent beard (but not super unkempt or anything) that grows from his chin. I have decided he likes to keep it all together with a sort of small sash/band/whatever to tie it. I would prefer to put the holy symbol here, if possible.

So, what are your thoughts? I'm sure the questions have been answered somewhere before. I just need clarification and I wouldn't know where to start looking, and I didn't want to just create another thread.

If your answer is particularly long you can PM me, by the way.

This is much more a fluff discussion than a RAW question. If you want detailed answers, I would advise starting a new thread.

2015-05-18, 12:52 PM
No. I think it's RAW. I'm not asking "should I" so much as "as the rules are written, can I have a holy symbol on an article of clothing and still have it function perfectly, but also eliminating the need to hold it".

The "as long as it's visible" implies yes. I also ask mostly because a lot of people on here are divided on the symbol/shield issue.

As for the deity thing, I guess my real question is "must a holy symbol be that of a deity to be able to function as one".

I guess I'll apologize for seeming vague or something. I don't always know how to phrase questions sometimes.

But I'm asking for some literal, rules based answers I guess. IF the deity thing is still 'fluff' or whatever that is, I'll find the appropriate forum on that anyway. I thought I understood the holy symbol thing when I was reading the Paladin rules, after all, but I realize Holy Symbol confuses me in the application.

2015-05-18, 01:03 PM
No. I think it's RAW. I'm not asking "should I" so much as "as the rules are written, can I have a holy symbol on an article of clothing and still have it function perfectly, but also eliminating the need to hold it".

The "as long as it's visible" implies yes. I also ask mostly because a lot of people on here are divided on the symbol/shield issue.

As for the deity thing, I guess my real question is "must a holy symbol be that of a deity to be able to function as one".

I guess I'll apologize for seeming vague or something. I don't always know how to phrase questions sometimes.

But I'm asking for some literal, rules based answers I guess. IF the deity thing is still 'fluff' or whatever that is, I'll find the appropriate forum on that anyway. I thought I understood the holy symbol thing when I was reading the Paladin rules, after all, but I realize Holy Symbol confuses me in the application.

Right, I missed the part about the beard clasp. In that case,

A 477 From what I can recall of the Holy Symbol rules (I'm AFB at the moment), this should be fine. It's certainly less controversial than the tattoo question that came up earlier. As far as I know, there is no mechanical requirement that the symbol be a mark of the deity. I would say that the symbol must not be deliberately obscure, but there's no need for it to exactly reflect a god's most common symbol, especially when one takes into account that a paladin need not follow a god at all.

2015-05-18, 01:26 PM
Okay. See that's why I wanted to ask, to be sure.

While my character concept does worship a few gods, he isn't directly serving them in the sense that a clergyman or cleric might. He does good because he wants to be good. His worship also focuses him on that goal, but it isn't where he gets his power, is the idea I'm having.

But that's fluff. I may do the beard clasp symbol then, for flavor. Just wanted to be sure it'd be mechanically viable.

2015-05-18, 02:05 PM
A477, part 1: Technically, you still need a hand free to access the holy symbol (PHB, p. 203: "A spellcaster must have a hand free to access these [material] components, but it can be the same hand that he or she uses to perform somatic components." In addition, the description of a Holy Symbol includes the following line:

A cleric or paladin can use a holy symbol as a spellcasting focus, as described in chapter 10. To use the symbol in this way, the caster must hold it in hand, wear it visibly, or bear it on a shield.

From these two lines, the RAW appears to be that, while you could have the holy symbol on a beard tie, you must still hold it (and therefore have a free hand) in order to use it as a material component (basically, you need to literally present your holy symbol, not just have it visible somewhere).

RAI: Most DMs won't have a problem with special placement of your Holy Symbol, and many will allow you to ignore the "hand free" requirement, for various reasons (holding a Versatile weapon one-handed, holding something under your arm, or just holding a shield and weapon in the same hand temporarily, among others). It isn't technically RAW, but as long you don't abuse it (a la "my hands are tied, but the monster can still see my holy symbol!"), you should be fine.

A477, part 2: As for the form of the symbol:

A holy symbol is a representation of a god or pantheon.
Because of this line, holy symbols must be linked to a specific deity or group of deities, but the Paladin class description does say that only "most" Paladins are sworn to deities, it also states that their power "comes as much from a commitment to justice itself as it does from a god" (ie, from an ideal rather than an entity).

RAI: While I would think that many DMs will not challenge you on this, these lines, taken together, seem to require the symbol of a deity/pantheon for a Paladin's holy symbol.

2015-05-18, 02:38 PM
Hm. Well, I don't know if you're right about needing to hold a holy symbol, since that line says "or". This means that it must be one of those three conditions, but doesn't need to be a combination of those. I suppose it depends on the DM though, and I wouldn't mind making my character even just touch the symbol, if that was necessary.

(Minor edit: Oh I see that hand free part now. Again, a simple touch while casting the spell would probably work, though. It also depends on the weapon style I give him. If constant contact is necessary for the duration of a spell, I'm fine with that too, though I figured a symbol was just used instead of actual materials for spells that require it. Gonna have to give it another read through, though).

As for the pantheon issue... well, he already does worship a pantheon. I just don't know if he could use his Paladin powers through a holy symbol of a god if that's not where his power comes from (for instance, I was going to use that 'ideal' kind of source, as the book seems to suggest is a possibility). Maybe his gods just help him channel the power he has, making it more convenient to use his abilities. I can work with that, since there doesn't seem to be a RAW restriction on it (that I've seen). So yeah. Probably DM dependant.

Alright, thanks for the help. This does clarify a few issues, though the rest of it is probably going to be dependant on what GM i play with as well as RAI.
But as long as I get the nitty gritty out of the way then that's fine.

2015-05-18, 03:09 PM
Hm. Well, I don't know if you're right about needing to hold a holy symbol, since that line says "or". This means that it must be one of those three conditions, but doesn't need to be a combination of those.

Ah…yep, my bad. You don't need to hold it if you "wear it visibly," but you do need to have a hand free to cast with it.

2015-05-18, 03:14 PM
Ah…yep, my bad. You don't need to hold it if you "wear it visibly," but you do need to have a hand free to cast with it.

Yeah, fair enough. I figure unless it says I can cast a spell with just a voice or something I should expect a free hand, since if I didn't have that Symbol I would need actual components for the Material spells, which of course require a free hand to manipulate. I figure it's the same with a Symbol, just that you don't use material components since that symbol counts as the components for the Material part of a spell.

That's how I understand it as written, is this accurate?

2015-05-19, 09:45 AM
Yeah, fair enough. I figure unless it says I can cast a spell with just a voice or something I should expect a free hand, since if I didn't have that Symbol I would need actual components for the Material spells, which of course require a free hand to manipulate. I figure it's the same with a Symbol, just that you don't use material components since that symbol counts as the components for the Material part of a spell.

That's how I understand it as written, is this accurate?


The symbol is used to replace any material components - so if there is a Vocal only requirement, no symbol is needed.

2015-05-19, 10:47 AM

The symbol is used to replace any material components - so if there is a Vocal only requirement, no symbol is needed.

I'd like to point out that a focus replaces material components, and that the same hand can be used for somatic components. Nothing is written the other way around, so as written, if a spell has a somatic component but no material component you still need a free hand.
Crawford even verified as much somewhere (in a tweet or a UA article or something).

Most of us think that's dumb, and house rule it to work both ways, but as written that's how it works.

2015-05-19, 09:11 PM
Q 478

if you hit someone with an attack of opportunity attack, does that creature lose movement?


If you're proficient with simple weapons does that mean you're proficient with fists since they are under the simple weapons list?

2015-05-19, 10:14 PM
A 478 Attacks of Opportunity have no effect on the target's movement, at least not by default.

A 479 Because they are listed in the weapons table, Unarmed Strikes are treated as weapons for all mechanical intents and purposes. As such, they benefit from proficiency in the normal fashion of weapons.

2015-05-19, 10:35 PM
A 478:

Not unless you have the Sentinel feat. The punishment for a creature provoking an opportunity attack is just that they take damage.

A 479:

Yes, unarmed strikes are simple weapons, and so someone proficient with all simple weapons is proficient with unarmed strikes. Note that an unarmed strike is not necessarily a fist; it can also be a foot, elbow, or other part of the body.

2015-05-20, 05:03 PM

So could you use false life until you get the max amount of Thitpoints when you have the warlock invocation?

2015-05-20, 05:05 PM
A 480 The Invocation stipulates at-will casting, so it is possible for a Warlock that takes it to spam-cast the spell until he rolls an 8.