View Full Version : Pathfinder How far can 'This Might just work' go.

2014-08-11, 11:13 PM
I was looking at the mythic trickster ability 'This Might Just Work'. It lets you use a skill to imitate another skill of the same ability type at a -5. With the disclaimer "The GM can disallow certain uses of this ability when the skill can't possibly be applied to the task."

Now I was wondering how far you could make a skill go in its flexibility in copying other skills. Dex seems to be easy if you use acrobatics as the base, but harder if you use others.
For instance.
Acrobatics copying Escape Artist: Both involve flexibility
Acrobatics copying Sleight of Hand: Fast movements of the limbs, perhaps done with more body movement than normal
Acrobatics Copying Ride: Keeping balanced on the saddle
Acrobatics copying Stealth: Flexibility to keep a low profile, and footwork good enough to be silent?
Acrobatics copying Disable Device: ????

But acrobatics is the easy one, arguing other skills seems rather harder. How can you justify using Ride for Sleight of hand? Whats the strangest skill to skill justification possible?

2014-08-11, 11:35 PM
Bluff for any skill:

"No you guys really can't see me, look I mean, you're just not perceptive enough...."

"I disabled the trap, that sting you felt, that was really all in your head..."

"This armor is sound, it must have been operator error that caused it to fail..."

And so on.

2014-08-11, 11:38 PM
It has to be within the same stat. Like Bluff for Chr skills, and Ride for Dex skills. Though I suppose a great enough bluff would do it anyways :smallbiggrin:

2014-08-12, 12:01 AM
Bluff for any skill:

"No you guys really can't see me, look I mean, you're just not perceptive enough...."

"I disabled the trap, that sting you felt, that was really all in your head..."

"This armor is sound, it must have been operator error that caused it to fail..."

And so on.

Haha. In my first 3rd edition game, the rogue had a high enough tumble modifier that he was tumbling on everything.

"OK guys, the ropes set. Now we need to climb."
**fighters and cleric climb rope**

Rogue player says " my climb sucks, can I tumble up the rope?"

Sure add 20 to your DC

OK I pass.

*smacks forehead**


"You all fall off the boat, roll swim checks"

Can I tumble on the water?.......

I'm sure we didn't have all the rules and mechanics right at the time. But it was hilarious.

2014-08-12, 12:10 AM
It has to be within the same stat. Like Bluff for Chr skills, and Ride for Dex skills. Though I suppose a great enough bluff would do it anyways :smallbiggrin:

Well if you'll note the bluffing didn't actually accomplish the things, it just creatively shifted the blame.

2014-08-12, 11:09 AM
Ride to make Slight of Hand Rolls - Use your knowledge of packing saddlebags / carts to hide items in discrete pockets.

Ride to make Acrobatics Checks - This one is pretty easy, quite a bit of trick riding is very acrobatic. It's even easier to backup with fluff from some of the mounted feats.

Disable Device / Sleight of Hand to make Escape Artist Checks - Can be justified when trying to escape from any kind of physical bond.

Fly to make Acrobatics Checks - If you have any kind of Fly speed or make frequent use of flying spells then this is easy to justify. Particularly for jumping / falling or trying to tumble past threatened squares.

Knowledge (X) vs Profession (X) - I think there's quite of bit of information overlap between the skills. For instance, Knowledge: Engineering & Profession: Engineer should almost just be interchangeable.

Acrobatics Substituting for Climb or Swim - I'd allow this substitute personally, especially for Climb.