View Full Version : Analysis I Launched A Trope Page! Take A Look!

Darth Paul
2014-08-12, 11:17 PM
I launched a recap page on TV Tropes dedicated to Snips, Snails, & Dragon Tails! Mainly because there was a title listing on the list of OotS works, but nothing linked to it. So I spent a few hours writing, and the glorious result is here (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Recap/SnipsSnailsAndDragonTails)!

BEWARE!! It is chock full of unmarked spoilers (and it says so at the top of the page), so if you haven't read SSDT yet- A) buy it immediately and B) do NOT click the link above unless you don't mind having your future reading spoiled. If you do click the link anyway after reading this, don't blame me; I tried to tell you.

I appreciate any feedback about the trope page! One other troper contributed to it today, so it's now community property, but I'm still as of this point responsible for 99% of it, so any blame is mine. Hopefully if there is praise to be had, it is also somewhat mine. I basically wrote a trope page because I just had to gush about SSDT and had no other outlet beyond a spoilered discussion here! And I hate using the "spoiler" tab all over the place.

Please read and enjoy, if you so desire... and try not to get lost in TV Tropes!