View Full Version : 2 Hero Adventures. Rogue question.

2014-08-13, 11:19 AM
So I'm playing a 3.5 game with my bestfriend. We rolled up characteres seperately in order to make things interesting.

So far we have been getting owned many times due to him putting us against too high a cr for a 2 man party.

I have a rogue/swashbuckler working towards daring outlaw dual wielding sneak attacker.

He made a pouncing barbarian charge fighter.

No magics whatsoever except my maxed out use magic device skill. This makes live very difficult....

Would you A. Keep with the concept of "Maximus Decimus Meridius" 2 weapon gladiator?
B. Grab some wizard and go to unseen seer/ abjurant champion, Gishing the rest of the way with your decent 15 int?

This game is set in the Elder Scrolls universe so hybrid characters would be common. (Doesn't everyone make a gish in morrowind/oblivion/skyrim????)

2014-08-13, 04:30 PM
Wait, is your friend DMing AND PCing?

2014-08-13, 04:35 PM
Wait, is your friend DMing AND PCing?

I first started RPing with a different system and the GM always had a PC. even once I started playing 2nd edition he always had a character. It was normal. Hasn't been that way for many years now. It feels weird to think that was normal to all of us.

2014-08-13, 04:37 PM
I would go with some levels of factotum. Crank your int with items and you'll be golden. Factotums do all the things a rogue can do only better and they get a touch of spell casting.

2014-08-13, 04:45 PM
Play what you like. It's on your friend to correctly build the encounters.

2014-08-13, 04:59 PM
Yea it's a funny thing I do with my best friend when I'm bored. We roll characters and do a 2 man playtest thing. He does a great job keeping his PC from over shadowing and ruling the game with out of character knowledge. It's turned into us playing long sessions this way. We live far apart and play by phone.

Yes it's weird. Lol but we have fun.