View Full Version : Dowrenland: Emeralds & Roses {IC}

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2014-08-14, 10:16 AM
Dowrenland: Emeralds & Roses

The rainy season had come, apparently, to the city of Irrorab Wall. You had been told that the town was so named because of the remains of a wall just outside of the city proper that was left from another time, when this land was ravaged by warring nations. It lay mostly in ruins now, and it was said that the stones of the wall fell from their settings almost as often as the rain from the sky. Your merry band had arrived just two weeks ago, traveling south to find a more temperate clime in which to winter. Finding Irrorab Wall only a few miles inland from the southern coast, it seemed like a nice enough place to ride out the coming months of cold. As it is told, this far south does not know the harshness of the winters in the northern part of the lands, in the areas of the villages like Threshold and Runthorpe. Some years, the locals have rumored, this area doesn't even have snow! And so, it was here that you had decided to make your home, at least for the next few months.

Naturally, as is an occupational hazard of the adventuring life, you soon found yourselves somewhat stir-crazy and wanting for the usual excitement that tends to find its way to you. But, the frequent rains have all but washed out the roads coming in and out of Irrorab Wall and have made socializing with the more interesting denizens of the town even somewhat of a challenge. And then, to top it all off, over the course of today, the weather had turned strange and terrible, truly forcing everyone to remain indoors. The rains were not only especially heavy and constant today, but the winds were also shifting their direction, and the sky had taken on a slightly yellow-green coloration. There has even been mention that Sasnak, the nearest town of notable size, was devastated by tornadoes the day before last. Many of the elder patrons began murmuring about bad omens and imminent danger.

All of you had set yourselves up at the Little Black Dog - a tavern and inn of modest comfort and affordability. As your stay here had gone on, you had come to feel somewhat at home here, getting on well with the owners, a gruff man with a good heart named Benjiah and his wife Tirlynn. Their only daughter has passed away last autumn, but they seemed to be mending well. The Little Black Dog also seemed to be one of the more popular gathering places for the locals, who would often look to come and drink away their dreary day. Even on a day like today, where many would've just rather stayed at home, several had ventured out to come here... likely for the hot meal, a warm fire made with dry wood, and a few tankards of mead or ale to ward off the damp chill of the impending winter.

Most of the people present were discussing the bizarre weather, and the travesty it had apparently caused in the neighboring town of Sasnak. People told of a brother's house that was picked up and dropped in a radish field or of a daughter's experience of hiding in a root cellar, only to emerge and find nothing but bare earth around her. Another tale about a tree that had stood for a hundred years... another about a horse that had broken it's leg and had to be put down. It seemed as though it was all that these people could talk about.

The day had turned to night, without any slowing in the downpour outside. The night had now waned a bit, and most of the folk had braved the journey home, adjourned to their rooms, or passed out here in the common room. There were only a handful left awake at this point aside from yourselves and good Benjiah.


2014-08-14, 11:01 AM
Another ale for me, if you please, Benjiah, Arisilde asks politely. He swallows the dregs of his last cup and belches quietly behind his hand. Beg'pardon, he murmurs. And the rain, rain, rain came down, down, down, in rushing rising riv'lets.. 'Til the river crept out of it's bed, and crept into the piglet's, Arisilde croons softly, almost to himself as he looked out the window.

He sets a silver piece on his table, And can I get one taken out to Bandy, too, he asked hopefully? He actually prefers stronger stuff, normally, but this has a fine flavor that I think he'll enjoy.

2014-08-14, 12:08 PM
Gisela has been listening to the locals with a partial interest. She had to balance any criticisms of their fears with assurances that the Gods would listen. But mostly, it was common folk wanting to believe the terrible happenings elsewhere to make their own lives feel that much better. What else were they to do? She pulls her fullhelm tighter over her face, the better to obscure her true nature.

We all would benefit from prayer to the God of Storms. She waits as the startled peasants look up at this mail-clad adventurer.
I am a Paladin of the Earthmother, and an apostle of peace. I know a prayer that fits this situation. Please, join hands with me, and close your eyes in reverence.

O god of storms, I have looked upon your work and tremble as I should. I hear of your wrath, and I am struck with awe by your might.

I feel your fury as you ravage our land, and I share it as I bear witness to your power. Let him be satisfied whom has lost that he has not lost more. May your rage be sated by this, O lord of Howling Fury, as you shake our timbers and hear the babes cry in terror.

We offer up to you our fear that it may cull your want to bring our land to dust. May you let us live so that we may tribute again, O Lord of the Storms

Unbowing her head, Gisela blushes under her helmet, hoping no one asks to see her face.

2014-08-14, 12:14 PM
Arisilde rushes over to join the ring of villagers, those that respond to Gisela's call to prayer. He loves it when she waxes poetic like that. So fervent, so heartfelt. After she is done, he gives her two thumb's up, mouthing the words Well done!.

Zap Dynamic
2014-08-14, 12:15 PM
"Ugh." A discontented cloud of hookah smoke blooms into the tavern as the man known only as 'Cachimba' lounges in his seat. He was sent on this journey--quite against his will--to survey the architectural features of the areas the rest of the party would explore. So far, he has made no effort to hide the fact that he's interested in observing many things. It seems his hookah, the inside of taverns, and the local women all rank much higher in his estimation than architecture.

"This rain is dismal," he says for the second time. Apparently he has forgotten earlier in the afternoon, when he praised the rain for granting them a reprieve from the 'drudgery of labor.' "At least the music is tolerable." Another cloud of fragrant smoke rises into the air as the paladin finishes her prayer.

2014-08-14, 12:20 PM
Oh, don't be so somber, Arisilde chides with a smile. The ale is good, the roof doesn't leak, and these folk are fascinating.

Ari requests yet another ale, and pays for it, before taking both mugs and wandering over to the elderly gentleman. May I join you? Setting the other mug in front of the older man, Arisilde asks Sir, I'm wondering if you've lived here most of your life. What can you tell me about the history of this place? Are there any interesting legends or stories?

2014-08-14, 12:22 PM
Sunny Smiles rolls her eyes at she sits perched in the corner of the tavern, having explored every nook and cranny of the place for a comfortable seat, and finding this one to be the least dull. At least, for the moment, because there's only so much she can do to entertain herself in a place where she definitely doesn't want to stick around; too much chaos to settle down, not enough people that she's particularly fond of, and she has to stick with the group of adventurers that want her services in frying things. Like that's what she wants to die with her life. Nobody could live like that. They could die like it, though.

And then Gisela is up on stage again, prattling about how they should all worship the storm and hope it spares them. "That's stupid." Sunny calls out, heckling the overtly-religious woman as she's want to do, and as the crimson viper wrapped around her left arm seems to enjoy. "A storm is a storm, and praying to it won't do you any good. It's a force of nature, almost entirely random. Or what, are we going to start making floods into noblemen? Droughts start running taverns? Or will we start electing kings because some watery tart lobbed a harpoon at him? That's no way to run your life. Get a real job."

Of course, Gisela has heard it all before, but it's one of the few ways Sunny can enjoy herself.

2014-08-14, 12:38 PM
Warming to the debate, Arisilde looks up and calls over.. Better to turn a flood into a nobleman than to have a flood OF noblemen. Ari shivers theatrically. THAT, would be horrifying. But surely you recognize the power of the gods to use forces of nature to enact their will. Naturally then, logic dictates that appeasing them might in fact preclude further undesired events. AND, Arisilde waggles his eyebrows playfully, I happen to like watery tarts! And surely they couldn't muck up kingship much more than those we already have, so it's as good a system as any.

Zap Dynamic
2014-08-14, 12:42 PM
Amused by the sorceress, Cachimba lets out a single, languid "ha," something midway between a yawn, a cough, and laughter. "Ever the sunny one, dear." He looks around, long since bored of the tavern's inhabitants. "Would it be too much to ask for a seraglio in town?" he asks no one in particular.

2014-08-14, 12:48 PM
"Bah. I don't deny the existence of a deity, but this is blatant superstition. You're praying for him to stop doing something, not for doing something good, like Pelor or Sylvana." Sunny retorts. "But even if that logic is valid, I suppose any watery tarts better start worshiping Sunny Smiles, to halt the sudden popularity of chastity whenever you're around." She says to Arisilde, getting to her feet and brushing some dust off of her coat.

"Now piss off. I'm going to talk to somebody whose voice doesn't make my nethers turn into an arid wasteland." She dismisses the man and strolls over to the table that Isbetta is sitting at, perching on the seat beside the woman and smiling softly at her. "Evening, Isbetta. Have you decided to run away with me yet?" She asks, smirking at the woman and continuing the jest from some of their previous interactions. She's found that many of the peasants appreciate her interest, even if their barn door doesn't swing her way.

2014-08-14, 01:19 PM
Benjiah was quick to serve up another ale to the bard.

"You lot 'ave jus'about emptied the barrel! Should I tap another?", he asked the room at large. When Arisilde asks for one to be taken out to his companion in the stables, the keep looks somewhat perplexed. "Yer wantin'... an ale... fer tha... what was it called again?", he searches the corners of his mind for the animal's name, which the bard had given him at least three times already during the course of your stay, "'Tamel' was it, sir?"

Several of the remaining patrons gathered for the paladin's prayer, some more adamantly than others. However, they were quick to disperse once Sunny started in on the blasphemous debate that very well could threaten to undo whatever good Gisela's offering might have gained... at least in their minds.

At some point during it all, Arisilde buys another drink for three copper and sidles up to the table where old Nosteron sat, chuckling quietly to himself over the exchange. "Stories you ask? Legends even? Aye, my boy, aye... there are those indeed! The is the story of the Miller on Kahgann Hill... the rumors about the Ghost of the Baroness that haunts the abandoned graveyard just outside of town... the folly of Egrimon Dolett and that ruined estate he left behind. What do you wish to hear tale of, young man?"

Meanwhile, Sunny had made her way over to where Isabetta had been sitting, nursing a glass of wine. She smiles politely as the sorceress makes a pass at her, "No offense, honey, but I think you're missing a few parts that I might miss were I to leave with you.", she giggled at her own brashness and placed her hand over her mouth. "But, you're more than welcome to keep flirting with me. It's been long enough since that's happened that I'm not gonna turn it down... even coming from another woman.", she says now with an all-out laugh, slapping her own knee and then gently touching Sunny's shoulder in a sincere gesture of thanks.

2014-08-14, 01:33 PM
Don't look a gift camel in the mouth, good Benjiah! Rejoice when business is good. As it is, the storm has kept my impatient friends cooped up and drinking heartily.

Arisilde sits on the edge of his seat, his elbows propped on the table and gives Nosteron his full attention. Ah! Arisilde perks up. I haven't heard of any good folly since the last time I asked the ironically named Sunny over there to dance! Tell us about Egrimon and his estate! Looking over at the paladin, Ari adds Gisela, come listen to this story, won't you? He uses his foot to nudge a chair out for her.

2014-08-14, 01:48 PM
"Until you come to your senses, that's the plan." Sunny replies to the woman's jests with a smile, enjoying her brashness largely for the fact that it reflects a part of her own behavior that others don't seem to understand. The difference being that she's confident enough not to apologize for it...or Isabetta is wise enough to, either way is good. "Have you seen anything interesting today, Isabetta? It seems like you're the only pretty thing I get to see nowadays." She asks curiously, arching a blond eyebrow.

Zap Dynamic
2014-08-14, 02:51 PM
Slowly, yawning, Cachimba picks at the remains of his dinner. He rolls over in his seat to better hear the old man's tale and raises his empty chalice. "Benji!" he calls, louder than he's been all day. "You may not know a buttress from a jetty," ye daft bumpkin, he thinks, "but your mead is the best in town." Cachimba holds the chalice out. "If you please."

2014-08-14, 10:21 PM
From the over-airbrushed swirls of the multiverse comes an example of those strangest of strange particles; the Anachron. Hurtling through the Universal century where people are born, and live, and die. Sweeping swiftly through the Falloutverse ( an OK place to live, but you wouldn't want to visit there) and pointedly avoiding the 40K universe (where there is only war. Which never changes.), it comes to a stop in another times, another place, in the brain of one Ghairen Kaarla.

"He that has a tiny little wit
Must make content with his fortunes fit
For the rain it raineth every day"

She sings softly, her eyes reflecting the surface of the cup of mead she's nursing. Then stops abruptly and blinks. Where did that come from? The rain's getting to me. I'm drifting., she thinks. And fastens her attention on surroundings. Bad things could happen if she drifted.

"Indeed. My compliments, innkeep, for your house and your wares." She holds out her own cup to Benji as she rises to join the cool table. "Though I must ask; you seem to be serving alone. Have you no staff wenches assist you, and to facilitate wenching season? Dear Cachimba's foil is quite gathering rust through lack of practice, and I am sure that Sunny over there would appreciate a moving target."

2014-08-15, 01:40 AM
As Arisilde leaves the circle of prayer and the townsfolk file out or wander away due to Sunny's heckling, Gisela nods to him appreciatively and finds her way back over to her still-hot meal, preferring to retire to her room to eat.

She will be back out into the front of the tavern later.

2014-08-15, 04:30 AM
Ghairen noted the Paladin taking her seat with a feeling of slight relief. She was fond of the statuesque Orcette, and certainly her heart was in the right place. But at the present moment she didn't see much wisdom in seeking any kind of divine attention.

Tornados. Howling, dire things. Implacable and random. Nature's own demons of air and darkness. If there's any higher power behind them it's one whose attention you do not want.

2014-08-15, 11:52 AM
Benjiah, with no more argument, took the beverage outside, throwing a hooded cloak on and wrapping it tightly about him. As he returned, and Cachimba called out to him for more mead, he bustled over to the clay jar which housed it and and brought it over to where the wizard was lounging. He poured him another chalice of the honeyed beverage and collected his five copper - it was indeed a fine vintage. He likewise makes the round to Ghairen, pouring the cleric another as well. "Not at dis time of night, lass, no. I've sent them all off to bed. They'll be back in the mornin'." A yawn visibly escaped the barkeep's lips and he crossed to the hearth, throwing on one last log.

"And wiff dat, ladies and gents, I'm off to find me bed. I bid you all a g'night and a fair slumber. See you on the morrow.", Benjiah announced to the room at large before shuffling off through a backdoor that lead to his family's private quarters. The other townsfolk bid the man varying degrees of parting pleasantries before going back to their business. Both Obril and Sasell took this as their cue and departed for their own homes, wherever they might be. The young elf, Wessian, Gulrath, Finley, and even Gisela all likewise turned in... only they went up to their rooms here within the Little Black Dog. That left only your party (minus the half-orc), Isabetta, and Nosteron awake within the common room.

Isabetta continues to appreciate the company of Sunny, even if it wasn't quite to the extent that the sorceress wished. "Oh now, I doubt that very much. But... thank you all the same. As for anything interesting, no... not really... not today at any rate. All this rain makes it hard to see much of what's going on, it encourages closed shutters and doors, it does. Though, now that I think on it a bit, I did see Nathold fall out of his stirrup earlier and end up face-down in a patch of mud as deep as a man is long." She covered her mouth again and snickered loudly, a feint snort accidentally sneaking its way into her laughter. She leaned back in her fit and nearly fell off of her stool.

Meanwhile, at the table where Arisilde sat and spoke with the old blind man, the corners of Nosteron's eyes deepened with wrinkles as he smiled broadly. It was obvious that he loved to spin yarns for those that would listen.

"Well, nearly sixty years ago now I suppose, an adventurer... not unlike yourself and your companions... by the name of Egrimon Dolett stopped through here on his way towards fame and fortune. He was a tall man, broad of shoulders and very handsome... so they say. He had accepted a quest to journey into the heart of Vaddion Mountain, to seek out a terrible beast that had come to dwell there. And, as the story often goes, he found and defeated the beast indeed - single-handedly no less. But, during his excursion into the mountain, he discovered creature that had been enslaved by the beast and freed him. This creature was a leprechaun named Doneby. In exchange for his freedom, Doneby swore his loyal and unwavering servitude to Egrimon for a year and a day. And Egrimon accepted. However, he was not a kind man and soon the leprechaun found himself in perhaps a worse situation than that which he had been rescued from. With the riches that Egrimon had recovered from the beast's lair, he retired from adventuring and decided to make his home here, just outside of Irrorab Wall, on a plot of land that he purchased to the north. And there, he forced Doneby to build him an elaborate manor house, with a surrounding estate of equal splendor. Even with the magic that the leprechaun possessed, it took him nearly that entire year of difficult labor to build - all the while, Egrimon wiled away his time here in the city, spending his time on leisurely endeavors instead of helping with his own home. Little did he know, all the while Doneby was plotting a careful revenge against the mistreatment he had been made to endure. And because Egrimon did not lift a finger to help in the construction of his own house, he was completely unawares of the many purposeful pitfalls and intentional errors that the leprechaun was hiding within the building. Well, finally the house was finished, Egrimon moved in, and Doneby's contract was fulfilled... so, reluctantly, he was released."

Nosteron paused in his story, drinking deeply from his tankard before he continued.

"It wasn't long afterwards that the truth of what Egrimon had sowed came to bear. At first, it was minors things - disembodied voices and strange noises in the night to rattle the nerves, a hearth that refused all attempts to build a fire within it, a near endless string of woodland creatures that managed to find their way inside regardless of how tightly the house was closed up. Then it became things of a more troublesome nature - furniture that would switch rooms entirely, places on the second floor that would flood without another drop of water in sight, random valuables from the city would appear in the house (followed closely by the city guards to find it there, accusing Egrimon of theft). But then Doneby had his final laugh and the house began to crumble apart around the man - walls would split right down the middle and collapse for no reason, sections of flooring would rot and cave in overnight, upon entering the kitchen one day the entire room was bathed in blood only to disappear before someone else could see it. The manor house rapidly began to deteriorate, as did Egrimon's mental health and his standing with the city of Irrorab Wall. And then, he simply vanished one day. And the dilapidation stopped... at least the unnatural rate at which it was happening did. Time itself has done some work on the old place, but it still stands. And to this day, no one has ever seen of heard a single thing about Egrimon Dolett."

2014-08-15, 12:12 PM
Gisela returns from her evening meal quite satisfied. Instead of being clad in mail and armor, she is wearing a full-body robe with tight sleeves and a long dress, and her helm over the head area.

with her face again obscured by her helm. She arrives a little after the start of old man Nosterdan's story, and sidles over to Arisilde to thank him again (quietly) while meaning to respect the elderly man's story. She sits down with the bard to hear the remainder of the tale, nodding at him to continue.

Zap Dynamic
2014-08-15, 12:34 PM
Completely missing the point, Cachimba says "Egrimon should have hired competent laborers and an architect from the city." Still, magical architecture is much more interesting than the Irrorab Wall or any of the other excuses for construction he has noticed so far. Cachimba takes a long draw from his hookah as he files the information away for later.

Cachimba, ever the slave of his own profligacy, lolls his head toward Sunny and the Older Woman. To his dismay, they stop talking moments after he starts paying attention. It's such hard work, seeking out entertainments.

"You're in luck, Sunny," he purrs through a haze, rising from his chair and stretching his spare arms. "An old mare gets away while the stallion is ready to head to the stable."

2014-08-15, 05:02 PM
Sunny leans over slightly as it seems like Isabetta is about to fall off of her stool, then smiles softly at the woman and pats her on the shoulder. "I think it's best you head home, Isabetta. We'll need to pray to the God of Too Much Alcohol if you stay here any longer." She jests, standing up. "And I'm heading to bed regardless, so goodnight." She gives the woman a brief nod of recognition, stands up, takes a few steps, and then Cachimba starts talking.

The sorceress stares at the lazing about man for a few moments, her stare blank and under heavy-lidded eyes as he attempts to purr. She keeps staring for a few moments longer, as he gets to his feet in a haze, then makes his offer to her. She stands still, keeps staring at the man for a few more moments, blinks once, then...

A small fire suddenly starts in Cachimba's beard.

2014-08-15, 11:27 PM
Ghairen is comfortably interested by the old man's story. So, a man obsessed; or cursed? For that matter; is there much of a difference? I suppose your opinion might change a little based on how close you stand to the problem.

Then she notices the interplay between Cachimba and Sunny, smells the sudden reek of burning hair, and sighs. "Darts at dust-motes" she says quietly. And suddenly mutters something under her breath.

Several gallons of water appear directly over the wizard's head, and submits directly to gravity.

Ghairen stands up. "Oh look. The roof leaks." She says in completely flat tones. "Does anyone have a towel?" Then she bends down and whispers to Sunny.

"We are obviously terrible people. Do you want to help mop the floor, or help him dry out?"

2014-08-16, 04:08 AM
Gisela gives Ghairen and Sunny flat stares under her helm, not sparing them any amount of visual reproach. She tugs on Cachimba's robe, telling him Well don't just stand there looking like a weather victim! At least you didn't get a lake dumped on you... She seizes Cachimba's hookah just below the neck, grabs the tube, and then with her other arm, drags him to his own room, trying to make him feel as guilty as possible for his own predicament, as he rightly should. Shame on you, picking on those women like that. We really must talk about your manners at some time or another. But I'll spare you any further lecture tonight, she says as he is probably about to object. I'll see you in the morning. She gives him a flat, emotionless smile, and firmly shuts the door.

Sighing, she walks back to her room, taking out a notebook as she does, opens the door, lights the candle near her bedside, and closes the door.

2014-08-16, 04:46 AM
Ghairen meets the Paladins gaze with her standard complete neutral unblinking stare. As Gisela bundles the wizard upstairs, she turns again to Sunny. "Now we are in the naughty corner. And Cachimba has been put to bed without his crumpet. Or his supper. We need something to do beyond hide from the rain."

She gives the room an all-round appraisal; trying to gauge who's taken note of the whole mess, and how they are reacting.


2014-08-16, 10:43 AM
A dumbfounded look stays on Sunny's face at everything that follows her reciprocation for Cachimba's eccentricity, from Gisela's stare, the puddle of water, and the riddles that Ghairen seems to speak in. One would think that she's used to it by now, week after week spent cooped up in the tavern with the bunch, but she finds it quite difficult to adapt to the bunch. And the fact that Salicia's tongue flickers with amusement at everything, it just makes it that much more difficult to tolerate. As soon as she's potent enough to talk with Salicia, she's going to go insane. She's certain of it.

"I'm going to my quarters." Sunny tells the Cleric flatly, running an exasperated hand through her hair and starting to walk towards the stairs. "Join me if you want. Otherwise, enjoy the rain." She snaps her fingers and the door upstairs opens, which she trudges towards with the ultimate intent of collapsing on her bed.

2014-08-16, 11:46 AM
Arisilde listens with undiluted delight, and laughs quietly but sincerely at each unfortunate but well deserved insult to Egrimon's pride and legacy. After the story has concluded, he claps Nosteron on the shoulder fondly, and thanks him for the story. I wonder if Doneby has been seen around here since then, he muses to himself. He is still pondering when the exchange between Cahimba and Sunny erupts into hilarity, and Arisilde cannot contain his mirth, first grinning at Cachimba's initial and hopelessly optimistif first sally, then barking a surprised laugh when his beard catches fire, falling into a deep and lasting belly-laugh when Cachimba is doused from head to toe. Feeling a twinge of sympathy for the man, Arisilde still can't resist occasionally giggling as he replays the scene in his head. However, a mess has been left in Benjiah's taproom, which Arisilde smoothly moves to clean up. A half-grin still on his face, remnants of the evening's entertainments, Arisilde stretches, yawns, and bids the folks remaining in the taproom good night. With that, he retires to his room, pausing to make several notes in his journal about the days events, then turning in for the evening.

Zap Dynamic
2014-08-16, 08:47 PM
A viper could hardly have moved as fast as Cachimba's arm when the hairs on his chin catch fire. "EEE!" The flames leap up in front of his face, sending the wizard backward to topple on top of Gisela's food.

"EEEEEEEE!" The wizard pays no attention to the now-filthy paladin, wheeling around slapping his chin and squealing like a babe.

There's no need, of course, thanks to the shaman's diligence. Cachimba has enough time for a high-pitched, shocked, outraged "ugh!" before a pair of strong arms turn his world flip-upside down. He has no thought for anything but the safety of his hookah as the paladin closes the door.

The party hears a door slam open upstairs. "I'm all wet, sure, but I have the endurance of a bear! You'll come around!" The door slams again, and within minutes the evergreen aroma of Cachimba's "sleeping tobacco" drifts into the common room.

2014-08-16, 10:27 PM
Ghairen follows Sunny's departure with her eyes, then turns to Arisilde. "Is my hearing awry; or did Sunny just try to preposition me?" She gives her head a couple of stiff shakes to dispell the mental image, then (presuming nobody else in the common room seems especially suspicious, frightened, or threatening) assists with the clean-up before retiring to her own Sunny-free, snake-free room.

2014-08-18, 12:35 PM
There is a distant clap of rolling thunder somewhere off in the night and the rain begins to pour down even harder. The hearthfire was nearly spent, leaving little more than the glowing orange coals that resembled a smith's forge. The last candle was almost a stub, not unlike a dwarf in its current state - short and squat-looking. The spirits were tucked tidily away in the ale cupboard for the night and any food that remained was beyond cold by now. As you all slowly realize that the thought of sleep has crept up upon you, you head off to find your bed.

The night's rest was a fitful one, filled with tossing and turning. The storm outside had grown more fierce, and between the wind slamming things around in its howling rage and the incessant thunder, it takes its toll upon your slumber's peace. And to top it all off, your dreams were haunted by a voice on the wind... at least you hope that it was only in your dreams.

"Amid the blackest day, you will see the whitest of men.
Let his path show you the way which you do not see.
The journey towards peace begins by looking into thyself."


Dawn breaks the following morning, or so you are forced to assume. For what awakens you is not the crowing of a rooster, but rather another enormous boom of thunder, sounding as though it threatened to rend open the very sky. Perhaps it did... for when you looked out the nearest window, you could see that it was raining even harder than it had been the night before. It appeared that the only good news of the morning was to come from the kitchen.

As you make your way downstairs once more to the common room, you discover that Benjiah's wife, Tirlynn had made eggs, bacon, biscuits, and a hearty white gravy.

"Ta ward off da chills," she explained as she served it up at a silver per plate.

2014-08-18, 02:04 PM
Sunny's eyes flicker open from her rest and she lets out a hefty sigh, as she rolls onto her back and stares at the drab ceiling of her room. Her hair more disheveled than normal, her clothes disturbed and her body retaining some of the dirt from the day before, she runs a hand through her hair and magic brushes all over her. In an instant, she's completely clean, and Salicia has unfurled from the pillow beside her to wrap around the length of her left arm once more.

She rolls out of bed silently, leaning over as she checks the dagger tucked into her boot. She gets to her feet and does a few stretches, flexing the surprisingly toned muscles hidden beneath her top, before she reaches for her crossbow and the straps that keep it attached to her hips. With a little bit of fiddling, she has the weapon holstered at her side, and a few quivers of arrows on her opposite hip. She spends a few minutes listening to the rain, watching its pitter patter against the window before deciding that she might as well head downstairs. More for hunger than anything else.

She trudges down to the common room as excitedly as she always does, taking a seat by the bar and listening to the sounds of the kitchen until Tirlynn comes over. "Bread, please. Bread and spirits. And some raw meat for Salicia." She requests of the woman, her most frequent order. Pure spirits, because she trusts it more than brew, bread because the white gravy looks quite distasteful in her eyes. Salicia flicks her tongue out in approval.

2014-08-18, 09:13 PM
Arisilde dislikes heavy storms, and his sleep is less than restful. He had finally settled into a pleasant dream when he was shaken awake by the clap of thunder.. Well, there's no sleeping through this.. Might as well get up, he muses sleepily. I hope Bandy is doing okay out there.. I'd better check on him. Sniffing the air, Arisilde amends.. After breakfast. That's BACON!

Standing and changing into clean clothes, he uses a bit of the water in his pitcher and the small bowl in his room to swiftly wash himself with soap from his pack. He stands in front of the mirror in his room, gazing, lets admit it, rather fondly at himself, and shaving swiftly. After replacing his toiletries in his pack, he smiles at his reflection.. You ARE the whitest of men, Arisilde Damal.. How can you spend so much time outside and still be this pale? Looking into his own green eyes, flecked with gold, he tells himself that which he repeats every morning.. You are going to discover something amazing today! He pauses, remembering the weather, and his surroundings.. Even if it's in that dreary old taproom.

Bouncing down the stairs, whistling a jaunty tune, he joins the other early risers. Tirlynn, you're a dream! Two plates of everything, if you please.. Bandy must be starving! He loves bacon! Leaving his own plate steaming on the table, Arisilde covers the other under his cloak, braces himself at the door, and rushes out into the downpour to bring his friend breakfast.

2014-08-18, 10:55 PM
Ghairen's rest is also a fitful one. The rain is not so bad; but the constant howl of the wind brings voices to her ears. Voices howling at the back of her mind, rich in threat and promise. Why does nobody ever hear voices saying things like "yes dear, you look wonderful in that" or "I would have done much the same thing."

For a while she's wishing she'd accepted Sunny's invitation. If invitation it was. It's not as though I haven't had worse. Well, all right. Slightly worse. Let's go through and try to grade her properly.

Such thoughts, sly and unsuitable for our insipid narrative, are what finally send Ghairen off to sleep.

The morning is a grey thing of noise and damp. Ghairen, still a nomad somewhere deep down, washes herself in rainwater and shrugs off the chills. Then, as always, checks on her bow before heading downstairs to the welcome smell of breakfast.

Arisilde is a morning person. For some reason that hasn't been outlawed."Ari. Sunny. Sally." She nods good morning to her companions, then turns to Tirlynn. "And two for me as well. Extra gravy." Who makes gravy to go with eggs and bacon? Whatever. It shall go on the biscuits..

She pulls up a chair next to the others. "I think when I retire, it shall be to a place where it snows." She says, atropos of nothing.

Zap Dynamic
2014-08-19, 09:43 AM
Cachimba is far from the first to rise on this dreary morning, and when he comes down into the tavern he looks the part. Dark bags hang under his eyes, and his hair is unbrushed and unbraided. It looks as though he's barely dragged himself into his robes. The most striking change in his appearance this morning, however, is his beard, or rather his new sideburns (http://www.palmbeachpast.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Boyntons_Mystery_Man.jpg).

He responds to the tavern wenches cooking with a dearth of cheer. "Tirlynn, don't you have a spa anywhere? Or even a chess set? There is nothing so fine as leisure during a morning rain."

2014-08-19, 10:05 AM
(I think that pic calls for some sort of Will Save. Maybe DC 10?)


2014-08-19, 10:10 AM
Ghairen manages to avoid goggling at the wizard's new look. But she does raise an eyebrow. "Morning Cachimber. I must admit I am at a loss; are you attempting to appeal to older women now?"

2014-08-19, 10:28 AM
Kayquin awoke, as rested as she could be given her sleeping arrangements. The people of her forest tribe were more wont to sleep in the trees, than in beds. As a result, Kayquin preferred her bedroll and the floor to the straw stuffed mattress provided in her room. The only thing that helped her sleep was the song of the storm outside her window, which she opened every night, in order to be closer to the world outside. Kayquin, having been raised in the woods, absolutely loathed being indoors for too long. As a result, she was becoming increasingly impatient and cranky. Perhaps today, she would explore outside, despite the rain. As she opened her door, the aroma of bacon awoke her stomach with a growl. "Meat," she thought' her mood improving slightly. Kayquin slid down the staircase, jumped off the banister, and flipped, landing next to a seat near the corner. Once she caught sight of whoever was serving, she flippantly waved a hand to catch their attention. "Double serving of bacon and eggs, a single biscuit, and you can leave that Gods-forsaken gravy off the whole lot." Why anyone would want to ruin good food with gravy, she would never know.

2014-08-19, 10:28 AM
Sunny suppresses a groan as the horse-lover practically parades down the stairs to the common room of the tavern, folding her fingers together on the counter and squeezing her hands together tightly to help her cope. Like the fact that he's trying to aggravate hangovers and disgruntling the grumpy isn't enough, he even has to go out and feed proper food to the horse of his. If it weren't for the fact of his atrocious attempts at flirting, the sorceress would have expected that Arisilde's relationship with the equine is more than platonic.

"The older women are mine." Sunny grumbles in response to Ghairen's attempt at teasing Cachimba, a rare half-hearted attempt at amusing the people around her. When the terribly-bearded man starts whining to Tirlynn about a lack of games, she lets out a hefty sigh then holds her hand above the counter. In the space below her hand, crude chess pieces start to form, popping out of thin air and and making a low tumbling noise, until there's an entire set of chess pieces sitting beside her.

"Take them and go somewhere quiet." She tells the eccentric wizard.

It lasts for one hour, and Sunny used to to clean herself, so I thought I'd use this function.

Prestidigitation can create small objects, but they look crude and artificial.

2014-08-19, 10:37 AM
"You are a cruel companion, Sunny." says Ghairen without a flicker of expression. "To tease the man, then send him off to play with himself. You really should try the gravy, Kayquin." She gives the halfling a nod. "It's wonderful once you've finished it."

2014-08-19, 11:35 AM
You aren't sure whether it was the melancholy of the raging storm outside or something else, but this breakfast is possibly one of the best things you've ever tasted. Your specific requests are all met with various expressions from Tirlynn, ranging from pleasure at the compliments to outright confusion (as the bard requests a plate for his camel), but always with a warm smile. Arisilde departs your company with a plate for Bandy, braving the nasty weather out of doors to deliver it. Within the stables, he finds the beast in his stall... malcontent but compliant for the time being. After several moments of soothing his foul mood (which in truth wasn't that out of the ordinary), Bandy eventually nosed through the proffered food and gobbled up the biscuit and the eggs before returning to the oats and hay that had been provided. He turned his nose up at the bacon entirely, but was sure to at least gum at it... as to discourage Arisilde from having it instead.

Meanwhile, back within the Little Black Dog, you all were finishing up eating, wondering what the day might bring... if anything at all. You passed the time with idle conversation and remarks of a more digging nature; clearly a sign that you all were catching a bit of cabin fever. The weather turned worse throughout the early morning, with the sky remaining so dark that it resemble night. Suddenly, a particularly strong gust of wind blew open the door, slamming the heavy wooden portal against the returning wall. And on that gust of wind (heard within the stables as well), was an unmistakable phrase.

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee haaaaaaaaaaassssssssss cooooooooooooooooommmmmmme.

Though they reacted to the sudden intrusion of the elements, none of the other patrons within the common room seemed to hear the voice. Those of you with a view outside see, at that very moment, a small figure that rounds the corner of the bakery down the street. He appears to be halfling, and is cloaked and wearing clothing that is geared for weather much colder than it is currently. The hood of his cloak is up and shields his face, until another strong gale of wind blows it back - revealing his albino nature. Pale skin, bordering on colorless and barely yellow hair, that appears the same.

"Poor sod..." came Benjiah's voice as he moved from the back at the sound of the commotion, and then to the door to close it, "... roads are all but rivers at tha moment. He'w be washed away, he will!"

The other strange thing about this individual, as if there wasn't enough already, is that he appeared to be in an incredible hurry... he was moving with unbelievable speed. So quick, in fact, that you wondered how his short legs were managing it. He soon passes by on the opposite side of the road and was now heading away from the Little Black Dog.

Tirlynn (though not currently in this state)

The Albino Halfling

2014-08-19, 01:27 PM
Kayquin, seated in the corner, is not near a window (I assume).

Kayquin was chewing her last piece of bacon, when the voice echoed through the tavern. She spat out the half chewed wad and jumped out of her seat, assuming a defensive stance and drawing two of her daggers. She then paused to look around the room, trying to determine where the possible danger could be coming from.

Zap Dynamic
2014-08-19, 01:37 PM
Without another word to Tirlynn, Cachimba slouches over to a table where he can set up his hookah and attempt to enjoy this dismally quaint country breakfast. Smoke that smells inexplicably of coffee--Cachimba's "morning tobacco" wafts through the tavern as he eats. The voice drifts through the tavern as Cachima picks fitfully at the remains.

He sees Kayquin leap into action and fails to stifle a yawn. "Nothing to fear, my dear. I hear things all the time. The smoke must finally be getting to you." He takes another draw of the hookah and offers the wand to the halfling. "Care to leap from the cliff of the morning with me? It's better than peering over the edge like that."

2014-08-19, 02:01 PM
Sunny waves her hand over her impromptu chess set as Cachimba goes off to smoke his pipe, content just for the fact that he's on the other side of the tavern. When the food comes, she utters a quiet thanks to Tirlynn and chews quietly on her half a loaf of bread, using her cantrip to make it taste like the most delicious thing she's ever had on her lips. While Salicia swallows down the raw meat with an impressively wide-stretched jaw, her mistress downs the shots of spirits brought to her like it's not early in the morning.

When the wind suddenly slams the door open, Sunny slips off of her chair and frowns slightly at the oncoming storm. She pushes her way over to the window, just in time to watch the little halfling man go speeding past the door of The Little Black Dog, and her lips purse more tightly together, especially as it seems like nobody's in much of a hurry to help the man. She's not exactly a saint, but if he's ignoring shelter...well, she has to at least try to help. She reaches out with her magic, touching his mind as her lips move slowly.

"Where are you going?" Her lips silently utter, as her voice forces its way into the fleeing halfling's mind.

It has a 110ft range, so I figure she has time to cast it. No save.

2014-08-19, 04:43 PM
Gisela has had a terrible night. Nightmares, her body is bruised....it's as if she fought her bed and lost. Feeling groggy, expecting something terrible, she puts on her armor, taking her time, until she hears loud noises downstairs. A knot forming in her chest, she does her best to not forget anything before heading downstairs.

She turns to Cachimba, and upon seeing his baggy eyes gives an audible sigh that even escapes the confines of her helmet. She walks over to the barmaid and asks her for some food discreetly. She is exceptionally hungry, since the Wizard had made it impossible for her to have food last night.

She makes her way into her room to eat quickly and head back downstairs: all of this takes place fast enough for her to brook no discussion with anyone. Satisfied, she hastens downstairs, ready to leave the tavern, her cloak billows behind her.
What did I miss? She asks of...turning her head, it seems that most people are occupied. She turns to the Cleric. Ghairen, what did I miss?

2014-08-20, 12:34 AM
Ghairen is out of her chair in a dry rattle of little wooden skulls as soon as she hears the voice on the wind. She's used to voices. And that was definitely not one of the usual ones.

For one thing, it said nothing of everyone around her burning.

She's about to move toward the door when Gisela appears at her side with a clank and a question. "A grey morning. Some dry and barren jousting. A banging door. A wind with a voice with a warning. A stranger on the road, heralded by a whisper." she says briefly.

After this full and detailed description of events, her eyes flash with a detect magic orision and she moves to the door, fully in mind to keep the stranger in sight for as long as possible and, if he isn't coming in, to at least close the door decently.

Spot [roll0]
Spellcraft [roll2]

2014-08-20, 09:06 AM
Arisilde is still attempting to get Bandy to eat his bacon. Don't be difficult Bandy, I KNOW that you like it crispier than this, but you can at least be a good houseguest and politely eat it... Oh, fine then, if you are going to be difficult. He scoops up the plate, and prepares to head back to the inn when he hears the mysterious voice. Rather than being alarmed, Arisilde is intrigued. Hmm.. He has, has he? I wonder who he is? Arisilde opens the stable door and sees several faces peering out of the door and windows of the inn. He follows their gaze until it rests upon the little bundle of furs and cloth that is rushing about in such inclement weather. Well isn't that bizarre, he says to himself. Oy, Sir! Arisilde calls out, waving his empty hand to catch the halfling's attention. Are you quite well? This isn't very good weather for.. ooh, you're a quick one, you are! Come inside out of the rain, Tirlynn has put breakfast on! It can't be as important as all that! You'll catch your death! Arisilde dashes out of the stable, and runs to the inn door before looking back at the Halfling, and gesturing to him to step inside.

2014-08-20, 12:35 PM
Kayquin, quick as she is to arm herself in defense, sees nothing that appears to be threatening. However, she does note that a large knot of people began gathering at the door and windows at the front of the inn.

Ghairen peers out into the storm after the small man, with both magic and with her normal senses. Although her eyes relay nothing else about the halfling, her spell does reveal a feint trail of a magical aura that wafts behind him as he goes - leaving lengthy wisps of magenta in his wake.

Meanwhile, Sunny tries a more direct approach with her spell, sending a telepathic message to the halfling... to which he stops momentarily and looks about, as if to find the source. You all swear that, for a moment, his nose twitches from side to side. He then spots the open inn door and all of those of you who were standing within it, only to turn back to his path and continue on.

Arisilde then comes barging out of the stables, shouting at the poor fellow from across the mud-streamed street. The halfling jumps somewhat and then continues on at a hurried pace... putting distance between himself and the Little Black Dog and heading north.

2014-08-20, 03:23 PM
Arm still raised in greeting, Arisilde lets his voice trail off to a mutter. Well, that's strange. He must have somewhere terribly important to be.. Like a party or something. Shrugging, Arisilde dashes over to the door to the Inn, and squeezes past those patrons who are gazing out of it, making every attempt to keep from brushing against them and getting them wet. Terribly sorry, pardon me, thanks so much! Arisilde shakes out and hangs up his cloak near the fire to dry, then sits down to his much-less-warm-than-it-was-just-moments-ago breakfast. He tears into the meal with aplomb.. Thish.. ith ethellent gravy, Tirlynn he mumbles with his mouth full.

2014-08-20, 04:21 PM
Ghairen pushes the door shut with a solid click. "Rabbity little fellow. Well, he is gone.". She walks back up the length of the common room, giving "Muttonchop" Cachimba a whisper in passing; "slightly magical." Then addresses Tirlynn and Benjiah.

"In a hurry for some reason. Of course, given the weather, who would not be so." She looks from host to host. "You would not know who he is, and what he might be doing wandering like that?"

Zap Dynamic
2014-08-20, 04:30 PM
"Why thank you," Cachimba replies to Ghairen. "And here I'm not even properly dressed."

If he realizes his error his doesn't show it. When Ghairen finishes her question to the barkeep and his wife, Cachimba clears his throat. "Obviously, he's the figure from our imaginings. '...you will see the whitest of men,' or whatever it was." He extends the hookah's wand to Ghairen. "Care to freshen up? You should have seen how colorful he was to my eyes."

2014-08-20, 04:35 PM
Ghairen just looks back at Cachimba, and puts a hand to the Stern Lady's holy symbol at her neck. "I have seen much whiter men, Muttonchop."

2014-08-20, 04:50 PM
Arisilde's jaw drops, and he smacks his own forehead with the heel of his palm. Gods above, Cachimba, you're a genius! I.. Arisilde looks around, eyes wide in determined panic.. I need my things! Arisilde dashes upstairs in a flash of dripping cloth. All below can hear a cacophony of thumping and scraping, and within moments, Arisilde hurtles back down the stairs, dressed for the road.

He skids to a halt in the middle of the common room, staring at everyone.. Aren't you even a little curious? I never would have made the connection until Cachimba said something, but.. We all had the SAME dream last night, talking about the whitest of men on the darkest of days.. Let his path lead you to the land of willing wenches, friendly tigers, and easy coin, things like that?? Anyone? Well, I'm going, even if you're not. Arisilde trots to the door, heading for the stable to put Bandy's bridle on. Ohhh, he's not going to like being out in this weather, Arisilde laments to himself.. But I have to hurry before the little man's tracks are washed away..

2014-08-20, 05:01 PM
Sunny watches with an arched eyebrow as Arisilde rushes about, yelling like a madman, having retreated to one of the seats of the tavern and being quite comfortable with letting the halfling run around, if he so chooses. There's only so much she can do to try to save somebody, and if he is a little man who's tried to get into their dreams, like the others claim, chasing him would be stupid. When the Bard is rushing through the door, she looks at her companions and deadpans.

"Shall we drink to Arisilde's death now, or later?"

2014-08-20, 05:13 PM
Ghairen meets Arisilde's ramblings with a protesting "But he is a Halfing...and it is not exactly dark..." before realising that she's not only expecting literal accuracy from vague psychotic voices, but also trying to argue with a Bard in a bustle.

"Very well." She says quietly. "I will follow. Your funeral rites must need be observed."

2014-08-20, 09:27 PM
While Kayquin did not see the pale figure that hurried past, she looked from person to person as they discussed him, and what it could mean. It does not take long for her to reconcile the figure's appearance with the shared dream from the night before. When Arisilde makes it obvious that he intends to follow the character, she decides that this is the only sliver of an excuse she needs to justify getting out of doors. She follows the frantic fellow upstairs to retrieve the balance of her gear. Within minutes she is downstairs once again, waiting by the door, her hood drawn in preparation for the downpour. she taps her foot impatiently. "Oh, come on, slowpokes! It appears as though this fella is in a hurry. We need to move out if we have any chance of catching up."

2014-08-21, 02:16 AM
"Shall we drink to Arisilde's death now, or later?"

Gisela has been quiet throughout this exchange, devouring her food since she hasnt eaten for almost a whole day. But Sunny's comment here is just too much. Our companion will not die finding him; nor will Ghairen and neither will Cachimba nor will you. Because we're going to continue moving forwards. You all spoke of dreams you shared. Im sure the same portents I had last night were the same you had. Take heart, Smiles! We are all leaving.

With that, she heads upstairs to Cachimba's room, gathers his remaining items including his hookah case, and then heads to Sunny's room to do the same, making sure that their items will be protected from the rain.

Gisela strides down the stairs back to the common room and walks out with only enough pause for the two to realize that their personal effects are leaving with the Paladin, She strides out of the inn confidently following the others as they pursue this mysterious halfling.

Not to worry, Airisilde! The rest will be coming shortly

Zap Dynamic
2014-08-21, 08:12 AM
Another trademark "ugh!" escapes Cachimba as he scrambles after Gisela. "But it'll get wet!" Nevermind that the hookah is filled with water, and nevermtind how wet Cachimba himself becomes as he dashes out into the storm. "Uuuuugh!"

2014-08-21, 08:46 AM
Inwardly grinning that, while slow to start, the group definitely rises to a challenge, Arisilde quickly fetches Bandy, stroking his nose and talking excitedly to him about how fascinating the little man had been, and how they needed to hurry to catch him, apologizing about the weather. And thank you, Bandy, for not kicking a hole in the stall door. I know you don't like it in there, Arisilde laments. Once out of the stable, Arisilde says Bandy, Stay! I have to help everyone else get ready to go.. He heads for the door to the Inn, and almost collides with Gisela. He gives her a lopsided grin.. Thanks Gisela, you're a peach!

Zap Dynamic
2014-08-22, 01:13 PM
By the time Cachimba catches up with Gisela he is drenched to the bone and as forlorn as anyone has ever seen him. "What's the meaning of this?" he shouts over the downpour. He has attempted to protect his hookah by wrapping it up in his robes, but there is no escaping this kind of water. "My tobacco's waterlogged beyond use," he complains. "I won't even be able to pack a new bowl until we're back insiiiiiide."

2014-08-22, 02:18 PM
Sunny shakes her head at Gisela, even as she takes her things, and blatantly scoffs at the woman. She follows her outside nevertheless, even as she attempts to brag to the bard. "First of all, I didn't dream ****, so I don't know why you're saying I did." She reaches into her pocket, and the pouch of gold she keeps, and pulls out ten gold pieces. "Secondly, you've got about eight gold pieces of gear, there. Which is worthless to me." She tosses the gold in the air, then shoots a burst of flame from her palm that incinerates the coins in mid-air, turning them into little more than molten slag as they fall into the snow.

"And, most importantly of all," Sunny slams the back of her hand across Gisela's jaw, in a surprisingly powerful slap for what one would expect of a mage. "Don't you ever try to manipulate me again!" She yells at the Paladin, her eyes glowing with arcane energy as Salicia slithes and hisses along her left arm. She stands there for a few moments longer, glaring at the woman, as the magic slowly dissipates . Then she starts marching along the trail that the halfling took.

Zap Dynamic
2014-08-22, 02:38 PM
Very slowly and much quieter than the rain, Cachimba backs away from the two women. He has seen this sort of thing in countless taverns and dens in the city. He has seen the scars from such encounters and wants none of them on his pristine flesh.

2014-08-22, 02:42 PM
At first, it seemed as though the passing of the halfling would go by with little more than just barely a notice. Most everyone returned to their morning tasks. That is until a comment was made and the bard snapped as a connection was drawn.

Then, Arisilde burst into action, running about this way and that, gathering his things with the frenzy of a madman. He then headed back out into the storm to reclaim his furried friend from the stables. Bandy is somewhat uncooperative at first, and then seems happy to comply once it was clear that this would lead to his release from the stall. However, he was no longer pleased when it became apparent that this then meant that he would be going outside into the pouring rain and the howling wind. But the druid was able, as always, to coax his companion into compliance. Just as Arisilde was heading back towards he tavern, two more figures emerged in a hurry.

Ghairen and Kayquin both flung themselves out into the inclement conditions outside of the Little Black Dog, hoods drawn up against it. Looking about, the saw the albino turn a corner near the end of the street as well as the bard exiting the stables with his camel in tow.

Mere moments later, Gisela herself emerged looking somewhat like a pack animal...laden with more gear than usual for the paladin. Cachimba, rather unwillingly, trudges after the half-orc. He quickly caught up with the gathering group. Sunny, having clearly not taken kindly to the actions of Gisela, follows, if only to strike out at the paladin for the offense. However, it appears as though she was now along for whatever came next, as she charges off down the street after where the albino halfling had apparently gone.

You all make your way northward along one of the main thoroughfares of Irrorab Wall, eventually crossing upon some timbers that some thoughtful citizen had placed above the mud to facilitate crossing the street - which at this point was nearly a reluctant river of brown sludge. Following the halfling's trail, although the rain was doing its best to erase it, was not overly difficult. Boots caked in thick mud tended to leave very obvious mounds along the porchways and cobblestones, where they were present. Finally, you saw that the path lead you through the north gate and out of the city proper entirely. Pressing on, the winds moaned threateningly as you moved into the trees of the surrounding forest, the small trail more or less following the ruins of the nearby namesake wall. Off in the distance, several of you spotted some ominous-looking clouds that began to swirl and form themselves into a spiraling cone. It looked at though it would stretch down to touch the ground below it! And with it... came a sound unlike anything you had ever heard before... a low roar that seemed to never end.

The funnel snaked its way across the open fields of the farmlands that lay below where you now walked along, leaving a terrible telltale furrow of destruction in its wake. Continuing on, it appeared as though it was headed straight for the town! Thanking whatever premonition (or otherwise) that had brought you out of Irrorab Wall, you moved on in pursuit of this most strange halfling. Just as you regained sight of him, up ahead someways in the trees, he ducks his way through the ruined wall! Nearing where you did so, you find a collapsed hole that allowed his passage. It was certainly large enough for even Bandy to move through... though it would take some careful maneuvering to do so.

2014-08-22, 03:01 PM
Sunny keeps marching steadfastly across the halfling's tracks as he just keeps running and running through the rain, her head bowed lightly to keep the sun out of her eyes. With the last piece of her previously-cast cantrip, she warms up the thin fabric of her outfit to protect her at least somewhat from the pelting pellets of water. Salicia similarly seeks shelter, slithering along the sorceress' arm to take shelter in her now-warmed bosom. She largely ignores the comments of her other companions, and the damnable beast of burden that accompanies Bandy, in favor of letting her emotions simmer, at least for the moment.

When she watches the storm start to tear into Irrorab Wall, Sunny can't help but feel like it's something she's seen before, far too many times. The dagger in her heart twists slightly, as she just pulls her eyes away and keeps following the trail. Though she can feel Salicia pushing against her mind, flooding her with the emotions that she's all too familiar with. Depression, doubt, the idea that she could avoid all this if she just goes back home, back to the place she was meant to be... For the moment, at least, she has a task, which is enough to force her to focus her eyes through the obscuring rain and her prey.

When they finally arrive at the hole, the sorceress stops in her tracks and frowns. She kneels down to pick up whatever piece of rubble or rock happens to be around and experimentally tosses it into the hole, to test whether it would be safe to dive through it as the halfling did.

2014-08-22, 03:03 PM
Arisilde's jaw drops open at the exchange, if one can call it that, between Sunny and Gisela. He opens his mouth to speak, thinks better of it, and hurries on. At least the Frowning Mage of Crankypants was coming. Oh dear, Arisilde laments worriedly. I do hope all of the townsfolk stay safe. He trudges along with the rest of the group, following the quickly diminishing trail. Then, catching sight of the Halfling again, he perks up. There he is! Arisilde is a master of the obvious, commenting on what everyone else likely already saw.. Heel, Bandy", he chirps pleasantly. He trots down into the hole, minding his footing, and calls for Bandy to follow him down, avoiding Sunny's thrown rock and looking ahead to see if he could determine where that monochromatic midget had gotten himself to.

2014-08-22, 04:43 PM
The sight of the tornado sees Ghairen's mouth set into a grim line, and her strings of wooden skulls and beads rattle like a snake in the streaming wind. "The little fellow has the right idea." She calls out over the building howl. "Go to ground. We should seek a cellar, not a quarry."

But, given the trail is not proving as cryptic as she had feared, she steps ahead of Arisilde and steps through the hole in the wall, keeping an open eye for what is on the other side. He can not possibly not have noticed us. Whatever his mission. Must think we are mad or fools.

She thinks back to the scene between Gisela and the increasingly misnamed Sunny. He would be perfectly correct, of course.

Move Silently:[roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

2014-08-23, 04:06 PM
Gisela was about to hand Sunny the sack she had placed her items in when she gets an uncomfortable smack across her helmeted face. She is used to such exchanges among her kind, but she is altogether unused to such a rebuke for so simple an action. She reaches under her helm and massages her jaw. She feels a tooth loosen painfully. Quite a blow. I hope Sunny's hand is okay, she says, turning to Cachimba and opening his hookah box and helping him load its contents. Your hookah will be okay. Glass is quite resilient to rain. As far as your tobacco is concerned, perhaps I can purchase some for you later to make up for my.... she glances over to Sunny, whom is still moving away in a mood more befitting someone whose world was blown away in some sort of apocalypse. ...for my manipulation.

Having done the best she could think of for what she felt like was a mistake, she continues onward with the group. But as she sees the swirling column of doom, Gisela fills with dread: Surely the town must be warned! But... her stomach wrenches. They would know by now, right? Torn, Gisela is the last to disappear down the hole, thinking only all the more that she's made another mistake.

Ehlonna spare them some time, she prays.

Zap Dynamic
2014-08-23, 04:22 PM
"Wait," Cachimba gawks. "We're... going through the hole?" The wall itself looks like nothing that could keep out an army, but it looks like a royal palace compared to the hole. Gisela hears Cachimba muttering about the follies of "those damnable adventurers" before the smoker hikes up his waterlogged robes and begins what is obviously quite an ordeal. "Ugh," he says, grabbing the side of the hole only to immediately pull his hand away and wipe it on his robe. "There's dust in here." Cachimba struggles pathetically for quite some time before he makes his way into the hole.

2014-08-25, 01:23 PM
You press on towards the hole in the wall, the wind howling and tearing at you, whipping you about. During certain gusts, some of you even have trouble navigating your steps with the threat of being pushed over. Looking through the hole, you can see a thin game trail, working its way through the forest on the other side. Sunny takes up a stone and tosses it through... with no visible effect. With that, the others begin pouring through the hole - the bard having to coax Bandy through.

The rain and wind continue to pelt you, causing your clothing to stick to your body. Just then, you hear a horrendous sound coming from the city behind you - a low, continuous, moaning wail. Looking back, you see that the dark funnel cloud had reached the southern end and was now sucking up pieces of debris to swirl around inside of it, carrying them high up into the air.

You each, in turn, step out into the forest on the other side of the hole in the ruined wall. The North Forest was largely untouched outside of the wall and it had been allowed to run its natural course. Being a fairly old wood, it did not take long for nature to reclaim the elements of man that did remain behind and the wall suffered, in no small part, because of this. Vines, tree roots, and small creatures had all done their part in trying to overtake it, but the city maintained most of the grounds on their side of the wall, encouraging both frequent grazing and timber-cutting.

However, you were leaving all of that behind now, as you pushed deeper into the North Forest and further after your target... now merely a series of fleeting flashes here and there, ahead of your small band on the game trail. Pressing on, you soon lose sight of him all together, as the rain and the wind hammer down upon you. Somewhere off to your right, you hear a tremendous ruckus as several trees are felled. The wind at your backs seems to almost shove you onward.

Then, just as you had given in to the idea of this being a fruitless pursuit, you see a clearing up ahead, and something within it.


A dilapidated manor house, mostly taken back by nature already, stood sentry in the middle of this clearing... almost defying the very forest around it. Arisilde and Gisela recognize that this very well may have been Egrimon's house; the one from Nosteron's story! The roof had almost completely collapsed or rotted away and this intense storm may very well finish the job. Suddenly, a wagon falls from the sky and crashes to the ground some twenty yards to the left of you. The wooden vessel smashes into a thousand pieces as if it had been a child's toy. The storm, it seemed, was pressing closer to your position!

2014-08-25, 02:08 PM
Cupping his hands to his mouth to be heard over the storm, Arisilde shouts We should get inside the house!!

Obviously, the weather right now is horrendous, but, Arisilde wants to try to determine if the worst is past, or is it coming? Are more trees likely to be ripped up? Are members of the party in danger of being struck by flying debris, or worse, lifted into the air and taken away?

Knowl: Nature [roll0]\
Survival: [roll1]

Oh, die roller, how you hate me...:smallmad:

2014-08-25, 02:23 PM
Marching steadfastly despite the storm, Sunny immediately starts to look around the outside of the house for a door to any kind of cellar.

Zap Dynamic
2014-08-25, 02:32 PM
Cachimba stops at the edge of the clearing, transfixed for the briefest of moments by the ruin that stands before them. "What a ridiculous house!" he shouts to no one in particular. "No taste, no--" he is cut off by the impact of the wagon to their right and screams. For a long time.

By the time he is done screaming he is at the house's nearest door, banging away as if it was a warm manor full of dinner guests. "The skyyyyy!" he continues screaming. "Heeeeellllp!"

2014-08-25, 04:54 PM
Ghairen gives the manse a measuring look as she walked around it, taking note of doors and other entrances and--most importantly--signs of anyone using them recently. "Quaint." she draws out, chewing on each phoneme as though she has a grudge against the word. "But appears sturdy. Muttonchop has half the right idea."

With a slight gleam of teeth showing between her lips, she walks up behind Cachimba and attempts to gently pull him back from the door. "Could be anything in there. Ghosts, Goblins, Ghoulies, gold-diggers, Rakshasas, recidivists, revisionists, sybarites, syndicists, socialists, Sunny's evil exes, even. It should be someone going first who is armoured against danger, cloaked against peril, and most importantly somebody who can find a doorhandle under pressure."

2014-08-25, 05:36 PM
Gisela has been absorbed in prayer most of the time they've been walking, appealing to the gods for their souls' security and for their own well-being, which may not--at this point--mean their life but their Divine Salvation.

She has been so absorbed in this task that she has forged the raging storm through sheer force of habit to follow her fellow adventurers (and of course, her armor). She has not consciously noticed that they have approached a malign-looking manse, more given now to nature than to its state of repair. More importantly, though, the place looks like more of a haunt for unattached spirits than those living in the meatspace of the Material Plane.

It takes a few moments for her to feel the gaze of her fellows on her, expecting the Paladin to lead the way into this place.
...and to poor little Mansy, bless her two-year-old soul, Gods willing. She looks up from the notebook she was reading from, feeling once again that she is entirely out of character for herself.

Ah, yes. The door. Gisela tries it once, and the handle doesn't budge under her grasp. She pushes down upon the rather ancient-looking and rusted lever attached to the door, and it is only with her and her armor's combined weight and the leverage of her glaive haft that she manages to budge the elderly portal and shoves it open with considerable effort. She strides in, ready to take on what may come.

2014-08-25, 06:11 PM
Ghairen turns away, the echoes of the old doors groan echoing in her head like an incredibly cheap special effect. "Arisilde." She says. ""I shall back up Gisela. If I might borrow your spear for the occasion, that would be splendid. Please be ready to follow with your crossbow armed. Kayquin, Sunny, Muttonchop--" She grasps for something that they might might conceivably actually do. "Employ your own discretion."

She moves to follow Gisela through the door, spear braced if Arisilde lent her his, else just with her hand on her dagger.

2014-08-25, 06:23 PM
"You're as perceptive as you are beautiful, Ghairen, if you didn't notice my crossbow, and the fact that I'm at least twice as skilled at shooting it as Arisilde." Sunny snarks at the priestess after finishing her search for an entrance to some kind of cellar. Regardless of whether she's going in or not, she huddles in the arch of the doorway and utters a few arcane grumblings.

It's what got cast. Also, drawing her dagger.

2014-08-25, 07:30 PM
Ghairen keeps her eyes on the yawning door. "But he is better with a crossbow than with a spear." she says. Just loudly enough to be heard. "And he has not assaulted an ally recently".
And she smiles to herself.

2014-08-25, 07:35 PM
"Nobody's tried to blackmail him recently." Sunny retorts, clasping her dagger tightly in one hand.

2014-08-25, 08:30 PM
Back post-->
After seeing the funnel cloud begin to form Kayquin has a brief (and rare) sense of compassion for the unsuspecting townsfolk, but she could not think of a method to warn them. That is until they hurried past a church and Kayquin noticed the bell suspended within the steeple. Hurriedly, and with much effort , she pushed open the oaken front door, and shouted within "Your god is angry!! The finger of god comes to destroy you all! Warn the people!! Ring that DAMNED bell!" "THAT should get them moving!"she thought as she rushed out of the door and rejoined the party, following them through the hole in the wall.

After catching up to the group -->
Kayquin began to feel the increasing force of the wind, so much so that she nearly felt weightless as she fled the storm, and actually stumbled from time to time when a sudden gust would push her forward. Despite the raging storm, the halfling still managed to feel an overwhelming sense of relief once ensconced in the forest. It is short-lived, however, as the party finds the dilapidated house, and she realizes that the party plans to head indoors, yet again. Hearing the once mighty trees being defeated by the storm, she begrudgingly admits that shelter is a necessity. Kayquin was heading for the front door, where the screaming man stood, when the paladin stepped in and opened the door. Stepping in line to enter, Kayquin brandishes her rapier, just in case.

2014-08-25, 08:50 PM
Certainly! Arisilde has a wet grin for Ghairen as he flips the spear over and offers it butt first, and loading his crossbow after it has been taken. Although, he notes,, if Sunny is as talented at shooting that crossbow as she is her mouth, perhaps I should hand her mine as well. I can only hope her targets are better chosen with her quarrel-shooter than her quarrel-starter.

Taking up a position slightly behind and to the side of Ghairen, he holds his crossbow in a ready position.

2014-08-25, 08:55 PM
"I'd be angry at you for that comment, but the fact that you said it while standing well within range of having your skin boiled just proves that you're too stupid to know what you're saying." Sunny comments with a roll of her eyes from behind the man.

2014-08-26, 01:51 AM
Gisela holds up a gauntleted hand to the others. Did anyone here something just now?

She is looking around the mansion entrance, using the natural light from the outside to illuminate her careful and slow exploration of the house. The last thing she needs is to crash through some rotten floorboards and end up injured in the basement.

Listen: [roll0]

2014-08-26, 04:41 AM
Ghairen takes the spear and gives Arisilde a nod of thanks. Best we are not all waving bows and polearms in there--. Then stops completely still as Gisela calls for silence.


Why do I not have a light spell prepared? Well, another thing. She quietly murmurs the syllables for detect magic


2014-08-26, 08:05 AM
Sorry, I think that was Bandy you heard, I don't think his breakfast agreed with him, Arisilde apologizes as the camel lows loudly. Still, better safe than sorry, so Arisilde tries to drown out the sounds of the storm to hear or notice.. anything out of the ordinary.

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

Zap Dynamic
2014-08-26, 12:04 PM
As soon as he is out of the elements, Cachimba slinks off to a corner of the entryway and produces his hookah. Within minutes, fragrant smoke is billowing out around the party. "Th-th-th-th-that's b-b-b-better," Cachimba chatters. His robes are beyond soaked. They look heavy and cold.

2014-08-26, 12:38 PM
Any looking about the place produces more of the same - a rundown old manor house with many of its shutters missing or rotted and any glass that may have adorned the windows long since shattered. Vines grow up the walls and some even intrude into the interior of the place. However, much more than cursory exploration is curbed, as the weather continues to pelt you with raindrops that feel like pebbles and with that insatiable wind. And with no sign of an exterior entrance into any cellar that may or may not be present, you all find yourselves huddled up on the front entryway, just outside the main door.

As you discussed the idea of sheltering, you all found it very hard to even hear one another... as the long wailing moan had returned to top off the howling of the wind. This time, however, it was closer... much closer... and you could make out the sound of more trees falling once more in the North Forest back the way you came. Finally, you decide that it's best to press inside and you each prepare to do so.

Gisela has to work at the door quite a bit, but it isn't the rusted lock that gives the most trouble. The hinges themselves were so thoroughly deteriorated that they were nearly solid lumps of rusted iron. But, with the proper force (also known as 'half-orc elbow grease'), the door reluctantly crept open enough to emit your party... plus one camel. The debris that had gathered along the backside of the door hadn't exactly helped the process, but all the same, you now found yourselves standing inside.

The manor house appears to have once been an elegant place, filled with high ceilings, a grand staircase, and wide hallways. You can even still see the odd piece of furniture here or there, covered in old dusty and moldy canvas. You all pile in, taking refuge inside from the intense storm that raged on. If did not appear as though you were entirely out of the elements, however, as you could easily hear the sounds of the wind whistling about through nooks and crannies, as well as the sound of multiple steady drips of water. As you all relax somewhat and begin to take a look around, something else catches your attention. There is a series of wet footprints upon the dusty stone floor of the parlor, leading down the main hall and into a doorway some distance near the back of the building.

2014-08-26, 12:52 PM
Arisilde shakes the worst of the water out of his cloak, and retrieves his Everburning Torch from his equipment. Hold this, please, Bandy he says, holding the torch out by the handle. The dripping camel reaches out it's long neck and takes the torch in his teeth. With the light held above everyone's head, Arisilde readies his crossbow again, and starts creeping slowly down the hallway, following the footprints, and testing the floorboards when he reaches the edge of the cobbled slate floor, to make sure they seem sturdy enough to hold he, his friends, and a sopping wet camel.. with a torch and saddlebags.

2014-08-26, 09:55 PM
The forest halfling shuffles into the house, shaking herself much like a dog, splattering water all around, oblivious to the shower she is giving anyone standing near her. After doing so, Kayquin looks around the house, and muttered "I like what Ehlonna has done with the place. This is much better than that stuffy old inn." In looking around, she spies the damp footprints in the dry dust, and follows, her rapier, Nettlesting, still drawn.

2014-08-26, 10:36 PM
"I find it somewhat too upright and structured, myself." quoth Ghairen, her deadpan tone totally failing to communicate sarcasm. "But at the least we are not waiting for a tornado while surrounded by splintery wood. Hold up there." She heads on the same trail as Kayquin and Arisilde, trying to move ahead of them if they'll let her pass. "The gods gave you many gifts meet to suit many roles, master Arisilde. But one they did not give you was the gift of being a suitable candidate for "the one in front".

Nothing from Detect Magic?

2014-08-27, 01:13 AM
"The gods gave you many gifts meet to suit many roles, master Arisilde. But one they did not give you was the gift of being a suitable candidate for "the one in front".

Gisela has been stepping in front of Arisilde the entire time, anticipating his movements and direction with relative ease. She waves over at the cleric, catching her attention, and continues to press on.

2014-08-27, 07:25 AM
Arisilde happily lets his martial betters precede him with a pleased grin. He has always found that the valiant sometimes need to be prodded into action, and seeing someone as squishy and generally physically inept as himself forging the trail often got good results. He smiles at Ghairen's too-true comment. Right you are, Ghairen, couldn't agree more really. Luckily for you, one of the gifts that I have been given is that I excel in the ancient art of.. he pauses for dramatic effect.. COOKING!! That's right, I have got the perfect ingredients for an exquisite venison stew tonight. The potatoes are diced, you see, and, well, you really have no idea how hard it has been to get sage and ripe tomatoes in these parts, but I did find a goodwife who was willing to part with her lemonseed and parsnips. Oh, I know what you're saying, and you're right.. The stew is much better with moose meat, but... Arisilde sighs, eyes rolling to the heavens, I can't tell you when I last saw good moose meat. We'll just have to make due. Luckily, I have bread and cheese for all of us, and a splash of wine. Only one glass each, more's the pity, but I didn't find any local vintages that I wanted to burden Bandy with. Aaaanyway,
Arisilde continues to natter on about the scarcity of quality vegetables and spices, and champions the cause of moose over beef, venison, pork or lamb until something interesting happens, or someone reminds him that they are trying to be quiet.

Zap Dynamic
2014-08-27, 09:18 AM
At once relieved to be out of the storm, terrified of this ruin, and manically puffing at his hookah, Cachimba trudges after the rest of the group. "It's about time you started cooking again," Cachimba drawls to Arisilde. "You're nothing compared to my cook at home, of course, but gods the woman in that tavern was trying to kill us, I swear."

2014-08-27, 09:28 AM
Gisela gives a hearty few chuckles. To hear you talk, Cachimba, im surprised you didn't suspect the soup bowls of trying to kill us too.

Zap Dynamic
2014-08-27, 09:33 AM
Wide eyed and bloodshot, Cachimba approaches Gisela. He is slow, as if any step between the two of them could be his last. He stops inches from her face, paranoia evident on his own. "They were."

2014-08-27, 09:34 AM
Ghairen listens to Arisilde for precisely as long as it takes him to get to "...AAnyway", then breaks in without turning around.

"It is good you are so comfortable around me. Some get nervous when they find out I can kill people just by touching them."

2014-08-27, 09:35 AM
Sunny says nothing as she enters the manor proper, though Salicia slithers out from under her shirt to re-affirm her grasp around the sorceress' left arm. She re-grasps the dagger in her right hand, making sure that her grip on it is well-placed as she moves deeper into the manor and spots the footprints along the ground. Were it not for the storm that's raging just outside, she'd be far more comfortable investigating the place for anything that might be helpful to them...a few abandoned trinkets, unless thieves have already ransacked the place. But the winds are almost as demanding as Cachimba, so she keeps on following the group and the footprints that might belong to the halfling.

2014-08-27, 10:16 AM
The storm continues to rage on without; branches and gods-know-what-else slamming into the stone and plaster walls of the manor. The wind continued to torment you with its howl, growing louder as you passed by rooms with many open windows and doorways, causing an otherworldly sound to echo throughout. Following the small wet footprints, you all soon come to a room that still has its door intact. As it is already open, however, you can see into the space beyond fairly well and see no sign of your quarry... aside from more footprints.

Following them into the room cautiously, you see that they lead to a beautifully ornate wardrobe. Whomever left the footprints appeared to have milled about a bit, leading also to an old and moldy canvas tarp, similar to those you saw in earlier rooms. However, this one was piled upon the floor.

Alright. I need everyone to roll me both a Wisdom check and a Spot check, please!

2014-08-27, 11:10 AM
Gisela approaches the room with due caution. Something about this room...seems ominous

spot: [roll0]

She looks around, more focused on her companions than at what's around her.

2014-08-27, 11:27 AM
Ghairen reverses Ari's spear and prods the tarp with the butt. "Overdecorated furniture is always disconcerting".

Wisdom [roll0]
Spot [roll1]

2014-08-27, 01:04 PM
Kayquin steps in and looks around, and seems quite focused on the footprints, and how they end with no sign of their quarry. Kayquin looks suspiciously at the wardrobe and brandishing her rapier, jumps forward, saying AH-HA!" as she attempts to throw open the wardrobe door. She is assuming that he is hiding inside the wardrobe.

=Spot [roll1]

2014-08-27, 02:12 PM
Cachimba and Sunny both notice that, unlike everything else you have seen here... that the wardrobe shows no signs of age or disuse. The varnish of the wood is unfaded, and there is no dust gathered within the deeply carved recesses of the decorative scrollwork. It seemed as though Salicia noticed something strange about the piece of furniture as well, as the sorceress got a vague impression of concern from the snake.

Before anyone could really react, as some investigated the canvas and revealed nothing else beneath it, Kayquin pulls open the wardrobe expecting to find the albino of her kin hiding inside. But alas, he was nowhere to be seen! Instead, however odd it appeared, there was a large mirror mounted to the back of the inside of the wardrobe. It was not simply polished metal, as many of you were likely accustomed to seeing on occasion... this was silver-backed glass set into an intricate bronze frame. Cachimba and Sunny both noticed the same apparent lack of age on this mirror. With Ghairen's spell still active, she saw a brilliant magical aura surrounding... and even penetrating... the mirror.

In addition, Kayquin spies a strange passage written upon the interiors of the doors, split down the middle. Salicia drew Sunny's attention to this as well. The writing, at waist level for most of you, seemed to have been scrawled upon the surface with a piece of coal that had been removed from the fireplace in this room. When the two halves were placed together, such as when the doors were shut and it was read from the inside, the passage said:

",llaw eht dnoyeb rirroM ,rorriM
,llac ot emoc ev'ohw su fo esohT
,wov ruoy nopu tcelfer ,uoy dniM'
.won dna neht ,srednalnerwoD oT"

More interestingly, perhaps... Kayquin also notices that outside the windows of the room reflected in the mirror, that the sky looks clear and sunny, with no storm in sight.

2014-08-27, 02:22 PM
Arisilde poses briefly in the reflection, enjoying the 'action shot' in the mirror of himself holding the crossbow.. Then he notices the state of his hair and attire, and likely the stares of his companions and.. Err.. Nice mirror, eh?

2014-08-27, 03:44 PM
Kayquin seems genuinely astonished to find the wardrobe lacking the albino halfling. She runs around the back of the wardrobe, looking to see if there could be some form of hidden door, then she runs back around to the front.
"No halfling? How?"
Kayquin looks out of the window, and sees the storm still raging outside, then looks back at the mirror.
"AND the mirror is busted or something!? It doesn't reflect the right things. LOOK, no storm", as she points to the mirror. "And then, STORM!", as she gesticulates to the window. After noticing the writing Kayquin hops in the wardrobe and shuts the doors, without any announcement to the party. With the doors back together again, she would like to try reading the words.

2014-08-30, 06:36 AM
Ghairen contents herself that there's nothing under the tarpaulin, and abruptly finds herself giving a shudder. A strange disturbance in the force, as though an awkward moment cried out in terror and was suddenly silenced.. And then the feeling is gone, leaving her with a faint and inexplicable desire to bathe in barbecue sauce.

The click of the door brings her fully back to reality. "She has closed herself in there? Let us be glad it is not a Mimic. I only saw magic from the mirror itself."

I'd like to go on with what I think of the poem, but I really don't think she would have had time to read it. It's kind of up to Kayquin now.

2014-08-30, 04:00 PM
Without further ado, your own halfling shuts herself inside of the wardrobe. You hear her saying something, barely, over the muffle of the barrier itself and the roaring of the incessant wind outside the room's windows.

As you close the doors of the wardrobe behind you, you find it very hard to see much in here at all... except that the mirror's surface gives off the faintest of glows, because of a small amount the "reflected world's" sunlight leaking in underneath of the doors within the reflection. As such, you are just able to make out the white lettering written inside the doors, noticing that the words read properly when reflected as well. As you speak them aloud... The words begin to sparkle and glow faintly. When you finish the entire phrase, the effect disappears and you realize that the mirror's surface has adopted a different texture; more like the surface of a still body of water than of glass. If you touch it, you find it viscous and warm instead of solid and cool.

2014-08-31, 09:43 PM
Kayquin's jaw drops open when the writing begins to sparkle like stars. After marveling at the letters for awhile, she then remembered why she has entered the wardrobe in the first place, and turned to look for some method in which her quarry could have escaped the wardrobe. When she turns she notices the change in the mirrors surface. Kayquin exclaims,"Now, how did they get a pond into this strange piece of furniture, and however did they talk it into standing up? Magic is SO bizarre!!
She will then look at her rapier, with the thought of sliding into the material, think "Nettlesting? Not a chance.". Sheathing her rapier, she lifts a hand, shrugging. Kayquin places her hand on the mirror, and pushes.

2014-09-02, 02:26 PM
You press your hand into the surface of the mirror and it passes completely through it, to a distance that you are certain is well beyond the back of the wardrobe! Suddenly, you feel yourself being pulled forward, almost melting into the mirror as if it were an open doorway. The feeling was akin to falling face-first into a pool of warm water. Your reflexes kick in and cause you to try and hold your breath.

You all mill about the small room, realizing that it has been some time since you heard any sound from within the wardrobe. Meanwhile, however, a large crash from the room across the hall causes several of you to peer across through the open doorway. It is noted, by whomever took a gander, that a large portion of the far wall has now collapsed outwardly, further opening the interior of the manor house to the exterior. Not too far beyond, less than a mile and above the treeline, another funnel cloud could be seen pressing down towards your location!

Zap Dynamic
2014-09-02, 02:54 PM
Another jolt and another scream. "Any port in a storm!" Cachimba shrieks as he grabs his hookah and bolts for the wardrobe. "Make way, little woman!" He flings open the door and leaps inside, totally heedless of any occupants.

2014-09-02, 03:01 PM
When Cachimba throws open the wardrobe, he is surprised (or perhaps not) to find that Kayquin is no longer within it!

2014-09-02, 03:18 PM
Arisilde claps with genuine and unfeigned delight. I've seen these trick cabinets before!! But never one that seemed so convincing! Alright, come out now Kayquin, where'ya at? We've gotta find someplace safe to hole up! Arisilde looks behind and under the cabinet, seeking the hidden compartment that 'must' be there!

2014-09-02, 03:22 PM
Try as the bard might, Arisilde just simply cannot find any mechanism or hidden compartment at all! And, in fact, Kayquin neither answers not reappears.

Zap Dynamic
2014-09-02, 03:27 PM
"In or out!" Characteristically, Cachimba doesn't bother to wait for an answer before trying to close the door.

2014-09-02, 03:36 PM
As you close the doors of the wardrobe behind you, you find it very hard to see much in here at all... except that the mirror's surface gives off the faintest of glows. After inspecting the mirror a little bit closer, you realize that there is a small amount of what appears to be sunlight leaking in beneath the doors of the wardrobe, but only within the reflection! The light is entirely missing on your side of the mirror! But, thankfully, because of the light, you are just able to make out the white lettering written inside the doors, noticing that the words read properly when reflected in the mirror's surface as well.

2014-09-02, 09:16 PM
Gisela, after peering into the other room and suspecting the worst, is surprised to find part of the room gone. Worse, it seems that the storm's devastation is all the more proximal to the house, and is most likely the cause of the house's continuing deterioration.

Turning around to the group, the half-orc has a worried tone. So... the stairs have crumbled away. Sunny, Ghairen, Airisilde, do we have a way out of here? The storm is... about to swallow up this house.

2014-09-02, 09:26 PM
Still not quite "getting it", Arisilde still reaches for what, for him, is logic. Maybe this magicians wardrobe has a secret compartment below ground? Or maybe, it's a secret passage into a basement? I mean, Kayquin disappeared, right? Hey Cachimba! Arisilde throws open the door to the wardrobe to ask the wizard if he agreed. Cachimba, what do you think??

2014-09-03, 11:03 AM
Arisilde throws open the wardrobe to reveal a puzzled-looking Cachimba, who appeared as though he was about to have exited the standing piece of furniture himself.

2014-09-03, 11:06 AM
Sunny whistles softly to herself while the rest of the group tries to figure out what to do. The halfling had to get out somehow, and she won't be the too-many'th cook in the kitchen of investigation.

2014-09-03, 01:32 PM
C'mon, out Cachimba! I need to find the mechanism that gets us into the secret room! Arisilde gently tugs the mage out of the way so that Ari can start poking around inside the wardrobe.. The weather keeps getting worse, it's time to get Bandy some cover!

Arisilde wants to quickly study the wardrobe to figure out how Kayquin triggered it.

Search? [roll0]
Spot? [roll1]
Bardic Knowledge? [roll2]
Decipher Script? [roll3]

Heck, Use Magic Device, lol? [roll4]

2014-09-03, 01:47 PM
Arisilde removes the wizard from the wardrobe, sticking his head and hands in to figure out how the halfling... heck, both of the halflings for that matter... had done it.

You notice, while peeking about, that there is sunlight pouring in through the windows... in the room within the reflection. Turning around, you see that the weather outside of the windows on this side of the mirror is still horrendous and threateningly dark. However, there it is - in the mirror's surface, the weather outside of those windows is clear and gorgeous! You also notice a handprint upon the mirror, near the bottom, and about the size of Kayquin's.

The secret appears to be something of the mirror's magical nature itself!

2014-09-03, 02:01 PM
Being Fastidiously clean (normally), Arisilde draws a hanky out of his pouch, and scrubs the handprint away, so as to leave the glass sparkly-clean!

2014-09-03, 02:48 PM
Ghairen gives a sigh. "At least it is clear there is nobody watching us; for we would have heard them laughing by now. Now. Magic from the mirror. A Halfling-eating cupboard. Kayquin said the reflection looked wrong. Correct?" She pulls an arrow from her quiver, approaches the wardrpbe with a couple of strides, and thrusts the arrowhead at(or into) the mirror's surface, keeping her hand free of the glass.

2014-09-03, 03:12 PM
The cleric's arrow makes a horrid SKREEEETCH noise as it hits the glass and skids along the very solid surface. The shaft of the missile nearly snaps under the weight of Ghairen's thrust, but fails to leave so much as a mark on the mirror.

2014-09-03, 03:22 PM
Ghairen gives the arrowhead a withering look. "Alas for that theory." Unless the doors need be closed to complete the invocation?. Before anyone else can do anything amusing, she closes the wardrobe doors on herself, and tries again.

2014-09-03, 03:26 PM
You close the doors and at first are certain that you will not be able to see a thing! You begin thinking a way to remedy this situation - a simple cantrip or otherwise. However, your thoughts on the matter are interrupted as your eyes adjust slightly and you realize that there is, in fact, a small amount of light inside here. Looking about, you finally set your eyes upon the source - the mirror's surface is giving off the faintest of glows. After inspecting the mirror a little bit closer, you realize that there is a small amount of what appears to be sunlight leaking in beneath the doors of the wardrobe, but only within the reflection! The light is entirely missing on your side of the mirror! But, thankfully, because of the light, you are just able to make out the white lettering written inside the doors, noticing that the words read properly when reflected in the mirror's surface.

Zap Dynamic
2014-09-03, 03:27 PM
Another crash of thunder. Louder winds. "Let me back in!" Cachimba screams, scrambling into the wardrobe and closing the door. "Oh," he mutters to anyone in the wardrobe with him. "You can read the words now. Mirror, mirror, beyond the wall..." his voice trails off, though his eyes complete the little poem.

2014-09-03, 03:32 PM
Ghairen is aware there are words on the doors, but hasn't had a chance to look at them closely. Quietly she reads them to herself.

2014-09-03, 03:36 PM
The wizard suddenly clamors back into the wardrobe, visibly shaking... though the cleric wasn't sure if it was from fright, from being saturated and cold, or both. Both of you do not fail to notice, however, that when Cachimba speaks... those specific words of the chalk-scrawled poem that he utters begin to faintly glow with a light all their own. The words appear to sparkle and glow a soft golden color!

As the cleric finishes reading the words to herself, muttering the words beneath her breath... the rest of them begin to dance with the same light. When you finish the entire phrase, the effect disappears and you realize that the mirror's surface has adopted a different texture; more like the surface of a still body of water than of glass. If you touch it, you find it viscous and warm instead of solid and cool.

2014-09-03, 03:43 PM
Ghairen will stick the arrow through again rather than risking a hand. If it penetrates, she'll pull it back and inspect the head for signs of damage.

Zap Dynamic
2014-09-03, 03:50 PM
Cachimba gasps at the surface of the mirror. "Wow..." he looks at his hookah. "This is strong stuff." He attempts to shuffle forward to inspect the surface more closely, but trips over his waterlogged robes and tumbles headfirst into the mirror!

2014-09-03, 03:51 PM
Ghairen inserts her arrow into the mirror and, this time, the mirror does not resist much. The feeling is much like probing a body of water with a stick, the silvery liquid of the mirror rippling around the wooden shaft and clinging to it somewhat. However, when the cleric goes to remove the missile, she finds the arrow slipping from her hands. Almost immediately, and with quite a bit of force, the arrow is pulled into the mirror in its entirety! It is all that Ghairen can do to let it go, as the effect pulled her boots towards the back of the wardrobe and caused her to rock forward onto the balls of her feet to keep from falling into the mirror herself!

Suddenly, as the cleric is recovering, the wizard's feet get tangled in the mess of wet robes and hookah hoses and he falls forward. Putting up his hands to try and steady himself, he finds no support from the mirror and instead, tumbles directly into the thing... disappearing from sight!

2014-09-03, 03:55 PM
Realizing that he is rapidly running out of party members, Arisilde looks Bandy in the eye. Okay, Bandy, he has to yell to be heard over the howling wind. Wherever they're going, it involves getting into this wardrobe. You remember the time I had you hidden under the blanket all scrunched up at the Baron's birthday party? I think I'm gonna need you to do that again, only this time, think even SMALLER, okay?

Arisilde positively has to yell the words to his incantation, he MUST make Bandy understand.

Speak with Animals- "Bandy, I need you to completely fit INSIDE that box, leaving room for me. You're smart, I know you can do it, but we're both in a LOT of trouble if you don't.

Opening the door to the wardrobe, Arisilde attempts to get Bandy to be Bendy. And fit inside as well..

[roll0] (Plus any circumstance bonus you feel nice enough to give because I explained this to him in terms he could understand)

Sunny! Arisilde reaches his arm out of the wardrobe for her. You can squeeze in right there! Come on, get in!

2014-09-03, 03:59 PM

EDIT: Ignore the above. Eager fellow, is Cachimber.

Ghairen is about to hand Chachimba the rope, and step through the mirror, when the wizard manages to fall into the thing himself in an astonishingly display of bravery.

Sighing, she ties the rope around her waist, throws the slack back through the door with a shout of "Somebody hold this! Muttonchop down!", closes the wardrobe door as far as she's able, and steps through.

2014-09-03, 08:34 PM
Completely confused, but attentive to what's been happening, Gisela grabs the rope that comes tumbling out of the wardrobe. She looks at Sunny, asking want to get in before me?

2014-09-04, 10:20 AM
The armoire bursts open to reveal the cleric, standing solely within. She is finishing up tying a knot about herself and is then tossing the other end out with instructions. Gisela is there, at the ready, and takes up the charge, coiling up the rope in her hands. But as the half-orc turns to speak with Sunny, the rest of you all notice Ghairen close the doors once more. Suddenly, the rope is pulled taut and begins rubbing against the edges of the wardrobe doors as it continues to pull. The force behind the rope is more than considerable, and Gisela finds herself sliding across the floorboards of the manor house's room, being pulled rapidly closer towards the closed piece of furniture!

As you are pulled into the mirror, you felt as though you had melted into it. The feeling was somewhat akin to falling face-first into a pool of warm water. Your reflexes even kick in and cause you to try and hold your breath.

2014-09-04, 10:23 AM
"Go in where? I don't even know what's going on, besides that storm." Sunny answers, and points to the oncoming cyclone.

2014-09-04, 10:31 AM
Arisilde grabs the end of the rope and tosses it to Bandy Catch, Bandy! Pull!!
[roll0], and grabs ahold of the rope directly behind Gisela, and tries to dig his heels in.

2014-09-04, 04:33 PM
Ghairen finds herself thinking: If this deposites me several thousand it in the air, or at the bottom of the sea, or over a volcano, I shall probably feel rather silly. The Lady shall probably have Words.

2014-09-05, 11:00 AM
Bandy grabs hold, as he is commanded, and begins tugging with all of his might. However, Bandy pulls with such force that Arisilde, who had also taken up the task of helping the paladin, was hoisted off of his feet and nearly fell to the ground! Luckily, Gisela was no small presence of her own, and pressed her heels against the bowing wooden floorboards beneath her boots.

Despite the valiant efforts, the rope continued to tense, eventually flinging open the doors to the wardrobe. Inside, the remainder of you might be surprised that everyone inside was no longer thus and instead the thing stood empty... with the exception of that mirror. But that mirror itself surprised you yet more still - as the other end of the disputed rope passed through the very surface of the glass! And with each tug and and sway, the silver of the mirror rippled around its hempen length more almost as if it were a pool of vertical liquid, with the stuff somewhat clinging to the taut rope. The fibers of the rope creaked loudly over the whistles and screams of the wind... it did not look as though it could stand the extreme tension being placed upon it much longer.

And the mirror showed no sign of relenting.

2014-09-05, 01:09 PM
Gisela looks at Sunny. She hadnt been paying attention. That's where they went...through the mirror. Gisela (and Airisdale?) will enter the mirror if she can

2014-09-05, 02:08 PM
And with that, the paladin boldly marches forward, allowing the rope to guide her straight into the mirror. When she reaches the surface, she passes right through it in front of the eyes of Arisilde and Sunny!

Bracing yourself, you feel almost as if you are melting into the mirror. The feeling is akin to falling face-first into a pool of warm water. Your reflexes kick in and cause you to try and hold your breath.

2014-09-06, 02:15 PM
Arisilde lets go of the rope in wide-eyed wonder. That's the best trick cabinet I've ever seen. Bandy, release.. Turning to Sunny, Arisilde offers.. Umm.. Would you like to go first? I am going to have a heck of a time getting Bandy in that mirror, but I can't leave without him, so if he can't fit, I'm not coming. And if you do go first, do tell everyone to clear a space. I'd hate for Bandy to land on anyone.

Can I see the others through the mirror?

2014-09-07, 01:15 PM
"Poor thing." Sunny muses as she glances at the camel. "I'll go, given there's nothing better to do." With that, she makes certain that Salicia is snugly wrapped around her arm before striding up to the mirror and walking into it.

2014-09-08, 01:35 PM
Sunny passes Bandy just as he is releasing the rope. She steps into the wardrobe and touches the mirror as the last length of the hemp cording whips by her and completely disappears into the silvery surface... leaving only a faint ripple behind. The sorceress then steps into the mirror herself, also vanishing from sight.

That left just the bard and his camel standing in front of the open wardrobe... in the abandoned manor... with a hellacious storm pressing in on them... complete with screaming winds, stinging rain, and ominous funnel clouds that were tearing down the walls of this same said place.

Bracing yourself, you feel almost as if you are melting into the mirror. The feeling is akin to falling face-first into a pool of warm water. Your reflexes kick in and cause you to try and hold your breath.

2014-09-08, 01:49 PM
Okay Bandy, Arisilde sighs... Lets to, through the mirror, big guy.. . And Arisilde attempts to coax Bandy to put his nose up against the mirror, and push through to the other side..

2014-09-08, 02:05 PM
Soon, you all have stepped through the mirror. On the side of the mirror where the manor house was being torn asunder, several long moments had passed as you each entered the wardrobe and then the mirror itself. However, no time seems to pass at all during your travel, and just as you had taken in a deep breath against the feeling of falling water came over you, you find yourselves lying prone upon a severely weathered floor made of wooden slats.

When you look around you, and begin to get to your feet, it at first appears that you are still inside the ruined manor house. However as you look around more thoroughly, you can see that, although similar, this is definitely not the same building. It is not is quite the same level of disrepair and seems undamaged from the storm. In fact, when you look outside the windows in this room, you see no sign of any storm of any kind. Instead, you see a clear and sunny sky.

2014-09-08, 02:16 PM
Having gone through first, Kayquin has had just enough time to pick herself up off the floor, dust herself off and affect an air of boredom before the others come through. As they all arrive, she taps one miniature foot and says "Well, it took you all long enough!

2014-09-08, 02:20 PM
"Well, obviously." Sunny drawls as she gets to her feet and checks her weaponry is still strapped to her. "The taller somebody is, the longer it takes for them to pass through portals."

2014-09-08, 02:35 PM
Arisilde fetches Bandy a treat from the saddlebags, and then clicks his tongue as he begins exploring the house. He still has his crossbow out and loaded, but he's not acting aggressively at all. Bandy plods placidly behind him. Of particular interest will be whether or not there are wet footprints on the floor here.

Zap Dynamic
2014-09-09, 11:34 AM
Cachimba tumbles out of the wardrobe, gasping in the pure air. "What... WAS THAT?" He was paid to survey architecture and while away his days in a smoky haze but gallivanting through the sopping wet countryside into derelict manor homes and then being sucked through a crazy water mirror is quite another thing entirely. Magic? He'd seen the street vendors and drank the illicit potions of the black market and had even heard tales of the truly talented perform true accomplishments but that was always a distant tale. MAGIC? HERE AND NOW? The smoke from the hookah can't fill his lungs fast enough for this kind of nonsense but it sure does taste good--oh--and so mellow and soothing.

What's that? No more rain? "Well I never..." Lurching from the smoky room and heedless of Arisilde's own path, Cachimba nevertheless follows in the bard's footsteps. Every new window he comes upon deepens his disbelief. "Look!" he exlaims to the group. "The storm... that storm... it's gone!"

Does Cachimba see anything noteworthy as he's gawking out the windows? What floor are we on? Still in a forest?


2014-09-09, 01:43 PM
Yes... Gisela replies to Cachimba, an amused look on her face. I wonder where we are. I'm going to look around. Gisela wanders around the building, hoping to find a staircase to climb up to the house's rooftop. If she can find none, then she'll wander down some stairs and look around outside.

Gisela is also going to make sure that the surroundings are safe, from what she can observe.

2014-09-09, 08:10 PM
Ghairen notches an arrow with a smooth snapping noise. She's going to want words with Cachimba, but for now there's other things to consider. "Let us keep our voices down. This is suddenly unknown territory, and there could be anything in here, or out there waiting for us." Something occurs to her, and she gives the mirror a quick couple of taps with the arrowhead.

She moves to follow the comedy duo of Arisilde and Cachimba. "I do not suppose anyone settled our tab before we left the inn?"

2014-09-10, 11:07 AM
"I do not suppose anyone settled our tab before we left the inn?"

Gisela replies to Ghairen as she moves around. I thought it conventional to each pay ourselves. I gave mine to the keeper in exchange for my meals.

2014-09-10, 11:49 AM
"As did I!", Arisilde chimes in loudly from the next room. They really could charge more for that ale-braised venison, don't you think, it was fantastic! I begged her to give me the recipe, but all of my persuasiveness availed me naught.

2014-09-10, 03:10 PM
Several of you do, in fact, notice that there are a set of wet footprints that lead from where you were laying (in a similarly damp spot upon the floor), to a short distance away... where they disappear from sight. Those of you with spellcasting abilities are fairly certain that you spot the telltale signs of a prestidigitation spell that your quarry must've utilized to dry himself. Turning about, you notice that there is a wardrobe here as well, though this one looks slightly different, although still complete with a large mirror inside of it. Ghairen, arrow nocked, presses the arrowhead against this mirror... testing its properties and finding the surface here to be quite solid. This place isn't nearly as old as the one you had all just came from. In fact, there was no dust and misuse hanging about this place. This house had had parts of it simply knocked in by something. You even spot a place of the floor in the corner that appeared to have been broken or ripped by something rather large and... what was this... droplets of dried blood? Seeing only one other exit from this room, several of you move that direction, bound for different paths from it.

As one or two of you step outside, you find yourselves in a large grassy yard, of sorts, instead of the wild wood which you halfway expected. The yard itself was surrounded by thick, green, high hedges all around. You see what you think, at first, to be a patio complete with a long table. When you look closer, however, it appears that this area was once a part of the manor house... but its walls had been knocked down. The chimney from the hearth still stood off to one side, sitting strangely alone as if a scolded child put in the corner. The table, by stark contrast, was set for a celebration from the look of it, complete with tankards, plates, bowls, and eatery for at least a dozen people. However, you saw no guests. You do, however, spot two individuals talking quietly off to one side. When Gisela exits the manor house, the two people cease their conversation and look in her direction, seeming just as shocked to see you as no doubt you are to see them. The taller of the two is a wide-eyed human, dressed in light armor and wearing a dinged-up helmet made of bronze.

The second is a small-sized... rabbit? Yes, yes indeed. He appears to be a white rabbit about Kayquin's height... wearing clothes. The same clothing, in fact, that the albino halfling you had been following before was wearing.

Both of them move their hands to the hilts of their weapons.

The Human

The Rabbit


2014-09-10, 06:13 PM
The table, by stark contrast, was set for a celebration from the look of it, complete with tankards, plates, bowls, and eatery for at least a dozen people. However, you saw no guests. You do, however, spot two individuals talking quietly off to one side. When Gisela exits the manor house, the two people cease their conversation and look in her direction, seeming just as shocked to see you as no doubt you are to see them. The taller of the two is a wide-eyed human, dressed in light armor and wearing a dinged-up helmet made of bronze.

The second is a small-sized... rabbit? Yes, yes indeed. He appears to be a white rabbit about Kayquin's height... wearing clothes. The same clothing, in fact, that the albino halfling you had been following before was wearing.

Both of them move their hands to the hilts of their weapons.

Gisela relaxes the grip on her polearm and slings it over her shoulder in a gesture to appear less threatening. She addresses the guard, I am with several companions of my own. We mean you no harm, and we arrived in this place not too long ago. Would you mind telling us where, in fact, we are? She looks over to the rabbit. If I assume correctly, your rabbit comrade here saved us from some terrible wrath of nature. Thanks for that, she nods politely to the rabbit (...creature person?)

2014-09-10, 06:30 PM
Sunny tilts her head somewhat as she finds the torn up carpet and the droplets of blood, her dagger drawn in one hand as she crouches low beside it. The slithering Salicia leans forward and flicks her forked tongue at the dried blood, before the sorceress gives a nod of her head and takes her dagger to the floor. Within a few moments, she has a small piece of the carpet that's marked with the droplets of blood, which she tucks into the pocket of her pants without any further explanation. At least, none to the others who've stumbled through the mirror.

Soon following the heavily-armored Paladin, Sunny spots the rabbit and the wide-eyed man with an arched blond eyebrow. Just where was this rabbit getting impeccable tailoring? A question made only more relevant by the still-soaked clothing that adorned her form.

"I feel like I've wandered into some Druid's masturbation fantasy." She mutters while Gisela attempts diplomacy with the strangers.

2014-09-10, 07:34 PM
Ghairen gives Sunny a look as she steps forward, her bow pointed at the ground in a way that suggests that pointing it in other directions could be a definite possibility. "She means; Good Day to you, and honoured to make your acquaintance. I am Ghairen Kaarla of the Jesadian Clergy, late of the late X'Quse, and these are the--" She grasps for a word that encompasses all of the group "--people I'm with. Might it be trouble to ask where precisely we are?"

2014-09-10, 09:29 PM
Kayquin turned, and followed the footprints, leaving the group behind her, until she reached what appeared to be a dining table, placed outside. She was completely befuddled as to why someone would possibly do such a thing. Freak weather, magic furniture, and now this. "Curiouser and curiouser"she thought. And then her eyes fell on the two figures. The halfling shook her head repeatedly, trying to reconcile the sight of a rabbit the size of well, her. That would feed her village for a week or longer. Instinctually, Kayquin goes for her dagger, then reconsiders, as she realizes that the rabbit is wearing clothes?!. And not just any clothes, but the same clothes they saw the albino halfling in. Those who are looking at Kayquin she her eyes grow wide with panic and she looks the rest of the party over, and finally herself. She breathes an audible sigh of relief, and then says "I thought the bloody wardrobe might have turned us all into beasties!" Kayquin then turns to the giant rabbit and the armored human and asks "By what sorcery have we arrived here, and how in the Seven Hells did you turn into a giant furball?"

2014-09-10, 09:55 PM
Arisilde follows the wet footprints, noting with interest both the similarities and differences of this manor house with the one so recently abandoned. Stepping outside, he stops dead in his tracks, jaw dropped, until Bandy bumps into him from behind, causing Arisilde to stagger forward a couple of steps and drop his crossbow in an attempt to keep his balance. Eyes wide, and a grin growing on his face, he crouches and fumbles around for a moment, scrabbling for the crossbow without taking his eyes off of the two new.. persons.. before them. Finally grasping the weapon, he quickly hangs it from his belt and steps closer, but doesn't interrupt any of his fellows as they are introducing themselves.

Zap Dynamic
2014-09-10, 10:38 PM
Arms wrapped around his hookah like it's a life preserver, Cachimba stares at the scene before them... from the safety of the back of the party. "Psst," he looks at Arisilde, his whisper strained as his lungs try to hold in the smoke from his hookah. "Does that look like a rabbit wearing clothes to you too?"

2014-09-10, 11:36 PM
Still grinning in wonder, Arisilde nods slowly. Out of the corner of his mouth, he whispers to Cachimba It must be! I haven't been smoking your pipe, and that's still what I see! Isn't it amazing? And he dresses with such.. panache!

2014-09-11, 05:25 AM
Ghairen doesn't quite step back and mash Cachimba's toes under her boot-heel, but it's a close thing. "These two", she continues. "Are Arisilde and Mu-and Cachimba. Please forgive their unseemly and discourteous whisperings. They are under a curse which sometimes makes them forget their manners. Especially in potentially dangerous situations. This one" a nod to Kayquin. "Is the estimable Kayquin, whose manners are from a different book. Somewhere behind us is Sunny, whose manners are in no book, being unprintable. It is conceivable she might learn some new ones here. And this" a nod to the side. "-Is Gisela.

"Who, might I ask, do I have the honour of addressing?"

2014-09-11, 10:36 AM
The two exchange looks with one another, looking confusedly at your presence as the remainder of you file out behind Gisela. The rabbit's nose twitches nervously as, looking at your soaking wet and windswept appearances, it appears to dawn on him as to where you've come from. Although he seems to relax somewhat, he seems as though he is still in quite the rush.

"'Where?' Where indeed!", comes the rabbit's response. "Are you agents of the Red Queen?", he demands in a falsely accusatory tone... apparently ashamed at your arrival for some reason.

The human finally speaks, addressing his concern towards the rabbit.

"Enya, you know very well where they came from. You brought outsiders... here?!"

It would seem that the two are going to deteriorate into conversation that does not involved the rest of you. The rabbit stammers, "No... I mean... yes... I mean... I suppose so. Although I don't understand how; the mirror was scheduled to be destroyed mere moments after I went through!"

"You know what happened the last time that outsiders came into..."

He then stops, abruptly in mid-sentence, and his entire demeanor changes before your very eyes. His posture shifts and he no longer appears to be worried or concerned at all. He continues to speak, in an entirely different tone.

"Ahh... more guests for the party, I see! How wonderful!"

He then heads over to the table and begins bustling about and adjusting all of the items found there. The rabbit, meanwhile, shakes his head solemnly at this. The human begins pulling chairs out before seating himself at the head of the table and clapping his hands merrily.

"Do sit, do sit. Oh, simply marvelous! I do so love a party."

He stops, again, with a shocked look upon his face.

"Oh dear, how rude of me! How could I possibly have forgotten?! Introductions! Introductions! I am Hatta Haigha. And the one standing over there, all grim and pale an sullen, is my cousin, Enya Tapuk!"

He stands and bows deeply, removing his helmet as he does so... before replacing it. The white rabbit rolls his eyes and bows as well.

"Yes... I am Enya Tapuk, messenger to Her Majesty, Queen Mirana Callevasia, Ruler of the Ivory Port and the Kingdom of Clubs. And who might you be?"

2014-09-11, 10:44 AM
Sunny stares at the two as they share their not-so-private conversation and apparently discuss the mechanics and many-failings of the rabbit's machinations. Or Enya, which she was certain was the name of a particularly sonorous bard back in the world she was used to. She finds a wall to lean against as they start dashing about to prepare dinner for them, and a party that they've apparently invited themselves to, before she speaks up.

"Sunny Smiles. And Salicia." She answers, the snake hissing slightly as she's introduced. "Is every animal...humanized here?" She adds, pondering the implications of them eating animals and other sapient species if they stay for dinner...and worried about Salicia being able to talk again.

2014-09-11, 10:56 AM
Arisilde just can't take his eyes off of the rabbit as he tells Bandy to Stay, Bandy. Almost in a daze he walks slowly to the table, and takes a seat across from the verbose lagomorph. Remembering his manners though, he adds, "I beg your pardon, dear.. sirs.. is there anything I can do to help set the table?"

2014-09-11, 07:48 PM
Ghairen inclines her chin and answers the first question. "We know of no "Red Queen", and then, because she's in that sort of mood. "Unless you mean Irmentrude the Florid of East Kappadoech. But she's a Duchess, not a Queen. She's not red as such, just has a glandular disorder; and we don't work for her anyway."

2014-09-11, 10:20 PM
Gisela looks askew at the cleric as she examines the table before them. She could almost feel the wicker straining with the armor's weight, and decided not to sit down. I had no idea you were so well-traveled, Ghairen. Looking back at the guard, she instead declines his offer favoring further inquiry. I am not one given to such...elegant accoutrements, though. Tell me, what is this Red Queen you speak so much of? She leans forward intently, using the glaive as a staff to lean in with.

2014-09-12, 11:21 AM
The white rabbit checks a small hourglass that hangs from his neck, and then looks off into the distance. When your eyes follow his, you see a large tower rising above the hedges, some ways off. Atop this large tower, you see another hourglass and are quite surprised that you have no trouble seeing that it has nearly finished its course. It must be positively huge in order for you to make out such detail from what appears to be so far away. The rabbit sighs, releasing his amulet, and takes a seat at the long table at the end closest to what remained standing of the manor house.

The human beams, rather garishly and silly, and makes his way to each of you in turn, shaking your hands.

"How do you do? No, no, no dear fellow!", he dismisses the bard's offer to help. "It's all already done, don't you see?"

He then moves to the chair to the right of the head of the table and takes his seat. The man then looks expectantly at those who have not yet sat (staring blankly for a moment at Gisela as she seems intent on not doing so at all), and then sets about addressing the questions put to him. You all look about, wondering what in the world was going on... as it appeared that you were about to dine on a feast of nothing at all. But, just as Arisilde, Cachimba, Sunny, and Ghairen were mulling that particular bit of peculiarity over, much to their astonished eyes, food began to materialize on every plate and platter! Roasted game, soups, fruit, fish, and vegetables all in an array of colors that would make any rainbow jealous with envy. Gisela and Kayquin still saw nothing more than empty eatery as several of those seated about the table seemed to prepare to eat nonetheless. As Hatta sets to answering questions, the white rabbit reaches across the table and opens the cover on a large, but flat dish. From beneath the lid comes a multi-layered cake, much taller than the cover should have contained; and with the sight of such a thing, the smell of warm honey wafts its way to the nose of those who can see it. Sadly for the half-orc and the halfling, they neither see nor smell such a delight.

"Every animal... what now? 'Humanized'? What a strange question!", Hatta laughs merrily, as if someone had told a joke at a dinner party. He frowns pensively as he dishes himself up an enormous serving of what looks to be stewed and candied carrots, pursing his lips. "You mean to tell me that you have never heard of the Red Queen?! Most unusual... most unusual indeed! I have never heard of Irmentrude the Florid of East Kappadoech, but I did once hear a boar of a man tell a tale about a Queen Kappatrude of Eastern Floridoech.", he then pauses in contemplation, "I wonder if he meant the same person." He stares off into empty space for a rather long moment before shaking his head and returning to his wide beaming smile, "But on to finer points. I am so very glad that you all stopped by! I would like to officially welcome you to my home - Haigha House. Although, it does seem to be in some manner of disrepair. Hmm..."

He looks saddened, for just a moment. And then you see another shift in his posture... once again signaling a change in his demeanor and tone. When he looks up, he seems very frightened.

"Run! All of you. Run for you lives and don't look back!"

Now he looks up to the Clock Tower and lets out a pitiful whining moan. He then shoots his gaze in the direction of the white rabbit.

"He'll be here soon! Enya... you must take them from here. Lead them through the maze and away from here before it's too late!"

The rabbit, who has not changed his mood at all, takes a large drink from his tankard. Though still nervous, he doesn't seem worried by this sudden outburst.

"We will be leaving soon enough, Hatta. Believe you me, I do not plan on being here when he arrives."

The human nods, solemnly, taking several bites of his food. A visible shudder then goes through him and he opens his mouth and lets out a raucous and long laugh, picking up his napkin and dabbing it at the corners. Hatta then seems to be stricken with an idea. He shifts in his chair to face Gisela and gestures towards her.

"Tell me, madam, does it happen to be your birthday?!", he asks, with no small amount of excitement.

Zap Dynamic
2014-09-12, 11:33 AM
Cachimba's bloodshot eyes grow as wide as the now-laden plates at the table. The weight of his waterlogged robes is forgotten in his mad dash to a seat. "Goose!" he gapes, tearing a leg off of the roasted beast. An entire bunch of grapes soon follows. A scream of ecstasy trembles from deep within him as the cake is revealed. "Mho ish your," he swallows, "chef? You must tell me! Never have I tasted such fare!"

2014-09-12, 11:34 AM
Sunny gives a hefty sigh as she watches the babbling of the man and the rabbit, though the fact that an entire tower spontaneously grew from the ground is enough to catch her eye for more than a few moments. Then there's the apparent fact that danger is soon about to come down on their heads, but everyone is still lingering around the table not too long after breakfast. Deciding that it's in her best interests to get out of here, and knowing that not many people are going to move, she looks wide-eyed at the window, Salicia's eyes flickering to it too.

The snake hisses at the clocktower just as Sunny starts speaking. "Loathe as I am to disturb your conversation," She begins, walking up to the table proper. "That thing you mentioned? It's almost here. Invisible. I just spotted it, and I'm afraid it's going to hear everything if we don't move quickly."

Taking 10 for 24.

Salicia will Aid Another, auto-succeeding, to make that 26.

2014-09-12, 11:36 AM
Ghairen, who habitually travels light, is not one to turn down a free meal.

Except right now. Since it's appearing right in front of her in a manner she considers somewhat suspicious.

Plus, she just had breakfast.

"Eastern Floridoech? What an unlikely name." she says without tone. "Who might it be, that you are so urgently unwaiting for?"

2014-09-12, 12:13 PM
Arisilde exclaims in delight as the food appears before his very eyes. His breakfast had been cut short by the appearance of the albino Halfling, so his stomach rumbles loudly, and he happily helps himself to a delightful looking slice of what appears to be roasted pig. Every once in a while, he reaches out and grabs a slice of apple, tossing it casually over his head, directly towards Bandy. Politely swallowing his food before speaking, between bites, Arisilde asks, Pray tell, from whom should we be running? Who comes?

2014-09-12, 12:22 PM
Gisela smiles cooly and sits down in the chair beside her and removes her helm. Briefly distracted by all the food, she chuckles to Kayquin to join the rest of them before they have to leave. It is not my birthday, but it may be one of my companions' Rather, it is my duty to protect these fine companions of mine and see to it that not too much trouble is had. ...Though we all have our quirks, we have been adventuring for some time. She looks over all the food, serves herself a good deal of meats and vegetables, and eats a large portion of her plate with the haste seemingly required by the two hosts. Dabbing at her mouth, she asks Why is this food all...invisible until we sit down? And also...whom is this visitor of...doom coming later on?

Zap Dynamic
2014-09-12, 12:30 PM
Sunny's words cause Cachimba to go still. "What's invisible?" he asks Hatta. One thing is certain: the tomato juices dripping down Cachimba's hairless chin are certainly not invisible.

2014-09-12, 03:38 PM
"Oh dear...", Hatta looks concerned about Sunny's description as well, "... I'm sorry; what is it that we're getting on about? What thing is invisible?"

Visibly frightened, he reaches over and clasps Cachimba's hand. The white rabbit looks at his hourglass yet again and twitches his nose.

"Don't worry about that, Hatta. It's nothing to concern yourself with.", the rabbit said. He then whispered, loud enough that none of you had any trouble hearing him at all... and you're fairly certain that the crazy human could as well, though he at least pretended not to.

"It is not who comes, but who is already here that we should be worried about!", he said, indicating Hatta with an overly exaggerated point with both of his elongated ears... which Hatta also seemed to miss as he busied himself with some greens that he was stuffing in his mouth with utter joy.

At Gisela's mention of it not being her birthday, Hatta then became even more thrilled. He jumped up from his chair and proclaimed, "Then if it isn't your birthday; then that means that it's your unbirthday! Oh, I do wish somebody had told me. I haven't had the time to get a present. Oh, Enya... you should have given me warning ahead of time!"

2014-09-12, 04:02 PM
"Why!! It's MY unbirthday too!", exclaims Arisilde, taking a spiced veal-ball off of a tray and gesturing with it. Then Sunny's words sink in. Invisible? Who's invisible, Sunny? Is someone watching us? Arisilde, still with veal-ball in hand, begins peering around the area, twisting in his seat to look behind Bandy and his rude companions that continue to stand.

2014-09-12, 04:04 PM
"A thing. A very scary thing, and we should all run away as quickly as possible." Sunny answers Arisilde with a nod of her head, Salicia coiling further up along her arm. "Trust me. I'm magic. I'm very good with magic-y things."

Zap Dynamic
2014-09-12, 04:12 PM
Terrified in his chair, Cachimba draws his knees up to his chin. "Invisible? And here?"

He scoffs under his breath at Arisilde's remark. "unbirthdays. childish and ridiculous at a time like this."

Refocused by Sunny's warning, Cachimba looks around the yard with a frantic pace. "But Sunny," he moans, "I so hate running, and there's so much food to be eaten!"

2014-09-12, 11:04 PM
Kayquin swings herself up and into one of the chairs, drawing her legs up until she was sitting Indian-style. When the party seems to start eating invisible food, she began to worry that the wardrobe had made them a little loopy. She looked around, seeing that everyone else was eating an imaginary meal. She shakes her head, crosses her arms, and leans back in the seat. "Unbirthdays?! Unseen food!? Invisible foes?! WILL SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHAT IS GOING ON AROUND HERE!!??

2014-09-12, 11:15 PM
Only the bad guys are invisible, Arisilde explains patiently around bites. The food is delicious, and unbirthdays are totally a thing! I mean, if a song is an original, and all derivative songs are unoriginal, then it likewise stands to reason that a day that isn't your birthday must be your unbirthday! Or, if someone is being reasonable, and someone else isn't.. they're being UN-reasonable. It's totally a thing! Arisilde gets a slightly befuddled look on his face for a moment before nodding firmly to himself. The world makes sense to him once more.

2014-09-12, 11:21 PM

Ghairen gives Sunny a very sidelong look. She may not be that great at discerning an untruth, but she's does know that there's a big difference between being "good with magic" and what Sunny is. "Muttonchop, I am regrettably out of such things, would you have such a thing as a cantrip of magic detection prepared? An invisible creature should show up as an aura of illusion."

She stands up and turns to Sunny. "Kayquin asks an excellent if excessively broad question: If you can detect "it", might you enlighten us on what exactly "it" is? Do not say "a scary thing" again. We have all seen Muttonchop's facial hair."

2014-09-15, 12:13 PM
"It is?!?!", Hatta cried in utter astounishment when Arisilde made his announcement. His excitement seems as though it is about to positively boil over. And then he twitches, one of his eyes blinking rapidly and then he grasps the edge of the table with both hands as the color rises in his face. You see the veins pop out on either side of his neck and his eyes bulge even further. Enya becomes very worried by this. The rabbit actually stands and makes his way towards the entrance to the hedge maze. Just before he enters, however, the human closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, replying:

"It's alright, Enya. He's still in check... for now."

After a moment, he regains more of his composure and continues.

"Now. I can assure you that there is no one else here, aside from all of us. There may be a door mouse or two in my home, but other than that, we are utterly alone. Nobody comes to me island anymore; except my dear cousin, of course.", Hatta smiles at the white rabbit. "So, although a surprise, I am very pleased to have you all as guests at my table. You may stay until you are ready to leave."

You see his eyes drift off towards the Clock Tower once again, and then back to Enya. He then adds, with no small amount of innuendo, "In a timely manner, of course." The human then resumes eating whatever was on his plate and follows it with a sip of tea. He shifts once more and when he 'comes to', he begins excitedly helping himself to the honey cake and ale.

"Oh quite delicious, quite delicious! I do so hope that everyone is having a good time! Though, I am afraid, Enya that your friends seem to have an unhealthy obsession with invisibility!"

The white rabbit sighs audibly and then speaks, addressing you all.

"Forgive my cousin. He was attacked by mind flayer some time ago and, though he survived, he hasn't been quite right ever since, I am afraid. But... before long, we really should be going."

2014-09-15, 12:15 PM
"Then let's just go now." Sunny says with no small amount of frustration in her voice, as she places both palms on the table. "Stop saying we should go, and go! What are you, politicians?"

2014-09-15, 12:22 PM
Hatta scrunches up his face, almost like a bad smell had wafted his way. He stares, for a moment, in Sunny's direction.

"What a rude person.", he declares before returning to his honey cake.

2014-09-15, 01:38 PM
Arisilde washes down a large bite of roast lamb with scalding hot tea, which causes his eyes to water and bulge.

Once he had composed himself once more, he asked with polite curiosity, If you please, do tell us about the Red Queen. What kind of ruler is she?

Zap Dynamic
2014-09-15, 02:26 PM
While the others are talking, Cachimba scoffs at Ghairen's question. "My dear," he garbles with a mouth full of food. "I am many fine and wondrous things but a magician is not one of them. Wherever did you get that idea?"

The smoky fop stops eating during Hatta's disorderly behavior. After one or two mercurial flips from their host, Cachimba furrows his brow and gingerly sniffs his food. Maybe he has already eaten two full servings from the table... it's still not too late to see if he's made a mistake.

2014-09-15, 05:03 PM
After looking around in complete confusion as to why her companions were gulping down imaginary food, and witnessing several intense mood swings from Hatta, Kayquin decides something is most decidedly wrong here, and she wants no part of it. Since no one is leaving, and she doesn't want to abandon the group, she decides to attempt a bit of invisibility herself. She will wait until everyone is at least somewhat distracted, and then slide down in her chair and under the table, where she will remain for the time being.


2014-09-15, 08:47 PM
Kayquin swings herself up and into one of the chairs, drawing her legs up until she was sitting Indian-style. When the party seems to start eating invisible food, she began to worry that the wardrobe had made them a little loopy. She looked around, seeing that everyone else was eating an imaginary meal. She shakes her head, crosses her arms, and leans back in the seat. "Unbirthdays?! Unseen food!? Invisible foes?! WILL SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHAT IS GOING ON AROUND HERE!!??

Gisela pretends to accidentally drop her fork, and in the process of picking up the pretend fork, she accidentally knees Kayquin in the shoulder and, thus, while pretending to search for the spoon with her hands, bends closer to the halfling to whisper to her.
You were supposed to play along and pretend you believed the poor man, just like the rest of us. Please try to keep playing along next time.

She pauses for a moment to soften her voice--even though it is still the softest whisper she can achieve--and continues. I mean you no disrespect, it's just that he seemed a bit distressed by your inability to play along with him like the rest of us.

Gisela, believing that she has acted well to pretend to have dropped her fork, sits back down, resumes pretending, and winks at Sunny when the sorceress gives her a blank look.

2014-09-16, 12:32 AM
Ghairen is currently starting to wonder if she's fallen into the elemental plane of Everybody Being A Complete Git. But continues with her previous line of questioning. "Why Sunny. It is as though the Leporine gentleman has seen through to the very core of your being". she deadpans. "Especially since you are ignoring a direct and relevant question: What are you claiming to have seen?"

2014-09-16, 12:57 PM
"The Red Queen?! Who said anything about the Red Queen?! Enya... is she here?!?!", Hatta seems suddenly perturbed at the mention, however Enya seems to stay perfectly levelheaded.

"No, no, no, my dear Hatta. The gentlemen... sorry, I didn't catch your name... that has been feeding that, that, that... thing over there was just asking for us to tell him about the Red Queen. He wants to know what kind of ruler she is.", the white rabbit explains loudly from down the table, over the noise of the rabble.

"Why? What are we measuring?"

The human then erupts in a fitfully shrill laughter, his mouth stuck open in a silly expression at his own jest. Enya, meanwhile, rolls his eyes and overtly sighs before continuing in explanation.

"The Red Queen holds the seat of power over one of the kingdoms here in Dowrenland. She is a harsh and cruel woman, who has a rather nasty habit of finding anyone who crosses her guilty in her royal court. This itself wouldn't be so bad, except that those found guilty..."

Hatta butts in, loudly, mimicking a regal woman's voice, which causes most of you to jump "Off with their heads!"

"Umm... yes.", Enya continues, "She beheads them, as Hatta has pointed out. What's worse is now we are on the brink of war. The Red Queen, in the East, has allied herself with the Obsidian King in the West and his Witch Queen. In her paranoia, she has taken certain events as imaginary slights against her Kingdom of Hearts and has decided that those 'responsible' must pay. Now, Ozrok Bindor, the Emperor of the Emerald City in the North, was assassinated several months ago by agents of the Obsidian Queen. Then just last month, Glinda, the Witch of the South who serves my Lady Callevasia, was murdered by the Obsidian Queen herself."

Hatta shakes his head. "Indeed. And they were sisters, wouldn't you know. Quite wicked that one. I have always found sororicide so distasteful, haven't you?", the human adds, addressing his last remark to Cachimba.

The rabbit presses forward, "And so now, my kingdom is allying itself to the Wizard of the North, who has taken over reign in his emperor's stead. I carry the alliance agreement, signed by Locast the Wise himself and bearing his seal, to my Queen. And there will be war..."

2014-09-16, 01:34 PM
That's terrible, laments Arisilde. And, he adds, addressing Enya, I am called Arisilde, and that's my friend Bandy, he gestures to the camel behind him. I worry for your Lady Callevasia, and her safety. It sounds like these scoundrels will stick at nothing, not even sorbic.. sorory.. I'm sorry, what was that word again?

2014-09-16, 01:56 PM
"Hmm??? Oh yes, of course!", Hatta says, passing the butter tray to Arisilde, oblivious to what he just asked.

2014-09-19, 12:08 PM
"And so, I would assume that you are all adventurers, then?", Enya presses the conversation onward.

Hatta interjects once more, "Adventure? How exciting! However, you must be careful that you don't lose your way. I once had two friends that left bread crumbs behind, that they might guide themselves back home when they were on an adventure."

"Oh, how clever!" came Enya's comment, "Did it work?"

"No, now that you mention it... the kalidahs ate them."

"Breadcrumbs? How strange. I've never known a kalidah to eat bread."

"No, no... we found the breadcrumbs."

"Hmm... I see."

Hatta stands suddenly and heads into the house as he calls back over his shoulder, "Oh dear, I almost forgot... presents!"

Once the human was gone, Enya leaned forward and whispered loud enough that you could all hear, "Do please forgive my cousin. He was once the Warlord of the March, a well-respected leader amongst our people; having lead us to many victories during the last wars that came to Dowrenland. He was taken as a hostage, you see, and by the time he was rescued... he was forever changed. He was a danger to everyone around him, and so he was sent here, to Untea Island."

Hatta returns, setting down a small leather satchel in front of each of you, giggling merrily and skipping around the table in a sort of mad jig. The white rabbit chuckles a bit at this and he shakes his head in mild disbelief. However, the crazy human had no sooner divvied out this "gifts" than the Clock Tower let out a low chime that was quite audible. Looking up, you see that the giant hourglass as it begins to rotate at its pinnacle. Enya grasps the hourglass around his neck and lifts it in front of his face. Wide-eyed and terrified, he simply says, "Oh dear."

Hatta stops mid-dance and collapses to the ground where he stood, screaming in agonizing pain. His arms wrap around his head and his entire body begins to tremble and shake. The human looks up into all of your faces, his eyes blood-shot and beads of sweat forming on his brow.

"Flee!", he pleads. "Run... now!"

Hatta doubles over on all fours and before your very eyes, he begins to... change once more. But this time was different than the shifts you have seen in his persona, for now he was going through a physical change. His clothing begins to tear as he starts to grow in size, and he removes his helmet, throwing it away from him absentmindedly.

The white rabbit quickly grabs his things and begins running in the direction of the hedge maze entrance. He calls out, "This way; all of you! Hurry!"

2014-09-19, 01:06 PM
Caught up in their pretend world, Gisela has failed to realize that the weight of her armored suit in the wicker chair has caused it to sink into the chair enough that it has become lodged into the back side. When she stands up, she is briefly stymied by the angle. She realizes that she could easily break the chair, but that might not be kind to their hosts. Crouching awkwardly, Gisela asks, Kayquin, can I have some help removing this chair without damaging it?

She looks over to the hookah-addled lamb-chop bearer, whom is most likely taking the only chance to ogle the half-orc he'll get, and says Well, this is embarrassing

2014-09-19, 02:31 PM
Arisilde leaps up, alarmed, and calls for Bandy to follow him. As he follows Enya, though, he calls out, Shouldn't we help him? He seems to be in terrible pain!

2014-09-19, 02:57 PM
"Hatta will recover! The rest of us, however, I cannot vouch for the same if we linger! Quickly now!"

Zap Dynamic
2014-09-19, 03:00 PM
The satchel placed before him erases all thought of his food, but Cachimba's investigation is cut short by Hatta's command to flee. Cachimba looks up to see their host writhing on the ground and Gisela wrestling with a wicker chair. He looks from one scene to the other, the look on his face fading from amusement to horror and back again with each pass.

"Oh my!" The thumping of Enya's feet stirs him to action. He scoops up his hookah in his arms, drapes the satchel over his shoulder, takes one last longing look at the table of food, and bolts across the lawn in his still-soaked robes. "What's happening?!" he asks Enya as struggles to catch up. "Oh, how I hate this place!"

2014-09-19, 08:53 PM
Ghairen can't help be relieved that something is actually happening, although the actual nature of the something is a mite disturbing. With a dry mutter of an incantation, like a whisper of a wind of the desert, she casts something that makes her silhouette flash black and her eyes to glow red.

Using the foul sight granted by the powers of unlife, you can determine the condition of creatures near death within the spell’s range. You instantly know whether each creature within the area is dead, fragile (alive and wounded, with 3 or fewer hit points left), fighting off death (alive with 4 or more hit points), undead, or neither alive nor dead (such as a construct).

Deathwatch sees through any spell or ability that allows creatures to feign death.

"Everyone! You heard our host!" She raises her voice. "Stop chivvying about like a pack of hirelings. Morning Tea is cancelled." She falls back in the direction the rabbit has gone, keeping her bow at the ready and her eyes on the unfortunate lycanthrope.

2014-09-20, 10:12 AM
From her vantage point under the table, Kayquin hears the chiming of the clock tower and the ensuing commotion, but cannot see much except for the party vacating their seats in a rush. All except for Gisela, who appears to be trying to take her seat with her, unintentionally. Her curiosity finally out weights her caution, and she eases out of her hiding spot under the table, near Gisela. Kayquin wrestles the chair off of her companion's armored derrière, then looks around. In glancing around, she spies a satchel laying on her place setting, and snatches it.

2014-09-20, 01:57 PM
All except for Gisela, who appears to be trying to take her seat with her, unintentionally. Her curiosity finally out weights her caution, and she eases out of her hiding spot under the table, near Gisela. Kayquin wrestles the chair off of her companion's armored derrière, then looks around. In glancing around, she spies a satchel laying on her place setting, and snatches it.

Thanks, Kayquin, I owe you one.

Gisela sees Kayquin pick up a package. What are these for? She looks around. A present? For her? This world was indeed strange. She picked up her package and put it carefully in her backpack.

2014-09-23, 11:32 AM
As Enya, Arisilde, Bandy, Cachimba, Ghairen, and Sunny all make their way towards the hedge maze, Kayquin and Gisela seem to have other thoughts in mind. The halfling even begins to approach the writhing form of Hatta; as fur begins to sprout from his skin and his skeletal structure appears to break and rebuild itself into a different, larger form... excruciatingly so. Two protrusions start to form upon the top of his head, steadily growing longer with each passing second. His feet, bursting the seams of his leather boots, elongate as well. He screams in agony as one of his legs shoots out and inadvertently kicks the table leg, causing all of the dishes (seemingly empty once more) to clatter and clang about... some of them falling to the ground and shattering.

When Kayquin begins to advance on Hatta, Enya slows in his retreat, speaking with those that had accompanied him, "What is she doing?! What is she... What are you doing, halfling?! That is ill-advised!"

Your combat-savvy sneakthief saunters on over to the convulsing madman and, dancing a little to avoid his flailing, she makes a most opportune strike! She lands the pommel of her sword bluntly against his temple and he falls still... mostly. While he quite obviously falls unconscious, his body continues to morph and change. You watch in amazement as even armor begins to visibly appear upon his prone form. At least the screaming has stopped.

"Oh... my, my, my...", Enya utters as he visibly relaxes, though his concern for his cousin remains.

2014-09-23, 12:28 PM
Gisela anticipates the danger. Planting herself between the others and the rapidly-morphing beast, she says We should all get into the maze!! Let's go!

Zap Dynamic
2014-09-23, 02:46 PM
The ruckus behind him is no more than a terrifying memory by the time Cachimba barrels into the maze. He is several steps inside by the time he realizes he's blown right past their guide! "Rabbits," he shudders. "Wait... where am I?" He glances in all directions to see what may lay in store for them.


2014-09-23, 03:25 PM
Oh, a maze!! Excellent! Arisilde is generally thrilled, and hopes the maze is extensive. Squeezing past Cachimba with Bandy in tow, Pardon us, Cachimba, Arisilde starts looking around, especially at the ground to determine who.. and perhaps what.. have been in the maze recently.


2014-09-23, 11:21 PM
Ghairen's been keeping her eyes, and her bow, trained on the morphologically challenged Hatta while the others disappear behind her. Into the maze. Or into hell. She's not to picky about either right now.

Then Kayquin puts an end to the issue in a rather unexpected way. "Excellent".

She approaches the supine, unconscious body, her bow still drawn. There's a hint of a red glow behind her eyes. Her head gives a brief tilt to one side, as though checking to make sure if Hatta would be a little closer to death if looked at from a different angle. Then she looks straight at Kayquin.

"I have rope." She says briefly. And drops her pack with a loose shrug of shoulder.

2014-09-24, 10:07 AM
Gisela is watching Ghairen and Kayquin with consternation. She shakes her head. This is a bad idea, folks. Still, you are committed, and it should do him no harm. I'll lend you a hand. The paladin sets her glaive into the earth just out of reach from the morphing hatta, and assists the others tying his form.

2014-09-24, 11:51 AM
It takes no small amount of doing, and isn't the easiest of tasks, given that his limbs and proportions are in flux when you begin trying to tie him up. However, after a few moments, the changing has stopped and you managed to bind him to your satisfaction. The white rabbit came over slowly as you worked, his ears laid flat back against his head and his nose twitching to and fro.

"Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Poor Hatta; is this absolutely necessary? Couldn't we just let him... sleep... and leave quietly?"

Looking down upon the poor fellow, you see that his transformation was complete. You now could see a better family resemblance between himself and Enya... as he had become an enormous rabbit. Although, this was possibly the most terrifying rabbit that you have ever come across. He was easily taller than any one of you, probably closer to the legends you had heard about ogres and trolls, if you had to fancy a guess. You found yourself glad that you didn't have to fight him.

"This is how I remember him...", the white-furred messenger reminisces over the unconscious form of his cousin. "Not asleep, mind you, but in his true form. The Warlord of the Marches. Such a pity that he knows only rage and anger when in he is truly himself - reduced to the mentality of some wild beast."

Meanwhile, Cachimba and Arisilde continue on through the maze, the druidic bard following the passage of large rabbit's feet... most decidedly those of Enya from an earlier time. Inside the maze, you both find that the hedges contain a multitude of brambles and thorns. The plants are so dense that you are fairly certain that even a bird or squirrel would have difficulty passing through them. The two of you make your way through many turns and passes. Before too long, however, the hookah-sporting human spots the exit from the disorientating array of hedges and you breach the maze. You now find yourselves on a small shoreline, looking out over a sizable lake. There is a small dock, but you see no boat.

What Hatta Now Looks Like

2014-09-24, 01:22 PM
"Good job Cachimba!", Arisilde says, clapping Cachimba jovially on the back. I'll bet you're good at puzzles! C'mon, Bandy, lets get you something to drink. Arisilde coaxes the camel to the water's edge, and while the camel avails himself of the water, (or not, because, as they say, you can lead a camel to water, but he doesn't need to drink it), Arisilde steps onto the dock and surveys his surroundings. He'll be looking into the water to see how clear it is (maybe full of fish!), looking around the lake to see if there are any other buildings, docks or boats in sight, and then looking back to the exit of the hedge maze, wondering where his friends were. You know, Arisilde calls over to Cachimba, Nobody else had you guiding them.. They might be lost.. Do you think we should go back and look for them?

2014-09-24, 01:55 PM
"Thanks for the help" ,Kayquin says to Ghairen. Looking at Enya, she says "Wild beast, indeed. How is it that he can change form, and why is he so angry?"

2014-09-24, 10:53 PM
Ghairen flicks a braid from her eyes as she lowers the bow. "If he is as uncontrollable as you imply in this state; bad form to let him run wild. And if he could help himself like this, I'm sure he wouldn't turn a Hare."

Zap Dynamic
2014-09-25, 09:35 AM
"AH!" Cachimba starts at Arisilde's clap. His eyes grow wide as he takes in the scene of the lake. "Wha? Where am I?" In all the excitement, it seems, he has been miles away. "My poor nerves!" He laments his way around the lake shore for a few moments, puffing furiously and tearing his eyes from one object to another: the lake, the hedge maze, the dock; each hold no small amount of terror for the bearded fop.

He freezes when Arisilde resumes the discussion. "Guided them?" his face is the picture of confusion. "Umm..." their tracks! "Ah-ha! These should lead us back, don't you think? Unless even the ground shifts in this awful place!" As if he is a thing blown by the wind more than a man with purpose, Cachimba begins to drift back toward the maze exit.

2014-09-25, 01:44 PM
Cachimba didn't get very far wandering the shoreline, discovering (if he was paying attention) that they were actually on an island within this rather large lake. And while Bandy drank of the water, though he balked a little after his first taste, Arisilde took a closer look around. The water did seem clear... spectacularly so in fact... and there did seem to be at least some fish swimming about within it. Although his perception of what lies across the lake proved less fruitful - the southern bank being all that he can readily make out in any detail and appearing to be devoid of any signs of civilization. And with that, the two men made their way back through the hedge maze, luckily with the help of their own fresh passage to help them navigate. Within several minutes, they would find themselves back at the manor house and with their compatriots.

Meanwhile, the white rabbit had finished dabbing at his eyes with a silken handkerchief, tucking it away back within his vest. "It isn't something that he can control, as you saw. The Red Queen had her witch, Nessa, build that clocktower near the border of her kingdom. It's a handy thing to have really, it's just that when the infernal thing goes off... so does he.", Enya indicated the still form of Hatta upon the ground before him. "More so than usual, that is. As for why he is so angry in his natural form, I wish I knew. But we don't let him 'run wild', my girl! That's what the hedge maze is for. When he's in this state, he isn't clever enough to remember the way out or small enough to fit through it. And the thorns and brambles are there to prevent him from escaping by simply smashing his way through. Rather ingenious really."

The rabbit then checks the hourglass around his neck and hitches, "Oh my, oh dear! You must excuse me. You are welcome to stay, if you wish...", he says, casting a nervous look towards his cousin as he makes his way over to the table and gathers up the remainder of his belongings. "But I am on rather urgent business and am afraid that I am long overdue. Tah-tah!"

And with that, Enya began heading towards the maze's entrance.

2014-09-25, 04:04 PM
After hearing his explanation, Kayquin is satisfied that the threat has been neutralized, for now, at least, and sheaths her rapier. "Well, we've already followed our furry friend this far, what's a little further? The ropes should slip off when he shrinks back down to size!" As she turns to follow the smaller rabbit, she begins to dig through her satchel.

2014-09-26, 09:15 PM
Gisela nods at Kayquin, satisfied at her job. She picks up her Glaive, and pauses at the Hatta's morphing form. She searches for the right words from her training, but few come to her. Gods bless you, Hatta. You have a kindly soul beneath the raging form that you are said to have. May your wrath be short and may we not have to see each other as enemies.

She turns to enter the maze with the others. These camel tracks must be Bandy's, right? She points to the tracks with the tip of her spear, and waits for the others to follow before following the tracks cautiously. Being out of sight of the others makes me uncomfortable.

Zap Dynamic
2014-09-27, 12:07 AM
"Do you think we're near the entrance?"

Cachimba has been growing more worrisome by the minute. "Ugh! My feet are tired." He has renewed the tobacco in his hookah twice since setting out. "Did you hear that? Gods above I tell you there's something over there! Oh. Just a butterfly. Haha..."

Heedless as usual, Cachimba rounds a corner and topples into Gisela. "Oh!" He bounces off of her sturdy form, juggles his hookah with frantic energy, and falls to the earth. "Gisela! My rock amid the storm. You've no idea the terrors we've faced!"

2014-09-27, 10:45 AM
"Run out of your hookah-weed again?" Ghairen, shrugging her pack and the satchel Enya left behind back onto her person, steps out from behind Gisela's shadow. "Well, let us be a bit more co-ordinated in future. Kayquin dealt with the threat of the moment without issue, but it seems we are in a fairly dangerous location and scattering to the winds at the first sign of trouble may prove a less than optimal strategy."

Her eyes, still seething with the profane glow of the necromancy spell, search the bushes behind them. "No sign of Sunny?"

2014-09-27, 12:45 PM
Her eyes, still seething with the profane glow of the necromancy spell, search the bushes behind them. "No sign of Sunny?"

She was right behind us a minute ago, she says. But she's been so quiet, I've barely been able to keep track of her. I fear her adventuresome spirit is waning. If nothing else, we should find a place for our esteemed sorceress to work out a living.

She turns to Cachimba, whom is making the most ridiculous fuss.

Heedless as usual, Cachimba rounds a corner and topples into Gisela. "Oh!" He bounces off of her sturdy form, juggles his hookah with frantic energy, and falls to the earth. "Gisela! My rock amid the storm. You've no idea the terrors we've faced!"

She kindly offers a hand up to the wizard, whom is now both wet and muddy. She laughs goodheartedly, asking What sort of terrors? By the way, shall we exit this maze that the enraged Hatta likes to roam around in?

Zap Dynamic
2014-09-27, 02:59 PM
Cachimba opens his mouth to speak--

"Run out of your hookah-weed again? Well, let us be a bit more co-ordinated in future. Kayquin dealt with the threat of the moment without issue, but it seems we are in a fairly dangerous location and scattering to the winds at the first sign of trouble may prove a less than optimal strategy."

"Why else would we come looking for you? Help us!" He throws himself between Ghairen and Gisela, as if they alone could shield him from the hedge walls. "It was awful, Gisela. We were trapped in the maze for what felt like days. We emerged, only to find ourselves in the middle of a vast lake! These brambles have scratched my hands so many times, and--" ACHOO! SNNNIIIIFFFF. "My robes are giving me my death of cold."

2014-09-27, 03:07 PM
There, there, Cachimba, it wasn't all that bad.. By the way, everyone, I think we're on an island! Arisilde is consoling to Cachimba, whose nerves appear to be shot, but brightens on announcing the geographical discovery he's made. I think we're in the middle of a lake.

2014-09-28, 12:55 AM
"Indeed. We ourselves were forced to watch as numerous nameless civilians were savagely devoured by a numberless horde of cotton-tailed fiends. They were family. I was devastated." says Ghairen in the expressionless tones of one for whom "Bluff check" means "Watching out for cliffs". "Fortunately, Gisela and myself were able to make a stand in the shrubbery while Kayquin surrounded them. An island in a lake, you say? A maze on an island in a lake. How very landscaped. I do not suppose you found a boat?"

2014-09-28, 02:25 AM
Gisela watches Cachimba as Ghairen is telling her story. She starts chuckling halfway through, and is laughing by the end. She can't bring herself to lie despite the circumstances, but she does add matter-of-factly Kayquin managed to snag a big rabbit. She knocked it out all by herself, and then bound its hands with rope that Ghairen gave her. The paladin looms over the addict, and looks scary as she speaks. She stopa herself and turns to Ghairen, adding If Sunny is lost we will have to save her. She looks quire serious about the sorceress, all jokes aside.

2014-09-28, 03:56 AM
"No Sunny and no boat. And the gentlerabbit has wandered off as well." Ghairen looks thoughtful. It's the glowing red eyes that does it. "Quite. Since we must need find the one or the other, and preferably both, let us proceed. Kayquin, perhaps you could take the lead? Ari, Muttonchop, I presume you marked your trail as you went? It is what we carry chalk for."

She gives the two an expectant look, as the wind blows soft and tumbleweeds blow by.

Zap Dynamic
2014-09-28, 03:01 PM
"Where did the civilians--" Slowly, realization dawns on Cachimba. "Oh, ha ha."

The fop inches closer to Kayquin as Gisela relates the halfling's part of the tale. "Well done!" He sees her in quite a new light. No longer merely dirty, but dirty and fierce. That will be important sometime, no doubt.

"Ari, Muttonchop, I presume you marked your trail as you went? It is what we carry chalk for."

She gives the two an expectant look, as the wind blows soft and tumbleweeds blow by.

Cachimba throws a panicked look at Arisilde. "Erm, well..." the hookah bubbles. "It was such a trying time... But I assure you we left tracks! It's how we made our way back here."

2014-09-29, 09:39 AM
Would you like for us to have chalked the bushes, or the grass, Arisilde asks innocently? I would imagine the Bandy-tracks will make it easy to find our way back through. And, he adds thoughtfully, there was a small dock, but no boat was in evidence. He clicks his tongue in mock-exasperation at Kayquin.. Tsk, tsk, Kayquin! Knocking your host unconscious at a tea party is most.. unconscionable.. He snickers to himself briefly, and looks about at his companions for any sign of mirth, but finds that Bandy is by far the most amused at his words. Clearing his throat, his cheeks turning slightly pink, he adds, Of course, it's quite common for the goblins of Del'ga'Nauth.. In fact, any sort of get-together without at least three deaths is considered quite the boring affair. Concubine-binding ceremonies without bloodshed are actually annulled on the spot by the tribal shaman, which is made more complicated by the fact that tradition dictates they all carry cages full of mountain squirrels to the ceremony, even the shaman!.. If a single squirrel touches the ground, the goblin whose cage it fell out of is sacrificed to the Squirrel God of Mount Eichhornchen. Which then, of course, satisfies the requirement for bloodshed, at which point the ceremony is complete, and the celebrating can begin. They make a fabulous roast squirrel soup, though it's terribly spicy! I wrote a song about it, I'd be happy to sing it for you if you like!?!? Arisilde thinks for a moment.. Eeeeexcept when it's the shaman's squirrel that touches the ground, he recalls. In that case, the squirrels are all released, and they eat the concubine. Very strange. I've been meaning to add that verse to the song, but.. I'm having trouble finding a way to make it funny.

2014-09-29, 01:45 PM
In all of the insanity and panic, Sunny indeed had seemed to disappear... though it did look like she had taken her satchel with her, wherever she had gotten off to. Recalling the past, she had done this once before, when tempers had flared - running off to some place where she could be alone for a while before catching back up to your party. Perhaps she had decided that this whole Dowrenland business was just simply too much to take and had retreated back through the mirror. The truth is, none of you had any real clue and it would likely be very difficult to discover if that was indeed the case.

As the second portion of the group enters the maze, trying to follow the white rabbit, Cachimba and Arisilde stumbled into them on their return. Enya, narrowly dodging the flabbergasted hookah-carrying man, now finds himself face-to-face with Bandy the camel... much to his dismay. After a curt and kneejerk apology, he squeaks by the beast and continues on. As the exchange is taking place, and everyone is getting their bearings as to which way the lot of you will actually be traveling in next, Kayquin rummages through the satchel that had been laid on the table before her.

Your group, deciding to follow Enya and investigate the claims of your bard and your... Cachimba, makes its way through the many turns and passes of the hedge maze. Before too long, you breach the maze and find yourselves on a small shoreline, looking out over a lake. There is a small dock, but you see no boat. The white rabbit looks suddenly saddened. "Well... the Pool seems to be a little more full than I expected to find it at this point. It looks like we may have to swim."

He then begins to secure all of his belongings, placing the hourglass around his neck within his shirt and vest, and so forth. It looked as though he was quite serious about having to get into the water here.

Inside of your satchel, you find two different kinds of items - four small glass vials that appear to contain a watery mauve-colored liquid that bubbles slightly when agitated... each with a small golden tag which reads "Drink Me" attached to its neck.


In addition, wrapped in a piece of fine light-blue linen, you find two slightly hardened biscuits containing bits of what looks like dried fruit mixed in with the dough. These yet still seem to hold some warmth, despite how long they must have been out of the oven that baked them.


Zap Dynamic
2014-09-29, 02:43 PM
By the time he reaches the end of his third trek through the maze Cachimba has quite given up hope. He plops onto the shore near the others, cradling his hookah and barely managing enough energy to take a few puffs.

Then he hears Enya.

"Ha!" A more genuine smile has never been seen on Cachimba's face. "Hahaha!"

"And why on earth would you think I, a gentleman," there is no irony in his voice, "know how to swim?"

2014-09-29, 03:11 PM
Don't worry, Cachimba, Arisilde commiserates. I can't swim either, at least, not that far... Arisilde shades his eyes and looks to the far bank. Don't worry though, he pipes in happily. Bandy is a great swimmer. We'll just tie a rope to him and have him pull us behind him! Iddn't that right Bandy, you love a good swim, don'tcha? the bard happily rubs the camels nose, and hugs his big furry neck.

2014-09-29, 05:52 PM
Kayquin peers inside her satchel, but before she can fully investigate, they rejoin the group returning from the shore. Once the entire group reaches the dock, and confirms that there is no obvious way across the water, Kayquin will plop herself down "Indian-style" on the ground and thoroughly explore the satchel. She pulls out a bottle of purplish liquid and what appears to be two hard biscuits. Anyone watching her would see her eyes light up and hear her excitedly exclaim, "FINALLY, food!, as she took a large bite of the biscuit. "I am starving!"

2014-09-29, 06:03 PM
Ghairen has been scanning the horizon for a sight of the shore, but her eyes widen as Kayquin sits and breaks out the mysterious rations. "Strange, we had bacon only an hour or so ago...oh wait. Halfling." She turns to Enya. "The pool. Is that a surreal metaphor, or do you expect this body of water to alter in depth?"

2014-09-30, 01:42 PM
As you debated about what you were going to do next, the white rabbit begins to wade out into the water. When only ankle-deep, Ghairen poses a question to him.

"It is the Pool of Tears, my dear. It is fed by the wellspring of Downrenland's sadness; of her collective peoples' worries and woes. I do not expect that it alters in depth... it does. And it brings me great despair that it is already so full. At this rate, we might all simply drown.", he explained. He then turned about as if to get his bearings, facing the southwest bank in what appeared to be the shortest distance to swim.

As Kayquin chomped down on the biscuit, it tasted quite good... though it seemed to swell somewhat in the mouth. It was a very light and airy treat, despite how dense and hard it seemed upon first inspection. In addition, it was warm and fresh - as if it had indeed just come from the oven! And it was quite delicious, really. So delicious, in fact, that before she had realized it... she had finished the entire biscuit! When the cleric mentioned something about only having ate not that long before, Enya turned back one last time. And his eyes went first to the satchel, and then to the last bite as the halfling stuffed it into her mouth. And then his eyes went wide and his ears laid back flat against his head.

With a twitch of his nose and whiskers, he stepped back a bit into slightly deeper water. "Oh no... you... you might want to give her a bit of space."

And with that, you all watched in absolute amazement as Kayquin quite suddenly grew! Before you knew it, there stood your halfling compatriot, but now she was roughly eight and a half feet tall!

2014-09-30, 01:49 PM
Wow, Kayquin! Now you're a two-and-a-Halfling!! How did you do that!?!? Wait, tears? Arisilde can't decide whether to watch to see what Kayquin does next or to look at Enya, so he does both, his head on a swivel, turning back and forth between them. That's why you didn't like the water, isn't it Bandy, Arisilde commiserates with a smile. I bet it was salty! Then Arisilde realizes that Enya doesn't appear to be joking, nor does he appear to be crazy. Arisilde's countenance becomes more serious for a moment. Master Enya, are Dowrenlands citizens sad because of the Red Queen's rule? Surely all is not as bad as that? And, the lake of tears is a metaphor, right? You don't actually mean that those are people's tears you're wading through, do you?

2014-10-01, 12:43 PM
Gisela looks in wonder at Kayquin's rather tall form, ostensibly from the bite of the cookie she took. You look marvelous, Kayquin! I bet it would be difficult to sneak around in that form, though, she says with an amused chuckle.

Okay, she thinks, Now I want to know what I received, too! and looks in her own present-box. As she is unwrapping her present, she listens to the exchange between Arisilde and Enya. Before Enya replies, she chimes in, If Dowrenland is so sad, what can we do to help? We are, after all, adventurers...

Zap Dynamic
2014-10-02, 09:03 AM
Towed through a lake of tears by a camel? Giant halflings? For the first time, Cachimba puts his hookah aside.

"That's quite enough nonsense for one day." He closes his eyes and takes a deep, centering breath. "Rabbit, you have some explaining to do."

2014-10-02, 12:35 PM
Ghairen decides she might as well take what comes as the facts until proven otherwise. "A lake of tears that might rise and drown us all. A food that makes us larger. No boat. Sunny adrift and on her own, being randomly impolite to innocent wildlife." She gives a little shudder. "A dreadful impression she will make for us. Mr Rabbit. How deep is the lake? Would be be possible for us to wade across in an enlarged form?"

2014-10-02, 02:28 PM
At the barrage of questions being fired at him, Enya relents and comes back ashore, holding up his paw-like hands for a reprieve, that he may answer.

"First of all, my name is not 'Rabbit' anymore than your name is 'Man'. I am called Enya, as you well know. Master Enya certainly has a nice ring to it...", he says with a thankful nod towards Arisilde. The rabbit strokes one of his ears, catching himself mid-action, and then straightens himself and continues, "Now, to answer you - yes, Dowrenlanders are very sad... and with good reason. Those under Queen Deth's rule...", he pauses at the looks and explains, "The Red Queen. Her name is Ilradeth. The nickname comes with good reason as well. At any rate, those within the Kingdom of Hearts certainly have the most reason to be sad. But likewise, those in the Kingdom of Diamonds and the Kingdom of Clubs have much cause for tears as well. We lost Glinda, our benevolent witch, and those in the north lost their Emperor. We live in trying times indeed. So no, the lake is no metaphor, I am afraid. And I am not sure what can be done about it... unless you wish to kill the Red Queen and the Obsidian King... as well as the Obsidian Queen, likely... and their hordes of evil and vile things."

He smiles weakly, indicating that this is not the outcome that he expects.

"As to how deep the Pool of Tears is, I don't rightly know, though I would think very deep. And I doubt that the Issica Biscuits will make enough of a difference to enable even the taller among you to simply wade across. Although...", he says as his long ears twitch back towards the open water, followed by his trembling nose and eyes. Following his gaze, you could see something on the water's surface a fair distance off. It had what appeared to be a sail and was gliding its way across the lake, heading in a southward direction. Although it didn't look like its path would come that close to the island that you were on... it would certainly pass close enough to at least see you.[/color]"

2014-10-02, 02:59 PM
But, Master Enya, Arisilde persists... Why do the citizens live under such tyranny? Why do they not throw down their oppressors? It's really rather like camels, I should think, he begins. When the herd has a bull that just leads the pack around, without finding them any water, or that regularly drags them through infertile desert areas too often, the cows refuse to mate with him. Once that happens, he gets falls into a terrible depression, you see, and then they.. Arisilde looks around at his friends, at their blank, disinterested faces... Bandy drops his head heavily onto the bard's shoulder, causing him to grunt. Well, he says, abashed.. It's at least a bit like camels, anyway.. These poor people need to be helped

2014-10-02, 03:08 PM
Ghairen looks at her compatriots questioningly. "Shall we wave?" Then, seeing Arisilde is more preoccupied with the long-term situation; sets down her pack and begins coating an arrowhead in lamp-oil. hunting for her whistle.

EDIT:[Ghairen is the only one of my characters who isn't carrying oil. It's easy to forget]

2014-10-02, 06:21 PM
Kayquin had a brief moment of pleasure as she finished the delicious biscuit before she began to feel...strange. Pleasure quickly turned to panic and pain as she began to stretch and grow. Once she stopped growing, she looked around, observing her environment from her new vantage point. Hearing Enya describing the plight of the Kingdom, and more than a little drunk on the idea of being the biggest around for once, she thinks aloud, I'm as big as an ogre, I could smash the Red Queen! We just need to get there." She spies the boat and begins waving frantically, desperately trying to flag it down.

2014-10-03, 02:54 AM
Gisela is looking thoughtful, watching her companions. For once, she seems to be at a total loss of what to do. After a good deal of contemplation, she speaks up.If Dowrenland is sad, then it behooves us to take upon ourselves the quest of relieving these people of their great sadness, be that by slaying the Red Queen, Ildraith, and the Obsidian King and Queen. However, Master Enya, I think it would help if we could talk with any potential allies before we attempted a war. Could you possibly lead us to this Diamond Kingdom or the Kingdom of Clubs?

2014-10-03, 11:47 AM
"Well, revolution is all fine and good. But when you live in a place where speaking out against a ruler is punishable by beheading... it tends to quell most of the rebellious spirit. Her Crimson Phalanx patrols the streets of Iomipa, Kinnum, Sathena, and now Ollipo as well. And what's worse is that she offers reward to those that betray any traitors to her crown. So now, the people turn against one another in order to prevent themselves from becoming suspect. Such a shame, really."

Enya stood still, looking at the ground and shaking his head for a long moment. The boat, meanwhile, sailed closer, though it seemed as though it would not be coming to the island on its path.

When Gisela asked about speaking with potential allies, the white rabbit livened up. "But of course, my lady. That's precisely where I am headed now - to the Kingdom of Clubs... my home! My Queen will be most exuberant at you deciding to aid our cause!"

2014-10-03, 12:02 PM
When Gisela asked about speaking with potential allies, the white rabbit livened up. "But of course, my lady. That's precisely where I am headed now - to the Kingdom of Clubs... my home! My Queen will be most exuberant at you deciding to aid our cause!"

Since the start of this entire ordeal, the paladin finally felt as if she had taken a step to a worthy, difficult and rewarding adventure. Overcome, and even starting to tear up, she grabs the rabbit in a sudden and nearly bone-crushing embrace. Master Enya, she says, I feel so glad that we are on a path towards making things right!! We will sort this out, you'll see!! She suddenly remembers herself and her strength, and releases hold of the noble rabbit, setting him back down gently. Wiping a tear from her face, she looks at Arisilde with a look that says I've adventured for this for the last three years for a moment like this.

Gisela's back straightens just a little bit, and she seems more full of spirit than she has in a long time.

Zap Dynamic
2014-10-03, 12:04 PM
How many times has Cachimba heard "'ere, take a puff, maaaaan" while idling in a den? He decides it is not so great a crime to be called Rabbit, and considers how many terribly stuffy and skittish Rabbits he has known in his time.

Gisela, Kayquin, and Ghairen speak their minds as Cachimba is lost within his own. "Ugh," he laments to himself. "How did I find myself in a group of adventurers?" It's such a trialsome life, full of danger and without anything resembling comfort for interminable stretches of time. Nothing at all what life must be like out on that boat. The sails to shade him from the sun, the gentle rocking of the ship, like his crib so long ago. No doubt there are cushions tucked away in every corner, with gorgeous women waving palm fronds and serving fruit and wine. Quite unconsciously, Cachimba reaches for his hookah and lights it with a tindertwig. His hand finds the wand without the aid of his eyes, and the wand finds his lips with all the effort of a dream. A deep draw, smoke fills his lungs, and Cachimba puffs it out into the air.

And out there, on the boat, smoke begins to rise from the planks on deck. It is slow and small at first, but soon blooms into a cloud as large as a camel. The cloud swirls lazily next to the bulwark closest to the shore where the party is gathered. It coalesces into the very image of Cachimba. This image stands, arms stretched out toward the shore, beckoning for Cachimba to be reunited with himself once more, for his imagination to become reality.

2014-10-03, 12:44 PM
Enya seems quite taken aback by the half-orc's outpouring of emotion. He takes the straightening his clothes once she releases him and looks as though he might blush... if you could see his skin, that is. Quite suddenly, however, there is a commotion from the vessel out on the water. The sail can be seen rocking a bit, as though weight had been shifted quickly within the boat itself. And there appears to be shouting, though it is impossible to make out what is being said. As it sails closer, you can see what appears to be four individuals onboard. Once it gets closer still, you all notice that one of the individuals appears to be... no, that can't be..., you think. One of them looks like Cachimba, standing at the edge of the boat with his arms outstretched towards your group. The other three appear to be, humanoids of some type, though it is hard to discern any details yet. But they apparently spot you all, standing upon the shore of your little island, and they begin to slightly alter their course. Once they were somewhat closer, one of them moves to the bow, giving the other Cachimba a wide birth, and cups his hands to his mouth.

[Elven]"Ho there! Whom do you serve?"

2014-10-03, 01:44 PM
Arisilde smiles widely at the re-invigorated paladin, clapping her lightly on the shoulder in solidarity. He grabs hold of Bandy's thick coat, and hoists himself rather clumsily aboard his back, to get a higher vantage point. Once settled, he shades his eyes, gazing toward the small vessel. Once the shade of Cachimba can be seen, Arisilde glances quickly down toward the cloud of everpresent smoke that is the 'real' Cachimba. Fancy that, he muses. I didn't know you had a twin, Cachimba!! But never fear, I still think you're better looking, he shares conspiratorially.

When the sailors raise the call toward shore, Arisilde perks up. My goodness! Elves! Err. Master Enya, how should we answer? He asks this question while waving to the boat. Wish I had a twin brother, he mumbles for Bandy's ears only.

Zap Dynamic
2014-10-06, 09:45 AM
There is a moment of ignorance when Cachimba spies himself upon the deck. "What a good-looking fellow," he mumbles. Then he squints, tilts his head, and leans forward from his reclining position on the floor. "Wait... what... THAT'S ME!" He leapts to his feet but the incoherent babbling of the man on the boat causes him to freeze in the middle of a ridiculous gesture. He looks to Arisilde. "What did he say? Why am I on the boat? Or wait... why am I down here? What's happening?"

2014-10-06, 12:09 PM
"I am not sure what 'elves' means, but they sound as though they are kesir. Which stands to good reason, as we are on the borders of their lands there, to the south. Our journey, if indeed you intend to escort me home, lies beyond that forest and, as such, through their homelands. If they are kesir, they owe no allegiance to the Red Queen... not as of last I checked at any rate. If you are looking for a way off of Untea Island without getting wet...", he pauses, looking your collective group over before correcting himself, "... or rather, further wet, I should say. But that boat is likely to be our only chance to avoid a swim. Rather fortuitous, really."

Enya then moves out onto the dock and calls out himself, "I am Enya Tapuk, messenger to Her Majesty, Queen Mirana Callevasia, Ruler of the Ivory Port and the Kingdom of Clubs! My friends and I would like to implore you to take us to the south bank!"

As they sail closer, you see the one on the bow move to a second elf onboard. The two exchange dialogue for a moment, before the second moves to the front of the boat. He then calls out, in the common tongue.

"You are not kesir! What banner flag do you rally to?!"

"I say... I serve the White Queen!"

The elf calls back over his shoulder, relaying the information to his companions, no doubt. He then goes back to the work he was doing onboard as the ship sails ever closer. As it does so, you notice a couple of strange details that distance had shrouded before. The boat appears to actually be the top side of a turtle shell, flipped over. It would have to be the largest turtle shell that you had ever seen, but... well, there it is. The other odd detail is that the elves on this ship were slightly blue in coloration, had webbed hands and fin-like ridges here and there, as well as what appeared to be... gills.

Like this, only they appear to be male.


Or somewhat like this, only with the coloration slightly different and with gills.


When they get closer, you also notice (as a Cachimba still stands along on side of the vessel) that there appears to be another human, seated in the boat, soaked to the bone. The two elves that were not steering the boat, work at the sail, taking it down to slow their approach. Deftly, they glide the boat up to the dock and come to a stop, the tallest among them jumps off of the shell and moors it to one of the wooden platform's vertical beams. It is not a large boat, by any means, but you all are able to fit onboard with relative comfort (with the exception of your newly-enlarged halfling), with space enough to walk around... should the mood strike you. The elf at the stern stares calmly at all of you, without so much as a word. The remaining elf moves about with cat-like grace, tightening various ropes and such. After several seconds, he over to the edge of the boat. As he worked, you could see several old scars across his back and chest, and his left ear is missing its pointed tip. He looks you all over before speaking, with somewhat uneasy glances at both Kayquin and at the shoreside Cachimba.

"You serve the White Queen? If so, then you are not enemy of Bajja or his peoples. I am called Aerrond. The highest one is called Jerynn. Our lead man, at the behind, is called Corrintha Lyrim. I believe your people speak the term 'Captain' on vessels of the sea? Come... we sail to Nevande; our home."

2014-10-06, 12:28 PM
Ghairen gives a respectful nod. Although I think I will hold off a while before telling them before we are not from around here."Well met, good Aerrond. I am Ghairen Kaarla; servant of the Stern Lady. Rude and uncouth as I am of speech, I shall let my fellows make their own introductions. Only to say we are foes of no elf"--that sneakthief two towns ago doesn't count, and it's not like we killed him "--and friends of no tyrant, but go where magic and law will have us".well, magic anyway. She covertly tucks the whistle back into her belt pouch.

"We would be honoured and grateful to accept passage and hospitality, and be willing to repay in favour and service, as is needful and appropriate."

Zap Dynamic
2014-10-06, 02:09 PM
As he stares at himself (and as himself stares back), Cachimba watches the image evanesce slowly into the air. It is as if no Cachimba has ever stood on the ship by the time Aerrond finishes his introduction. Cachimba is unnaturally quiet--surely that's not introspection on the fop's face?

2014-10-06, 08:10 PM
After spying the boat, Kayquin used her hand to shield her eyes, and squinted to aid her vision. At first, nothing seemed familiar about the people on the boat, but then she noticed some familiar characteristics, the lithe build, high cheekbones, and the pointed ears. While these did not look like the forest elves that she had met before, they were most certainly elves. Her sigh of relief caught in her throat as she saw.......Cachimba?! She lowered her hand, and started to say "How did Cachimba get on the b-", but the words evaporated as she saw Cachimba on land. "Does everyone BUT me know how to perform magic!? Once the boat docks and she realizes that the party intends to board, she looks at the boat, and at herself and quickly realizes that she is not going to fit. She bows to the "captain" and addresses the group. I think I may be a bit, oversized for your ship, and I have always preferred to swim. Perhaps I can follow along in my own way".

Zap Dynamic
2014-10-06, 08:32 PM
"MAGIC!?" Cachimba's shriek has a new edge of desperation. He lurches toward the halfling. "You mean you saw that too? Who did that? Did I do that? WHO DID THAT?"

It's a lot to take in. Cachimba blanks, sways, and shakes his head. "I think... just a quick smoke." He returns to his hookah and builds up a huge cloud. "...Yes..."

2014-10-06, 09:29 PM
It had been an odd day for Brother Abelard. As the ascetic quietly sits in...the turtle shell?...sailing toward an island where various figures seemed to be waiving, he thinks back on how the day had started: a time before a silent man appeared in a cloud of smoke directly in front of him.

The good brother had been fasting the past three days, in order to better connect with his true self. Finding a good spot to meditate near a babbling spring, Brother Abelard began to meditate in the early morning hours. The sun had not yet passed it's zenith when he suddenly began to feel as if he was swimming. This must be it! I am reaching enlightenment! I must be one of the fastest acolytes to ever reach inner peace. Odd, the Master's never describe enlightenment as swimming...

Suddenly, Brother Abelard not only felt as if he were swimming, he felt...wet?

Brother Abelard opened his eyes and found himself in the middle of a large body of water. Upon licking his lips, he found that the water was slightly salty. Odd, he had not been anywhere near the coast. Silently treading water, the monk attempted to make sense of what had happened. This was nothing like others of the Order had described when they reached enlightenment. Had he even transcended his plane of existence? Was that even possible. Just as he began to tire from his inopertune swimming session, a strange sight came into view. An odd shaped boat was being sailed by a group of blue humanoids. They were nothing like the good brother had ever seen before.

As the strangers approached, they noticed the calm treading monk and started calling to him. Unfortunately, the odd words hung on the air and were totally foreign to the monk. Sorry, Brothers, but I do not know the language you are using. Do you perhaps speak this tongue? Please forgive me for I am imperfect. I only speak as I do now. Could you perhaps give me a lift and let me know where I have found myself?

Although the blue creatures did not dign to answer the brother in his tongue, they did allow him to climb onto their...shell. How odd. The monk thought to himself. He had never heard of a boat made from a turtle's shell before. Deciding that maybe he really did need to eat something soon, as he began to suspect he had passed out from hunger and that this was a dream, the monk sat quietly in the boat waiting patiently to see what would happen next.

Now that the vessel had reached land, one of the blue creatures began speaking to the individuals on the shore. Amazingly, Brother Abelard saw the same man who had suddenly appeared on the boat. The hairy fellow seemed to be in all sorts of worry as he talked to himself about magic, but at least this new group appeared to know the brother's language (even if it did contain the largest person Brother Abelard had ever seen and a rabbit wearing clothes). Waiting for the right moment, Brother Abelard spoke up for the first time where this new group could hear him.Excuse me brothers and sisters, for I am imperfect. Could one of you fill me in on where I have found myself? I no longer believe that I have reached enlightenment, and I am rather confused as to what has become of me.

2014-10-07, 01:06 PM
Waiting for the right moment, Brother Abelard spoke up for the first time where this new group could hear him.Excuse me brothers and sisters, for I am imperfect. Could one of you fill me in on where I have found myself? I no longer believe that I have reached enlightenment, and I am rather confused as to what has become of me.

Seeing that she had an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone, Gisela walks over to the boat, acknowledging both Aerrond and the ascetic. Greetings to you both, she says, with a respectful bow to them. I am Gisela, and as Ghairen has pointed out, we have joined the honorable Enya here[/COLOR] indicating the rabbit, of course as it appears this Kingdom of Dowrenland--and it's lake that we are on--is in dire straits indeed. We are here to bring the tyrants this land to justice, and have adventure along the way. If you could be of aid to us, that would be most delightful.

She pauses, and looks again to Enya, and walks before him. As she moves she says, I was just about to say to the noble Enya here, before all this excitement, that She kneels and points the tip of her guisarme toward the ground, right before his feet. I take the betterment of Dowrenland as my next Holy Quest: To right the evils that plague this land, to bring the wrongdoers to justice, and to restore Dowrenland's happiness, so help me gods! My blade is yours, noble Enya, and to these ends, I shall aid you until my pledges forthwith are complete. She stands up with a steely glint of conviction in her eyes and with the same vigor that she only recently had.

With that, she addresses Aerrond once again. If you and your Corrintha would be willing to bargain for passage for our company, I'd be greatly obliged.